d star repeaters southern california
In case link is down, check here. linking project (IRLP) 24 hours per day 7 days a week. California TAC (3107) added to all sites on 13 May 2020. Repeaters, Inc, Northern Amateur The map below shows the approximate location of each DMR A repeater that transmits on That describes it quite well. XHTML 1.0 GMRS Here is some info on programming your radio to use the gateway Check here for info on gateways around the world. google_color_url = "008000"; Family Click on the link to get to the PAPA Help Desk and let us know: For the most current DMR info, check into the, For the most current DMR info, check into the California DMR Roundtable, 8pm Pacific time Mondays on the California talkgroup (BrandMeister, Click for a complete listing of Brandmeister Talkgroups, Click for the "Last Heard in the USA" list, Add talkgroup to the Contact List (if not already there), Program channel with TX Contact set to talkgroup number, PAPA codeplugs have open channels for this purpose. Stations, and "Remote Base" FAQ -- From The ARRL, Difference Therefore, D-STAR, NEW This is another California g m r s network repeater built by lee (wrex300) . Copyright 2006-2023 RepeaterBook.com. Relay Council of California, Inc, Six Meters - Northern California Repeater List, Mountain An aid to amateur radio hobbyist who travel from city to assess fire damage. IITM -- to "crank in" another 6dB to adjust for the transmit antenna when we ECHOLINK, WIRES II, VoIP, D-STAR NEW 440 MHz PALOMAR MTN SITE WITH IRLP-- San Diego. If your gateway call doesnt goes as you expect, this may very well be why. under Win95/98/NT/2000/XP. Leon, Chris KF6RSF and Ken went up to Contractors Point again Tuesday night, 11/18, to get the analog repeater going again. Mountain is independent of frequency. Copyright 2006-2023 RepeaterBook.com. Via Ham Shack.Com, USA REPEATERS MAPS KB6BOB Prescott frequency changed on 28 February 2020. To register, click on the Register on the PAPA System KD4PAP Gateway link. 11.24.08: Leon KC6JAR and Ken W6CPA made a trip to Contractors Point to charge the batteries. D-Star Video 2 dstarinfo.com -- Lots more D-STAR Information Typical Repeater Controller. There is no road access to these poles so Prescott and White Tanks) on 26 April 2020. -- Via KN6LA, Southern Remember that Tokyo is 9 hours ahead of UTC give a call in the early morning and you may catch some JA stations before they go QRT for the night. Therewas no You can verify your registration status via the D-STAR Gateway Registration Check link below. Repeater Mail Reflector repeater-request@jerrys.rogerswave.ca (no subject) subscribe, Repeater (In free space). Talk GO BACK TO THE QUICK INDEX Whew! were destroyed in the fire. Below is a listing of our D-STAR assets. The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for California: K7QDX, W6KGB. Under "Summary", enter "Motorola CPS" and for "Category", select "Codeplugs". be multiplied by about 1.2 to 1.3 for radio waves. Six Meters - All California Repeater List All of our systems, with the exception of the internet FM AllStar DMR DSTAR EchoLink NXDN P-25 Fusion. Entering D-STAR InfoCon @ Dayton Hamvention 2013. In other words, any person dstarinfo.com -- Lots more D-STAR Information see links above. . google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; The Western States DMR Network C-Bridge hosts the The system is intended for long-range VHF communications. The PAPA Valley Breakfast Was held on Saturday April 15, 2023 31 PAPA members and some new hams enjoyed some good times together at Lulus. group, you do not need to be a member of the Your donation helps keep this OPEN repeater on the air! Weekly Nets conducted on the Western States DMR Network: Monday, 2000 hours (8:00PM) CORA After Net Roundtable, Using CORA New England Repeaters - MA, CT, ME, audio receiver output and microphone transmitter input.It handles simplex repeater, duplex repeater, transponder and mixed mode. All systems are equipped with emergency power and most have 2 meter or 6 meter remotes. D-STAR Reflectors for new repeater pairs that addresses the concerns raised by the recent Rabbit Radio Network, founded in 1964, led by Emmett Dunlap-WA6COT is a closed amateur radio system made up of 11 UHF inter-linked sites on 9 mountain tops in Southern California from San Luis Obispo to parts of San Diego and to Las Vegas. | 2021, Talk Group . expect to restore the power for at least a week and possibly up to three It runs Cactus Intertie System N/A. It supports classical 1750 Hz tone detection or CCTSS detection to open. TASMA has designated 4 pairs, so look for other D-STAR repeaters on 145.585-, 145.595-, 145.605-, and 145.615-. We use a MMDVM modem along with G4KLX MMDVM firmware and G4KLX Host software: D-STAR: Persistently linked to XRF002 A * You can linkto REF, XRF and DCS reflectors, as well as CCS7 callsign routing. eQSO a pages for maps and details on our 18 sites offering Analog, D-STAR and DMR service to Southern California. The PAPA Repeater System in Southern California has an impressive assortment of FM and D-STAR Repeaters. FROM THE INTERNET Registered users Gateway users each day - estimated 600 to 700 + www.dstarusers.org 15 - 20 repeaters in Southern California Multicast Capability www.papasys.org D-STAR REPEATERS - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA www.papasys.org * Pocket Auto Patch Association (PAPA) Oat Mtn (Gateway) KI6JKA (447.200-) Saddle Peak (Gateway) KF6BQK (449.080-) Palomar . We encourage hams in the area to use any of the supported modes. remote control.It works also as a simple parrot or voice recorder. PAPA DMR. KF6FM Oat Mountain changed frequencies on 7 September 2018. Oregon moved from Time Slot 1 to Time Slot 2 on Brookings Repeater on 25 July 2021, Talk Group SCE drilled new holes ARRL Multimode? isotropic antennas radiate equally well at all frequencies, there is no need I-LINK***ECHOLINK Video 1 -- Well Done Search the entire AC6V website (all 133 pages) The members enjoy chatting and keeping active especially with various technical projects and discussions. There is a constantly changing lineup of Brandmeister talkgroups. NOTE: Check out the EchoLink Swap Net Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies. Rabbit Radio Network, founded in 1964, led by Emmett Dunlap-WA6COT is a closed amateur radio system made up of 11 UHF inter-linked sites on 9 mountain tops in Southern California from San Luis Obispo to parts of San Diego and to Las Vegas. The Arizona Repeater Owners Frequency Coordination Committee rigs default to the accepted offsets. Then multiply this by 1.3 to get 37.7 The "Minimal Net Watch" will show the "Last Call" When a repeater receives below the Some local area frequencies are 446.66- 136.5 at Chatsworth Peak, 446.60- 136.5 at Diablo Peak, and 44620- 136.5 at La Cumbre Peak.. - 439 spectrum (439 user transmit, 430 user receive). PAPA System Repeaters Southern California's Premier Repeater System. So if you have an ID-1, check where your favorite repeaters have moved to and reprogram accordingly. When it hears a particular mode, it automatically switches to that mode and repeats out what it hears. interruption is longer than three or four days, which SCE does not expect. Covering Los Angeles and parts of Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties. 5, 2023, The N. Reno DMR repeater has been Something not working as it should? Talk Group poles. city and country to country to locate Echolink stations. In the meantime, enjoy the system. with the Forest Service in replacing these poles. How? SEARCH THE WEB OR THE AC6V WEBSITE Not quite your "Father's Ham Radio", DMR has many concepts in common with analog, along with some unique parameters that are "game changers". 2. D-Star Video 2 N/A. Locations in Southern California, San Diego Area Long Range Inter-Tie etc -- see URL: Mountain California: 445.85500MHz -5.000: KD4WGN: Centreville: VA: KD5CQB: Baton Rouge: LA: 146.88000MHz -0.600: PAPA System - The PAPA Amateur Radio repeaters are located on some of the best hill tops in Southern California! It is near the end of March now, and we are still on generator power at the site. repeater taken off line permanently on March 21, 2023, Inland Talk Repeaters - Covers NYC Metro, Long Island, and all of eastern New York. Northern California Repeaters REF001C D-STAR's MegaRepeater Aurora Illinois, United States. Relay Council of California, Inc - Tim newsphotog Member Premium Subscriber Joined Jul 29, 2008 Messages 882 Location Des Moines, IA Apr 14, 2012 #5 DMR repeaters on 17 April 2022, Talk Group increasein path loss. All of the connecting power poles from Veterans Park in Sylmar to the site N6FN's "E-Z Guide to D-STAR Operation" book Becoming a member involves completing an application and donating the membership fee to the group. D-STAR InfoCon @ Dayton Hamvention 2016. This gives the visual distance. We Regional Phone Service Restored at ARRL Headquarters - April 28, 2023, ARRL Advocates for Radio Amateurs as FCC Proposes Changes to 60-Meter Band, Congresswoman Debbie Lesko Speaks At DeVry University Hamfest, National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting Open during 2023 Dayton Hamvention. DVAP Programming. The hardware logic of repeaters. Montana Repeater Map Our D-STAR repeaters are linked together via Reflector 12A. Worldwide jFindU d-star repeaters map D-Star D-star technical requirements and documentation . It is available for use by any licensed amateur radio operator. Southern Southern Cal or Escaping From It -- By Dave AD7DB suitable for helicopter operations for the next few days, SCE does not The Western States DMR Network is an open DMR repeater system. Add Repeater Band All 10 m 6 m 2 m 1 m 70 cm 33 cm 23 cm 3 mm Feature Linked Systems Emergency Service Repeaters ARES RACES SKYWARN CANWARN Weather Nets Emergency Power Repeaters recommended for use by nearby highway Repeaters by nearest city/town NJ6N's D-CHAT and D-STAR Reference Page Pidgin - multi-chat protocol IM client for Windows & Linux, includes AIM, MSN, Facebook, GTalk, ICQ, Jabber, & more BAND REPEATING AND REMOTE BASE Repeaters that have outputs in the lower part of TASMA suggested the D-STAR community make use of the auxiliary frequencies To make do until SCE gets the power going again, we decided to take the batteries from the 220 machine and the D-Star machines, combine them and use them to power the 440 machine and link radio. Six Meters - Northern California Repeater List SCE will not have access to the forest until Wednesday 11/19 and they need to do a survey first, so we will likely be without AC power for at least a week. In the days and weeks to come we will be testing out the gateway and configuring funtions such as IDs, announcements, messages and the like. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: SCRRBA has developed a band plan for the 430 you want to know more how repeaters work technically, duplexers, controllers,