stranger things fanfiction max crying
Fuck, Billy, I'm so scared. After seventeen years, Billy still hasnt found a way to please him. Unable to speak, she nods instead. "She was your sister. "I know." "It's okay. However, we don't always get to enjoy some pairings that could have been cute together, so here are 10 Stranger Things Fan Fictions Relationships We Wish Were Real. This leads to him handling and helping more of the campers including Gwen. I know. He says, and his own tears begin to fall as he wraps is arms just a little tighter around Max. These trees were plagued, the same way every other tree, rock, and patch of dirt were. Yet, Max and Lucas still have feelings for each other. However, Steve wasn't a very good boyfriend, which led to Nancy leaving him for Jonathan. Something in his chest collapses as he gasps. aka Mike and Max are depressed loners together, hijinks and romance ensue! ' ' "Holy shit" But when things get to be too much, who will be there to help him. However, when he turned to see Eleven crying in Mike Wheeler's grasp, the latter shedding his own tears, he lost all that was inside him and let out a heart-wrenching wail. Max Mayfield x male!oc Steve began to drive, heading for the cabin where Hopper and Eleven lived. Max misses out on the podium due to a penalty and isn't seen by Kimi until after the celebrations. I know, he says, I know, I know, I know. And f*ck, his voice cracks on those two little words, those two little words bare the weight not just of solidarity, not just of acknowledgment and acceptance, but a confession, one hes buried deep within himself after the only support hes ever known walked out on him at the age of nine. She comes out to Steve as a lesbian in the third season, and in the fourth season, it's apparent she may start dating fellow bandmate, Vicky. Do you understand? Gone. He just cant do that to her anymore, not after that moment they had in his bedroom, not after that moment of self awareness, of clarity. Don't cry, don't raise your eye. What is paradise; That's a hard one, but it's that feeling when they're together, that the world is much more beautiful than it was before." Dustin's adopted sister. She will make new friends, as well as rekindle old frienships all while being thrown into the world of Stranger Things. Not for Susan's kid. Stranger Things | Reader Steve Harrington Nancy Wheeler Mike Wheeler Holly Wheeler | Adventure there was this girl, the most beautiful in the world, she had all the boys in town wrapped around her fingers. Max doesnt know what to do, her life felt as though it was falling apart. She has been back and forth about surviving or dying ever since, but for better or for worse, she is always able to find something worth fighting for. When she climbed into the camaro with him after school and he didnt say a word, she knew she was right. season 2 - The guilt destroyed him as every morning he thought to himself about how things could have gone differently. He knows she isnt insinuating some playground insult, like when you complain to a friend and get a go cry to your mom about it in turn. I don't own any of these memes, I just found them on the internet. A d. Max Mayfield x maleoc! Flustered Eddie Munson. Theyd come and go like thunderstorm, releasing fury and might, and then they were gone. "I hate you" But no matter what he did, Hawkins would just suck him in, and never let him go. I don't want to die", "You aren't dying Max," Billy cried, holding her close. And this time, the boys believe it and think Eleven is dead too. This mission changes everything. She failed, as she saw his eye's flutter open. Always in the background, she grew up ensuring that everyone else's needs were met besides her own. max whispered, fidgeting with the knobs. You get to hang out with me now isnt that enough? Will asks and Dustin laughs again. In the first season, Hopper helps Joyce find Will, and from then on, the two characters have worked together to save their children and their town from the Upside Down monsters. in which mike wheeler Life makes survivors of unimaginable horrors yet gives no tools by which survivors can piece themselves together again. Everything was going well until the disa Seventeen-year-old Lena Romanoff was doing okay Well, as okay as anyone could be after living in boring, small-town Hawkins, Indiana for the past six years. your lips, my lips The town of secrets. There was a pause for a moment, as Billy processed Steve's words. "Trailer Park Trash". She didnt drink a lot of the stuff -- her mom wouldnt keep it in the house. its to girlfriends in mid 1980s, what could go wrong? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. He'd never forget the way Max saved his life, or Eleven's screams of horror as she watched her best friend collapse to the floor with blood pouring out her chest, the way Mike Wheeler actually cried, when Lucas Sinclair fell to his knees in front of her, or how his step-mother had sobbed as she found out the news. Everything changes between Max and Billy when she bursts into his room one night in complete hysterics, crying with body racking sobs and she throws herself into his bed where he had been casually lounging just seconds before. Completed strangerthings softhenrycreel henrycreel +11 more #8 , .by 49.9K2.4K25 But in the second season, Max arrives, and she and Eleven develop a very cute friendship. Alex wasn't like the others from the Lab he was the most powerful but with many anger issues He was disliked in the lab and escaped when he had th . anyway enjoy!! the link takes you to the permalink page. They get on quite well and have one of the best dynamics in the show. "She was a good kid, Billy. "I swear if they're in the upside down I'm going to kill them." Max said, grabbing for the super com. Gone are the days of Billy redirecting his hate and frustrations at his sister. is turning everything into a nightmare because he seems to think theyve been seeing one another for the last six months, and if his knowledge of her body is anything to go on he may just be telling the truth. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Will Byers & Eleven & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Eleven & Maxine "Max" Mayfield Friendship, Will Byers & Eleven & Dustin Henderson & Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Billy eventually gets a bit of redemption, Max has a special place in my heart though, If I'm missing a warning please let me know, Seriously if you like him this is not the fic for you, Mentions of Mike Wheeler/Jane "El" Hopper, Seriously he has no redeemable qualities in this series, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane & Dustin Henderson & Maxine Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Jim "Chief" Hopper & Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Billy Hargrove & Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Nancy Wheeler, Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington & Maxine "Max" Mayfield, You made me feel alive, but something died I fear, David Acting as Max's Parental Figure | Dadvid (Camp Camp), Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Mike Wheeler Friendship, Episode: s04e08 Dangerous Secret (Boy Meets World), Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Original Character(s), Steve Harrington & Maxine "Max" Mayfield Have a Sibling Relationship, Eddie Munson as Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons), men being covered in blood and grime are hot i said what i said, honestly the gore is mostly just eddie being a vampire, eleven saves the day as per fucking usual, Lucas Sinclair Loves Maxine "Max" Mayfield. ", Max choked out a, "Billy, help" as she spluttered on blood, and her eyes began to dim as she realised she was dying. <3 Stranger Things is a show that makes us remember our childhood, and for some, it even causes nostalgia for a time they never knew. Not for Maxine. Eventually, they even have a fist fight where Max has to sedate Billy before he severely hurts Steve. I know. He says, and theyre both crying, together, and now shes hugging him too, and he isnt sure who is holding who, who is comforting who, because hes suddenly that scared, hurt and confused little child again, the one he thought died. Asha tags along for a while, but when it's time for them to split up she has a thing or two to say. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. She enrolls into the high school next to home and meets Katy Walker is perfectly okay with being like everyone else. stranger things au. Hes trembling, Maxs innocent question has shaken him to his core. In the fourth season of the show, Will continuously gets upset when he sees Will and Eleven together, and he tells Mike that he feels abandoned by him. when she walks the halls, everyone would whisper and talk, cause all the girls in town wanted to be her. Alternatively, he could have bonded with Max and ended up with her instead. Nothing had changed between he and his father. Mike always understood El as no one else did, and his admiration and respect for her shone in each one of their interactions. In which Nora Harrington talks too much and Max Mayfield knows exactly how to shut her up. Hes never going to hurt you.. "Oh no. She was leaning back, one foot against the wall and headphones on her ears as she smoked a cigarette, resting her head back and exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air. Billy really appreciated him for it. However, everything turned out to be less complicated and Mike did end up with Eleven. Post-Series Past Max/Logan Dark Angel Slash Exchange Summary Max runs into Asha as she crosses the border into Canada, searching for Ames White. Start: 26.07.19 ", Billy's face fell, and he gripped Max's dead body tight, feeling a wave of protectiveness for her. Canon-Typical Violence. It wasnt just his words, it was the way he had said it to her, so angry, so full of venom and hate, as though she had caused him harm. When she meets Eddie &quo :* Slowly, because every move was painful now. "Max. An evil m-monster!!. What the hell has been going on in the last year?! In the first season, Nancy and Steve were dating. Steve finished, and Billy nodded, slightly sheepishly. about to get more than make a bet that might just change that . 1986. In the basement of Jennifer Hayes' house a game of spin the bottle is the catalyst for change in his life in a completely unexpected way. So they thought. did he hurt you did he hurt you did he hurt you. When Max Mayfield was introduced in the second season of the show, many fans felt like she could be the reason for Mike and Eleven's relationship not working out. Her powers were gasoline and anger worked like a matchstick. Hes already crushed on one of his very straight best friends before. When Mike's mental health isn't as good as everyone thought it was. Something had changed between them then, something deep, something understood, something unspoken. Steve awkwardly sneezed next to him, and Billy spared him a glance. How do those living on islands of hurt use their desperation to reach the mainland? Her brother had welcomed her in her despair with open arms. But theres something else she doesnt understand. It's no wonder they are sometimes seen as a great potential couple. This is it the story about a girl Brandy Clarke and a boy Mike Wheeler and the strange things that happened in Hawkins, Indiana, USA in 1983 !! " The tragic story is always more appealing than the happy one. However, Eddie is far from a murderer and fans immediately fell in love with this character's big heart. And Max choked on her last breath, then her body stilled and she no longer breathed. robin buckley just Another LGBT character on the show might be Will, so obviously he would have some kind of ship created for him by fans. With everyone around them having pups, Max longs for nothing more as well. season 5 -. Mike even tells Will that befriending him in kindergarten was the best thing he ever did. Maxine was dead. When Max arrives at Hawkins, Max, and Lucas develop a close relationship that becomes romantic when they kiss at their school's dance. Im the one whos lucky.. Little did he know, it was only a matter of time until his new challenge moved to the trailer just across from his. No man is an island, and that was a lesson Eddie and Ryan would have to learn. HI Max Mayfield x maleoc! Billy felt horribly guilty. 2. steve harrington x fem!oc She knew his parents fought a lot. This is Billy's story about how he changed after Max's death. . started - 1 RISKY BUSINESS. Ellis Shire moves to Hawkins, Indiana after a tragedy shifts the entire way she sees life. Season 4 - In what should've been a simple spy operation. RELATED:10 Funniest Quotes In Stranger Things Season 4 Vol. ", "She's at peace now," Steve replied, his heart aching as he tried his best to comfort the boy whom he didn't even like. Work Search: (i cannot write smut. Max quietly considers his words. Piece of sh*t. He grinds out between gritted teeth as he hits it with the heel of his hand, trying to force it shut. Max's eyes were swollen so she must have been crying, Susan was sitting next to her, holding her hand, but her face didn't show any emotions. Like she's the most important thing in the world to him." I don't wanna die, I'm not ready, I can't go!" "Just hold on," Billy choked, a horrible sense of nausea overwhelming him as Eleven knelt in front of them, gripping Max's hand and crying her name. Billy blinked and tears poured down his face as he sniffled, bringing his legs to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Nevertheless, it's nice to see them as friends. A screech erupted from the speakers, causing max to drop the walkie talkie and jump back in surprise. Both are intelligent, inquisitive people who fight for what they believe is fair. Sure, Hawkins Public Pool was a little crowded but the brats all agreed to stay away from the deep end.
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