colt 1862 police for sale
Its a streamlined revolver and Ubertie did a first rate job. Guns Pistols Colt Percussion Revolver Modern Colt Pocket Police nd Gen cal | 197 | 108 | Lc | 109.5186ms. Action works perfectly. Bore is very good plus. V2-F4 This is a solid nice smaller framed revolver. The 1862 comes apart like any other Colt, tap out the barrel wedge and pull the gun apart. 95% OVERALL. About 28,000 were produced but, because they shared serial numbering with the 1862 Pocket Navy, specimens will be found with serial numbers through about 47000. V2-F4 Barrel Length: 4.5 Bore condition: Good, Your email address will not be published. For sale is a EMF Colt 1862 Pocket Police revolver in .36 CAL. Much as the Colt 1851 Navy was a scaled-up version of the 1849 Pocket, the 1862 Police was a scaled down version of the 1861 Navy, which was a scaled down version of the 1860 Army. ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns. Here are some numbers I collected while shooting over my chronograph at ten feet: Bullet Velocity* Energy in foot pounds*, 80 grain round ball 858 fps 131, 130 grain conical bullet 747 fps 161. This is to clear the chambers and the nipples of any grease that might inhibit ignition. Available Excellent condition Colt Police Positive Special Revolver in .38 Special. The 36 was the perfect choice for the Navy at the time, as they had less concern with shooting and killing horses. I'm very pleased with this revolver. Barrel is a .36 caliber, blued, 5 1/2", tapered octagon. I highly recommend this one. Show Only Guns Information Line:1-731-885-0700, Product prices and availability subject to change without notice. Still tuning the rear sight for accuracy but it is the easiest of all my revolvers to clean and it's a lot of fun to shoot. As with any Colt replica, the 1862 was largely unaffected by the caking of black powder gunk after repeated firing. Five sot. Site by One Dog Media, Copyright & Disclaimer 1996- Colt 1862 Police .36 Caliber Revolver (C15628) $3,475.00 Colt 1862 Police .36 Caliber Revolver. Required fields are marked *. Union City, TN 38261, Outside of the U.S.:1-731-885-0700 Manufactured 1863. 5-day, satisfaction guaranteed inspection period. Polish the action and notice that the hand may hang up without the cylinder in place. Recommended load is 15 grains of FFFg black powder, .376 round ball and .36 caliber revolver wad. Otherwise the gun is of the quality I expect from Uberti. **SHIPS FREE**, COLT POLICE POSITIVE 1ST MODEL - MINT CONDITION, 181AA COLT POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL 38 COLT NEW POLICE, Colt Police Positive, 38 Colt New Police, 99% Factory Finish, Perfect bore, Vintage Firearms In, Colt Police Positive Special - 38 Special - Free Shipping, Colt 1908 Nickel Vest Pocket with Audley Safety Holster, COLT 32 Magazine POCKET MDL 1903 Thru 1926 8Rd. Purchased item: Caliber: .36 percussion Overall condition as seen in photos. barrel. All serial numbers match except for the wedge that has no serial number. The result was a sleek, stylish and light, 5-shot pocket revolver in .36 caliber. Excellent fit and finish smooth function no tool marks. We are federally licensed and deal in all types of firearms and related material. The Colt Model 1862 Police percussion revolver was intended for security personnel and followed the design lines of other Colt products emerging during this time in history. Stay in the know. I admit that I avoided the 1860-62 series of handguns for a long time because I thought the previous generation of Colt handguns were better looking. | The following text is exclusive to this site. The trigger pull is quite light, at just over three pounds with an ever so slight amount of take-up before it breaks. The most important improvements made were the elimination of the expensive-to-make octagonal barrel and the introduction of new steel in the manufacturing process. Your email address will not be published. Taurus Defender 856 TORO Brings Optic-Ready Performance to a Revolver. It is re-blued, well-worn, and has hard rubber grips. The demand of used COLT 1862 POLICE pistol's has fallen 2 units over the past 12 months. Information Line:1-731-885-0700, Product prices and availability subject to change without notice. A COLT 1862 POLICE pistol is currently worth an average price of $582.36 new and $484.45 used . Site by One Dog Media, Copyright & Disclaimer 1996- var theDate=new Date() I bought two of these pistols from Dixie. We also trade in gold,silver and rare coins.Prices listed are discounted for cash,please add 3% for credit cards. Check out my eBay 100% feedback under "thebrowningguy". Be careful with the sequence when removing and installing the screws very easy to strip. Dixie Guns Works is definitely the company to buy from. An excellent pistol. Dixie Gun Works Condition is as new in all aspects, and it is unfired. Cal. 33670 FOR 1867. Colt 1862 Pocket Police 2nd Generation 36cal 5 1/2" barrel,blue/casecolored,unfired. The 1862, like any other revolver of the era, loads from the front end of the cylinder. Frame is steel, colorcasehardend. This revolver is used but in very good condition, close to excellent but appears to have been fired. COLT MODEL 1862 POLICE REVOLVER Description: This revolver has all matching original parts. Tomahawks & Tomahawk Parts and Accessories, M1826 and M1836 Water's and Johnson Pistol, M1861 Special Musket (Colt,L.G. Found inside old trunk. Get the latest information about new products, special deals, news, top-rated items, promotions and more! Crisco saves the day and works as well as anything else. Has one piece grips with a European walnut stock. Quite a few were dragged off to war, owing to its small size and the use of standard supplied ammunition. Cannot be shipped to New Jersey or Canada. Tapered round - .640 at breech to .590 at muzzle. Manufactured from 1861 until approximately 1873, it was designed in response to the demand for pocket pistols by both civilians and the police force. Rodney A. Herrmann, 1709 Douglass Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. All Rights Reserved, Gun Review: Ubertis Colt 1862 Pocket Police percussion revolver in .36 cal. Rodney A. Herrman is a Longtime FFL, a reputable dealer and collector in high grade and condition, discontinued Belgium Brownings, Colts, SAKOs, etc from Pittsburgh, PA. All business done by appointment. 1849 Pocket Model Gun #: 905474324 Seller: TIM HATFIELD ( FFL) $1,699.99 Full Details 26 Image (s) 2023 www.MilitaryFactory.com All Rights Reserved Content 2003-2023 (20yrs). The hammer lying on a safety pin, between chambers. The "Military Factory" name and MilitaryFactory.com logo are registered U.S. trademarks protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. Very well put together. Serial number- 107437. Union City, TN 38261, Outside of the U.S.:1-731-885-0700 var theDate=new Date() These revolvers were designed with a snub-nose barrel, which makes it [], The Colt 1860 Army revolver, also known as the Colt U.S. Cavalry revolver, was widely during the American Civil War. Features a brass backstrap and triggerguard. A very eye appealing revolver with blue finish, old-world crafted color case hardened receiver and silver plate finish trigger guard and grip frame, walnut grip, only and all Colt markings throughout. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) For privacy reasons, do not use your full name or email address for nickname. Include your email address and phone number with inquiries. I highly recommend this one. The gun is blued in finish but the case-hardened loading lever sticks out with its newer rack and pinion design coupled with the round barrel. Comes with a color casehardened steel frame. Model 1862 Police - Base Series Designation. Manufactured by Uberti/Italy. We offer a three days inspection period; if you believe the pistol is not as described and pictured, please contact us for return and return of your bid price. Reviews. Has one piece grips with a European walnut stock. What isnt new are the terrible sights, a bead front sight and a notch cut in the hammer face. Unfortunately, I had an awful time getting good groups because of the distraction of cap jams, in which spent caps were getting pulled off the nipple by the hammer and being dropped into the action, either stopping the gun from firing or binding the action. Cylinder engraved w/stagecoach "hold-up" scene. Once the Baby Dragoon came out in 1848, Colt Pocket revolvers became the mainstay of small, repeating handguns. The stock is a one piece grip made of European walnut. Like the 1849, the walnut grips provide a full grip, yet are slim in profile as is the frame, another feature borrowed from the 1849. This a fully functional and authentic replica of high quality. Front blade sight, one line Colt address on the top barrel flat and fi General Specs: Colt, Year 1863, .36, 25.3oz Serial Number: 15467 The Model 1862 Colt was produced from 1861 through circa 1873 and about 47,000 were manufactured. But by the dawn of the Civil War, Samuel Colt decided there was a need to modernize his line of percussion revolvers. Be sure this pistol is legal in your jurisdiction before bidding, that is your responsibility. Steel frame, color casehardened. $ 399.00 For sale is a EMF Colt 1862 Pocket Police revolver in .36 CAL. , Dixie Gun Works. It is the product of many hours of research and work made possible with the help of contributors, veterans, insiders, and topic specialists. Cleaning is easy and on the range, there is nothing safer than fully disassembled. Uberti top quality firearms replicas from 1959. << Previous in Traditions Performance Firearms Next in Traditions Performance Firearms >> Related Products Product Reviews Login to rate or review this product (0 Ratings, 0 Reviews) Traditions 1858 Remington New Army .44 Cal.Steel Frame, 12" Oct. Barrel Buffalo $420.00 iPhone iPad Notice *May not represent an exhuastive list; calibers are model-specific dependent, always consult official manufacturer sources. The Smith & Wesson model 36, also known as the Chiefs Special, is one of the most distinctive revolvers to emerge from the 20th century. , Dixie Gun Works. But there was one other classic pocket revolver I had yet to touch, the Colt 1862 Police. ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns, COLT 1862 POLICE PERCUSSION PISTOL - BRITISH MODEL - NICKEL FINISHED, Civil War Cased Colt 1862 Mfg. Button rifles .005 deep. Civilian pocket revolvers, such as the Wells Fargo or 1849 Pocket, were .31 caliber pistols that fit easily in a coat pocket. The sights consist of a crude notch in the hammer face and a front bead that isnt so easy to see. This has piece has obviously seen some action. Next, unlatch the loading lever and push the bullet into each chamber. 1412 West Reelfoot Avenue the best groups are in the 1 1/2 inch range at the same distance. Colt Police Percussion Revolver | 24 | 108 | Lc | 62.4438ms. For privacy reasons, do not use your full name or email address for nickname. THIS IS A COLT POLICE POSITIVE, 1ST ISSUE, .32 POLICE. COLT MODEL 1862 POLICE PISTOL (LONDON MARKED) - NICKEL WITH DISPLAY CASE Description: THIS IS A COLT 1862 (MFG 1863) POLICE PERCUSSION PISTOL, 31 PERCUSSION CAL. Front sight is a brass bead and rear sight is a V notch/hammer nose. Material presented throughout this website is for historical and entertainment value only and should not to be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation. Colt 1862 Police Replica. After the column of smoke and flame evaporates with each shot, I was not surprised at all that I didnt hit where I was aiming. In my opinion, an even better cap and ball choice is the graceful Colt New Model Police Pocket Pistol of Navy Caliber or Model 1862 Pocket Police. RH0422 Uberti 1862 Police Revolver (17 reviews) Login to Write A Review Product ID #: RH0422 Availability: Currently Unavailable Price: $435.00 Quantity Log In for Wishlist Description Reviews Has a one piece grip with a European walnut stock. 7 lands -.60 and 7 grooves - .370. The overall condition of this revolver is fine. Grips are excellent. They shoot high but so did the originals. It is perfectly timed has a beautiful finish and the worst groups I've gotten with it were 4 inches at 25 yards. Auction (20) Comes with a color casehardened steel frame. If you happen upon this text anywhere else on the internet or in print, please let us know at MilitaryFactory AT gmail DOT com so that we may take appropriate action against the offender / offending site and continue to protect this original work. Site by One Dog Media, Copyright & Disclaimer 1996- Once that was done, I proceeded to load, which was a bit of a challenge. Buy a Colt 1862 Pocket Police 2nd Generation 36cal 5 12 barrel,bluecasecolored,unfired. ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns. Colt Model 1862 Police Revolver The Model 1862 Police Revolver was made from 1861 through c. 1873. 1862 police Right draw Holster $74.00 Only 1 available Handmade Materials: Leather Message steve 416 reviews Reviews for this item 16 Reviews for this shop 416 Sort by: Suggested Such a beautifully handcrafted leather holster and fits my little pea-shooter like a glove! I have several pistols and longarms thank you Dixie. Encouraged by an ongoing military contract, Colt turned his eye toward the civilian marketin 1848. In its time, the 36 was leaps and bounds more effective than the 31 caliber rounds that dominated pocket revolvers, yet had lower recoil and was generally more economical to shoot than the larger 44 caliber Army style revolvers. Timing and lock up are exceptional.Whether you are a Colt c Colt 1908 Vest Pocket with Audley Safety HolsterDescription:Colt 1908 Model N Nickel Vest PocketManufacturer:ColtYear of Manufacturer: 1920 - Prohibition EraModel: Vest PocketCalib ***Price reflects 3% cash discount (money orders & cashier's checks accepted)*** If paying with credit card, the processing fee will be added prior to processing your online credit Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless chambered in .32 ACP that boasts a 4" barrel. I haven't shot it yet, but the looks and fill of it could not be any better. Couldn't be more pleased with my purchase.! Never put the hammer down on a primed nipple. COLT POLICE POSITION IN 38 SHORT COLT OR 38 S&W WITH A 4 IN BARREL AND THE GRIPS HAVE THIMB REST ON THE LIFT SIDE AND IT LOOK LIKE IT MAY HAVE BE REBLUED AT SOME TIME AND IT HA Colt Police Positive Target in .22WRF, manufactured in 1924, SN: 22508first issue, good condition for the age, original condition, good bore, mechanically sound and tight, black co . |regenC|MC Set || Li Mc HIT || || LP Mc HIT ||, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. Here we present an antique Colt 1862 Police Percussion Revolver, made in 1866. Lever Action Metallic Silhouette a fun and popular shooting sport, and Winchesters Model 94 in .22 Winchester Magnum is a natural choice for this competition. Colt Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company - USA, (OPERATORS list includes past, present, and future operators when applicable), (Material presented above is for historical and entertainment value and should not be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation - always consult official manufacturer sources for such information). The TORO (Taurus Optics Ready Option) is touted as the first-ever optics-ready revolver, and being a sucker for red dots and handguns, I had to try it. As for the Police revolver itself, less than 20,000 were produced before production gave way to cartridge guns in 1873. I got pie tin accuracy at 25 yrds. & Y. and Amoskeag), Remington 1858 New Model, .36 Navy and .44 Army, Colt Walker, 1st Model Dragoon & Whitneyville Hartford, Colt Baby Dragoon, Wells Fargo and Pocket Revolvers, M1859,1863 & 1874 Sharps Rifles and Carbines, Bags, Boxes, Lock Covers & Powder Storage. California sales OK. But when I got a Uberti 1862 Police from Taylors & Co., I was impressed by the revolvers handiness and handsomeness. We do not sell any of the items showcased on this site. Chip on 1 grip, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. Please e Colt Police Positive Grips. This handgun shot a fair six inches high at seven yards. You need to check to see if you can receive in your State or City, and must be 21 years old. 100% of reviewers recommended this product. On the range, I used a cast .380 inch ball and a cast Lee 130 grain conical bullet that I used in my ballistics gel testing. The Colt Model 1862 Pocket Police was made from 1861 through 1873; approximately 28,000 were produced. The first in the new line was the Colt 1860 Army. This is a quality replica. Price: $445.00. This has much to do with these replicas having rather sharp hammer faces. Manufactured by Uberti/Italy. Dixie said I could return the gun for repair but instead I took it to a local gunsmith and he installed a pressure fitted small shotgun bead. By signing up you agree to Guns.com's It sports a 5-1/2" barrel and still has the hanging tag. The gun functions well after a quick stone treatment. Much finishing work and detail has been done at the price tag, which can vary between $300-360. It was efficient, like the 1860 Army, in increasing the power of the handgun while allowing the gun to be smaller, stronger, and more manageable. An extra five grains could be put under a shorter, lead ball. Today we are looking at a new product from Taurus: the Defender 856 TORO. Details. A relatively unknown brand, with a whole new platform, at an incredibly enticing price point thats GForce Arms with the LVR410. 12" x 4.5" x 2". Shooting the 1862 is accomplished by cocking the hammer for each shot, which exposes the crude rear sight notch in the hammer face that interfaces with the brass bead front sight. Colt Model 1862 Police Percussion .36 - EXCELLENT CONDITION, CIVIL WAR PISTOL, RARE UN-CONVERTED GUN Colt Model 1862 Pocket Navy .36 - FACTORY ORIGINAL, FACTORY CASE WITH ACCESSORIES, CIVIL WAR GUN, vi c i m a r r o n 1862 pocket navy c0nVeRSiOn .380 acp !!! Misc. These 31 caliber revolvers didnt have the punch of the heavy 44 caliber guns, but they were small in size and performance deemed adequate for defense applications. The only reason I rated it with 4 stars instead of 5 is that it shoots 16 inches high at 25 yards. As it turns out, what would be called the Navy and Police revolvers were the last that Sam Colt lived to see entering the market as he died in January 1862. COLT POCKET MDL MAGAZINE 1903 Thru 1926 hammerless 32 ACP 8RD; ORIGIN - USA CALIBER - .32 ACP & .380 ACP WEIGHT - 24 OZ. The hole drilled in the barrel was too large and someone had tried to peen the hole in order to hold sight in place. *We Never share your email without your permission. A. Uberti S.p.A. All rights reserved P.iva 03556620171, A. Uberti S.P.A. All rights reserved P.iva 03556620171. The Colt Model 1862 Pocket Police was made from 1861 through 1873; approximately 28,000 were produced. The gun, then as now, is offered in a few different barrel lengths. Silver plated frame with wood grips. Colt Police Positive Real Mother of Pearl Grips.32 or .38Dished TopDoes Not Fit Police Positive Special (Special is Larger).The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" 1977 Colt GUN CASE ONLY Michigan State Police 60th Anniversary Wood Case We describe items as clearly and as detailed as possible Our pictures are part of the description. Barrel is 4-1/2 inches in length. The 12 month average price is $582.36 new and $484.45 used. bought one from Dixie's and had none, it's perfect. Though I think myself to be more accurate with a larger 1851 Navy revolver, the accuracy is acceptable despite being a bit awkward to load it takes a bit of time to get a perfect grip on this sleek rascal of a gun. The sighted barrel marked Address Col. Saml. Sold as is, needs a cleaning. If you feel a crunching of compressed powder, you will know you got it right. Collectors today largely view these as the climax of the development of the percussion revolver. Not bad, but that little gun sways easily and the grip, though long enough, was slim and my large hands surely put too much meat on the trigger. Own the original! Barrel is a .36 caliber, blued 5 1/2" tapered round. Sure enough with that quick, non-invasive solution, the cap jamming went away and I was free to keep trucking along. 1849 Pocket revolver to be upgraded to a .36 cal. (Photo: Terril Herbert). Call (866) 582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 2023Guns.com. Color casehardened loading lever and hammer. Its introduction was for sale by b****ts on GunsAmerica.com the best online marketplace for buying and selling semi auto pistols, firearms, accessories, and collectibles : 984969948 Lot #231 (Sale Order: 231 of 600) Sold for: $240.00 to onsite "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. OVERALL LENGTH - 7" LENGTH OF MAGAZINE - 3.88" Made by Colt Colt Police Positive Real Mother of Pearl Grips.32 or .38Dished Top Does Not Fit Police Positive Special (Special is Larger). Perfectly clean chambers and bore. Payment by US Postal or other Money Order. The company's new 1862 Police Conversion revolver brings together tradition and innovation. Crude, but fine. NIB For Sale from: CJS10 | Positive feedback: 100% View | Verified Seller | 5116 Completed Sales View Sellers Items Sale Pending - $425.00 Shipping: $20.00 (or Arrange local transfer) Accepted Payment Methods: Returns: 3 Days Description: 99.5% to mint condition. A five star company. Colt New-York U.S. America, silver-plated brass grip straps, original brown leather "Slim-Jim" holster. How about accuracy? MADE IN 1950. Uberti is making a fine replica of what truly as one of the more obscure handguns of the early Colt era. Don't tighten the trigger guard and back strap screws until you have them all started. It is in great condition. You may leave the hammer down on an empty chamber or lift the hammer back slightly and rotate the cylinder to one of the safety pins between chambers. Show Only with Pictures Grip is also marked in channel. Remington Elliot 4 Shot Derringer - Fre Triplett & Scott - 56-50 Spencer Carbine Charles Santley British Hammer Shotgun,w Ballard Firearms Co Model 1860 - Black P Lee 575 285 gr single bullet mold round Colt 1862 Police Pistol, .36 Cal. (Photo: Terril Herbert). The gun was known for its reliability and accuracy and both Union and Confederate soldiers [], Be the first to review EMF Colt 1862 Pocket Police Replica .36 Cal. These revolvers are becoming hard to find. The Colt 1862 Police Percussion Revolver is considered by many collectors as the epitome in development of the cap and ball revolvers.