george soule five generations
Aaron next married Lydia Peterson on 26 Dec 1733 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. [for middle-grade children], Cheryl Harness, Three Young Pilgrims (New York, 1995). Stephen Hopkins: Bermuda Castaway, Jamestown Survivor, and Mayflower Pilgrim ([Philadelphia], 2007). This "Soule" belonged to an earlier generation than the George Soule whose Eckington church records showed him to have married in 1631. The marriage is established through the sale by George Soule of that acre of land granted to her as a passenger, which he could do as her husband.Deputy To General Court, Duxbury, Mass. 1627 in Plymouth John, born ca. William Bradford, [edited by Charles Deane], History of Plymouth Plantation (Boston, 1856). and Milton E. Terry, PhD-Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Samuel took up farming there until his death. Alexander married Susan Mckinzie Blake, daughter of William Blake and Elizabeth Darch, on 7 Oct 1857 in Canada. Webpublished with the first five generations of descendants of Pilgrims Francis Eaton, Samuel Fuller and William White; Volume 2 was issued in 1978, families of James Chilton, 2 (1996), pt. 4 In 1986, the first in a series of booklets Mayflower Families in Progress (MFIP) was issued as part of the Project. WebDownload or read book Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: George Soule family written by and published by . George Soule (S) in presence off Isaace Lawton John Coggeshall Elizabeth Coggeshall "Memorandum yt on ye 30th day of June 1704 then Appeared before Nathal Byfield Esqr Judge of Probate of wills &c within the County of Bristoll mr John Coggeshall & mr Isaace Lawton two of ye wittnesses to the above writen will and did Sollemly declare that they were present & did see George Soule late of Dartmouth, Deceased, signe seale & declare the above written as his last will & testament & that he was of a Disposeing mind when he so did And that they allso see Elizabeth Coggeshall the other witness signe at the same time John Cary Regr . Very Good, The book shows some general wear /handling but interior clean and free of markings. 7 Mr. Joseph E. Alden , with his article in the Dedham Historical society Register of 1801corrected some wrong assumptions made in the Memorial. Martha is possably Mary whose gravestone was brought to Soule Cemetary in Michigan. Paperback. George F. Willison, Saints and Strangers; Being the Lives of the Pilgrim Fathers & Their Families, with their Friends & Foes; & an Account of Their Posthumous Wanderings in Limbo, Their Final Resurrection & Rise to Glory & the Strange Pilgrimages of Plymouth Rock (New York, 1945). William married Margaret Smith. * v. 2 descendants of John2 by Elizabeth Pearson White, assisted by Edwin Wagner Coles and Roberta Gilbert Bratti (Camden, Me., 1993). Many news clippings pasted to inside front cover and fly leaf and loose in envelope talking about the second edition; front hinge loose and spine partially detached], William Bradford, edited by John A. Doyle, History of the Plimoth Plantation containing an account of the Voyage of the Mayflower [now reproduced in facsimile from the original manuscript](London, 1896). Die Modlin Hoxie, ill., and Carolyn Freeman Travers, text, Plimoth Plantation Coloring Book (Plymouth, Mass., 19980. He insisted that an elective presiding eldership was unconstitutional since the fundemental law of the church instructed th bishops to oversee the business of the church. WebGeorge Soule Silver Book Project Beginning in the 1970s, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants sponsored the publication of a series of books originally called A. Eekhof, The Unknown Documents Concerning the Pilgrims Fathers in Holland (The Hague, 1920). Caroline,Peleg and Eleanor were not in the census but these children were old enough to be on their own. Alexander Soule was born Dec. 8,1834 in Avon,Somerset County,Maine. Albert Matthews, The Term Pilgrim Father (Cambridge, Mass., 1915). v. 13 William White by Ruth Wilder Sherman and Robert Moody Sherman, rev. Louise Rumnock and Carol Lanman Yovanovich, Pilgrim Myles and Tom-Ts Plymouth Adventure Activity Book Ages 8-10 (Port Orange, Fl., 2004). He was born in Bristol Maine, the fifth son of Joshua and Mary (Cushman) Soule. In D. Plooij, The Pilgrim Fathers from a Dutch Point of View (New York, 1932). Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England: Court Orders [1633-1691] (Boston, 1855-1856), v. 1-6. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Mercy was born before 1690 and died before 15 Jan 1729. WebThe Five Generations Project of the Mayflower Society (General Society of Mayflower Descendants) documents two lines of descent from the Mayflower Pilgrim George They had misfortune and settled near the Thames River not far from London,Canada. ed., 1996). [photocopy], Milton E. Terry and Anne Borden Harding, comp., Alden Gamaliel Beaman, Velma H. Terry, and Willard Newell Woodward, eds., Mayflower Ancestral Index, Volume I [Descendants of the Families: Brewster, Chilton, Eaton, Samuel Fuller, More, Rogers, Soule, White] [no longer accepted as sole proof of a Mayflower lineage]. George married Mary Becket. Seven children of the family. WebPart 3: Fifth generation through children Love, Patience, and Fear. [citation needed] A list of freemen was taken in 1686 and he was noted to be living in Rehoboth (possibly related to his land disputes in Dartmouth). ed., 1996). Caleb H. Johnson, The Complete Works of the Mayflower Pilgrims with Selected Works by Those Who Knew Them, or Who Visited Early Plymouth Colony (Vancouver, Wash., 2003) Oversize. Learn more. 2 by Robert Sherman 26 copies, 1 review. Mary was born on 23 Dec 1744 in Plympton, Massachusetts and died on 27 Mar 1819 in Avon, Maine. Abigail was born about 1800 in Strong Maine and died in 1882 in Sommerville Maine. 1 (1999), pt. Benjamin married Sarah Standish. The volume I bought for $163 to $168 was sold by a library and had some external water damage. The picture on the listing page is of the actual book for sale. 6 Court Orders 1678-1691 p. 87, p. 86 8.0 8.1 "The Wills and Inventories of George Soule and his Widow Deborah, with the Petition of the Granddaughter Mary Coggeshall" Transcribed by George Ernest Bowman. This was done under directorship of former Governor General Cay Lanham. William S. Russell, Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims (Boston, 1846). A lineal descendant of Georgge Soule who came over on the Mayflower. A. Eekhof and Edgar F. Romig, John Robinson: Two addresses delivered in the Pieterskerk in Leyden on the occasion of the unveiling of the memorial-tablet in the baptismal chapel, on Saturday September 8th 1928 reprinted from the Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis, XXI, 4 (The Hague, 1928). Rebecca was born about 1634 and died about 1675 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Thomas W. Mason & B. Nightingale, New Light on the Pilgrim Story (London, 1920). He came to America on the Mayflower and was a signer of the Mayflower Pact. Mayflower Families through Five Generations, vol. 86-87 Plymouth Colony Court Records Vol. Bertha married Homer Aretus Smith, son of George Smith and Lydia E Terry, on 15 Jun 1903. Aptucxet 1627: The First Trading Post of the Plymouth Colony (Bourne, Mass., s.l.). [citation needed] In 1682 he took the oath of fidelity and was also appointed to the Grand Enquest, which was a special jury for crimes. Robert was born about 1866. , Hardcover Joseph married Mercy Fullerton on 18 Mar 1742 in Marshfield, Massachusetts. Brother of Zachariah Soule; John Soule; Nathaniel Soule, Sr.; Susanna West; Mary Peterson and 5 others; Elizabeth Walker; Patience Haskell; Benjamin Soule; Rowland Soule and Joanna Soule less, Descendant of Mayflower passenger George Soule. He probably married Mary Buckett in Plymouth in about 1626. II, No. Sources for Afro-American Genealogical Research. Plymouth, Mass. Mrs. Charles L. Alden 's Alden Genealogy and Elizabeth Alden Pabaodie began appearing in the New england Historical and genealogical Register in October 1897 (51:427). The original MF3, published in 1980, covered the descendants of George Soule through five generations naming the 6 th. It is currently out of print and in the process of being updated. The Soule Mayflower Families in Progress (MFIP) books starts with the first four generations. George W. Chamberlain, William Brewster, The Pilgrim Printer in The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries, Vol. They had nine children. It is a detailed historical document which should be read by anyone beginning a genealogical search on the Alden family. (1855) p. 19 Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England : printed by order of the legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8 SOULE children: 1. 5 Mrs. Thomas also directed publication of second, third and fourth editions of MFIP, containing corrected and additional information. In folder. : Susan E. Roser, Mayflower Deeds & Probates from the files of George Ernest Bowman at the Massachusetts society of Mayflower Descendants (Baltimore, 1994). Joseph Hunter, Collections Concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists Formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire, in the Time of King James I: The Founders of New Plymouth, the Parent-Colony of New-England (London, Eng., 1854). Nathaniel Philbrick, The Mayflower and the Pilgrims New World (New York, 2008). Henry Lewis Bullen, The Printer Leaders of the Pilgrim Fathers, p. 48-49. 2.67. Brandon Fradd, The Winslow Families of Worcestershire (Boston, 2009). The Mayflower Quarterly (1935-present), v. 1+. WebSOULE Lineage SECOND GENERATION of George Soule who sailed on the Mayflower: George Soule Jr. (~1639-5/12/1704); m. Deborah Thomas in ~1671. George Soule, son of Mayflower immigrant George Soule. "DEATH: Before 22 January 1679 at Duxbury.yDNA HAPLOGROUP: I-M253 (I-A20032). In 1987, Edith Bates Thomas, Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee, became Director of the five Generations Project. Sixteen years later the first genealogy entitled Mayflower Families Through five Generations was published with the first five Generations of descendants of Pilgrims Francis Eaton, Samuel Fuller and William White; Volume 2 was issued in 1978, Families of James Chilton, Richard More and Thomas Rogers; Volume 3 in 1980, family of George Soule. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. The information from Alexander Soules manuscript as sent by Veda Timko for the 1992 edition of the Soule notebook states that Alexander Soule moved Samuel's and Mary's headstones from London,Ontario in 1858. Margaret was born about 1848 and died about 1925. No II. Born about 1639 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, New England, Son of George Soule Sr and Mary (Bucket) Soule, Brother of Zachariah Soule, John Soule Sr, Nathaniel Soule Sr, Mary (Soule) Peterson, Susannah (Soule) West, Elizabeth (Soule) Walker, Patience (Soule) Haskell and Benjamin Soule, Husband of Deborah (Unknown) Soule married about 1664 in Plymouth Colony, Father of George Soule, William Soule, John Soule, Nathan Soule, Deborah Soule, Mary (Soule) Devol, Lydia (Soule) Brownell and Sarah (Soule) Tibbets, Died before 22 Jun 1704 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, Profile last modified 21 Oct 2019 | Created 14 Sep 2010, George Soule, son of Mayflower immigrant George Soule, George Soule, son of George Soule the immigrant and his wife Mary Buckett, was born about 1639. This filled the need for a bibliography of published sources that was sufficiently broad to encompass African-American family histories, genealogical handbooks, genealogical organizations, newspaper collections, biographical indexes, and catalogs. [Pamphlet, bound, gilded, in rotting leather binding use photocopy first.]. Account of the part taken by the American Antiquarian Society in the Return of the Bradford Manuscript to America (Worcester, Mass. Son of George Soule, "Mayflower" Passenger and Mary Soule Deborah died in 1710, in Dartmouth. In 1646, for example, he was appointed to the committee to deal with Duxbury's problem of the disorderly smoking of tobacco. 1997). Meriness was born on 31 Dec 1842. http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=106696557&pi Dartmouth, Bristol , Massachusetts, United States. Alexander Young, Chronicles of The Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602-1625 (Boston, 1844; rep., 1974). XV, No. Plymouth, Massachusetts, before 1626 prob. James married Lydia Thompson on 14 Dec 1693. Gary Boyd Roberts, ed., Mayflower Source Records: Primary Data Concerning Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and the Islands of Nantucket and Marthas Vineyard from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Baltimore, 1986). 2. 27, 29, 205 Ridlon, A contribution to the history of the families named Soule (1926) Pg. The format was an expanded version of the Alden Memorial published in 1867. George was born in Duxbury, Plymouth, MA, and died 5/12/1704 in Dartmouth, Bristol, MA. Louise Throop has published a reasonable hypothesis that George Soule may have been descendant of the Sol family of Leiden, who were involved in the printing press. Joshua married Sarah Allen on 18 Sep 1803 in Providence, R.I.Sarah was born about 1783. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. v. 7 Peter Brown by Robert S. Wakefield (2nd ed., 2002). Sarah was born in 1843 in Ireland and died in 1904. J. W. Verburgt, The Pilgrim Fathers at Leyden (Holland) (Leyden, The Netherlands, 1955). Dorothy Wentworth, The Alden Family in the Alden House (Duxbury, Mass., 1980). Mary was born about 1592 and died in Dec 1676 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. v. 4 Edward Fuller by Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle (2006). Mary was born about 1881. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=106696557&pi @[emailprotected] U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60525::0. Georges testimony indicated he was 34 years old. Bowman's idea to bring lines down to the American Revolution. 379-381 Dartmouth Land Grant- http://dartmouthhas.org/uploads/1/0/0/2/100287044/drp_pp_1-36.pdf. Justin Winsor, The Surrender of the Bradford Manuscript (Cambridge, Mass., 1897). 2 (2011). Spiral bound pamphlet. 55997]: Generations to Pilgrim George Soule (1): Generations to Pilgrim George Soule (1): 8. Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (New York, 2005). [5] In 1672 he became constable for Dartmouth. Walter H. Burgess, John Robinson- Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers; A Study of His Life and Times (London, 1920). Descendants and relatives lived mainly in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Maine. Joseph Devol, s. of Jonathan Devol & Hannah Audley, b. circa 1675 at Newport, Rhode Island. Charles Deane, The First Plymouth Patent: Granted June 1, 1621; Now First Printed from the Original Manuscript (Cambridge, Eng., 1854). Louise Rumnock and Carol Lanman Yovanovich, Pilgrim Myles and Tom-Ts Plymouth Adventure Activity / Coloring Book Ages 5-7 (Port Orange, Fl., 2004). * Francis Cooke first four generations by Robert S. Wakefield and Ralph Van Wood Jr. (5th ed., 2000) supersedes that part of volume 16 above. Twitter: @MayflowerCaleb | YouTube: Mayflower History. George married Mary Buckett about 1627, who had arrived on the ship 11 [Nov. 1989], Pilgrims to a New World.. James W. Baker, Aldens Return to England: The 2006 Alden Kindred of America Tour & A Guide to Pilgrim Sites Along the Way (Duxbury, Mass., 2007). 1664 William Soule b. ca. The codicil is quite interesting as it gives a little insight into a family squabble between son John and daughter Patience: If my son John Soule above-named or his heirs or assigns or any of them shall at any time disturb my daughter Patience or her heirs or assigns or any of them in peaceable possession or enjoyment of the lands I have given her at Nemasket alias Middleboro and recover the same from her or her heirs or assigns or any of them; that then my gift to my son John Soule shall be void; and that then my will is my daughter Patience shall have all my lands at Duxbury and she shall be my sole executrix of this my last will and testament and enter into my housing lands and meadows at Duxbury. A dialogue, or the sum of a conference between some young men born in New England and sundry ancient men that came out of Holland and old England, anno Domini 1648. Part of Old South Leaflets series, No. 17. A sort of equilibrium has been long established. This decision can be reversed. Edmund was born about 1654. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Please try again. v. 11 Edward Doty by Peter B. Hill, pt. All other George Soules found in England at that period have been satisfactorily eliminated. The family is listed in the 1851-52 census of upper Canada, Middlesex County, Westminster Township Ward 3. Edward Winslow, Hypocrisie Unmasked A True Relation of the Proceedings of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Against Samuel Gorton of Rhode Island (London, 1646; rep. Providence, 1916). 4 5th gen. of Patience2 (2001). Nathaniel Philbrick, Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War (New York, 2006). His Memorial of the Descendants of the Hon. General Notes:Bur.Valley Cem. WebGeorge Soule (sometimes written as Soul; May 14, 1834 January 26, 1926) was a Louisiana author, educator, and soldier best known for establishing Soule Business The account of John Soule mentions "since my mother died which was three yeer the last December. by Ann T. Reeves (2000). After a pleasant evening together, we parted. v. 10 Samuel Fuller by Katharine Warner Radasch and Arthur Hitchcock Radasch, rev. John E. Soule, comp. Hubert Kinney Shaw, Families of the Pilgrims (Boston, 1956). Duxbury. Alice was born about 1711 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Paperback. He was on various committees, juries, and survey teams, during his life in Duxbury. He came as a teacher to Edward Winsows children. William Elliot Griffis, The Pilgrims in Their Three Homes- England, Holland, America (Boston, 1900). His children migrated to Michigan starting with Alexander in 1858. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. that is to be payd by my Executrix and Executor after Named the sum of ten pounds & one feather bed & furniture belonging to it unto Each of them at the age of Eighteen years or at the day of of their Mariage Item I do order Constitute Ordaine and Appoint my dear and Well beloved wife Deborah Soule & my well beloved son William Soule to be my Executrix & Executor to see that this my last will & Testament be truely Executed and fullfilled in all respects to the full meaneing & true Intent thereof in all perticulers = Item I Do desire Request & Impower my Trusty & well beloved freinds Joseph Tripp & George Cadman both of the said Town of Dartmouth to be overseers of this my Last will & Testament & to be helpful unto my said Executors in the Manageing of their Affaires by their help Advice & Councell in the due Execution of their placces & trust to them Commited, Item I do give and bequeath two overseers five shillings apeice to be payd unto them by my Executors And in Rattifycation & Confirmation that this is my absolute last will & Testament, I have hereunto sett my hand and seale, this Twenty fifth day of the first month March and in the Year of Our Lord one thousand six Hundred Ninety & seven 1697 Signed sealed & owned . Maranda married Frank Wiggins on 8 Oct 1876. E. G. G., Studies in Colonial Typography, p. 61-63. He and his wife were members of Regular Baptist Church in the town of Laurel Mich. Samuel married Selina Jane Driver, daughter of William Driver and Sarah Gillson. Pages in folder. , ISBN-10 He died in Duxbury, Massachusett in about 1678. General Notes:Sources;George Soule and his Descendants for Four Generations-Originally compiled by, John E. Soule, Col. USA, Ret, M.C.E. Samuel was born in 1785-1786 in Boston Or Pembroke, Massachusetts and died on 26 Jul 1857 in London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada. 6 ABOUT VOLUME 16 - PART I (From Volume 16, Part I, pages xi to xiii) This detailed information is reprinted with permission and taken from " Mayflower Families Through five Generations ", Volume 16, John Alden , by Esther Littleford Woodworth-Barnes, Prime Researcher for the Alden Family, edited by Alicia Crane Williams. John was born about 1856. The Alden Kindred of America, Inc. Alden House Historic Site 105 Alden Street Box 2754 Duxbury, Massachusetts 02331-2754 P: The goal of the project is to present documentation from primary sources for all information and to make the material available to the general public. Robert Charles Anderson, The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633 (Boston, 2004).
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