what is a holding objection in planning
This was on what could be seen as a backlands site, but, crucially, one that fronts onto a street. "There's no money." To make your objections to a planning application heard, you must submit what is known as a letter of representation (see our respond pages for tips on writing an effective letter of representation). Some are legitimate reasons to disqualify the prospect, while others are simply an attempt to brush you off. The Financial Assistance Schemewhat are the available benefits?THIS PRACTICE NOTE APPLIES TO SCHEMES ENTERING THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEME FROM 1 JANUARY 2012.Where a scheme, its employer(s) and individual members have satisfied the criteria for eligibility into the Financial Assistance Scheme, Highways, street works and statutory undertakersCoronavirus (COVID-19): This Practice Note contains guidance on matters that have temporarily been altered to assist in the management of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Do they give vague answers when you ask about budget and priorities for the year? Essentially, you would rather have it judged by a knowledgeable professional than subject to the more political atmosphere of the planning committee. That often starts by asking them relevant, tactful questions and giving them the space to discuss them thoroughly. "Typically, when someone cancels and says they'll get back to me, it means they're just not interested in what I have to offer right now. According to the creator of Your Sales MBA Jeff Hoffman, salespeople should first respond with, "That's not true," then pause. Ask some questions to find out their motivations for brushing you off. Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama blocked 184 military promotions Tuesday in the latest chapter of his protest against the Pentagon's new Free and premium plans, Customer service software. And it's obviously not necessary to become best friends with someone to sell to them. The act of securing a Prior Approval consent is effectively a discharge of a pre-commencement condition. Remember, our customer service team will be available 'round-the-clock to help with implementation.". With this response, you are acknowledging that their concern is valid, and are offering a solution to mitigate their fears. Its even possible that they have read none of the documents, and are just going by a description of the proposal from a neighbour, newspaper or local pressure group. You can proactively find them as well by periodically asking questions like: As I touched on at the beginning of this article, most sales objections stem from some kind of "lack" and they typically come from a reasonable place. Currently, theres a garage and a couple of sheds at the bottom of a big garden. BHCs must include an assessment of the expected uses and sources of capital over the planning horizon that reflects the BHC's size, complexity, risk profile, and scope of operations, assuming both expected and stressful conditions. Alternatively, bring in a technician or product engineer to answer questions out of your depth. Depending on what product you sell, it's possible your prospect will have to add headcount or divert resources to fully take advantage of your offering, and if they truly aren't able to, you might have to disqualify them. This point is a natural extension of the one above extensive background information informs effective, actionable situational awareness. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing). "Hi [Name], thanks for letting me know you're not the right person to discuss this with. %%EOF There are many different types of financial objectives, and which ones a business sets may depend on what type of products and services it offers, how it operates and what its current needs are. No matter what youre selling, Objection handling means responding to the buyer in a way that changes their mind or alleviates their concerns. Once you've given them a positive experience, they'll naturally form a high opinion of you. WebIts important to understand that planning decisions can be made by one of two groups of people: the planning department and the planning committee. Let's talk about some different contract terms and payment schedules that I can offer you. As a sales rep, you'll want to consider the positioning of your product or service and how to demonstrate that value. endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>/Metadata 18 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[66 0 R]>>/Outlines 22 0 R/Pages 23 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 27 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj <>stream "I'm sorry you feel that way. And in the case of your contact, understand their role. But, as we will explain below, the council only needs to pay attention to relevant comments, either in favour or against. International Sales(Includes Middle East), Objecting to a planning application/permission, Pre-applicationfinding out about proposals, Examining the planning application once submitted for purposes of making a planning objection, Drafting letter of objection to planning application, After planning permission has been grantedrights to appeal and challenge. Rule of thumb: if the prospect says an objection twice, it's real. To unsubscribe from Gong's communications, see Gong's Privacy Policy. "Who will be in charge of this buying process?" Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. To be lawful, the development must still comply with the relevant terms and conditions of the GPDO. So, if you're looking for a quick and easy way to get started, check out this sales objections and answers PDF. A holding objection can be submitted and this is a strategy that Planning Objections Scotland. Do some light qualification to determine if they're facing any problems you can solve, then move forward or disqualify based on their answers. A prospect with a genuine need and interest who balks at time-based contract terms is generally hesitant for cash flow reasons. WebObjection handling is about building a rapport with the buyer and asking strategic questions to go past the surface-level objection being offered. We are on a mission to "I understand. As we went through each comment, we began to realise that all of the material planning considerations raised from impact on neighbourhood character to the potential flood risk presented by the proposed basement had already been explored during our application process. The planning system provides a clear forum for public engagement: a three-week-long comments period follows the validation of any application. But more likely, your prospect is having some sort of challenge (after all, who isn't?). Luckily for you, there are workarounds find out if you can offer month-by-month or quarter-by-quarter payment instead of asking for a year or more commitment upfront. This might, for example, be a Local Authority, an NHS Trust, a central Government Department or a Non-Departmental Public Body. Objection handling is when a prospect presents a concern about the product/service a salesperson is selling, and the salesperson responds in a way that alleviates those concerns and allows the deal to move forward. Urbanist Architecture Ltd. Capitalize on this and instill a sense of urgency. It has useful templates to jumpstart your personalized objection responses. For example, we recently secured planning permission for a client following a notably lively comments period: their application received a whopping 61 responses. Are you in a competitive situation, and the prospect is playing you against a competitor to drive up discounts? Some reps argue with their prospects or try to pressure them into backing down, but that kind of strong-arming isn't true objection handling. Access this content for free with a trial of LexisNexis and benefit from: To view the latest version of this document and thousands of others like it, sign-in with LexisNexis or register for a free trial. has deployed successfully in the past where there are inaccuracies Because you listened to the buyer and explored their rationale rather than giving a knee-jerk response, they're usually willing to hear you out if you have a solution. The responses to the common objections above give you a way to pierce through the reactionary objections prospects give without thinking. "I understand. The original planning obligation should be held by an officer (a solicitor) of the enforcing planning authority it should not be sent to us as we destroy hard copy case "Who else should we bring on board for this conversation?". Free and premium plans, Operations software. CcCCcY[On:lQbESg*xDj:8+L!LDtG2&N=EBN}N'UZukB_pQ_T\owxHW"5|$zTl(GHXE?./WW\kk0O,s ^e1a%:l`Xh`4YTo>.V+N} jT5&/Um\N0gTGO^fbyfz2G`Ep^HG*M-GE|y[]~LU &"u This. Here's the formula: Salesperson: "Typically when I hear someone say XYZ, it really means ABC. What aspects of the company's operations do they touch on a day-to-day basis? Templates, best practices, and strategies for salespeople and managers. Any of the following comments might constitute a valid objection to a planning application: Of the 61 comments our application received, we would say that a little more than half raised material planning considerations and therefore were valid planning objections. Not only does getting into the weeds waste time, but you also run the risk of devolving into a features and benefits conversation when you don't need to. But if it's the former, remind your prospect that they'll have help from your customer service team should they choose to buy and that you'll be on hand to answer any implementation questions they have. That's why you need to maintain situational awareness as your conversations with each prospect progress. Walk London SE8 3FB, Green Determining BANT should be part of your routine qualification process. Understandably, in the sense that it is a matter close to the objectors heart. If a breach of condition notice is served what grounds are available for a judicial review? Keep in mind that excuses can be a sign that your prospect understands they have a problem and is trying to rationalize their inaction. Here are the five types of production planning, with an example of each: 1. Restate your impression of their situation, then align with your prospect's take and move forward from there. "Why did you choose [vendor]? Subscribe to the Sales Blog below. The next step is to acknowledge your customers concern. Provide strong facilitation. Your product doesn't work with our current set-up. Objections are generally around price, product fit, or competitors. And yes, it turned out there were those 61 objections, which for an application for a single three-bedroom house is pretty spectacular. In practice, the vast majority of planning applications end up as delegated decisions - left to the council officers to deal with. Flow manufacturing often involves thorough standardization and intensive quality control. Or is your prospect under the impression that a similar, cheaper product can do everything they need? "What objections do you think you'll face? That said, at a certain point, no means no. It's a good fit with ours and can be used alongside it to solve for Y.". And this is where objections can come into play. You need to have a solid feel for where you're at in your sales process, the nature of the deal you're pursuing, and your prospect's needs and interests among other factors. "What aspects of the product are confusing to you? WebSo, here are five smart responses that can turn things around when a prospect hits you with the objection Were not hiring right now. But it is one of the most common obstacles that prevent an SDR from converting the lead to an SQL. I'll pass it along to [relevant department]. Every Urbanist Architecture planning application is accompanied by a design and access statement that identifies and explains in detail the material planning considerations on site. The first rescued Britons have landed back in the UK after a heavily criticised evacuation effort from Sudan on the second day of a ceasefire between the country's two warring factions. If your company isn't on a prospects list of approved suppliers, your prospect probably won't be interested. If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you might be speaking with an individual contributor. 5(f`d`eS =SB3L}! P9$c/m07P gj If your prospect literally can't wrap their head around your product, that's a bad sign. Beware the moment you start focusing on price as a selling point, you reduce yourself to a transactional middleman. A variation of the "no money" objection, what your prospect's telling you here is that they're having cash flow issues. What if your prospect is happy? The back of the plot, where the garden sits, ends in a sharp angle presenting us with the challenge of using space efficiently. Can a condition on a planning permission requiring a building to be permanently removed from the land when no longer required for agricultural purposes be lawful? Either way, thats where the neighbours or public dislike of the project can cause problems, and why you need your response ready. WebA material consideration can be anything that relates to planning matters and, when quoted in an objection, must fairly and reasonably relate to the application concerned. Thats because these questions mattered to us, too, and our eventual submission addressed them through the input of specialist consultants. In fact, 60% of customers say no four times before they say yes. Carrying out the process involves certain actions and skills that every salesperson should have a grip on. All of this information allowed us to produce a well-researched application that we were confident in. We didnt need to provide any additional information it was all there at the councils fingertips. But sometimes your product will replace these tools or make them obsolete. See our completed projects map or WebIn fact, planning lawyers spend huge amounts of time and money deciding what should be a material consideration and whether they should affect the planning decision, so give it a shot, you never know. 0 Can you tell me how you're currently solving for X?". WebThis plan can be an outline, a project plan, or another document. What components of the product or relationship are you most satisfied with? In those cases, prospects typically end up more convinced than ever of their position and those salespeople wind up undermining the trust and rapport they've developed with them. o8bn'8et5iF3he{t?LQ|.lfG40&3A50 V? These should be done online using the Online Planning System. WebObjection handling is about building a rapport with the buyer and asking strategic questions to go past the surface-level objection being offered. 12/07/22. Flow. Its possible to exaggerate this difference. Firstly, some councils have a threshold number of objections above which even if planning officers recommend approval, an application will need to be handed over to the committee for the decision. Councils will take objections more seriously if they have clearly been written by the objector, and if that person shows they understand what they are talking about. The public sector body procuring the project. As a business leader, you practice inventory management in order to ensure that you have enough stock on hand and to identify when theres a shortage. Be sure to emphasize the authority your organization has in the market. But as long as you're familiar with common objections and equipped to answer them, you'll be able to distinguish between prospects who have the potential to be good customers and prospects with whom you need to part ways empowering you to become a more efficient salesperson. 25 0 obj <> endobj If you know all that and more, you'll put yourself in a solid position to tactfully handle objections. Instead, it exists for the purpose of owning assets. Thoroughly research your prospect's company and, to a certain extent, the prospect themself. After all, you can't offer them the same discount for purchasing in bulk. So you always need to bear their needs and interests in mind. and in other locations throughout London and the UK, and further abroad on occasion. We also recommend sales reps use role-plays to boost their objection-handling abilities. "We had a customer with a similar issue, but by purchasing [product] they were actually able to increase their ROI and assign some of their new revenue to other parts of the budget.". Is it fair for me to assume that's the case?". Play the differences up and emphasize overall worth, not cost. First and foremost, as your prospect is sharing their concerns with you, make sure you are using active listening skills to take in what theyre saying. Walk away if they ask you to go lower. Of course your prospect is busy almost every professional is these days. WebA holding objection can be submitted and this is a strategy that Planning Objections Scotland. Megane Leroux As I said, objection handling is frustrating but virtually unavoidable in sales. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common types of objections in sales. Nobody is going to buy against their will. And that put them in a position to reach a swift and positive decision. 7. In turn, your sales process will move along more quickly than if you had targeted them from the beginning. This is a sign that you'll have to prepare a formal pitch for either your contact or their managers, either using internal numbers from your prospect or customer case studies. Or you can go on the offensive. In another instance, a project of ours involved a slightly more substantial scheme. Perhaps these would be a better fit.". No means no. This objection could be overcome by jogging their memory, or you might consider your sales cycle and whether it's feasible to nurture them through it. Instead of telling your prospect they're wrong, help them come to a different conclusion on their own accord. Many planning committees are dedicated and know a lot about their subject. This depends on the judgement of planning officers, so even if you think that you should be notified of a development in your area, you might not be informed straight away. It is vital that At the heart of all of this are those material planning considerations. Privacy Policy, 2 Little Thames "I'll touch base next quarter. If you've already addressed objection #12 by providing internal selling advice and coaching and your prospect just can't hack it, it might be time to walk away. People don't like to say "No" and that includes your prospects. Published: But if you and your prospect really just don't get along, consider handing them off to a colleague lest your company lose the deal for good. Wrap the relationship professionally so that when your prospect finds a new gig, they'll be more likely to restart the conversation from a new company. "Interesting. The lesson is that it can be possible to get planning permission for what seems like a very difficult site. This demonstrates to your customer that you are interested in their concern and care about what they have to say. Avoid questions that only warrant one-word, "yes or no" answers and don't be afraid to use silence to your advantage. Only once you have a complete understanding of your customers objection can you offer your response in the form of a recommendation, an alternative, a solution, or a next step designed to address the customers concern and close the transaction. And when the planning officer read through all those comments, he was able to see that all the legitimate concerns had already been addressed. Essentially, it should anticipate objections and provide solutions to them as part of the design process. Instead, we worked up design studies for a house that would keep a lower profile but provide more space and have a distinctive look that would complement the local character rather than weakening it with pastiche. The planning register may also contain previous applications made for the sitesometimes this can include useful information on why previously development was considered unacceptable/acceptable on the site in question, making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, SI 2004/3391 in respect of the proposal. It's important to gain the gatekeeper's trust and learn as much as you can from them, but then you need to move on and build relationships with the people in the company who can actually choose your product or service. "How is your relationship with [competitor]? With this in mind, welcome objections rather than avoiding them. "Tell me more about that. "I apologize! These matter in every instance, not only in cases that garner a significant amount of local pushback. See if you can come up with a creative discount to offset the cost of breaking a contract early, or demonstrate ROI that will make up for the sunk cost. It's your job to make your product/service a priority that deserves budget allocation now. What challenges is the company currently facing? Step 5: Ensure your event goal helps people make connections No two events are exactly the same, but all focus on creating connections in one way or another. If your prospect asks for more time to think things over, give them the time and space to weigh their options. Can we schedule a time for a follow-up call? Our minimum level of engagement is 3,000 and can go up from there depending on the scope of your project. Respond to this objection by delving into the details of their membership. Just because a prospect is working with a competitor doesn't mean they're happy with them. The officers who make up A lot of misunderstandings and hard feelings can be resolved simply by rephrasing your prospect's words. It could be that your prospect's business simply isn't big enough or generating enough cash right now to afford a product like yours. The following Planning practice note provides comprehensive and up to date legal information covering: Before a planning application is submitted, an objector can find out more about a development proposal by: checking the online planning register of the relevant local planning authority (LPA). Sorry, I have to cancel. "Have you ever purchased this type of product or service before?" Wait a few seconds, then call back. What is objection handling? "Let's schedule a follow-up call for when you expect funding to return. Below, we list examples of valid planning objections taken from various sources: The proposed development will: KFFQhtga=(=7 That application drew fierce local opposition and also had a couple of seemingly intractable practical problems. This may reveal discussions and correspondence which could be useful in preparing an objection. No, that doesnt mean you have to talk down on your product or recommend a competitor. When do you think that may be?". Objections are an inevitable part of sales. It was withdrawn. Timing and urgency are also common challenges. "I hear you, and I want [product] to add value, not take it away. -E`( ^-];%AJ. "What are your goals? I can get a cheaper version somewhere else. The final step is to respond. They're usually not as comfortable talking on the phone as managers or decision-makers, they need a lot of internal approval, and they aren't privy to important budgetary information or company-wide priorities.