vintage cube archetypes 2021
I could also see Mind Twist, Tolarian Academy, Timetwister, Library of Alexandria, and Strip Mine entering the conversation here as cards that are plainly absurdly above rate and are all excellent at getting more mana worth of effects than your opponent. Holiday Vintage Cube season's back, and I'm here for the last time to provide y'all with an update of what to expect this season. Tovolars Huntmaster is actually better than Primeval Titan in the current build of the Cube absent Field of the Dead and Dark Depths combo, so I have no qualms with its addition. Vintage Cube is on Magic Online usually twice a year, once in the summer around July and then again in December for the holidays. text-align:center; They drop a Chandra, Pyromaster. Augur of Autumn is the major update here, and one that I will draft highly for all of my green decks. The base lesson from this history is that you dont have to work very hard to win with Black Lotus. The Vintage Cube is a high-power cube developed by Wizards that includes some of the most powerful and popular cards from Magics entire history. With the exception of Primal Command, all of the green cuts are cards that I happily maindeck. Not over a one-mana accelerator, but over most everything else. They swing, discarding Island, playing Izzet Signet and Chart a Course only to draw 2. To get things out of the way early, this is going to be my last set cube update for Magic Online . Its actually pretty rare that youd see anything fundamentally shift in a Cube this powerful, though the relative strength of individual colors and archetypes are constantly in flux with these updates. The big winner with these lands is, of course, Niv-Mizzet Reborn, so I suppose theyll be fan favorites as well. How do you get into Mono Red then since none of the cards are first-pickable? Bribery and Treachery will similarly often result in well worth the value of tapping five lands. I will say that Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is the best four and is a hell of a thing to Black Lotus in, but the average draw more commonly curving a one-drop into two one-drops is a much bigger difference-maker in a large sampling of games. Jake was first introduced to Magic in 2013, and has been a regular at his LGS ever since. Do you like having the chance to play with all of those crazy cards, or is it a little stale after a while? The pick order outlined above offers a lot of direction for how to navigate the early part of the draft, though an understanding of each colors strengths and weaknesses is imperative to navigate from there. left:37px; Its usually safe to run 12-14 mountains and 2-4 colorless utility lands. Midnight Reaper also just doesnt have the kind of support that you want for a card like that with some of the most powerful cards for sacrifice decks absent from the Cube. 1 Shambling Vent. It gives you a way to win once the board is clear and youre holding up strictly interaction. Assuming you have the mana to cast your cards, its also important to efficiently generate card advantage, and nobody does it better than Ancestral Recall. We're now locked out of playing white spells. Smoldering Egg is worth playing in controlling decks or even in Storm, but isnt one that I expect to be valued highly at the table and is a card that I would hope to wheel if I were interested in it. This is Vintage Cube. You dont want to try to draft a good stuff deck where you have a pile of cards that are fine when broken is possible. Wheel of Misfortune has popped out and now back into the Cube relating to a bug.Its more fun than good, but its plenty fun. If Im going to spend that much mana on something that isnt a sure thing, I at least want it to give me looks at Craterhoof Behemoth. Then I play Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, making an Ally token. Equipment: I tend not to prioritize equipment, but you can play a Sword or Umezawa's Jitte. .thumb img { Toss a Mox or a Black Lotus in the mix and these decks are definitely capable of a 3-0. We go Soldier of the Pantheon into Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Tidehollow Sculler, revealing Mountain, Fauna Shaman, Primeval Titan and Thundermaw Hellkite. It is powerful on occasion, though if youre not winning the turn you cast it with something like Thousand-Year Storm, its more likely than you might think that your opponent will just annihilate you with some Eldrazi. Ugh. The other thing white does well is providing solid interaction for controlling strategies. There are some other cards that enter into the conversation, though these are what I consider to be definitively the most powerful cards in terms of raw efficiency and power. 1 Scrubland I love casting Mystic Confluence on Turn 4. Beyond that, cards like Sulfuric Vortex, Mother of Runes, Entomb, Mana Leak, or anything that provides some identity to your deck are fine places to start. This is a problem, because there are only seven aggressive red one-drops in the entire Cube, and one of them is Figure of Destiny which will be picked highly for white decks as well. Is Vintage Cube Free on MTGO? As an archetype, Mono Red tends to be underdrafted because many cube aficionados consider it boring. Drafting mono-blue typically means being heavy on artifact mana, though this is a fine example of a two-color blue deck that is clearly leaning on the blue cards that I 3-0ed with: This deck is honestly a little bit of a mess, and serves as a good example of how the best cards in the format are all that matter. They Unburial Rites their Griselbrand, but I have Anguished Unmaking. vertical-align:bottom; Sulfuric Vortex and Fireblast: You're the only one who wants them and they are irreplaceable. Ill take a solid Dimir () midrange deck with incredible synergies and control payoffs over a collection of the best cards in each pack. .scgtour-ad { Where blue has the most cards in the Cube, red for some reason has the fewest. height:252px; Nissa, Who Shakes the World is the consensus best five-mana planeswalker for Vintage Cube, though Vivien Reid is markedly better than whatever the next best option is. Moral of the Story: Mono Red is big risk / big reward. Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary and other cheap green mana creatures present a clear path to a deck that generates a lot of mana, though these decks tend to be more vulnerable to creature removal than other decks. Fireblast is a free spell that shortens your goldfish time to win by a turn and Sulfuric Vortex is a relentless way to both ensure damage and stop the one sideboard strategy to beat you in lifegain. Sometimes its wide open. Draftsim.com is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Heres what to look out for if youre trying to get the ball rolling: The artifacts deck, while often difficult to put together completely, is still one of my favorite archetypes in the Cube. Phyrexian Revoker and Phyrexian Metamorph are two cards that make all of my decks for being extremely flexible and more powerful than they might appear. Red decks will miss Mizzium Mortars when facing down Courser of Kruphix specifically, but not much otherwise. Vintage cube is a lot less archetype-based than other drafting environments, just because the individual cards are so powerful. Is This The Last Chance To Play Arcums Astrolabe In Modern? Check out every card revealed so far from Lorcana's The First Chapter. The manlands are also viable win conditions for midrange and control decks that shouldnt be overlooked. You pay two more mana upfront but you get six more mana worth of effect from your Consecrated Sphinx token. My Parallax Wave gets Cryptic Commanded but at least I take out Jace #2 on their attack.The ending is not that eventful: Dragonlord Ojutai finishes me off. Tier 2 Archetypes: # 1 Green X Ramp. Nor are you an Inferno Titan. I take no joy in reporting this, especially considering that I was able to post a 3-0 with the archetype the only time it felt open during the last run of the Vintage Cube. The threes and fours are broadly interchangeable and you more want to get as many of the efficient ones and twos as you can. It really improves your win rate against slow fair decks like mono green or control whereas Izzet tempo would be more pressured to be the aggressor. That said, here are some guidelines of things that you could do. There are three other decks you can play in this Vintage Cube that are well-supported, deep in the colors, and powerful enough to win, even if most consider them inferior to the Tier 1 Grixis strategies. Signets are great because theyre mana acceleration, and I more commonly pick off-color Signets to fill out my mana curve than I do for any kind of mana fixing. Or at least it can be. I get to see their whole deck and they never recover. 1 Mishra's Factory Cards like Black Lotus can make 4-drops on turn 1 a reality. Entomb into Reanimate is great, and if you are able to load up on great card selection you can make it happen consistently, but cards like Buried Alive and Oonas Prowler are typically too inefficient to be competitive and it generally makes more sense to me to play good creatures that are at least somewhat castable and try to do that in an deck with Signets and other, better forms of fast mana. I could see why they might think this would work in theory. Cards like Counterspell and Thoughtseize are efficient enough to be reasonable against basically any opponent and tend to overperform in Vintage Cube. I think Mystic Confluence is the card that I value this highly that I see passed the most. These decks love putting in cheap yet effective threats and then holding up a hand full of interaction to ensure that your opponents never even get off of the ground, let alone clear the board. The complete Power 9 are included in the Cube, but theres an extra card many consider to be the 10th member: Sol Ring. Its far more important to have a solid direction with synergies between your cards than a pile of great cards with no connections. Sheldon Menery is adding over 70 of its cards to his decks. The most important pieces will be Tolarian Academy, as many Signets as you can pick up, and any other instances of fast mana in the form of an artifact like Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, and Sol Ring. Shutting off or copying fast mana sources is powerful, and shutting off or copying payoffs is even better. I don't mine either in the sideboard, but remember that your power is in speed not in splashing mythic rares. A deck with a lot of artifact mana and planeswalkers can seriously leverage a Balance, though its really tough to get all of the right cards together as theyre all high picks, and Id rather have the fast mana and planeswalkers than the Balance. Admittedly, Teferi, Time Raveler and Monastery Mentor are very noteworthy cards, though it would not be difficult to drum up a reasonable sampling of cards in any other color or even just a couple of artifacts that would have yielded a comparable deck. We'll take a punt. Scoop. The primary nature of the October 2021 changes is with regard to the release of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, though we are also seeing the addition of older cards as Carmen Handy grows into her role of curating the digital Cubes.
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