what to reply when someone says omg
And if someone hearts/likes your photo, do you go over to their feed and do the sameand if they leave tons of hearts.do you do the same amount? This happens quite commonly where someone who follows you @ mentions a friend on your post. Make sure you dont take the other persons rudeness to heart or let it ruin your day. There is a continuum of compliments from superficial to personal: "I like that shirt" is something you can say to a stranger. Spam attempts are those who say "great pic! Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? Mastering the art of communication entails knowing basic responses to the simplest questions like Hows your day? no matter how formulaic they are. If somebody rudely interrupts you to say, Who asked? or Who asked you? it can be tempting to bite back immediately with a rude response. "To cut the long story short, when I ar Last week I did a university-entrance-exam model of test at school for the English subject. Photo by Josh Rocklage on unsplash 02 "Not you, unfortunately." Just as important as content is tone, Ho emphasizes. I cant suck something that doesnt exist. } So, as much as you can, try to avoid engaging in volatile behavior for your own good and the good of those around you. However, if you have good intentions and use a polite tone, then it should be fine and you shouldn't worry. It's super easy to review and reply to all your comments that way. Thank you for your concern. Again, if you want to find a way to seal the deal, throwing in a coupon code for them (DM or in a comment) will both show your appreciation, customer service, and be more likely to convert the sale. This informal response works well, it does a good job at letting the other person know that you don't need to be thanked, it was something you were fine with doing it, so it does not need to be mentioned. A clever response can be to pretend to not understand the statement. Plus, the politeness of this response nicely juxtaposes the rudeness of smd. So, Yes, if youve noticed that youre not getting as much reach from your hashtags on Instagram, youre not alone!But its probably, While Instagram Reels are still a significant focus for the platform and they still generally perform well for most its no, Instagram has added the option to create a lead form directly on your Instagram profile. In text lingo, wtw means what the what, and is a way of expressing disbeliefin this case, at the rudenss of the person youre talking to. This . Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. Sharing negative personal experiences, especially to strangers, is something we naturally do to avoid getting why-questions in return. Even though the person youre speaking to is in fact being serious and did seriously just say, Who asked? the question Are you being serious? is a highly appropriate one under the circumstances. If someone is not being kind, simply respond to Who asked? by saying, Thats very rude.. In writing, how to politely tell someone not to repeat something? This reality helps frame a response to a compliment in a way that isn't primarily about the receiver, but the giver as well. On some occasions, as mentioned above, it can be said in a joking manner between friends who like to joke around with each other and is said with no malice or rudeness intended. Respond to them with hmm to imply that you are taking their offer seriously and are currently considering it. How about you? works really well when communicating with both native and non-native speakers of English. Those three words can signal that even if you don't take the comment personally, you didn't really appreciate it. For example, "@soandso what do you think of this?" Responding to the question How is it going? can be done by using expressions like Im doing well or Im doing good., Meanwhile, replying to Whats up? can be done by using more personalized or humorous phrases like Cant complain or even My rent!, If we translate the question Hows your day? into a statement form, it would more or less mean Hope your day is going well or Hope youve had a great day.. Whether you need consulting, a prolific speaker for your next event, webinar training, or online self-guided trainings, there are numerous options for working with Jenn. This is another great one that takes the offer seriously. It is always about engagement so if its warranted, bring it on! . When using this formula, it is important that we do not elaborate too much on everything that happened during the day. What youre saying when you say, Excuse me? is that the persons response was so unnecessary and rude as to be shocking. Please give me some i Guys. "acceptedAnswer": { Hows your day? You know what I did? Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? A compliment in exchange for one doesn't sound bad. How to use the expression "thank you for the kind words". "You are so smart/generous/thoughtful" usually comes from someone you have interacted with a fair amount. Also, if more people notice this pattern of reward, they may be more likely to do this again, or themselves. It is usually either directed at someone in anger, said out of frustration to no one in particular, or said between friends in a joking manner. Say a friend writes glowingly of your new haircut; you can accept the compliment with a simple "thanks," reject it by calling the complimenter's bluff ("you don't have to lie to me!"), deflect. Consider getting therapy if you need . Mixing both statements as a response to Hows your day? is something we would notice in situations where the speaker is not necessarily that close with the other person. People may appreciate the beauty of the image, the artistic composition of the photo, the value of the quote, or some other aspect. That will certainly deprive the other person of his or her speaking time when in fact he or she is just trying to start a conversation. and how can I respond to this phrase? A: Martha Its great to see you here. You know what I . In dog years, I'd be dead by now. Shes always curious if that is the right course of action of if inserting herself to calm everything down is better. If it's an attribute, I say, "That's really kind of you to say." I also struggle with receiving compliments, but I've learned that the best thing you can say is "thank you. Thanks for sharing your insights on that. In case this information is widely available and you have been previously informed on the specific info, your thank you for letting me know could sound sarcastic and bitchy, so careful especially if it is your boss reminding you or highlighting something maybe best check on this infor [sic] in depth before thanking for it! They may email you to let you know how your advice panned out and thank you for the help. Thanks for stopping by and for asking this question. I stopped giving her compliments and encouragement. Hows your day? In the actual world, having a bunch of responses at the back of our minds is really handy because it saves us thinking time. }, You just made my day!" What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? When someone says something cutting or unkind, many of us feel a strong desire to bite back with a question or statement that reciprocates the tone of the other persons comment. If you want to convey that you are the definition of at wits end with the person youre speaking to, this is a great way to respond to Who asked?, Another great response to Who asked? that allows you to clearly assert your boundaries while remaining appropriately mature and respectful, is Excuse me?. Hows your day? A simple "Thank you" or "thanks for sharing this with your friends" may be appropriate - you know your audience best. This reciprocal response, which pushes back hard against the suggestion that you owe it to the person youre speaking to adjust your behavior based on what they want, conveys admirable self-assuredness. Hence, we should limit our use of Nothing special in situations where the other person would not get offended at all, like closest friends and family members. Do they sound natural? There are a lot of spam posts out there (not your content, I know! Maybe I'm just too confrontational but when I see someone get hate and they reply like "I know I'm sorry I'll do better" im always like NOOOOOO WTF DONT SAY THAT?!? Im a bit tired actually. I will try to use it. Needless to say, these kinds of questions and responses are key in building relationships and keeping them afloat in society. , responding to petty comments can be tiring. Thank you for checking on me.. This response takes a similar approach to the previous one. If they thank you for a favor: "Happy to help!" or "It wasn't a bother, I know you'd do the same for me.". Something as simple as "Thank you" or "Thanks" or "Glad you liked this one" is more than fine. "@context": "https://schema.org", Saying, Are you still here? conveys that they are irritating you and are not, as far as youre concerned, an important part of the social context you find yourself in. The people we always work with and clients and customers wont get offended by this response in the real world. Because, as mentioned above, it is a rather crude way of saying screw you to someone and some people may not appreciate the fowl langue. She also suggests noting when there's "a break in the pattern. No need for insults, your face is one all by itself. Sometimes, you might be in a goofy mood or just want to laugh, so when someone tells you smd, you decide to give them a witty response. Whether something sounds bitchy or appreciative is much more due to tone of voice. The owner of it will not be notified. At least take me to dinner and a movie first. We could use It was a pretty normal day to people we often interact with such as classmates and colleagues. 1. hmm Respond to them with hmm to imply that you are taking their offer seriously and are currently considering it. Copyright Jenn's Trends and Jenn Herman. Thank you very much. I have a friend who cannot take a compliment, and every time I say something nice she would say the total opposite of what I said. Let us have a look at these possible replies and put them in context below. A simple text informing them of the mistake is fine. Its rude to hear and it is rude to have said to you. This not only shows them and other offenders that she is serious about her platform, but it also shows her true fans and audience that she cares about them. Because of this expressions relatively formal tone, we need not worry about offending anyone we use this response. Those are the three main reasons you may see someone say or write smd. Over 30 years ago, my 8th grade teacher gave us all some great advice. People like you are the reason God doesn't talk to us anymore. ", Depending on the situation, sometimes just "Thank you" is enough. So, next time someone interrupts you when youre recounting an anecdote or explaining something, you can take a deep breath and then calmly respond, If youd been listening, you would know.. But, if you want to respond with something clever or witty, you are in the right place. And which do you pre Are these two sentences correct? Promise. 4 [deleted] 4 yr. ago Bowing my head, and saying "Blessed be the name of the Lord!". Glad to see you too! Please share: {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, 3 Ways To Get More Views On Instagram Reels, How to Add A Lead Form To Your Instagram Profile. This is a simple, straight answer. Every time you comment, you're positive and uplifting. Have a look on some blogs of Shri Prashant Tripathi. Be confident: Speak in a confident manner when responding to a compliment and make it seem as if you get compliments all of the time. "She studies English by her self to pass the exam in the lib One simple doubt: my english course will be finished soon, and I'd like to know if you use freque Can you check if the tenses are correctly used please? This comeback is witty because it takes the negative rude energy of smd and sends it right back to them by implying youre having a relationship with their mother. The way you respond depends on how you are feeling and the relationship you have with the person. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by suggesting that you would enjoy doing it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-leader-3','ezslot_20',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-leader-3-0'); This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by suggesting that you are too expensive for them to handle. Hi sorry babeee I'm going to bed! It might help you also. Now you ask a question at least to give this person a topic to say something more. Technically, no, because they wouldn't be reminding you. The given link says. His colon had completely shut down, and he was bleeding out. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? These are often some of the most common comments you'll receive on your posts. Leave a comment responding to the offender telling them why their comments are not welcome and that the comment will be deleted. "acceptedAnswer": { You can access all these options from the three-dot button on the posts and profiles. If you have any questions about my blog or social media consulting services, I encourage you to contact me. This is a third witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. First of all, this allows you to respect their privacy and address the issue. Witty responses are better suited for more casual scenarios like a conversation with friends. One of the tools I recommend to help make sure you never miss a comment is Agorapulse(affiliate link). Answer their question as accurately and promptly as possible. There are very few people who arent impressed by cool, calm, and collected confidence. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I don't know if either is sufficient, but it's the best I've come up with thus far. Instead of responding in a reactive, hasty, and frustrated manner, simply look up at them for a second. Suggesting Is quite subtle, so, I think you should use words such as: "could" "perhaps" "maybe" / phrases such as "if youd like." Make sure you dont take the other persons rudeness to heart or let it ruin your day. 8. Handle it how you feel comfortable! Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. In many ways, it generously gives the person youre speaking to the benefit of the doubt that they are actually a sound person and lets them know that you are willing to give them a second chance. She believes it. But, what exactly are you supposed to say back to them? The go-to's for replies are usually: - aww, thank you 8. You can monitor multiple Instagram profiles, including all the comments you receive, as well as ads you might have running. Not too loud. Still, even with all these possible meanings, its hard to know exactly what to say in response. How to respond to a compliment without feeling awkward. This way it becomes a positive message and supportive stance rather than looking like shes just deleting anything she doesnt agree with. Even the most common question like Hows your day? can be a little tricky to deal with at times. I don't know about you but personally I don't like it when I give someone a compliment and they just throw it to the ground. This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by presenting the next step to make it happen. A pleasure. But sometimes it is an inevitable byproduct of a clever response to an unkind comment. "@type": "FAQPage", Also, if you do delete their comment, you can choose to do so while deleting and reporting as a spam/scam. One of the most common and lighthearted responses to "How's your day?" is "Great! Solve your problems more easily with the app! 23. This will likely leave them dumbfounded. Thank you, I think you'd look great in pink actually! B (not feeling well): Fine. Im glad this helped answer your question too . You've probably heard someone say it. Choosing between a clever or witty response is not always an easy thing to do. Sure, as soon as you get it out of your a*s. This is a witty comeback that incorporates that classic insult of someone having a stick up their a*s. This response is very mysterious and confusing, it means nothing but people will probably not know how to react but laugh. 1. I'm such a big fan. BEAT THEIR ASS OMG LET ME REPLY GIVE IT TO ME HAND IT OVER NOW. It's surprising how often it gets people to stop and think. You? more grammatical and formal, we can meanwhile say Its going great. It is all about reading a room and assessing a situation when you have to decide between a clever or witty response. Sign up for once-monthly updates on all things Instagram and social media. Often, the best response to an immature comment is a measured and calm response. I think a simple "thanks" is polite enough. When your conversation with someone ends with hi or hello, this could be a response to talk about something further. 'That's okay' suggests that a verbal thank you is sufficient, and no further appreciation is required. Em. ] ), but where people will for some reason @ mention you in the post comments. If they thank you for accepting their apology: "No worries, we all make mistakes.". By saying that they cannot keep up with the conversation, you are suggesting that they are too slow to understand what is really being talked about. Thank you for being here. Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. These are my tips what are yours? Is it a thumbs up, happy face, or something positive? Mirrors can't talk. We can do this either casually, neutrally, or formally. It is a pretty rude thing to say or write. Maintain your composure and stay focused on your goal. { Thanks, Its going fine is relatively less enthusiastic or intense.
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