phasmophobia evidence tracker
Ghost Orbs will appear as a 4th piece of evidence. Sometimes this ghost will shapeshift, leaving behind unique evidence. Your main mission in Phasmophobia is to identify what type of Ghost is haunting the location you are in. Autofill ghost's info by pointing the camera at the journal. Talking near a Yokai will anger it, increasing the chance of an attack. Activity Monitor can show similar to EMF 5 spike (jump 0 to 5 bar then drop down) due to throwing multiple objects at once. The Ghost will not enter a hunt if there are multiple people nearby. These eerie, cute dolls are known for causing harm to others. You're awesome. Reset Ghost Count Reset Logged Evidence. A Mare will have an increased chance to attack in the dark. I had one make an airball event like 3 times, burn through a crucifix, turn off the breaker and interact with like 3 doors, computer and 2 lights in under a minute. These ghosts have been reported to find even the most hidden prey, before stalking them into exhaustion. Yokai are common ghosts that are attracted to human voices. Introducing "Paranormal", a FREE new theme for your stream graphics. This will cause the ghost to perform an interaction, and will drop the player's sanity by 5%. I made a Stream Elements Custom Widget for anyone who streams Phasmophobia to use on their stream. Sync: Can automatically synchronise multiple sessions. Once activated, the planchette will appear, cancelling the setup phase if it is ongoing. You can't repeat the wish, so choose carefully. View the web interface: https://kk964.github.io/Phasmophobia-Evidence-Tracker/. 0 Banshee. Only ages when a player is in the same room as the ghost. When drawn, they can trigger different effects on the team and on any nearby ghost. Needs smudge timer and hunt timer. This intricate little music box has been created with the sole purpose of communicating with the dead. Each Tarot cards deck contains 10 randomly generated cards. Will you tamper with fate and change your future? Yureis have been known to have a stronger effect on peoples sanity. If the circle is lit while a hunt is already ongoing, the ghost will be teleported to the middle of the circle, and the hunt will continue. Evidence. 0 Demon. If you'd like to contribute to the project, first ensure that you have NodeJS v8.11 or later installed, as well as a recent version of NPM. Pair the Difficulty and Map with P.E.T.'s Setup Timer to keep tabs on remaining Sanity. Blows out lit candles, lighters, and campfires more frequently. I made a simple site to enter your evidence as you find them, and as you do, the table of ghosts will update to highlight possible choices. The cards must be drawn inside the investigation area for them to work. @Ninya, Reach over your right or left shoulder and grab the Journal from your back. There are currently seven unique pieces of evidence in the game that can be used to identify a ghost: By default, each ghost can give 3 evidences. - Deduce the ghost type - the app narrows down the list of potential matches when you track the evidence. Ability to reject ghosts. When hunting, a Yokai can only hear voices close to it. A Yurei is a Ghost that has returned to the physical world, usually for the purpose of revenge or hatred. Are you sure you want to create this branch? like for example once you find the ghost room you can easily see if it is freezing or not, but if its not freezing you have to check all possible ghosts and manually read and exlude the ones that need freezing. It is possible to sort one of this table's columns and then afterwards to sort it by a second column without making the first column become out of order by holding down the shift key. May teleport to a random player, generating an EMF 2 even with no items to interact with. https://ghostevidence.bubbleapps.io/ Maverynthia Oct 23, 2020 @ 11:18pm Ability to reject ghosts. The best summary of Phasmophobia would be a detective game about ghosts. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Increases further with the number of dead players. Be warned, using these items will lower your sanity. Example usage of the widget Every Voice Command and Question You Can Ask Ghosts. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! A Myling is a very vocal and active ghost. We're unsure what this ghost is capable of. Can happen multiple times in quick succession, making it possible for fingerprints to only last for mere seconds. Keep track of your Sanity! Refer to the Maps for each code. Stream Elements will be releasing it in a couple weeks via their Widget Share if anyone wants to wait for a one click link install in the future. This page was last edited on 17 June 2022, at 16:58. The player asking the question must have the Ouija Board inside the investigation area, as well as be inside to ask questions. - Keep all ghost hunting info you need at hand. As you select evidence the ghosts below narrow down to possible choices. Yes, The ghost actually exists within the location, There's an invisible entity that's always roaming around and doing things. Minimum hunt time cooldown is reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time. Add evidence to rule out ghosts and narrow down your search. It enables the streamer to show the current ghost name, current evidence found, possible ghost types and if there are three confirmed pieces of evidence, which ghost type it is! Will not interact with D.O.T.S if any player is in the same room as the ghost. The sanity will drop only if the player can hear the song. Please There are currently seven unique . Phasmophobia Tracker Evidence to Check: DOTS Projector, Fingerprints, Ghost Orbs, Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Writing, EMF Level 5, Spirit Box Banshee Evidence: DOTS Projector Fingerprints Ghost Orbs Strengths: Targets one person at a time Weaknesses: Less effective near a crucifix Demon Evidence: Fingerprints Freezing Temperatures Ghost Writing Many of these cards are still yet to be discovered, who knows what's possible? Each deck contains ten random cards that all have different paranormal properties. Resetting the tracker and setting Tanglewood Street House as the active map; If you die and your tracker is transparent, you can toggle the background with, A video has been provided with in-game play and real-time command usage, complete with explanations of what and why. Produces paranormal sounds through the Parabolic Microphone more frequently. Either increases the player's sanity by 25% if it burns green or decreases it by 25% if it burns red. If you'd like to contribute to the project, first ensure that you have NodeJS v8.11 or later installed, as well as a recent version of NPM. Holding the box and activating it starts playing a spectral song, if you listen closely the ghost can sometimes be heard singing along to this haunting melody. The Onryo is often referred to as "The Wrathful Spirit". Raiju are constantly disrupting electronic equipment, making it easier to track when attacking. - View Official Phasmophobia Changelogs - If the player who activated the board walks away from an active Ouija Board, or has insufficient sanity to "pay" for the question that they ask, the board will break itself up and trigger a cursed hunt. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. A Revenant is a violent ghost that will attack indiscriminately. Cursed Hunt afterwards. Onis are very active, making them easier to find. Make sure you escape before the ghost breaks free. Poltergeists can throw multiple objects at once, and with great force. A haunted look. All rights reserved. Will show up more often as a silhouette on the D.O.T.S Projector. For more information, please see our Your idea was very good, so I've gone ahead and implemented animated .gif's of what evidence looks like for each primary investigation tool. This sorting feature can be used to quickly find the list of suspected ghosts, such as in the example that was just given above. While generally calm, they can become agitated when overwhelmed with power. Type in the name of your ghost in the Ghost Name text box. Your main mission in Phasmophobia is to identify what type of Ghost is haunting the location you are in. Great for showing viewers the current ghost and what you know!Want to level up your stream? The ability to mark things like footprints and room changes, the unique tells that let you eliminate a ghost, would be cool. Photo evidence can be counted by taking a photo of certain items with the photo camera. They have been seen taking on humanoid shapes to attract their prey. The Ghost's favorite room will be randomized. EMF Level 5 Fingerprints Freezing Temperatures Ghost Orb Ghost Writing Spirit Box DOTS Projector. There already have an evidence tracker its called the journal in game. Unique Features When Hunting, you can see freezing breath from the ghost if the breaker is off. 199. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Items that have recently been moved by the ghost (i.e. On Nightmare difficulty, each ghost can only provide 2 evidences, meaning at the start of the contract, the game will randomly choose 2 evidences, and the remaining 1 evidence will be hidden (unobtainable). is the ultimate unofficial investigation tool for Phasmophobia! Hi Lemon, thank you for the kind review, positive feedback, and helpful suggestions! View the source on github and submit bugs/suggestions here. Interacting with the voodoo doll will cause one of the 10 pins stuck in the doll to be pushed into it at random. A few of the buttons, descriptions, and names are blocked or covered, but not too big of an issue! We've made a handy table that can help you determine exactly which Ghost may be haunting a particular location. Pair the Difficulty and Map with P.E.T.'s Setup Timer to keep tabs on remaining Sanity. Cannot be spammed. We give the updated Mercenaries mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake a spin in this S-Rank gameplay clip, featuring Leon. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Mylings more frequently make paranormal sounds. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Each Ghost is linked to three types of Evidence - D.O.T.S, EMF Level 5, Fingerprints, Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Orb, Ghost Writing, and Spirit Box - and these are key to figuring out which Ghost is present. To deactivate the Ouija Board, the player must say "Goodbye", which will make the planchette disappear. It is only visible to you. sign in Roaming will happen often towards their target. A web app for tracking evidence during contracts in the game Phasmophobia. Pick it up and activate it to peer into the spectral realm. Can imitate traits of other ghosts, including hunting early. @Han Daimond i play in vr, how would i press j? If the player's sanity is less than what the pressed pin would drain, all of the remaining pins will get pushed in and a cursed hunt will occur. They have been known to place curses on their victims, curable only by antidotes or moving very far away. Thaye have been known to rapidly age over time, even in the afterlife. 9. r/PhasmophobiaGame. A StreamElements widget for streaming Phasmophobia and showing your viewers game info!One click install link and link to commands list below Install Link: https://streamelements.com/dashboard/overlays/share/61d7ca3b1d6574d979bdfdcdCommands Link: https://github.com/GlitchedMythos/se-widgets/tree/main/phasmophobia_evidence_trackerSimple commands to toggle evidence, and then determines the ghost. The reset command now supports 1 argument; namely the map argument. Looking at a Phantom will drop your sanity considerably faster. There are 10 possible cards that can be drawn. 0 The Mimic is an elusive, mysterious, copycat ghost that mirrors traits and behaviours from others, including other ghost types. Left mouse click for logging evidence, right mouse click (or hold on mobile) to eliminate evidence . I made a Stream Elements Custom Widget for anyone who streams Phasmophobia to use on their stream. 0 Onryo. Turning the lights ON around the Mare will lower its chance to attack. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Activity Monitor will show an initial climb then level off followed by an immediate spike indicating a double interaction. From what we've learned, they seem to deteriorate faster while within the presence of the living. Total Ghosts Caught: 0. Privacy Policy. Evidence is used to determine which ghost is haunting the location. Revives a randomly chosen dead player at their corpse. If you can't keep track of your clues with it then your an idiot and shouldn't be playing. A Hantu is a rare ghost that can be found in the coldest climates.The cold seems to make them more aggressive and empowered. Phasmophobia Evidence Tracker Spirit These are the most common ghosts you will come across but still they are powerful and dangerous. The Mimic will share Evidences with Onryo, Hantu so make sure you verify the missing evidence to confirm which ghost that you're dealing with. Strength Nothing. Sometimes surrounded by an endless fog, Deogen have been eluding ghost hunters for years. Track found evidence here. Hi Jason, thank you for the review and suggestion! https://github.com/TritiumGaming/Phasmophobia-Evidence-Picker-Privacy-Policy/blob/main/Privacy%20Policy. These mystical cards are the most intriguing item we've found during previous investigations. Refer to the Maps for each code. Just a simple web-app to help with tracking and understanding Phasmophobia Ghost Evidence. Onis are more active when people are nearby and have been seen moving objects at great speed. They alternate their attacks to confuse their prey. Causes an interaction and doubles ghost activity for 20 seconds. Obake are terrifying shape-shifters, capable of taking on many forms. Many features are currently being drafted for development, which I'm personally quite excited about, and even more features are in the roadmap. The Monkey Paw can be used to grant the player wishes. Ghost pictures listed in the journal will not show the ghost in the image, and will not contain any interference. Here is a fun way to get your stream involved in your Phasmophobia ghost hunting adventures! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Breaker cannot be turned OFF by ghost interaction. Be careful. web app made by zuffdaddy. Lower temperatures can cause the Hantu to move at faster speeds. Keep it up, guys! Work fast with our official CLI. Work fast with our official CLI. Thaye will weaken over time, making them weaker, slower and less aggressive. A Shade is known to be very shy. Onis love to scare their victims as much as possible before attacking. 0 Mare. The Ouija Board does not have to be in the Ghost Room (nor the ghost's current room) to respond. There already have an evidence tracker its called the journal in game. Fingerprints can show two fingerprints on light switches (instead of one). Lighting all five candles will summon the ghost and trap it temporarily: perfect for taking photos. The summoning circle can be used by lighting all five red candles with a lighter. When made to appear using a Summoning Circle or a Music Box, it has a chance of appearing as a black shadow rather than its full form while stationary. P.E.T. - Non-selectable evidence will be grayed out. 0 Phantom. Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. The music box can be handheld or put on the floor, the latter being the only safe way to discard the box without triggering a cursed hunt while it's playing. Roaming long range has a higher chance to happen if the lights are ON in the room. When threatened, this ghost will be less likely to hunt. Example: Resetting the tracker and setting Tanglewood Street House as the active map; !r ta Background Make sure you're sane enough, otherwise they may break and initiate an attack from the ghost. The Mimic will behave as other ghosts to confuse you and can change . Please Not a Mare, for example. hey this is pretty nice. and our Contribute to lolPants/phastracker development by creating an account on GitHub. Mercenaries mode is a special mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake that challenges players to survive and score as many points as they can against waves of enemies, with all sorts of ways to extend time, gain score multipliers, and more. Breaker has an increased chance to be turned OFF. Once your contract is finished, click the "Reset" button near the top to start over! For example, if you have evidence of Fingerprints, but can reasonably rule out Freezing Temperatures as possible evidence, you can use the table to narrow the list of suspected ghosts to Banshee, Goryo, Myling, Obake, Phantom, or Poltergeist. Cursed Hunt afterwards with reduced vision. You can find these images by tapping on the Evidence names. They defend their place of death to the utmost degree, killing anyone that is caught overstaying their welcome. to use Codespaces. It is also the only known Ghost that has the ability of flight and has sometimes been known to travel through walls. You can get it here: Custom Text Widget https://strms.net/custom-text_by_bennoPlay Phasmophobia https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/Come Chill https://www.twitch.tv/alchemyJoin My Discord Family https://discord.gg/laboratory (Twitch stream schedule inside)Em and his stream team Alchemy are from New York City! If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. It has been known to single out its prey before making a killing blow. - Hunt Warning - When using Sanity Tracking, an audible alert is triggered once Sanity drops below 70%. Each item has been reported to have paranormal abilities that can help you investigate. If no one is dead, it will revive the next person who dies. There is already an evidence tracker its called the journal in game. A Mare is the source of all nightmares, making it most powerful in the dark. Hiding from the Revenant will cause it to move very slowly. Each ghost has a unique combination of three pieces of evidence that determines which ghost is present. They are rumoured to be quiet when hunting their prey. Use like ths: !ghost emf,orbs bot discord discord-bot discord-py phasmophobia Updated on Dec 14, 2021 Python The-Zen-Garden / better-phasmophobia-journal Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests Phasmophobia Evidence Tracker Spirit The Spirit is the most common ghost you will come across, however they are still very powerful and dangerous. Evidence will not be available from the alt-twin except EMF 5. The input can be controlled via chat, Elgato Stream Deck or Siri voice command. You will always find a cursed possession during each contract. Light turned on? A Revenant will travel at a significantly faster speed when hunting their prey. Click the "Shy Ghost" box if the ghost prefers hunters to be alone, Click any optional objectives for easier tracking once you're in the house. When you see something happen, It's actually right there near that location doing something- It also begins any hunt from . This mummified monkeys paw seems to grant a number of wishes depending on how many fingers are lifted when it's found. Valve Corporation. Lights can be turned OFF immediately after you turn them ON. Turning off the locations power source will prevent the Jinn from using its ability. [17/08/21] Join us for video games, chat interaction, cosplay, IRL, cooking, fitness, and more! Multiple players can be cursed at the same time. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Using a Smudge Stick will force it to repick the nearest target when the smudge effect runs out. Unofficial helper app for Phasmophobia game. A Spirit can be temporarily stopped by burning Smudge Sticks near them. Pretty close to perfect.. Smudging the Moroi during a hunt will cause it to wander for 12 seconds (instead of 6 seconds). phasmo-tracker Project setup npm install Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run serve Compiles and minifies for production npm run build Lints and fixes files npm run lint Customize configuration See Configuration Reference. When interacting with the environment, an Obake will rarely leave a trace. If the users' sanity reaches zero, the mirror will break and start a cursed hunt near the users' position. They are often seen in their physical form guarding their place of death. Fork or Clone this repository, and install the Node packages locally using this command in your terminal of choice, To start a local server with hot-reloading, run this command and open the given local URL in your browser, To check for linting issues, run this command. Parabolic Microphone has a chance for a unique wailing sound. A single card type can appear more than once in the deck, and there are different percentages for each card to spawn. The banshee ghost type in Phasmophobia will only target one person at a time and fears the Crucifix item. A discord bot that provides Phasmophobia ghost info based on clues you find. Overlays inspired by #Phasmophobia and psychological horror. 0 Myling. D.O.T.S can only be seen through a video camera. Permanently breaks the fuse box, and locks the exit door for two minutes. Slide left for confirmed evidence and right for eliminated evidence. #1. There are various possible cards the player can draw from the deck, each having a unique effect on either the player or the ghost if it is nearby. 0 Wraith. They are rarely seen far from their place of death. It enables the streamer to show the current ghost name, current evidence found, possible ghost types and if there are three confirmed pieces of evidence, which ghost type it is! A Raiju can siphon power from nearby electrical devices, making it move faster. A StreamElements widget for streaming Phasmophobia and showing your viewers game info!One click install link and link to commands list below Install Link: . These ghosts have been reported to mimic each other's actions. Careful: seeing into this realm will drain your sanity rapidly. If the music box is 5 meters or less from the ghost, it will appear and start walking towards the box. Banshees can sometimes be heard screaming with a parabolic microphone. A tool to help users identify the ghost type, and remember details about the ghost in Phasmophobia! Shurenai Apr 26 @ 1:34am. Fingerprints have a 75% chance of showing. Wraiths almost never touch the ground meaning it can't be tracked by footsteps. Each ghost has a unique combination of three pieces of evidence that determines which ghost is present. You can usually discover them at one of their hunting grounds after an unexplained death. I find it much easier to keep this open on a second monitor or phone than to keep flipping though the journal. Web based evidence tracking tool for multiplayer horror game Phasmophobia. If the ghost touches it, walks for more than 5 seconds, or the player drops the box while the tune is playing, it will start a cursed hunt. After being used, each card will vanish in a colored flame that is dependent on its type. Learn more. Type in your ghost name and select Shy Ghost if the ghost prefers speaking to people alone. to use Codespaces. Directed by James Mangold, the movie also stars Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Shaunette Renee Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Oliver Richters, Ethann Isidore, and Mads Mikkelsen. They are usually discovered at one of their hunting grounds after an unexplained death. 10 Things We Noticed in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Video Feature, Resident Evil 4 Remake: The Mercenaries Mode - Leon S Rank Gameplay, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - Official Trailer 2 | Star Wars Celebration 2023, Moon Mystery - Official Kickstarter Trailer, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations. Cheat Sheet. - Hunt Warning - When using Sanity Tracking, an audible alert is triggered once. Great tool overall, I love it! When a Goryo passes through a D.O.T.S Projector, using a video camera is the only way to see it. A Jinn will travel at a faster speed if its victim is far away. 0 Poltergeist. Deogen require a lot of energy to form and will move very slowly when approaching its victim. In this Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown, Logan Plant highlights Link's four new powers, along with bringing some speculation surrounding some hidden bits tucked away in the gameplay. Cross out incorrect evidence in your journal. Does not speed up with line of sight of a player. Changes what traits to imitate every 30 to 120 seconds, but never during a hunt. If you find one: activate it by placing down a planchette (a heart shaped wooden slate) and use your voice to ask a question. Reset Evidence. Each candle deducts 16% sanity, leading to a total of 80% sanity being deducted for all candles. Will never change room or roam long distances. 0 Yokai. The mirror must be toggled while inside. Major changes to the evidence list behavior for after max evidence is reached. The curse will pause when outside of the house, and start again when back inside. Banshees will weaken their target before striking. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. 0 Oni. Deogen constantly sense the living. There are 21 ghosts in total in the game, with each having its own weaknesses, strengths and evidence needed. bottles, ghost book, doors, etc.). In the case you plan to contribute to this repository, please consider referring to these resources: This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Some locations have pentagrams drawn in blood, surrounded by blood red candles. Within 15 seconds of starting the round. 0 Jinn. Since Nightmare difficulty removes 1 of the 3 exhibited evidences, the game now makes these secondary traits far more obvious than before. Picking one up and activating it will force the ghost to interact with the environment. 50% chance of killing the player who made the wish in turn. You signed in with another tab or window. Ecto-Containment Unit : 0 Spirit. It has also been known to be able to travel at significant speed. Moroi have risen from the grave to drain energy from the living. Phasmophobia CheatSheet provides interactive 2D grid overview about all ghost types and their evidence. Pins are chosen at random, and certain pins seem to affect you more than it effects the ghost. If the heart pin is pressed down, it will instead initiate a cursed hunt and drop the player's sanity by 10%. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Phasmophobia; Ghost Exile; EMF 5 Spirit Box Finger Prints Ghost Orbs Ghost Writing Freezing Temps DOTS Projector Nightmare. Additionally, you may wish for a change of weather with the penalty of going temporarily blind while the weather undergoes its change: I wish for clear skies/rain/snow/sunrise/fog. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. A tool to help users identify the ghost type, and remember details about the ghost in Phasmophobia! Upon entering the location, Thaye will become active, defensive and agile. The images may also be zoomed in and out by tapping on the images. A big shout out to Benno who made the Custom Text widget which is the heart of this idea! The task is straightforward on paper: going solo or as part of an online multiplayer team, you have to identify the ghost type, snap pictures to earn in-game cash, and avoid getting throttled by one of 23 vengeful, violent spirits in the process. 0 Goryo. If it hunts when you are in a group, you can reject shade. Once all five candles are lit, the ghost will be summoned and fully-materialized, and stay motionless for 5 seconds, unable to kill players. A music box can be activated by holding it in the hand and using the secondary use key to activate the device. Whether you're a seasoned Phasmophobia veteran or a wide-eyed newbie, paranormal investigations are hard work. If you are playing on Nightmare difficulty select Nightmare to account for one piece of evidence being hidden. - GitHub - KK964/Phasmophobia-Evidence-Tracker: A tool to help users identify the ghost type, and remember details about the ghost in Phasmophobia! 0 Shade. maybe you can even make it so you can allow people to exclude evidence? Wraiths are one of the most dangerous Ghosts you will find. Depending on the difficulty level, you'll get three to five wishes. Known to attack without reason, they seem to enjoy the thrill of the hunt. This Indiana Jones 5 trailer was revealed during Star Wars Celebration 2023. A Jinn is a territorial Ghost that will attack when threatened. Weaknesses Hantus move slower in warmer areas. The weaker their victims, the stronger the Moroi becomes. There is evidence that a Shade will stop all paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby. Please see the. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. More frequently closes doors fully (except locker/closet doors), and can even close exit doors without it being a ghost event or a hunt. Smudging the Yurei's place of death will trap it temporarily, reducing how much it wanders. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. Traps the ghost in the ghost room for 1 minute. They are very powerful, but passive, only attacking when they need to. Has simple theming for colors, changing borders, as well as removing the name or conclusion portions if someone just wants to show the icons. Some pieces of evidence are guaranteed for specific ghosts, meaning that on Nightmare difficulty or if the 'Evidences given' option is set to 1 or 2, they will not be hidden, and will always be one of the ghost's given evidences: This does not apply if the 'Evidences given' option is set to 0, except for The Mimic's Ghost Orbs.