legal exotic pets in florida
For one or two lizards, a cage or enclosure 12 inches by 8 inches, 6 inches high. If you can meet all of these requirements, then you are free to enjoy your pet monkey in Florida! For up to four birds, a cage with 75 square feet of land area and 7.5 square feet of water area. (d) The complete facility address where the wildlife is located to include city, state, and zip code. If the safety incident was not caused by the elephant, it shall not result in termination of the elephant ride authorization or public contact. 1. Any water containers used shall be clean. Repealed Sept. 30, 2019. She wanted more research to prove the ban is needed and saysthe negative impacts would spread well beyond Florida, to those who breed, buy and own reptiles. (c) Small (e.g., roe, dikdik, muntjac, brocket, pudu, Chinese water deer, musk deer, deer and antelope of similar size). 6. The license costs 140 dollars every year. 1. Each cage shall have perching area(s) and shelter(s) that will accommodate all animal(s) in the enclosure simultaneously. 2. Repealed, 68A-6.0022. And also interestingly enough, they are the only family of bats that don't rely on echolocation and instead rely on their hearing and their vision. Only several birds and aquarium-dwelling species are legal exotic pets in this unique state, with peafowl (a.k.a peacocks and peahens) being considered poultry. "We've got to keep up this fight and get better at it," said Pedro Ramos, superintendent of Everglades National Park. 1. CreditsAdopted June 21, 1982; Transferred from 39-6.021; Amended June 1, 1986, Apr. For each additional animal, increase the cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. If a viewing panel is used as a portion of an exterior wall of a room or out building serving as secondary containment, that viewing panel shall not also serve as one of the venomous reptile primary enclosure walls. (h) Ground hornbills, Indian great hornbills, crowned pigeons and similar sized birds. Law Implemented 379.303, 379.304, 379.3762 FS. (b) Each cage shall have perching area(s) that will accommodate all animals in the enclosure simultaneously. (e) Any licensed corporation applying for a permit or authorized to possess Class I or Class II wildlife must have qualified personnel responsible for the care of such wildlife. The following reptiles, including their taxonomic synonymies, subspecies or hybrids thereof, are designated as reptiles of concern: None listed at this time. For up to two specimens, a cage or enclosure with a perimeter equal to the length of the longest specimen. (b) Penguins-large (e.g., Emperor, King, and southernmost species). (2) It is unlawful to exhibit venomous reptiles to the public without having posted a performance bond as listed below. They are nectarivorous, which means that they eat a diet of mainly nectar and pollen. Eastern Indigo Snake. Drills and mandrills (genus Mandrillus), 16. Each cage shall be equipped with chewing items. About 80% of mammal population has disappeared from Everglades National Park, Ramos said, with invasive snakes and other reptiles among the causes. They help disperse seeds by eliminating undigested seeds and pollen, thereby allowing new plants to grow. For two or more animals kept together, increase square footage by one third for each additional animal. For enclosures housing wildlife species or individual animals which exhibit a behavior of digging or burrowing:Enclosures shall have a footer or bottom apron constructed of concrete, chainlink or equivalent strength material as specified in this rule for the housing of such wildlife. You can do so legally if you get a permit for one in Vermont. Tethering shall permit normal postural movement of the elephant. (c) The requirement pertaining to the location of the PIT tag implantation shall not apply to specimens implanted prior to acquisition of the animal or prior to the effective date of this rule. Despite public resistance, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted to ban the possession and breeding of 16 high-risk invasive species. All wildlife shall be exhibited in a manner that prevents injuries to the public and the wildlife. They have to be captive-bred if you are applying for one as a pet. The ride area shall be clearly identified with a ring curb or other easily identifiable boundary delineation. Red pandas can be susceptible to various health problems, so it is important to take good care of them and to have them checked by a veterinarian regularly. For one or two animals, a paddock enclosing 1,500 square feet, 8 feet high. 13, 1988, Dec. 19, 1989, July 1, 1990, Apr. For one or two lizards, a cage or enclosure 6 feet by 3 feet, 4 feet high. 2. The record of sale or transfer must be entered in the transferor's records and made available for inspection upon request of Commission personnel for a period of three years after the sale or transfer. Such room or outbuilding shall be structurally sound. (c) Medium-sized New World monkeys (e.g., capuchins, sakis, uakaris). (e) Time limitation on smaller travel caging allowed for housing non-performing animals. Know the 4 Ps. Exemption for Guenons (genus Cercopithecus) shall not include Patas monkeys (genus Erythrocebus), De Brazza's monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus), Blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis), Preuss's monkey (Cercopithecus preussi) or any other non-human primate of the genus Cercopithecus of which the species exceeds the normal adult weight of fourteen (14) pounds. Standard Caging Requirements for Procyonids, Red Pandas, and Mustelids. (d) Very-small (e.g., canaries, finches, and similar-sized birds (except hummingbirds)). They typically cost between $600 and $1,000, and that doesnt include the cost of food and other supplies. The width of the cage shall not be less than 30 percent of the length of the longest specimen and shall not be required to exceed 3 feet. Emotions sometimes boiledover asmore than 170 people called in to comment, many asking to stop the ban or at least reconsider it. (d) Large arboreal monkeys (e.g., howlers, spiders, woolly, woolly spider). Possession of Class I, II, or III Wildlife in Captivity: Permit Requirements. (a) For one or two animals, a cage 20 feet by 10 feet, 8 feet high. (17) Secondary containment -- a secondary means of containing wildlife which surrounds or encompasses the primary cage or enclosure and is designed to contain wildlife that has escaped the primary cage or enclosure including, but not limited to, rooms, outbuildings or perimeter fences. (b) Records of acquisition, which shall include the following: 2. 4. Full contact: For the purpose of this section, full contact is defined as situations in which an exhibitor or employee handler maintains proximate control and supervision, while temporarily surrendering physical possession or custody of the animal to another. State Statutes (Laws) Alabama allows you to possess any native animal that isn't prohibited. In the wild, they eat anything from crickets to beetles to carrion and even bees. (b) Gliders (e.g., sugar glider, Family Petauridae). For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. The following shall be construed respectively to mean: (1) Basic first aid -- medical attention administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the facility or location where it occurred, consisting of a one-time, short-term treatment, and requiring little technology or training to administer. Florida Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin): Another venomous snake that can be aggressive when threatened. Outdoor open-topped enclosures may only be used to house venomous reptiles native to the State of Florida and shall be inspected and approved by the Commission prior to use. Map of Private Exotic Pet Ownership Laws - Animal Law 68A-6.01212. Editor's Choice: The Daughter Of The Man Who Built The Lombardi Trophy Wants An Apology From Tom Brady. But serpent lovers say the move is nothing short of a state-orchestrated snake-pocalypse,that they claim unfairlytargets their pets and businesses. While they can be kept as pets, there is no kibble for skunks, so providing a nutritious diet will be a bit harder for them than for other, more common pets. (9) For animals held at exotic animal auctions, flea markets, and animal swap meets, said animals may be kept in enclosures that meet the size requirements of subsection (2), provided that such wildlife is maintained in accordance with paragraphs (9)(a)-(g), below. 2. (7) American (New World) opossums/possums and honey possum. Several of Thursday's speakers pointed to the python's impact inthe Everglades, especially. c. Gibbons and siamangs that are not less than four (4) months of age: no maximum poundage or age limit. The permit costs $115 and is valid for one year. In lieu of antivenin on premises contact information shall be provided for an antivenin bank or medical facility that maintains antivenin for the species possessed. The following definitions are for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the rules of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission relating to the possession of wildlife in captivity, in accordance with Chapter 68A-6, F.A.C. Gorillas. (1) Only a corporation that is licensed in accordance with Section 379.3761, F.S., and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and described in sections 501 (c)(3) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of such code, may operate a wildlife sanctuary for captive wildlife. (b) Each cage shall have an elevated platform(s) for resting. Dwarf crocodiles (Osteolaemus tetraspis), 33. "Shouldn't you be looking at rules that punish outlaws?" Elephants shall be tethered during transport (except nursing young). While they do well in human care and typically make wonderful pets, they are not for beginners. (3) Passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) identification shall consist of the implantation of a unique PIT tag under the specimen's skin in a manner to maintain the PIT tag permanently in place. Method of identification and unique passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) number, if applicable, for each specimen; 4. (a) Venomous reptile or reptile of concern licensees and employees shall each be fully responsible for any employees' care, use and/or possession of the licensee's venomous reptiles or reptiles of concern. and regulations promulgated thereunder, provided the following requirements are met: (a) Such facilities must maintain on premises a detailed research proposal which shall state with particularity the research objectives, methodology, and study duration, and outline planned safeguards to assure proper containment of the wildlife. General Regulations Governing Possession of Captive Wildlife; Public Contact; Transfer of Wildlife and Record Keeping Requirements. (f) Any person authorized pursuant to Section 379.3761, F.S., to exhibit or sell Class I wildlife shall obtain and maintain a current and valid USDA license, where applicable, pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations of Title 9 CFR (effective Janurary 2017, which is hereby incorporated by reference at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-11137). All rights reserved, For each additional bird, increase cage original floor area by 25 percent. (b) Large (e.g., geese, swans, and similar size). Once a handler has been approved for an elephant, they may request additional elephant authorizations by providing an additional 250 hours of free contact experience with each additional elephant in the same manner as stated above. (a) For one or two animals, a cage 10 feet by 12 feet, 6 feet high. 68A-6.013. (3) Elevated platform or perching area -- surface or structure, either natural or manmade, positioned above the floor, or above the grade level of the cage or enclosure, that will provide a resting area for the animal(s). Standard Caging Requirements for Captive Wildlife. Temminck's golden cats (Profelis temmincki), 21. : Florida plans ban on owning pythons and other risky reptiles. (5) Any Class I or Class II wildlife exempt from meeting the facility requirements of paragraphs (3)(a)-(d) of this rule, must meet the following: (a) Class I wildlife shall not be possessed in any multi-unit dwellings or on any premises consisting of less than one quarter acre of land area. Such course of action shall include the following information: (a) The name, business name (if applicable), physical address, and personal or business phone number for an emergency contact who does not reside at the facility location. For the purposes of this paragraph, escape shall mean escape from the primary enclosure or escape from transport enclosure, leash, other constraint, or rigid supervision and control while outside of the primary enclosure. Some of the more notable animals found in Florida include: To become an owner of any of the animals listed above, you must first apply for a permit. They also need plenty of room to run around and exercise to keep any extra weight off. Some exotic animals in Class II and Class III categories can be kept as personal pets most will require you to have a permit showing you have the proper facilities and the experience necessary to care for them. Commission personnel shall direct dealers to mark wildlife temporarily if, upon inspection, there is no record indicating the date the wildlife was placed in temporary holding. (Repealed). The size of the room(s) equals or exceeds that required for cages and enclosures in this chapter. BANS wild-caught fox, skunk, bat, raccoon, or whitetail deer for personal use. They require a fairly large enclosure, however, as they can be active and climb well. For each additional animal, increase the cage length by 25 percent. There are some cases of people owning squirrels successfully in the home, but they all admit that they are a ton of work! Commission personnel shall determine whether such venomous reptiles or reptiles of concern are securely, properly and safely housed. All vertical fencing and inward angle overhang fencing of the perimeter fence shall be constructed of 11 1/2 gauge chain link or equivalent. (a) For one or two animals, a cage or enclosure 10 feet by 8 feet, 8 feet high. and critical incident. 1. Sanctuaries; Retired Performing Wildlife. Authority: Art. 5. (a) Outdoor facilities -- Cage construction materials shall consist of steel bars, two-inch galvanized pipe, masonry block or their strength equivalent. Additionally, the animal must be kept in an enclosed area that is at least 500 square feet. Captive Wildlife Licenses and Permits | FWC - Florida Fish And Wildlife For one or two animals, a cage or enclosure 2 feet by 2 feet, 4 feet high. (II) Cage floors shall have an area of sufficient depth that provides for digging. (b) Squirrels, titis, owls, talapoins and similar sized monkeys. The notification in writing may be delivered by fax at (850)414-8212, or by mail or hand delivery to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Division of Law Enforcement, 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600. Each cage shall have perching area(s) and nest box(es) that will accommodate all animal(s) in the enclosure simultaneously. Most interestingly, fruit bats actually help their local ecosystem! European and Canadian lynx (Lynx lynx), 19. For one animal in a non-performing capacity, a paddock that is double the body length in length and equal to the body length in width. Each cage shall be provided with arboreal nest box(es) that shall accommodate all animals in the enclosure simultaneously. Each cage shall have perching area(s) and nest box(es) that shall accommodate all animals in the enclosure simultaneously. Minnesota. After December 31, 2016, those licensees that desire to expand their inventory to include a family of venomous reptile species not previously authorized at their facility location shall comply with the amended requirements of subsection (1) of this rule. The plan must also include a list of onsite personnel authorized to use the tethering devices, tranquilizing equipment and/or firearms, and when such equipment, devices and/or firearms shall be used to capture, control, or destroy escaped or out-of-control animals. The owner of the leopard told authorities he was licensed to have it. 'Snake-pocalypse? Instead of chomping down on the fruit, they actually use their teeth to bite into it and then suck the juice out. Law Implemented Art. The pool area shall equal no less than two (2) times the shell width by two (2) times the shell length. State Laws: Private Possession of Exotic Animals | Born Free USA While the likelihood of being killed by an animal in Florida is relatively low, the most dangerous animals in the state are typically those that can cause harm to humans through bites, stings, or attacks. Drew Bartlett, director of the South Florida Water Management District, had more of an issue with green iguanas. Such records shall include the following: 1. Plan shall specify pre-event, event, and post-event actions, including action plan for securing wildlife on site, evacuation of wildlife, location and contact information for temporary housing, length of stay at temporary housing, and re-entry to facility.
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