travel statistics by age group uk
Those who travel alone, with friends, or with partners tend to take more adventurous trip packages. Chart 22: Miles travelled per person per year by selected public transport modes: England, 2002 to 2020 (NTS0303). There were 70% of people in 2020 who reported to have worked from home less than once a year or never, this was lower than in 2019 where 77% of people reported to have worked from home less than once a year or never. 42% of millennials, 51% of Gen Xers, and 51% of boomers expect to visit only domestic destinations. There were 14.2 million holiday visits abroad in 2020, a 76% decrease on the previous year (Figure 4). The higher proportion of millennials travelling to experience culture and history than the wider population suggests that they are more interested in experiencing something new and finding out about historical events over their elders. You will find your print and save options in your browsers menu. In 2020, those with a mobility difficulty completed 26 trips per person for commuting, this compares with 120 trips per person by those without a mobility difficulty. The average number of trips made by people living in England has decreased by almost a quarter (22%) since 2019 with 739 trips made on average in 2020, the lowest since records began in 1972 to 1973. Visits for miscellaneous purposes include those for study, to attend sporting events, for shopping, health, religious or other purposes, together with visits for more than one purpose when none predominates (for example, visits both on business and on holiday). This may be more than their younger alternatives of Gen Zs (7-22) at 29 days as they may have more financial stability and would not have to juggle travelling with their education or with parents. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services. The proportion of people who reported to have walked for a mile or more less than once a year or never has decreased from 23% in 2002 to 12% in 2020, the lowest proportion since 2002. Miles travelled for other including just walk gradually increased from 43 miles per person in 2002 to 58 miles per person in 2019 and has since increased to 125 miles per person in 2020, an overall increase of 194% compared to 2002. The proportion of people working from home 3 or more times a week was also higher in 2020 across all age groups. Consequently, caution is needed when interpreting these results for 2020 as they are likely to be less representative of residents of England, compared to previous years. Overseas residents spent 6.2 billion on their visits to the UK in 2020; this was 78% less than in 2019. The trip purpose of other including just walk was the second most common trip purpose in 2020. Anyone entering or leaving more than once in the same period is counted on each visit. In 2020, males made 4% fewer trips (722 trips per person) than females (755 trips per person) but travelled 22% further (4,777 miles travelled per person by males, as opposed to 3,901 miles travelled per person by females). There were also decreases in average trip rates for the trip purposes of visiting friends at private home and personal business in 2020. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. These statistics were designated as National Statistics in July 2011. You may also have other options available on your device. Overseas travel and tourism: January, February and March 2020 provisional results Bulletin | Released 24 July 2020 Visits to the UK by overseas residents, visits abroad by UK residents and spending by travellers, using provisional passenger traffic data. 19% of millennials have been or are likely to go on a cruise, compared with 9% of Gen X and 41% of the older baby boomer population. Gen Z travellers want adventure, while millennials want comfort; 83% of millennials said they prefer all-inclusive and other worry-free vacations and 70% stayed in a hotel on their last trip. Generation X accounts for one out of every three leisure travellers and will average between three and four trips this year. There are broadly similar trends for distance travelled as there has been for trips for these selected modes of public transport. Since then miles travelled on average has gradually declined, however the average number of trips per person and hours spent travelling have remained broadly stable. What are the most popular travel destinations for different age demographics? Almost half (46%) of the European population aged 65+ didn't travel in 2018 due to health reasons. Chart 13: Average cycling trips and miles travelled, by age and gender: England, 2020 (NTS0601). For more information please call the Commercial team on 01481 728620 . The normal IPS monthly publications have been suspended. Sources:Groupaccommodation, Expedia, Skift. This short survey invites NTS users to provide details of how NTS data are used, help us understand whether we can safely discontinue some publication content, and whether other information collected within the NTS questionnaire or travel diary would be useful to have regularly published. Overseas travel and tourism, provisional: April to June 2020 Article | Released 9 November 2020 Visits to the UK by overseas residents, visits abroad by UK residents and estimates of spending by travellers, using administrative sources of passenger travel data. For males, those aged 17 to 20 cycled the longest distance with 231 miles on average. Females aged 40 to 49 walked the longest journeys, travelling 299 miles per person, while males aged 60 to 69 walked the longest journeys travelling 258 miles per person in 2020. Access to this and all other statistics on 80,000 topics from. Similar to other trip-based trends, this is likely due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Which age group spends the most on leisure travel in the United States? Travelpac: travel to and from the UK Dataset | Released 24 July 2020 Quarterly data on travel to and from the UK, taken from the International Passenger Survey (IPS). Chart 11: Average cycling trips made, and miles travelled per person per year: England, 2002 to 2020 (NTS0303). Eurostat confirms that senior travelers in Europe also participate less in tourism. Sources:Skift, Groupstoday, Accessdevelopment, AARP. Care should be taken when interpreting this data and comparing to other years, due to the small sample sizes.. In 2020, there were 64, 45 and 60 trips per person for those living in the most rural areas, compared with 53, 27 and 45 trips per person for those living in urban conurbations, for the trip purposes of personal business, sport/entertainment and holiday/day trips respectively. Travel and tourism statistics are usually based on the results of the International Passenger Survey (IPS), but the survey was suspended on 16 March 2020 because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Those travelling over the age of 30 showed the largest increase in numbers from 2007, going up from 10% to 17%. Chart 32: Average trips per adult (aged 16+) per year by mobility status and main mode: England, 2020 (NTS0709). In 2020, 32% of households living in urban conurbations have no car or van, however, only 6% of households living in rural villages, hamlets and isolated dwellings have no car or van. Our modelling indicates that overseas residents made a total of 11.1 million visits to the UK during 2020, a decrease of 73% compared with 2019 (Figure 1). The greatest number of average trips completed for those with and without a mobility difficulty in 2020 was for shopping with 143 and 173 trips per person respectively. 50% of millennial travel is visiting family. 10% of baby boomers are influenced by social media in planning their vacations. Which age group spends the most on leisure travel in the United States? You have rejected additional cookies. The average miles walked per person per year increased by 7% to 220 miles per person in 2020 compared to 2019 (205 miles per person). The reasons why people travel, differ for males and females of different ages. The NTS is part of a continuous survey that began in 1988, following ad-hoc surveys from the 1960s, which enables analysis of patterns and trends. Most of the decrease in overall average trips was due to a reduction in the number of average car trips taken. Chart 17: Proportion of walking trips per person per year, by trip purpose: England, 2019 and 2020 (NTS0409). The average spend per visit has decreased from 670 in 2019 to 578 in 2020, contributing to the overall decrease in spending. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. This includes all work trips by people with no usual place of work (for example, site workers) and those who work at or from home. The summary of findings is now published. Households living in rural areas are more likely to own a car or van than urban residents. TRAVEL TRENDS BY AGE DEMOGRAPHIC: Those travelling over the age of 30 showed the largest increase in numbers from 2007, going up from 10% to 17%. Approximately 16,000 individuals in 7,000 households in England, participate in the survey each year. In our modelled estimates, which assume that past trends continue, taking holidays was the most popular reason for visiting the UK in 2020, with 4.4 million visits (Figure 3). There has been a sharp increase of average trips for other including just walk from 61 trips per person in 2019 to 114 trips per person in 2020, an increase of 87%. People living in the most rural areas have a higher proportion of vehicles that are usually parked on private property (not garaged) than people living in urban conurbations (71% of vehicles compared to 53% of vehicles respectively). Have your say. From 2002 to 2019, other including just walk has shown a gradual increase from 41 trips per person to 61 trips per person, this was followed by a sharp increase in 2020 to 114 trips per person, an increase of 87% compared to 2019 and an overall increase of 177% compared to 2002. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. 62% of millennial parents are vacationing with kids under the age of 5. Of those aged 21 to 29, 75% reported to have worked less than once a year or never in 2020, this compares to 85% in 2019. Tweet This was followed by shopping (22%), commuting (15%) and other escort (11%). We would like to use cookies to collect information about how you use ons.gov.uk. In the 25-49 age group, 30% say they would consider swapping a holiday abroad for one in the UK to reduce the impact of travel on the environment, a 2% increase over just 6 months. The proportion of people who reported to have walked for a mile or more 3 or more times a week was 60% in 2020, the highest proportion since 2002 (35%). Chart 29: Frequency of working from home by gender: England, 2019 and 2020 (ad hoc analyses). People living in urban conurbations made use of buses more (35 trips per person, with 16 of these trips in London) and rail (16 trips per person, excluding London Underground) than people living in other types of areas. In England in 2020, 75% of cars people owned were manual (74% in 2019) and 25% automatic/semi-automatic (26% in 2019). Travelpac comprises 14 of the most widely used variables, and the data are available for each year from 1993 onwards, in both SPSS and Excel formats. There were decreases in trip rates amongst all modes of transport in 2020 compared to 2019, apart from cycling and walking of over a mile. Millennials are the most likely to go into debt for travel. Chart 1: Trends in trips taken, miles travelled, and hours spent travelling: 1972 to 2020 (NTS0101). A range of new ad-hoc pieces of analysis have also been published which can be found on Ad-hoc National Travel Survey analysis. Households living in the most rural areas are more likely to own two or more cars/vans, with 61% of households living in rural villages, hamlets and isolated dwellings having two or more cars/vans, more than twice that of those living in urban conurbations (25%) in 2020. You have accepted additional cookies. Bus and surface rail trips combined accounted for 7% of trips by residents in urban conurbations, compared to 2% of trips by residents in the most rural areas. Overseas residents spent 6.2 billion on their visits to the UK in 2020; this was 78% less than in 2019. There were also less males and females reported to have worked from home less than once a year or never in 2020, with the proportions being 68% of males and 71% of females, this compares to 76% of males and 79% of females in 2019. Copyright Condor Limited 2023. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: psi@nationalarchives.gov.uk. Millennials make the most of their holiday - most taking an average of 35 days of vacation each year when the average. Max length of motorhome 7m. Gen Z spent a quarter of their budget on flights. The proportion of trips for commuting was low compared to shopping and other including just walk trip purposes, with the national average being 15% for males and 10% for females, this could reflect the increase in working from home during this time. Car passenger trips were greater for those with a mobility difficulty with 97 trips per person, compared to 91 trips per person for those without a mobility difficulty in 2020. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Baby boomers spend an average of $1,865 on summer vacations. Millennials between 23-38 seem to be the age group that travels the most with an average of 35 vacation days a year. B. As IPS survey data were not collected after 16 March 2020, incomplete information was obtained. Request for feedback for NTS questionnaire changes added to the page. Boomers between 55-75 have an average of27 vacation daysa year. There has been a general upward trend in the average cycling miles travelled from 2002 to 2019 (54 miles travelled per person) and then a sharp increase in 2020. 70% of Gen Xers say vacations are family orientated and are likely to go on more child-friendly holidays. The Code of Practice for Statistics plays an essential role in ensuring that statistics published by government inspire the public confidence through demonstrating trustworthiness and providing high-quality statistics. There were decreases in miles travelled per person for all trip purposes apart from day trips and other including just walk. Average trips completed by participants with a mobility difficulty in 2020 were lower for all purposes except personal business, compared with participants without a mobility difficulty. In 2019, the most common car trip purposes were the same as in 2020, with similar percentages observed. 12% of Gen X holidayed outside own country. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Chart 4: Percentage of households by access to a car/van: Great Britain (1971 to 1988) and England (1989 to 2020) (NTS0205). The younger Gen Zs and Millennials are the highest spenders when they travel. Chart 16: Average walking trips made, and miles travelled, including walking of over a mile, per person per year: England, 2002 to 2020 (NTS0303). Trends in other local bus have been showing a gradual fall from 46 trips per person in 2002 to 32 trips per person in 2019, further decreasing to 15 trips per person in 2020, an overall decline of 67%. With almost half of the millennials wanting to learn more about themselves, this indicates they see international travel as an opportunity to gain perspective on their day-to-day lives and take time out for themselves with 83% of millennials opting for all-inclusive and worry-free vacations. Every effort was made to ensure the quality of these statistics, but in the circumstances we cannot be confident that they meet the high standards required for designation as National Statistics. Over 60 Millennial Travel Statistics (2022) Steve Deane January 4, 2022. Miles travelled per person for day trips increased from 435 miles per person in 2019 to 488 miles per person in 2020, an increase of 12%. These trends suggest that millennials are more likely to visit new places to learn more about themselves than they are to visit family whereas over half of the Gen Z and baby boomers travel to visit family and friends. People living in rural towns and fringes made the most trips on average with 801 trips per person, and people living in rural villages, hamlets and isolated dwelling travelled the furthest distance on average with 5,767 miles travelled per person in 2020. Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, About the National Travel Survey data and reports, Average number of trips made and distance travelled, Driving licence holding and vehicle availability, Cycling, motorcycling, school travel, concessionary travel and road safety, Travel by vehicle availability, income, ethnic group, household type, mobility status and NS-SEC, National Travel Survey statistics: national statistics status, Future developments for the National Travel Survey, National Travel Survey statistics: pre-release access. Solo Travel Women: Take 3 more trips a year and are the most likely to travel alone. The statistics have been produced to the highest quality possible, but the methods used have not been subject to full review and scrutiny. UK citizens resident overseas for 12 months or more coming home on leave are included in this category. The estimates presented in this article for the whole of 2020 must be treated with particular caution, since the methods used have not been fully scrutinised or tested. This may be due to millennials wanting to explore more exotic and culturally rich destinations. Perhaps surprisingly, the demographics reported to have the most vacations is millennials with 35 days per year, thats 6 more days than their predecessor of Gen Z at 29 days! Travel, Tourism & Hospitality . Day trips include trips for pleasure (not otherwise classified as social or entertainment) within a single day and other including just walk includes walking trips for pleasure or exercise along public highways, including taking the dog for a walk and jogging. The proportion of trips made by bus was highest for the 17 to 20 year age group by both males and females, with 10% and 12% respectively. Overall, males made longer car journeys than females, apart from the age group 17 to 20. The distance travelled for walks of over a mile also increased by 35% to 135 miles per person in 2020 compared to 2019 (100 miles per person), which is an increase of 16% compared to 2002 (117 miles per person). Have your say in influencing future NTS regularly published content through this short user consultation survey! These proportions of short trips are higher than they were in 2019, with 24% of trips being under 1 mile, and 68% under 5 miles. It is estimated that 56 % of the EU population aged 15 or over took part in tourism for personal purposes in 2021, in other words they made at least one tourist trip for personal purposes during the year. Includes detail on age and sex of travellers, purpose and length of trip, and spending. For lengths over 7m please call 0345 609 1024 to book. Further information about these statistics is available, including: Depending on which browser you use and the type of device you use (such as a mobile or laptop) these instructions may vary. These data are in a form suitable for small businesses and students. These large falls are attributable to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, with travel restrictions and reluctance to travel becoming widespread. Males travelled 17% further in 2019 compared to females with 7,013 miles travelled per person compared to 5,998 miles travelled per person by females.