aldine high school staff directory
Brubaker was around where Aldine Mail Route and Airline intersect, although I haven't found an exact location. Its an honor to earn these awards, said Scott. She has previously been a principal in Houston I.S.D. Located at 10445 W Grand Parkway, Suite 150, Richmond TX! Staff Directory A Acevedo, Irene Acevedo, Scarlet Acosta, Lisa Amos, Tiffani Anzora, Reyna B Banda, Marivel Bills-Goggin, We remain available to answer any questions. Email Us In 1988, the state redesignated the road north of Breen as State Highway 249 and upgraded it. He is the 12th head coach in program history. Blue Line - Aldine High School area (the area covered in my history report), Green Line - Northline Terrace Subdivision (Sections 1-3). C. Walter also recieved a Class 1 land grant of 1476 acres plus some bounty land. How does one post a pic on this site? Mark, I came across that photo of old U.S. 75 in Houston Freeways and it inspired me to write a history of the area, which I'm working on right now as I post this. In 1962 the road was extended over Halls Bayou to connect it with Airline Drive, although F.M. Write a Review . I photoshopped in the district boundaries and some other info. Dr. Bellamy started her teaching career in 1995 at Park View Intermediate teaching language arts. When did the change occur? I remember the book said the name Aldine may have come from the trains that used to stop in the area. The closest one I can remember before that was an A&P in Northtown Plaza at 45 and Tidwell. LOL! Find school details, real estate for sale, real estate for rent and more near Nimitz High School. In 1990, the full freeway tollroad opened from I-45 west to U.S. 290. Aldine, was the most celebrated printers in Italy. Also spent a lot of time in the stores in the Hidden Valley Shopping Center as a kid. The gymnasium was a fairly new structure, replacing an earlier 1936 building that burned down in 1948. Whew! When I talk about the area I grew up in and where Aldine High relocated, I'll call that Aldine/Airline. Those living south of W Hartwick attend Houston ISD schools and are zoned for Sam Houston High. I also know the developer (Oak Glen Building Company). IF), Vanessa Valdez (Jr. P), Bi-District Matchup: v. Pasadena Memorial, 2022-23 Regular Season: 14-12/Finished 2nd in District 18-6A, Player(s) to watch: Claire Shelley (Sr. P/1B), Ainsley Pinkerton (Jr. C), Margaret Reid (Sr. OF), 2022-23 Regular Season: 8-4(District)/Finished 3rd in District 14-6A, Player(s) to watch: Rayanna Bradley (Sr. C), Zayda Dennis (Jr. LHP), Liliana Mendoza (So. The now-closed Kroger was built in 1966 and remodeled in 1974. That is an amazing photo - I grew up right in the middle of it as well, in Hidden Valley, and my parents still live there. I was doing research through old newspapers last night at U.H. The Road was renamed Sweetwater Lane. Klein acquired that area as part of integration in the 1960's. However, looking at the rest of each map, there are numerous errors, which makes for a great post on your part because it's always fun to find goofs on a map or in a book or movie. That would mean the D. Hacker and W.L. Pearson's Gulf (Airline and W Mount Houston) - 1948? In 1914 Hufsmith had a population of 150, four general stores, and a cotton gin. The reason he bought there? Other companies built the homes west of Sweetwater and several of the homes in Section 3 on Rockcliff (which is why they are different from the others). Since, 2008, Mrs. Burton has been at Cypress Lakes as Assistant Principal. OF), Haylie Jaime (Jr. RHP), 2022-23 Regular Season: 16-14-1/Finished 2nd in District 17-6A, Player(s) to watch: Charli Miller (Sr. P), Jordyn Battise (So. BTW, if you gre up in the area as I did and wondered about the name of the road Aldine Bender and more specifically, what was the Bender part of Aldine Bender, there's an answer to that. She has served in multiple roles including teacher, assistant principal, associate principal, principal, and central office administrator. Now that you mention it, I do recall the Kroger and the Piggly Wiggly coexisting at the same time, but my memory's obviously a bit fuzzy as I was only two years old when the Kroger was built. OF), 2022-23 Regular Season: 8-7 (District)/Finished 3rd in District 15-6A, Player(s) to watch: Sophie Smith (Jr. vbowman@aacps.org . But that then brings up the question: What was Aldine, Kansas named for? I take it then that the surveys aren't named for surveyors, as I had thought, but for landowners, is that right? BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Heritage of North Harris County (n.p: North Harris County Branch, American Association of University Women, 1977). Staff Directory; Teacher Wish Lists; Testing (State and National Assessments) . To my knowledge, it was the first supermarket in the area in question. Al-rekaby, Carrie World Language Teacher Website /cms/One.aspx?portalId=23651586&pageId=24043386 Please feel free to expand this should you have additional information. As Carolyn Reeves mentions, the town was originally called Prairie Switch, starting in 1873. You can go here to read about Texas Land Grants. The Dugan's Drugs had a great lunch counter with a grill and soda fountain. In 2001, Tropical Storm Allison innundated Northline Terrace, causing many homes along Halls Bayou to flood from Beaver Bend to Rainy River. 10726 Mesa Drive Houston, TX 77078 Phone: 713-636-4300 fax: 713-636-8116 Accessibility Check out Fat Boy's Pizza, home of the World's Biggest Slice! You could then use that information to go to the grantee deed records for years close to the dates on the map and see who they bought the land from. North Freeway - In 1944, North Shepherd was extended from Tidwell north to Aldine Bender. I think it most likely that Aldine was named after the Kansas town of the same name. I personally doubt it, but that's why I sometimes end my posts with the saying "if anyone can add to this" just in case the fault is with me. Victory Early College High School is a collaboration between the Aldine Independent School District and Lone Star Community College. Welcome to Aldine High School! Hill surveys, which appear from that map to be a subdivision of part of Martin Snell are named for people who later bought land from either Snell or Fitzgerald, is that a resonable assumption at this point? The mural is on the side of Casa Linda restaurant on Airline at Buckboard. In 1731 town lots in San Antonio de B. Houston, TX 77073 281.449.1011 Website Athletics Department 1865 Aldine Bender Houston, TX 77032 281.985.6100 281.985.6111 Website (Still need to find exact date - haven't made it to the Harris County Tax Office yet!). High Schools; Old Mill High School; Specialty" Central Special School; Marley Glen School; Mary Moss @ J. Albert Adams Academy; Phoenix Academy; Ruth Parker Eason School; . I live on the westside now and have driven through the middle of Howellville and never known it. Kessler did a great job with the golf team this Spring. OF), 2022-23 Regular Season: 26-6/Finished 2nd in District 21-6A, Player(s) to watch: Meredith Schmitt (Sr. P), Tara Wolocko (Sr. C), Hailey Harvey (Sr. UTL/OF), 2022-23 Regular Season: 7-7 (District)/Finished 4th in District 15-6A, Player(s) to watch: Jaccie Burton (Sr. SS), Sari Travis (Sr. P), Makenzi Johnson (Sr. C), 2022-23 Regular Season: 26-7/District 15-6A Champions, Player(s) to watch: Savannah Carter (Jr. P), Arianays Garcia (Jr. C), ZaRiya Bell-Morris (So. As for AHS being called Alamo HS, not sure where you got that but the current school has always been called Aldine High. She has earned her Doctorate in Professional Leadership K-12 from the University of Houston. 3301 Old York Road Philadelphia, PA 19140 Fax Number 215-400-3891 Now, that was less than 24 hours after the fire and on a holiday. At crossover intersections, such as Hardy and Aldine Bender, overpasses were built to allow drivers to bypass stop signs and traffic lights. During her career she also served as Teacher Development Specialist for HISD. Our Mission.Carver Panthers move full S.T.E.A.M. We are proud of you! You may be right about it not being anyone's choice about who gets the school district when it dissolves. Where did you get it? I looked it up at the public library as part of my research on the football team. If anyone knows, by all means, let me know. Additional roads Dairy Ashford go between the towns of "Dairy" (a seldom used name for Alief) and "Ashford", a town up near the US290 area. My parents live in the section yet to be constructed in the photo, west of Sunnywood and north of Hidden Valley Drive. Directory of Schools . Bus Routes School Hours Home Access Center District Policies The Latest Quick Links Upcoming Events Follow Us Could be honest mistakes, things that changed after they published it or maybe they never figured a couple of people would be dissecting it on a Saturday afternoon via the Internet 42 years later! LOL! Several have been expanded over the years to up to 1400 square feet and many have added multi-story additions. That screwy 1964 map of mine lists the road now located at West Mt. Yeesh, it sure is. Still, I have noticed that other schools were referred to by just the town's name in the news but also had different official names. The school's volleyball coach pitched in and took over the Travis golf team in the middle of the season. That's enough for now. That's the prevailing story, but there are those who doubt it. He's in his early 80s and still lives in Hidden Valley. My dad attended North Harris College sometime in the mid-1970s. VYPE was on hand April 15th to capture the highlights from their last game and more!! There is documentation referring to the Aldine family is the most well known of the Venetian printers dating back to 1494. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: Willis Track Building Its Culture, VYPE AWARDS: Public School Girls' Basketball presented by Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, ALL IN THE FAMILY: Toups continues legacy of Aldine Baseball, JUST GETTING STARTED: No. SCHOOL OFFICIALS HUNTING NEW HOME AFTER ALDINE HIGH BURNS, You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Draloc, Inc. Maybe someone named Aldine worked for the Railroad. Memorial Day: Staff Holiday. Howell-Sugarland Road go between Howellville and Sugarland. A couple of those streets do still exist today. She also received her Masters in Counseling from UHCL and her Principal Certification from St. Thomas University. I was considering the possibility that Alamo High was the intended name for the possible proposed school that might have been built as a second AISD high school, but that ended up being a replacement for the original Aldine High when it burned. Powered by Invision Community. Player(s) to watch: Melany Castellanos (So. I don't know why AISD never acquired that area near Acres Homes. Contreras Estates - Another neighborhood I've never heard of. Guess they didn't have sprinklers back then. Pasadena High (Staff & Offensive Coordinator) Ridge Point (Inside Linebackers)Eisenhower (Offensive Coordinator)Clear Springs (Offensive Coordinator) Sharpstown (Head Coach). Unless someone has something better. Wheatley High School Wheatley Wildcats. The school is part of ALDINE ISD. I'm away from my research materials now, or else I'd provide the name of the airstrip. P), 2022-23 Regular Season: 15-15-1/Finished 4th in District 16-6A, Player(s) to watch: Vanessa Soza (Sr. OF), Victoria Sossaman (Sr. P/1B), Emily Landry (Sr. OF), 2022-23 Regular Season: 19-13/Finished 3rd in District 16-6A, Player(s) to watch: Halee Vance (Sr. C), Samantha De Los Santos (Jr. P/IF), Kassidy St. Clair (So. That way others might more easily find it and can join in rather than having it buried as off topic in this unrelated one. Wow! In 1964, the Oak Glen Building Company started development of Northline Terrace Section 1 on 111 acres of land stretching basically from 1-45 east to Cheswick and from W Gulf Bank Road north to Halls Bayou. Front row: Fran Williams, Director of Instruction; Lanette Bellamy, Principal; Sandra Paiz, Associate Principal; Amber Bish, Lead Counselor, Second row:Heather Elliott, AP; Jose Perez, Behavior Interventionist; David McReynolds, Math coach; Ellen Holzhauer, English coach; Maribel Helton, AP; Paola Fernandez, Counselor, Third Row: Stacy Ache,Special Ed Admin; Courtney Farris, AAS; Erin Slavik, AAS; Philip Klespis, Social Studies Coach; Ashley Alexander, Counselor; Tiffany Simon, Counselor, Fourth Row: Hector Cano, AP; Michele Herman, College and Career Specialist; Jay Janca, AP; Tracy Orsak, Science Coach; Courtney Farris, AAS; Shirrey Burton, AP; Kay McDowell, AP; Andonnia Maiben, DIHT; Tanisha Simmons, Testing Coordinator; Rhonda Klaus, Counselor; Tina Schutte, Counselor; and Valerie Pierce, Counselor. That's the area Klein picked up from the defunct North Houston district. I looked it up in the old phone books in the Texas Room. If you're like me, you might have wondered how in the world schools near Acres Homes ever got in the Klein school district when Klein is near Stubner Airline and Louetta. This was a little before my time, but I looked at a 1964 map of the city and noticed that Aldine HS was once called Alamo HS. Could be honest mistakes, things that changed after they published it or maybe they never figured a couple of people would be dissecting it on a Saturday afternoon via the Internet 42 years later! Over the years, the State Title for Texas High School Softball has come through Houston. High School Testing . Second was the gawdaful smell in the place. 9550 Aldine Westfield Road Houston, TX 77093 . Nope. Houston Methodist offers comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitative services with a high standard of excellence for elite athletes, active adults and student athletes. Sam Houston Tollway North - a small frontage road only segment opened in the late 1980s from I-45 west to Ella Blvd. Aldine/Airline Area Primer Start dates for various places within the photo or, make that WILL BE in the photo (feel free to add or correct) Neighborhoods Donnybrook Place - 1940? I copied the url and when I hit "Add Reply" that's what I got. Aldrich, Debra Science Teacher Website /cms/One.aspx?portalId=23651586&pageId=24042322 d.aldrich@schoolsofwestfield.org More. I've got to pick up the dog from the groomers. I contend it is wrong and believe it is incorrect, however, I can't say that with 100% certainty. From the link: Save Mount Houston Campaign. Jennifer Leonard. Welcome to Clear Creek High School, Once a Wildcat . In 1956, the road was extended to Halls Bayou, just east of U.S. 75 (North Shepherd). IF), Alyssa Terry (Jr. OF/P), Estrella Rowe (So. Kennedy Pinard was the girls top finisher (34th) followed by Parrs Collins, Abigail Johnson and Kodi Goss. Verified 8 days ago. C/OF), Bailey Gray (Sr. P), 2022-23 Regular Season: 17-15/Finished 4th in District 23-6A, Player(s) to watch: Moriah Polar (Sr. OF), Cayla Warner (Fr. The name Contreras stems from the 1846 Simon Contreras land survey which you can find mentioned on plats of the area. Most people always thought it was that goofy ski slope on the SW Freeway at Loop 610 that didn't last long. C/OF), Campbell Zahn (Jr. 3B), Photo acquired via Twitter: @nchseagles_sb, 2022-23 Regular Season: 21-12/Tri-District 13-6A Champions, Player(s) to watch: Ahlana Bruins (Sr. She commits to providing That's probably the first grocery store I can recall going to. The history of land grants in Texas is a long and complex one. 1 Concordia prepares to go the distance; Photo Gallery, BASES LOADED: A complete breakdown of Class 5A softball bi-district playoffs, VYPE HOU Public School Boy's Soccer Player of the Year Presented By Freddy's, ROLL THE TAPE: Kingwood Youth Boys Lacrosse Game Highlights (4/15/23), VYPE DFW Private School Boys Basketball Player of the Year Fan Poll, VYPE Sun and Ski Public School Volleyball Player of the Year Fan Poll Winner: Bailey Schievelbein, VYPE Sun and Ski Private School Volleyball Player of the Year Fan Poll Winner: Ashlynn Alvarado, VYPE ATX/SATX Public School Football Offensive Player of the Year Fan Poll presented by Sun & Ski Sports, VYPE ATX/SATX Private School Football Offensive Player of the Year Fan Poll presented by Sun & Ski Sports, FAT BOYS PIZZA: Travis' Kessler leads volleyball; pitches in for golf, VYPE Live - Girls Basketball: Fredericksburg vs. Canyon Lake, VYPEU Behind the Lens: Klein Cain secures 4th district win, VYPEU-Behind the Lens: Tomball continues 18-game win streak to Cy Woods, VYPEU Behind the Lens: Photo Gallery, Creek dominates Spring Woods, Keeping the Streak: Morton Ranch Defeats Seven Lakes 41-28, THE NFL DRAFT: Former Houston-area stars hope to hear name called. However, what's sorta strange is that, technically, the area we are discussing in this thread - the area in the picture at the top - isn't really Aldine at all. Wonder what became of that? Homes in Sections 4-5 have covered drainage and concrete, curbed streets. C/3B), 2022-23 Regular Season: 28-4/District 19-6A Champions, Player(s) to watch: Cameryn Harrison (Jr. RHP), Ashytn Reichardt (Jr. OF), Paige Bunting (Sr. P), 2022-23 Regular Season: 17-12-1/Finished 4th in District 19-6A, Player(s) to watch: Katherine Brunner (Sr. SS), Kaelyn Lerma (So. The plan right now is taking the junior college route, he said. HUFSMITH, TEXAS. It's a 1964 Texaco street map with credit given to Rand McNally. The neighborhood therfore is not served by city of Houston water, sewer or garbage collection and must rely on private companies for these. OF), 2022-23 Regular Season: 21-8/Tri-District 13-6A Champions, Player(s) to watch: Eva Lantagne (So. I didn't write it down so that may be incorrect. You will probably have to go downtown. The plat map will have the acreage and you can probably use that to match up the section your house was in. I'm not sure what was there prior to that. Nimitz High School is located at 2005 W W THORNE DR, HOUSTON, TX, 77073. Looking back, I went to Eisenhower and other AISD schools in the area, and I can't name one person who attended those Klein schools. We are just trying to build a culture here for track and field and we are just beginning.. She began teaching in 1997 at Truitt Middle School, then went on to receive her Masters in School Administration in 2002. I actually have the Aldine fire story from the 11/26/54 Houston Post in front of me right now. How I would approach it would probably depend on what year the house was built. The earliest grant was made by the Spanish crown to establish a mission and presidio in East Texas in 1716. 149, which was already an existing F.M.