lee enfield grenade launcher
This design has proved to be a popular replacement for the legacy weapons of several nations, including the United States, where it is known as the M320. Add to Cart. Copyright 2023 SARCO, Inc. All rights reserved. The fixed buttstock appears to be screwed into the rear of the receiver of the No.4 similar to how a standard two-piece Lee Enfield stock would be attached to it. Action taken -- "Long" Lee converted for aerial fighting. The bulk being from the Royal Ordinance factory Maltby, ROF Fazakerley, BSA Shirley, with smaller quantities at Longbranch in Toronto Canada and by the Stevens-Savage company of Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, USA. Hello Gents, I am in the process of restoring a No1Mk3. We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. during the war to discover the results. Two other issued grenades were the Naval No.4 plain bodied, part tapered, and vaned model. That weapons new rail system enables the much more compact launcher to be fitted directly to the 6 oclock rail. 1 MKIII, NO. The British H Mk.4 (post 1944 the Roman Mark numbers were changed to Indo-arabic) was a British made blank for launching the No.85 Grenade from the No.5 rifle. The launchers attach to the bayonet lugs on the end of the barrel, and have a flip up sigh with range marks for 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. Overall length: 348 mm Technical Specifications: Heckler & Koch HK79A1 The commonplace employment of rifle grenades was inevitable. Overall length: 357 mm . Should the top navigation menu fail to load immediately please refresh the page or use adjacent links . All WWI grenade discharging cartridges had open necks, but WW2 issue used the rosette crimped .303 flanged cases familiar to all those who have experienced military exercises up to the time the NATO 7.62mm round was introduced in the mid 1950s for the transitional Lee-Enfield rifles and the, In 2012, the late Tony Edwards, a noted authority on, A mounting system was also produced to fit the 2 inch discharger cup to the WW1, A rather more practical use for a Lee-Enfield with a shortened butt is to be found in a. Herbert McBride, in his book "The Emma Gees", relating his time as a sergeant with the Machine Gun Corps in France and Belgium during 1915, wrote of trench mortars of all types then in use We have yet to hear of a British rifle grenade that was launched with a live round, but there was a French version. The launcher consists of a Lee Enfield No.4 receiver where the stock has been cut several inches ahead of the chamber and the barrel several inches ahead of that. Rifle for display. Item restrictions take precedence, and are noted above in red. The ENERGA high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rifle grenade, produced by MECAR of Belgium, was formally issued to British forces in 1952 as the Anti-Tank Grenade, No. $29.00. Whereas the earlier models had a button cocking piece, however due to production date of this rifle the square piece is correct to the rifle, as was highlighted in the list of changes Para B4737. Using a live bulleted cartridge by mistake would result in serious injury, or worse, to the firer and those around him. Sydney based, AIA enfield dealer, plus C&R militaria, Enfield parts and Lee Enfield. Buy Lee Enfield SMLE No.1 Mk III W/ Grenade Launcher All Matching SMLE Enfield: GunBroker is the largest seller of Bolt Action Rifles Rifles Guns & Firearms All: 966755460 The base of the discharger has a slot about an inch long milled out of part of its circumference. General Staff Requirement (GSR) 3518, issued in 1974, notes that the individual weapon was required to be able to accept an area target capability for muzzle or tube-launched grenades. Our Cart uses Romancart Checkout - it has a high level of security built in to protect both, the user, and us, the recipient - please be careful to input your correct card registered address or it will reject every time. 20 recorded delivery Hoosier Gun Works; http://www.hoosiergunworks.com/ Near full inventory for Enfield No1 Mk3 and No4, No1 Mk3 Click Here, No4 Mk1 Click Here. The 1991 edition of Janes Infantry Weapons gives the statistics below, and indicates that the HG40 was undergoing UK military trials at the time of publication. This is of interest. The cup-type launcher could launch the grenade about 200 yards. This grenade was trialled in 1916, but never adopted; it therefore is not covered in the 1917 instructions for bombing that are replicated at the bottom of this page. Figs.1 and 2 giving a longitudinal view of the grenade in section and outside, and Figs.3 and 4 depicting specific parts of the grenade. At the top of the case is the inscription 41mm BA-93, GRENADE LAUNCHER (MYANMAR). It is all to do with the burning rate of the powder. Additionally, there were a plethora of signalling and illuminating. (In the caption his name is incorrectly spelled). UK. In 2012, the late Tony Edwards, a noted authority on British Smallarms Ammunition who assisted with a number of subjects covered by this website, wrote as follows on the War Relics forum in answer to a member's query about grenade firing and training blank cartridges: However, a quite detailed design and mock-up were produced for an Enfield-designed under-barrel grenade launcher (UBGL). Needless to say, this package of rifle, GL and two optical sights is significantly heavier than the base rifle with optic. This page illustrates some of the more common examples of the Twentieth Century. Grenades are far from being a Twentieth Century invention, having been brought into use as hand thrown weapons from as far back as the Fifteenth Century. The operator inserted the blank cartridge into the rifle before setting the stock, angled on the ground to absorb the recoil of the weapon. The HK79 uses yet another different loading mechanism from those types examined previously; a drop-breech design results in the barrel pivoting downwards from the point at which it meets the supporting bracket, allowing for longer munitions to be used. It could be fired from both the FN-FAL and also from the FN Model 1949 (SAFN). Finally, an unusual, but never issued loosely-Enfield-based circa First World War grenade launching device was an experimental model built on a .450-inch calibre large-frame Martini action, in a similar manner to WW. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At the far end, a substantial barrel support bracket held the GL muzzle to the grenade launching ring on the host rifles flash-suppressor. Many writers and critics appear to have overlooked the fact that it was designed as the British soldiers personal arm, not as a target rife Pg 9, Second impression 1962. Be sensible - don`t mount a .50 cal on the roof of your Jeep and take a drive - its fine on private land at shows but given the current climate please do not stress our Police any more than they currently are! "Some weeks ago it occurred to me to try and fire a grenade with the barrel full of water, and no difficulty was found. An area effect weapon was a requirement from the outset of the SA80 programme, and appeared in wooden mock-up form in the 1970 Preliminary Study (published 1971). A No.1 Mk.III* rifle fitted with the 2-inch discharger cup, The War Office issues of the Small Arms Training manuals for 1931. quote the projection range for the No.54 grenade as variously 350 or 400 yards. In a forward-thinking move, this was designed to pivot out to one side with the press of a lever, permitting the use of cartridges with a greater overall length. It was, however, quite usefully different in one major respect. This product is not available for international shipping. The British made No4MkIs use a prefix and number (Alpha numerical) system to identify manufacturer. The Burmese state-owned arms manufacturing wing Ka pa sa Industries (Defence Industries) has a long history of working within limited resources to meet the operational requirements of the Tatmadaw (Burmese Military). On the industrial and manufacturing side of the house, this has been seen through the lens of adapting surplus arms to outfit modern components or firearms themselves. Cast in polyurethane resin from a mold of the original in my collection. This mount includes a hinged top cover to access the weapons gas parts. Caliber: .303 British (7.7 x 56mm) Item #: 995030294. This is located on top of the UBGL, placing it between the barrel of the grenade launcher and the gas block of the host rifle. Rounds with the whole case blackened are for rodded grenades and became the H Mark II after the 1927 changes in nomenclature. The size of the vent aperture dictates the amount of gas bled out from beneath the grenade's gas-check plate, adjusting the pressure that projects the bomb from the cup, and accordingly the range of projection. The space round the casing (d-g) is filled with an explosive Lyddite or some such powder, which is poured through a hole made for that purpose in the main casing at the upper end. Note: The information in this article has been superseded by that authored by Jonathan Ferguson & N.R. From the descripti. An L85A1 self-loading rifle fitted with a Heckler & Koch HK79 under-barrel grenade launcher (photo credit: original source unknown). Even were the butt to be rested on something solid, the proximity of the firer to the discharging Mills round, and the attendant pressure wave, could be nothing but seriously risky and alarming, but, of course, that was the entire nature of such warfare. By 1917, a cup discharger was produced, which could be clipped to the nosecap of an SMLE rifle. The safety pin could then be removed as the launcher cup kept the safety-spoon in place. M.D. Write a Review . The search magnifier may need to be clicked twice. Firing the Mills grenade from the kneeling position. Affixed around the barrel is a tube that has been semi-perforated at the base. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. Lynx Optics ; Scope mounts/bases, Lee Enfield and many others. Will export up to $100 per order, will split parcels to assist, USA. Calibre: 40 x 46SR mm No.I Mk.II hand grenade - short handle for trench use - 1915, No.2 Mk.II (Hales type) rifle grenade -1915 (Mk.I has muzzle clip)*, No.3 Mk.I (Hales type) rifle grenade -1915 (Mk.II has no clip)*, No.25 Mk.II (Sangster) rifle grenade - 1916, * grenades with muzzle clips were for use with the S.M.L.E. Grenade. Photo No.4 shows the charge bursts alike on impact with sand, water, or snow. Technical Specifications: Heckler & Koch AG SA 80 (L17A2 Grenade Launcher) An optical sight, designed to clip over the front part of the SUSAT was issued under the designation L15A1. I am a squad grenade launcher and use a 03 Springfield and M1 launcher. Jenzen-Jones and published in Jonathan Fergusons important original research work, Thorneycroft to SA80: British Bullpup Firearms, 19012020. The South African 75mm R1M1 version was used during the South African involvement in Angola during the 1970s and 1980s. ), plus other Enfield Rifles. Here is an EY Grenade Launcher rifle I found. Herbert McBride, in his book "The Emma Gees", relating his time as a sergeant with the Machine Gun Corps in France and Belgium during 1915, wrote of trench mortars of all types then in use This was the Viven-Bessires design that required that a launching cup be attached to the rifle. Within the museum, there are multiple examples of rifle grenades designed for the BA63-series of infantry rifles, numerous M79s in use on both sides of the conflict. C&R including Lee Enfield and parts. Header image shows a British Soldier in Afghanistan firing an L85A2 fitted with an L123A2 under-barrel grenade launcher (photo credit: UK MoD). Similarly, no replacement upper handguard was produced, leaving the gas parts exposed. Below: a sectional drawing of the No.68 AT grenade showing the hollowed conical shape of the charge. The taper of the base bears on two levers that hook into the lightening ovals cut into the nose-cap beneath the sight protector wings. We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. Addley Precision;http://addleyprecision.com/ .. Extremely efficient, this style of launcher saw service as long as the S.M.L.E. Legal Notice - International Military Antiques, Inc observes all Federal, State and local laws. The cases of both periods were usually part dipped in a coloured stain to identify their type and purpose. Repro T scope mount. The Belgians also produced an inert training grenade. Heckler & Koch L17A2 under-barrel grenade launcher (photo credit: UK MoD). This main outer case is perforated at each end, the lower orifice being threaded. SMLE | #4 MKI . Unfortunately, this mockup rifle grenade appears to be no longer extant in the former Pattern Room collection. "Introduction to British Grenades" ISBN 0 949749 10 9. But needless to say, by the time the No4Mk1* was hitting production what skilled operators and man power was left,were doing an exceptional job with what wood they were able to harvest or being supplied. Barrel length: 310 mm (12.2) launched grenade was used right through WWII by British Forces, and beyond by Commonwealth Nations, even after the general release of the system for the No.4 Lee-Enfield rifle. Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* with Burns' 2-inch Discharger Cup (1917), Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III with discharger cup, 2-inch No.1 Mk.I (1925), Lee-Enfield No.4 with No.5 projector and Energa grenade, L1A1 SLR with later grenade and projector, AR15 (USA) used by British special forces, with grenade, Enfield L85A1/SA80 with Practice Grenade L86A1. This might have been for one of the MA-series of rifles that were adopted in the early 2000s. crimped neck type, familiar to the many who have been involved in military exercises over the years. Energa saw service with the ABL. These carbines were used by both British and Irish army and naval forces. REPLICA GUNS and ORDNANCE AUSTRALIA Grenade Launchers Lee Enfield Rifle Grenade Discharger Cup replica for the M36 Mills Grenade. "The German weekly, the Technische Rundschau, in one of its August numbers, gives the following description of the well-known Mills hand grenade. Muzzle velocity: approx. We havent seen the BA-93 turn up public photographs of the ethnic groups (like you see with many captured Tatmadaw small arms), nor have we seen any surviving examples still in use. Full Parts Inventories for the Lee Enfield. Source- Myanmar Defence Services Museum. The above report is very interesting, but, unfortunately, it is not a practical suggestion. As you probably know, this grenade is normally fired with a 6-inch rod and is a very dangerous thing to fire in such circumstances, as the air space is so great. Note that the rear sight has been removed. Pull pin out of grenade (lever won't fly off because it's being held down inside discharger). July, 1917. The adapter device was a comparatively simple bronze casting. The need to project grenades, further than was possible by hand, was filled by various designs of grenade heads with rods attached that fitted into the bore of the .303 inch calibre Enfield rifles. The grenade shown is the No.23 Mills model. The walnut would have been suitably seasoned and prepared years in advance. Our illustrations show a rifle-grenade - the Marten Hale - invented in 1907, and since made considerably more deadly. This piece was converted to a grenade launcher, the copper binding shows the typical work of Lithgow being soldiers pinned and painted. This can-shaped launcher would be attached to the muzzle of the rifle and a gas check disc was screwed onto the base of the grenade before the grenade was placed in the launcher. IMA considers all antique guns offered on our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. From what little sources we could access elsewhere, it was definitely used in frontline fighting. "In its smallest form it is simply a 'rifle grenade', somewhat similar to a hand grenade or ordinary 'bomb', to which is attached a rod of brass or steel which slips down into the bore of the regular service rifle and is fired with a blank cartridge.Other and newer types are without this rod but have vanes or rudders affixed to the rear end which guide the projectile in its flight. Valmont Firearms; http://www.valmontfirearms.co.uk/Lee Enfield.htm. Add to . At an angle of impact of 45 degrees, the figures dropped to 100mm (3.9inches) and 250mm (9.8inches), respectively. Overall length: 388 mm Required fields are marked *. . These drawings are reproduced from a German weekly newspaper article, which gives particulars of British and Russian hand grenades. Overall length: 770 mm was drawn up. (1), 27.7.17, to Sec. Figs. Start by checking out our Help Center, reading our blog Your Questions Answered section, or browsing our forum to find the topic youre looking for. But was this actually fielded and used in combat? US. The butt was cut at the wrist, and had a bracket fixed across the face of the cut. A mounting system was also produced to fit the 2 inch discharger cup to the WW1 Lee-Enfield Rifle No.3. US, Simpsons Ltd; http://www.simpsonltd.com Collector firearms, a good range of used Lee Enfield. Add to Compare. rifle launched projectiles not dealt with here. Shop for a Grenade Launcher, Used for your Smle No 4 Mki firearm today with Numrich Gun Parts. The bulk being from the Royal Ordinance factory Maltby, ROFFazakerley, BSA Shirley, with smaller quantities at Longbranch in Toronto Canada and by the Stevens-Savage company of Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, USA. No.6 shows a firing position.". . Most Enfield parts by query, Contact; Brian Dick, Will Export, USA. Lee Enfield Kar98K Mosin Nagant Series . This shows a drawing of Tommy Atkins throwing a hand grenade from his trench position. Never fire ball ammo if grenade launcher is in position. Even though the practical application of this experiment may not be apparent at the moment, I feel that it may be worth recording. Top, Lee Enfield No4 MK2, Bottom Lee Enfield No4 Mk1. One final mention of the versatility of the Lee-Enfield rifle in modification for use beyond its original purpose as the most famous veteran British service rifle, is of the use of a cut-down version as the firing initiator of the 9.45-inch trench mortar. 1 . The main way in which to easily differentiate the models is the bolt head release mechanism. BA 93, a rifle grenade launcher made from surplus Lee-Enfield parts, which consist of stocks and receiver with a rifle grenade launcher in the chamber and a sheet metal buttstock while attaching a G3-type pistol grip. Mojo Sighting Systems;http://www.mojosights.com/sample-page/lee-enfield/ .. After market peep sights for Lee Enfield No1 Mk3. Real-gun.com cannot sell deactivated guns to anyone under the age of 18. Barrel length: 279 mm (11) A closer view of the 2" discharger and the manual drawing, Left: sectional drawing Right: main elevation, Left: loading (lying).Right: firing (lying). This XL60 series grenade launcher features an unconventional and not wholly practical trigger mechanism, which surprisingly enough is also present on the mock-up in functional form (that is, it cocks and dry fires). Below is a searchable flip-page booklet of the 1917 "Instructions on Bombing". nose-cap. As the cup's base is screwed onto the mount that holds the levers, they are tightly locked into the apertures and the base is drawn firmly down against the muzzle. Calibre: 40 x 46SR mm This fixing arrangement is remarkably robust. The late December 1914 issue of Illustrated War News recorded the use of the then current issue rifle grenade. for consideration. When transporting de-acs please keep them in out of site, preferably in a gun bag. and a No.94 "Energa" practice marker grenade L1A1. The Mark VII unbulleted cartridges are now being withdrawn and replaced with the 35-grain, until the new 43-grain Mark II comes into supply. From All About Enfields; The No4Mk1 rifle. Weight: 1.8 kg (4 lbs) Large parts and militaria list for British, and other countries. USA, International Military Antiques, http://www.ima-usa.com/ . The overall length of the full-size M203 (at that time the only variant available) resulted in the barrel of the grenade launcher protruding a couple of centimetres beyond the flash-suppressor of the rifle. Source- Myanmar Defence Services Museum. rifles were still in use early in the Great War, prior to the issue of the No.I Mark III rifles that formed. But before this, models were labeled as BA for Burma Army. Don't know anything about the mfg of these cups but mine says "Components LTD . All Rights Reserved. Early in the Korean War, U.S. forces found their World War II-era anti-tank rifle grenades were ineffective against the frontal armor of T-34 tanks. This particular version is painted green, but that isnt to say that there are different finishes and colors out there. The M29 TP (Training Practice) round remained in service until it was replaced in 1961 by the improved M31 TP. This includes an integral folding tangent sight mounted on the left side and graduated from 50 m to 350 m. A Picatinny rail strip opposite allows the mounting of the Laser/Light Module (LLM). However, the firing of a grenade from such a light weapon, as convenient as it may have seemed in trench areas of confined combat, would have been an horrendous option of almost last resort. 1 Review. but were available in British armouries for use with cup dischargers fitted to flintlock muskets. The surviving combination weapon pictured here is lacking any sighting arrangement. . Barrel length: 175 mm (6.9 ) Source- Myanmar Defence Services Museum. /R /300 Original Item: These are Spigot-style grenade launchers for the Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk1 rifle. Mechanism Bolt Action Lee Enfield no 4 mk2, grenade launcher ( DEACTIVATED ) this rifle has a great aged patina. 4 Rifle) Mark 5 (c.1952), an attachment for the LeeEnfield No.4 Rifle. These grenades were launched from the muzzle of the rifle using a cartridge that produced only gas pressure in the barrel. They can still be seen in India, the Gulf states and in Afghanistan and Africa. But those issues are better suited to be explored in No4Mk1*. They all worked quite well. Feed device: single-shot. Many alternative percussion grenades were designed and trialled during WWI. Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Add to WishList. Lee-Enfields and its variants served Britain and the British Commonwealth for more than 60 years in front line service, and much . Made from heavy blued and painted steel, in very fine overall condition ready to be attached to any S.M.L.E. 1,2,3 and 4 illustrate the Mills grenade.". Since undertaking the inspection of rifle grenade cartridges I have had several reports from bombing schools, &c., of the grave risk of accident consequent on the use of the Mark VII unbulleted cartridge with the Mills grenade. 18th. It really could have been fired from the shoulder, as the large extension tube, between the grenade cup and the action, held a powerful recoil reducing spring, and the steel butt-plate was replaced with a rubber recoil-absorbing pad. Original Item: One Only. (better known as the Pattern '14, or P'14). Martini-Henry; http://martinihenry.com/ .. An illustrated half page then published in a German journal. Century Enfield grenade launchers. Accumounts; http://www.accumounts.com/ Steel, no gunsmith scope mount for Lee Enfield, wide range, including No4 T pads and P14 WW1 sniper mounts. Add to Compare. Empire Arms; http://www.empirearms.com/ . Accidents were not infrequent, including the rupture of the rifle's barrel by the excessive pressure developed in driving such a heavy weight out of the muzzle. USA, Gibbs Rifle Co; http://www.gibbsrifle.com/index.html Re made classic C&R, including Lee Enfield. Weight: 1.36 kg (3 lbs) A home-grown offering came in 1988 from Royal Ordnance plc, which threw out its own original side-opening design in favour of what it called the Enfield Close Assault Weapon (ENCAW), allegedly designed in only 20 weeks (see Steve Raws, The Last Enfield, p.244). rifle Not able to export, good people, USA. Although the official service life of these grenades and their discharger was twenty-one years, A No.23 grenade is here shown with its gas-check plate fitted. A contemporary of the M203, the HK79 has seen limited export success. USA, Northridge International; http://www.northridgeinc.com/ .. C&R rifles and Parts, including Lee Enfield and parts. Battledress and Bayonet; http://www.battledressandbayonet.com/ . Weight: 1.67 kg (3.7 lbs) With working clamp to lock onto the rifle. Note the rubber buttpad attached to the base of the stock. Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield, (S.M.L.E. Have a question? The AG SA80 was adopted and received the designation L17A2, the parallel A1 variant being an accessory for the L119A1 (Diemaco C8 SFW). 226 Williams Ln. Excellent classic and rare Lee Enfield for sale. for Chronology of Enfield genre Training Rifles, Adapters & Cartridges. "AS USED BY THE BRITISH AGAINST THE GERMAN TRENCHES ALMOST TOUCHING THEIR OWN: It was noted the other day that British rifle-grenades have proved effective in the fighting. Part 1 is available here,Part 2 is available here, Part 3 is available here, Part 4 is available here, and Part 5 is available here, Part 6 is available here, and Part 7 is available here. Not able to export, USA. The M28 was eventually replaced in US military service by the M31 HEAT rifle grenade and later by the M72 LAW rocket. Given that the new top rail is integral to the new handguard, it seems very likely that this new launcher will replace the L17A2/L123 series in service (the alternative being to continue using legacy rail adaptors for UBGL-equipped rifles). 499 views Sep 8, 2020 18 Dislike Share Save On Target Canada 628 subscribers Taking a look at the grenade launcher attachment for. N.B. The knurling on the cup's circumference is to provide a good hand-grip for tightening the thread.