joyce bowman obituary
FH Krueger Elm Grove, Wis.: unpublished, [199?]. 195 pp. Separatdruck aus dem 12. Chicago: Robert C. Bryant, 1983. Abstract: Family chart; letters (photocopies; about 30) in German script and translation of one letter into English. Notes: Steffen, Radloff, Radant, Sahnow. Handwritten/ Education/ Schools/ Saxony, Becker, John. Bowman. Pleasant) near Rose, Waushara County, Wisconsin. In 1848 he married Johanna Elenore Schibe, and they had the following children: Johann Ernst Wilhelm, Heinrich August, Pauline, and Ernestine. [Various materials]. Abstract: Letters translated into English from a father in Horn to her daughter, Lucie Kramer who immigrated to America (Watertown). Richards, I. Imma Charlotte Lonny Doebler. The memoirs of Melchior Schauer (1845-1908). NewMonth, 1986, Feb. Lutz, Jacob Ludwig/ Kiler, John/ Family history/ Wuerttemberg/ Baden, Calnin, Mechtild. MKI P2020-02 Josi/Hazard nexus. FH Lutz [213] pp., ill. (some col.). 1953. Brumders Buchhandlung (book owned by U. of Ill. Library); a page showing the Vollstaendiger Lager-Katalog von Geo. TX 75115, 2000 Mountain Creek Pkwy, Loeffler [papers]. One envelope marked Property of Mary Louise Symon, (1922-2009), daughter of Joseph A. Reinhardt and Frances Elizabeth Reinhardt. Notes: photocopy of an article published in NewMonth, transl. Denkmahl der Freundschaft, a box containing individual sheets with handwritten inscriptions and artwork dating from 1817 through 1828. Mr. Bessler was the General Superintendent of the Burlington Route Railroad. Adolph died in 1846, and Anna and six children emigrated in 1850, arriving first in New York City and then traveling to their new home near Cross Plains, Wisconsin. The actor Fred Bud MacMurray is one of the descendants of Johann Christian Grebel. Dallas, Abstract: 8 baptismal records, 1827-1843, from the Bistumsarchiv, Trier, for the families Jung and Flesch. Family history, Von Elbe, Hermann. 12 photographs, some indicating photographic studios. Wisconsin/ Letters/ Wisconsin Calumet County New Holstein/ German-American publishers Milwaukee, Rueping, F. J. Hans Hirt, transl. Notes: Weinkoetz, Schuler. Aus meinem Leben. Wilhelm John Friedrich and Wilhelmine Fredericke (Luebke) Stark emigrated from the village of Schoenhagen, Hindenburg district, Kreis Naugard, Pommern in 1874. [n.d.]. Lancaster is written on the cover, presumably Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Also donated is a copy of: Includes: Random Thoughts: Aphorisms, Reflections (New York: Drechsel, 1956); Program Outline for a Television and/or Radio Quiz Show (2 copies); Drben ist vieles legerer US-Schriftsteller Karl T. Marx in Hnningen, Bonner General-Anzeiger, Sept. 8, 1987; German Culture in North America (a course workbook developed for Bernd G. Lngins Germantown: Auf Deutschen Spuren in Nordamerika); photocopy of the titlepages and introductions from Marxs books Nachdenkliches: Gedankensplitter, Betrachtungen, Gedichte, Sinnsprueche and Deutsch-Amerikanische Aphorismen: Betrachtungen, Sinnsprche, Gereimtes, Ungereimtes; Goethe, the Problematic Man (The Steuben News, Sept.-Oct. 1982); two manuscript stories, 1937-1947 (a story involving the rise of pro-Hitler sentiment in Yorkville, New York) and Private Golz Home Coming; and Baron von Stiegel and the Red Rose Festival (Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, June-July 1964). Abstract: Includes a family tree, two letters in German script written by Johannes Staiger and Ignaz Staiger, and a transcription of the letters. Joyces sweet and precious memories will be forever cherished in the hearts of: her daughter, Natosha L. Adger; her grandchildren, Brooklynn and Sherrard Taylor II; her father, O.C. Geschichte einer Familie. in Oberdollendorf, a district of Koenigswinter, Westphalia, in either 1844 or 1847; two fragments of writing exercises (in English); envelope with Mount Pleasant, Iowa pre-printed as return address; Civil War letter from Johann Asbach to his parents and siblings, written in German and English from a camp near Memphis, Tennessee (May 7, 1864) [letters reflect a mixture of German and English words]; a 29-page handwritten Andachts-Uebungen der monatlichen Versammlung (prayers for the monthly gathering); deed for John and Veronica Asbachs farm in Iowa. Andreas Boltz departed from LeHavre, France, for America in 1853, and settled across from Senzs/Sanses Mill near the village of Rome, Wisconsin. Frontenac, Minn.: Lorris Anne Wendland, 2015. By 1857 William C. Naschold, Johanns grandson, had moved to Columbia County, Wisconsin. FH Tegeder (P86-53 / SHS Microforms Room) Company K, 2nd Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers (from The Fugelman, vol. [Various documents]. 2nd ed. Ancestors and Siblings of Adolph and Hedwig Ballaseus Moll, of St. Louis. A pioneer in local government will be laid to rest Saturday, June 1st. Great-grandparents Ludwig and Emelia (Fehlhaber) Zamzow emigrated from Posen in 1856 and homesteaded in the Town of Berlin, Marathon County in 1868. Grandfather Otto Zamzow married Emma Helena Carolina Gramzow. Abstract: Woman from Milwaukee executed near Berlin for spying against the Germans during WWII; history of her life text and video program. Alien Registration Cards for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleinschmidt, Marshall, Wis., 1918. Descendants of Johann Joachim Christian Pressentin. 5 pp. [2010]. Abstract: Charts, genealogy, biographical sketches; also includes memoirs of Karl Falck pp. Henry married Maria W. B. Konrad, and their son, Gilbert Henry Kruckeberg, was born in 1914 in Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Wisconsin, and died in 1968 in Appleton, Calumet, Wisconsin. . Abstract: Photocopy of George Simons Wander-Buch All came to live in Wisconsin in the 19th century, eventually settling in towns in Marathon County. Caroline had been born in 1865 in Mecklenburg, Germany. Erstlingsbluethen deutscher Lyrik in Amerika (New York: Steiger, 1872). On reverse: Christliche Tauff Gedaechtniss meinem lieben Petter zu Gundtershoffen Anno 1709. 12. (The Carr Line; Two Ships, Two Passenger Lists; The Zoubeks Trip in 1885; Pictures; Pictures of New York Harbor; Steamship. Abstract: Also reprinted 1970. Madison, Wis.: the author, 2008. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1975. xvi, 172 pages, 4 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations. Thier, Bernhard. Family history/ Nordrhein-Westfalen/ German Americans Illinois/ Wessel/ Wessels/ Catholics/ Auhrabka/ Niggenauber/ Flemming/ Vogt/ Buss/ Toenjes, Westphal, Irene, ed. Abstract: Assorted photocopied family papers: Passport for Friedrich Westphal and Albertine (Berta) Budtke from the Koeniglich Preussische Staaten, Provinze Pommern (1851); biographies (in German) for Friedrich and Berta; pox vaccination paper for Berta; photo of Hulda Westphal (written in pen: 1878-1960), daughter of Friedrich and Berta; wedding invitation for marriage of Hulda A. Westphal and Eduard B. Volkmann, 9 May 1895, Town Herman, Dodge County, Wisconsin; four letters: from Wilhelmine Westphal to her brother, from Steffen [?] ), The Ancestral Families of Anna Catharina (Leibenguth) Jaeck (2 pp. Abstract: Includes bookmark from Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis, Mo. ; Schuberts, of Kiel, Chilton, Wis.; Hageman of New Holstein, Wis.; C. W. Schnell of Chilton, Wis.; and Thompson of Brillion, Wis. See: Voss family/ Handwritten/ Family History/ Baptism records/ Confirmation/ Marriage records/ Holstein/ Wisconsin Calumet County/ German Americans Wisconsin/ World War, 1914-1918. Schlimgen, Johann/ Wisconsin/ Bergheim, Rhein/ 1795-1972/ Family history, Giesen, Lyle C. Giesen Kessenich Bauer Genealogy. Per Joyce's wishes there will be no visitation. She was the daughter of the late Harold and Betty (Coe) Bowman of Lexington. Family history/ German Americans Illinois/ Illinois Whiteside County/ Cassens/ Drantmann/ Frerichs/ Gerken/ Hinrichs/ Knelson/ Lass/ Preibisius. in Odessa, Russia and studied at the Royal Academy of Music in Berlin. Bowman, Joyce Ann age 81 a long-time resident of Lebanon, IN passed away on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022, in Weatherford, TX. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1985. xviii, 81 pp., ill. Notes: Donated by the author (Portland, OR 97217-4530); delivered by the daughter of Mrs. Penny Gray ne Zehren (Milton, Wis. 53563) in October 2002. Family history/ Farm life/ German Americans Wisconsin. Family history/ Engler, Jacob, 1806-1854/ Poland/ Prussia/ Winona (Minn.)/ Minnesota, Evert, Jeanne E. The Evert Family Story. Other names include: Haszler, Hepp, Hoffman, Killingstad, Landers, and Stauffacher. Donated by Jim & Lydia Goetsch, Merrill, WI 54452 (October 2002). Abstract: Bertha Tauber was born in Munich in 1853. Donated by Bob Luening. Trau-Schein [marriage certificate] for Anna Reinhold and Hans Voss, 16 Jan. 1870. Inscribed Florence Vollmer. Volume I: The Descendants of Gottfried David Benjamin Bogenschneider. Confirmation certificate for Hermuth Alb. Notes: Rensberger, Steiner, Myers, Fruits, Schaffer Abstract: In 1841 Bartholomew Ragatz sent his eldest son, Christian, to America to locate a suitable homestead for the family. Click here to view the program for the dedication reception. In addition to producing leading research on American dolls, the Kurtz team has reported on the Amish, Mennonites, and the Church of the Brethern, such as Wheels Made by Hand, an article about an Amish buggy repair shop in Goshen, Indiana. Notes: Donated by Jeanne E. Evert, Cottage Grove, WI, 2005. 2. MKI Doring Lineage. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Chester Chandler of Midland City, Alabama, who passed away on April 24, 2023, at the age of 62, leaving to mourn family and friends. [Miscellaneous Records].. Autobiography of Bishop William Horn 1839-1917. FH Ritsche FH Pfeil Vols. In Europe the Boehmkes lived in the area known then as West Prussianear the market town of Preussisch-Stargard. They both died in the cholera epidemic of 1854 in Cleveland. Herrn Anton V. Mueller, 1918 (printed by Milwaukee Church Supply Co.); In pious memory of Rev. They were following Annas son Reinhard, who had fled to America to avoid service in the Prussian army. Her parents are Herr Hans Vosz, born in St. Anna, Holstein, Deutschland and his wife Anna nee Reinhold from Bernhusen, Schleswig, Deutschland. FH Bogenschneider vol. Share a memory Send Flowers Share. Vollmer. Fehr, Balthasar, 1660-1718/ Family history/ Alabama/ Grosseicholzheim, Baden/ 1634-1958. Family history/ Genealogy/ Merrill (Wis.)/ Pomerania/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Gruling/ Zastrow/ Wisconsin Marathon County/ 19th century, Guthrie, Wayne T. The Windmiller Family of Wurtemburg, Germany. [Letters]. Eldora, Iowa: Donald and Carolyn DeNeui, 2004. 3, in German, January 1, 1908 December 31, 1918; Vol. . Abstract: The Doerings originally lived in Thuringia near Hessen and Lower Saxony. Bowman, age 77, of North Reading, died at her home on Friday, November 24 after a courageous battle with cancer.. Born in Medford, MA on March 11, 1940 she was the daughter of the late Elery and Bessie (Phillips) McKeil. He continued as a well-revered educator and superintendent of schools in Massachusetts, Georgia, and Queens, NY, until his death in 1907. From her intimate friend Emma Schmidt. 2 pp. Notes: Bibliographical notes and references, pp. April 1872, gestorben in Stevens Point, Wis., am 7. Theodore was a farmer most of his life and at one time farmed the Trimborn Farm, now a Milwaukee County Park in Hales Corners. Family History/ Acterberg/ Achterberg/ Weber/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ German Americans Wisconsin/ World War, 1914-1918, Thurow, Raymond C. The Thurows of Pomerania. 1992. Evoking home: the Rucinski family from Lachowo Gut, Germany to Wisconsin/Minnesota. As time passes, the narrator is torn between the desire to return home and her growing adaptation to life in the a new country. Madison, Wis.: T. G. Ragatz, 2007. When Death Occurs; Service Options; . . 104 pp. ]; correspondence from Herm. Abstract: Dr. Ernst Schmidt was a voluminous writer of political and historical articles, poems, essays and tales which were for the most part published in the United States. Notes: Pages 238-240 are blank. Letter from donor kept in Donations: Correspondence file folder (Librarians office). Notes: Donated by Rolf Paul Meyer, Sauk City, Wis. [15] pp., ill. Joyce joined the Community Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Oscar D. Epps, Sr. on September 29, 2013. Zwingli/ Eichelkraut/ Wild/ Family history/ Saalfeld, Kanton Glarus/ Wisconsin, Boyer, Dennis. Abstract: Photocopy of a letter from August Roeseler, living in Horicon, Dodge County, Wisconsin, to his family in Germany, place unspecified. The letter from 1896 also includes an advertisement for The Settlers on Lake Winnebago: A True Narrative of Pioneer Life in the North-West. Upon his return to the old country he wrote accounts of his stay in Texas. 38 pp. Hasselmann/Biederstaedt from Mecklenburg/Strelitz, Germany: Johan Frederick Theodor Hasselmann & Fredericka Marie Caroline Biederstaedt. Abstract: Statements about German school texts and Christmas programs, storybook. 1869. Wanderbuch. The Knotts and Hartmanns from Schoenhengst. Just last Monday he returned from Collins where he had assisted his brother John taking inventory. and Albert; Letters to Adolph and Mathilde written by Joseph Reinhart during his trip to Germany (1883), death notice of J. Nafziger (1884), death notice of Anna Nafziger (1905), two cards from Benno Pawolleck to Mathilde (1903, 1905), Christmas greetings to Mathilde from German relatives (1909); Letters to and from Joe Reinhardt (son of Adolph and Mathilde); Letters from Henrietta Trunk to Joseph and Benjamin (1847, 1848, 1849); Letters to Jakob and Anna Nafziger (parents of Mathilde? Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1928. 326 pp. P85-42 [Notebook]. FH Doebler Descendants of Samuel N. Miller and Sarah J. Petersheim 1876 1991. Decorah, Iowa: Anundsen Publishing, 286pp. Adam Zink (also spelled Zinke, Sink, or Zinck) married Anna Marie Neumann (or Niemann) in Hesse-Darmstadt; they arrived in Milwaukee sometime after September 1846. 7, Halberstadt. Marth, Carl Christlieb/ Bublitz, Christian/ Menge/ 1782-1994/ Family history/ Madison (Wis.)/ Pomerania/ Wisconsin/ Autobiographies/ Autobiography/ Jackson (Wis.)/ Kirchhayn (Wis.), Marth, Elmer H. My Ancestors and Family. 4155 S R. L. Thornton Fwy, In the 1890s, the Hausler & Lutz Dredging and Towing Company became one of Chicagos foremost marine construction companies during a time of convulsive change and consolidation within the industry. It was later named the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock, and by 1917 was the greatest marine construction company in the nation. Part 3: Brief Biographies for Johann Lutzs Other Noteworthy Children. Notes: Donated by Sally Konnak, daughter of Mabel, daughter of Charles, son of Carl and Charlotte Boltz. 1 CD and 72 pp. P89-27 (B85-609), Lautz, Karl Otto und Heinrich. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Joyce Bowman (Fraser, Michigan), born in Detroit, Michigan, who passed away on September 20, 2013, at the age of 77, leaving to mourn family and friends. In the Studio of the Master: Sophie Charlotte Gaebler, a Lisztianerin from Watertown in Weimar., Gaebler, Max. See also FH Buerger. MKI P2002-19 30 pp. [Various papers]. 1982. Donated by William G. Thiel. Notes: Part one: Vol. Ludwig, Sr., and Margaret both died by the time Ludwig, Jr. was 21. . Abstract: Daniel Jaeck was born in Dec 1697 in the area of Sauerberg (now known as Surberg), in the Canton of Bern (now in the canton of Aargau), Switzerland. The writer notes they were in Milwaukee, and that in 1842 he married Friederica Wilhelmine Augusta (geboren Schallock). Family history/ Civil War, 1861-1865 German Americans/ Letters/ Schaffner, Peter/ Stahel, John. Family history/ Sternberger/ Leute/ German Americans Wisconsin, Rueedi, Ernst. Great-grandparents Ludwig and Emelia (Fehlhaber) Zamzow emigrated from Posen in 1856 and homesteaded in the Town of Berlin, Marathon County in 1868. Grandfather Otto Zamzow married Emma Helena Carolina Gramzow. FH Roesler FH Moll [213] pp., ill. (some col.). Kindschi family history. 19 pp. Notes: Various pagings. Herr Geo. He married Anna Margarethe Keiner in 1825. Trek of the Hubers across the U.S. 2 pp. Christopher was one of these children. After first settling in the northwest part of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, members of this family eventually moved to the Winona, Minnesota area. Church records/ Lutheran Church/ Wisconsin/ Buenger, Theodor Heinrich Carl, 1860-1943/ 19th century/ History. Prochnow, Michael/ Prochnow, Anna Marten/ Oakdale (Wis.)/ Hansfelde, Posen/ 1790-1984, Tesch, Maria Catharina, and Nicolaus Tesch . Pattison[?] In 1866 Juergen married Anna Juergens (born 1843 in Erfde Herzogtum, Schleswig-Holstein). Abstract: This report deals with the Gaumanns in America who are direct descendants of Johann Friedrich Gausmann and his wife, Amme Marie Louise Pogemmueller. [Marriage contract]. 50 pp., ill. as reported in American newspapers, and other observations of life in America. Cross Plains, WI: 1982. Frederick August Bellman was born in Dresden, Saxony, Germany, August 21, 1885 and died at his home in Viola, Wisconsin, January 23, 1919 in his thirty-fourth year. Documents and photographs related to the Schlaraffia Milwaukia. Joyce Zoellner . Santa Clara, CA: Bunnelles, 1997. Family History/ Balcke/ Minden, Westphalia/ Davenport (Ia. . Notes: A manuscript and letters by John Becker from Fort Atkinson, 1881 & 1887. Abstract: Letters translated into English from a father in Horn to her daughter, Lucie Kramer who immigrated to America (Watertown). Joseph Reiter died in 1936. History of the Schoenecker families. DuWayne and his brother Don were among the founding members of the Pommerscher Verein of Central Wisconsin, a group that celebrates the Pomeranian heritage and culture, with members performing traditional dance and speaking a regional Low German dialect. FH Goth Notes: An earlier version of this history won a Special Honorable Mention in the 2004 Henry Barkhausen Competition for Original Research, awarded by the Association for Great Lakes Maritime History. Included are translations of the German language correspondence, written mostly by Meissner to family, friends, and business acquaintances in Germany. . ~These pages are currently under construction~, Use your browsers Find function to search the pages! A History of the Wermerskirchen Families. Reception. Christopher Dock: Pioneer Christian Schoolmaster on the Skippack. Footville, Wis.: the author, n.d. Notes: Two copies. Mohs, Bruce Baldwin, 1932-/ Biography German American/ Biography German American/ German Americans Wisconsin/ Business & Industry, Monigal, Robert Emmet. Kahlfuss, Johann Daniel/ Allerkamps, Annen Dorotheen/ Marriage records/ Handwritten, Kalkbrenner. Falck, Myron R. Coats of arms for the name Falck and variations of that name as found in the Siebmacher Wappenbuecher. Dorfgueting. 1821. became known as Pennsylvania Dutch. 513 pp., ill. FH Bellmann Abstract: Brief summation of August Friederich Kleinerts birth; his preparations for his and his familys trip to America, their experiences on the voyage and in establishing a home in the wilderness of Wisconsin; additional sections: pp. Includes two locks of hair. Declaration of Intention, Naturalization Record, for Joseph Reines, February, 5, 1918. The Greatest Christmas Ever, December 25, 1918. Scanned copies can be found in UW Box. Abstract: Scanned images of more than 70 letters dating from 1855 to 1926, the majority in German and the old German script, relating to the Goth family. Image shows five women standing in a row behind a seated row of five alternating women and men (three women, two men). Abstract: Hand-written letters in the old German script between Catharine Juessen (ne Ruetz), an aunt of Carl Schurz living in Clay Centre, Kansas, and Emil C. Gaebler, living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and later in Chicago. Pauline married William Laidlaw. . Lippe Family, A Thousand Years of History, Two Centuries in Canada. She attended Lakewood schools and worked as a retail clerk, prior to her disability. Luening, Dietrich C., 1848-1936/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund/ Teachers/ Schools/ German Americans Wisconsin/ Letters/ Handwritten, Luft, Wayne W. History and family tree of the Friedrich Seidemann Family, 1853-1983. MKI P2002-47 Dez 1856 written on back. Examination certificate, possibly associated with a test to become a tailor, dated 14 December 1867 for Gottfried Richard Remp, born in Greifenberg Death notice for a John Tiedchen[?] Notes: 29 pp. MKI P2002-59 Document published: Verlag der Deutsch Ev. Origin of the family is Chalons sur Marne, France. P86-45 FH Kochendoerfer (P87-152) 2, Town of Rantoul and Charleston. [United States? Boehmke/ Family history/ Kokoschin, West Prussia/ Kokoschken/ Konradstein/ Dombrowken/ Kottisch/ Rokoschin/ Preussisch-Stargard/ Latotski/ Kluck/ Klein/ Radtke/ Gruhlke/ Reibe/ German Americans Wisconsin/ Washington (State). Neese, Solomon/ Neese, John Rufus/ 1744-1979/ Family history/ North Carolina/ Indiana/ Palatine, Bittner, Bernadette, Bernice Enz, and Carol Ryan. Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. [94] pp., ill. P84-114 Peter August Thomsen was born in 1847. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1975. xvi, 172 pages, 4 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations. 1996. Puttkamer/ Prussia/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Volkmann/ Westphal, Meier, Joan Agnes. Louis A. Haselmayer, ed. Certificate of Award, for Punctuality and Perfect Attendance, awarded 15 March 1904 to Hermuth Voss of School District No. Synode in Iowa (German only), and some letters and notes regarding subscriptions to the bulletin. FH Kindschi [Diaries]. 1893-1931. 5 pieces. Johann and Caroline Bornfleth farmed and raised a family in the Town of Clyman, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Wallau, Wendel, and Karyl E. Rommelfanger. Rudolf was born in Austria in 1884, emigrated to Canada in 1910, and came to Chicago, Illinois, in 1913. Pressentin is a poet included in Dornrosen. This volume included family information on the Kaess, Dorschke, Drozdzok, Falkenecker, Kokott, Mandrisch, Bidembach, Dawson, Swartz, Urbina, Lang, Golz, Pereda, Kulhanek [and other surnames]; religions represented in this work include Lutheran, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Secular, and so on. Notes: On title page: Album Souvenir: Selections, Sketches, Autographs, etc. Synode von Nord-Amerika, hrsg. Brigites aunt Frieda was able to receive payments for the value of her house in Poland through the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States. Abstract: Collection of Gemeinde-Bote: Monatsblatt der Ev. George John Meyer founded the George J. Meyer Manufacturing Company in Milwaukee and was called one of Wisconsins Wealthiest Men. Generation 4: George Leo Nicholas Meyer, Sr. (1895-1972) and Edna Alice Zuerner. Most autographs are in English, with three in German. The importance of saying "I love you" during COVID-19, Effective ways of dealing with the grieving process, Solutions to show your sympathy safely during the Covid-19 pandemic, Hoskinson Funeral and Cremation Service - Kirkersville, Criss-Wagner Hoskinson Funeral & Cremation Services and Hoskinson Funeral and Cremation Service. Bird, Robert Byron, and Ethel Antrim Bird. Grosnick/ Seefelt/ Wisconsin/ Pomerania/ 1842-/ Family history/ Memories, Seefelt, Edward R. The Seefeldt Family History. FH Wendt (in big drawer) . FH Lautz2 Notes: Golden Anniversary Edition Ancestors and Descendants of Johann Jacob Reiner and Elsbeth Hitz and Allied Lines. Abstract: Scanned photograph and passport for Johann Georg Speiser, who was born 1819 in Brettheim, Wuerttemberg. His father, Henry DeFreis, emigrated from the province of Friesland in the Netherlands and soon changed his name from Fokkema. Williams mother, Margaret Kropf DeFreis, emigrated from Kirchenlamitz in Oberfranken, Bavaria, and ended up in Buffalo which had a steady stream of immigration from Kirchenlamitz. She was predeceased by : her parents, John Turner and Marlene Turner (Byers). Includes background history on Pomerania and Poland and information on the family name. Marth, Carl Christlieb/ Bublitz, Christian/ 1782-1994/ Family history/ Madison (Wis.)/ Pomerania/ Wisconsin, Martin, George. A. C. Plappert for Peter Christian Iversen, New Holstein, Wisconsin, May 15, 1924. 10 pp. 156 pp. FH Jacobs FH Miller ; Paape, Ruchholtz, Liphardt, Starck Notes: Donated by Jacob Martens. 19th century/ Family history/ Genealogy/ German Americans Wisconsin/ Grebel/ Kluegel/ Lutherans, [Gugler Lithographic Company, assorted papers.] Letters from Ferdinand and Minna were later written by a Mrs. Herold, a friend, when they were too elderly or ill to write. (Groth family histories that include Dobberpuhls); for the years 1927, 1928, 1929, and 1930. He was living in Plymouth, Wisconsin when the Civil War began.
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