the pacific gunny haney breaks down
The Marine Captain probably never even knew he got hit, and was dead before gravity had fully reversed Haldanes five-inch head lift. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Contents 1 Guadalcanal / Leckie 2 Basilone 3 Melbourne 4 Gloucester / Pavuvu / Banika 5 Peleliu Landing 6 Peleliu Airfleld . Reach up, grab what you want. I can arrange for a Purple Heart. "Aren't we lucky that we had Captain Haldane? You can follow her on Twitter @HSW3K, The Pacific Cast Guide: What Each Character Looks Like In Real Life, What Band Of Brothers Leaves Out About The True Story, Band Of Brothers: Where To Spot Tom Hanks' Cameo, Band Of Brothers: What Happened To Winters & The Rest Of Easy Company, Jeffrey Dean Morgan Plays The Perfect Supe In The Boys Season 4 Fan Art, Kirk's Other Star Trek Ship Is More Important Than You Think, Sweet Tooth Season 2 Breaks A Brutal Show Rule We Never Expected. Founded by Antnio Macheve Jr., the designer brand gives the international gentleman the opportunity to express himself and build a sense of personal style through aesthetically fine garments, accessories and visual concepts. [30], In 2010, Haney was portrayed by actor Gary Sweet in three episodes of the HBO miniseries The Pacific. Daniels to report to a unspecified OP, (Observation Post - used as a means to keep eyes on the enemy and ensure the main unit is informed of a impending attack or enemy movement), only to be stopped by Ack Ack, who knows that Daniels has lost it. . Stay the fuck down! A boot commissioned officer is beasted on by a senior enlisted.Scene from the HBO TV miniseries, "The Pacific" Part 5 - "Peleliu Landing"http://www.hbo.com/t. - What's your name? HBO's World War II miniseries The Pacific followsthe 1st Marine Division across campaigns against the Japanese forces occupying the islands of the Pacific Ocean. In Helmet For My Pillow, Leckierecalled that the bodies attracted large numbers of crocodiles to the Tenaru River, and the reptiles became unlikely allies for the Marines. "What happened, Sledge? Henry "Hank" Boyes. Remember that scene in the Pacific when Gunny Haney was practicing bayonet drills while Kilo 3/5 was staging for the Peleliu Invasion? I am starting to see that Sledge is becoming even more cautious with his surroundings. 1. and he breaks down in tears as Sledge comforts him. ARC ID: 922159. He attended the Chillicothe Business College. But while the rain shower scene was representative of Gunny Haney's belief in the importance of getting clean at any opportunity, The Pacific leaves out an eye-watering anecdote from Sledge's book. and one of the oldest in the 5th Marines. Snafu in general borders between this and, In Part 7, Jay De L'Eau sits down by a cave entrance to take care of his business. As company commander of the K/3/5 Marines, he had begun showing his leadership abilities as a Lieutenant way back on Guadalcanal. Captain Andrew "Ack Ack" Haldane was the commanding officer of King Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines AKA K/3/5 at the time of the Battle of Peleliu. Current Projects. He was in the US Marines in 1918 assigned to the MGB . He died January 31, 1979 in Fayetteville, Arkansas and was buried in Benton County Memorial Cemetery, Rogers, Arkansas. Ajax break- down 8 September 66 28 Sep 66 3 October 66 . Come on, I'll show you around, find you another tent. Posted on May 10, 2010 by BobKat. They are soon forced to move on, and Sledge is repulsed to see Snafu passing time by tossing pebbles into a Japanese corpse's open skull. Come on, move! Similarly, cardboard cut-out ubermarine Gunny Haney, a man made for war (much like Spiers) is completely broken by it. While taking a rest at the Airfield, Haney can be seen quietly reciting the words to a speech Haldane gives to Eugene about taking the opportunity to rest and refill water whenever possible. The gunny's right. He was the grandson of Henry Haney a confederate veteran. Even with new "draftees" on their team, the company was still very small and had to strive their way carefully through the war. Elmo "Gunny" Haney; Sid Phillips; Original Characters; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Fluff; . Leyden is injured when a grenade goes off close to his face, and Sledge kills two soldiers up close with his bayonet when they attack him. Also given room to breathe this week were Sgt 'Gunny' Haney and Captain Haldane. the pacific gunny haney breaks downcan you time travel back to celestecan you time travel back to celeste Sergeant Elmo "Gunny" Haney is one of the "old breed" referred to in the title of Sledge's book; an older Marine who had first enlisted during World War I.In The Pacific his eccentricities make him a memorable character. After the assault, Haney tries to get a fatigued Pvt. Every soldier or marines the series shows to have mentally broken down is based on real events. Diamond, who died in 1951, represents a legend, which inscribed a colorful chapter in Marine Corps tradition and history. He was adopted by a young couple and grew up in Warradale, South Australia, and attended Brighton High School in Adelaide.He was also named after his neighbours son. The same can be said by the way looting is depicted by both series. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. NOTE: The author humbly requests you ignore the blatant abuse of the actual timeline of K35's officers and the dates of their commissions and any other glaring mistakes in regard to how the Pacific military campaign actually went down. (chuckles) All right, enough with the sunbathing. In a particularly gut-wrenching scene, Japanese soldiers run en masse directly into machine gun fire and are helplessly cut down, leaving their bodies piled high in the water and on the beach. Gentle-natured, fragile PFC Eugene Sledge arrives on rats and crabs-infested Pavuvu fresh from boot-camp, where hazing-minded Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton gives him a rude welcome to the mortar unit, which . I can't go home from the war empty-handed. Jap fuckers poisoned it. In the 7 episode of the mini series the pacific the marines find thenselves in a war were frendly's are killed by accident Jones: You, let's go. - Over there is chow - Man: Move it! An enraged Haney then picks up some bullet shells from an ammunition box and tosses it in the bewildered mans face. 'I thought you knew it was me,' he said weakly. The landings on Guadalcanal are built up to be a Saving Private Ryan-esque moment, with the Marines embarking a landing craft while warships fire at targets inland and planes buzz overhead. Come on, move! Kipling. Summaries. He attended Bentonville Church of Christ and was where he lived for 30 years until his death. XIPXI means cat in the ronga language from Southern Mozambique. Close-ups of the men are shown steeling themselves for a hard landing and the ramp swings down to reveal other Marines lounging on the beach and sarcastically welcoming them to Guadalcanal, as the initial landings there were relatively unopposed. He is then seen training Sledge and others in a firing range. Haldane consoles him by saying that Hillbilly did what he needed to do. 'preciate the thought, but, ain't no dog going to make me sleep safe at night. In The Pacific there is a character, Sgt. Hillbilly, Burgin, and two others attempt to hold the man down so a corpsman can stick him with morphine but cannot hold him down. Gary Sweet, Actor: Police Rescue. I am starting to see that Sledge is becoming even more cautious with his surroundings. Let's go. The ball, less than halfway down the ramp collapsed into thousands of individual pieces. Other than our main three protagonists, interesting characters like Haney, "Runner", Captain Chesty, Captain Andrew Haldane and Snafu added so many layers to the story line. In We Were Soldiers there was a similar character, Sgt. Joe works to shoot down planes. At the airfield assault, Haney was among the men ordered to take out a building filled with Japanese soldiers. 25 Februar 1966: Departed San Diego, California for Western Pacific. Elmo "Gunny" Haney was an NCO and one of the oldest in the 5th Marines. I keep them in my ass. Sid explained that they were great friends, so Ack Ack and Hillbilly left them alone. I'll take it. Obviously not every NCO can get away with what Haney did, but it sounds like you're really trying to grasp for a reason to be offended by the scene as being *unrealistic*. HBO 2010314. BTW, just wait til you get a load of Gunny Sgt Elmo Haney, a true "Old Breed". He married Ethel Taletha Tirey in 1949. For example, I was always wondering what crazy amoral act Snafu was going to commit next, perhaps what speech Chesty or Haldane may do, or what old school Marine . In one scene he strips off and gets out a bar of soap to take advantage of a brief rain shower, and in another he claims he is better at detecting enemy soldiers than the war dogs before emphasizing his point with a "woof!" With strange elements sucking unsuspecting kids' souls, secret doors, tensed protagonists, and annoying girls, Say Cheese and Die and Let's Get Invisible are practically the same book. His Gunnery Sergeant starts yelling at him: "Tojo and Fuck Face!" Son of a bitch always said he was first. ; For my Muccamukk <3 . Let's go, move out. "Tojo and Fuckface", as shown here. heads, King company skipper, Captain Haldane. He died January 31, 1979 in Fayetteville, Arkansas and was buried in Benton County Memorial Cemetery, Rogers, Arkansas. Lock it in there. And who knows what he could have become? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Pacific doesn't shy away from showing the ill-treatment of the bodies of Japanese soldiers, including a particularly gut-wrenching scene in which Merriell "Snafu" Shelton idly throws pebbles into the open skull of a dead Japanese gunner. Water is in short supply and the stifling heat takes control on Peleliu as Leckie is wounded and evacuated. Although a Platoon Sergeant, by rank, his billet in the company is likely Company Gunnery Sargent, leading to the title "Gunny. In The Pacific, Sgt. He and his companions . Come on. Based primarily on Robert Leckie's memoir Helmet For My Pillow and Eugene B. Sledge'sbookWith the Old Breed, The Pacificstrives to depict the grim reality of warfare in the Pacific Theater as accurately as possible. What a bad mother fucker : r/USMC. Sweet's first role was in low-budget horror film Nightmares.In the early 1980s, he became recognisable through the . And a huge thank you to roaroftheninth for a most excellent beta job.. Gunny. You might catch them back down at the docks. Despite their efforts, first Lieutenant Jones is killed, and Haldane is saddened by the loss of his friend.De L'Eau observes that even the tough Gunny is starting to crack, declaring that he no longer cares if he himself dies as long as it is quick, and he breaks down in tears as Sledge comforts him. from Part 1 to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You". By contrast, The Pacific is split between three mostly separate storylines that follow the journeys of three Marines who fought in the Pacific Theater: Leckie, Sledge, and the highly-decorated celebrity war hero John Basilone, who was the face of U.S. war bonds tours before returning toactive duty and being killed in the Battle of Iwo Jima. Elmo 'Gunny' Haney, who appears to be in his late 50s. You're gonna drown in that hole without a . Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, Record Group 127; National Archives in Washington, D.C. Last edited on 29 December 2022, at 10:15, With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa, "Salute: The Real Old BreedElmo "Pop" Haney", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elmo_M._Haney&oldid=1130264498, This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 10:15. Somewhere, a Japanese sniper must have sighted that precise piece of real estate just as Haldane raised his head for that brief instant. In The Pacific there is a character, Sgt. "Ack-Ack" Haldane/Edward "Hillbilly" Jones . According to reports, one Japanese pilot realized a dive bomber's dream by dropping a bomb down one of Arizona's stacks.2 A tremendous "Ack-Ack" Haldane/Edward "Hillbilly" Jones . I don't think so. Ack Ack was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on Aug. 22, 1917, the son of Scottish immigrants Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Haldane. I hear about this stuff, and I am expecting 'The Pacific' to help me feel the experience of it. This miniseries focuses on the experiences of US Marines fighting in the Pacific Theater of World War II and is primarily based on the memoirs of Robert Leckie and Eugene Sledge. Shit. Stay with me! Eugene Sledge is still in the thick of battle as the troops assault the enemy fortress in the cliffs of Peleliu. NOTE: The author humbly requests you ignore the blatant abuse of the actual timeline of K35's officers and the dates of their commissions and any other glaring mistakes in regard to how the Pacific military campaign actually went down. There's a gook squad off the the right! the pacific gunny haney breaks down. Bloody Nose Ridge Hillbilly dead This was during World War 2, where a new 2nd LT only has about as much experience as the privates under his command. He didn't want to handle some forensic guy following him around as he tried to do his work. As documented by both Sledge and Leckie in their memoirs, "souvenir-hunting"became a standardpart of the battle aftermath, with Marines pulling gold teeth from corpses and looting their bodies for weapons and flags. In Part 2, Leckie steals some canned peaches for the squad. All officers are different in their own ways and respect should be given based on the individual's merits, work ethics, talents, ect., and not his/her commission or where/how they received it. Stay with me! GySgt. Robert Leckie paid a steep entry fee for joining the Marines. This callous sadism did not impress the veteran Marines who had beenon active duty in the war for months or years, and who were too worn down to see any entertainment or novelty in the desecration of the dead. Provo, Utah, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. [:D] first squad here! HBO 2010314. In Part 1, a brief bit of downtime lets the Marines enjoy some letters from home. On another such occasion, not shown in The Pacific, Sledge came extremely close to shooting his friend Jay De L'Eau after he failed to use a password or otherwise identify himself in the dark. Haldane: Hillbilly. GySgt. Ethel Haney died in 1972. Was gunny Haney real? Oh, Jesus! Produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks as the Spiritual Successor to Band of Brothers and/or Thin Red Line, The Pacific is a ten-part miniseries that premiered on HBO beginning on March 14, 2010. He was the grandson of Henry Haney a confederate veteran. He was in the US Marines in 1918 assigned to the MGB (Machine Gun Battalion) stationed at Quantico Virginia. All right, here it is. Took it with him from Guadalcanal all the way to Peleliu. Hanging. [:D] He's not that shy Southern boy from Mobile, Alabama anymore, but is a full-fledged man exposed to the bitter realities of war. Days later, the men are sitting on a beach with their shirts off. Captain Haldane, who was standing next to the officer in question, flatly tells the lieutenant being screamed at that Haney's right. Eugene Sledge is still in the thick of battle as the troops assault the enemy fortress in the cliffs of Peleliu. Come on, move! Yeah. Reach up, grab what you want. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. More than sixty years later, Sergeant Dick Higgins, Haldanes aide and runner, still wrestled with the anguish that swept through K/3/5 that day. ; For my Muccamukk <3 . It was at Bowdoin College in Maine where he developed leadership skills as captain of the football and baseball teams. Ack Ack is later seen leading Sledge and other motarmen in the squad to clear out a partially destroyed building. [11], After teaching school in Arkansas for four years,[12] Haney re-enlisted in the Marine Corps on October 22, 1927 at San Diego, California. This is regarded by the others as an omen, because if someone like Gunny could crack, they have no chance. This insistence on Marinesbeing circumcised wasan attempt to avoid infections like balanoposthitis, which ran rampant due to the difficulty of maintaining personal hygiene in thewar-torn terrains of North Africa and the Pacific Islands, and had led tosignificantnumbers of men being removed from active duty. Elmo "Gunny" Haney in charge of the squad while he tries to find the others. [13] By 1930, he was stationed in Shanghai and played in the outfield for the 4th Marine Regiment baseball team. One of the Marines was shot last night in friendly fire as he climbed out of his fox hole. The brand is set to celebrate African heritage with a touch of bespoke tailoring and modern design for gentlemen. The team re-created the sphere with 1,000,000 bricks, and 2 weeks of hard work. Let's go. The Pacific Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He lacked many of the traits of a stereotypical Drill-Instructor. Son of a bitch always said he was first. Part Seven is the 7th episode of the HBO miniseries, The Pacific, which centers entirely around Eugene Sledge, and is about Eugene Sledge's unit fighting in the Bloody Nose Ridge. first squad here! He comes across a machine gun bamboo nest among the opposing hills that open fire. Both of them describe in their memoirs coming across dead Marines whose genitals had been cut off and put into their mouths, as an act of posthumous humiliation. Elmo "Gunny" Haney (17) Edward "Hillbilly" Jones (15) Andrew A. Arkansas Native Never stand when you can sit. Set up the mortar base plate too! Time magazine's James Poniewozik named it one of the Top 10 TV Series of 2010, and it also received an 8.3 on IMDb. There's plenty, boys. Haldane consoles him by saying that Hillbilly did what he needed to do. The show alsoleaves out some of the more sadistic practices of Lieutenant Robert "Mac" MacKenzie (played by Ashley Zukerman in The Pacific). Peleliu is six miles long and about two miles wide. He froze at one time, but then Ack Ack came by and got Sledge on his feet. He served as president of the student council and was also well-liked by classmates, winning the Wooden Spoon an honor bestowed upon the most popular student on campus. Stay the fuck down! 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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . In the chaos and uncertainty of active battlefields, friendly fire was all but inevitable. During the training scenes, he strips down while the rain is pouring, and proceeds to scrub his privates with a shoebrush! The Pacific (TV miniseries) The Pacific is an HBO miniseries detailing the exploits of the men of the 1st Marine Division. Search first posts only Answer (1 of 21): Band of Brothers is definitely less violent and more light hearted than The Pacific but they both deliver in terms of drama, action and spirit. CO's got our orders! Elmo "Gunny" Haney; Hamm (The Pacific) Bill Leyden; Tony Peck; Historical; . In the morning, the men enjoy a rare moment of levity after De L . Monique Ming Laven Husband, 3. Also, his views weren't easily venerated, for he was nothing like Ack Ack, Hillbilly or Gunny Haney. He was nicknamed "Gunny" for Gunnery Sergeant yet he was promoted to Gy. Elmo 'Gunny' Haney, who appears to be in his late 50s. Ack Ack later leads the Marines in his unit through the Bloody Nose Ridge. Although Haney held the rank of platoon sergeant, he was not assigned to any specific sub-unit, serving as a roving senior combat leader in the company. The Mexican engineers called it "El Poderoso Seis Noventa" (The Powerful 690). This was during World War 2, where a new 2nd LT only has about as much experience as the privates under his command. While waiting the night out, he pays a visit to Sledge, Leyden, Snafu, Burgin and De L'Eau, saying that he doesn't think a dog can "smell a Jap before he does." The equally nauseated CO just mumbles "company dismissed" in response. The very next day starts with the ridiculously hungover marines awakened with a reveille and summoned to morning roll call, and one of them awesomely faceplants onto the ground. Yeah, they're coming from. He feels Hillbilly's pleading stare on him as he walks back to his position and knows the kid is being eaten up alive with guilt. One of the Marines was shot last night in friendly fire as he climbed out of his fox hole. I intended this video to be interpreted as a harmless piece of humor, and not as a mockery towards young officers. The Mighty 690 was the last, big Top-40 "blast" on AM in California's Southland. From Episode 5, it starts raining and Gunny Haney decides to take a shower outside. the pacific gunny haney breaks down 27 Jun. I can't go home from the war empty-handed. The Pacific 10. Microfilm Publication T1118, 123 rolls. He is one of the marines to command Eugene Sledge's unit Elmo M Haney was born in 1898 in Magazine, Logan County, Arkansas to Albert S. and Mary Haney. Hanging. . Basilone's fame keeps him in the U.S. selling war bonds, Leckie rejoins his company, and Sledge is reunited with Phillips in Pavuvu. the pacific gunny haney breaks downjogging in the park logic grid answer key. Haney: Part of it. I don't want to sound cliche, but I think he's the best that we produced. He later headed on into "The Hills," where they encounter a couple of Japanese Nambu Machine guns. It wasn't just because he was an old salt, that shit worked in WW1, it worked in WW2, and it'll work again. . Elmo Haney, who scrubbed his genitals with a bristle brush and cleaned his M1 and bayonet three times daily, Sledge concludes, "Despite his personal idiosyncrasies, Haney inspired us youngsters in Company K. He provided us with a direct link to the 'Old Corps'. Because of the enormity of the task, there were entire companies of soldiers whose soleassignment was to collect bodies, attempt to identify them, and bury them with as much dignity as possible under the circumstances. "The Pacific" opened with two episodes packed with action and tension, then took a break in Part Three for the extended stay in Melbourne, then went claustrophobic with a Part Four more concerned . Ack Ack is later seen leading the other Marines through the airfield where Sledge witnesses the death of fellow replacement, Pfc. "The Pacific" opened with two episodes packed with action and tension, then took a break in Part Three for the extended stay in Melbourne, then went claustrophobic with a Part Four more concerned . Was gunny Haney real? * ''Awh, shit!'' At the Battle of Peleliu, Haney rallied his Marines as they got bogged down and kept them moving forward. Can Customers Bring Alcohol To Restaurant, Second platoon LP. He was listed in the 1900, 1910, and 1920 censuses. When the sunrise comes, hidden beneath a pall of rain, Haney drapes Kimball's woobie over his sad, broken body and can't look the Lieutenant in the eye. A boot commissioned officer is beasted on by a senior enlisted.Scene from the HBO TV miniseries, "The Pacific" Part 5 - "Peleliu Landing"http://www.hbo.com/t. Jones: You, let's go. Except, I actually liked Say Cheese and Die.When I first grabbed Let's Get Invisible off my shelf, I thought I was actually going to enjoy it. The Pacific is the 2010 WWII HBO miniseries produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, who previously collaborated on the acclaimed Band of Brothers. What a bad mother fucker. Lock it in there. Eugene Sledge. Burgin, who was right next to him when he was killed, said that to this day, he still wishes it was he who died instead of Capt. Let's go. He was listed in the 1900, 1910, and 1920 censuses. Well, I think the transition from the conventional fighter mission of just dropping conventional weapons and air-to-air gunnery. Set up the mortar base plate too! He then asks Sledge if he can pour his Mortar fire on the Japanese if they attack. Where'd you get this, Hammer? All right, here it is. I really think I have to write down the most humorous scenes, most of which include Snafu. Gunny Haney, Gunny Basilone, and Eddie made gas lamps, and looking at the seagoing marines teaching the younger boys the ropes, Andy couldn't imagine doing this, surviving this without his men. It tells the story of the 1st Marines in the Pacific Theater through the eyes of three men: Robert "Lucky" Leckie, Eugene "Sledgehammer" Sledge, and John Basilone. Fortunately, he called out before firing and De L'Eau identified himself. By October 1918, he had been assigned to the 2nd Separate Machine Gun Battalion at Quantico. Cu alii malis albucius duo, in eam ferri dolores periculis. Bill Leyden, and Pfc. Hey. I need Daniels here. He set out for training just a few days after his sutures were removed, and his memoir opens with the detail that "I could feel the wound in my lower regions, still fresh, still sore." Always good. No enemy, we thought, would dare to swim the river with them in it; nor would he succeed if he dared. Contents 1 Guadalcanal / Leckie 2 Basilone 3 Melbourne 4 Gloucester / Pavuvu / Banika 5 Peleliu Landing 6 Peleliu Airfleld Elmo "Gunny" Haney (whom has a veteran from World War I) break down after days of intense combat in Peleliu Hills. While a corpsman was attending to a Marine whose arm had been wounded on the battlefield, the Marine assisting him slipped while cutting the wounded man free from his pack. That night, Sledge confides his fear to Ack Ack in a heartfelt talk with the Skipper, who tells him that every day, he tries to think of a good cause for the war that they were currently fighting, before he leaves. He aimed his pistol at the soldier's head with his finger on the trigger, readying to release the safety. Both in the office and after he requests a transfer back to combat duty post-9/11. Related:What Band Of Brothers Leaves Out About The True Story, The first major clashdepicted in The Pacific is the Battle of the Tenaru on Guadalcanal, where the Japanese lost a total of 24,000 men. Mythbusters pulled one. Haney: Next relay! Also, his views weren't easily venerated, for he was nothing like Ack Ack, Hillbilly or Gunny Haney. I gotta get me a Jap sword. Pops. Burgin tells him that it was recently checked, but Sledge turns out to be right, and they aggressively attempt to clear it out with rifles and grenades. The same can be said by the way looting is depicted by both series. John Basilone fits this trope, but not as much as badass Sgt. Soon Lieutenant Thomas "Stumpy" Stanley took over and led the company through the rest of the battle and later on Okinawa until he came down with malaria. In October 1944, Sledge and the rest of K Company continue fighting for their lives on Peleliu, and the endless carnage begins to take its toll on everyone, with Sledge eventually taking up smoking despite his earlier refusal. Gunnery Sgt. Notes: For Muccamukk. "They seemed to promenade the Tenaru daily. He settled to Bentonville, Arkansas and in 1949 married Ethel Taletha Tirey. According to Sledge, this actually happened. Sledge states that he appeared where he was needed and saw to it that what needed to be done was done.