unsolved murders in charlottesville, va
The MPD is continually working to update the Unsolved Murders web page. These are the deadliest national parks in the U.S. Iconic TV sets and artifacts up for auction, Burkina Faso massacre: Survivors accuse government forces. The group's site lists five girls, including her daughter and Graham, from the Charlottesville area who have disappeared or have been killed since 2009. Childs, 18, of Forest, and Metzler, 19 of Campbell County, had been shot the night of Aug. 26, 2009 at the popular natural area and hangout for students, located just 15 miles from Virginia Techs campus. In an episode titled 'Born This Way', Sage's case is featured on Investigation Discovery's 'Disappeared'. And the murder of Arlis Perry. After a brief discussion, the man shot Martin in the chest. Karen Spencer was last seen alive on Nov. 29, 1972. The legend of the Route 29 Stalker is an infamous one. The squad is responsible for the investigations of unresolved homicides and unsolved sex crimes in Fairfax County. On the night of June 7, 1996, the Lynchburg Police Department responded to a shooting at the nightclub in Southport Mall on Wards Road. [20] Jessie Matthew entered an Alford plea and was sentenced to three life terms. Investigators believe he was shot sometime during the day. McFadden had been staying with her in her apartment near the University of Virginia. Capt. VA 24017 (540) 344-7000; Public Inspection File. Missing: Sage Smith of Charlottesville, Virginia, Episode 112: Missing | The Search for Sage Smith, Episode 17: The Disappearance of Sage Smith & The Murder of Gwen Araujo, S.7 Ep.8 Introducing Reverie True Crime - The disappearance of Trans woman Sage Smith, WHAT HAPPENED TO SAGE SMITH? A friend began to worry when she didnt see 81-year-old Henry Cary Sr. the morning of Jan. 20, 1991. They logged into Sages cell phone account and found an unknown phone number. Richard Marc Evonitz was a serial killer active in the area from 1996 until 2002. Demetrius Dubois and another teenager were walking back to the Windsor Terrace Apartments from the Exxon station on Langhorne Road in Lynchburg on the night of May 24, 2005. A tow truck prepares to move a bullet-riddled car from the scene of a shooting in the Tenth and Page neighborhood last month. She stopped by his home at 506 Taylor St. in Lynchburg to make sure he was OK. She found him in his second-floor bedroom, lying on the bed in a large pool of blood. First she heard the shots, so she hid behind a car, a woman said at that time to a Daily Progress reporter. He was found within sight of his house. Smith, 19, disappeared on November 20, 2012, in the 500 block of West Main Street near the Amtrak Train Station in Charlottesville. Could trucks be to blame for killing more pedestrians. Billy Crowe told the station that Matthew isn't a suspect, but said, "we're just running it down to see if there's any possibility of any kind of link." When investigators arrived at the bus, they noticed the door was open. She was found not guilty in 2015. Sep. 25, 2014. Investigators contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Taylor implicated another man in Murphy's disappearance who was later cleared, Martin told WTVR. Hannah Elizabeth Graham (February 25, 1996 - c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British -born American student at the University of Virginia who went missing on September 13, 2014. Valerio would be 32 years old now. He is due in court for a preliminary hearing on the abduction charge in the Hannah Graham case Dec. 4. Sage's cousin, Kenneth Jackson, speaks at the meeting about Sage, and the family's feelings about how the investigation is being handled thus far. Sage had planned a date that night with a man named Erik McFadden, and spends the afternoon getting ready for her date. Where is Sage Smith?? Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia, Julianne Williams and Laura "Lollie" Winans, "12 Investigates: Women Disappearing from Route29", "Hannah Graham Is 5th Girl to Go Missing near Rt. Source: Crime Junkie Podcast. Metropolitan Police Department 5:30pm:A balloon release is held for Sage. Thats where the trail grows cold. 5135 S Kostner Ave. Chicago, Illinois, 60632. In 1984, off-duty Virginia State Police trooper Johnny Rush Bowman was killed after being stabbed 45 times in Prince William County, with the unknown assailant leaving behind a hardhat and a wig. They hope the sketch will help identify and track the unknown man. [13] Sage Smith's case went cold and remains unsolved. On December 6, 1991, Austin, Texas was shell-shocked by a vicious crime. Of the 11,413 burglaries and attempted burglaries, more than half (52.2%) took place at night between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Of the known weapons reported for violent crimes, firearms were used in 83%. Unsolved. In addition, the bandMetallicais offering an additional $50,000 to the reward bringing it to $150,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for Morgans murder. WANTED BY FBI FOR ABDUCTION, ASSAULT & MURDER The 18-year-old housewife had been stabbed and beaten to death. Man sentenced for sexually abusing young girl. June 27, 2019 Person of interest identified in unsolved Va. homicide NBC . A neighbor spotted the Bronco, its headlights still lit, and found Nichols slumped over the wheel. A relative walked over to Malachi Wilsons house on U.S. 460 just outside Lynchburg in Campbell County on that November evening. At the intersection of Yorktown Avenue and Tate Springs Road, the teenagers came across two men who attempted to rob them. The shootings last weekend are among several, including a fatality, that have occurred within the past seven weeks in Charlottesville. Sources say Reynolds never made it to her destination. The email sent to Esther explains that he and Sage had met that night, and while walking down the street together, they were approached by a group of people. You can cancel at any time. From there, the investigation took numerous twists and turns. She and other neighbors are concerned about the neighborhoods safety, she said, and pointed to a nearby car that bore three bullet holes from a nighttime shooting several weeks ago. Is He Alive or Dead? Nothing in the house was disturbed but money may have been taken from his wallet. Keyera claims that Sage was talking on the phone. McFadden's mother did not realize that he was missing until 2014, she now believes he is deceased. Trash experts inform police that any trash from the dumpster behind McFadden's apartment had been taken to a landfill 60 miles away in Henrico County. The other two men survived. The investigation began with a blood-soaked Nissan Pathfinder found abandoned in the parking lot of a business in The Plaza in Lynchburg on Thanksgiving Day in 1996. He was never charged. She also saw a black man running out the door of Giles Deli and Convenience Store on U.S. 460 near Mount Athos in Campbell County. Between Sept. 1 and Oct. 18, the Charlottesville Police Department received 11 reports of shots fired and weapons violations, according to the departments crime map. [14], The Alexis Murphy abduction occurred on August 3, 2013, when the 17-year-old went missing after leaving her home in Shipman reportedly headed to Lynchburg. Erik McFadden contacts Esther and asks for money and informs her that he is in Washington D.C. Esther tells Erik that police want to speak with him. Responding to reports of shots fired in the area of 1707 Floyd St. in Lynchburg, city police officers found three people shot. While it was never confirmed, Evonitz was also suspected of being the Route 29 Stalker. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Sage wakes up Aubrey, who had been sleeping in the living room at the time, and informs her that she is leaving and would be back that evening. Her March 25 death was marked with an obituary in The Daily Progress, but the only hint of the anguish Robin Worsky enduredand her family's place in Charlottesville historyare the final words of the last sentence, a request that donations be made in her honor to the National Center for Missing and Exploited . After learning that Erik had been reported missing by his mother the day before, police announce that he is missing to the public during a press conference. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}. When police arrived, they found Jeffrey Robert Rhoden, 41, lying on the sidewalk with a single gunshot wound to the back. If you have information that could assist this investigation, call Detective Wetherell at 540-432-7788 or email her at leslie.wetherell@harrisonburgva.gov. In hopes of the episode bringing new information to investigators, officials set up a special tip line for viewers of the show. Geo resource failed to load. Police believe that McFadden may have traveled to or may be living in Baltimore, MD, Joppa, MD, Lake City, SC, Columbia, SC, Atlanta, GA, New York City, NY, or Rochester, NY. Police described the 26-year-old woman's assailant as a black man in his mid-20s to mid-30s with a medium to heavy build, short hair and a beard. Ive given [the police] evidence, but they still havent made an arrest. Ten minutes later, officers received word from Lynchburg General Hospitals Emergency Room, reporting that doctors were treating a Tony Dale Martin of Concord. He was charged a year later with attempted rape and two counts of robbery in an unrelated incident and sentenced to 22 years in prison. You can cancel at any time! Down a 10-foot embankment, lodged against a tree, was the body of Vincent Lee Schulterbrandt, 24, of Bronx, N.Y. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Investigators reclassify Sage's case as a homicide investigation. Between the years of 1996-2014, an unusually high number of women have fallen victim to disappearances and murders along the Route 29 corridor in Virginia. A candlelight vigil is held to remember Sage and to raise awareness on the third anniversary of her disappearance. Cell phone records show that, at this time, Sage is on the phone with a friend from Northern Virginia. Metzlers body was inside a blue Toyota, while Childs body was outside the car. Sage is last seen walking west towards the Amtrak station alone. A child riding on a school bus saw something unusual sitting up against a tree on the ride home from school that March afternoon in 1986. A Transwoman disappears after meeting up with date. Height: 59 64 Erik McFadden remains a missing person of interest in the case. The Virginia Medical Examiner's Office has taken over the forensic investigation and hasn't determined the exact time or cause of death for either victim, the release said. Two shootings occurred last weekend alone. A police spokesman told the Richmond Times-Dispatch there is no indication that Matthew is connected to the Rivera case, but investigators are taking another look at it. He was rushed to the hospital where he later died. Morning:Carson wakes up and Sage still isn't home. The vigil is attended by friends and family members of Sage, along with several members of the community. This report remains unconfirmed. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. While standing on the front steps of Charlottesville's City Hall, Sage's family members share their unhappiness with the progress of the investigation into Sage's disappearance. In what looks to be undeniably the work of a serial killer, the Colonial Parkway Murders remain unsolved nearly 30 years later. The Harringtons are reacting with a mixture of both sadness and relief to the news that Matthew has been connected by a "forensic link" to their 20-year-old daughter's unsolved killing. 6:08pm:McFadden sends another text to Sage, McFadden texts Sage: "I'm standing here where r u?". After 16 years of being closed for business after a deadly shooting that claimed the life of a former owner, Giles Deli & Convenience in C. Investigators never found enough evidence to file charges. No landmark for drivers on Route 220 to know they're passing by the scene of an infamous, unsolved murder. That murder has previously been. Sage's phone goes straight to voicemail. Police search the areas around Main St. and McFadden's apartment and nearby railroad tracks. There was a problem saving your notification. Alex Ramon Valerio, 25, a Bronx native, was charged with murder, but he disappeared before investigators could make an arrest. Henry County Sheriff . An October 2021 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that firearm deaths increased 14% in 2020. Soering, now 38, was convicted in 1990 on two counts of first-degree murder during a three-week trial that was televised on late-night TV and drew a throng of spectators who brought sack lunches. HENRY COUNTY, Va. - It's a case that's gone unsolved for almost two decades. Investigators speculated he was called to the kitchen door sometime that night. McFadden contacts Iveni for the last time. Around 2:30 p.m. the 2-year-old took her tricycle inside and went back out to play. Newspaper reports at the time showed that Chubby Chuck Pennix, nephew of the Colemans, was the prime suspect. Aubrey calls Cookie once she hears from Sage's stepsister. Currently, U.S. Route 29 stretches around 1,036 miles up and down the East coast. Police continue to investigate whether there may be any possible connection between that shooting and shots fired in the early morning of Oct. 16 on Hardy Drive. Nineteen-year-old Samantha Ann Clarke, who vanished after leaving her Orange County town house in September 2010, 19-year-old DaShad Laquinn Smith, who disappeared in Charlottesville in November . [9][10], 19-year-old Samantha Clarke was last seen in Orange shortly after midnight on September 13, 2010. 3:54 p.m. Apr. [8], 20-year-old Anne Carolyn McDaniel was last seen leaving a group home in the town of Orange on September 18, 1996. According to a news release, a Charlottesville police officer reported gunshots near the Omni parking lot just off the Downtown Mall around 5:15 p.m. on Saturday, Oct.15. Other disappearances have plagued the area in central Virginia in the past five years. So far this year, there have been 6,564. Officers found Dubois lying in the street, shot multiple times. Login; . White supremacists . Police also search a pond nearby, which turns up empty as well. Cookie tells Aubrey to wait until 10:00pm that night to call police and report Sage as missing. On June 26, 2019, they released a missing persons report for Erik McFadden, offering a reward for information on both his and Sages whereabouts. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Charlottesville mother arrested on child porn, attempted exploitation charges, Spotsylvania County says it's been left out of talks over neighboring Wilderness Crossing development, US Department of Education opens investigation into claims UVa retaliated against disabled student, UVa police searching for purse-jacking suspect, Charlottesville barbershop celebrates 100 years of cuts and cutting up, 'Taming' Foxfield: Spectators, neighbors celebrate return of a more civilized spring steeplechase, 'Technicality' over corporate status could tank plaintiff's case in Lee statue dispute, Orange County OKs Wilderness Crossing despite outpouring of opposition, Teen sentenced in Mallside Forest triple shooting, Law firm releases summary review of embattled Charlottesville SPCA, As archaeological dig ends, gag order keeps Swan Tavern findings under wraps, K.K. Her burned remains were found four days later within just 10 miles (16km) of the location where Alicia Showalter Reynolds's body was found. Introduction. READ MORE 5. A press conference is held and a reward is offered. Police announce that the case had been reclassified to a homicide investigation as of December 2016. The murder of Morton, 23, remains unsolved. campus in Charlottesville Oct. 17, 2009. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- A man charged with abducting a missing University of Virginia sophomore has been captured in Texas and is awaiting extradition -- but there is still no sign . Its possible she went to the Wild Wing Cafe next to the Amtrak around 7:00 pm, but this account remains unconfirmed. Investigation into disappearance of Sage Smith enters 8th year, Pride and Prejudice: Charlottesville Locals Create Safe Spaces for Queer People of Color, Six years on, the search for Sage Smith continues, Two years pass with no sign of Sage Smith, I Am a Girl Now,' Sage Smith Wrote. It has since turned into a Memorial type of page with members giving their own opinions and theories, trying to figure out what happened and who could be responsible. They begin collecting statements from friends and family of Sage to create a timeline. February 3, 2021 Sage Smith (Charlottesville, VA 2012) Alyssa Nicole . Aubrey wakes up and notices that Sage did not return to the apartment the night before. He had been shot in the chest. "There's still hope for Hannah. Rising gun violence is hardly unique to Charlottesville. A vigil is held to raise awareness for Sage. Yami Ortiz reaches out to Dean and informs him that the phone number belongs to Erik McFadden.'. Although she did not know who she was talking to, she claims Sage said she'd "be 'there' in five minutes". [5] The incidents reported of the Route 29 stalker occurred between Manassas, Virginia and Charlottesville, Virginia. The police were never able to contact Erik, and he soon went missing. The 39-year-old had to be identified using DNA. You have permission to edit this article. FBI Releases New Sketch of Suspect In Morgan Harrington Murder, Judith Chartier, then 17, vanished along with her car after attending a party in Billerica, MA over three decades ago, John Fay Brutally Murdered In City Park By Unknown Assailant(s), Millburn, New Jersey, Home Invasion Captured On Nanny Cam; Suspect On The Run (VIDEO LINK INCLUDED), Mother who spent 22 YEARS on death row for brutally killing son, four, to go free in days after judge finds she was set up by a crooked cop, The Unsolved Murder of Emily Jeanette Garcia. It has since turned into a Memorial type of page with members giving their own opinions and theories, trying to figure out what happened and who could be responsible. What happens to First Republic Bank's stock and deposits now? They said the assailant grabbed her from behind, dragged her into a wooded area behind some town homes, and fled when he was startled by a passerby. [17][18] On October 18, 2014, Graham's remains were found at an abandoned property in Albemarle County, Virginia. In hindsight, detectives had claimed that it was highly unlikely to have multiple offenders in one area at one time. Bradley was on the floor. Around this time, Sages stepsister, Keyera Morgan, happened to see Sage while walking to the bus stop. Last year, CPD Chief RaShall Brackney said the Shifflett case did not meet the criteria for federal engagement, which presumably has since changed. The nightclub known as the Glass House Restaurant and Lounge was the scene of a fatal shooting that, despite an abundance of witnesses, remains unsolved. Texas man who lost wife and son in shooting shares story, NYPD officer Troy Patterson dies 33 years after being shot in robbery, Supreme Court to hear case that could curb power of federal agencies, The weirdest items passengers leave behind in Ubers, MasterChef Australia host Jock Zonfrillo found dead at 46, Investigators look for links between Virginia murders, DNA solves "decades-old mystery" after woman's remains found in 1995, Arkansas woman indicted for selling stolen body parts to Pennsylvania man, Waiter killed, woman wounded in shooting at popular New Orleans restaurant, Police say they believe she was with Matthew, disappearance of Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington, 20. convicted in May of Murphy's abduction and murder. She was reportedly a mother of two. That person was transported to the emergency room at the University of Virginia Hospital with serious injuries, while a second male juvenile victim arrived separately after the shooting with non-life threatening injuries. Homicides in Smyth County are relatively rare, and unsolved ones rarer still. In 2003, then 20-year-old Rachel Nicole Good drove off in her Dodge Neon from a parking lot near a Shenandoah Valley laundromat, never to be seen again. You can cancel at any time. It also lists the cases of seven other Virginia women who disappeared or were killed in unsolved murders. Excited for her date, Sage sends Erik a text at 5:17 pm after she finishes getting ready. Police continue to consider McFadden as a 'critical person of interest'. Though he had planned to meet with detectives in Charlottesville shortly after, he failed to show up, and this is the last contact that investigators have with McFadden. Erik has been downgraded from a suspect to a potential witness and may hold key information. Investigators developed a firm suspect, but the problem became proving it. Despite suspicions that a Columbia, Maryland man was the perpetrator, the case . A spate of shootings has struck Charlottesville over the last two months and many of those cases remain unsolved. On the 6th, someone saw Reed walking along U.S. 501 and that is the last that anyone saw of him. Two men were hospitalized with gunshot wounds. A British-born college student in Virginia was abducted and murdered after an evening out, and the prime suspect, dubbed the "Back-to-School Killer," admitted he killed her as well as a second coed. In June 2002, Evonitz committed suicide while surrounded by police. A hiker discovered the body of a missing Lynchburg woman in a wooded area off a hiking trial on Candlers Mountain near Camp Hydaway Road in Campbell County. To date, there has not been enough evidence developed to charge anyone with the homicide. There were no reported injuries from the incident, according to a press release on the departments website. In Connection To Murder Of Transgender Teen, Transgender Womans Missing Persons Case Reclassified As A Homicide Investigation, Charlottesville police hope TV show leads to clues on whereabouts of Sage Smith, Seven years later: Person of interest wanted for murder of missing transgender woman. After he took a cab to the Travelodge, the trail goes cold. Then She Went Missing, Police file "missing person" report for Sage Smith person of interest Erik McFadden, Grim Anniversary: Sage Smith's Family Surprised with Latest Police Theories, CPD Continues to Seek Leads Regarding Dashad "Sage" Smith Homicide, Missing man sought in connection with transgender teens unsolved homicide, Sage Smith, 19: Transwoman Disappears After Meeting Up With Date, CPD still seeking info on 8-year mark of Sage Smith's disappearance, McFadden, sought in Sage Smith homicide, declared missing, Police file missing person report for Sage Smith person of interest Erik McFadden, Transgender teen has been missing, presumed dead in Va. for 7 years, Erik McFadden Wanted For Questioning In Disappearance Of Dashad 'Sage' Smith, Searching for Sage: Family mourns missing teen, demands answers, Police search Henrico landfill for clues in case of missing teen, Sage Smith: Still Missing, but Not Forgotten. The medical examiner's office ruled the death a murder, saying that the assault caused the heart attack Agency. Randolph Taylor was convicted in May of Murphy's abduction and murder, though her body has never been found. This website provides allows users to anonymously provide tips about unsolved crimes, including robberies, hit and runs, and homicides. With this warrant, investigators are able to confirm that the number used to place the last phone call to Sage on the night of her disappearance belonged to McFadden. Erik McFadden responds to Sage's text: "I already did. Right now we do seem to be in a spike, said acting field operations head Capt. You can also join Help Find Morgan Dana Harrington Facebook group, which has over 23,000 members. [4] This was never confirmed, and Reynolds' case still remains cold today. Investigators receive a search warrant for McFadden's phone records, emails, and bank information. Later, he tells his girlfriendEsther Ivenithat he did meet her, but left when they encountered a group of people who were antagonizing Sage. The Campbell County sheriff told CBS affiliate WTVR that "the crime scenes were similar" in the Harrington and Morton cases. According to witnesses on Route 29, the unidentified stalker would flag down women who appeared to be driving alone. Sadly, her murdered remains were found 3 months later on Anchorage Farm in Charlottesville. Police announce that McFadden is once again a person of interest, as a witness instead of a suspect. A 27-year-old woman was taken into custody in Orange County, Virginia in the "early morning hours" on Thursday after authorities determined that she shot and killed a man at residence the night before, the sheriff's office said in a news release. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Erik explains that Sage had enemies, and he left before anything bad could happen. He had been shot in the head. WTVR also reported that police in Newport News are looking for any possible links to Matthew in the cases of two women who vanished more than a decade ago - Sophie Rivera on September 7, 2003 and Autumn Day on July 24, 2003. On Wednesday, Sept. 28, at about 2:40 p.m., shots were fired in the 900 block of Anderson Street. [3] It was originally constructed in October 1925. Two men who were in a car were shot at and hospitalized with gunshot wounds. | The Maury Show, Missing person case in Charlottesville now being investigated as homicide, Person of interest identified in unsolved Va. homicide, Group honors transgender teen missing, presumed dead in Va. for 7 years, Search for Sage Smith now a homicide investigation, Vigil raises awareness of missing Sage Smith, Reward announced in search for Charlottesville man, Investigation into disappearance of Sage Smith enters 7th year, Family of Dashad Smith frustrated by lack of developments, Family member of missing Charlottesville teen questions city's response, Charlottesville police still seeking missing teen, Records show persistence in search for 'Sage', City police give update in case of missing teen 'Sage', 12-hour vigil seeks more action in Sage Smith case, Tracking the Dashad 'Sage' Smith Investigation, He may know who killed Sage Smith, but hes missing, Police still looking for Sage Smith's suspected killer nine years later, Man linked to unsolved 2012 homicide in Virginia possibly in Rochester, Virginia police ask for public's help in locating Erik McFadden, a person of interest in homicide of transgender woman Sage Smith, CPD still investigating disappearance, homicide of Dashad 'Sage' Smith, Transgender teen Sage Smith still missing after vanishing from Virginia in 2012, Dashad Laquinn Smith Nov. 20, 2012- Charlottesville VA, Missing persons report filed for man connected to unsolved homicide, may have connections in South Carolina. Samantha Clarke According to the Orange County Sheriff's Office . ", "Suspect Connected to the Samantha Clarke Case", "Abduction Suspect not Linked to 'Route29 Stalker', "Forensic Evidence Links Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington Cases", "Evidence Links Jesse Matthew to Morgan Harrington Case", "Did Alexis Murphy Chat with Jesse Matthew on Social Media? They were planning on meeting up on the evening of November 20, 2012. Two years ago, the FBI said DNA evidence showed that Harrington's killer also was responsible for a 2005 rape in northern Virginia, so Matthew could be linked to that assault as well, although City of Fairfax police declined to comment, citing their ongoing investigation. At present, we are posting the unsolved homicide cases in Fairfax County. Meanwhile, that evening, Erik reached out to Yani Ortiza mutual acquaintance of his and Sagesand told her to delete his contact information from her cellphone. Our competition in this area primarily comes from the university or the county. McFadden had been missing since November 23, 2012, though contact with him continued until January of 2013. No arrests have been made in that shooting either. Keyera claims she didnt know who Sage was talking to but heard Sage say shed be there in five minutes.. A hotel guest walking past the room around 1:30 a.m. noticed a mans leg sticking out of the bathroom. Police use cadaver dogs who gives a "slight indication" which goes nowhere. Charlottesville shootings remain unsolved. According to a later search warrant, Esther Iveni, McFadden's girlfriend, contacted police to inform them that she hadn't heard from McFadden.