conditions in which authoritarian states emerged
"The conditions in which authoritarian states emerged were mainly determined by economic factors." Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states. Topic 10 Authoritarian states (20th century) 19. Furthermore, Mussolini brought discipline to the party and aligned it more uniformly with the aims of the state. By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions: Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this article matters and how it connects to other content youve studied. In someincluding Algeria, Armenia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Sudanprotests have driven leaders out of power. of three authoritarian states should be studied. But Beijing is nonetheless working to amplify authoritarianism around the world. It became known as the war to end all wars. It cast an immense shadow on tens of millions of people. Some burned it for fuel. As a result of Mussolini's compromises, conservative and liberal elements within the state blocked most revolutionary goals of Fascism. New social problems emerged from the impact of rapid industrialization and the growth of cities. 83 - How did Castro's policies on elections + INRA reflect this shift? With a lack of guidance from the top, disorder among the governors ensued, as some officials adopted measures the Kremlin criticized as excessive and others took measures that were deemed insufficient. 96 - How did Castro see social policy? Italian rule included segregation, and policies prohibited interracial relations. It was a cataclysm that darkened the worlds view of humanity and its future. A rising authoritarian wave. All nations have an official type of government as designated in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook. Moreover, most authoritarianswhatever the quality of their pandemic policiesface enormous new economic pressures as a result of the virus. In Iran, in late February as the coronavirus began spreading through the country, Shia clerics vociferously resisted government demands that major shrines be closedan encapsulation of the power of the countrys religious establishment. The 20th century began much like our ownwith hope that education, science and technology could create a better, more peaceful world. We have won power in Germany. Angry, aggrieved citizens are not a solid foundation for regime durability. - How did the collapse of the USSR affect Cuba? 2 . Aftermath of World War I and the Rise of Nazism, 1918-1933, NARRATOR: Some have, in fact, exhibited valuable decisiveness and clarity when confronted with the coronavirus. . Advances in the technology of killing included the use of poison gas. TTY: 202.488.0406, To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that, Guidelines for Teaching About the Holocaust, Aftermath of World War I and the Rise of Nazism, 19181933, World War II and the Holocaust, 19391945, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center. Certainly, Mussolini and the Fascists saw ethnic minorities as impediments to the creation of a purely Italian state. Slowed or negative growth, straitened budgets, devastated middle classes, and swelling ranks of poverty-stricken citizens will create political pressure on governments around the worldauthoritarian and democratic alike. Yet many other authoritarian or authoritarian-leaning leaders have shown startling weakness in facing the pandemic, falling back on deeply ingrained habits of lying to deny inconvenient facts, spin conspiracy theories, and create alternative realities. Analyse themethods used to maintain power in two single-party states, each chosen from a different region. In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia, and used similar harsh tactics. One must govern well, and for good government one must also practice good propaganda. The humiliation of Germanys defeat and the peace settlement that followed in 1919 would play an important role in the rise of Nazism and the coming of a second world war just 20 years later. (May 2009, TZ1), To what extent was the ruler of one single-party state successful in achieving his aims? The French president caused anger and alarm when he said Europe needed to avoid getting drawn into a US-China conflict over crises that are not ours, namely the status of Taiwan. It is hard to blind citizens slammed by a national public health emergency to the realities of weak leadership at the top and incoherent governance at local levels. Yet many authoritarians instead misuse subnational governance as a flak jacketa shield for deflecting responsibility and criticism more than for solving governance challenges. 87 - How did the US respond to the Cuban Revolution? Though this massacre was never acknowledged, some Japanese leaders privately justified it as necessary to "pacify" ("make peaceful") the Chinese population, whom they saw as members of an inferior nation. Organized into collective action by the state, young people supplied political energy to Fascism in Italy and elsewhere. . Finally, issues with political legitimacy have also hurt some authoritarians pandemic policies. (May 10 TZ2), In what ways, and to what extent, was propaganda important in the rise and rule of Hitler? 1 E TNOPOLTKA ARATIRMALARI DERGS f2 ETNOPOLTKA ARATIRMALARI DERGS Alt aylk yaygn sreli uluslararas dergi mtiyaz Sahibi: Gler Kalay Genel Yayn Ynetmeni/Editr: Gler Kalay Yayn Kurulu: Prof. Havva KK ARSLAN, skdar niversitesi, Trkiye Prof. Babak REZVANI, Amsterdam niversitesi . At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to these questions: Looking back on history, we can often see patterns emerging just before dangerous or terrible events occurred. Cameroons President Paul Biya vanished in March for over two months, while in Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortega has ducked from public view for extended periods twice, including once for more than a month. Direct link to Yagnesh Peddatimmareddy's post mussolini created a dicta, Posted a month ago. Yet this discouraging near-term political picture becomes less ominous, or at least less clear-cut, if one looks down the road. China downgraded diplomatic ties with Lithuania and pressured multinationals to sever links with it in December 2021 after the Baltic nation, which has long favoured a hard EU line on Beijing, allowed Taiwan to open a de facto embassy in Vilnius. 100. After local resistance was crushed, Mussolini's regime established a tight grip over the region. He was offered a deal just as the Nazis started to lose votes. Hitler spoke to the SA, his army of storm troopers. The conditions in which authoritarian states emerged were mainly determined by economic factors.. The term "totalitarian" is even credited to, Italian fascism emerged in the economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s. Paper 2 Section Description Authoritarian States Course Companion Book This topic focuses on exploring the conditions that facilitated the rise of authoritarian states in the 20th century, as well as the methods used by parties and leaders to take and maintain power. . These tactics worked at a time when communists felt threatened by both fascists and capitalist democracies in Europe. World history topic 10: Authoritarian states (20th century) This topic focuses on exploring the conditions that facilitated the rise of authoritarian states in the 20th century, as well as the methods used by parties and leaders to take and maintain power. While downplaying more extreme goals, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party offered simple solutions to Germanys problems, exploiting peoples fears, frustrations, and hopes to win broad support. Japan already had some colonies, including Korea, but many military and business leaders argued that Japan deserved to rule most of Asia. This policy extended not only to sexual relations and marriage, but to any kind of social relationship at all. Building Civil Society In Authoritarian China Importance Of . In Weimar Germany they thrived' - Condon Authoritarian states DO NOT emerge in times of peace and prosperity. They did not use race. 94-5 - What economic problems did Cuba face? This had important consequences, because colonial policy in Ethiopia provided the basis for Italy's antisemitic race laws in 1938. As the biggest governance test in recent memoryone that many authoritarians are failingthe pandemic and its ensuing economic devastation will turbocharge this underlying driver of global political change. Italian fascism emerged in the economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s. Communist Party: -Fear of Bolshevik revolution. Summarise how Castro established control, and how he dealt with external and internal enemies 'Maintenance of power was reliant upon the silencing of opposition". Paper 2 questions- Origins and development of Authoritarian and single-party states Emergence of Authoritarian States: - Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors, social division, impact of war, weakness of political system. Battle for Land: Success (decreased unemployment because people had to drain swamps and plough land) 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW Nationalism, independence movements Historical examples of such centralized totalitarian rule include the Mauryan dynasty of India (c. 321-c. 185 bce ), the Qin dynasty of China (221 . However, he was not a, A poor harvest in 1931-32 was made worse by Soviet economic policies. mussolini created a dictarship in italy when he was given the position as prime minister, Course: World History Project - 1750 to the Present, World History Project - 1750 to the Present. Unit Objectives: Authoritarian and Single Party States. Analyse the conditions that enabledoneleft-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. These crackdowns impede effective public health responses, given that civil society can be a crucial partner to governmentsespecially for authoritarians with weak state capacity, such as those in many countries in Africa, former Soviet states, and the Middle Eastin terms of collecting and distributing accurate and timely health-related information and delivering resources and care. They believed victory on the battlefield abroad would bring back the glory of ancient Rome and show the world Italy was a real player in the "game of empire." Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders; ideology; the use of force; propaganda. Due to the forced signing of the treaty, there . If two examples are required these will need to be from different regions. - Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system Of course, some democracies have struggled with some or all of these challenges in their pandemic responses. 20. Still, Fascism in Italy was not without racism. China respects the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and upholds the purposes and principles of the United Nations charter, she said, describing the countrys stance on Ukraine as objective and fair. It declared a state policy of overt discrimination against Africans, Arabs, and Jews. On top of these governance factors, the economic devastation that most authoritarian countries are facing will further add to citizens anger and restlessness and reduce the financial tools besieged leaders often use to buy off key discontented sectors. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. To what extent did popular support for the aims and ideology of one . Conditions in China before 1911 Until the 19th century, China was a very conservative nation. Economic Crisis. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. (Nov 2009), Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power ofoneruler of a single-party state. The ISW said while this tactic may be useful for maintaining authoritarian rule in the Kremlin, it is "disruptive" to efforts to command the military and results in "the return of formerly demoted . Alternatively, some regimes also must grapple with the demands of influential societal sectors, even at the expense of delaying the governments response to the pandemic. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. 2016. The use of force was the most important method used to maintain power in authoritarian states.. A major issue with the parliamentary system of Weimar Germany was the constant change of who exactly was in charge. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin, the prototypical authoritarian strongman, displayed striking avoidance behavioror perhaps apathyby moving to his countryside residence outside Moscow after the virus arrived in Russia, leaving his subordinates to convey negative news to the public. The president of Burundi assured his citizens that divine protection would suffice against the virus, while Venezuelas president trafficked in farfetched conspiracy theories and promoted on social media the use of herbal concoctions to treat the virus. A totalitarian regime has a highly centralized system of government that requires strict obedience. Many other Japanese citizens, however, embraced the cause of nationalism and military expansion. Now we must win the German people. 'Hitler and his party would never have come to power without the severe economic and political crisis that engulfed Germany from 1929 onwards' - Overy. 94 - How Communist was Castro? Emergence of authoritarian states Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system. (Nov 2010), Evaluate the successes and failures of one ruler of a single-party state (May 2007, 2005), In what ways, and with what results, was propaganda used byoneruler of a single-party state? EU leaders are expected to discuss China policy in June after a recent trip by Emmanuel Macron exposed differences in approach towards handling Xi Jinpings authoritarian rule. So while Jewish people had little to do with Ethiopia, they were affected by that policy. The early deterioration of the post-colonial African state into personalized and authoritarian rule in this manner mirrored the concerns that anchor refugee law in the first place as a special regime for persons who have well-grounded fear of persecution by reason of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or . Dont assume western democracy will last forever, Ukraine ammunition depot reportedly hit in wave of Russian missile attacks. The leaders of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan both responded to the arrival of the virus by outright denying its presence in their countries. Many authoritarian and authoritarian-leaning governments have not responded well to the pandemic. Vietnams leaders, for example, responded to the countrys first confirmed infections as early as January, imposing travel restrictions and quarantines with a speed that made it a textbook case of an effective response to the public health emergency. Middle class savings were wiped out as severe inflation left the currency worthless. Step-by-step, Ethiopia became a state governed by a regime without moral or political constraints. However, their solution was "Italianization." The Hitler Youth in Germany, for example, had much in common with Mussolini's youth associations. The purge created an environment of intense political terror. The EU is an important trading partner for China as it reboots its economy after three years of zero-Covid. In Eritrea, President Isaias Afwerki did not speak to the country from mid-February through mid-April. Its important that when it comes to China, the EU speaks with one voice If we dont do that, theyll have us for lunch, they said. Russia/USSR - Lenin ItalyMussolini GermanyHitler USSRStalin ChinaMao Emergence of authoritarian states Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system To many, including 30-year old former army corporal Adolf Hitler, it seemed the country had been stabbed in the backbetrayed by subversives at home and by the government who accepted the armistice. He had plans to expand into the Balkans and acquire Albania as a territory. Many political parties had their own paramilitary units to attack opponents and intimidate voters. Thus, despite the spike in repressive measures that the coronavirus has produced so far, the medium- to long-term prospects for many authoritarian governments are less certain today than they were before the pandemic hit. A new and unfamiliar democratic form of governmentthe Weimar Republicreplaced the authoritarian empire and immediately faced daunting challenges. Unpopular or tyrannical governments. A third debility of the pandemic responses of many authoritarian regimes has been the lack of coherence and flexibility in the hierarchy of governance. Chinese trend for using photo of film star to get better service sweeps social media, More than 20,000 Russian soldiers killed in five months in Ukraine, US says, Chinese journalist arrested on charges of espionage, 'Democracy was hijacked. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the article is about. - Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion, the role of leaders, ideology, the use of force, propaganda. You should be looking at the title, author, headings, pictures, and opening sentences of paragraphs for the gist. Those that have done well may gain enhanced domestic popularity and credibility for their competence, thus reinforcing their hold on power. In 1931, Japanese forces invaded Manchuria, in China. There, tensions over pay and work conditions had put landowning farmers in conflict with Socialist-backed workers. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders; ideology; the use of force; propaganda, Ideology, Role of Leaders, Use of Force, Persuasion, Propaganda, RAS- local fascist leaders in charge of action squads, -M deployed squadristi (paramilitary of the PNF led by ras) to, -M renounced atheism to appeal to Catholic Church, -Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro (OND): recreational club for adults.
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