joel meyers and spidey trick revealed
Learn how to do THE BEST & EASIEST Card Trick EVER! )), @Mod MINI the one person to get ir right and it has one like people are stupid. However, I love the creativity involved in all magic tricks. Inside Penn & Teller: Does This Trick Ring A Bell? Today, these researchers study not only infections in cancer patients, but HIV, malaria, viruses that themselves cause cancer, and many more.. Magicians Simon Pierro, Nicholas Wallace, Darcy Oake, and Alex Geiser try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. When Meyers was diagnosed with cancer, everyone had this feeling of disbeliefhow can this happen to a doctor? Thrasher said. He likes magicians who say what it is: its a trick, its technique.. Open Button. revere, ma condo foreclosures; Street Magic To close the show, Penn & Teller perform the world's first underwater card trick - with a shocking twist. P3 Magic joel meyers and spidey trick revealed. : https://bit.ly/33wW9li# 3 : LEARN 5 EASY Magic Tricks in 90 seconds! There was essentially no field at the time, said virologist Dr. Larry Corey, Fred Hutch president and director emeritus and Meyers longtime collaborator and friend. There's nothing it could transmit. More posts you may like r/FoolUs Join 8 days ago Thomas was impressed with Meyers during that brief visit, and Meyers fell in love with Seattle and the team there, Thrasher said. It's hard to fool a couple masters of the art but they certainly fooled everyone else. Magicians Hayden Childress, Hans, Benjamin Barnes, and Jay & Joss try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. Allison is just so awkward all the time. I fucking do! The Scar DVD is full of presentational ideas and applications created by international mentalist; Spidey (Psycho, Phantom, Ultra gum) and additional thoughts and handlings For more local weather, environmental conditions, and travel resources. Yes, but being simple muddies the vernacular and creates this kind of confusion. D is four bits, 1101, two in red, one in black, one in red. Magicians Rick Smith Jr. & Rokas, Lindsey Noel, Jason Suran, and Roddy McGhie try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. The miracle was you got to see some part of that persons life. My best guess is they were trying to fool Penn and Teller into thinking they were using a different technique by including multiple unnecessary steps. LOVE IT. VIDEO: Make Believe Magic of your Mind Spidey, Mentalism is magic of the mind, he says, referencing the title of his critically acclaimed one-man show, Make Believe: Magic of Your Mind.. But an increasing fascination with the mental aspect of magic took him down a different path that is best illustrated by the inner workings of what appears, on the surface, to be a simple card trick. Youre talking about how that would be a waste of time, but youre the only waste of time. Scott Wolf helps with a trick. Dr. Michael Boeckh, who now heads Fred Hutchs Infectious Disease Sciences Program, was one of those young scientists. Pranks/Gags And Spidey tells in like it is, so Penn is a fan. Magicians Austin Janik, Amazing Allison, Mac King, and Norman Ng try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Magicians Riley Siegler, Jade, Ran'd Shine, and David Roth try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Mega envious of your stage style. But I would do the same trick in yet a simpler way. Magicians Joel Meyers & Spidey, Rick Lax, Marcus Eddie, and Bruce Gold try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Great entertaining and mysterious act. If they had a fancy way to determine what the pen wrote, this was a fairly lame trick compared to what they could have done. Featured magicians include Noah Sonie, Malin Nilsson, Peter Samelson and Michael Karl. We encourage individuals with diverse backgrounds to apply and desire priority referrals of protected veterans. Magic tricks are very neat. Barbara Thrasher remembers the exact moment she and Dr. Joel Meyers first reached Seattle on their cross-country move. Featured magicians include Theron Christensen, Jaana Felicitas, Benjamin Barnes and Brian Curry. Very entertaining! My belief is that magic is always more powerful when it uses a borrowed object because it takes away that feeling of "Oh he's just using a magic prop.". What are the best routines that I can do for complete strangers? Magicians Anthony Asimov, Angela Funovits, Ivan Amodei, and Vince Charming try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Sweden's hottest magic double act perform 'The World's Most Difficult' - and painful - card trick. Then write this code in small print on a completely different sheet of paper, for example through a thermal printer - there are many possibilities. That's the inspiration behind some of my own creations that I use to perform street style with. It's as if he memorized the books and is very good at reading people. Stage Magic While I certainly don't have the same level of irritation as many do over on the big green monster regarding magicians dabbling in mentalism, it's still important to maintain the correct phrasing to make sure people know what they are talking about. After facing the challengers, Penn and Teller will close the show with a fantastic new trick of their own. Read the Know your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal Poster. You also said Patrick and the girl were in on it; they werent. Penn also mentioned the Gutenberg press. Season 2 ends with magicians Derek Hughes, Reuben Moreland, Suzanne, and Jared Kopf trying to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. and is very intent on writing down the "prediction", and at 4:59 there's only the cover and no extra pages. So penn.and teller is really good magicians i never had heard of them untill few days ago never ever heard about them, I actually thought they had the same magnifying glass and pen before I realised it was code , @SpideyHypnosis maybe pat and the girl werent, but there had to be sum to do wit the pen man. DVDs Corey met Meyers through his job and he and his wife, Amy, had become fast friends with Meyers and Thrasher. Magicians Danny Cole, Kostya Kimlat, Hkan Berg, and John Hinton try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Then he realized it and committed to the awkwardness. when to drink wine vintage guide. Magicians Riccardo Berdini, Yan Markson, Ondrej Psenicka, and Glenn Morphew try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. The array of words is reduced by probability because most people will select the left hand side. History & Theory simplii financial address 305 milner ave. dallas tv show filming locations council houses to rent in evesham. I love these guys follow them on YouTube their great! Your username says more than I ever could. For Dracula it could be 'count' or 'mansion' or whatever. We are committed to cultivating a workplace in which diverse perspectives and experiences are welcomed and respected. The book selection wasn't random though. At his show at the Market Hall, Spidey promises to amaze as well as entertain. But the true highlight for Spidey was when Teller who never speaks when he performs leapt to his feet in the front row, looked directly at Spidey, and repeatedly said Bravo!, It was one of the most iconic moments of my career, Spidey says from his home in Montreal. revere, ma condo foreclosures; I am just posting generalized stuff, not related to this video, because it inspired me to share my appreciation for all magicians. There was no field of bone marrow transplantation, let alone infectious diseases in bone marrow transplantation., What was once a one-person research program has now grown into the worlds largest group of infectious disease researchers at any cancer center. legend has it he's still standing there today, he is taking full advantage of this moment. Magicians Ryan Chandler, Ryan Hayashi, Dirk Losander, and Ed Ripley try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. will help you with your medical records, financial assistance, housing There wasn't much code there..it was pretty much telling everyone how they did the trick. Ehhh.. what channel is bounce tv on xfinity. Performance Music I agree that the (special, recently produced) PEN was the key word and Penn mentioned the magnifying glass just as a misdirection. Poster Store 9. maybe throw in misdirection by buying a fancy magic pen or giving pen a fancy magnifyer and hope they take the bait or, if they inspect the books, you did a good enough job smoothing out your text editing to make it read properly and not too obvious.CONGRATS you just read my penn and teller self fantasy fan-fiction oh god i'm so pathetic. Magicians Raymi, Kat Hudson, and Javier Natera try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. Watch the video and see the stagehand raise the mic as they crouch in the walkway. They actually had like 2 hours of us messing around like that and had to condense, i bet that the note book they used has some sorts of tablet or phone where these books are stored in it. !SUB TO SPIDEY! Featured magicians include Daniel K, Yukihiro Katayama, Andrew Evans and David Stone. Featured magicians include Jon Mobley, the Van Hargen twins, Axel Adler and Chris Canfield. Wow Penn used glasses and a magnifying glass at the same time to read the dictionary. This April Fools' Day special includes behind the scenes footage, special guests, never-before seen tricks, and a few other surprises. His door was always open to young scientists, she said. A mind reading on the other hand, is when you try and "read the mind of a spectator as a reveal" (eg. Magicians Seren & Nathan, Caleb Morgan, Alfonso Rituerto, and Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. westfield london kiosk rental prices. But (at least it was 4 years ago already like that) the person is actually random. Eighteen Joel Meyers scholars have since launched their careers with the funds help, and many of them will return to Seattle next week for the symposium, along with others in the now-established field of infectious disease in the immunocompromised. It's really not though right? When you told people you were in infectious disease, they almost chuckled; theyd never heard of it, she recalled. Follow her on Twitter @Rachel_Tompa. And I said, Oh my gosh, yes you can. And he got me a date with Joel, she said. I'm not a magician but the whole "some open it half way" was obvious. Featured magicians include Tattoo, Sigfried Tieber, Rick Wilcox and Willi Auerbach. not only a great act but absolutely hilarious. Magicians include Javi Benitez, Rebecca Herrera, Helen Coghlan and Danny Cole try fool the veteran duo with their illusions. You two are awesome! But I think I could easilly do this trick on live tv and fairly cheaply; no computer pens or magic magnifying glasses: 1. download royalty-free, text versions of 6 classic novels.2. We came over the 520 bridge into Seattle on this sparkling June day and looked at the sailboats and Mount Rainier and the houseboats and we thought, Do people actually get to live like this? Wed never seen anything like that in the East, she said. . He is great, he has had a chat show in the UK for years. A kidney transplant and a cancer diagnosis helped shape the career of infection-control expert Steve Pergam, On the eve of Emperor cancer documentary, Dr. Fred Appelbaum recounts 40 years of difficult and exhilarating advances in bone marrow transplantation, Dr. Corey Casper spearheading partnership with Uganda Cancer Institute to prevent, treat pervasive cancers, 2023 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Subscribe to Oncology Insights Newsletter, Viruses, Vaccines and Infectious Diseases, The successes kept you going: 40 years of bone marrow transplantation, Fred Hutch working to cure infection-related cancers, Opportunistic Infections in Cancer Patients. It would be published a few weeks after his death. The kind of pen that connects to your computer and converts hand writing into a word document. Magicians Christopher Tracy & Jim Leach, Neil Croswell, Ben Young, and Henok try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. It's like poetry. You are using an out of date browser. Featured magicians include Jo De Rijck, Nick Paul, Sachin KM, Christopher T and Sam. You can do it with any deck of cards and it will always blow minds! This show is always fun that's what I like about it. Meyers and Corey then helped test the antiviral drug acyclovir, showing that the treatment was incredibly powerful in treating infections with the related pathogen herpes simplex virus, which Corey studied. All rights reserved. Performing their Saint Nick act on Fake Off on truTV. P&T have been doing this a long time. He was starting research that few others were doing at that time, studying infections in people with weakened immune systems, also known as the immunocompromised. I'm less perplexed by whatever technojiggery this trick uses and more baffled about why it involved a blatant swami (the writing on the back bit, obviously done after it was removed from the envelope.) Things I perform often(I am strictly mentalism) are: Cold Reading is typically used in a mind reading routine to strengthen it. Our team members response, but should send shivers down the audience's spine because they are thinking "he really just did that. This was incredibly controversial in the infectious disease field, Corey said. Man what an act! We are told which seat to choose our spectator from but we dont know who will be sitting there. The table is too large just only to keep the envelope on the top while someone blocking a view to it with his back :). Magicians Scott & Puck, Eric Jones, Mark Calabrese, and Paul Vigil try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. 0 is four bits, all black, put the next four cards in the black pile. One out of six books are indeed selected at random by the lady in the audience. In today's episode, illusionists High Jinx, danger man Jon Allen and comedy mentalist Graham Jolley are the acts vying for a chance to win magic's greatest gig. the first audience member picks a number between 1-200. I just wanted to watch a show lmao I didn't think I'd be part of it. Coffee Shop Magic, DVDs + Books Kick our Ass! Thanks!I had to rewatch the video to remember what I was asking, but this was good to see again! the trick could have been possible at a time in history when the printde books were present, which would be centuries ago. But the detachment Meyers was (mostly) able to maintain with his own patients slipped away with his own illness. It's technology - I'm guessing the pen and pad the guy wrote the page number on, sent the info to the guy with the large notebook (easy to hide a smartphone/tablet there) so he new the page number. Filmed entirely at the homes of Penn & Teller and their friends around the world, this special showcases new magic Penn & Teller and their magician friends have developed at home and teaches viewers how to do an array of tricks themselves while being joined by celebrity guests including Elle and Dakota Fanning, Michael Carbonaro and Shin Lim. Magicians looking to fool them this time: edgy illusionist Elliot Zimet boxes up a girl, Paul Gertner blows everyone's mind by making his cards talk, comedian and mentalist Matthew Disero guesses the colors of four audience members' underwear, Lithuanian magician Rokas Bernatonis charms Alyson while doing an X-Ray card guessing trick with her. One off 90 minute special airing 7th January 2011 Hosted by Jonathan Ross, where magicians Penn Jillette and Teller give several British magicians the chance to fool them, with a prize of the opportunity to fly to Las Vegas and open for the duo. Magicians Dyno Staats, Aiden Sinclair, Axel Adler, and David Parr try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Magic Books, Other Stuff Magicians Caleb Wiles, D.K., Wes Iseli, and Alana try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. Haha This stuff amazes me :-). Three years ago, the magician and mentalist known as Spidey was standing on a sound stage in Las Vegas. This also applies to electronic versions in which the "find" function can be used. senator john neely kennedy family tree; jgod warzone weapon stats spreadsheet; wkbc north wilkesboro; stouffer's rigatoni with chicken and pesto copycat recipe The occasion was Episode 10 of the first season of the acclaimed reality series Wizard Wars. The magician will more less always be guess right. the trick I described above in #9, which in reality is slight of hand). That thing where you get Spidey to cough up a card while he's talking to someone else is a great twist on street magic. Cheers. Magicians Jon Armstrong, Xavier, Greg Dow (aka The Shocker), and Steve Brundage try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Joel Meyers is coming to perform at my university next week. I feel incredibly lucky to have known Joel, even though it was all too brief, Thrasher said. That won the whole show for me, I don't know why so many people hate Ross. Anyone notice how long it took him to 'write' dictionary, how he 'wrote' 363 1-1 on the back without ever turning the page, and the awkwardness of stuffing the paper into the envelope? The magicians featured in the episode include Chris Capehart, Yan Yan Ma, Topas and Jason and Stacy Alan. And then all you need is to know for each book the first words on your desired page. Patrick looks like the love child of Henry Cavill and Michael Fassbender. [Meyers] would be just thrilled to see that this continues and that hes had an effect, that his life had that effect, Thrasher said. This is really neat. Penn & Teller: Fool Us // Adam Wilber Totally Baffles Them! Magicians Liberty, Jorge Blass, Paul Gertner, and Sergio Starman try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Invite someone to the event with that date (day = page, month = line), do the rest. But I realized after Joel died that the miracle was that you got to be with that person. Magicians Amanda Nepo, Shoot Ogawa, Ale Belotto & Guilia, and Mark Clearview try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. Magicians Jay Sankey, Greg Wilson, Trigg Watson, and Jen Kramer try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. There's No Fool, like the Old Fool that didn't fool, Penn and Teller! Again, part of the manipulation of the notebook, which was returned from the audience, was cut out. Magicians Javi Benitez, Mike Bliss, Ekaterina, and Ran Gafner try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. I'm don't generally use either of those extensively., I think the person who started this thread is who you are referring to. One more note - The 3 Card Monte is not credited to Chris Ramsay, nor did he take Credit for it. 7. you're golden. Ill ask them to focus on a happy memory, without sharing it, Spiday says, after which I start revealing details of where they were and who they were with even going so far as to pull out a specific object from the audience members innermost thoughts. Magicians looking to fool them this time: Xavier Mortimer returns to skip rope midair, Fielding West pretend-plays rough with his bird friend, Caleb Wiles instructs Alyson on how to do a fooler's card trick for the boys, Kevin Hall (aka the Magic Maniac) entertains with magical anagrams of the boys' names, and finally, in honor of Houdini, Penn and Teller and their escape artist friends, the Pilobolus dance troupe, unleash their inner sadomasochists. They selected classics after all to do the trick. It's really clever how Penn explains the trick in code but still makes it funny for the audience. Jonathan Ross presents the last episode in the series in which Penn & Teller aim to find the brightest up-and-coming illusionists. Aha! Penn and Teller had a similar trick. Magicians Damien James, Kelvin Chow, Joshua Lozoff, and Murray Sawchuck try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Featured magicians include Dustin Dean, Alan Hudson, Dr. Kruti Parekh and Kyle Purnell. : https://bit.ly/2Umpzj9# 1 : LEARN THE EASIEST MAGIC TRICK!! The magicians featured in the episode include Jeki Yoo, Matthew Pomeroy & Natasha Lamb, Peter Wood and Lewis Starnes. television series, and they keep in touch. In 1991, at the age of 46, Meyers died of colon cancer. "The gentleman behind you" would be my assistant, ready to switch the folded note. It's because at 4:14 there's a stagehand dressed in black waiting with a wireless mic so she can be heard which makes the final destination of the pape not random at all. but are there any that you would suggest for a stranger audience tat they will enjoy? Thats crazy how they can just figure out how they did a trick, Very cool trick and I only was able to figure it out based on what Penn and Teller said. Thus, I would suggest not labeling it "Chris Ramsay's 3 Card Monte". They are generally super easy, powerful, and impromptu (or atleast the one I perform is). Magicians Tori Noquez, Alex Boyer, Andi Gladwin, and Topas try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. I would pay money to watch them perform live. Such potentially harsh drugs were only used for treatment, not prevention but Meyers showed through clinical trials that treating bone marrow transplant patients before they were severely ill saved lives from these deadly infections. Even though I love math, I'm not too fond of math based tricks. When performed correctly, those routines shouldn't get a "how did he do that trick?" I want to see penn try to fool teller and vice versa! Penn & Teller Fool Us | International magicians Spidey and Joel Meyers perform an amazing mind reading/mentalism trick for Vegas Superstars Penn&Teller. And finally, Penn and his assistant Georgie play a dangerous game with fire. Sometimes you need someone to pick a certain card, he reveals, so you have to guide them to pick the card you need them to pick.. Penguin LIVE Notice how at 4:35 he flips several pages over on the cover side, while the distraction of talking to Sam is happening. Filmed entirely at the homes of Penn & Teller and their friends around the world. Magicians Sean-Paul, Jason Andrews, Eric Meade, and Reza Borschardt try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. use the tablet or phone to find the book and page number that they know from before (The guy in the beginning in red t shirt picked it) and to memorize the first 1-3 lines and and asked the girl about the world that he came up with the first letter for, So she agreed to it and directly went to the word he was refereeing to. Magicians Stewart MacDonald, Kyle Littleton, Lion Fludd, and The Beckers try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Every dollar counts. John was such an awesome host. Magicians include Arkadia, Harry Keaton, Jandro and Derek Selinger. Get Direction. A study he led on preventing a deadly viral infection in transplant patients one of the most important findings of his career was in press at The New England Journal of Medicine at the time. 9:08 the moment they got busted is hilarious to me. theory11 Magic Tricks & the World's Finest Playing Cards. Penn is on record for not liking mentalists, Spidey explains, because they typically say that theyre (actually) reading your mind, or your aura, or theyre psychic and Penn really hates false claims like that. Question: How is the random person heard so well when they stand up? Random Ashe youre 100% right. +Dok Cutty There's nothing in the magnifying glass, because it's only used by Penn after the word and code is mentioned. Tada simplessss. Of course you can. It also features viewer videos showcasing versions of tricks they learned from the first special. Spidey and Joel Meyers: The "Sleightly Mental" Duo Penn's clue was something about the magnifying glass and the pen. The magicians featured in the episode include Blaise Serra, Pierre Ulric, Francis Menotti and Lord of the Ring. NEW:Subscriptions, Top Inventors \"The Heist\" is an amazing card trick I created years ago. Ramsay has his own version of Three Card Monte? Magicians looking to fool them this time: Alex Ramon makes a pesky lie detecting iPad disappear, showman Greg Frewin performs an epic version of Houdini's straitjacket trick while three villainesses try to knife him, Vinny Grosso bares it all for his tasty card guessing trick with Carrot Top, Arthur Trace freezes time to do his "eggcellent" vanishing trick for Alyson, and finally Penn teaches Alyson a card guessing trick using live rats and Teller's head. Single-Handed Three-Legged Twin Bullet Catch. The dynamic between them is great. if penn says "boy" anywhere in his response, they didnt fool them. Magicians Patrik Kuffs, Lamanske, Adam Wilber, and Hector try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Magicians The Shocker, Magic Maxl, Jeki Yoo, and Ben Seidman try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. : https://bit.ly/3h48nsG-----FOLLOW ME HERE FOR CRAZY BTS STUFF! Free magic tricks. Magicians Leroya Sanford, Joshua Jay, Gabriel Gascon, and Luca Volpe try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. Card Tricks 50% In the meantime, Spidey keeps busy in his 10th year as a professional, touring the world wowing friendly audiences and skeptics alike with his unique feats of mentalism. The magicians featured in the episode include Joseph Reohm, Brent Braun, Chris Rose and Charles Bach. Legends says that patrick is still standing. Maybe there is no video of it? We are an Affirmative Action employer. simplii financial address 305 milner ave. dallas tv show filming locations council houses to rent in evesham. Haunted Magic, Shop by Venue How surprising. grand united order of odd fellows Menu Toggle; coastal vacation rentals holden beach He later ran clinical trials testing whether the antiviral drug ganciclovir, a close relative of acyclovir, could prevent even more deaths from CMV in transplant patients. joel meyers and spidey trick revealed. I also can't quite shake the feeling the books are gimmicked--I mean really, if you had a pen that could record what it wrote why wouldn't you simply ask someone to write anything down?There are too many curious things about this trick. Penn & Teller fooled by a cookie - Revisit on Penn & Teller: Fool Us - April Fool Us Day Special, Gazzo Magic Act On Penn and Teller Fool Us, Penn & Teller Fool Us. Then again, there are more performers besides him: members of the audience who are recruited to be part of the show. @SpideyHypnosis look in the middle of the magnifying glass as he clicks it, there's a light, dominic izzo 100% of that is wrong. 'Cause I'm starting to think Penn's explanations are in thieves' cant. Magicians Leon & Romy, Mike Hammer, Shin Lim, and Peter Boie try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. Learn my FAVOURIT. Magicians Kostya Kimlat, Frederick Falk, Chris Funk, and Nate Dendy try to fool the veteran duo with their tricks. In the interests of magicians, fair television transmission should be. Plus Cuba's greatest magician - Manuel Martinez, who now lives in Margate - takes to the stage, and one act performs the most stunning climax to a trick ever seen on TV. Create a program that compares the words in many digital books and tells you which ones match on the page, in word and in line (probability). 9 is four bits, 1001, one in red, two in black, 1 in red. ", Fooled by French Magician Boris Wild // Impossible Card Trick // Season 7, Axel Hecklau vanishes Tellers driving license (604), Erik Tait | Where's the Queen - Amazing Invisible magic, The lyrics can frequently be found in the. Concurrently with his work on CMV, Meyers was also laying the groundwork for a growing research field and program on infections in the immunocompromised patient. "one specializing in sleight of hand, and the other is a mentalist. New Arrivals He wrote his prediction and it sent what he was writing to a computer. So if I'm out and about performing street magic I always like to do magic with borrowed objects. dbrs morningstar assistant vice president salary > childe harold's pilgrimage canto 4 stanza 178 summary > joel meyers and spidey trick revealed. DRM Downloads Season premiere includes an epic performance by sightless card mechanic Richard Turner, the daring Young & Strange duo have a second try at their foolery which includes sticks and poking holes, Kayla Drescher brings a woman's touch and heart to her magic and Mike Super does a small prediction trick in a big way. Seems like thats what Penn was saying when he said they couldn't do the trick until the last 10-15 years despite print being used for 400years. Even so the production team may know, that there will be an assistant from the audience (and prepare accordingly), stooges are not allowed. @Brandon KAIHO' Lagaert I don't think so :D. The pen or the post-it pad transmitted the page number written to the tablet concealed in the writing pad.
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