phillips hall cornell
Plenty of classmates kids have headed off to campuses after embracing some hybrid, at-home, or gap year options over the last year, including Caroline Raymond, daughter of Catie Blackler and Derek Raymond, whos starting at Santa Clara U. a year after graduating from high school in Skaneateles, NY. The wonders and upsides of social media. I apologize in advance for any errors in this next news; it was handwritten, and my 66-year-old eyes are not as keen as in the past! When he does retire, he plans to play golf as much as his schedule and family allow. Online news form. He and Steven Weinberg discussed physics while riding the subway to and from high school. Has education failed?. Together they bring an array of government, nonprofit, and academic perspectives to offer a truly global perspective. In retirement, Judith Locker Adelson writes from Los Angeles, My daughter and 6-year-old granddaughter have been living with me during the pandemic. Greg is now a forester in the Bronx, helping to keep the Big Apple green. He is also enjoying playing tennis and sailing often, and has reconnected with Dave Tepper, co-captain of Cornell tennis in 70. Son-in-law Lucas saw many musical performances vanish but acquired many students via Zoom. It has allowed me to engage in meetings, workshops, and concerts from California to Switzerland. Online news form. Charlotte fenced pe at Wellesley College and still keeps up with her varsity-level weight-lifting routines, a great reminder for those of us who struggle to fit important fitness activity into our days! Amy started working for NASA in 2011 and she has been the program executive for prizes, challenges, and crowdsourcing since 2017. I hope the start of winter has been treating you well. Aaron was one of the running coaches, and it turned out every running coach had a Cornell connection: Cornell Triathlon Team coach Tom Giannettino, and Triathlon Team members Avery Voehl 21 and Warren Blood 21. Thank God all are well. News has come to us of the death of classmate Virginia Ginny Lucie Marshall on June 14 this year. I read and travel voraciously. Board members may also be contacted over the Maker Club Slack. Cornell's colleges and schools encompass more than 100 fields of study, with locations in Ithaca, New York, New York City and Doha, Qatar. And Netflix helps too. Tom Newton wrote, No real changes. I remain optimistic at the opportunity and resiliency my hometown and region continue to demonstrate. Laurance Fuller Professor Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Photographed at the dedication of Philips Hall in 1955 were, left to right, S.C Hollister, dean of the College of Engineering; Mr. Ellis L. Phillips; Mrs. Ellis L. Phillips; and Cornell President Deane W. Malott. As serious as the pandemic has been, it is only an alarm for much bigger challenges in the future. Hi classmates and family and friends of the Class of 89! The members of professor Burckmyer's subcommittee were professorsA. Berry Credle '30,H.G. TheSchool of Electrical Engineering became a separate entity in 1921, but the 1916-level classroom and laboratory space remained essentially unchanged until World War II days. Reaching out during these isolating times definitely resonated, and I highly recommend it. For GPS, use the street address of the Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center at 616 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853 (lat./lng. Well, hes still touring, and his band, Doctor Dans Music Show, recently performed at two legendary Los Angeles clubs (the Cinema Bar and the Viper Club). with Scott and Jean Euker Rigden 70. Her career included work in advertising, publishing, and Wall Street brokerages, and managing the office of her husbands private medical practice. Keep strong and be patient. Wishing I had more news to share this round. He enjoys spending time with family, reinventing the auto business, and giving back to the community. Jaclyn just graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School with a masters in public policy. Fill out an online news form, or send me an email. He comments: Its hard to keep up with the currency devaluation of inflationgovernment theft. Dues of either kind are now tax deductible on federal income tax returns. Jeff CJ Biederman (class council) has meandered West since graduation. My third son, Cornell Class of 2018, works for a startup, and our only daughter is a rising junior at Cornell.. Bridget serves as a C-suite executive for startup to mid-stage biotechnology companies, to get them to their first meaningful value inflection point. Johns next stop via the friendly skies: the Princeton suburbs, to see my pal Sameer Desai and his lovely clan. Rev. In 2019, we visited along with Bing Carlson, MBA 63, and wife Marcy and toured the Christmas markets in Bavaria. Meanwhile, Michael Westlund took his engineering background and his entrepreneurial spirit to develop an all-in-one productivity app called Fabulist with his brother Ken and their partner, Ashley Todd. He said that after his retirement from the sheriffs department, he has been spending much more time with his family and babysitting his grandchildren. Richard continues his lifelong love of all things automotive, helping son Will 94 manage his automobile collection. Marks unparalleled experience and expertise will help our state connect with its past, said Whitmer. As always, I would love to share more from the Class of 1994! I hope the year has been going as well as possible for all of you. Also on the Upper West Side is Fran Hoffinger. The Lakewood, Ca., native started all 31 games played during his time in Salt Lake City. The two bananas I ordered arrived as two pounds of bananas, leading to the necessity of baking banana bread. The obituary in the Cape Cod Times details her amazing story. She also volunteers at the Edible Academy at the New York Botanical Garden and does literacy tutoring through LiteracyNewYork.org. of Mental Health, Metro Suburban Area for the past 15 years. Please request a room key from Patricia L. Gonyea (. Now to news received in April: Evelyn Kris Hoffmann Huffman is still in Kansas City. Hank Stark (hankstark1@aol.com), one of several 59ers who lives in Kendal at Ithaca in Cayuga Heights (we know what the snow is like there), facilitates a current events discussion group at the county senior center. I hope everyone is doing well and had a more a normal summer. Elizabeth Higgs Newton shared, We recently adopted our foster son, Royal. He is a member of the firms finance practice in New York, principally advising financial institutions and direct lenders in connection with various transactions. Jack celebrated his 30th wedding anniversary with his wife, Chris, in a retro Airstream trailer park along a rail-trail bikeway on Cape Cod. Privacy & Cookie Policy | Terms & Condictions. Find the map Admissions: DEPT Address: Marshall Goldstein, last here four years ago, lives in Brewster, NY, and also wants to share his email address: marshallg@aol.com. Jeff gets the most satisfaction spending time with family, playing a good round of golf or a game of tennis/pickleball, and organizing an activity that friends can enjoy. Four sons (two with families) are in four states, one here in Minneapolis. Mike enjoys showing up and being spry enough to walk and work the Peloton! He advises being adaptable, paying attention, and patience. In this context, a group of startup founders in New Delhi launched an ambitious initiative, Mission Oxygen. Joyce Zelkowitz Cornett, cornett0667@comcast.net. Theyve learned to use Zoom and are staying in touch with family and friends via texts, emails, and FaceTime. Anthony Provenzano, MD 76 (drpro@drpro.com) is chairman of the Cancer Committee and Tumor Board, as well as director of clinical oncology at NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group in Westchester. Youll likely be reading this news column as we near the end of 2021. Jeanne has worked for 33 years at the Holyoke Health Center. How are you planning to spend the winter months? The pandemic ended our travels, but we are grateful to have done so much traveling while the getting was good. We have many beautiful memories and photos to help us revisit our favorite places. Their son Blake married Meredith Machesney in September 2020 on Cape Cod, and their daughter, Samantha 09, married Ryan Sigman in June 2021 in Sonoma, CA. We took a five-day vacation with our daughters to Kiawah Island, SC, in May. The Van Burens report no acute medical problems beyond dealing with age-related issues. Coincidentally, Michele (who splits her time between Toronto, where she is from, and Skaneateles), plays tennis with my sister when she is in the US. My life has been quite busy since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Her daughter interviewed her on another app, and its turned into a memoir. The market is missing thousands of national and international touristsand we are still here, strong, healthy, and masked. The carefully coordinated visual and acoustical environment includes panels of wood, wallboard, and fabric-wrapped acoustic panels. She has been so impressed by Cornells response to the pandemic. Every day, he still uses the skills and knowledge he learned at Cornell. Cathy is brushing up on French because she wants to travel, and she has even picked up playing guitar again. Now widowed, Linns going to use her time to get a much-needed knee replacement and then explore St. Louiss many interesting architectural and cultural spots, and to look for volunteer work. Similar to everyone else, my life has slowed down during the pandemic, and focus has been on my family. Her oldest son is at Washington U. in St. Louis, while her younger son is taking a gap semester in Israel and then starting spring semester as a freshman at Boston U. It was the trending story in our local papers for a week, ahead of stories about Biden, Trump, Cuomo, Gov. Take care and please share. I dont eat out, do wear masks, and wash hands all the time. Joan still plays golf but is otherwise careful about all activities. Please keep all the updates coming. His dad was a farm boy who didnt attend school until the tenth grade. Congratulations to Mark Rodman, MA 00 (Lansing, MI), who was appointed as the State Historic Preservation Officer by Michigans Governor Gretchen Whitmer. We also heard from Julio Caro, in California, that he continues to work in the film industry, producing films and series. Frederic has sadly gone through a divorce and is adjusting to his new life. Melinda Dower and Susan Shiebler MacDowell 79 were also in attendance. Alejandro Cortese, MS 16, PhD 19, is co-founder and CEO of OWiC Technologies Inc., an early-stage startup that spun out of doctoral research on microscopic optical wireless integrated circuits (OWiCs) he did at Cornell. With each spoonful of soup she ate, I winced, thinking of my baby brother swimming for dear life in that cauldron called her stomach. She was a guest speaker at the Presidents Council of Cornell Women annual symposium in May 2019. Electrical Engineering. She started on a whole new path learning about 19th-century local history as a part-time museum educator at the Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum in Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx. His last out-of-town trip was with his daughter and her family to Long Beach, WA. Cliff shares that all his family is vaccinated and healthy. Welcome, Christopher K. Ober, CNF Director (233 Phillips Hall & Zoom) in the US. Now I am doing lots of gardening and woodworking, as well as plenty of reading. Youve probably heard by now that Cornell Alumni Magazine content has gone digital. She enjoys being outdoors, playing tennis, walking, and biking. Sally now lives half the year in Ecuador but returns to the States periodically, traveling coast to coast to visit family and friends.. What brings her the most satisfaction these days? She teaches agriculture at the Cuba-Rushford Central School District in Allegany County, and she earned a Master of Arts in Teaching with a dual certification in Agriculture and Biology at Cornell. She missed not getting together for our Reunion in 2020 and especially seeing her roomie of three years, Susan Fulton, and her ever-patient husband, Alan Burrows 76. Online news form. The gorge lies just north of Beebe Lake and offers beauty, peacefulness, and a wealth of natural and industrial history.. Seminar / Electrical and Computer Engineering Weill Cornell Medicine yw233@cornell.edu. As she reflects on career changes, she remembers that ten years ago, she worked for the Clinton Global Initiative. The age of great discovery is not at an end, for nature, he said in his Nobel lecture, must still have some surprises in store for us., Steven Weinberg died on July 23, 2021 in Austin, TX. Marc became a first-time grandparent, which, he says, is an experience everyone should enjoy if they are so blessed. He is working through another spike in COVID cases and hoping to survive this one intact. During our visit to campus, we also enjoyed a leisurely stroll in the Botanic Gardens (forever known to most of us as the Plantations) and popped into the Cornell Store (still expensive LOL) and the Statleralthough, sadly, we couldnt get into Sage Chapel, which I was hoping to (re)show my kids, given how much time I spent there as an undergrad and how gorgeous it is inside. I wish you good health, happiness, and days filled to the brim with whatever makes you smile. His son, Sage, and his wife, Erica, joined the family distillery in 2020. Greetings, Class of 92! In other entrepreneurial news, Greg Manning launched a startup company, Pioneer Project Partners, a real estate project finance consulting practice in the Portland, OR, area. I have been sewing masksI am an Arts grad who likes to sew. with our Manhasset neighbors and look forward to some vacation time at the beach in late August. But even he remained a profound skeptic of all religious attempts to assign meaning to the universe. He once said, The more comprehensible the universe becomes, the more pointless it seems.. Her large family watches over her and sees that she can relax and enjoy each day. In mid-July she passed away. Along the way, as his fathers career advanced, Dick lived in Boston, Paris, and New York City. Attending were hostess Patricia Gray, Diane Kopelman Verschure 74, Ian 70 and Pat Gallagher Orr 70, and Susan Jaye Moran 72. Online news form. Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 420 Director of Graduate Studies kka34@cornell.edu Alyssa B. Apsel Professor and Director Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 229 607/255-3962 aba25@cornell.edu Christopher Batten Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering As for satisfaction in life, he is busy with lots of Cornells alumni activities, including CAAAN chair and student and alumni mentoring. He finds this delivery work very flexible and fun. Happy holidays, 09ers! Murray Heimberg, MNS 49, spent most of the COVID-19 year indoors and adjusted to it very well. In 1967, they returned, with a child, to the East Coast, where Louise entered Harvard Law School and Steven taught at Harvard and MIT. She now substitute teaches at Newark Charter High School, and is fully vaccinated. When he is not working, Neil enjoys playing and competing in golf. COVID actually kept Rich quite busy. Loren Meyer Stephens (lorenmstephens@gmail.com) and husband Dana Miyoshi have spent an inordinate amount of time on Zoom. I volunteered, before COVID, at the Maine Maritime Museum Boatshop and with veterans. Costis still enjoys his work at a leading cybersecurity and privacy research institute. David Heiden (davidheiden@gmail.com) and his wife, Katherine Seligman, have lived in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco since 1988. Son Jeffrey 76 lives with her, and she walks a lot. Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 308 607/255-7147 ase63@cornell.edu Mohamed I. Ibrahim Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 301 mibrahim@cornell.edu Debdeep Jena David E. Burr Professor of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering David E. Burr Professor of Engineering 424 Phillips Hall. There are more than 3,000 members of our class and, after a decade away from Cornell, more than 3,000 different stories and paths in the world. In early August, John and I attended an in-person gathering of all of the Zoom participants in the East Village, joined by classmate Rob Smith, who still practices psychiatry in Midtown Manhattan. Jay Bainbridge 86, BA 87, is a contributing author to a new book on the market. As was my sudden, unexpected promotion from zilch to class officer. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Jerrilyn is also the author of Wiregrass Country, a regional folklife study of the South. While summer has been busy, we took a short trip to Spring Lake, NJ, in July to visit (and surf!) Katherine Archodis Guzman said that her daily life hasnt changed recently except for the addition of two more grandchildren. Like all of us, Dave enjoys connecting with friends from Cornell. : 42.4522, -76.4804). She loves Cornell and I am thrilled to get to experience Cornell all over again through her eyes.