elegoo mars 2 troubleshooting
Click "Save Shortcut to Drive" in the upper right corner of the file download page, and then click "My Drive". Then, select FAT32, Slide a piece of paper onto the build plate, Use the menu to lower the Z-axis to home (Tool > Manual > Home), Tighten the screws, starting with the front screw then the side screw. If you have consistent horizontal lines or failures, and you have tried many methods in this article to no avail, you may have a Z-axis carriage that has too much tension. How to avoid bleeps on the Washing machine, 2. It could also have something to do with the software that's glitching or a partially blocked nozzle. How to clean the resin vat after printing, 4. This is called the infill, and in some cases, it can be visible from the outside, giving the final product a very weak and bad appearance. It may be that your resin is experiencing under exposure, so Id also try increasing your normal exposure times by 20-50% and seeing if that helps fix this issue. This helps add stability and durability to supports during the printing process. Check your platform to ensure its leveled and fastened properly. ", 4. Make sure your FEP is installed correctly, being not too tight or loose. There are a few reasons this could happen though. PS: Some pre-order or on-sale products will be available for some specific countries (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan), please check the product page for details. If the cure time is too long or too short, it could cause sticking issues. V4.5.0-1.1-EL03_LCDE1_7680X4320_F32.20-link 1, V4.5.1_2.3_ELO1_LCDE1/5448x3064/F33.22-link 1. We try to make sure allyour items reach you at the same time. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Login to your Google account. Double check the Elegoo settings against these standards. If your Saturn 2machineneeds to replace the PFA film, please Hello, guys. One major issue that I often see with resin 3D printing is the section pressure separating printed layers. All the files and instructions on how to setup the Mars to be Network enabled. Lubricate your Z-axis trolley/leadscrew. Pushing the two close to each other eliminated room necessary for the melted filament to be deposited correctly and in one line over the other. Check the USB extension line. The standard leveling of a resin 3D printer build plate is as follows: After following these steps, your build plate should be leveled successfully. PTFE lube can be used to reduce prints sticking to the FEP film. This means that when you take it out of the box, everything should just work. ChiTuBox Configuration File (ChiTuBox 1.4.0) ChiTuBox Configuration File (ChiTuBox 1.5.0) Adapter Plate STL. 3. Extension- Auto_Leveling- link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, 3. When the heat is too much, the formation of successive layers becomes compromised, and the entire product will become unusable. If you have partitions, you may also want to set the one for the Elegoo Mars to primary partition. The big idea is to have the tools members . Experts recommend tilting the model about 20-45 degrees away from the surface. This causes the infill to overlap the outer walls, which ends up giving the model a see-through appearance that can affect the structural integrity of the entire product. You want to make sure that your prints are well hollowed with the print walls at 2mm or so (depending on the model) to potentially improve your prints, success rates and to save resin. *Caution: Pleasemake sure whether this firmware matches your printer, wrong update across different printers may turn it unusable. This article will detail some of those common issues, along with some simple fixes to sort them out. 1_EL03LCDE1-76804320-F32. Here, you can check Elegoos official Resin settings based on your printer model and the type of resin youre using. Download the original version of the firmware from Elegoo, Copy the firmware files without folders to an empty USB drive. You want to make sure your resin is well-mixed by shaking the bottle before pouring the resin in, or gently stirring the resin before the print. If exposure is too low, the Mars could refuse to print. Thread / Author: Replies: Views: Rating: Last Post : Clean Tank like Print Error? Subscribe to getthe latest special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals from ELEGOO. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/348536458654149584/. If you run into any problems with the firmware please contact our support team at3dp@elegoo.com, we will try our best to help. If the printing fails, please do not start your next print immediately. You can then adjust those to tighten them. A good number of bottom layers to have usually falls between 4-6, while the bottom layer exposure depends on your printer and the UV power. Dear subscribers, Thank you for subscribing to us and participating in April Giveaway Week event. Worst case scenario, if your Elegoo Mars LCD display doesnt work out of the box, youll might have to contact Elegoo for a replacement. The Mars Pro is not adjustable, so if youre having tension issues, youll have to replace the arm instead. The machine should beep and, Undo the thumbscrews on either side of the resin tank and pull it out, Copy the Test exposure file onto a USB drive and plug it into the printer, Pay attention and look for dead spots or failure in the screen. US East: Alabama/Connecticut/Delaware/Washington DC/Florida/Georgia/ Indiana/Kentucky/Maine/Maryland/Massachusetts/Michigan/ Mississippi/New Hampshire/New York/North Carolina/Ohio/Pennsylvania/Rhode Island/South Carolina/Tennessee/Virginia/West Virginia/, 2. You can also add manual support if your slicer doesnt add enough. How to replace the linear rail sliding block? Add a good number of supports to your model so it has a good foundation to build upon. If youre using ChiTuBox, go into the advanced settings, check the Anti-Aliasing box, and then select a level. Here, you can download files directly from Elegoo. Let's 3D printing has penetrated into all aspects of our lives. Caution: Please make sure whether this firmware matches your printer, wrong update across different printers may turn it unusable. This causes weaknesses in the structure, and the higher the product rises in terms of height, the more pronounced the cracks get. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/91901648634980451/. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/525162006554945590/. Make sure ChiTuBox or whatever slicer youre using is set up for your specific Elegoo Mars. Elegoo recommends that you always have at least 5 base layers. the troubles that may come up, how you can solve them, among other important pieces of information that will help you get the best out of your printer. A product you are printing coming out with a messed up deformed look that gives it an appearance of something that is half burnt is very common. This could destabilize the structural integrity of the final product, making it heavy in some parts and too thin on others. A glitch in the software running the printer could be the other culprit behind all this. Caution:The.SH4 file will be automatically updated after restarting the machine in the shutdown state. You can lower the printing bed if your printer allows it. How to replace the Linear Rail and the Slider, 14. Jupiter/Mars 3/Saturn/Saturn 8K/Saturn S/Mercury Plus V2.0 are currently not available in Norway. Figuring out what your Elegoo Mars is doing is the first step to fixing it. Caution:The.LCD file will be automatically updated after restarting the machine in the shutdown state. The machine should beep and That's it. That popping sound on your resin 3D printer is not only normal, but necessary for a print that is working well. Begin by using the correct printers for the right tasks all the time. Line or layer shifting normally happens because youre printing too fast, if the nozzle collides with the print, or if something else causes the 3D print to move before its finished. 2023 3D Printerly - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. It should beep and automatically recognize the firmware update, Check that the firmware update is the same as the firmware update youve just tried to update. Tutorial: Add Mechanical Arm on a GYRO Control Smart Robot Car, ELEGOO Smart Robot Car V4.0 with camera: Upload code to the camera module, Tutorial: 3D Printed Mini Beam Splitter Prism TV, Tutorial: Auto Paper Towel Dispenser Based on Arduino, Tutorial: Make an Arduino-based Air Quality Detection Device, Tutorial: Make a glow lamp with an Arduino UNO board, Tutorial: Arduino Guess The Number Game, 3D Printing Show of Ancient Chinese Buildings. Check the slicer settings and key in the right values to change how the material is being deposited over the printing table. Go to the Elegoo Mars folder on your disk and click through to the Root Directory, Paste the files and click yes to replace the files, Restart the Elegoo Mars. 2. It should be FAT32, MBR, and not larger than 4GB. Subscribe to getthe latest special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals from ELEGOO. I have also experienced this a few times in my resin 3D printing journey. Instead of the filament being laid in the inner parts uniformly, the nizzle starts skipping some parts while overstriding others. This is a defect that is hard to ignore as it affects the functionality of the affected product. At the same time, caution has to be exercised to not raise the nozzle too high as that will lead to the filament solidifying before hitting the bed, causing serious deformities. Then, put everything back together, close your Elegoo Mars and try booting it back up. How to perform regular maintenance on the Z axis, USB DRIVE FILES (MANUAL & SLICING SOFTWARE INCLUDED)-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive. Increase the distance between the bed and the nozzle to get rid of blurry lines and blobs, and the process will now be smooth. This beginners troubleshooting guide of the Elegoo Mars covers many of the first problems youre likely to run into. Click to Download-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, 11. If you purchase directly from our website, we will ship the products from our local warehouses in the US and EU via our cooperated carriers.If you purchase from Amazon by click the "Buy on Amazon" button on the product pages,Amazon will choose the carrier for the delivery. If your first print test isnt curing, it likely means your LCD may not be working properly. Recalibrate the multiplier setting by keying in the right values to avoid a repeat of the same issue. How to replace Elegoo 04 version LCD on your resin printer, 10. 2. .025mm Slices 1.4s exposure with 30s base layers, 40mm/min retract speed and Printed with Siraya Tech Fast grey resin. Round off the corners to a slight radius and polish them as well. Sometimes incorrect use will cause the shortening of accessories lifespan. English V1.1 : Neptune 3Max-Click to view-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, 2. UI Update File. and have all your questions answered by a team of qualified experts. Alternatively, your LCD might be fine, and you might have messed up updating the firmware. Firmware V4.5.0-1.0-e13_LCDE1_4098X2560_F21.28-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive. Simple Elegoo Mars 3 Review - Worth Buying or Not? If the screen is black, this is likely the issue. Use the non-bevel edge against the platen and beveled edge to slip under the print. Then, check the Home settings on your Z-axis. You should fix any over-extrusion issues that you, Read More 5 Ways How to Fix Scars or Scratches on the Top Surface of 3D PrintsContinue, When it comes to resin 3D printing, there are so many brands and types of resin that you can make use of on your 3D printer, but which ones are the best? This could be due to some blockage. Some printers come with alert mechanisms that notify you when the filament has been depleted. Thats also true if the Z-axis itself is loose. A modified version of PET material used in packaging, PETG is generally considered a safe thermoplastic. Make sure your resin is not old or starting to separate. However, failure to print may be related to several other issues such as resin quality or availability. If you normally delete your STL files after converting to G-code, you might eventually find yourself needing the STL again. The bulge can give the model an ugly appearance and destabilize it, making it unable to stand straight on any flat surface. If youre not sure, its okay to unplug and plug things back in. Turn the printer off. The success of the 3D printing process depends on the first layer. Can You Recycle Failed 3D Prints? 3.How to update:Usually, you only need to update the files in the firmware file and copy the files to the root directory of the diskInserttheUdiskintotheprinterRestart the machine, the update file .SH4 will be updated automatically, after the successful update there will be a beeping sound and restart the machinePrinttheremainingfilestobeupdatedontheprinterinthefollowingorder: .CBD>.txt Whenthetouchscreendisplaysanerror,pleaseprintthe.binand.logofile. Select the disc in the left-hand panel. ELEGOO Saturn 2: How to replace the lens? Firmware V4.4.3-e3_LCDE1_4098X2560_F21.28-link 1 or link 2 - Google DriveUpdate log:Fix the potential hidden problem of excess cured resin due to abnormal screen background light exposure during printing. Inspect your FEP film for print residue and clean to clear any leftover cured resin that may interfere with your print. Troubleshooting steps taken so far & prior successes Additional useful information: FEP/PFA film condition - transfer out the resin, clean, and snap a photo . If yourSaturn 2machineneeds to replace the LCD screen, please follow Hello, guys. In some cases, depending on the. In 3D printing, there are several layers that are laid down from the very first foundation. If the temperature is not balanced, there's a risk of it going out of control and destroying the material the moment it tries to cool down and solidify. Updating the firmware is a relatively simple process. NEP3-All axises debugging: Click to view, 2. Check printing speed and try slowing it down if its above 50 m/s. Neptune 2 & 2S: Click to view-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, 2. The success of a 3D printing process is determined by how fast the first layer solidifies while sticking to the bed. How to update:Usually, you only need to update the files in the firmware file and copy the files to the root directory of the diskInserttheUdiskintotheprinterRestart the machine, the update file .LCD will be updated automatically, after the successful update there will be a beeping sound and restart the machinePrinttheremainingfilestobeupdatedontheprinterinthefollowingorder: .RBF>.txt Whenthetouchscreendisplaysanerror,pleaseprintthe.binand.logofile.PS: After printing all the firmware files, you need to restart the machine to make the new firmware take effect.Caution: The .LCD file will be automatically updated after restarting the machine in the shutdown state. Norway (As we ship from the EU warehouse, buyers are required to pay customs duties and import VAT.). For order and customer support inquiries: info@elegoo.com For 3D printer technical support: 3dp@elegoo.com (While you wait, you can check the troubleshooting documents here) For STEM kits, please contact service@elegoo.com (North America); or euservice@elegoo.com (Europe, UK, Asia & Australia) Elegoo Mars & Saturn Users Forum - Dedicated to the Elegoo Mars and Saturn 3D Printers. The "Big E" all printed up on my Mars 2 Pro and primed with a handy painting guide I just happened to have Penny for scale. The temperature under which you carry out your resin 3D printing is important to a successful print. (See Picture 10). Using the wrong printer for the wrong task is also another common cause of this error. Once you have handled that, check the flow setting and decrease that value to a level that can work with the extrusion multiplier. ELEGOO Cura for Windows: Click to download-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, 1. If youre using resin other than something officially supplied by Elegoo, try to match it to what they provide. When the print is not firmly attached to the build plate, it may lead to the print falling back into the resin vat, especially if they are large and heavy prints. 1. Here, youll have to download the Exposure Test File. Firmware V4.5.1_2.3_ELO1_LCDE1/5448x3064/F33.22-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive. I extended the Bottom Exposure time 10 seconds and I got better adhesion, but not complete. The first layer is the foundation, and when that is messed up, everything that follows will continue in the same pattern, leading to a lopsided product that cannot be useful to anyone. Unofficialsuggestionsfor most brands resin on ELEGOO Mars Seires Printers(Contributed by our community members): MARS 2 PRO CstarUI28C01E CE-EMC Test Report, MARS 2 PRO CstarUI28C01L CE-LVD Test Report, MARS 2 PRO CstarUI28C01M CE-MD test report, Firmware V4.5.0-1.0-e13_LCDE1_4098X2560_F21.30-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive. Check the Print. Unofficialsuggestionsfor most brands resin onELEGOO Saturn Seires Printers(Contributed by our community members): Resin Settings for ELEGOO Saturn Series Printers, SATURN SeriesCstarUI28C03 CE Certificate, Click to download: Firmware (YZScreen)V4.5.0_1. Some of those issues are machine errors. Thats why I wrote this article, to teach you how to fix mesh bed leveling not working on different printers and firmware. Hollowing your print helps to reduce the suction pressure since the layers arent as full. When selecting the values in the software, increase the thickness of the shell to ensure that the infill doesnt get the chance to overrun the walls no matter how much filament is applied to the layers. It created an imperfect surface texture to larger models which was clearly visible.. If you have the Wham Bam Flexible Build System for Resin for an Elegoo Mars you can use this! Just a little experiment I carried out after getting weird vertical lines from the led lens on my mars pro. This is what causes the extrusion multiplier to take in more than is needed. Mac InstallationTutorial: Click to view, 3. *Caution: Pleasemake sure whether this firmware matches your printer, wrong update across different printers may turn it unusable. Check the slicer settings and key in the right values to change how the material is being deposited over the printing table. Switzerland (As we ship from the EU warehouse, buyers are required to pay customs duties and import VAT.). Elegoo, INC 2023. Make sure they are tight and that the Z-axis doesnt wobble. 3 ChiTu Box Setting 3.1 Click "Parameter Settings" and choose ELEGOO MARS 2 Pro as your default printer. Make sure you have the correct version for your Elegoo printer and model. ELEGOO Mars 2 MSLA 3D Printer comes with a 6.08-inch Monochrome LCD that has 2K HD resolution. In that order. Due to the limited number of giveaways in the event, subscribers who did not include in the winner . Add manual supports in cases where your slicer does not add enough auto-generated supports. You can also get huge blobs popping up due to the nozzle being too close to the bed. Please do not update repeatedly to avoid being prompted "Same Firmware already exists! Check if you have a warranty. But, that also means its likely your first 3D printer. Caution: Do not use any sharp tools in this operation. Reference video and change fep:Mars/Mars C/Mars Pro/Mars 2/Mars 2 Pro:Saturn: Subscribe to getthe latest special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals from ELEGOO. Additionally, if your model doesnt have enough support, it could collapse in on itself. Pull the paper. Anytime the head misses the printing bed thats supposed to be laying the lines on, the printer will produce a sound that shows you theres an error happening that has to be stopped. Unfortunately, we cannot change the shipment once the product is shipped. If your Z-axis is homing below the first layer, you may get collision and layer shifting. At the same time, if its set too high for a high-detail print, you could lose details, resulting in a blurred finish and layer shifting. Using a bed thats not level is another common cause of this issue as that will interfere with the nozzles ability to evenly spread the layers on each other. 9. That means you will have problems and you wont always know what to do about them. You may have adhesion or support failures too if your build is not staying leveled. 20-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, Click to download: English Version-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, Click to download: Japanese Version-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, SATURN SeriesCstarUI28C03 CE Certificate-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, Latest Firmware V4.5.1_1.1_e25 _LCDE/4098x2560/F23.28-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, Firmware V4.5.0_1.0_e13_LCDE1/4098x2560/F23.28-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive. 1. Horizontal lines or banding is a common problem with 3d prints. Once it cools down, that part becomes permanently deformed. Here are some problems that you can encounter with the Elegoo Mars or Mars 2 Pro 3D printers. How To Cure UV Resin Without UV Light: Is It Possible? Check the print speed. Check the official resin profile of the resin youre printing with and ensure you pre-dial in the correct resin setting. Ensure youre using the correct and recommended exposure time for your resin 3D print. How to replace the tempered film glass on the LCD screen, 11. Using PrusaSlicer instead of ChiTuBox can be a good fix to prevent failed prints with the Elegoo Mars resin 3D printer. Configuration Gcode File. *How to update:Usually, you only need to update the files in the firmware file and copy the files to the root directory of the diskInserttheUdiskintotheprinterRestart the machine, the update file .LCD will be updated automatically, after the successful update there will be a beeping sound and restart the machinePrintthefile .CBDtobeupdatedontheprinter Whenthetouchscreendisplaysanerror,pleaseprintthe.binand.logofile. Make use of a raft to ensure more stability. But, BUT, when I process files with Chitubox 1.9 the files.ctb it generates doesn't work at all and they aren't read. FW Update Files. It could also have to do with a slicer operating using the wrong setting. Apr 27, 2023. Some small and light marks on the FEP do not affect printing, but if it affects your printing results and success rate, please replace the FEP film in time. 3D Printing still has a long way to go, but the far it has reached already is more than enough to completely overhaul how things are made. Login Register . Pre-sliced Test Model: Click to download-link 1 or link 2-Google Drive, PJ L Screen: Click to download: V4.4.3-Z1_LCDZ/3840X2400/F14.24-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, PJ V5 Screen: Click to download: V4.4.3-Z1_LCDZ/3840X2400/F15.26-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive ( If there is a line in the middle of the LCD screen, please rollback the firmware to F15.24: Click to download-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive), TM Screen: Click to download: V4.4.3-Z1_LCDZ/3840X2400/F2.18-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, Update log:Hanging printing: Mainly fixed the problem of [when Z is set to zero and the offset is positive, the platform will not return to zero when the model is printed, and it will be printed directly in the air]. Delay of turning off the lights on the first layer: Mainly fixes the problem of [the parameter value of "light off delay at bottom layer" is set in the model slice, and the first layer takes effect when printing]. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/701083866995102226/. If your Elegoo Mars isnt reading your SD Card or USB Flash Drive, it may be an issue with the drive itself. TERMS & DETAILS: More information about this protection plan is available within the "Product . How to upload code to the camera module in the Smart Robot How to use the Mini Beam Splitter Prism TV? Click "Save Shortcut to Drive" in the upper right corner of the file download page, and then click "My Drive". If it doesnt fall off the build plate, it can still lead to failures due to the model moving around and not having stability. Being the foundation of the entire model makes sure that the end is level before the printing process begins. There are some printers that come with fixed beds. It can be disappointing when you have gone through the process of modeling and printing to see that only the supports are getting printed. Please do not update repeatedly to avoid being prompted "Same Firmware already exists! If your 3D print design doesnt have enough support, if it has loose parts that break or warp, or if its too complex for the nozzle to navigate around, you could get layer shifting. Japanese V1.1 : Neptune 3Plus-Click to view-link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, ELEGOONeptune3Plus: TF Card Files - link 1 Or link 2 - Google Drive, NEPTUNE 3 PLUS CstarVF07C01 CE Certificate, NEPTUNE 3 PLUS CstarVF07C01M CE-MD test report, NEPTUNE 3 PLUS CstarWF07C01E CE-EMC test report, NEPTUNE 3 PLUS CstarWF07C01L CE-LVD test report, Or download CEcertificationfrom Google Drive, 1. Extension- Mesh Bed Leveling - link 1 or link 2 - Google Drive, 5. Carefully remove the resin vat so you can see the screen, Place your leveling paper on top of the screen, Loosen the relevant leveling screws on your machine, Lower the build plate using the Z-axis movements until it touches the piece of paper, It should be lowered to the point where the paper can be slightly moved and tugged, Now gently press down on the build plate with your hand and tighten the screws to fit it in place, This is the optimal Z-height, so we now set Z=0. PS: How to distinguish Mars three different motherboard models: Click to view. Get A FREE PDF Download for the Mistakes & Solutions! Mars 2 Pro 2K Mars 2 2K Saturn 3D Printers . The build plate is what the raft, support or model sticks to while resin 3D printing so it should be well-positioned to not have your print falling off your build plate. Elegoo, INC 2023. Original Washing Bucket used on ELEGOO Mercury Plus 2 in 1 Washing and Curing Machine Perfect spare parts for ELEGOO Mercury Plus 2 in 1 Washing and Curing Machine Product Size: 185x150x206mm . Resin can be sensitive to temperature which is why it is important to keep the temperature warm and constant. Elegoo, INC 2023. Here is a video by Elegoo official that you can watch to further simplify the process involved in leveling your build platform for you. All Rights Reserved, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website, Click to download - link 2 - Google Drive, Neptune 2&2D&2S Firmware Update Notes-link 1, Neptune3ProFirmwareUpdateInstructions-link 1, English V1.1: Neptune 3Pro-Click to view-link 1, ChineseV1.1: Neptune 3Pro-Click to view-link 1, Japanese Version: Neptune 3 Pro-Click to view-link 1, English V1.2 : Neptune 3Plus-Click to view-link 1, Chinese V1.2 : Neptune 3Plus-Click to view-link 1, Japanese V1.1 : Neptune 3Plus-Click to view-link 1, English V1.1 : Neptune 3Max-Click to view-link 1, Chinese V1.1 : Neptune 3Max-Click to view-link 1, Japanese V1.1 : Neptune 3Max-Click to view-link 1, How to avoid bleeps on the Washing machine, How to replace the motherboard for the curing machine, How to replace the motherboard for the washing machine, Firmware for A version motherboard: V4.2.20.3_LCDE1440X2560F2.9-link 1, Firmware for B version motherboard: V4.2.20.3_LCDM1440X2560F2.9-link 1, How to clean the resin vat after printing, How to replace Elegoo 04 version LCD on your resin printer, How to replace the tempered film glass on the LCD screen, How to correct the "no authorization" error when updating the firmware, USB Drive Files (Manual & Slicing Software included)-link 1, How to improve Z-axis compression by reset Z-zero position, How to replace the Linear Rail and the Slider, Firmware V4.4.3-c2_LCDC/1620X2560 /F9.25-link 1, Click to Download: English Version-link 1, Click to Download: Japanese Version-link 1, How to replace the active carbon in the air purifier, FirmwareV4.4.3-c2_LCDC/1620X2560 /F9.25-link 1, Firmware V4.5.0-1.0-e13_LCDE1_4098X2560_F21.30-link 1, Firmware V4.4.3-e3_LCDE1_4098X2560_F21.28-link 1, How to replace the power switch PCB board. Update log: Fix the potential hidden danger of touch failure during the use of the touch screen. 1. They are film lubricants that reduce friction between two surfaces, so this can be an effective way to stop your prints from sticking to the film. used, or the software in question. The USB drive must be formatted in FAT32 and should be smaller than 4GB. 2.Caution: Pleasemake sure whether this firmware matches your printer, wrong update across different printers may turn it unusable. Simple Elegoo Mars UV 3D Printer Review - Worth Buying or, 5 Ways How to Fix Scars or Scratches on the Top Surface of 3D Prints, 7 Best Resins for 3D Printers Best Results Elegoo, Anycubic, 7 Most Common Problems with a 3D Printer How to Fix, How to Fix Mesh Bed Leveling Not Working Marlin, Prusa & More, 4 Awesome Ways How to Keep Your 3D Printer Filament Dry, How to Fix OctoPrint Issues Keeps Printer On, Disconnecting & More, Troubleshooting Issues with the Elegoo Mars Causes & Solutions, Elegoo Mars Print Layers Separating Suction Pressure, Elegoo Mars Build Plate Not Staying Level, Horizontal Lines Showing on Elegoo Mars Prints, Low Operating Temperature for Resin Printing, Other Troubleshooting Fixes for the Elegoo Mars, How to Fix Resin Prints Sticking to FEP & Not Build Plate, How to Calibrate Resin 3D Prints Testing for Resin Exposure, Elegoo Mars print fell off build plate/build plate adhesion, Suction pressure separating printed layers.
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