omaha police department missing persons
Polymer firearms will be black. A copy of the Criminal History from the Douglas County mainframe. (9) The type of enforcement taken as a result of the traffic stop (mark all that apply). Any item(s) in the arrestees possession considered personal property, not related to criminal activity, will be placed into the property bags provided by DCDC and sealed. For example: Cause of death, location of deceaseds body, how it will be released and transported to the funeral home, whether an autopsy will be performed, etc. Honor Guard Uniform Issued Items (See Appendix B for uniform specifications): e. Holster Belt: The holster belt will be worn with shoulder strap. (3) Mandatory issued Motorcycle Patrol Uniform items are: (a) Boots (See Appendix B for uniform specifications). 2. If employees encounter exceptionally large fireworks or homemade fireworks that may not be safe to transport, they will immediately request assistance of the Bomb Response Squad. Shorts: Only shorts issued by the OPD will be worn by Bicycle Patrol officers. a. Non-sworn uniform positions are determined by the Chief of Police or their designee. Nordby was assigned to the case and interviewed the suspect, Edwards. 2. b. B. i. Complete the Victim and Suspect Information Sections of OPD Form 135 in addition to all other required reports and paperwork. Selfless service is the one that helped me on this case. Vanderlei Szczepanik, Jaqueline Szczepanik and their 7-year-old son, Christopher, were killed by Jose Oliveira-Coutinho on Dec. 17, 2009. Utility trousers, including jeans and cargo pants. The felony charge in this case is NOT based on the underlying damage done to the property. 1. A. A. When a complaint of child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse is received by school, hospital, or daycare center officials, NRS 28-711 requires that they report the complaint to either law enforcement or the Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline. Approved Ammunition may be purchased at the officers own expense for use in Secondary and Backup Firearms. Officers will document the names of all additional inhabitants or occupants present at the time of the shooting in an OPD Continuation/Supplementary Report (OPD Form 200A). This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. See Appendix B for specifications. V. Specialty Boot and Shoe / Uniform Item Repair. I. The temporary handicapped parking permit is valid for six (6) months and can be renewed once for an additional six (6) months. Ribbons are worn centered directly over the right shirt pocket. These magazines must be meet military specifications. If an individual has a prior felony DUI conviction and the evidentiary test registers a BAC equal to or greater than .02, that individual will be charged with a CLASS IIIA MISDEMEANOR. Plan. Periodically, the Chief of Police may allow the production of commemorative Omaha Police Department badges. A. 2. 4. It is crucial to the professionalism of the OPD to maintain a standardized and uniform appearance for all employees when wearing official OPD uniforms. Armed officers may not consume any alcoholic beverage aboard the aircraft, and may not board an aircraft if they have consumed an alcoholic beverage within the previous eight hours. 1. Business Dress attire for male employees will consist of the following: a. Button front dress shirt with collar buttoned at the neck. (1) Sworn employees who are interested in obtaining an Optional Wallet Badge should contact the Police Supply Unit. Found property is stored for safekeeping until the owner can be identified and take possession of it. A. 2. Officers may call a Field Investigator cell phone directly. The OPD Evidence and Property Unit will: a. Dispatchers will inform officers of the decision by radio and will not dispatch property damage accidents until conditions improve and the decision to resume property damage accident investigation is made by a command officer with the rank of Lieutenant or above from the Uniform Patrol Bureau. A. (4) No enforcement action taken. Any careless, flippant, or casual use or display of a firearm will constitute grounds for discipline. The responding officer will complete an Incident Report (OPD Form 189) and take two photographs of the graffiti. III. 1. Officers should record even the most minute detail, because often this will be the only opportunity they will have to obtain the information from the scene firsthand, in its original condition. The characteristics of race or ethnicity of person stopped. Telephonic Administrative License Revocations (ALR) Hearings. The investigating official (who will be at least one rank higher than the accused employee) will conduct the criminal investigation in the same manner as they would conduct any other criminal violation. 8. Bottling-up emotions surrounding a co-workers death can be harmful to employees and their families. When an officer identifies a driver licensed in the State of Nebraska who appears to be unable to safely operate a motor vehicle due to any physical or mental impairment, disease or other condition affecting driving ability, the officer will complete a State of Nebraska Driver Retest Form (DMV form). The violator may pay the Parking Citation by mail or in person, by credit card or by check. The wearing of body armor may be directed by any CIB command officer. Reciprocity Agreements between the State of Nebraska and two other states indicate that persons moving to the State of Nebraska from those states are not required to re-register their non-commercial passenger vehicles until the out-of-state license expires. ARRESTS IDENTIFICATION AND PROSECUTION OF HABITUAL CRIMINALS. 3. B. Felony child abuse/neglect cases or sexual assaults with juvenile victims SHALL be reported to the CVSA Squad IMMEDIATELY, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The fax number is listed in PPM Appendix A. Officers should use and document Field Sobriety Tests. If neither physical arrest nor citation is prudent or practical, the completed report will be forwarded with all information regarding reasonable cause, including complete identification of the person who is suspected. f. At the boarding gate, the officer will provide the airline with armed traveler paperwork and inform the gate agent of their presence and status. She is described as/having: White; Female 2/7/23 original story: The Council Bluffs Police Department is asking for the public's help in locating a 55-year-old endangered missing person. It is the policy of the Omaha Police Department (OPD) to honor and show respect for officers who have been killed or seriously injured in the line-of-duty. When evidence of this nature is encountered, specific procedures designed to safeguard stored information must be followed. C. When DCDC notifies the OPD Front Desk between the hours of 1600 to 0800, Monday through Friday, or anytime during Weekends and Holidays: 1. There may be a case where the Protection Order was issued and served, but copies have not yet reached the OPD. 3. 2. 1 (800) 362-2178, (402) 595-1326 You are truly a rock star and a role model for me. Previous OPD General Orders include #4-85, #123-88 and #123-88 Supplement #1, #49-92 and #6-11. 6. Officers will make certain all elements of all crimes involved in a DV incident are documented in reports, including but not limited to the following: a. When the Duty Chaplain calls, the Front Desk will give the Chaplain the following information: 8. Previous OPD General Orders include #17-88, 75-90, 35-91, 9-92, 12-92, 77-94, 27-03, 11- 09, 5-11, 6-12, 29-13, 19-14, and 19-14 Supplements #1 and #2. Those with a history of perpetrating DV will be screened out in the hiring process. A. Handicapped Parking Citation court dates will be set no less than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the violation and will be scheduled on the same day of the week that the citation is issued, with the exception of Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. c. Coordinate the issuance of an OPD Information Order to inform attending OPD officers to wear their Formal Duty Uniforms (Class A) per the OPD Ceremonies Academy Graduation, Funerals, Memorial Services, and Promotions policy. A. The OPD Form 135, containing the Victim and Suspect Information, will be faxed to them immediately, if they have not already received one from DCDC (See Appendix A for the fax number). (a) If the employee speaks to the victim of the graffiti vandalism, the employee will provide a Consent and Release of Liability for Graffiti Abatement Form (Public Works Department Form) to the victim. a. Business Casual Dress: A less formal variation of Business Dress that will be worn as directed by policy by all employees while on duty to present a uniform standard of dress. B. F. Officers carrying semi-automatic handguns on duty will have a round chambered and a fully loaded magazine in the handgun at all times. It is the responsibility of the requesting officer to determine if they will make an arrest based on the evidence that is recovered. If an autopsy is requested, an OPD Crime Lab Unit employee will attend and collect additional photos, prints, and other documentation and forensic evidence as appropriate. E. The Backgrounds/Inspections Unit will verify and track that OPD Form 1 was completed semi-annually for each sworn employee below the rank of Lieutenant. 2. A. This pin may be worn by any employee wearing any official OPD uniform. The handgun will not be carried loose without a holster in a waistband, pocket, purse, briefcase, or duffel bag, or any other type of case or device positioned away from the officers body. 4. The Omaha/Douglas County Victim/Witness Assistance Division. Sworn employees sometimes must have equipment with them that cannot be carried in the authorized attach, briefcase or duty bag. The yellow copy of the CDL Sworn Report will be issued to the driver. Lab analysis requires a 25 ml. A. Officers may wear black gloves during inclement weather and when there is reasonable potential for exposure to hand injuries (protective gloves). Any fatal, serious injury, or property damage accident that results in an extreme amount of damage, will be followed-up by the Traffic Unit. 5. B. Two civilian workers for the patrol manually enter missing-persons cases that they receive either through the national missing-persons database or direct communication with law enforcement. The experience at Project Harmony was a deepening reminder of empathy that will be vital in my career as a nurse. If approved, this form will authorize the replacement of authorized standard equipment (no substitutions will be authorized). Officers must re-qualify each year before the last day of the year. This is the only case in Nebraska where somebody has been prosecuted and convicted without a body or without a confession, explained Nordby. A. A. (2) Other pertinent information (i.e., the color of paint(s) and description of symbols and words, etc.). b. 5. (1) Place TWO (2) packets in the County Attorneys mail tray. A. A. Once reviewed and approved by a Captain, the original OPD Form 82A will be kept in the employees Command File and a copy will be given to the employee. (1) Employees are responsible for the entire cost of such footwear. 2. Only safety equipment approved by the Chief of Police, or designee, will be worn. A. For fireworks seized for safekeeping, an Information Report (OPD Form 42) will be completed and will outline the details of the activities of the officer that resulted in the seizure of the fireworks. Previous OPD General Orders include #63-74, #83-85, #121-88, #12-90, #27-92, #6-97, #8-99, #13-99, #13-99 Supplement #1, #30-01, #54-01, #21-02, and #14-05. This applies to appearances during off-duty periods only. Place traffic cones and/or flares as needed. Sworn employees being promoted will be in the uniform of the promoted rank. No holsters are allowed that cause the officer to reach across their waist to draw the weapon, i.e., cross-draw style. 2. Certain property seized for asset forfeiture proceedings by the OPD through the civil process may be secured at the Narcotics Unit. C. Harold Ostler (19571964 and 19661967), John J. Pszanowski (19281932 and 19361944), Michael Dempsey (1918-1918 and 19211923), Martin J. NOTE: Officers should make every effort to minimize the duration of calls made or received while driving a department vehicle. A. Motor Vehicle Stop: Any stop of a motor vehicle (NRS 20-503(2)). (1) Presence of the Officer indicates that it occurred within one (1) or more of the officers five (5) senses. If one violation may not be waived, then the ENTIRE CASE shall NOT be waived. NOTE: DCDC will allow pocket knives under three inches (3) in length to be placed in the arrestees personal property. Officers must qualify annually with their Primary Firearm and any Secondary or Backup Firearms carried in an employment capacity. Accused employees must forward a copy of the protection order and an Inter-Office Communication explaining the circumstances through the chain of command to the Office of the Chief of Police. b. Has a BAC equal to or greater than .08. b. Verify that all equipment and property is returned and/or accounted for in OPD inventory/records. A wide variety of fashion and styles, if presented and maintained in a neat manner, are acceptable. Eyewear must be impact resistant with black frames and non-mirrored or colored lenses. Handicapped Parking violators will be issued Super Citations for violation of Handicapped Parking, NRS 18-1741.01. The Optional Detective Badge cannot be worn with the OPD uniform. A. Y'all helped my daughter back in early 2013 and I knew what I wanted to do with my life help children. a. Monday through Friday, officers should contact employees of the appropriate CIB unit. If the offender has left the scene, the responding officers will: a. However, the Special Operations Section Captain may authorize a prisoner transport beyond this limit for high-grade misdemeanors and offenses to include: Child Abuse/Neglect, CCW, Flight to Avoid Arrest, Protection Order Violation, Stalking, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Domestic Violence, DUI, and Reckless Driving. a. 4. E. Supervisors will prepare requests for the evaluation of an officers mental and physical well-being by suitable professionals when behaviors or circumstances deem it appropriate. The mourning band shall be worn over the Omaha Police badge, slanted from upper shoulder side to lower center of the chest side of the badge. The Inter-Office Memorandum should include the reason the citation was voided. He just stopped trying to contact her and, of course, that raised a red flag with me, said Nordby. D. Supervisors will notify the Chief of Police via the chain of command of the circumstances or concerns within 24 hours of becoming aware of such issues. Use of force incidents (UOF), including K-9 apprehensions. Collectors and retired officers are responsible for making payment directly to the vendor at the time that an order is placed. The same guidelines in the OPD Death Messages policy should be considered during the notification process. B. Officers will use individual discretion, unless policy otherwise dictates, to determine which enforcement action will be taken. (4) All officers may wear latex gloves at their discretion for protection. 4. When an employee's loss of police equipment is determined to be related to a violation of policy, the employee will: a. d. If the driver refuses to submit to the test, complete and submit both the ALR Sworn Report and the CDL Sworn Report. (6) Firearms in the possession of persons convicted of domestic violence. Identify structures that are believed to be unsafe or unfit for human occupancy, as prescribed by the Omaha Municipal Code, Section 48-71. Her aunt was very realistic, explained Nordby. B. B. Stamp the original lab result report as an Original..
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