rollin 60 crip knowledge
My Cuzz who was teaChin me LA Tru Crip Knowledge, is LoCCed Down, we aint spoke in a Minute,I need to Hear Original Crip Knowledge from LA, I keep hearin Too Much Folk Knowledge out here, I need the Original West Coast Knowledge, Holla At a Cousin. 41. Nabkah60d RR And, thats to all yall wanna C in the mid west and east coast. Lil Draws, 1999 Big Maniac, 1985 Baby Hoggs 1976- wes coast 2k southk coast you cant tell a crip how to crip..rich rollxn get caught slipping get yo life stolen. What up Im trying to come home to the neighborhood, 6leed bklue txll thke day I dxe Following the dismantlement of the Rollin 60s, there was a steep decline in violence. The Rollin 60's are considered the largest and most powerful set in the Neighbor Hood Crips alliance. Daneous Delmon Shady Blue 4 Nicholes, 24. ( Steven d young aka lil 60 from from Louisiana, silver port.) Cs up. May he forgive you of your sins and grant some comfort to your families. 48. crab murda gang.. .c.m.g.B 104.. street. THAT CHUMP NEEDS TO STICK TO VIDEO GAMES ! 88. In 2018 Chief U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips ruled that most gang members subject to gang injunctions in Los Angeles suffered a due process violation, since the city did not give them an opportunity to challenge the civil restraining orders in court. H-Town Made, 6Os up! 92. William Shitty Smith, 62 (April 20, 1958 December 6, 2020), suffered a stroke, Leonard Slip Rocc 1 Cooper ( January 2, 2009), Keith Cardell Stone Thomas, 30, (1962 Jan.30, 1992), shot and killed in Duarte, CA, Swantoe ( 2003), shot near Crenshaw plaza on 59th and Crenshaw Blvd, Tyrone Hardeman, 15 (July 25, 1963 March 8, 1979). De Dog aka Dexter, 1994 Big K Dogg aka Big CReep, 1994 What is the biggest Crip set? 10. Big Earl Dogg, aka Lil Looney, aka Ripper, aka Crimm, aka Lil Charleston Blue, aka Legs Earlston, Dec 1990 I have done special operations throughout the world and I was part of the team seeking the capture of Saddam Hussein. Rat Loc 153. Sittin on top of the Hill, chick! For many years, their main rival to the east are the ETGs. 111. I COULD HAVE SWORNED IT WAS THE 1E11UMS,BUT YOU SEEM WAY OLDER THAN ME 31 53. slobs die many times before their death. 15. According to a news outlet in 2004, Rollin' 60's was "the largest black criminal street gang in the City of Los Angeles. An official website of the United States government. Baby F Bone aka J.J., 1998 Grow the f up! Tiny Bogart, 1996 Slugger 95. SO THEY CALL THEM AVENUE 60S RITE BUT IM SURPRISSED YALL DIDNT WIPE OUT THE VNGS. 45. f YALL NAPPY HEADED chickES !!!! emailStay Connected Yall aint turnt up,yall burnt out. Baby Marco (Ernest Dabbs), July 25, 2000 ??? SANDMAN NEGUS RELL KING LOL ! Gangs who aligned themselves with the Rollin 60s adopted the "Neighbor Hood Crips" or Deuce(2x) card while those who aligned themselves with the Eight Tray Gangster Crips adapted the Gangster Crips or Tray(3x) card. Squally De, 1989 82. Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips. [4], In 1988, a member of the Rollin' 60s was responsible for the death of Karen Toshima, who got caught in the crossfire between two gang members. NAYBKORHKOOD ROLLIN 60s OR NOTKHKIN! I mean, at some point, doesnt it seem pointless? Baby Face, 198? This would be the most intense rivalry between any two individual Crip gangs in all of Los Angeles County in the history of street gangs conflict during the 1980s. The Rolling 60's Neighborhood Crip's are a African American street gang located on the west side of south los santos that were founded in 1976 by a male by the name of "babyface" as a sub clique of the original west side crips, run by stanley "tookie" williams. Both them chickes dope fiendz. In 2003 City Attorney filed a gang injunction against the Rollin 60's Crips and they had specified 31 men that were members of the 60's, but some have suggested that the Rollin 60's were being unfairly targeted and some mentioned that the injunction included individuals that had not had police contact in years [4]. Your names live on in our hearts, and our mouths as we speak them to our children. HOMIE YOU SURE 60S WAS THE FIRST TO CALL THEM SELVES NEIGHBORHOOD? imma k won of ju loccs juheard 5 poppin 6 droppin, 5 alive 6 must live, ITS FUNNY CUHKS WHKY IS YU BKANGKIN ON THE INTERNET, I dont like yall loccs juheard gshine da I dont like up shine da I dont like up or get lit da I dont like up, Lil Sodi whooped on cuzzi capones ass for dissin the hood third.We waitin on a get bacc from u sissies. I moved off the set about 5 years ago. Shootings in connection with the Rollin 60s decreased by more than70 percent. 126. The Rollin' 30s Crips are a national criminal street gang operating in cities throughout the United States. 13. THE FIRST STEP WOULD BE TO BRING PEACE BETWEEN US AND THE 8-TRAYS, AND THATS CLOSE TO IMPOSSIBLE ! 20. O/G Chilly Capone ,198? In 2003 Los Angeles City Attorney filed a gang injunction against the Rollin 60s Crips specifying 31 men that were members and associates of the 60s, but some have suggested that the 60s were being unfairly targeted including individuals that had not had police contact in fourteen years. Why was Monster Kody named on the LAs top ten gang members? Big Bird, 1997 Carnell U Dub 5 Snell was laid to rest today. Lil Ray Cat Tiny Droopy, 1989 Westside RichRolling 60 for life I dont like yall ashtrays. for letting the Sandman live.Rolling Sissys..6-kilo, Cuz -ET-Valley Hi Cuz. NHC Colors are 2 different kinds of blue. GO HERE to see if you qualify and SIGN UP so we can contact you about how to get your money. sissie azz Ni66ahz dont want it ! 2 City of the 187 DVD, L.A. Street Life Vol. Lil Ive Dogg, 1994, accidental self inflicted gun shot wound nobody heard of ur homies shotz!!! 3. RSC are the first gang to use the term Rollin and were involved in the first Crip-on-Crip rivalry when in 1979, the RSC and Eight Tray Gangster Crips (ETG) began a feud that has lasted over 3 decades with about 60 deaths among the two gangs with nearly hundred innocent bystanders, making this rivalry the most deadly two-gang conflict in Californias history, but the rivalry has calmed down during the first decade of the 2000s as crime dropped throughout the city. Stop being a .P , get a job . We dont got nothing to do with that Chicago GD and VL ish. Amp aka Lil Al-Dog, 1994 Cs up, WESTSIDE NEIGHBORH60D CRIPPIN RICH RILLIN SIX OWE I dont like the rest. we out chea n memphis bangn westside rich rollin 60s neighborhood crip tiny loc snoo blu s.memphis satnd up, F#@K all nappsk ws r50ling fifty brim gang vngbangin ckome brenshaw high sckool busters, I remember when the sissys use to run from crenshaw high school when mad moe from dlb was over here dont no damn sissys be on 54 brim chick. Subscribe 149. Crip city pledge When i die show meeh No pity Bury me deep in Gangsta City Place 2 guages at my sides A 6pt across my chest My golden crown apon my head My flag around my right wrist a black one over my eyes and a slob's blood at my feet Tell hoover I did my best Tell David to led my way and jacob to open tha door In a subsequent fistfight between the two teenagers, a new recruit to the Eight-Trays, eager to make a name for himself, pulled a gun and shot the Rollin 60's member to death. 108. Baby Gumby, 1997 Maybe if he was at work or school that would have happen, sorry but its truth, and why was he running anit he the big bad madd ass ganster. Tiny Swantos, 2002 Baby Fee, 1993, accidental self inflicted gun shot wound Joe Stone, 1989 Although street gang conflict among blacks was on the rise since the early 1970s in South Los Angeles, it was the killing of Toshima that bought national attention to the 1980s gang conflict of Los Angeles. WHY DID EDOURD PETERS GET SHOT AT SOUTHWEST DRIVE IN THE 60S JULY 06,2003 AKA MR.ED. The Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crips is a street gang based in Los Angeles, California, originally formed in Los Angeles in 1976 from the Westside Crips and have since spread to other cities. Kelly pkark Nay6orhk60d crxpk FAM Heed , the word of the brothas . WESTSIDE OF L.A SOUTH CENTRAL ROLLIN 60S NABKAH60D CRIP CHITTY CHITTY BKANG BKANG IT AINT ish BKUT AK CRIPK THANG, f u quiagx xixxy ankd f nkappx inkglew92d FamIly xva here xu Whckp, WHEN THEY SAY AVENUES ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT WESTERN. Members are also identified by tattoos and use a variety of different hand gestures (or gang signs) to represent their gang; the most common being the "deuces" but with a thumb (2 fingers and a thumb) [1]. All sould remember the homeboy from Maryland. Much love to all the real Crips on the west coast. We all got playedwe got caught up in the traps that shaitan has laid for all true warriors. The Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips is a street gang based in Los Angeles, California, originally formed in Los Angeles in 1976 from the Westside Crips and having since spread to other cities in the United States. Thkrow ya 6 upk, CIP SANDMAN YALL WAS A REAL CAT HXEAVAN IS A 6ETTER PLACE WIT YALL. Although a meeting was called by the leaders of both gangs in an attempt to end the fight, tensions were so high between them that the meeting erupted into a gang rumble, after which the Rollin 60's and the Eight Tray Gangster Crips engaged in a gang war that still exists to this day. Half of yall dont have no type of job , be out k-ingg people and then get but hurt when yo family members dead. Baby Cee, 1997 EVERYTHING FALLS UNDER THESE AREAS. 87. 113. 154. Just like Louis Farrakhan said the real gangs are in Washington DC not LA right at the Capita. ROLLIN 60 FALLEN MEMBERS 1979-2004 Tyrone, 1979 Big Scoldie, 1980 Big Daddy, 1980 Maniac, 1983 Lil Muggs aka Lil Muggzy, Nov. 1983 Mumbles, aka Wino, 1984 Lil Mumbles, 1984 Lil Maniac, 1984 Big Ken Bone, 1984 Big Kidd, 1984 Big Maniac, 1985 Tiny Ken Bone, 1985 Lil Slim, 1986 Lil Casper, 1986 Lil Weasel aka Big Low Down, Aug 1986 Big Mar Rock, 1987 Tiny Slim, 1997 Reny & how I know yall are marks ? 18. Tiny Bubba, 1998 Trusr you got to choice Jail or Death! Davon Boo Roc 5 Vargas, 26, (Nov. 15, 1985 April 8, 2012), Ricky Boxer 2 Allen, 22 (October 6, 1970 October 9, 1993), killed by Banning Police, Antonio Coop Cornwell ( -April 14, 2017), was killed on South Sepulveda Blvd & National Blvd on, Antonio Crafty Blue Riley ( August 27, 2013), shot and killed on 64th Street & 5th Avenue, Omar Crazo Saunders, 39, ( April 22, 2014), Crimm 2 aka Lil Mighty Moe ( December 1995), Delta Charles D.C. Thomas, 21, (May 21, 1959 Sept. 1, 1980), shot and killed by a Eight Tray Gangster Crip, Dwayne Draws 2 Dupree, 23 ( October 20, 1999), Earl Dog, aka Lil Looney, aka Ripper* ( Dec 1990), Stephen Fats Jiles Donelson (November 17, 1986 September 29, 2017), Darrell Fee 1 Drake, 30, (January 31, 1960 November 28, 1990), Fee 3 (1993), died as a result of an accidental suicide with a firearm, Jermaine Gun Smoke aka GS Jones, 25, ( Feb 23, 2007), shot and killed in Gardena. OR AT LEAST MOST OF THEM ! A tattoo displaying association with the Rollin 60s set. LMAO ! Lil Nardo put a slob 6 feet under. Baby Ge Bob, 1998 83. History -. He Man, 2002 welfarre foodstamp collecting fartgets. 74. NONE of yall niqquhs got hurt but the ONE person who wasnt into that ish lose his life because of yall smart ass niqquhs f yall ! Rather, this set of Crips had an organized enterprise, granting the investigators the ability to form a huge RacketeerInfluenced and Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act case against this set. Guerrant has admitted that he, Kasey, Mack, Levesy, and others conspired to conduct a pattern of . Real Crips and Bloods dont bang under no 6 or 5. Im the hardest Ni66ah behind the desk top ,ask the homies bout me bluzzin.ICBG aka Internet Crip n Blood Gang or dont bang. Hk IFGBk ETGk, cooper road rollin 60 crips 2900 peach street project baby, NHC ROLLIN SIXTY CRIP BABYDRE From the port, nwf side cooper road 2900 all day ever one love wilkins street rollin 60s, MUCH LOVE 2 THE HOMIES N SWEETPORT La. 56. 33. 59. Two other men were injured in the shooting, though their . For example, during the 1980s, members of RSC would travel north across town to the World-on-Wheels skating rink located in rival School Yard Crips (SYC) neighborhood. The West Side (W/S) Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips are a long standing and infamous African American street gang based in the Hyde Park area in west Los Angeles, California. Westside Rollin 60s NeighborHood Crip [RSC, R.60s, NH R.60s] are a predominately African-American street gang in the Hyde Park area of South Los Angeles, California. Boo Rock, 2000 Wh60 ever is o60ut there st60p d60ing that ish f60r my clique c60me find them Wh60ever gave yall 60ur knowledge that they didnt sup60se 2.. C-411.C-410 R60LLIN 60S NEIGHBCC60RH60D CRIPS CHAIRMAN O TRUCC GBCCIRMINGHAM AL WESTSIDE C-411 TO ALL ROLLIN SETS 60UT THERE. Share on Facebook Facebook C.m.g.k chick Ni66ah N-Hood chick Ass Slobk .6 OWE Till the World Blow, I dont like THE RXLLXN 6 DICCZ ITSK 8ight Tr3y GanGsta Cr1p GanG C^Z upk fromthe feet up if it aint trayz or tr3ys we shoot em upk Claaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt Claaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt. 85. Nate Dog Let me know if I'm missing anybody or if I got any information wrong. -THE 20 BLOODS, I dont like ALL SLOBS,tramps,snoovas,fakestreets,scrapyards,hooks,bikerims,fartgets andbody k I dont like COMPTON,ANYBODY k.IM CACC MUTHAI dont likeAS!YALL MUTHAI dont likeAS THOUGH I WAS DEAD.IM GOING O REP HAVOC ON EVERYTHING&EVERYBODY IF U AINT FROM HOOD.ROLLINSIXTYNHOODCRIP 4LIFE ANYBODY k!ALL U MARK AZZ NI66AS GO k YOURSELFS.CUZZ BABY LOONTIC LAWRENCE IS CACC.WHATS OWES. DID NOT MIND ROLLING SOLO Baby Shorty, 1988 yall heard of the homie Shotz? Members are known to sport Seattle Mariners baseball caps with the letter S which represent Sixty or "60s Crip". It sickens me to the core that our youth in this area keeps repeating the same mistakes as the generation before them. | Streets & Scholars (EP60), Learning the art of tattooing practicing on inmates in prison | Luxx Tattoos (EP18, pt. One theory was that 60th Street "rolled" through the entire neighborhood, which today extends 27 blocks from Slauson Avenue in the north to Florence Avenue in the south, and from Western Avenue in the east towards Overhill Drive in the west. WERE TAKING OVER INGLESLOB, RoLLxn 60s^ NHLO gang 52336 bkusta ass Ni66ahS Get SHKOT, Ni66ah we rollin dookie hard in da lou Ni66ah 60 crip 4 life cuz, On SIX-OWE CUZ Ni66ahZ IS ALL IN BK-HAM ALABAMA BANGING THIS 60S ish ON EVERY PKIRU Ni66ah IT IS. Los Angeles is barred from enforcing these restraining orders since 2017. O/G Hollister, 198? 66. . Keda Mack ( 2000), died from brain cancer. Tiny Crip Crazy, 1994 Nothing like they used to be. Pettie Wheat, 198? E/S/Criplett. We more connected. Lloyd Richard Boo Roc 2 Brewer Jr., 19 (March 7, 1981 July 25, 2000), shot and killed at Fox Hills mall parking lot with Marco 3. U rickets . The Rollin 60's, feeling that the "Trays" weren't being honest, murdered a member of their gang in retaliation. Box Head, 1996 Lil Muggs aka Lil Muggzy, Nov. 1983 Damon Leroy Lil Scooby Jones, 37 (June 17, 1976 March 27, 2014), shot and killed on 6800 block of 11th Avenue. O/G Corneil Dog, 198? Lil Slugger 133. Benzo 51. Lil Boobie Clark, 1991 As gang violence plagues and poisons various communities, we work tirelessly to eradicate these gangs, making our country saferone investigation at a time. Ernest Baby Marco Dabbs & Richard Lloyd Lil Boo Roc Brewer Jr. both lived together on the roof of Fox Hills Mall July 25, 2000. But you for got one thing hard head, The Midwest started Black Street Gangs first and cities like St Louis & Detroit & Cleveland had real Cali street gangs in the streets like East Coast Crips and Rollin 60s use to bang out in St Louis & Grape Street Watts use to have a drug pipe line in five Midwest cities plus Black Mafia started in Detroit but Chicago was the birth of Black street organizations like Black P Stone and Mickey Cobras! One of the biggest success stories coming out of this community is the rapper Nipsey Hussle, who released three mixtapes, Bullets Aint Got No Name from 2008 to 2009. Swin6 som3 Cooki3z (knowl3dk63) w3 C-ridin in william$pkort, pka inhood r no hood if it aint tru its dead keep ya C high or else yu anotha flamin dead Ni66ah (slob). Baby Crazy Boy, Aug 1988 ashes to ashes dust to dust ---? Baby Kenny Mac, aka Baby K Mac, 1994 O up or blow up, f all your dirty nasty ashy ass Ni66ahs. Membership is estimated to be around 1,600 people, making it one of the largest gangs in the Los Angeles area. 127. Lil Ice Man, 1993 According to court documents, Collins was attempting to shoot a rival Mansfield Gangster Crip member, Tyrone Swain, when Toshima was accidentally struck. The Rollin 60' NHC(Neighborhood Crips) are one of the largest and oldest street gangs on the southside of LA, because of their large numbers they have been able to dominate outside of their traditional neighborhood. .In murder meridian. 117. 12. Thkrow my set upk ROLLIN 60S NH OR DONT BKANG Anonymous permalink. 8ight Tr3y Gangst3rs, I dont like yall crabes g-shine to da death of mi juheard gwoo yall rollin 60s is done juheard yall Ni66ahs ked mi brolive I dont like matter wiff yall imma lite yall hood da I dont like up and gettin poppin wiff watever crab want it. Ge Be, 2002, overdose Thats why its rollin!!!! 31. (August 27, 1996 March 21, 2021), shot and killed in Palmdale, Rollin 60s NeighborHood Crips in Los Angeles, California Hyde Park area, Barrio Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley Los Angeles, Canoga Park Alabama Street (CPA) West San Fernando Valley, Langdon Street (Sepas), North Hills | West San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, Pacoima Project Boyz, aka Paca Project Boys, Pacoima Criminals (PCS, PC), Pacoima in San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Pacoima Crazy Boys (PCB) in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Pacoima Goleta Street (PGST), in Pacoima neighborhood of San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Ilex Street (PIXS), in Pacoima neighborhood of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Lev Boys (PLV), in Pacoima are of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Terra Bellas (PTBST, PTBS, TBS) in Pacoima area of San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Van Nuys Boys (PVNBS, PVNBZ) in Pacoima area of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima South Side Locos in the Pacoima area of the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Hispanic gangs in the North Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA, Logan Heights in San Fernando Valley Los Angeles, Big Hazard in Ramona Gardens, Boyle Heights, Primera Flats in Boyle Heights Los Angeles, Varrio Nuevo Estrada in Boyle Heights (Estrada Courts), Varrio El Hoyo Soto [defunct] in Boyle Heights, Varrio Boyle Heights (v. BHTS) in Boyle Heights, East LA Rifa in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, 18th Street MacArthur Park area, Los Angeles, Hispanic gangs in the City of Los Angeles, California Hollywood area, Clanton 14th Street (C14) 3rd Hood, Hollywood, CA, Varrio St. Andrews (STA) in Hollywood area, Varrio Frog Town Rifa (v F.T.R.) Yall lost mo nappsk then any other combine You luccy that none of the Mov3rs got to spill ur guts on nappkshawI dont like SISSIESK187 MFGC3X. 116. 50. Disgusting foul ignorant drunk. Christopher Shamroc Nettles, 30 ( June 18, 1981 April 1, 2012), stabbed to death in the city of Hawthorne. The case agents found that the Rollin 60s was not a typical Long Island gang, as many gangs on Long Island were very unorganized. 19. & every other gang that exist .. all yall needa live just for being so fing smart.live off , go to hell. 61. Its still real Ni66ahz out thur just watch who u Roll wit.All Ni66ahz Aint meant to Roll! Incident shocked L.A. into the realization that street violence could occur anywhere", "Nipsey Hussle Was Hailed as a Hero. Thats some bull ish yall busters made watching colors. kill his wife kill his mother ---? East or West Cuz its all love! Big Mar Rock, 1987 Yall k disabled kids Ni66ahz is weak these days! 93. 90. Heed the word of the Brothas SISSEEEEEEES !! 151. Over time, the feud spilled over into surrounding neighborhoods, forcing other gangs to chose sides in the conflict. 38. ITS TIME TO PUT IT TO BED ! [1][6], Musician, businessman, and community activist Nipsey Hussle was a member of the Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips.[7]. Other Blood rivals include the Crenshaw Mafia Gang, Inglewood Neighborhood Pirus, Harvard Park Brims, Fruit Town Brims, Rollin 20s Neighborhood Bloods and the Black P Stones. 141. Big Homie Cat is one of the Original Avenues still Rollin, he used to Ce out with my Uncle Cyco Mike and dem off 10th Ave. 610. 72. Sorry about all that climate change fer. No wonder why they call yall sissies , went rollin through yall hood every Ni66ah we saw was ducking and dodging . THE FOOL IS OBVIOUSLY A LAME ! 132. 58. Nipsey, In reference to the three geographical areas in the 60s, its FRONT HOOD, BACK HOOD, and OVER HILLS, everything falls under these three geographical areas, learn your history before you put it out . nothing but a bunch of rapist cild malesteing ass chickes. 42. Lil J-Dog, 199? E-Mac, 1994 120. rollin *^60^* and we goin hard 6eefin . Tiny Ken Bone, 1985 He has continued to record music, opened up a clothing store and has become one of the biggest rap artist coming out of Los Angeles. Dis ish still serious as a heart attacC so u can lose yo life bout tryin to False claim so at yo own risk. Baby Weasel aka Lil Low Down, 1991 I was always haNgiN with my 6-Owe Ni66ahz. Get FBI email alerts http://www.vladtv.com - Rapper Nipsey Hussle sat down with VladTV, where he explained why he made the decision to join the Crips gang Rollin 60s, which he sa. . Baby Bear Claw, 1997 K Fish, 198? Sn74vak, Tr83mpk, slobs & sleezzys too. 134. 114. Im glad that khaki blu from six owe liked d monk 2 from Snoova f snoova i used to be from snoova but they some chickes f big black from snovva rest in ish some chick from ug got him Im glad, Lil dmonk rest in ish black 1 rest in ish..f snooveri hope the sixtys and whoever ks you birches..hk tramp k..i used to be but f them they dont got any guns and no real riders so Im sure you guys can get em snoover k!!! Because thats exactly where all of yall going . Perry manuel is my uncle.. #capachino family.. TeeManuel RSC 4life. Big Boscoe, 1995 Williams too was sentenced to death but then had his sentenced commuted to 4 consecutive life terms (100 years) while Burns was sentenced to life without parole. a C to represent Crip who's your father King David who's your mother queen sheeba whats in your back yard 1963 Chevy what killed king David a donut what's behind the sun gangsta city what's under your right foot 2000 slobks what's under your left foot a red slobks flag what's in your pocket 65 cents , 3 bones , and pack of camel cigarettes . Big Crazy Boy, 1991 104. The war between the Rollin 60s and Eight Tray Gangster Crips is deep rooted in antipathy and has been going steady for over thirty years [2]. fING CUNS ARE JUST WORTHLESS BETTER OFF AS SLAVES OR worse. Treys up to all the hoods under the trey first off but we need to stop the crop on crop beef. I dont like err 6ody 6itch ass mf R6LLAN 60 6ITCH CLIAAAAATTT WE DONT I dont like WIT ANY OF YALL I dont like AROUNDS get wit us or u food. missn Da W/S..Cuzz Out! their surenos, Buh im not in LA or cali im in WA doin it big with the fam. This article about a criminal organization is a stub. 107. Very briefly - without getting too far from Sidewinder's funeral - when the original Westside Crips split up into various factions - most notably the Hoover Crips, Rollin' 60 Crips and Original Westside Gangster Crips (which became the 8 Trey Gangsters - the sets got along. what are the color of rollin 60s neighborhood crip, ^6lue Yellow n grey mainly sometimes 6lacc 6ut not really datz a $n60vaz original color, LOL THIS ___ ASS SITE DELETED ALL THE COMMENTS ON HERE SMH, yall snatcs tha stole m fkcin bike, i k u. I Still bang sixtyz and chill with other crip gangs . what is the purpose of that ish ? Big Dre You can get up to $25,000 per person. Jovoni Mud Roll / MoRo Thomas, 27, (Oct. 16, 1984 June 22, 2012), Stanford Mumbles aka Wino Bursey, 24, (Aug. 16, 1961 Sept. 7, 1985), Ermias Nipsey Hussle / Thundercat 2 Asghedom, 33 (AUG. 15, 1985 March 31, 2019), shot and killed by, Lattimore No Good Nelson, 53 (August 22, 1965 January 1, 2019), Peanut 2 (1993), died on accident after sitting on a gun, Thomas Pimp Martin, 25, (Sept. 26, 1956 Sept. 8, 1982) shot and killed by, Rickey Rico Suave Andre Hill Sr., 45 (Feb. 8, 1957 March 8, 2002), was sot and killed at 3140 W Florence Ave in Los Angeles, Marquis Tiny Ricc Rocc Wilson, 23, ( July 22, 2012), shot and killed at Shell gas station on Slauson & Crenshaw in Los Angeles, James Rodzay 3 Monroe Daniels III, 36 (Jan. 17, 1977 July 16, 2013), shot and killed at 3485 W. Hyde Park in Los Angeles, Sador Sandman Negus Fasehaye (1986 Sept. 27, 2012), shot and killed near Crenshaw and 43rd Streets. 68. FuGC nappks ! come to l.a. and hit the dome and get put on if u wanna bang six-owe you Ni66ahs nothin, Ayy, whats good wit my Ni66ah Tadpole (sterling scott) hit me up homie 2403465396 PDOG3, 1, Rich Rolling 6os til i lie we dont live we multiply CCCCCCRRRIIIIIIIP yall slo6 ass ni66as dont want dis dirty tampons, I dont like aLL yaWL chick aSs liiTtLe AsS sLoB SnOoChiE fartgeT TraMPs Nd WhaTEvA ElSe nhOOd 6^iXtyS gOt ThiiS rOlliN gOt ThiiS NhOod goT thiiS k-ing oFf eNeMiEs On LoCxke Ni66ah nHkRr^60st.