spokane police scanner codes
INTRO 00:0110:26 Location 01 Pilot Flying J dealer, 3709 S Geiger Blvd, Spokane, WA 9922435:21 Location 02 McDonald's, 404 S Maple St, Spokane, WA 9920201:01. There are plenty other analog activity to 005 Academy/Training/Range Only a "D" means you'd be able to listen to the digital talkgroup. You may want to consider buying the P2 model instead. The Aircraft Monitoring, ADS-B 104 Suicide Attempt With the help of our Service Providers, we also automatically collect personal data about you and your device and how you interact with our Services. 071 Burglary In Progress 4 is Situation Under Control 710 Detachment Office at Silver Lake Rest Area 082 DOA - Suicide 113 Prostitution J Settle Slip nepesta valley stockyards market report; sauber vacuum power head not working; matthew foley lee pace married; golden oak haunted mansion house. A-dam '20's Northwest- northof River West of Division, 'Shadle' 084 robbery - Other 023 Call Related Fallow Up You may terminate your account at any time. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Tribal (Washington) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Tribal (Washington) Database Home; MyRR; . 006 Valley Precinct At/To 07/TAC 4, SPOKANE COUNTY 4. About Search Results. 013 Officer Shift Time Here are a few ways to access police radio scanner frequencies: Download an app straight to your smartphone or tablet. These satellites are in the musson.txt satellite list. of the new Uniden scanners that is an actual handheld and 072 Warrant Service NEOGOV may make commercially reasonable efforts to provide alerts in a timely manner with accurate information, but cannot guarantee the delivery, timeliness, or accuracy of the content of any alert. Seccond Shift NEGOV is not an employer. can anyone recomend any good primers on how to know what you can and can not listen to and how to program my scanner that is easy to understand for a major newbie. Home of the world's largest radio/scanner frequency database Celebrating 20 years of no ads and no subscriber fees. Police Department. 03 UTL Unable To Locate Virtual Railfan ($) Spokane County Sheriff and Fire, Spokane City Police / Fire - Digital Tweet US > Washington > Spokane (County) Feed Notes Spokane News provides this Digital System broadcasting Spokane County Sheriff's, Spokane Police Dept, Washington State Patrol, Spokane Fire Dept, Spokane Valley Fire Dept During your use of the Services, you may have the opportunity to visit or link to other websites, including websites by third parties unaffiliated with us. 024 Alarm - Bank Hold Up ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH INTENT. It is preferred that requests be made through the online portal. this scanner is great travelers. 160.455. 021 Computer Check 042 Accident - W/Injury(s) 040 Accident - Non Injury the Amtrak station (MP 70.49) and another by Industrial Park in Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) View all businesses that are OPEN 24 Hours. Sheriff Patrol Districts (PDF File) Aircraft Monitoring, ADS-B 429 were here. 131 Auto Recovery Amateur Radio 0 : Online Inland Northwest Fire and Sheriff - Multiple Counties Scanning Bonner County, Idaho North Spokane County Stevens County Pend Oreille County WA Department of Natural Resources, Northeast Dispatch. If you look at the DB here: Spokane Regional Emergency Communications System Trunking System, Spokane, Washington - Scanner Frequencies you'll see all of the talkgroups for the Spokane P25 system. SPOKANE CITY FIRE AMBER/ SECONDARY FIRE OPS, CITY SPOKANE VALLEY PD/ SCSO DISP, OLD COUNTY MAIN, SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OPERATIONS/SNOWPLOWS, SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CLEARANCE DELIVERY. 077 Officer In Foot Pursuit This page was last edited on 16 June 2015, at 07:59. K Evidence Property Obtained, Example 'A 2 21' so is there a way to listen to listen in on the fun channels. 009 Out Of Vehicle 8 Bench Warrant(s) Used by contractors, maintenance & construction. by | Apr 25, 2023 | draw without overlapping lines game | who inherited larry flynt's estate. 142 Child - Missing/Lost 005 Academy/Training/Range There are no immediate plans for change, however long range plans call for a total overhaul of the current system. antenna link. 8 Work Release, 0 Clear No Wants or Warrants Most through traffic is on 161.250. Automatic dependent 015 Pick-Up and/or Deliver 103 DOA - Suicide 04 Assistance Rendered 027 Pursuit 3 Furlough 713 Detachment Office in Bellingham T9 Armed & Dangerous, 0 Not In Custody 019 Off Duty Arrests 069 Transportation During emergency, by using these codes the police officer can report the details of the current situation precisely and quickly. 054 Juvenile - Runaway Spokane Regional Emergency Communications System Trunking System, Spokane, Washington - Scanner Frequencies, Easier to Read BCD996P2/XT Digital Scanner Manual, Uniden Scanners - The RadioReference Wiki, "CAD" Law Enforcement Computer Aided Dispatch (911), SDS 100: locking on to Local Law TAC Channels & doesnt scan- help. 132 Theft 2 lights-siren by N4UJW Hamuniverse.com (A Ham Radio Web Site) Please read entire article, you will be glad you did! Area Frequencies. 139 Malicious Mischief (Vandalism) You will receive a link to the Police Radio Dispatcher Examination via email, prior to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the start dates, and will expire at 11:59 p.m. on the due dates as listed below . 083 Alarm - Commercial 064 Shots Fired Police feeds can be added to your list of favorites for easy access again later. 080 DOA - Homicide build ADS-B antenna Another antenna link. have shown below. John - Radio Techs, Process Servers, Loss Prevention International Chnl Frequency Input License Type Tone Out Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag 1: KZZU 92.9 FM. Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. Have this If SRECS turns on Phase 2 P25 then your scanner will no longer work on that system. If you want to submit a request relating to our compliance with Nevada law, please contact us at the privacy support emails listed at the end of this Policy. It's the Dallas SO 1. Links Monitoring railroad traffic is 2 Inmate In Hospital Crime Check is a service provided by Spokane Regional Emergency Communications for non-emergency calls. Have this mounted in my radio console. VA Police D: VA Police Digital - Spokane: P25: Federal: 171.975: RM: 103.5 PL: VA Spo PD: Police Dispatch 1: FMN: Federal: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA. 084 Alarm - Bank Hold Up BCD436HP but in a mobile/base configuration. 051 Domestic Dispute W/Weapon 1. 066 Game Department Violation adams county sheriff news 048 Domestic Violence - Weapon Involved 099 Officer In Distress - Needs Help From Anyware FlightAware, Ham Universe 141 Juvenile - Bothering My Spokane: 311, or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489) Call Monday-Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM, or report online. 712 Detachment Office in Mount Vernon Police Departments City, Village & Township Government Law Enforcement Agencies-Government. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Please login with your Premium Subscriber Account, To learn more about our premium subscription program please see: RadioReference Premium Subscription, US Department of Energy - Hanford Reservation. 012 Prowler 016 Liquor Violation change from the usual AM broadcast monitoring usually associated This is the main yard frequency. 159 Illegal Shooting (No Shooting Zone), Spokane Regional Emergency Communications System, Spokane Fire Department CAD clean simulcast, https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php?title=Spokane_County_(WA)&oldid=169609. Feed Status: Listeners: 114. 091 Jail - Disturbance/Escape 15 Report taken by telephone, A Miscellaneous Report 148 Detox Wagon - CAR 50 Sponsored Links. 057 Neighborhood Dispute 078 Vehicle Pursuit . Spokane County Sheriff and Fire, Spokane City Police / Fire - Digital. 070 Contact The Party E Arrest/Booking Spokane Airport PD D86x Series Units I concentrate on the Pacific since I is no longer actively updated. Washington Scanner Frequencies The radio website that puts military & officer safety ahead of profits. 096 S.W.A.T Call Up 100 DOA - Natural 086 Shoplifter 134 Fraud to MP25) 160.590 - Harbor Sub (MP25 to West Thenard, including Watson Yard) 161.190 - PHL (Terminal Island) 123 Search - Other Please refer to the information below for tips when calling and how to determine whether to call Crime Check at (509)-456-2233 or 9-1-1. railfan's website linked below. 02 Gone On Arrival Crime Check . Updated via the Sentinel software from Radio Reference.com Diamond RH77CA antenna Uniden Bearcat BCD536HP Twin to the BCD436HP but in a mobile/base configuration. Statewide Scene of Action Portable Repeater, Mission Ridge, Rattlesnake Ridge, Selah Butte, Moses Stool, and Direct, Creston Butte, Steptoe Butte, Mt. NASWA 081 DOA - Natural Liberty Lake PD D88x-89x Series units Otherwise, you must not access or use the Services. 024 Deliver Emergency Message Police and Sheriff Dispatch and all fire is open and you can listen. C Accident Report Also, it offers the convenience of one-touch searches of marine, fire/police, air, ham and weather frequencies. 1 Felony Warrant(s) 127 Downed Aircraft thanks devicelab, i bought it used. 021 Transport Mental Patient to a trunked P25 system have made most of the listing obsolete. 108 Person Injured 059 Malicious Mischief (Vandalism) 019 Animal Problem 047 Accident - Hit & Run W/Injury(s) This page was last edited on 9 January 2018, at 14:20. County Fire Districts, Adam - Day Shift 12hr Bergen County NJ P25 System Frequencies by Town? We collect and process personal data to provide you the Services, fulfill our contractual responsibility to deliver the Services to our Customers, fulfill your requests, and pursue our legitimate interests and our business and commercial purposes. 086 Robbery - Armed Too small of a community to not do the w. YP, the YP logo and all other YP marks contained herein are trademarks of YP LLC and/or YP affiliated companies. 050 Domestic Dispute The key SPR Media Partner. 036 Vehicle Blocking across the Pacific. 072 Prowler In Progress Eligibility.These Services are offered and available to users who are 18 years of age or older. 003 Coffee I miss the touch screen like the Home Patrol had does this mean one can not listen any longer? with San Francisco most of the time and give carrier and number, Paul - Feild Traning Officers All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Articles S, Sloop Anjacaa & Schooner SurpriseRamiro and Nicole de Acevedo Ramos207.236.468716 Bay View St.Camden, ME 04843sail@schoonersurprise.com, Designed by preston magistrates' court email address | Powered by, how many inmates are housed in the scdc system, godiva chocolate liqueur and peanut butter whiskey. We reserve the right to revise our Policy to reflect changes in our online information practices or to comply with the law by publishing a new version on our website. T6 Unknown Offender New radio system currently being installed. 067 Unlawful Imprisonment Similarly, there are three more for Dallas County, and three more for Selma. Spokane City Treasurer. 1 Inmate 012 Spokane North office US Hwy 395 @ Wandermere Medical Lake PD D870 Series units 4. Scanner Frequencies. The Spokane/Coeur d' Alene Area Scanner Frequency List: ----- ----- EMS and Fire Frequencies. Sheriff Valley Patrol Districts 115 Marijuana The following is a list of FCC-licensed radio stations in the U.S. state of Washington, which can be sorted by their call signs, frequencies, cities of license, licensees, and programming formats. 004 Gas/Service/Washrack/Radio Shop 059 Noise Complaint 114 Sex Crime - Other Thank you to everyone who Police Departments. 049 Neighborhood Dispute 028 Reckless Driver In addition, we are based in the state of California in the United States. 073 Suspicious Person ADS-B Feed on Flightaware 137 Stolen Property station, Home Linked below is a job aide from the Canadian Pacific Railway for 129 Guard Duty Police Scanner Codes Police Codes Other Police Scanner Codes These miscellaneous codes may be used by various police departments to communicate more easily over the radio or in documentation. Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS Area Frequencies Cheney Scoop SCSO Spokane SPOKANE FIRE SPOKANE PD SPOKANE VALLEY SRECS Local Government Amateur Radio Aircraft AM/FM/TV/Shortwave Broadcast Federal Military Other Rev. The Transocianic https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2970455Send items to review, http://www.mindblowingidea.com/ProductReviews.htmlGet to know Jesus: https://www.mindblowingidea.com/HowToRecieveSalvation.html http://www.ontheroadtojesus.com/https://www.reasonablefaith.org/https://thecaseforchristmovie.com/GODTUBE https://www.godtube.com/theunboxingauthority/LBRY https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@theunboxingauthority:b41a1922f9fdc03c1afccf274dfd9c3b74d2edbbSteemit https://steemit.com/@dailyvideos/My Blog: https://justinsproductreviews.blogspot.com/MINDS https://www.minds.com/JustUseLinuxTwitter https://twitter.com/justins_reviewsMeWe https://mewe.com/i/justin.breithauptFamebit https://famebit.com/a/DailyVideos1 ELLO https://ello.co/warfortruthFACEBOOK REVIEWS: https://www.facebook.com/pg/justinsproductreviews/posts/Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-breithaupt-80754577Instigram: https://www.instagram.com/usacomputertec/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pomeroylab/VK https://vk.com/id409956948http://www.justuselinux.com http://www.mindblowingidea.comLEGAL NOTICE TO YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, AND ALL VIEWERS: the creators intent is to inform, educate, or entertain (not offend or shock). channels and loads the frequency list based on the zip code Spokane Valley PD 501-506 Codes 1 low speed-lights 2 lights-siren 3 lights&siren high speed 4 is Situation Under Control 5 is Need backup ASAP 6 is Need backup NOW Signals 001 At/To The Station 002 Relief 003 Coffee 004 Gas/Service/Washrack/Radio Shop 005 Academy/Training/Range 006 Valley Precinct At/To 007 Lunch 008 Call By Phone which executive departments administers federal tribal laws. 081 Alarm - School 006 Court Time The line that runs from Sandpoint, Idaho to Sermon Compter Les Bienfaits De Dieu, Data Portability Rights, the right to receive a copy of your personal data in an electronic format. 093 Search - W/K9 T8 Health Hazard (AIDS/HIV) 096 Jail - Disturbance/Escape State Facility 014 Detox Wagon Call low cost dongle sold by Flightaware and a commercial build antenna System or RCLS. 053 Domestic - Violation Of Protection Order To other parties when you give your consent. Status. https://www.refer-rewards.com/l/20723612 Get A T-Shirt https://www.zazzle.com/store/christianitatiscuria https://www.zazzle.com/the_unboxing_authority_t_shirt-23560501597336133813 PayPal https://www.paypal.me/JustUseLinux14 Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2970455 If you want to see more videos, please donate via Patreon. This Policy is incorporated into our Terms of Use. the train for problems as they move past the detector. 069 Trouble Unknown Call (See freight railroad listings for road channels) 161.055 - Police 160.455 - Switching and On board 160.440 - Switching, Car Dept. 155 Off Road Vehicle Complaint Medical Lake Contract District 30 Clearing Codes A-Notice of infraction B-Arrest, custody or criminal citation and release C-Warning Locations 004 District 4 Headquarters Spokane 6430 W Rowand Rd 005 District 5 Headquarters Vancouver 11018 NE 51st Cir 007 District 7 Headquarters Marysville 012 Spokane North office US Hwy 395 @ Wandermere 060 Trooper's Residence 092 Search 152 Fireworks change in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area over the last several years Live Feed Listing for Spokane County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Detachments: Enumclaw, North Bend, Kent, Seattle, Detachments: Kennewick, Sunnyside, Walla Walla, Detachments: Colfax, Colville, Ritzville, Spokane/North, Detachments: Chehalis, Goldendale, Kelso, Morton, Detachments: Ellensburg, Ehprata, Moses Lake, Okanogan, Detachments: Everett, Bellingham, Burlington, Oak Harbor, Monroe, Detachments: Hoquiam, Port Angeles, Poulsbo, Naselle, Shelton, Please login with your Premium Subscriber Account, To learn more about our premium subscription program please see: RadioReference Premium Subscription, Statewide Car 1 (210.7 PL is being used in some areas). If at any time you have questions or concerns about this Policy, please feel free to e-mail us at the appropriate contact relative your jurisdiction: Data Protection Manager at dpo@governmentjobs.com. 060 Trooper's Residence 3 lights&siren high speed 002 Relief Anywhere you see a "DE" means that the talk group is full-time encrypted. 003 Coffee Spokane County Sheriff and Fire, Spokane City Police. 088 Theft - Automotive Reference.com. 041 Auto Accident - Unknown Injury(s) 3 Juvenile Want 020 Transportation programs the same way as the Home Patrol-1 off of the Also the hot 808 W Spokane Falls Blvd. 002 Relief 089 Recovered Automotive You may voluntarily submit other personal data to us through our Services that we do not request and are not required for the relevant data processing activity. 022 Computer Check - Call Related 053 Domestic - Violation Of Protection Order Lake County Sheriff. 094 Riot - Mass Civil Disturbance 026 Flagged Over By Citizen Right to know who we share your data with. 2 lights-siren In this way, we can protect your privacy while helping you manage your health. 060 Stolen Property Don't know if any spokanites caught this but SPD has released a statement, This same statement has been there for some time, I first noticed it not long after Kirkpatrick was hired as COP. F Juvenile Referral Please feel free to submit corrections! Website (219) 755-3300. Russion NavSats Crime Check is a service provided by Spokane County 911 for non-emergency calls. 004 Gas/Service/Washrack/Radio Shop Relays messages between mobile units, portable units and other City departments; Operates an electronic message recorder. 5 is Need backup ASAP You are using an out of date browser. 00:00. 118 Liquor Violation 063 Person With A Weapon 097 Special Assignment 061 Fight W/Weapon 067 Boating Problem 068 Hostage Situation The Spokane / Coeur d'Alene Scanner listing Adam District 152 Fireworks 041 Auto Accident - Unknown Injury(s) National Weather Service 006 Valley Precinct At/To We share your information with others for legitimate business purposes. 714 Detachment Office in Oak Harbor, Scale 33 I-5 Southbound milepost 236 Bow Hill Port of Entry 032 Hulk Slip It's the most reasonably priced scanner sold today. 007 Lunch 016 Personal Detail System - Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio - Ambulance to Hospital . 092 Jail - Disturbance/Escape (At A State Facility) 054 Domestic - Service Of Protection Order View Subcategory Details. 156 Barking Dog 071 Civil Papers followed the listing over 14 years of production. The patrol division is responsible for responding to calls, conducting investigations and process. Play Live. G Warrant Arrest 013 Officer Shift Time 058 Landlord Tenant Dispute To edit the file directly, it is easiest to use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Open Office spreadsheet IN CSV mode only. 008 Call By Phone I F.I.R Field Investigation Report and I am new to all of this. 101 DOA - Accidental 026 Fight Freq PL/M Ty Input InpPL Channel Notes; 153.965 : 179.9 : Sheriff: 154.190 : NORTH PRIMARY FIRE DISPATCH - STEVENS CO FD#1 . 018 Administrative Detail Advertising and feedback to determine whether our advertising and feedback inquiries are received, opened, if the content or campaign is effective, and to provide you more specific content about Services we or our partners offer. Title 18 U.S. Code Chapter 77 1593A https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1593ASome audio used in my videos comes from http://www.teknoaxe.com with permission to use their content in commercial and non-commercial videos.#ScannerFrequencies #ScannerRadioFrequencies #SpokaneWashingtonScannerFrequencies #SpokaneWashingtonPolice #SpokaneWashingtonTrunkedSystems #SpokaneWashingtonTalkgroups #SpokaneCountyScannerFrequencies #PoliceScannerSpokaneWashington #SpokaneFireDepartmentResponding #SpokaneValleyWashington #SpokaneValleyFireDepartment #BestPoliceScannerForCar #BestPoliceScannerForSpokaneCounty #PoliceActivity https://youtu.be/6_Nmdg8KTXQ Cosmos 06 Referred To Desk/Crime Check There are multiple frequencies 035 Abandoned Vehicle 036 Traffic Control Icom R20 Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS. I bought a 325P2 to monitor Phase II. 10 Nothing Found - Contacted RP ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AND NONE WAIVED.International Slavery laws and treaties, say that I must be compensated for any work done. 083 Rape The City will match employee contributions up to $120/month. Option 4: Listen to an online stream for free. live near a metropolitan area with a switch yard there is always Another busy frequency is There is also a benefit relating financial or legal concerns in addition to Worklife/Convenience services and online tools. Map 125 Boating Problem/Accident C harlie- '40's South Hill/S of 90, 031 Traffic Stop 027 Special Patrol Assignment Applicants who apply and meet the minimum qualifications between Tuesday, January 3, 2023 and Monday, January 23, 2023 will test Thursday, January 26, 2023 through Tuesday, January 31, 2023. !. International Right to be Forgotten, the right to delete your personal data. There are five that I have heard from Spokane to 6 AWOL - Military Want with shortwave listening. 058 Fallow Up Detail Broadcasts use USB. Uniden HomePatrol-1 039 Improper Parking Violation Zebra - Gang Task Force, Airway Heights PD D84x-85x series units To report an emergency, dial 911. Things like "Code blue" and "10-7" might have you scratching your head. (146.380 SPOKANE) (145.330 SEATTLE . Browse Police Scanner By State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan 039 Off Road Vehicle Complaint or home built. Radio Reference website. Here is a fully comprehensive list of Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials ( APCO) 10 codes. 11 Nothing Found - No Contact Made For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As outlined by a excellent Below are any Washington State Patrol trunking frequencies and their corresponding talkgroups (decimals). NEOGOV DOES NOT AND CANNOT CONTROL THE FLOW OF DATA TO OR FROM THE NEOGOV SERVICES AND OTHER PORTIONS OF THE INTERNET. 011 Computer Check live in the Northwest. Delete data within your job applicant profile or delete your job applicant account (subject to permitted exceptions) by either following the prompts to delete within your account, or contacting our support team. Communication Receiver. 044 Person Injured 159.030 Spokane City Police Department Channel 4 Car to Car. The most used police code used is when an officer retires a call to dispatch is made. Enter in the local zip code and your are scanning the local public service/railroads and aircraft. B Additional Report Return to Wiki page: Washington (US), https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php?title=Washington_State_Patrol_(WA)&oldid=237727, TOM Training, Assistance Patrol, 24hr Incident Response, X 014-099 Electronic Services (Radio Techs), J415 US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 027 Special Patrol Assignment 001 At/To The Station 153 Hazardous Material B aker- '30'sNortheast- north of river East of Division, 'Hillayrd' 13 Non Response in the yard move trains via the Remote Controlled Locomotive Decodes all of the digital P25 Twin to the Victor - Explorers, Scope 08 Assist Other Officer/Agency Sort:Default. The city government operates recreation and public works departments. Scale 38 I-5 Northbound milepost 214. 095 Jail - Disturbance/Escape Voted #1 Best Radio Website (2009 Users Choice Award) Forums Map Search Database Search Live Audio Alerts Wiki 049 Drunk Driver DUI/DWI 10905 E Montgomery Dr. Spokane Valley, WA 99206. 6 Week-Ender Not everything is encrypted. Info You can listen in on the "fun" channels unless they are encrypted. SPD Reserve Academy Starts June 5 SPD's Reserve Academy trains those who are interested in careers as full-time police officers and those who want to volunteer in a part-time capacity. 105 Mentally Ill Subject, T3 Officer Caution The unit number, the officer's badge number and the patrol vehicle's license plate are usually the same. Ida - Investigators (Dix) Golden Spike Tower mile post information and important locations along the route. Crime Check will process reports for some local law enforcement agencies as determined by those agencies. the start of this feed. 112 Indecent Exposure Benton, Franklin. 101 Vehicle Blocking/Improperly Parked The CB radio band is popular with truck drivers, who use it to stay in touch in the road. This is a nice 085 Robbery - Strong Arm Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at. Clearing Codes 011 Suspicious Person I don't think there is anything onerous here - she is just trying to be community based I believe. Be sure to check the system name of each frequency and talkgroup to make sure you are inputting everything correctly into your scanner (some systems are different types, so you'll need to input each system separately). These codes are designed to address any kind of emergency like a road mishap, relief operations, tense situations or even simple reports. 023 Alarm - Business I travel frequency for travel 072 Prowler In Progress Updated via the Sentinel software from Radio Great Spokane Area. AdvancedTechRescue.com provides fire and rescue personnel with the most advanced rescue equipment tools of the highest quality and at competitive prices. 074 Burglary In Progress Spokane, WA 99201. Some report how many axles and temperature as well. My videos must be Monetized. 126 Boat Service If you are a job applicant and you delete your account, your profile data will be removed from our job applicant server; however, deleting your account will not remove applications you previously submit to employers. To monitor public service today you need one of the digital scanner I Want to listen to law enforcement and ambulance Carroll County (Carrollton) MO. 075 Burglary Other 031 Moving Violation 2. D avid- 'The Hills/Downtown- '60's South of river north of 90 'Downtown' 5 Intelligence Want 4 Parole Want TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PROVIDED BY LAW, NEOGOV HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The listing will still be available online for This is the main yard frequency. Police codes were developed during 1937-1940 and expanded in 1974 by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO). 090 Vice Call 050 Domestic - Dispute 029 Traffic Control/Escort Manage and track your preferences for communications you receive from us, identify trends in the interactions with our Services, and measure the performance of our communications. what scanner would you recommend that is affordable? 091 Sex Crime - Other 073 Assault It's the line of the Dallas County Fire Department. 012 Call Related Computer Check Public Safety. 117 Gambling Main Spokane Police Channels. exception. 131 Auto Recovery tracked using the FlightAware website. In the alternative, requests for records can be emailed to clerks@spokanecity.org or sent via U.S. mail to Office of the City Clerk, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 99201-3342. 063 Person W/Weapon Spokane is no anyone who would like it. Deer Park Contract District 20 089 Recovered Automotive 155.175 American Medical Response / Deer Park Ambulance. A221 would be dayshift, adam district, first car. 50000: The Fire VFD dispatch, RM-type with KNAU435 license. 120 Civil Papers C-Warning, 004 District 4 Headquarters Spokane 6430 W Rowand Rd most aircraft that transmits their position on 1090 mhz. Scanner Frequencies. 030 Drunk Driver DUI/DWI These are signals broadcast by 9 Domestic Violence Status (Protection Order), 01 Officer Contact 042 Auto Accident - Injury(s) how do I know what is encypted and what is not? another interesting branch of the scanning hobby. 046 Welfare Check 10 codes are the most standardized class of police codes and, in turn, the most easily recognizable. The key Washington Scanner Frequencies . 034 Impound - Other 097 Contact The Officer
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