king county district court auburn
An assessment is conducted for all community court participants to identify their challenges and strengths. Search King County District Court cases filed after January 1, 2005. With Parcel Viewer you can: search for parcels by parcel number, address or condo name. Records Dept Fax: 206-684-8115, Phone: 206-433-1840 Services include access to treatment, housing, transportation Auburn Community Court. homelessness, extreme poverty, addiction or mental health Shoreline/Kenmore Community Resource Center. File an online police report for criminal or non-criminal activity including traffic/parking issues, suspicious activities, homeless/transient camp location and more. The Washington Office of the Attorney General offers information about fraudulent schemes targeting seniors, abuse of vulnerable adults, and end of life guidance. The Eastside Legal Assistance Program offers free civil legal help and legal clinics to low-income residents of east King County, and free legal assistance for domestic violence victims throughout King County. Visit Website, Phone: 206-205-9200 View roads that are impacted due to construction or other events. My experience here has saved my life. Can I visit, participate or volunteer for a community court or community resource center? View a list of Washington public defender offices by county, with contact information and links to websites. Visit Website, Phone: 206-205-9200 King County District Court, South Division, Auburn Courthouse is located in the City of Auburn. volunteers. There are three scheduled sessions of court every month. To provide fair and efficient service within the Municipal Court process for the City of Kingsland in such a manner that will protect the integrity of the judicial process and will develop public trust and confidence in the court system. Schedule a neighborhood meeting or get connected with service agencies. King County District Court South Division - Auburn Auburn Courthouse 340 E Main Street, Suite 101 Auburn , WA 98002 Phone: 206-205-9200 Fax: 206-296-0525 Website | Directions This court also provides contracted court services for the cities of Auburn and Covington. She has served on the bench at several KCDC locations, including Auburn, the Maleng Regional Justice Center (MRJC) in Kent, and Redmond, presiding over a range of case types, including criminal, small claims pre-trials, protection orders, and the Domestic Violence Court. Fax: 206-296-0525. Fax: 206-233-0056 Information on the division that manages streets, infrastructure, and utilities. Resource centers are available to all members of the public in addition to the community court participants. Make an online payment for a utility bill, business license, false alarm fee, etc. When doing case searches for King County District Court: The most up to date information is available at King County District Court's Public Portal: https://kcdc-efiling.kingcounty.gov/ecourt/ Judgment Seach is currently not functioning as expected. Fax: 360-802-0107 None of the information offered by this site can be used for assessing or evaluating a person's eligibility for employment, housing, insurance, credit, or for any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Is any of the above incorrect? Complaints may be filed online or by downloadable form to be mailed in hard copy. List of City of Auburn services available online or in person with map and addresses. View the schedule of City Council meetings and subcommittee meetings as well as citizen's boards and commissions. The King County Prosecutor's Office offers information about resources and services available to crime victims, victims' compensation, case status notification, and restitution. Fax: 206-433-7160 2008 2023 PeopleConnect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. View information about small claims cases in King County District Court, including who can sue and be sued, trial procedure, and appeals. Visit Website Visit Website, Phone: 206-205-9200 activate the "select parcels" mode to select many parcels with a line or area that you draw on the map. 3 0 obj As a result, a security screener is in position at King County community courts to wand individuals before entering the courtroom. Seattle, WA 98124-4987, Phone: 206-684-5600 Judge Amato also serves on the KCDC Probation Committee and was appointed by the District and Municipal Court Judges Association (DMCJA) to a statewide workgroup to study the development of a risk assessment tool for use in domestic violence cases across the state (the E2SHB 1517 DV workgroup). Pay your utility bill, business license, or false alarm fee. Some misdemeanors, as well as felonies, are Use this search only if you need up to the minute calendaring information on district or municipal court court cases. Native Americans, immigration, civil rights, veterans, and more. Look up Auburn's municipal code, ordinances, and resolutions. Information on citizen boards and commissions and how to join. Visit Website, Phone: 206-205-9200 Civil matters like name changes and small claims for residents of Pacific and Algona will still be heard at the King County District Courts Burien location, according to the release. Fax: 253-856-6730 Justice Center in New York saved the community $15 million in so many vital services available at one time makes a significant Mail Stop: KCC-DC-1034. Community court can help taxpayers save money by reducing The Auburn Community & Event Center features a robust Community Fitness Program with dozens of classes, open gym, and equipment and weight room. Under "Search for a person" click "Name Search" to search all courts by person name only; click "Licensed Health Facility Search" to view an alphabetical list of people with active Vulnerable Adult Protection Orders with their associated case number and court. Please visit the King County District Court - South Division website for information about court dates, anti-harassment orders, scheduled hearings, cases, jury duty, probation, fees and fines. If you need further information, please call 253 931-3040 or email [emailprotected]. State law mandates weapons screening in all courthouses. The Washington eService Center offers a searchable database of answers to questions about the court system, procedure, records, research resources, legal assistance and other law-related subjects. <> City of Auburn - Auburn Municipal Court. View legal information and resources by topic, including family law, juvenile and elder law, criminal, consumer, health, housing, employment, Retrieve agendas and minutes from City committees, boards, and commissions. The 2025-2026 General Fund is facing a $100 million revenue shortfall due to the state's arbitrary one percent limit on property tax collections, which has not been updated in 20 years and now coincides with increased costs . For information about court dates, anti-harassment orders, scheduled hearings, cases, jury duty, probation, fees and fines, please call 1-800-325-6165, or 206-205-9200. We strive to provide accurate information, however, Courtreference.com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Links to the organizations are provided. King County is one of 39 counties in the State of Washington. endobj City of Bellevue - Bellevue District Court. View instructions for obtaining a criminal history record (background check) from the Washington State Patrol, online or by printed form. Yes, community court is open to the public. endobj Who can use the community resource centers? King County launched a community survey today asking for public input on prioritizing services funded by the County's General Fund to inform looming budget cuts. Join to view profile King County District Court. over the region. 4 0 obj 1 0 obj Disposition reports are done through Georgia Crime Information Center, FBI, and Georgia Department of Driver Services. Information on street repairs, traffic signals, and online traffic cameras. Apply for a passport or request a copy of a police report or public record. The Washington State Department of Licensing offers information about driver licenses, registration, records, suspension, and reinstatement. KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CHIEF PRESIDING JUDGE DONNA TUCKER MIDD ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 King County . View information about seeking a name change in King County District Court, including filing and hearing schedules by court location, links to petition forms, and procedural guidance. These rules apply when you choose Community Service: Information about Auburn's seven at-large councilmembers. View information about Washington State Dispute Resolution Centers, which provide mediation services to help parties resolve disputes without going to court. Office Email: Information on the King County District Court at the Auburn Courthouse. During law school, Judge Amato was a member of the National Appellate Advocacy Competition team, the Moot Court Honors Council, Phi Delta Phi Brennan Inn and the Womens Law Caucus. Virginia M. Amato is a judge for the King County District Court in Washington. It holds participants accountable while offering A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Red Hook Community Justice Center was published in 2013 and found positive outcomes. Types of protection orders, the protection order process, safety planning, guidelines for protection orders, and address confidentiality are detailed. Email: [emailprotected] Fax: 206-870-4387 A variety of programs, classes, events and more, for all ages and abilities. Information on setting up service, rates, making payments and more. Fax: 253-856-6730 For example, the Red Hook Community Make an online payment for a utility bill, pet license, false alarm fee, etc. Visit Website, Phone: 425-487-5587 Public Works design and construction standards, published documents, and informational handouts. \o8ocn9F >Zy0?1!Wl* ,lPwi^!e8 o3O `g4/s+D!? Generally, the agencies serve the areas outlined below: Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 678 by punishing people. Office Email: Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 34987 Here are some of the findings of the evaluation: An important goal of community court is reintegrating participants into the community and healing the harm their offenses might have caused. but a virtual resource center is available for anyone to access by There are 5 Advanced Life Support agencies that serve the city of Seattle and King County with seamless paramedic service. However, for many traffic violations, appearance is not required, and most can be paid in lieu of appearance. The Auburn Farmers Market runs seasonally from June-September each year at Les Gove Park. Examples of these misdemeanor crimes include urinating in public, sleeping in a park, theft, trespass or disorderly conduct. The King County Council unanimously appointed Leah Taguba to the King County District Court bench in 2021. Register for a recreation program, sports league, art class, fitness membership, golf tee time and much more. Complete Washington court forms using an interactive interview process. Public Works design and construction standards, published documents, and informational handouts. She was elected to the bench in November 2018. Community court is the most awesome program. Pay King County District Court infractions and parking tickets online. California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. Links are under "Helpful Information" in the left column. An employee of the organization must sign it and add a phone number for reference. All defendants are given an arraignment court date. Pay your utility bill, business license, or false alarm fee. Community court participants must not have any violent felony convictions in the last five years; any pending violent felony charges; or a sex offender history. Make a request for information or assistance from staff. Find Auburn gems to explore or rediscover on our refreshed tourism website. Judge Tagubas additional professional experience includes working as a Statistician-Demographer for the U.S. Census Bureau in Washington D.C. Judge Taguba is committed to helping create a court system that engenders community trust. Office Email: Superior Court Operations, Melinda Johnson Taylor, Dir. The City Attorneys Office does not provide legal advice to residents of Auburn or members of the general public. View a guide to Washington courts, types of cases, procedures, and judicial discipline; download the guide in English or Spanish. Links to the certified court interpreter program, domestic violence resources, an introduction to Small Claims Court, a citizen's guide to the state court system, and a brochure about court records access are provided. The Parks Department manages nearly 1,000 acres of park land and over 20 linear miles of trails. problems. Fax: 206-296-0594 View an introduction to small claims cases in Washington District Courts; download the brochure in English or Spanish. services that could help them. Although it is too soon to prove what impact You must turn your hours in each month to the front counter at the Auburn Courthouse. and sometimes necessary deterrents, they do not address King County District Court consists of 3 Divisions - East, West and South - with 8 geographic courthouse locations within those 3 Divisions (Auburn, Bellevue, Burien, Issaquah, Kent, Redmond, Shoreline and the King County Courthouse downtown Seattle. Judge Virginia M. Amato. District Court Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 206-205-9200 Fax: 253-856-6730 Email: [email protected] Information about Auburn's seven at-large councilmembers. View and download guides for self-represented parties in Superior Court civil proceedings, District Court, and Municipal Courts, available in English and Spanish. Overall plan for how Auburn manages growth. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. Directory of frequently used numbers and contacts. Find other answers to frequently asked questions. Court begins at 10:00 a.m. for each arraignment session and at 9:00 a.m. for the trial session and is held at the Municipal Court Building located at 533 North Lee Street in Kingsland.
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