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duck clubs sacramento valley
Identity Verification (Reverse Phone Lookup) We conduct a reverse business phone lookup to identify records matching the phone number information provided by the business. That Butte Sinks eighteen thousand acres of historic marsh that its been there. Have you heard anything about that? Just a seat in a 3 or 4 person blind in N. California rice country for the season will cost anywhere from $1600 to around $2200. And we didnt have no money. Want to receive a newGetDucks.com Brochure? Ramsey Russell: Yeah. Lets talk about this. Casey Stafford: I do, and I think it helps to get the birds attention. How have things changed? I mean that kid would sit out there, night, day. Driving time from Sacramento International Airport to our . But I couldnt really describe to you anything other than a hundred fifty, two hundred yard radius where we hunted today. Casey Stafford: Well, what we were in today is called the Sacramento Valley Special Management Area. I was surprised because we had stopped somewhere along the way as were coming in, we had stopped and rolled down the windows and listened, and I heard tons of pintails that I really expected to see. And I want to say, maybe at a certain point we couldnt shoot them, kind of like the whole Tule goose thing is right now. Whenever that Boss first came out, he said, Dad, I just ordered some Boss. And I thought, Oh great, whats Boss? And then it showed up, and I looked at the payload on it and what it was, and I thought, Heck, that should do. He was the first one. Ramsey Russell: Yeah. So it had to have been mid-nineties, its crazy whats happened in such short order of time. They hunted bears and pigs primarily in California. It's adjacent to the Border Tule Duck Club. We do a lot of afternoons. Casey Stafford: No, she grew up with her dad hound hunting. I see dads, quite a bit, will bring a kid up. He can do it. Like the one I still wear. Casey Stafford: Theyre stone dead. And I think they only did that because they enjoyed laughing, watching me make mistakes. Ramsey Russell: Tell me. Ill have to show it to you. And I dont know. For the hunt. You hunt them like Specks? These are chickens. And that Boss, absolutely flat backs them. RD 2047 is the main drainage canal for the west side of the Sacramento Valley. I mean both the kids have been in the middle of this stuff since they were born, but Ive got pictures of Cade hunting with us. Is that the standard or is there a standard? I did something today I always kind of wanted to do. During the summer irrigation season, some stretches of . Casey Stafford: Theres not a standard. Ramsey Russell: What changes have you seen since you was a little boy here in California? In addition to the great hunting, the Volanti has convenient access from the entire Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley. It flat kills. The only thing you buy one for five, ten bucks, the RPMs are no good. Casey Stafford: And as many clients as we run through the business every year, I see that. We shot a snow goose. Wool is natures miracle fiber. You got to be proud of him. And dont forget my personal favorite, yes sir, they also make the one the only world-famous Spoonzilla. He found it and got mom to order it for him. Casey Stafford: Im good. I know this from our conversations, but she didnt grow into duck hunting. Ramsey Russell: So supposedly these subspecies of specklebellies, the Tule Goose, just comes and lives inside this box and over winters during duck season. We deliver it to you in the most proficient manner possible. They would come over that tree line of that refuge and see that thing, and they would dive straight for it. And the funny thing is about all that, you can see everybody fight and argue in the country, divided and everything else. And he says, Well, Dad, in his little kid voice. A lot of people call [the Sacramento Valley] Lake California. You get over the top of it and look down and all you see is water for miles and miles and miles. You still use it instead of conventional spinning-wing decoy? Casey Stafford: I am proud of him. She and her husband basically took care of all the boys and the girls, and raised them. I dont care what the news and what the negativity of the world says. And Ive kind of argued, and Ive knocked on doors and picked on organizations, trying to figure out what the deal is because I would like to see that season open for the duration. Quinns following in her footsteps. And when I see young people like him living the dream, that is the American dream at age fifteen, it just makes my heart swell. Casey Stafford: Weve actually had this rice production. I just remembered from the time we stepped out of the pickup truck until the time we left, the whole time I felt like I was in a fish bowl. And she got to where she enjoys it. Casey Stafford: Yeah, we got married and she, I mean basically, knew she wanted to see me, she was going. Youre in your forties? Ramsey Russell: We hunted a big old rice farm today, and whats so interesting to me about hunting in California, especially as a duck hunter back home, a lot of those farmers burn off their stubble. Casey Stafford: Duck hunting is huge here. Casey Stafford: I dont know. All my duck blinds, the one we hunted today, like I was telling you this morning, Id already pulled like five hundred decoys this week just because the ducks were starting to not like the big spreads, and were skirting them, but we start the season typically with about five hundred goose floaters at every duck blind and a couple hundred duck decoys. Flashback Decoy by Duck Creek Decoy Works. When I pranked Terry Denman in Mexico with a smiling mallard nobody ever dreamed it would become the most talked about decoy of the century. If you have never been on a guided duck hunting trip, you are going to have the time of your life. Leases: There are no leases on the subject property. Ramsey Russell: Im a daddy. Argentina, Mexico, 6 whole continents worth. Heres what Im trying to say, we were in a zone that you cant shoot any (white-fronted geese) specklebellies and yet, everybody I know wants to come to California because the specklebelly limit is ten. I get a lot of guys looking for the Ross geese and the Shovelers. Because if the water is hard, theyre not accessing those fields youre talking about, theyve got to go South. Those seasons actually go into February, I think. And then they would start showing up, and they would end up down here in big piles. Casey Stafford: Yeah they were hand loading their own ammunition, and they didnt have- I dont know if they hadnt bought any, or they didnt have any around, or they were sitting around and just thought it would be a good idea, but they would actually take like a hundred or a hundred twenty pound monofilament fishing line, a ten or twelve inch piece, and you cramp a couple split shot on each end, and then they would coil it up inside a shotgun shell. Valley Waterfowl is a nonprofit organization designed "for hunters by hunters." Our goal is to improve hunting opportunities for our members by working with area landowners to improve wetlands and habitat for local ducks and geese. Get involved, have fun and make a lasting impact. This refuge is home to millions of migratory waterfowl each year. I said, Is that what I think that is? You go, Yep. And Im going to say that thing was twice as old as your son is, and youve been using it all these years. Ive shot, Benelli Shotguns for over two decades. Now when the season opens, the third weekend in October, we got tons and tons of Snow Geese around here. Land Use. The best thing to get rid of that straw is to get it under water. Some of them still absolutely cannot resist it. Casey Stafford: Yeah, predominantly rice. Theyre working on a plan up out of willows where theyre taking all this straw and bailing it, and its actually a press board plant, and theyre going to try to make press board out of it. Ramsey Russell: Well, I always kind of dodge through these debates on habitat management and clubs because I do feel like theyve got their place because theres private landowners putting out habitat that benefits ducks, benefits society. I did see that. Ive actually followed him for a couple of years in social media @Marsh_Magic. The high-e hoodie and base layers are personal favorites that I wear worldwide. Like I have my core of my clientele right now, I would say is in the 50 to 80 year old range, and dont get me wrong, I mean I got some 30 year olds, 40 year old guys in there, but you see those thirty and forty year old guys that come up hunting, and very few of them have a kid with them, their kids just havent been brought into it, initiated into it, or they just dont enjoy it. Casey Stafford: Yeah. This check applies primarily to smaller business entities. Once part of the legendary Dingville Duck and Social Club, it has been meticulously restored to natural marsh and upland habitat for waterfowl hunting. Ramsey Russell: Yeah, theres more than just ducks and geese out there. It's a place to start. Its the practical hunting gear that we real duck hunters deserve. Ive got some old ones. And even if youre just talking fifty, sixty years ago, that was then and this is now. Ramsey Russell: Brought over to the dark side of water fowling. And be sure to check out our new GetDucks Shop. And look, thank you all for your hospitality. So I hope to get back up here with you one day and go after them. We didnt have the big hunting clubs in Washington and Idaho, Oregon like we have now where theyre growing the corn and leaving the standing corn and the birds stop there, and unless it freezes them out or it snows so much they cant get to that feed, they have feed and roost water with those running rivers all year long. And we had talked about clouds of pintails you all have, well talk about that in a little bit, clouds of pintails you all have been seeing, for whatever reason they didnt fly this morning, but is that pretty much it? This is the most beautiful area in California to hunt waterfowl. I was just thinking about that. Bordered by the Colusa National Wildlife Refuge as well as two private natural marshes, this area is a major attraction for the annual migration of waterfowl down the Pacific Flyway. Casey Stafford: Yeah, thats a good way to explain it. Casey Stafford: You can find us on Instagram @CICCOutdoorAdventures or anybody can always give me a call at 530.682.3176. This duck club has a 3.4 gun average and has been a consistent shooter. Where do you think they came up with that idea? No racing to claim the best blinds. Casey Stafford: Yeah, I agree. I mean when it hit here, it hit hard. But when I walked out that hotel, started going to get my gear together in the van, waiting on you to get there, there were roosters crowing in all directions. When I shoot my 20-gauge, thats all I shoot. We got a lot more hunting to do and a lot more good shows coming up. They called it a T-Post, they called it a Goalpost, some people called it the Blade, and some people called it the Davis Machine. Ramsey Russell: And tell me the distinction for anybody listening because you were showing me this morning, we got there a little bit early this morning and sat in the truck for a little bit and you were telling me this. But thats really the only way to get rid of it anymore. Theyll come out into the rice, disperse, feed in the rice fields, and then they make their way back in the morning. And I think two or three is what most of states back home are having to shoot, just two or three a day. Casey Stafford: It could be. Voormis growing line of innovative of performance products is authenticity with humility. And as they got older, they handed it off to you. CICC Outdoor Adventures, right here in Sacramento Valley of California. I got a picture in there. Tetra HearingDelivers premium technology thats specifically calibrated for the users own hearing and is comfortable, giving hunters a natural hearing experience, while still protecting their hearing. The current owners of this property hunt ducks, turkeys, pheasants, & dove. He shot eight or nine shells and killed seven or eight geese, whatever it was, out of the air. The dad loves the hunt, and the kid sits on the corner the whole time on his phone and he says, Daddy, my hands are cold. Daddy this. Our professional diligence produces deeper satisfaction, richer travel experiences and undistracted, best-of-the-best hunting. You couldnt get your hands on the parts, you couldnt find the motors, and somebody would come up with a motor because you had to have the right RPMs. And they had more fun watching me. Its light, wicks moisture, is inherently warm even when wet. Casey Stafford: Yeah were throwing two, three hundred BBs a shot, and hes shooting one little slug at them. But what was that trick they taught you? Welcome to Real America. It spreads the birds out. We always do Christmas Eve, thats our thing. Casey Stafford: Im so busy guiding and have been for the last twenty years, that during duck season, I dont get a lot of time to hunt with my family. And that big stubble disc pulls dirt over the top of it, and we roll right behind it. Do they? Yall have been doing it a long time. They just sat down and didnt move. No matter what, the four of us go duck hunting Christmas Eve day. Its comfortable over a wide temperature gradient, naturally anti-microbial, remaining odor free. And I remembered exactly because yall hunt together. Casey Stafford: Based on what I saw yesterday. For two decades, weve delivered real duck hunts for real duck hunters. And, in fact, I can remember being in my jon boat over in Lowndes County, Mississippi wrapping up a goose hunt, Canada goose hunt for resident geese on Super Bowl Sunday when I first heard this decoy described, and it wasnt an accurate enough description except just to capture my imagination. I had a really good time, and as crazy as this sounds, Sac Valley with that original spinning winged decoy machine, with yall, the father and the son, and that rice field, just really set it off. Ramsey Russell: My wife calls it a staycation. I want one of them old spinning winged decoy dinosaurs I can paint up and use. Hell braid out of a pair of cord, make gun slings. We are located near Jonesboro, Arkansas, squarely in the duck rich delta region of northeast Arkansas. Agricultural Drainage and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Overview. All right, now look, you told me some stories this morning I want to hear. Its impressive, a lot of black-tails, and Quinn killed a heck of a buck this year. Pretty dang impressed. Benelli USA Shotguns. Casey Stafford: She probably would have been twenty-eight, twenty-five, somewhere in there. You started guiding, putting yourself through college when you were eighteen years old. Even from the start of the season until December 21st, I can only shoot three birds inside that box, per gun. Find produce, pharmacy, fuel, and groceries near you with . They would shoot right across them. But it wasnt just one, it was a bunch of them. And youd think, Come on now, its a spinning piece of metal, that aint going to do nothing. And I had heard about it for a week or two and finally got a look at one, got my hands on one, and Ill never forget the first time. Our club offers 15 two-man pit blinds and only shoots 11 of those blinds on a fixed rotation to ensure the best hunting experience for all members. I just want to try it. I mean its farming country, but I did not expect this nice, newish Hampton Inn. They tend to hold up in the Butte Sink area. And I was talking to a guy about my age, and he was telling me, Back when I was young, we went out with the old timers and we were the muscle, we did all the work, they did some, but we did all the muscle. Then he said, Now Im the old guy, and theres no muscle behind me. He said, Its tiresome because these young kids arent getting into it. I was a little kid when Id seen my uncle do it. Blinds can be accessed by ATV. I wanted to roll around in the mud and rain and watch ducks fall out of the sky, and these kids, some of them just dont care. Why wouldnt you want a good clean kill? Casey Stafford: Ive had a guide license since I was eighteen years old. CICC Outdoor Adventures. And when we talked yesterday on the phone and you were saying, Oh man, this is farm country, and it is. During Covid, layoff, the zombie apocalypse. But like that one I had this morning, I rigged up a remote on it. Ramsey Russell: I love people that do stuff like this, but theres a lot of guys making straps, making totes, making stuff like that. I shoot a 10 gauge all the time. May have something to do with all that rice yall got out here. Sophomore in high school. Ramsey Russell: One of the principal species today, we shot mallards. That gets it down there, the water starts breaking it down, and you get the microbes and everything to break that straw. Ive always said, your best hunting partners are the ones you raise. Location: The Mallard Pacific is located inside the Sutter Bypass approximately 1/2 miles South of the 113 Bridge. Equinox is a temple of well-being, featuring world-class personal trainers, group fitness classes, and spas. The club has guaranteed water rights, hosts upland (wild and planted) hunting, year round access for dog training as well as fishing opportunities. Ramsey Russell: It seemed to have worked. Lets try that. That never would have crossed my mind in a million years to do something like it. And they said it would just start twisting out there and ripping through the air. San Jacinto Wildlife Area - Saturday offered up pretty slow duck shooting for the 186 hunters in blinds, as they only bagged 243 ducks for a 1.31-per-gun average. She takes them, goes with blind, does it all. And then as the morning went on, they started getting restless, and we started picking off birds. Whats up with that? It was always rural there. Im like, what in the heck is up with all these chickens in Yuba City? But I would say that twenty to twenty-four inch blade, I mean it puts off a big flash. And historically, wed get those banks of fog like that, that would be sometimes a week, sometimes ten days, sometimes two, three weeks where you never even see the sun. Ramsey Russell: Its unbelievable. It really is Duck Season Somewhere for 365 days. Typically, like the field we hunted today, that field was harvested, chopped and then just flooded. BOSS Shotshellscopper-plated bismuth-tin alloy is the good ol days again. Ramsey Russell: And I had heard, somebody told me years ago that you wanted fog to hunt like we hunted today. You go to Carls Jr down the road, and theres twenty of them standing in the yard. The property is located in Sutter County and is just 25 miles north of the Sacramento International airport. And I tell my clients, I tell the guys that lease from me all the time, I said, You guys, why are you doing that? Thats the cheapest part of hunting. When the birds are working back, thats when they hit those hay farmers hard. And what about decades-old, single blade spinner he uses? Ramsey Russell: Which are doing pretty damn good based on my hunt yesterday. I mean they were, for lack of better words, dirt poor. And I think it just shifts the Flyway, but theres still, I cant tell you exactly how many acres for sure there is rice, but theres plenty of rice for the birds. One that sticks out, his name was Pruse I believe, he was a Peruvian wedding singer. APN#: Yolo County APN#: 056-120-005 Blinds: The duck club has two blinds. And by the third day, for as long as that fog lasts, it just gets better and better every day. We didnt have the fancy remotes, the geese wont come over them. We did a lot of goose hunting. I think it just comes down to ease of packing it around. Im constantly turning it on and off, but it will run four, five days. BOOK NOW WATERFOWL BLINDS GALLERY We have nearly 5,000 acres of flooded rice fields and over 1,000 acres of upland bird hunting habitat for your hunting enjoyment. He sure does. Following a kick-butt, pea-soup foggy morning rice field duck hunt, Casey Stafford of CCIC Outdoor Adventures and Ramsey Russell talk about waterfowl hunting in Californias Sacramento Valley. If you cant tell it yet, you can tell I love California. Even though weve had some cold fronts, were just not getting the penetration of birds that we have in the past. Ramsey Russell: Your son, Cade, is impressive. Ramsey Russell: Thats incredible. It flat kills. That doesnt make any sense to me because when I think about hunting back home, I dont want fog. Some guys are using ten, fifteen in their spread. Ramsey Russell: California doesnt have the lax conservation order that some of the other parts of the country does. So theyd take me around on the weekend and tell me all right, theres geese out in that field, crawl out there and get you some. Duck Clubs For Sale Properties (2) West Gustine Gun Club Merced County, CA $1,699,000 316 Acres Gustine is synonymous with great duck hunting. Ramsey Russell: I say it all the time, thats exactly right. My dad and them, as I got a little older, and they got a little older, theyd done all the killing they needed to do, I guess. Ive seen teal literally hit it. The dog loved it too. Theres a guy that does the farming, and then when hes done with the farming, then thats where I take over for the duck clubs. And thats the only place we are restricted is inside that closure area where we hunted today. And anybody that cant leave the outside world out of the duck blind really needs to go to another duck blind. Yeah. So they cut us off December 21st inside this box, this imaginary box, and we cant shoot them from the 21st of December till the end of the season. The most important waterfowl habitat in the region is the Central Valley where DU has an extensive program of habitat restoration, protection, and enhancement. But the biggest thing I think Ive seen is in years past, up until about ten or fifteen years ago, every bird, once it got cold, they come out of Canada and they ended up here, they made their way here eventually. We can crawl snow geese, and Lord knows theres so many of those snow geese. But they will work their way back up North, and those guys will get them good in the green. What are some of the stories you remember about your dad and your uncles, the guys? Casey Stafford: Im going to say theyre hitting the nail right on the head with that Boss copper-plated bismuth. Sometimes they would come so fast and get to that steel, and theyd hit the water and sit right under it, and the mallards will just sit under there and talk to it. I think its going to be awesome. And I had forgotten all about the fact that decades ago, they had invented this particular product, this machine to attract ducks. Casey Stafford: Yeah. Right about the time I think Ive seen and done it all, Im in Sac Valley in California hunting over a 1994 edition of an original spinning wing decoy incarnation. Making very nice totes. Ramsey Russell: When did you introduce him to hunting? . And I know a lot of people that have asked me to find: Hey, who do I need to hunt with out there? That intrigues a lot of people to come shoot something like that. I mean she helped me pick up decoys, put decoys out, brush blinds, we did that on the side for money. View NEW Full-color brochure online:Ramsey Russells GetDucks.com Catalog Contact us to receive a hi-res printed copy. Casey Stafford: Its just a natural marsh. But if they really want to have a conservation order and have some effect on these birds, we could help here if they would open this thing up. I was surprised to learn that California rice production is second only to Arkansas. SACRAMENTO VALLEY We offer hunting locations for ducks and geese in the Sacramento Valley Flyway. But thats part of the history, its a story. Casey Stafford: Typically theyre going to be a larger bird. Its just their same routine they do every day. Theyd throw nails, rocks, bolts, whatever you had down the end of the barrel. Casey Stafford: Its a twelve-volt, little twelve-volt. I mean the motel you stayed at this morning, thats the center of town. And that was pretty cool. Where Cade will hunt anything. Theyre actually probably shrinking some now. Thats all they want to do is kill ducks. This rarely offered, very private 304+/- acre duck club is a real gem. Ramsey Russells Duck Season Somewhere podcast is available anywhere you listen to podcasts. Hes been making those, and I asked him today because I cant remember, but its been three or four years hes been making them, and I asked him, How many you think youve made? He dont even know. They were up by Lake County, and then her and I met in college at Chico state. Share your favorite episodes with friends. And they continued to do that and continued to do that until the shell was full, and then theyd cramp it, and then thats what theyd shoot when the geese jumped up, theyd shoot that into it and itd get out there and stretch out and take off wings and heads and necks and all kinds of stuff.
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