prospect medical holdings lawsuit
Hed go through three hours of literally just peeling the skin off somebody, Aleman said. Leonard Green struck a deal that aligned Lees financial interests with its own. The $12 million is to be paid by the company, not the two executives. ), Despite the turmoil, Lee became CEO of Prospect and consolidated power. As far as the unions concerned, theyre not welcome in Rhode Island.. After decades of profits, Nix began losing money. You cant state or imply that donations to your organization support ProPublicas work. The problem was discovered in August 2015 during a routine compliance audit by nurses with Inter Valley Health Plan, a California HMO that sent Medicare Advantage patients to Prospect doctors and, as a result, had shared in the improper windfall (unknowingly, according to Inter Valley). For more information about canonical metadata, You cant edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. In a letter responding to the company, Alemans lawyer denied that his client made any defamatory statements. Aleman is now CFO of Prime Healthcare. Their moves intensified a shift to for-profit ownership among the nations 5,200 general hospitals: from about 15% for-profit in 2000 to 25% for-profit in 2018, the most recent year for which data is available. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. When Leonard Green made its third attempt to exit, the nominal price was a pittance. Proposed legislation in Rhode Island threatens to further stall the deal. (To inquire about syndication or licensing opportunities, contact. (Prospects spokesman said the matter was referred to the court because efforts to resolve the amount of the payment were unsuccessful. If you use canonical metadata, please use the ProPublica URL. He decided to invest, putting up $3 million in equity toward the $34 million purchase price. Leonard Green and Prospect responded to ProPublicas questions in written statements through Sitrick and Company, a crisis PR firm jointly retained on their behalf. Inter Valley began investigating, with help from a law firm and outside consultant. I dont know the answer, but I think theres something wicked going on here, Max Wistow, the receivers special counsel, told a public hearing. The company raised $1.55 billion. The founder of Kline Hawkes was an investor named Frank Kline, who told ProPublica that no person named Hawkes was ever involved with the firm. That success didnt last long. by Ian Donnis. The third suit alleged an illegal patient procurement scheme to generate fraudulent Medicare and Medicaid claims. Their ambitions were only growing. Some current and former management shareholders, working with Aleman, contemplated trying to recruit another buyer who would pay a far higher price. The next day youre absolutely in the doghouse., (Last fall, Lee abruptly terminated Aleman, who then filed suit claiming he is owed for unpaid compensation and canceled company stock options. Ive seen the whole M&A market for hospitals dry up., Making quick profits from operating hospitals proved daunting. The reality, he said, was that Lee was putting out aggressive financial statements., Lee fought tooth and nail to hike Altas reported profits in 2006 by booking inflated estimates for forthcoming Medicaid revenues, according to Michael Bogert, who prepared Altas audited financial statements for Moss Adams LLP, the companys accounting firm. Lee was whip smart, could be charming when he wanted to and preferred to operate behind the scenes. Chris Callaci, general counsel for the Fatima hospital union, said his group is also considering running a radio ad to boost public opposition to the sale. The ultimate total cost to Prospect from the improper billing episode, including expected income the company lost as a result, was in the tens of millions, Aleman estimated. Leonard Green extracted $400 million in dividends and fees for itself and investors in its fund not from profits, but by loading up the company with debt. But it also meant that Prospect had shed by far its biggest asset, sharply reducing the value of the company. (Another $14 million in fees went to the private equity fund. This includes publishing or syndicating our work on platforms or apps such as Apple News, Google News, etc. The size of the problem was a secret. In late 2015, Prospect outbid two other companies with a $44 million offer for the 196-bed hospital, then in bankruptcy and losing more than $2 million a month. In a letter to Rhode Island officials, Prospect insisted it didnt violate the pledge it made back in 2014 because in 2014, no dividends were planned., That $457 million raised the total in dividends extracted from Prospect since Leonard Green acquired it to $645 million. Alta borrowed the rest. Employees sometimes had to spend their own money to buy toilet paper for patients. At a Prospect hospital in Rhode Island, a locked ward for elderly psychiatric patients had to be evacuated and sanitized after poor infection control spread COVID-19 to 19 of its 21 residents; six of them died. It eventually turned out there were 3,847 erroneous claims over four years, requiring $2.8 million in repayments to CMS, including $1.7 million from Prospect. In 2013, four years after buying the hospital, Prospect grouped Brotman with two of its other hospitals, renaming it Southern California Hospital at Culver City. He would just not pay people as a way to negotiate. Dealing with the company, he added, has been a parade of horribles.. Prospect has a long history of breaking its word: It has closed hospitals it promised to preserve, failed to keep contractual commitments to invest millions in its facilities and paid its owners nine-figure dividends after saying it wouldnt. As Mississippis oyster population continues its freefall, state leaders turn to a model that has helped in Louisiana. The officials have postponed their decision until November, saying there are missing documents and unanswered questions. Were talking here about safety-net hospitals that are serving the poor, the unemployed, disproportionately people of color. The head of the department died. (In recent years, his wifes Facebook account has shown him celebrating holidays with her and their three college-age sons; family vacations in Maui, Aspen and Las Vegas; and pilgrimages to the Super Bowl and the American Music Awards.). Peter Elkind is a reporter covering government and business. ), For Leonard Green, the exit made a certain sense. The effects were felt almost immediately. It went from making about $20 million to losing money. The litany goes on. The question of whether profits and good medical care can coexist is not a new one in the United States. Big private equity firms were flooding into the hospital business. It sought, unsuccessfully, to reduce nurses accrued vacation time and to cut pension benefits for all employees who didnt work full time. The low cash price would value their shares and options at a pittance, dashing their expectations of a windfall. The foundation sued, eventually extracting Prospects agreement to submit the matter to arbitration while putting the money into escrow. WebWe are hospitals and affiliated medical groups working for the benefit of every person who comes to us for care. Eager to raise capital, Prospect sold its land and buildings last fall in a sale-leaseback transaction that allowed the operations to remain in the facilities. The transaction breezed past regulators in four states where Prospect owns a total of 15 hospitals. Any website our stories appear on must include a prominent and effective way to contact you. In late October, the company which has a lengthy history of litigation threatened to sue an accounting firm hired by Rhode Island to assess the deal because a former accountant at the firm made critical comments to ProPublica about a company that Prospect CEO Lee had been involved with more than a decade ago. Indeed, Leonard Green is now on its third attempt to sell Prospect. As a result, Prospect reduced the dividend to $457 million. Then 49, Topper started Alta after recovering from a fire at his home that left him on a respirator, with third-degree burns over 70% of his body. Please contact. That quality component was always lax in my opinion, one said. Almost as quickly as it rose, private equity firms ardor for hospitals has substantially cooled in the past few years, said Lisa Phillips, editor of HealthCareMandA.com, which tracks private equity health care deals. In its responses for this story, Prospect made an array of unsubstantiated allegations about Alemans workplace conduct during his 12 years at the company. Filed in 2018, the case remains pending in Los Angeles. Its such a brutal case of unabashed greed, said Rosemary Batt, a professor at Cornell Universitys School of Industrial and Labor Relations, who has studied private equitys involvement in health care. Waterbury Hospital was found to have failed to properly monitor two suicidal patients on a single day in March 2019. ), A second lawsuit filed in federal court claimed the hospital inflated Medicaid revenues at its Miracles detox center by admitting financially needy or homeless patients with no medical reason for being hospitalized for chemical dependency. The plaintiff, a former nurse there who sought whistleblower status for the suit, alleged that some patients were admitted so often, without undergoing standard addiction screenings, that the staff referred to them as frequent fliers. Federal prosecutors ultimately declined to join the case but allowed it to proceed as a private action against Prospect and the hospital under the False Claims Act. WebHospital chain Prospect Medical Holdings has reached a $1.9 million settlement with employees in a proposed class and collective action who argued for overtime pay Lee became the primary decision-maker. Prospect CEO Sam Lee, who owns about 20% of the chain, made $128 million while expanding the company from five hospitals in California to 17 across the country. They wanted to get rid of it at all costs. In its statement, Prospect said it will keep East Orange open into 2021 while it continues to seek a buyer and thus will surpass our five-year commitment of operating the hospital. The company also said it has met its $52 million capital-spending promise under provisions of its purchase agreement that allow it to count debt payments and routine maintenance costs toward that total. Prospect denied it ever lacked PPE at any of its hospitals. The deal hasnt worked out quite as well for Prospects patients, many of whom have low incomes. The ProPublica report details how the transaction would hobble Leonard Green, which owns about 60% of the hospital chain, announced plans in October 2019 to sell its stake to Prospect CEO Sam Lee and his longtime business partner for $12 million plus the assumption of $1.3 billion in lease obligations. Citing Leonard Greens history with the hospital company, the Rhode Island state treasurer has said he will block any future investments by his state, which sunk $20 million into the fund that owns Prospect, in the private equity firms funds. These arent mere anecdotes or anomalies. Correction, Oct. 12, 2020: An earlier version of this article misspelled the name of Doreena Duphily. Theyve squeezed it as dry as they can., Those actions have made it hard for the firms to sell hospitals, according to Eileen Appelbaum, senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, who studies private equity. Were in this for the long term, OK?. The concerns are dire enough that on 14 occasions since 2010, Prospect facilities have been deemed by government inspectors to pose immediate jeopardy to their patients, a situation the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines as having caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment or death.. Prospect removed Nixs longtime CEO in 2015 and established control from headquarters in LA, while cycling through four more CEOs in the next four years. There is leakage from the ceiling when it rains you can taste the mold in the air.. As Connecticut in 2016 weighed whether to approve Prospects purchase of three hospitals, the state sent a team to California to investigate five recent immediate jeopardy findings, which had placed one Prospect hospital license on a termination track for cutoff of Medicare and Medicaid funding. Nursing assistant Doreena Duphily, who worked in the geriatric mental-health ward, where 19 of 21 patients were infected, was out sick for three weeks with COVID-19 herself. On this news, MPT's stock price allegedly fell $0.80, or 8.7%, to close at $11.14 per share on February 23, 2023. Filed: August 10, 2017 2:17-cv-03599-WB. Kline was skeptical. You are are free to republish it so long as you do the following: Copy and paste the following into your page to republish: New Law Aims to Save Oysters on the Mississippi Coast, In Secret Recording, a Top City Library Official Calls Alaska Natives Woke and Racists. Meanwhile, one of the hospitals elevators has been out of order for 10 months. Private equity firm Leonard Green and other investors extracted $645 million from Prospect Medical before announcing a deal to sell it and leave it with $1.3 billion in According to her suit, these patients were brought from nursing homes and other senior facilities, many well over 100 miles away, when their Medicare benefits there, capped at 100 days, were about to expire. The Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation responded by initially denying Waterburys accreditation, required to receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, after an inspection that found 42 quality standards out of compliance. In December 2019, Connecticut regulators extended the monitoring of the states three Prospect hospitals until May 2021. Kline assigned Lee, then 32, to oversee the investment. Meanwhile, the CEO whittled costs to the bone by finding cheap sources for medical supplies; through real-time monitoring of hospital staffing; and slow-walking every vendor payment. Kline picked a British-sounding name to add a dash of gravitas. Prospects story is also a bleak omen for the future of Americas health care system and a particularly telling one because the company is effectively on its second tour through the private equity system. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published. Employees told ProPublica the problem has persisted for years and provided photographs and videos documenting numerous leaks as well as the mold growth. The Private Equity Stakeholder Project, a union-backed research group, has produced detailed reports criticizing Greens history with Prospect. He hasnt been quoted in the press in more than 20 years. (Under agreements Prospect makes virtually all employees sign, the case is scheduled to go to arbitration. Prospect Medical, which mostly serves low-income patients, has suffered a litany of problems: broken elevators, dirty surgical gear, bedbugs and more. He would shut off things youd say it was crazy to shut off., Through its spokesman, Prospect said we do not have a slow-pay policy at Sam Lees or anyone elses direction. It said the companys implementation of a new financial system over the past 12 months has caused a number of vendor payment delays and credit holds., Prospect was far less obsessive about patient care issues, according to former company executives. Prospect finally paid, 18 months late, after the arbitrator awarded the foundation $23.7 million, including interest. In October, the private equity firm agreed to sell the firms 60% stake to Lee and Topper for $12 million in cash plus the assumption of $1.3 billion in lease obligations. We reported everything, Inter Valley CEO Mike Nelson said. Please contact. Prospect asserted that its cost was actually $8.5 million and that management was unaware of any inappropriate billing until after the fact. And opponents there are making a stand. Just over two decades ago, Sam Lee and the private equity firm where he then worked were among the first such firms to invest in hospitals and it started almost by accident. Prospect used much of the cash to pay off its loans. You cant sell our material separately or syndicate it. All but one of Prospects hospitals rank below average in the federal governments annual quality-of-care assessments, with just one or two stars out of five, placing them in the bottom 17% of all U.S. hospitals. In the latest skirmish between Prospect Medical Holdings and Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Neronha, Prospect announced Friday it is withdrawing from the state process for changing its ownership. Many of these problems had yet to emerge by 2015, as Prospect struck rapid-fire deals to double the companys size. SVP Crockett testified, for example, that there was no specific patient harm that occurred, while insisting Prospect acted aggressively to address the allegations, including by creating new posts for a chief quality officer and a vice president of regulatory affairs and patient safety., The company claimed it would act differently in the new states it was entering. The merger nearly wrecked Prospect. Toppers main role was to be Altas salesman, schmoozing doctors and nursing home administrators to feed Medicaid and Medicare patients into their small community hospitals, located in low-income neighborhoods. The settlement, subject to multiple court approvals that will take several months, will end the receivers public opposition to Prospects pending sale. Inter Valleys CEO and its chief compliance officer then sent a letter detailing their findings to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in August 2016. Patients needing MRI scans must be taken outdoors and down an alley, past dumpsters and into a hospital parking lot, where the scan is done in a rented trailer. And ProPublica has learned of a multiyear scheme at a key Prospect operation that resulted in millions of dollars in improper claims being submitted to the government. As of December 31, 2021, Prospect was MPT's third largest tenant, representing 7.3% of its total assets. Prospect said it quickly resolved all immediate jeopardy findings, something a hospital is required to do to remain eligible for federal reimbursements. Six members of the environmental services staff, responsible for cleaning patient floors, also got sick. It had effectively replaced its debt payments with rent payments. Prospect is lying in claiming that theyve complied with the order, union general counsel Chris Callaci said. Or you get to the scene and the ambulance wont run.. We have official accounts for ProPublica on. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published. Prospect executives tap danced, alternately denying problems and explaining away the repeated findings of imminent threat. No problem, Prospect responded; it wouldnt pay out any more dividends. Four states approved it but Rhode Island is holding out. Instead, retirees nervous about Prospects purchase were shown a PowerPoint presentation stating that Prospects one-time contribution would stabilize plan assets. Lee attested in writing that the payment would assure that the pensions and retirement of many former employees, who reside in the community, are protected. Prospect told the attorney general that any necessary future payments would be made based on recommended annual contribution amounts as provided by the Plans actuarial advisors. Remarkably, no one addressed who would actually make such payments. The retirement plan for Our Lady of Fatima, which 2,700 past and current hospital employees were counting on, had been woefully underfunded since 2008. In an interview, the woman, who asked not to be identified, told ProPublica, They blamed me for something I didnt do. Inter Valleys Tenorio called her a scapegoat., Meanwhile, three lawsuits have charged Prospect with different allegations of billing fraud at its flagship hospital in Culver City. These problems surfaced over the past decade, after the private equity firm purchased the company in 2010. He relented only after a bit of salesmanship: Topper surprised him by turning up at a dinner meeting with 15 doctors who promised to send patients to Altas hospitals. At Notre Dame, Baumer and his wife have endowed the lacrosse teams head coaching position ($3 million) and funded a new mens dormitory ($20 million). Making it right is what we should do, Nelson said. A company consultant in one of its Rhode Island hospitals discovered dirty, corroded and cracked surgical instruments in the operating room. Before the monitoring period expired, two of Prospects newly acquired Connecticut hospitals were slapped with immediate jeopardy findings. (A Prospect spokesman disputed the claim, insisting that the company had ample liquidity. The companys 2020 financial results have not been made public yet.). This time, two patient deaths triggered the jeopardy findings. The deal paid off Altas debt and netted Lee and Topper $50 million each in cash and Prospect stock. State officials approved the companys acquisitions on a conditional basis in 2016, while imposing a three-year monitoring regime that health department officials describe as unprecedented. When you looked on paper, it was a beautiful turnaround, said Jack Lahidjani, who was Altas CFO from 2003 to 2006. Given Sam Lees prowess at squeezing cash out of ailing institutions, Prospect undoubtedly will find profits left to extract. WebWelcome to Prospect Medical Group, an independent physician association (IPA) supporting residents of Southern California. And ProPublica has learned of a multiyear scheme at a key Prospect operation ), The situation grew dire. Text Size. As Prospect and Lee put it in their statement for this article, In effect, the companys money is their money., To Lees management team, who dreamed of stock option riches, it was an outrage. By 2010, the investing trends had changed. ), But once again, the sale collapsed. Our comprehensive networks aim to provide coordinated, personalized care to California, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Texas and Rhode Island. Leonard Greens sale to Lee and Topper requires approval from state officials in Rhode Island, since it involves hospitals there. Theyre loaded with debt and anybody sensible is not prepared to buy them..
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