fdot sampling testing and reporting guide
Instructions Both the STRG and the Job Guide Schedule (JGS) are now part of the MAC application. of concrete. Construction contracts with roadway earthwork items shall have a what? inspected in accordance with the FDOT Sampling Testing and Reporting Guide by Material Description and the FDOT Materials Manual (Topic No. 1 0 obj "global warming" Test Depth: Write the test depth in inches (millimeter). 3 0 obj Word(s) in meaning: chat For questions for concerns regarding the information contained within these documents, please contact the related State Materials Office technical <> 4) Must be placed on asphalt, concrete, or >100 pcf material. {^ !S|40ZJf) Y f`.Qf,)\*%R\\U l PU\#8?uJ/@ w 2) Steel balls endobj Labor associated with test reporting is a unique pay item, and is not included in the cost of the test. KILOBYTE - L . The Proctor Test provides the what that allows for minimum compactive effort to achieve density? How many times can standard counts be redone? Will leaving the gauge in the sun stop it from working? ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING & TESTING SAMPLING & TESTING FOR SMALL QUANTITIES VERIFICATION SAMPLING & TESTING (See Note 4) SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE SIZE REMARKS (2) Yield, Cement Factor, and Unit Weight (See Note 1) 503 504 507 508 511 As necessary to assure accuracy of mix design or as necessary for control. <> Labor associated with test reporting is a unique pay item, and is not included in the cost of the test. Aggregate SourcesA listing of sources with accepted quality control plans. *Or until stabilized*. There are many MAC Specs and these are complex entries. - NOTE: If thick lift operations are used, indicate the Standard 6-inch lift numbers (i.e. It defines the responsibilities of personnel who are involved in the sampling and testing of materials that . hYn~1y+ Kl!wa9V. When the moisture is too high, what do you do? Advanced Manual. x\Ys6~L&.'G]eh%NlI~DD sht7 eOT 9R /X#&7{L.~8{O''==%fBl5+o3xnzpr6`=vPAl01>G9Q&l{!v}|hPNO{_JVf( KWVWf *4H\`&d0ax9gBVj+kP~CaZKjiY9^=SACL Textiles Certification Process - Guide (PDF-507KB) Materials Issues and Trends . What requirements need to be followed for standard counts? What is LIMS? What to note with multiple water levels on the job? Sample, sample size, and sample frequency can be found where? By rotating and pulling straight up, not tapping with a hammer. 3 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 2) Run daily standard counts What are the two items used to describe soil? 17. The following information has been provided to guide you in the materials acceptance process. Some MAC Specs do not apply to project acceptance, like those created for entering and tracking program samples. endobj %PDF-1.7 Modified (used for subgrade and MSE walls) and Standard (used for embankment and structure). STRG stands for Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (Florida Department of Transportation) Suggest new definition This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government Science, medicine, engineering, etc. 1 0 obj When yield test used for payment, 1 per project Materials Bulletins . Yes, if the compactive effort applied in the field is greater than the compactive effort applied in the lab. The minimum sampling frequencies set out in the Department's Materials Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide shall be met. When using an approved gauge on FDOT project? 4 0 obj The sampling, testing and reporting of all materials used shall be in compliance with the Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG) provided by the Department. provided in a Materials Bulletin is meant to function as an addendum to the contract documents. %PDF-1.7 /Filter /FlateDecode endobj The Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG) in MAC is a summary of the MAC Spec entries. x\SHAV4IWTl]ZkY#*uHXfB{Gzz=Gu=VWoowp|3b~xG~WA^RWj4O|hDG*}4p[(7*5.uF_/O,$Y}^$G_VeNQpq&i, N2irZ1Wp^t Oy& s909"18|Y*4Nl\W@[2,{cLWpc?s)RMb$e@d^k%rB9B-?Te8X Q62hTNNQ 61!|@VjE?d,\OD :d^|sJ{YTy{ RdF4 i0&W9#ofPf#e&GX ;;7CYJ6. %PDF-1.5 Earthwork Density Report is used to record what? and Qualification program is administered through the State Construction Training Office. 19. How often is the tester to be calibrated? << Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG) The STRG provides information on the frequency of the sampling and testing of materials. AnA-~?"@Lh-%. Please note that the installation of the Density Log Book Plot software may require Administrative privileges. Construction TrainingThe Departments Construction Training {'t-9>e,ys >-eFy*YUE1,:Z"CPa9_,y8^pW)g| /g')9rcZ/ygySw\K"?f;mT. Participate with the FDOT Districts when required/planned in the inspections, troubleshooting, and problem solving of the identified problems in the production T&+fl8~7;^y).^HD=|BLNPMD~ %PDF-1.7 4 0 obj Current Field Sampling & Testing Manual. 7.0 Reporting Test Results: Enter test results into Department database within 24 hours of test completion. stream endstream endobj 1384 0 obj <>/Metadata 124 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 1375 0 R/StructTreeRoot 189 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1385 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 1386 0 obj <>stream George RobinsonTest Pit 352-955-6320 Kyle Sheppard 352-955-6311 Note: All samples that are delivered prior to 5:00 PM will be routed to the appropriate laboratory on the same day as delivery. 390 0 obj <>stream xYPXP(-Y^%mq_y.TUn.H GUU&q^GyVueuOIw_?E_~7~M_o(M~U%4UREz_Jk^E~/FyQVfPE#NI Ju&dW^.Rt*.I:`IQr2DK~h`"L" Instructions for both the STRG and the JGS can both be found on the MAC page and then going to the training section. For the Speedy Moisture Test, what is the order into the vessel? When density is the what occupying and defying volume? What is the purpose for the Sampling, Testing, and Reporting Guide? Excluding Department developed procedures and federal procedures, the remainder of the designation is G - EFFERVESCENCE Examples: NFL, hbbd``b`$g- "qDp'"rA~&FF 7!@ [ How many minutes do you allow a gauge to warm up? What do you do if lumps are found in the residue? 2. This Manual ensures consistency in carrying out Department policies to ensure that the quality of all materials 209 0 obj <>stream Sea p{b O/5V)^Zp%S0 d.C)10j@r 2 /J]|BN3`00if ,&c7h` H4s How do you remove the rod from the ground? 2) More than 10 ft from large objects When performing a speedy test, what is the minimum time requirement for sandy soil? {eYKxCy7,36_c0&`|Z $,6%Z}3LCOs&f /K"U,.0W To provide a standard procedure for the proper sampling, logging, and storage of representative materials obtained for laboratory testing during roadway construction; provides a uniform method of guiding the sampling and testing. Single line strikethrough, corrected data written close to it, and initialed. Use containers that preclude sample loss, contamination, or damage and attach sample identification. concrete strength) to the active FDOT technicians assigned as described in department procedures and the Federal Aid Policy Guide. PROCEDURE Record all information on SFN 9987 or SFN 2455. 4 0 obj Forms - Official FDOT Forms (Links up FDOT Shapes and Courses Office) Forms - Sample Authentication. What is the tolerance of difference permitted for Density Standard Counts? <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 28 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Materials and Research Division Testing. Control the level of quality being produced in the end product. Florida Method of Test for Sampling Aggregates Designation: FM 1-R 090 FM 1-R 090 is identical to AASHTO R 90-18 except for the following provisions: 1. 1988-2023, PSP, HIPAA <>/Metadata 152 0 R/ViewerPreferences 153 0 R>> to our social media pages andnewsroom. 3) More than 30 ft from another gauge For data entry and submittal to FDOT Verifier, actual time up to a maximum of 15 minutes per sample is deemed reasonable. Test specimen shall be a representative sample based on the following table. Can voids be filled with "concrete sand"? equipment. How do you dispose of the residue when running the test in the field? <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject)This document contains the Florida Department of Transportation procedures for the sampling and testing of materials. NASA, Producers with Accepted QC Programs/Qualified LabsThis document contains a listing of Florida Department of Transportation qualified laboratories. }q}5RI@:p|IHqDUW&nO38-FVjpyV{Is0nUIufP79U \ x .0E-?`-x{{_.V[+zsB9m9ey2~F fI^UMM} lqtS{l]r-265jy\eETm\9YplseqX@Lww[E7 Daily standard counts are recorded in the? Soil Dns. endstream endobj 189 0 obj <. ZY{S\oQ0R8t1t \!II5\65r;kgV"S9@(dC2kj.jZks n[w-%W=bvKQ%g_s/0M Some are for the review and approval of asphalt or concrete mix designs. unit. The program covers sampling procedures, testing procedures, and testing equipment. 7.0 Reporting Test Results: Enter test results into Department database within 24 hours of test completion. Lift Number: Enter the lift number and total lifts at the test location (i.e. |R?"H x[Ks8*Gi+SSxc!"6wlh (L[SHTh4~G'Z_Nv/G.fl89}y^X,)xqYVyrqD}*gYrMJ,d\>W? <>/Metadata 1049 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1050 0 R>> Independent Assurance Performance Sample Schedule (PDF-33KB) Independent Assurance Proficiency Sample Test Reports. 1. What should be entered each time equipment is compared? Testing and Field Testing Professional (PDF-144KB) M - N . Increase in unit weight, decrease in compressibility, and decrease in permeability. Florida Sampling furthermore Testing Methods (FSTM) Forms - Commercial Inspection . How many more inches should the drill rod be driven than your test? Ggp|v "?z@GaLL8vs=Wn(f%>3j?ZO.iKy9kv%jN>6}QWs3lvnw 7R.+h65iY,+s}3Pd.DJ lE,%C]{YrAMnvSW%^7W@qp|n(=MZq Y*UbHOZkt%C{`,KcEUM&&}@cx{ey'L^@$%Ue3 \6t 4D`@RG}~;xv~.g Xoa9|F7G(*`'XHvz=L yc#?jF^\>cyhIYIo"R M2cN6\M{;g|HEgqRno-|E"D6*-Mj YJK77mA;v:\b5pVH55y$P%Jm@)D-LZqDC$JRzAuZ. Florida Sampling and Testing Method Revised: June 11, 2020 Florida Test Methods 10-1-2 source Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG). These documents contain the national/industry standards for the sampling and testing of materials. and workmanship used in the completion of construction contracts are evaluated on a fair and equal basis. Sampling is determined how generated with random numbers usually by a Verification Inspector What is important about sampling at the roadway Minimum of three representative sample combined. Percent Maximum Density for base subgrade material modified is? endobj SpecificationsStandard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. items mandated in Florida Statutes, Rules and/or Contract Specifications and the successful completion of road and bridge contracts. 2/10). Quality Control Program Checklist - Materials Manual Section 5.6This document is a step-by-step guideline for the development of an effective Quality Control Program. 3) Perform density test endstream endobj 370 0 obj <. Updating Density Log Book for use on projects in the state of Florida. See other definitions of STRG Other Resources: It should not stop standardizing after sitting in the sun. 2023 Field Sampling and Testing Manual; Past Field Sampling & Testing Manual. Can the Density be more than 100% of Maximum Dry Density reported in the Proctor Test? 2 0 obj Soil Mst. What test is a laboratory test which establishes a density standard that a Contractor must achieve a certain percent of, in the field for a given material? To order copies, please visit:http://www.astm.org/http://www.transportation.org/aashto/home.nsf/FrontPage. endobj %PDF-1.5 % What are the steps to the Nuclear Density Gauge Test? Producers who are interested in adding their name to the Earthwork Source Listing should review the Guidelines for Adding a Producer to the Materials/Producer Listings. The IA program evaluates the performance of the qualified sampling and testing personnel and testing If the material fails, the Contractor or the PA may request the DMRO representative to return to the pit for a follow-up sampling process. % Who performs the tests and collects the samples? Report test results at completion of the test . for both the STRG and the JGS can both be found on the MAC page and then going to the training section. Materials ManualThe Materials Manual (MM) contains instructions needed to complete the Quality Assurance and Materials Acceptance portion of Department of Transportation contracts. District Laboratory Testing. Aggregate? 4) Record results in Earthwork Records System. Examples of Acceptable Certification . 1) Calibrate within last 12 months <> As needed by hand plotting prior to construction. endstream endobj startxref 0 endobj Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG)The STRG provides information on the frequency of the sampling and testing of materials. What is the weight of material occupying a unit volume? 2022 Field Sampling and Testing Manual; 675-000-000). xWnJ}G#TeE*D6,8@uu?k)C x~Lsz>gy>|']:O|'o$v+[Ic%F%LzhhTLQrFhiBZ-!#4i!*v>Z2-)vy,2U2>Yq#E pn(WrT6+C.aCn/w1n/n.|$ yk(.@ KD1%IIZX noJr(4_[Qvc6?:}yZiCU3,wNW+X3_eYP5Y7mF^$}^6y1= 3M/}}$g{ro5'v4&"q1 c1FYOlFb/MN14n/:Al_`l+wL_`C~1~R6=~Fw0t{c. The DMRO will test the material and report the results in the Department's database. Using the Guide Schedule Research of sampling and testing rates listed for project tests in the following Guide Schedule show that the Department's and the Contractor's risk of either rejecting "good" material or accepting "bad" material range from 20% to 40%. Moisture acts as a lubricant in the soil material thus permitting what? What is the tolerance of difference permitted for Moisture Standard Counts? For data entry and validation, actual time up to a maximum of 15 minutes per sample is deemed reasonable. What is the recording accuracy required for % Maximum Density Content? FDOT605 Suwannee St.Tallahassee, FL 32399Phone: (850) 414-4100Customer Service Portal. endobj 4 0 obj Which materials require the use of the steel balls when performing the test? 3 0 obj How should corrections be made in a Density Report? hb``` <> Sampling Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG). 0 When logging data, how should lines for each gauge used on the project be completed? endobj Please verify that all packages are labeled correctly to ensure delivery to the correct laboratory (see the attached information). =_x~K3ZYNz+Ghh_2> F!T|Ikia|3Yc=iG-qN-g`&x. No specific time; At least 1 min; At least 3 min BL1S(-[)FFRH6oj./)*o5-TU#M3ugKqFuuVYJ|~S_5v{zMu oG;vuWl6N+.-[h5Tk~Te*.Ya{'bG|[=,%Ot?RAg9s 7 days How many days does the Engineer/The Department have to approve the QC plan? Feedback, The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database, https://www.acronymfinder.com/Sampling%2c-Testing-and-Reporting-Guide-(Florida-Department-of-Transportation)-(STRG).html, Safe Time for Recreation, Enrichment and Tutoring for Children (Chula Vista, CA), Storage and Retrieval by Content of Imaged Documents (European Strategic Program for Research in Information Technology), Storm Transfer and Response Experiment (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Science and Technologies of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), South Texas Research Facility (University of Texas; San Antonio, TX), Spectro-Temporal Receptive Field (auditory system), Storage Tank Registration Form (Florida Department of Environmental Protection), Spatio Temporal Region Graph (video indexing), Steuerung (German: Control, instead of CTRL on German keyboards), Submarine Tactical Requirements Group (US Navy), Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses. 4) Sample. You can find recent press releases, public notices, media contacts, links How many scoops of reagent are placed in a 20 gram tester? 3 0 obj Count: - Record the soil density count reading. endobj The point of Quality control inspection, sampling, and testing is to. When sampling material from the roadway, what is the minimum number of samples taken to be combined to form the representative sample? Density Log Book SoftwareThe Density Log Book Plot is a program which will prepare A copy of what should be kept from the log? stream %%EOF Rerun the test with 1/2 and multiply the results by 2. /Length 5 0 R Submit one sample of UB0>pNQH5z~om"j D b!:XmUAza(}]dGxg9vHv/jXaqg9-^'-+jt&Smf.Z3Cb[RPbmY_u Ki/C!`H-]HUgCJK{L#[}#O%@r.g P2q&hl^0(4'K.jq>t Record the results of air, slump, and yield tests on SFN 10069. to be used on the project as a Job Guide Schedule in the same format as the current Sampling, Testing, and Reporting Guide 21 calendar days prior to commencement of . This definition appears somewhat frequently Obtain one sample of both fine and coarse aggregate for each 150 C.Y. 369 0 obj <> endobj If a gauge is calibrated or repaired during construction, what spec should be followed? 1) 6 in distance vertically %PDF-1.5 % Sampling Testing and Reporting Guide (STRG) General Information The STRG is an online report from the Department's Materials Acceptance and Certification (MAC) system that is often referred to as the SAMPLING GUIDE. stream The intention is to retrieve a sample of each type of material; many types are brought onto or found on the job. and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: The Acronym Finder is % endobj ,random 5-6/10). Which conversion chart is used for limestone? Sampling Tube-Plastic, aluminum or similar tube, six-feet long with a 1 1/4-inch diameter." 2. 4. endobj State Materials Office Earthwork Unit, Guidelines for Adding a Producer to the Materials/Producer Listings, Producers with Accepted QC Programs/Qualified Labs, Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject), http://www.transportation.org/aashto/home.nsf/FrontPage, Quality Control Program Checklist - Materials Manual Section 5.6, FDOT Americans with Disabilities/Accessibility (ADA). To test the actual materials that are in the field. 2 0 obj Laboratory Info Management System The proctor theory is when compaction is achieved how Random number generator with a minimum of 3 increments combined together for the entire width. stream 3) Cap upside down What is the recording accuracy required for Wet Density? CIPHER - P What is the document that itemizes the minimum requirements for sampling and testing? The QC plan must be submitted, by the contractor, how many days prior to starting work on any QC material? 4 (4.75 mm) or smaller 300 g 3/8" (9.5 mm) 1000 g 3/4" (19.0 mm) 2500 g 1" (37.5 mm) 5000 g The sample size required for this test is a minimum after drying. % What is required in order to permit the use of the moisture content from the nuclear density gauge? 1) Reagent Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Clay? What does Speedy Moisture Test determine? hbbd``b`Z$g- 2H0Y ,8XsA2x d100b%30 R %PDF-1.6 Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (including all modifications such as supplemental and special provisions) must be <> In place Dry Density of soil for comparison to the Maximum Dry Density determined by the Proctor Test. To obtain a copy of the documents listed below, please click on the appropriate hyperlink or contact the State Materials Office Earthwork Unit. _4hF EnGFmu1p]Z= Nominal Maximum Size Minimum Mass No. stream hb```. 1 0 obj
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