tn board of nursing disciplinary actions
Accountability for not following the five rights. Select Begin Here For Sign-up under New User to create your account. Resignation of a nurse before conclusion of any disciplinary proceeding or in lieu of discipline. RaDonda could not have consciously disregarded a substantial and unjustifiable riska requirement for reckless behaviorbecause she had no idea that she had made a mistake. Misdemeanor convictions later expunged by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be stricken from the provider's profile; A description of any final board disciplinary actions within the most recent ten (10) years, which actions shall include final board action as defined by 4-5-314, and reprimand action taken pursuant to a board practice act; A description of any final disciplinary actions of licensing boards in other states within the most recent ten (10) years; A description of revocation or involuntary restrictions of hospital privileges for reasons related to competence or character that has been taken by the hospitals governing body or any other official action of the hospital after procedural due process has been afforded, or the resignation from or nonrenewal of medical staff membership or the restriction of privileges as a hospital taken in lieu of or in settlement or a pending disciplinary case related to competence or character in that hospital, all as taken pursuant to procedures promulgated by the board for licensing health care facilities. Didn't find what you are looking for? Together the NPA and rules/regulations guide and govern nursing practice. I know the reason that this patient is no longer here is because of me. Unfortunately, the Board members seemed to interpret this only as a clear admission of guilt and did not appear to acknowledge the psychological pain RaDonda is still experiencing as a second victim of a fatal error. July 13, 2020 Vaught's criminal trial is scheduled to begin. %%EOF How to report patients abusing TennCare benefits. 214 2nd Avenue N., While the prosecutor noted that RaDonda did not act with bad intent, he alleged that she did act recklessly. Hospital settles with patients family, requiring them to not speak about the error publicly. Nurse failed to document vecuronium administration to the patient in the EHR. Nurse failed to verify the physicians order for Versed and administered the drug based on the primary nurses oral directions. Tennessee Board of Nursing shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Nursing in accordance with the provisions of T.C.A. Both the disciplinary hearing against her license and the criminal trial were delayed due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. For example, the Board considered neuromuscular blocking agent warnings on the ADC screen and shrink wrap sleeves over the vials to be red flags overlooked by RaDonda, when both had been added to improve the warning system after the event occurred. Suite 400 Tennessee Department of Health issues a monthly media release listing all disciplinary actions taken by the health related boards during the prior month. What is NOT in dispute is that the hospital could have made barcode scanning technology a priority in radiology, given its high reliability for managing the risk of a competent, caring nurse showing up with the wrong drug in hand, as happened here. Undisputed failure but most likely at-risk, not reckless, behavior. endstream endobj startxref While searching for information on a particular health care professional, consumers should be aware that there are several locations available to aid them with their research. Please include your name, title/position, organization name, office phone and email in your request. Below is a list of actions taken in NOVEMBER 2021. . Board members, with few exceptions, are appointed by the Governor. 4 0 obj And while RaDonda made a conscious decision to not monitor the patient or scan the medications barcode, she was told that monitoring was not required, and barcode scanning technology was not available in radiology. We believe this is what happened here. <> Filing Complaints and Researching Disciplinary Actions. For example, one Board member suggested that a reasonable nurse would have transported the patient out of the radiology unit to a patient care unit that used barcode technology so she could scan the barcode on the medication prior to administration. Nurses can verify their licenses by completing the Nursys verification process for $30 per license type, per each board of nursing where the nurse is applying. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. Disputed failure. Furthermore, the answers to these questions at the time of the event appeared to be unknown to the prosecution. Filing Complaints and Researching Disciplinary Actions . Unreasonable expectations. Once enrolled, a nurse will get automatic notifications about license status, license expiration, license renewal or publicly available disciplinary actions or alerts. After CMS released its report, RaDonda was indicted, arrested, and charged with criminal reckless homicide and impaired adult abuse. Nurses disciplinary hearing is scheduled but delayed due to the pandemic. 437 0 obj <> endobj Disciplinary Actions by the Tennessee Board of Nursing, License revoked: LPN = 2, CNA = 5, RN = 11, License suspended: LPN = 1, CNA = 0, RN = 14, License probation: LPN = 0, CNA = 0, RN = 15, License reprimanded: LPN = 0, CNA = 0, RN = 3, 23 Drug abuse, including over-prescribing or illegal prescriptions, 02 Patient chart falsification or patient chart data recorded illegibly, 02 Drug addiction, including substance addictionor substance use on duty, 19 Incompetence, negligence or unprofessional conduct. The nurse was surprised that the medication was a powder, so she turned the vial over quickly to look at the reconstitution directions on the back of the label, without looking at the front of the label (and product name). The state's duty to protect those who receive nursing care is the basis for a nursing license. 1419 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7C1E6885F79A2840B3CD3D4380937611><607411345D04C24E89F3B328005C117C>]/Index[1406 27]/Info 1405 0 R/Length 73/Prev 82019/Root 1407 0 R/Size 1433/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Also, during investigation of the event, it was not determined whether previous patients in radiology had been monitored after receiving an IV sedative. Disputed failure. <> Make a User ID that you can remember, such as your email address. %PDF-1.7 The boards are also responsible for the investigation of alleged violations of the Practice Act and rules and are responsible for the discipline of licensees who are found guilty of such violations. You can read the details of the error in three of our 2019 newsletters (January 17, 2019;February 14, 2019; March 14, 2019). Also, the degree to which distractions were tolerated by the nurse, as well as by other hospital nurses, was never determined. According to the prosecutor, the Board has a policy that differentiates between human error, at-risk behavior, reckless behavior, and bad intent. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Disciplinary action against her license was then filed. Lists of nurses disciplined since 2004 (NOTE: Nurses are included with other professionals regulated by the state.) Last month, the TN Board of Nursing disciplinary hearing was held on July 22and July 23, 2021. However, the nurse was unable to document medication administration in the EHR or electronic medication administration record (MAR) while in radiology. Board revokes the nurses professional license and fines her $3,000. National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Yet, a failure to follow the five rights is often cited as a performance deficit when a medication error occurs, clearly perpetuating the mistaken belief that healthcare practitioners can be held individually accountable for achieving these goals. Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462. case or situation. Click here to go to the live stream site. This page has information and updates on nursing boards and regulation specific to Montana. hb```@( g0A2kC.)3gZZN.qY{IU!FIP!DCA vs5 More warnings would not have changed her performance.. 2 0 obj .`jh L@ b The mission of each board is to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of Tennesseans by requiring those who practice health care professions within this state to be qualified. The Division of Health Related Boards provides administrative support to the boards, committees, councils and one registry that are charged with the licensure and regulation of their respective health care professionals, as well as the Office of Consumer Right to Know. The board of nursing (BON), through its statutory authority specified in the nurse practice act, is responsible for reviewing and acting on complaints in order to fulfill their mission to protect the public. DISCIPLINARY ACTION REPORT NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 68-1-114 requires the Tennessee Department of Health to issue a monthly media release listing all disciplinary actions taken by the health-related boards during the prior month. tzHhn(`d4H&e `Hhe/bFi 1a33$LQLR00m]2b6Q ]j@ZiSf7\D@ hY. But mistakes were made. The Board called for the revocation of RaDondas nursing license and fines of up to $3,000. Any change to information is required to be reported within 30 days of the change. Available for institutions Information concerning all settlements shall be accompanied by the following statement: Settlement of a claim may occur for a variety of reasons which do not necessarily reflect negatively on the professional competence or conduct of the provider. or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Receive the monthly Disciplinary Action Report bye-mail. The location of the licensee's primary practice setting; A description of any criminal convictions for felonies and, as determined by the board, serious misdemeanors, within the most recent ten (10) years. Nurse retrieved a nonurgent medication from the ADC via override. At the time of the error, the EHR, ADC software, and pharmacy computer system were not communicating properly, leading to significant pharmacy order verification delays. In addition to suspending or revoking a nursing license, state boards of nursing may issue fines or warnings and possibly require a nurse . Also, disciplinary sanctions are not imposed for at-risk behaviors, including not following the rules; any system design failures that may have contributed to not following the rules must be examined and factored into the judgment of the behavior. Undisputed failure but most likely at-risk, not reckless, behavior. To be clear, nurses cannot be held accountable for achieving the five rights; they can only be held accountable for following the processes that their organizations have designed and held out as the best way to verify the five rights. WHEN Melissa Welsh*, a certified nurse assistant (CNA), renewed her CNA certificate, she self-reported her arrest and conviction for delivery of cocaine. 5200 Butler Pike However, ISMP believes her actions were either unintentional (human error) or at-risk behaviors, not reckless behaviors. Nursysis the only national database for verification of nurse licensure, discipline and practice privileges for RNs,LPN/VNs and APRNs licensed in participating jurisdictions, including all states in theNurse Licensure Compact (NLC). In fact, the Board has not filed disciplinary action against all TN nurses who have not read a medication label carefully, obtained a nonurgent medication from an ADC via override, drawn an incorrect conclusion, failed to monitor a sedated patient, or failed to document a medication error in the patients record. For the purposes of this subsection (a), a person shall be deemed to be convicted of a crime if such person was found or adjudged guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction. There can be latitude in interpretation of intention and evidential proof of alleged misbehavior tovigorously defend nursing professionalsagainst the board's rulings. Fifty states, District of Columbia and 4 United States (US) territories . By the time she arrived back in the intensive care unit (ICU), she learned of her error and immediately reported it and completed an event report. A description of any final board disciplinary actions within the most recent ten (10) years, which actions shall include final board action as defined by 4-5-314, and reprimand action taken pursuant to a board practice act; A description of any final disciplinary actions of licensing boards in other states within the most recent ten (10) years; RaDondas criminal trial is scheduled to begin on March 21, 2022. Date of Meeting: May 1, 2023 . Consequences range from moderate to severe, including permanent license revocation and significant fines: In certain areas, such as alleged chart falsification or chart illegibility, the Tennessee Board of Nursing presumes the nursing professional acted with intent. Discipline was defined as a formal action taken by a board of nursing or a court, whereby an APRN received a formal letter of reprimand, a restriction placed on an active license or certification, such as a prohibition against narcotic access, restriction from participating in the multi-state licensure compact, suspension with or without a stay, Drug prescription errors, while serious events are not necessarily intentional. A payment in settlement of a medical malpractice action or claim should not be construed as creating a presumption that medical malpractice has occurred. (Pending malpractice claims shall not be disclosed by a board to the public. You must be logged in to view and download this document. If it was a choice to not read the front of the label, at worse, it would be an at-risk behavior since most decisions are made on the fly in the subconscious, without the risk monitor firing.
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