exxonmobil chief human resources officer
During her time there, Sun-LaSovage assisted the companys CEO and executive committee on all human resources issues. Board of Directors Resolution Regarding WebTechnical and customer support. Puedes cambiar tus opciones en cualquier momento haciendo clic en el enlace Panel de control de privacidad de nuestros sitios y aplicaciones. Visitwww.hyzonmotors.com. However, with its fingers in every energy commodity, the trading arm would be able to hold positions in the assets and in origination. Independent director Clarivate Plc (2021 to present) Served in various positions including Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst (1987 to 1995), Vice President, and President, ExxonMobil Refining & Supply Company (2012 to 2014). Our employees grow personally and professionally, with benefits built to support every stage of life. The decrease came from lower prices, with crude and natural gas realizations down 10% and 23%, respectively, the company noted. 30d+. Qualifications: "RESOLVED, That, in light of the provisions of New Jersey law that the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation be managed by or under the direction of the Board of Directors and the provisions of Article IV of the By-Laws, as amended, dealing with the management responsibilities of the officers of the Corporation: A. the Board reserves the following functions to itself (and, to the extent delegated thereto, to its Committees): B. the Board notes that it, or a Board Committee, has heretofore delegated the following specific standing powers to one or more officers of the Corporation and reserves to itself or such Board Committee power to alter any such delegation: C. the Board requests that the chief executive officer refer to it (or to a committee of the Board to which it has delegated responsibility) for consideration and, as appropriate, concurrence: FURTHER RESOLVED, That the resolution on this subject adopted by the Board on May 28, 2008 be and it hereby is revoked.". Guide business , See Also: Exxonmobil contact info Preview / Show details. In addition to his extensive business career, Mr. Angelakis experience as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia provides a vital perspective to the challenges ExxonMobil faces related to policy risk. As CFO of Amazon.com, he oversees the company's overall financial activities, including controllership, tax, treasury, analysis, investor relations, internal audit and financial operations. She initially joined Exxon Shipping in 1991 as a U.S. merchant marine deck officer and became manager of the U.S. products supply operations in 2004. Earn a bachelor's degree. establishment of divisions of the Corporation and appointment of the presidents thereof. other matters relating to the Corporation's business which in the judgment of the chief executive officer are of such significance as to merit the Board's consideration. Age 63, Committees: EnerSys Announces Appointment of Shannon Thomas as Chief Human Resources Officer. The model is: Aspirational: It defines what its authors see as the high-water mark of CHRO performance today and into the foreseeable future. Daniel von Allmen, MD Surgeon-in-Chief . Easy Apply. At ExxonMobil, we believe in personalized career growth your first job role is just a starting point for your professional future. This deep understanding of operational processes at scale helps the Board refine its long-term strategies while providing effective oversight of management. Utilizing its proven and proprietary hydrogen fuel cell technology, Hyzon's mission is to supply zero-emission heavy duty trucks to customers in North America, Europe and around the world to mitigate emissions from diesel transportation - one of the single largest sources of carbon emissions globally. Director since 2016 Mr. Hooleys unique background helps the Board better understand investors perspectives on risk and ensures those perspectives are incorporated into Board discussions with management on important strategic decisions. Review the featured job families below to see how you may chart your own career path. Sue's expertise running HR for engineering-focused companies will give the company's leadership and staff the support it needs.". Hyzon is an energy transition accelerator and technology innovator, providing end-to-end solutions in the transport sector with a focus on commercial vehicles and hydrogen supply infrastructure. Zoe Dickson, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Mr. Kandarians 14 years of senior executive leadership experience at MetLife, where he led a significant transformation following the implementation of Dodd-Frank, brings a viewpoint vital to the Board when developing the long-term strategic plan and overseeing capital allocation across the portfolio. Qualifications: Investing in our people and their development is a key priority as Hyzon continues to grow, and moves to production and commercialization of fuel cell electric vehicles. Meanwhile, methane intensity was down by more than 50% relative to a 2016 baseline. Objectives and Responsibilities of the Chief Human Resources Officer Mr. Hooley successfully transformed State Street in multiple ways, including driving a technological transformation, globalization of the business and investment portfolio, and navigating the post-financial crisis of 2008. Additionally, this group works closely with the Embedded and Business Learning groups to support and influence corporate business strategies. Ms. Burns has deep expertise running a large, complex global corporation. Kemira Oyj (2016 to 2021), Other board experience: corporate officers *executive committee members Michael K. (Mike) Wirth* Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Paul R. Antebi Vice President and General Tax Counsel Marissa Badenhorst Vice President, Health, Safety and Environment Eimear P. Bonner* Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Pierre R. Breber* Compensation; Nominating and Governance. They consult with employees at every level of the organization on compensation, benefits, recruiting, policy and more, and guide business partners through high-impact change management initiatives. mostrar anuncios y contenido personalizados basados en perfiles de inters; medir la efectividad de los anuncios y el contenido personalizados, y. desarrollar y mejorar nuestros productos y servicios. Expertise provided to the Board: 18. | A Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) (sometimes called Chief People Officer (CPO)) is responsible for overseeing the HR management of an organization. MPLX LP (2018 to 2019) Cisco Systems, Inc. (2021 to present; member of Audit and Compensation & Management Development Committees) ExxonMobils multilingual customer service professionals are available 24/7 to assist with orders and , See Also: Exxonmobil hr phone number Preview / Show details, WebContact us ExxonMobil Pipeline Contact us Contact us Submit a question ExxonMobil Pipeline Company employees and contractors work 24/7, 365 days a year, to meet the , See Also: Exxonmobil benefits phone number Preview / Show details, WebGet Contact Info for All Departments ExxonMobil Org Chart Seniority Role HR (990) Rob Clark SVP, Chief MarketingandCommunications Officer 2 3 Director (35) D View Director , See Also: Exxonmobil corporate phone number Preview / Show details, WebExxonMobil Home Resources Contact us Contact us NEW SALES AND APPLICATION Contact sales Get answers to your questions about products, pricing and more Contact sales NEW SALES AND , See Also: Exxonmobil contact number Preview / Show details, WebHuman Resources Human Resources Consult with employees at every level of the organization on compensation, benefits, recruiting, policy and more. Human Resources (HR) chief Tracey Gunnlaugsson has been tapped to run the new trading business. Mr. Angelakis financial experience, highlighted by his executive leadership (CFO) position transforming Comcast while navigating the financial crisis of 2008, helps the Board to better understand financial risk and opportunities facing ExxonMobil. authority to execute documents on behalf of the Corporation. , See Also: Contact Support Preview / Show details, WebContact us ExxonMobil United Kingdom Global Global directory Here you can access complete local and global contact information for all ExxonMobil business, media, , WebRocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 450M+ professionals. "Investing in our people and their development is a key priority as Hyzon continues to grow, and moves to production and commercialization of fuel cell electric vehicles. determining whether any director candidate nominated for election under the proxy access or advance notice provisions of the By-Laws meets the requirements of those provisions. 2K followers . Sabre Corporation (Chair of the Board from 2013 to 2020), Independent director Washington DC | New York | Houston | Pittsburgh | Mexico City Calgary | Chile. X (formerly Google X) Alphabets Moonshot Factory, Current public company directorships: Independent director We welcome your comments and questions about ExxonMobil Qatar. Trading, email Jun 2018 - Sep 20191 year 4 months. Our patients depend on us to deliver life-saving medications, and our associates depend on us to foster an environment of diversity, inclusion and patient-centered care. She holds a Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management from the University of Houston and a Bachelor Degree in Human Resources Management from Marietta College. Go to Violetta Ostafin's bio. EnerSys. Oliver Rhine. Brian T. Olsavsky Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Current public company directorships: Post this job for free. Our Technology group designs and supports human resources technology deployed around the world. 1 Permian producer giant Pioneer Natural Resources Co. Woods, however, brushed aside the analyst questions. Chief executive officer. Im excited to join this talented, dynamic team and bring my skills to Hyzon as the company works to grow and strengthen its global presence.. For more information about EnerSys and its leadership team, please visit enersys.com. registration and listing of securities and appointment of transfer agents and registrars. CFO Kathy Mikells, who shared a microphone to discuss results, said the goal in the Permian this year is focused on rebuilding the inventory of drilled but uncompleted wells, deploying technology to improve recovery rates, and expanding our processing capacity to move Permian supply to the Gulf Coast. Effortless customer experience. | Source: Ms. Bralys experience successfully leading WellPoint through the regulatory changes stemming from the Affordable Care Act helps the Board to better understand the risks and opportunities in industries that are challenged by government-led transformation. The new combination would further integrate the value chains to give the company a really streamlined and good view of the marketplace, Woods said. Current public company directorships: Mr. Westin has extensive experience in the automotive industry and served as Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Finance & Information Technology for Johnson Controls' Global Automotive Interiors . None, Previous public company directorships in last five years: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (Chair); American Geophysical Union; American Meteorological Society (fellow); American Association for the Advancement of Science (fellow); and IEEE (fellow), Independent director We did a lot of work over the last couple of years to validate that the opportunity size was there, and what would be needed to get after that. Powers and Functions Reserved to the Board Expertise provided to the Board: | We just gave the trading organizations within the company some different objective statements. ISSN 2577-9877 The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at ExxonMobil is $127,687, or $61 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $131,036, or $62 per hour. We can take advantage of the global footprintand arbitrage between the markets., Woods emphasized that the global giant has been effectively trading in the energy space for a long time. The Procter & Gamble Company (2009 to present; Chair of the Governance & Public Responsibility Committee and Audit Committee member), Previous public company directorships in last five years: The Staffing & Development group identifies opportunities in workforce plans and processes to develop and improve organizational and staffing needs. Director since 2018 Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services 1-877-410-8809 (CalFresh) Health & , Exxon Mobil Corporate Office & Headquarters 5959 Las Colinas Blvd. Michelle Peluso. Ms. Thomas succeeds EnerSyss CHRO, Ted Fries, who announced his retirement after 26 years of service. EVP, Chief Human Resources Officer Seattle, Washington, United States. In particular, Board Committees work on key issues in greater detail than would be possible at full Board meetings. We believe that this technology will address one of the largest environmental challenges of today, CO 2 emissions from industrial and commercial exhaust streams and power generation," said Jason Few, President and Chief Executive Officer of FuelCell Energy. Her work at the University of Colorado-Boulder and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution puts her at the leading edge of climate research, including the evolving field of earth system science. Hyzon gives no assurances that Hyzon will achieve its expectations. Try for free at rocketreach.co Marissa Snow email address & phone number Exxonmobil Human , See Also: Phone Number Preview / Show details, WebHuman Resources Human Resources; Address: Phone: 710 Riverpoint Court, West Sacramento, CA 95605: 916-894-9900: P.O. Prior to her role at VIA Motors, Sun-LaSovage was the Global Vice President of Human Resources for SRG Global, where she oversaw a large global human resources function and supported over six thousand global employees across several manufacturing sites. ExxonMobil in 1Q2023 delivered the highest first quarter earnings in its history, even as energy prices and refining margins moderated from the fourth quarter, the CEO noted. About the model: The Model of a World-Class CHRO establishes a global standard for excellence in chief human resources officers (CHROs). Read the most up to date Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Industry news atFuelCellsWorks, Your Daily Hydrogen & Fuel Cell News + Updates for May 01, 2023, RAG Austria AG Puts the World's First Geological Hydrogen Storage Facility Into Operation. Please send all correspondence related to ExxonMobil Qatar to: ExxonMobil Qatar. "I am thrilled to be joining EnerSys at this pivotal time in the companys history and look forward to working with the team to continue the momentum of building a world-class talent lifecycle program to support the next phase of the companys growth objectives," said Ms. Thomas. submission to shareholders of any action that requires shareholder approval. Bio. Board of Trustees . authority to make foreign exchange transactions. Age 61, Committees: This group also leverages technology and third party providers to drive process expertise and local content knowledge. Corporate Officers Miguel S. Benet, M.D. Sun-LaSovage has a bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Optical Engineering from HuaZhong University of Science and Technology. Environment, Safety and Public Policy; Nominating and Governance. Expertise provided to the Board: All rights reserved. Exxon Mobil Corporation Board of Directors Learn more about our Director competencies Michael J. Angelakis Independent director Director since 2021 Age 58 Committees: Audit; Executive; Finance (Chair) Attributes and skills: Financial experience and portfolio management Public policy / Regulatory experience Sun-LaSovage has a bachelors degree in Mechanical and Optical Engineering from HuaZhong University of Science and Technology. Age 51. Business Roundtable (member); American Petroleum Institute (former Chair); Business Council (member); Center for Strategic and International Studies (Trustee); Oil and Gas Climate Initiative; and National Petroleum Council (Chair), Exxon Mobil Corporation Other directors serve as alternate members of the Executive Committee on a rotational basis. Global Business Solutions will centralize a majority of our finance and procurement operations, enabling us to deliver simplified, corporate-wide processes. ExxonMobil. Advisory committee memberships held or recently held include the American Institute of Physics Board (Treasurer), NASA, NOAA, National Science Foundation, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Park System, Independent Advisory Committee on Applied Climate Risk, Center for Southern Hemisphere Ocean Research, and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Scientific and environment affiliations: State Street Corporation (2009 to 2019), Other board experience: Expertise provided to the Board: significant changes in policies of broad application, an annual review of political contributions made by Corporation interests in the United States and Canada, and. | This unique perspective helps the Board better understand the technological opportunities available in low carbon solutions as well as providing effective oversight to the climate-related risks facing ExxonMobil. The Program Design group oversees and creates strategic programs, plans and guidelines to support our philosophy and principles. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Search job openings by location or career field: business, engineering, research, operations, and many more. ], The energy trading revamp is part of an overall reorganization to expand the value chains, Woods explained. Sues background leading HR functions at international corporations, paired with her experience building world-class teams, procedures, and culture at start-ups provides the exact combination Hyzon needs as we enter a new chapter of growth and innovation, said Hyzon Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Parker Meeks. ROCHESTER, N.Y., May 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyzon Motors Inc. (NASDAQ: HYZN), a global supplier of zero . Benefits An ExxonMobil career is one designed to last. Our Recruiting group ensures we attract top talent in a competitive industry. Exxon Mobil Corporation officers D. W. Woods Chairman of the Board (1) N. A. Chapman Senior Vice President (1) K. A. Mikells Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (1) J. P. Williams, Jr. Senior Vice President (1) D. L. Ammann Vice President J. R. Chapman Vice President, Tax and Treasurer (1) They also build new technologies that support our philosophies and commitment to safe, secure data management. "Hyzon's mission of reducing global emissions by decarbonizing transportation resonates deeply with my values," said Sue Sun-LaSovage. ROCHESTER, N.Y., Hyzon Motors Inc. a global supplier of zero-emission heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles, today announced Sue Sun-LaSovage will join Hyzon as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), effective May 2, 2023. Senior Vice President, . This, along with her extensive engineering and operational background, provides a critical perspective to the Board when developing its long-term strategy. Ms. Thomas's appointment is effective immediately. American Express (2004 to 2018) Chief Operations Officer Impact on Operations Department's Culture. Leadership experience in large-scale energy / Commodity business. | Global Trading will bring together expertise from across the company in crude, products, natural gas, power, and marine-freight trading, Woods said. Student opportunities. The May 2023 bidweek average is a far. Jackson Financial Inc. (2021 to present; Non-executive Chair; Chair of the Nominating & Governance Committee, Compensation Committee member), Previous public company directorships in last five years: Now, the pieces have fallen into place.
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