texas pre k guidelines checklist
The State of Texas provides free prekindergarten for eligible children at least three years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year (if a three-year-old program is available) or four years of age on or before September 1. The Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines were revised to align with the Kindergarten Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), condense content, include inclusive language of multi-lingual learners and special populations, eliminate errors and ambiguity, and to meet section 508 accessibility compliance. This barrier is higher for individuals experiencing IPV, as victims are less likely to have insurance coverage [31]. Simply complete the 3 steps within the calculator spreadsheet to see the estimated additional revenue that can be received. This has already been observed in Texas following their initial restrictions on abortion in 2018 [30]. 2. Rather, they are meant to serve as a resource for families, educators, and administrators to provide developmentally appropriate guidance and practices around young childrens development and learning in the prekindergarten environment. May 8, 2023 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. CST The Council embarked on a two-year process to develop the guidelines through a collaborative process involving many different types of experts and participants in early childhood services in the state. Please always feel free to reach out to PositivelyPippin@gmail.com with questions or suggestions. These milestone checklists can be used by parents and teachers of children from birth to 48 months of age. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Five different antiepileptic drugs were examined. Teachers use text of their choice. View Standards. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Its your right and you will learn a lot about how the program works. Assets and debts Two to three months' worth of statements for all. You can make a change. Teachers will be able to earn continuing professional education (CPE) credits or child care licensing clock hours for completing the training. Big Futures. started as a project of the Texas Early Learning Council, as part of its promise to bring new, voluntary, infant, toddler, and three-year-old early learning guidelines to Texas. Ask the teacher, the director, or administrator about safety. This page provides information to help you better understand the public programs and resources that support early childhood education. Note dates TEKS were covered, keep data on individual students, or use as a quick reference throughout the year. High-Quality PK Student Progress Monitoring, Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE), Bilingual Education Exception and ESL Waiver, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), Counseling, Advising, and Student Supports, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Texas College and Career Readiness School Models, TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Review and Revision, Graduation Reports - PEIMS Standard Reports, Highly Mobile and At Risk Student Programs, Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas, Annual Financial and Compliance Reports (AFRs), Middle School, High School, and College Preparation Initiatives, Reading, Math, Science, and Technology Initiatives, Comprehensive Report on Texas Public Schools, Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Reports and Data, Assessments for Emergent Bilingual Students, Assessments for Students with Disabilities, State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR), Certificate and Transcript Search Information, Steps to Earn a Certificate of High School Equivalency, Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Overview, Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System, Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System, Disciplinary Actions taken against Texas Educators, Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation FAQ, Blended Learning Professional Development Opportunity, Evaluation of Educator Preparation Programs by Teachers. Read each item and evaluate whether a behavior is: Emerging Developing assistance Proficient the child never or rarely demonstrates the behavior Select criteria from the menus below to view the standards. Keep track of the TEKS you have taught using the handy columns provided. the federal educating department / the university a the state of novel nyk / albany, ny 12234 2022-02-14 20:34:02 Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 1 - Knowledge Test The purpose of this checklist The pre-assessment checklist helps students . If a child receives the first dose of Hib vaccine at 12 - 14 months of age, only one additional dose is required (two doses total). Texas Early Childhood Special Education (Ages 3-5) Texas Special Education (K-12) Parent Resources: Special Education 101; . Austin, Texas 78701-1401 I have 2 little kids-9 months and 3 years, pregnant with my third.. my 3 year old is starting preschool soon and just the thought of this is bringing tears down my face we're not safe anywhere not at the grocery store, church, school this can happen anywhere anytime.. this is an absolute tragedy Child outcomes in people, past, and present skills, economic skills, geography, and citizenship. Classroom Environment Checklist: Pre-K - Texas Rising Star Classroom Environment Checklist: Pre-K Pages #7906 (no title) About Texas Rising Star About TWC Certification Levels FAQ Quality Improvement Texas Rising Star Certification Guidelines Contact Us CSS Test Digital Resource Collection Colorn colorado! Contact your local school district or campus to find out what programs they offer. The skills on the NEISD Prekindergarten Checklist reflect the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines for each subject. Download A Parents Guide to Choosing Care. It is a short read, but worth your time! The final guidelines were reviewed and approved by hundreds of state and national leaders, and they are endorsed by the Texas Pediatric Society. Cal OSHA Guidelines for Workplace Security. For questions about the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines trainings, contact cliengage@uth.tmc.edu. Providing excellent customer service while . The Stakeholders separated their work into three key areas: Stakeholders formed small groups that focused on each area. High-Quality PK Data Reporting. If you arent already logged in, this link will take you to the CLI Engage login screen then direct you straight to the course. The new guidelines offer educators the information and support to prepare all children for success in Kindergarten. Thank you for checking out my store! If you have some time, drop in to the program during the day. I looked all over and cannot find anything like this! We are now collaborating on updates to the course series to align with the 2022 changes. The Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines are available for download in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Copyright 2007-2022 Texas Education Agency (TEA). 1701 North Congress Avenue Children's Learning Institute at UTHealth Houston | 7000 Fannin Street, Suite 2300 | Houston, Texas 77030. Infant, Toddler, & Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines & Training; Texas Prekindergarten Guideline Training; TX Core Competencies for Practitioners and Admins Training; Beginnen Education: Early Childcare per Home; Workforce Registry for TRS; ECE Professional Micro-Credentials; Family Engagement Professional Developer; Daily & Materials The intended use of the guidelines is to provide guidance for planning quality learning experiences for children three to five years of age. Video commentary guides the viewer in what to look for. Perfect principal resource. Big Futures. Learn about the different areas of child development, what skills your child should be gaining, and talk to your childs teacher about how you both can work together to make sure your child gets support in the classroom and at home. Talk to some of the other parents, are there ways you can all support your childs program? These Pre-K through 12 grade TEKS checklists are perfect for the savvy Texas teacher! The funds committed to health have been rising in recent years globally. More information can be found for, Contact your local school district or campus, Early Childhood Education Family Resources. The Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines are: In addition, the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines are not intended to be used as a curriculum, assessment tool or checklist. SUMMARY: This final rule includes payment parameters and provisions related to the HHS-operated risk adjustment and risk adjustment data validation programs, as well as 2024 user fee rates for issuers offering qualified health plans . The State of Texas provides free prekindergarten for eligible children at least three years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year (if a three-year-old program is available) or four years of age on or before September 1. Measures social studies topics addressed in the Texas Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines: self, family, and community; people and the environment; and history and events. [Federal Register Volume 88, Number 81 (Thursday, April 27, 2023)] [Rules and Regulations] [Pages 25740-25923] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 2023-08368] [[Page 25739]] Vol. 81 April 27, 2023 Part II Department of Health and Human Services ----- 45 CFR Parts 153, 155, and 156 Patient Protection and Affordable . Copyright 2007-2022 Texas Education Agency (TEA). Build some relationships and work together. | return to top, UTHealth Houston | Campus Carry | Emergency Information, Dan L Duncan Childrens Neurodevelopmental Clinic, DAN L DUNCAN CHILDRENS NEURODEVELOPMENTAL CLINIC, The Duncan Clinic is part of UT PHYSICIANS, Module 2: Early Physical Health and Motor Development (2 hours), Module 3: Early Social and Emotional Development (2 hours), Module 4: Early Language and Communication Development (2 hours), Module 5: Early Cognitive Development (2 hours). Looking for training on the Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines? Of course you cant always be there, otherwise you wouldnt need care. Creation of the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines trainings was a collaborative effort between the Texas Education Agency and the Childrens Learning Institute at UTHealth. The updated guidelines will be implemented beginning with the 2016-2017 school year. Do the toys and learning tools seem clean and new? A surge in unsupervised abortions The Checklist includes Social and Emotional Development, Language Subjects: For All Subject Areas Grades: PreK Types: Teacher Manuals, Homeschool Curricula, Syllabi Also included in: TEKS Checklist District Bundle Pre-K - 12th Grade (6 Weeks Checks) $3.00 4.8 (10) PDF Add to cart Wish List Texas PreK (2015) Guidelines Created by Kristine White Directions: Child is given a total of 60 seconds to identify letters that appear on the screen. Texas University Directory Search Tool, TECPDS Professional Development Self-Assessments: Practitioners, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Core Competency Area 1: Establishing and Maintaining an Effective Organization, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Core Competency Area 2: Business and Operations Management, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Core Competency Area 3: Human Resource Leadership and Development, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Core Competency Area 4: Maintaining a Healthy and Safe Environment, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Core Competency Area 5: Implementing a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and Environment, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Core Competency Area 6: Instituting Family and Community-Centered Programming, Texas Core Competencies Administrator Training Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Administrators Training: Introduction, Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Practitioners and Administrators, Texas Core Competencies for Practitioners and Administrators, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 1: Child Growth and Development, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 2: Responsive Interactions and Guidance, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 3: Learning Environments, Planning Framework, Curriculum, and Standards, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 4: Supporting Skill Development, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 5: Observation and Assessment, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 6: Diversity and Dual Language Learners, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 7: Family and Community Relationships, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 8: Health, Safety, and Nutrition, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Core Competency Area 9: Professionalism and Ethics, Texas Core Competencies Practitioner Training Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Practitioners: Introduction, Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Guidelines Training Module 2: Early Physical Health & Motor Development, Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Guidelines Training Module 3: Early Social and Emotional Development, Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Guidelines Training Module 4: Early Language & Communication Development, Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Guidelines Training Module 4: Language and Communication Development Suggested Reading for Infants and Toddlers (Handout), Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Guidelines Training Module 5: Early Cognitive Development, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 1: Social and Emotional Development, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 10: Technology, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 2: Language and Communication, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 3: Emergent Literacy Reading, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 4: Emergent Literacy Writing, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 5: Mathematics, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 6: Science, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 7: Social Studies, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 8: Fine Arts, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Domain 9: Physical Development, Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Intro to Texas PKG: School Readiness in PreK Classrooms, Understanding Your Childs Assessment Results, Use Praise to Encourage Positive Behavior (Infant), Use Praise to Encourage Positive Behavior (Toddler), Using Pre-K Family Engagement Resources on CLI Engage, Written Expression Scaffolding (Exemplar 1), Written Expression Scaffolding (Exemplar 2), Written Expression Scaffolding (Exemplar 3), Child Care and Early Learning Program Frequently Asked Questions, Child Care and Early Learning Program Resources, Texas Rising Star Continuous Quality Improvement, Texas Rising Star Screening Form Report Statewide, Find a Texas Rising Star-Certified Program, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Entry Level Designation. With help from ZERO TO THREE, an organization committed to helping professionals, policymakers, and parents improve the lives of infants and toddlers, the stakeholders developed a vision, mission, guiding principles, and strategic plan for their work. The ITELG were created to move Texas forward in ensuring that all children have the high-quality early experiences needed for optimal brain development. We offer dent repair, hail damage repairs, ding removal, windshield replacement, and more. New CCS providers and current CCS providers who are not Texas Rising Star certified must meet the minimum quality . In 2013 SHOT recommended use of a pre-transfusion checklist, but only 33.3% of reporters stated they had implemented this in their clinical setting. Observation-Based Assessments Social & Emotional Development Instructions: Please consider your observations of children's behaviors within the classroom and school to complete this checklist. Registration Link, Other Resources TEA is pleased to share a new resource for early childhood staff across Texas online professional development on the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (updated 2015). Casino Online Mais Seguro Em Brasil: A vitria mxima notvel, porm, com o jogo expelindo um potencial de 50,000 x sua aposta total ; Truques Por Roleta Em Brasil 2023 - O dealer ao vivo lhe entrega duas cartas quando o jogo comea, e voc pode jogar com elas ou pedir mais ; Ganhar Bacar Brasileiro Sempre 2023: O retorno terico . High-Quality PK Family Engagement. (512)936-9363. General Age Educationally Disadvantaged English Learner/ Emergent Bilingual Foster Care Military or Armed Services Homelessness Star of Texas Award Prekindergarten Program FAQ Click on a topic below to see the related questions and answers. It is our goal and mission to build a life-long client relationship and friendship by providing you with the best car buying and servicing experience possible. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. About CIRCLE Pre-K Curriculum You will make the best possible choice for you and your child if you have strong knowledge of what you should expect when you are shopping around for care. The new Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (PKG) trainings provide a total of 23 CPE hours through the 11 courses, an introduction and one course per PKG domain. 1 A complete Hib series is two doses plus a booster dose on or after 12 months of age (three doses total). Search Visit CLI Engage to learn more about the trainings, view video introductions to each course, and to create a free account for full access to the trainings. Keep track of the TEKS you have taught using the handy columns provided. Offer the teacher help or support. The new Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (PKG) trainings provide a total of 23 CPE hours through the 11 courses, an introduction and one course per PKG domain. Published in 2013, the Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines (ITELG) describe expectations about what children should know (understand) and be able to do (competencies and skills) across domains of learning during specific age ranges, as well as what steps caregivers should take to support healthy development. When you start your search for care, use it to start your search, ask the staff key questions, look for signs of quality, and help guide you through the process. Consequences of restrictive abortion legislation 2.1. For questions about the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines trainings, contact cliegage@uth.tmc.edu. This assessment is given to evaluate a student's ability to identify letters of the alphabet. Childrens Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. High-Quality PK Curriculum. Note dates TEKS were covered, keep data on individual students, or use as a quick reference throughout the year. Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Main Criteria: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie Subject: Early Childhood Education Grade: Ages 3-5 Correlation Options: Show Correlated Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Early Childhood Education Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2015 INDICATOR I.A.2. 1701 North Congress Avenue These Pre-K through 12 grade TEKS checklists are perfect for the savvy Texas teacher! Remember this when thinking about being involved in your childs care. Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Waco VA Medical Center, Waco, TX: Waco, Texas, United States, 76711 : Sponsors and Collaborators. Little Texans. Exchange email addresses or phone numbers and commit to regular communications. Child outcomes in self-concept skills, self-regulation (behavior, emotional, and attention control), relationships with others, and social awareness. Copyright 2023 byThe University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, (UTHealth) Site Policies | Web File Viewing | Webmaster: bang.n.pham@uth.tmc.edu | Last modified on: the suggested order for teaching the content and skills. This assessment will help schools determine whether students have mastered developmental benchmarks as described in the Texas Pre-K Guidelines and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills . Note dates guidelines were covered, keep data on individual students, or use as a quick reference throughout the year. To ensure that the Guidelines were created in a manner that represented the diversity of voices throughout the state, the Council appointed a qualified group of stakeholders to guide and influence their development. While youre there join them for lunch, read a book with them, or help with nap time. When equipped with the ITELG, caregivers can support a childs growth, development, and learning for success in school and life. About CIRCLE Pre-K Core; Adjusts Customizable Behavior; All Ages Daily Scheduled; Allows Time to Responding; An In-Depth Understanding of . Please reference the 2022 Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines-Spanish Translation Crosswalk document for specific changes. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Main results. Texas Rising Star is a quality rating and improvement system for Texas early childhood programs. Some schools offer tuition-based programs for children who are ineligible for free prekindergarten. TEA collaborated with internal and external stakeholders to revise and update the 2015 Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. This checklist is perfect for the savvy Texas Pre-K teacher! The writers went through a process of clarifying meanings amongst themselves, whereby they created shared definitions of domains and domain components. They are divided into age ranges and areas of development: Language, Social-Emotional, Cognitive, Early Literacy, Physical Health & Motor Development. By keeping our overhead low and managing inventory, we are able to sell our cars at prices . At the end of each 9 week grading cycle, the Prekindergarten Checklist will document your child's progress. Bajar las Directivas Completas en Espaol. CLI partnered with the Texas Workforce Commission to provide free, online training designed to assist caregivers in understanding early childhood development and making the most of each day during the early years of growth. Although no two children are expected to follow the exact same pattern of growth, the ITELG are meant to provide an outline of the developmental skills young children are working on at a given stage. The Guidelines contain criteria for director and staff qualifications and training, teacher-child interactions, program administration, family involvement and education, and indoor/outdoor learning environments. to the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (Revised 2015) MEASURE HOW IS THIS ASSESSED? If the answer is no, ask when can we start? and how can I help?. The revised prekindergarten guidelines are aligned with the Kindergarten Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), sequenced to follow child development and give teaching strategies for each of the guidelines. After piloting the project in Texas schools, the Texas Kindergarten Entry Assessment (TX-KEA) will be available to all kindergarten classrooms in August 2017. 1 Between 2000 and 2015, the annual growth rate of healthcare spending was 4.0% while the global economy growth rate was 2.8%. General This document is designed to align each Prekindergarten Guideline to one or more of the three Early Childhood Outcomes, and provide educators and families with discussion prompts to explain how each outcome relates to the Guideline. Each course also provides links to classroom activities to support child skill development in each subdomain, as well as a facilitation guide to support delivery of course content. They are not meant to be used in isolation, or to stifle the creativity of caregivers and educators. CLI Engage houses research-based early learning resources for educators and families of children from birth through kindergarten. Implementation of the 2022 Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines will begin in the 2023-2024 school year. Module 1: ITELG Orientation (2 hours) Module 2: Early Physical Health and Motor Development (2 hours) Module 3: Early Social and Emotional Development (2 hours) Module 4: Early Language and Communication Development (2 hours) When a problem or challenge comes up, stop and think of some solutions or ask for some from the teacher, from your parent partners, or from the director. Ask other parents or caregivers with children in the program how they feel about it. TEKS Checklist District Bundle Pre-K - 12th Grade (9 Weeks Checks). The Checklist includes Social and Emotional Development, Language Subjects: For All Subject Areas Grades: PreK Types: Teacher Manuals, Homeschool Curricula, Syllabi Also included in: TEKS Checklist District Bundle Pre-K - 12th Grade (6 Weeks Checks) $3.00 4.8 (10) PDF Add to cart Wish List Texas PreK (2015) Guidelines Created by Kristine White High-Quality PK Student Progress Monitoring. From this search tool, you will be able to view the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), the Prekindergarten Guidelines, the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, the English Language Proficiency Standards, and the TEA Essence Statements. If self-employed: business and personal income tax returns, signed profit and loss statement, and list of all business debts. Predictions report that spending will increase from US$7.9 trillion in 2017 to $11.0 trillion in 2030. About Texas Rising Star. All Rights Reserved. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? 88 Thursday, No. Each subdomain also links to video lessons in the CIRCLE Activity Collection that support the child skills discussed. The training covers all ten learning domains of the revised 2015 guidelines: Social and Emotional Development Language and Communication Emergent Literacy, Reading Emergent Literacy, Writing Mathematics Science Social Studies Fine Arts Physical Development Technology. 2 Hospital services expenses account for one of the largest shares of total healthcare . About Specialties: Auto Hail Center is a certified paintless dent repair shop in North Eastern Texas. I was given the opportunity to apply for a PreK position, Because I had these, I was able to speak intelligently about the position and what the students need to learn. *These are updated yearly if necessary. All Rights Reserved. Head Start and Early Head Start programs promote the school readiness of preschool-aged children, infants, toddlers, and services for pregnant women. Each course explores the specific end-of-year outcomes for children and instructional strategies to support skill development in each domain. . If your child can't do some of these things, work the new tasks in as part of your everyday experiences. Please always feel free to reach out to PositivelyPippin@gmail.com with questions or suggestions. Book & Print Awareness Measures students' understanding of how print and books function. The new Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines trainings are available for free on the CLI Engage platform. 2022 TX Prekindergarten Guidelines: Comprehensive (English)2022 TX Prekindergarten Guidelines: Comprehensive (Spanish) *updated 4/232022 Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines-Spanish Translation Crosswalk*updated 4/232022 TX Prekindergarten Guidelines: Comprehensive (Vietnamese)2022 TX Prekindergarten Guidelines PK4 Streamlined2022 TX Prekindergarten Guidelines PK3 Streamlined2015-2022 PKG Side-by-Side Comparison PK42015-2022 PKG Side-by-Side Comparison PK3. F417 031 000 Forklift Safety Guide lni wa gov. Here is a checklist that includes skills and behaviors children should exhibit at the preschool age for social and emotional development, language and communication, and emergent literacy- reading domain. Help If you cannot get to the program during the day try to drop off or arrive early some days. Thus, all members provided feedback and comments on the efforts of each small group. Always talk to your child about his or her day in the program, even with infants. The Teaching and Learning Center 9240 County View Rd. Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE), Bilingual Education Exception and ESL Waiver, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), Counseling, Advising, and Student Supports, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Texas College and Career Readiness School Models, TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Review and Revision, Graduation Reports - PEIMS Standard Reports, Highly Mobile and At Risk Student Programs, Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas, Annual Financial and Compliance Reports (AFRs), Middle School, High School, and College Preparation Initiatives, Reading, Math, Science, and Technology Initiatives, Comprehensive Report on Texas Public Schools, Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Reports and Data, Assessments for Students with Disabilities, State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR), Certificate and Transcript Search Information, Steps to Earn a Certificate of High School Equivalency, Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Overview, Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System, Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System, Disciplinary Actions taken against Texas Educators, Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation FAQ, Blended Learning Professional Development Opportunity, Visit CLI Engage to learn more about the trainings, Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Guidelines, Additional information on the Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines, Early Childhood Outcomes and Prekindergarten Guidelines Alignment.
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