clerk of the circuit court of cook county forms
Also, you will have to serve the defendant either through the Sheriffs Office or by Certified Mail. Th e information contained herein is for administrative purposes only and cannot be introduced into evidence. Copyright 2023, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. For inquiries regarding unclaimed property. Documents or recorded proceedings of the Court are public records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. 158 0 obj <>stream You may refer to How do I serve the Defendant? below for information on serving the defendant. Depends on availability of court documents. CCP-1011 (Rev. These forms are available in the Civil Division of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County (Clerks Office) in Room 601 of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington St., Chicago, IL, 60602 or at https://services.cookcountyclerkofcourt.org/Forms/. The judge reviews the petition and the background check that has been conducted on all potential guardians. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. The Probate Division hears actions concerning the probate and contest of wills and testamentary instruments; claims against an estate arising in contract, tort or otherwise; actions and proceedings arising under the Illinois Probate Act of 1975, 755 ILCS chapter 5 et. Chicago, IL 60602. Services more than 400 judges who hear traffic, civil, criminal, juvenile, and all other types of cases originating in Chicago and Suburban Cook County. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically file them. Clerk Martinez is one of the founding members of Illinois Unidos, a consortium of over 200 Latino elected and appointed officials, together with health professionals and representatives of community-based organizations. Fall River County Courthouse. How does guardianship differ from adoptions? Copyright 2023, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. For more information on your eligibility and the process, including the necessary forms, pleaseclick here. Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. 312-603-0135. Record Types: Background Checks, Criminal History Search and FDLE Public Records. Clerk Martinez was born and raised in Chicagos West Town neighborhood. To file a civil lawsuit, you must complete a Complaint form, a Summons form as well as a Civil Division Action Cover Sheet. 12/01/20) Iris Y. Martinez, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Page 1 of 1 Case No. Case files may contain the appearances, court orders, affidavits, certificates, motions, orders, transcripts, petitions, applications and notices. }v>CS Under specific circumstances, Illinois law allows felony, misdemeanor, or municipal ordinance violation records in Criminal and Traffic cases to be expunged or sealed. Room 1202, filed in the 17th Judicial Circuit of Broward County, Florida. Chicago, IL 60602. submit a Court Records Request Form to the Archives division. Can I file an order of protection in the Probate Division. Immediately, once order has placed and credit card has been processed. Offices of Public Guardian of Cook County NOTE: You mayonlychoose to serve by Certified Mail if your case is under $10,000, and the defendant is in the state of Illinois. Another law she spearheaded ensured that all health care facilities treating Medicaid patients in managed care plans must develop and implement language services. Electronically filed court documents are available for purchase or viewing on the Clerk of Courts website. Check to see if your court records are available online before submitting a Court Records Request. The cost to purchase a Marriage License is $5.00 for the first copy and $3.00 for each additional copy. Supreme Court Forms & Documents Rural Attorney Recruitment Program Judge Preferences Certified Attorneys Additional . Click here, After Hours Domestic Violence filing Start here, 50 West Washington St., Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Y. Martinez and her staff will be providing cook county residents with essential information about court cases and records. She has also served as President of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators and is currently the 4th Congressional District State Central Committeewoman for the Democratic Party of Illinois, the City of Chicagos 33rd Ward Democratic Committeeperson, and Chair of the Hispanic Caucus for the Democratic National Committee. However, you can still use the forms as a guide to create your own. A petition for guardianship (with the appropriate filing fee) must be filed in the Clerk's Office. Guardianship involves the appointment by a court of a legally responsible individual or agency on behalf of a person who is not able to independently manage his or her affairs due to a mental or physical disability or minor status (person under the age of 18). The Clerk of the Circuit Court serves the citizens of Cook County and the participants in the judicial system in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. The following sample forms are available: Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union Personal Service on Respondent - Default Judgment Service by Publication - Default Judgment Actions Taken to Show Due Diligence Allocation Judgment of Parental Responsibilities Prove Up Checklist Parenting Plan With adoption, birth parents give up all rights and responsibilities for the child. Court documents are available for purchase by submitting a Court Records Request Form. Created Date: If you qualify, your records will either be expunged or expunged and sealed by law enforcement agencies and will be sealed by the Clerk's Office. The law is designed to let people clear their records with or without an attorney. Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Invitation to join us at Circuit Court Clerk in the Community, Emergency Order of Protection-Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division. It allows users to print forms, get answers to frequently asked questions, view payments history and more. The filing fees are posted on the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County's website at www.cookcountyclerkofcourt.org. All Rights Reserved. Processing Time: Can take up to 2 weeks once the request is received. If you are looking for records prior to 2002, submit a Public . Check to see if your court records are available online before submitting a Court Records Request. Beginning January 1, 2004, Illinois law permits a person to have his or her records in certain misdemeanor or municipal ordinance violations in Criminal and Traffic cases to be sealed. Cook County Government. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. 2023 - All rights reserved, Follow this link to skip to the main content, Read More About Purchasing Electronic Certified Court Documents Online. Yes, you will be required to pay a filing fee. $8.00 per electronic certified court document. The guardian can seek this support in Child Support Court. Contact: 1-800-252-8966 (inside Illinois). . Make check payable to: All funds must be drawn on a U.S. bank in the appropriate amount. IRIS Y. MARTINEZ, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 2 of 2. Court Form Search Partial form numbers can be entered Various Probate Forms on the website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. State of Illinois for the Elderly and/or Disabled. Clerk of the Circuit Court Phone Number (312) 603-5030 Email courtclerk@cookcountycourt.com Mission The Clerk of the Circuit Court serves the citizens of Cook County and the participants in the judicial system in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. If the case and/or court document you are looking for is is not available for viewing on the website, you may submit a Court Records Request, 50 West Washington St., All Rights Reserved. As always, the best course of action is to seek advice and assistance from an attorney. "Sealed" records are closed and restricted from public access but are not destroyed. For more information on Public Records Policy, Authentication of Copies (also known as exemplification or triple seal), $25 per 15 minute increment of IT staff time. Exceptions to this include, as authorized by statute or rule, an individual judge ruling or a court order restricting access to records in an individual case. Names of both parties (spouse 1 and spouse 2) at the time of application. Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Y. Martinez and her staff will be providing cook county residents with essential information about court cases and records. With guardianship, parents keep some of these rights and responsibilities. On November 3, 2020, Clerk Iris Y. Martinez made history when elected as the first Latina Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, the largest of the 24 judicial circuits in Illinois as well as one of the largest unified court systems in the world. Law Firm, Personal, Business, Cashier's and Traveler's checks. h|S]o0O[CI*AJCdC-A#?M=()IkBdyo92sb~eEvbkk)IcUleFW"`erW_cD%>REI:-OX!dC!@* E#X%d`Mz@9Ky@ {.Ni1;S3~ S2 cd }&M}F>yhZp4,_L0YR3{~ f+'f dfT?p"8&ZvPX4\if| Birth Certificates/Death Certificates If the parents do not need to be given notice, it only takes about six to eight weeks. Supreme Court First Judicial Circuit Second Judicial Circuit Third Judicial Circuit Fourth Judicial Circuit Fifth Judicial Circuit Sixth . Yes, you will be required to pay the Clerks Office a nominal fee to serve by Certified Mail. For further information and assistance, contact The Office of the Chief Judge - Chicago Volunteer Legal Services - Guardianship Assistance Desk for Minors at the following address and telephone number: 69 W. Washington St., Room 1020 Click here, After Hours Domestic Violence filing Start here, 50 West Washington St., Step 3: Serving your summons. Calendar Estate of Deceased IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - PROBATE DIVISION. Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union: Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County. Please note that the court will also do a background check and an abuse and neglect check on the prospective guardian(s), and this may take between four to six weeks to complete. The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. Once guardianship papers (the petition) are filed with the court, the process takes about six to ten weeks. The clerk's office will file your paperwork, provide you with a case number, assign a judge to your case, and issue your summons. 50 West Washington St., All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. or go in person to the appropriate Clerk of Court Service Location to order, purchase or view copies of court records. Chicago, IL 60602. ; the administration of estates of decedents, disabled persons, minors and wards; and petitions pursuant to the Illinois Insurance Code. On this page and the associated links, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County provides helpful information to assist customers in clearing their records. Civil Court Records - Filed on or after 04/01/2013, Juvenile and Adoption Court Records - Filed on or after 01/06/2014, Criminal Court Records - Filed on or after 01/06/2014. 540 SE 3rd Avenue, Room 02460 Case Number. Court . Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically file them Also, if able, the parents must contribute money to support the child. State of Illinois Department on Aging The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. Calendar Estate of RECEIPT ON DISTRIBUTION Deceased I, [printed name of the distributee] , acknowledge receipt of my share of the estate as follows: I appear, waive notice and consent to the approval of the (CURRENT)(FINAL) ACCOUNT of . Click here for instructions on how to enable javascript. Court documents are available for purchase from the Archives Division or Court Division in which the case is filed. Certified Mail fees are subject to be changed by the U.S. The following sample forms are available: Information for Law Enforcement on Bond Cards, Petition For Authorization to Issue Bond Certifica, Petition For Authorization To Act As A Civil Suret, Part 20 (Rules) Court-Annexed Civil Mediation, Juvenile Justice&Child Protection Resource Section, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Unio. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Additionally, the Clerk will protect non-public information as determined by court ruling and statute. Money Orders (Funds must be drawn on a U.S. bank). For cases where no one is available to be guardian of the disabled person; an agency is required to be guardian of the person and/or estate; and there are assets GREATER THAN $25,000. Phone: 312-793-5900. The fee will vary depending on the amount of your claim. Location: 69 West Washington St., Room 1800, Chicago, IL 60602. For standardized forms that have been approved for use by the Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice pursuant to Rule 10-101 can be found at the link below. Miami: (305) 714-1800 West Palm Beach: (561) 514-4100. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically . Partners with the Chief Judge to deploy a touch screen interface allowing judges to enter court orders electronically in the implementation of the Interactive Orders System (IOS). IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, LAW DIVISION CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET - CASE INITIATION A Civil Action Cover Sheet - Case Initiation shall be fi led with the complaint in all civil actions. Martinez was named Majority Caucus Whip in 2013 and became Assistant Majority Leader again in 2018. Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. There are five options for serving your summons. Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Martinez On November 3, 2020, Clerk Iris Y. Martinez made history when elected as the first Latina Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, the largest of the 24 judicial circuits in Illinois as well as one of the largest unified court systems in the world. Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Y. Martinez and her staff will be providing cook county residents with essential information about court cases and records. your computer, then UPLOAD the saved form(s) to the eFiling portal. Is your court hearing being held via Zoom? Since the Clerk took office on December 1, 2020, she has centered efforts on the statutory duties and responsibilities of the Office while supporting her mission to update and increase the use of technology, transform operations, and increase transparency while providing the proper COVID-19 safeguards at all our locations for our employees and constituents. County Clerk's Office https://www.cookcountyclerkil.gov/vital-records, City of Chicago - Department of Aging Please see below disclaimer. For instance, with a guardianship, parents can visit the child or challenge the guardian's power, and they can get custody back by going to court. Can take up to 2 weeks once request is received. Clerk Martinezs involvement with the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus, including previously serving as a Co-Chair, expanded her work on initiatives of importance to minority communities. NOTE: Eviction/Joint Action cases cannot be served by Certified Mail. First Name or First Initial (Do not use Middle Name or Initial) Record Types: Bankruptcy and Immigration, Main Number: (305) 523-5210 Chicago, IL 60602. Only viewable electronic court documents can be purchased online. NOTE: DO NOT SEND CASH. These forms are available in the Civil Division of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County (Clerk's Office) in Room 601 of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington St., Chicago, IL, 60602 or at . Custer County Courthouse. Probate Forms - Cook County. The links below include information on the adult expungement process. Access to online court documents are governed by the Florida Courts Technology Standards. Last Name: Required Field. Include a self-addressed stamped business envelope and allow a minimum of two weeks for a response. The types of cases heard include contract, property damage, personal injury, eviction, replevin, housing, attachments, and garnishments. You may serve by Certified Mail if your claim does not exceed $10,000, and the defendant is in the state of Illinois (check the box for Certified Mail on the summons). Below is a summary of the types of electronic court documents that are available for access online. The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. I want to file a civil lawsuit; what forms do I need and where can I get them? Please enter Name Information Below. Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County. To obtain a copy of a marriage license filed in Broward County, Florida, submit the following information: NOTE: The marriage license division can only assist you with Marriage Licenses filed in Broward County, Florida, Marriage Division She made history once again by serving as Assistant Majority Leader from 2007-2008, a position never before held by a Latina. For more information on your eligibility and the process, including the necessary forms, pleaseclick here. Phone: 312-603-0800. https://services.cookcountyclerkofcourt.org/Forms/Forms/pdf_files/CCG0603.pdf. For Funds Deposited per Court Order in Probate Case, Inheritance Tax, Refunds - Contact Maria Pappas 312-443-5100. ** Go to Service . *For more court forms, please visit the Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Courts website and theIllinois Supreme Courtswebsite, Privacy PolicyDisclaimerLegal Holiday ScheduleRules of the Court Orders of the Court. Court Forms Search|Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Clerk's Home Page To use online forms with the Clerk's Office'sElectronic Filing (eFiling) system, first SAVE the completed form(s) to Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. Deuel County Courthouse. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically file them Suggestions? For cases where no one is available to be guardian of the disabled person; an agency is required to be guardian of the person and/or estate; and there are assets of LESS THAN $25,000. Postal Service. For further assistance, contact the Marriage Division at (954) 831-7283. Location: 160 N. LaSalle St., Suite S-500, Chicago, IL 60601. i+_@WTu>Bq',2i 8 endstream endobj 160 0 obj <>stream I, the undersigned (attorney for the) Petitioner, CERTIFY that I examined the Clerk's file, docket, and the computer %PDF-1.7 % State of Illinois Treasurers Office - Unclaimed Property Page Below, you will find various options on how to purchase or view recently filed electronic or older hard-copy paper court documents The process is fast, easy, convenient, secure and more environmentally friendly in comparison to purchasing paper certified documents. Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Y. Martinez and her staff will be providing cook county residents with essential information about court cases and records. Click here, After Hours Domestic Violence filing Start here. If you are unable to locate or view copies of court documents online, submit a The initiative aims to present one united voice in stopping the spread of COVID-19. If you are unable to locate or view copies of court documents online, submit a Court Records Request Form to the Archives division. . If they have to be informed by mail or by publication (in a newspaper), it takes six to ten weeks. Pro se petitioners can visit the Daley Center Room 602 or call 312-603-5626 with any questions. Circuit Court of Cook County, Probate Division Richard J. Daley Center, 18th Floor 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 CCP 0222 B (12/01/20) File No. Because every family situation is unique, the sample forms below may not fit your circumstances exactly. Pro se petitioners can file for up to $3,000 in small claims. Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Invitation to join us at Circuit Court Clerk in the Community, Emergency Order of Protection-Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division. This is a secured portal for users of the Illinois State . Older court documents can only be purchased from the Archives Division. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE OF PERSONAL FIDUCIARY, ACCESS TO JUSTICE COMMISSION: Certificate of Adoption, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PARKING VIOLATION - VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENT HEARING INFORMATION SHEET, ADOPTION - DENIAL OF PATERNITY WITH ENTRY OF APPEARANCE AND CONSENT TO ADOPT, ADOPTION SUBSEQUENT CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER, AFFIDAVIT AND SERVICE BY SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER, AFFIDAVIT FOR CHANGE OF NAME - ADDRESS "UNCLAIMED CHECK", AFFIDAVIT FOR GANISHMENT(NON-WAGE)-MUNICIPAL, AFFIDAVIT FOR SERVICE (705 ILCS 405/2-16), AFFIDAVIT FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION/POSTING, AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF PETITION TO ADOPT, AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF PETITION TO EXPUNGE OR SEAL (EXPUNGEMENT), AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF WARRANT AND ORDER, AFFIDAVIT OF ADOPTING PARENTSORIGINAL / AMENDED, AFFIDAVIT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (FOR COURT APPOINTED COUNSEL IN CRIMINAL CASES), AFFIDAVIT OF LOST, MISSING OR STOLEN CHECK, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS OUTSIDE COOK COUNTY, AGREED PETITION FOR REFUND OF FEES COLLECTED, ANSWER (RESPONSE) FOR COMPLAINTS (PETITIONS) FOR CIVIL AREAS OF LAW, ANSWER TO CITATION TO DISCOVER ASSETS PROCEEDING, APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR TRANSFER OF WILL, APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PLAN FOR COURT COSTS, FINES, AND OR FEES, APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF CRIMINAL COURT ASSESSMENTS, APPROVAL BY BENEFICIARY OF TRUST ON CLOSING OF DECEDENT'S ESTATE, ATTACHMENT - COMPLAINT (POST JUDGMENT PROCEEDINGS), ATTORNEY CODE REQUEST AND OPT IN/OPT OUT FOR ELECTRONIC CASE MANAGEMENT NOTICE, AUTHORIZATION FOR ACCESS TO RECORDS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, AUTHORIZATION TO CANCEL ELECTRONIC AND BANK BY MAIL DIRECT DEPOSIT, AUTOMATIC EXPUNGEMENT ORDER 705 ILCS 405/5-915 (0.2)(a), AUTOMATIC EXPUNGEMENT ORDER 705 ILCS 405/5-915 (0.3)(a), BOND - CERTIORARI - WORKMENS COMPENSATION, BOND FOR SALE OR MORTGAGE OF REAL ESTATE - NO SURETY, BOND FOR SALE OR MORTGAGE OF REAL ESTATE - SURETY, BOND OF DISTRIBUTEE - SAMMARY ADMINISTRATION, BYSTANDERS REPORT OR AGREED STATEMENT OF FACTS, CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE ORDER/ADJUDICATORY OR DISPOSITIONAL HEARING, CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE ORDER/TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, CERTIFICATE - RECORD TO REVIEWING COURT FOR APPELLATE COURT, CERTIFICATE AND MOTION FOR DEFAULT PROVE-UP IN SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL DISTRICT, CERTIFICATE AND RECEIPT FOR RECORD ON APPEAL, CERTIFICATE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR DEFAULT, CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE/CIVIL UNION INVALIDITY OR LEGAL SEPARATION, CERTIFICATE OF MAILING (WORKER'S COMPENSATION), CERTIFICATE OF MAILING GARNISHMENTS (NON-WAGE), CERTIFICATE OF MAILING NOTICE BY PUBLICATION, CERTIFICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM E-FILING (APPELLATE COURT), CERTIFICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM E-FILING (CIRCUIT COURT), CERTIFICATION VOUCHERS - DECEDENT'S ESTATE, CHANCERY DIVISION CIVIL COVER SHEET - MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE/MECHANICS LIEN, CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATION FOR PRO SE LITIGANTS, CHANGE OF VENUE (CERTIFICATION OF COURT RECORD), CHILD PROTECTION WARRANT MINOR UNDER THE LEGAL CUSTODY OF PARENT OR PRIVATE GUARDIAN, CHILD PROTECTION WARRANT MINOR UNDER THE TEMPORARY CUSTODIANSHIP OR GUARDIANSHIP OF DCFS GUARDIANSHI, CIRCUIT COURT RULE 13.4(F) CONSOLIDATED REFERRAL ORDER, CIVIL DIVISION COVER SHEET REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING FOREIGN MONEY JUDGEMENT, CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER, CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE SUBSEQUENT CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER, CLASS "C" MISDEMEANORS - ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS: INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTION OF DEFENDANT, CLERK'S OFFICE CERTIFICATION - COURT DOCUMENTS, COMMERCIAL CALENDAR MANDATORY ARBITRATION SCHEDULE, COMMISSION FOR DEPOSITION OF WITNESS TO WILL, COMMISSION TO TAKE DEPOSITION OUTSIDE ILLINOIS, COMPLAINT AND CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT - OTHER THAN LEASE, COMPLAINT AND CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT ON LEASE, COMPLAINT FOR ILLINOIS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW, CONSENT FOR RELEASE/DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE DRUG COURT PROGRAM, CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE MENTAL HEALTH COURT PROGRAM, CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE VETERANS COURT PROGRAM, CONTESTED MOTION BRIEFING SCHEDULE ORDER- ROOM 1401, CONTINUATION ORDER AND DETERMINATION AS TO THE APPLICATION OF 25 USC 1901 ET SEQ (ICWA), COOK COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY, COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY - ORDER APPOINTING COUNSEL, COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY - ORDER FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES, DECLARATION OF PATERNITY WITH ENTRY OF APPEARANCE, DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY FOR STATE OF ILLINOIS EXECUTIVE ORDER 2020-72, DECLARATION UNDER UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION ACT (UCCJA), DEFENDANT'S PETITION REQUESTING REFUND OF BAIL TO ATTORNEY OF RECORD (CRIMINAL), DEFINITIONS PURSUANT TO THE ILLINOIS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT, DENIAL/DISMISSAL/ CONTINUANCE OF OP"S, SNCO"S & CNCO"S, DISPOSITION ORDER - FIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDER, DISPOSITION ORDER STALKING NO CONTACT ORDER, DIVORCE (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE/CIVIL UNION), CHILD SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE, DOMESTIC RELATIONS ACCESS TO JUSTICE ADDENDUM, FEE EXEMPT AND REDUCED FEE AGENCY COVERSHEET, FINAL AND IRREVOCABLE CONSENT TO ADOPTION, FINAL AND IRREVOCABLE CONSENT TO ADOPTION BY A SPECIFIED PERSON OR PERSONS: NON-DCFS CASE, FINAL IRREVOCABLE WAIVER OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF PUTATIVE OR LEGAL FATHER, FINAL REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVE, FIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDER WARRANT FOR FIREARMS, FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER JURY TRANSFER ORDER, FOREIGN JUDGMENT REGISTRATION COVER SHEET, GARNISHMENT SUMMONS TO CONFIRM CONDITIONAL JUDGMENT (NON-WAGE), GENERAL CHANCERY COURT-ANNEXED MEDIATION ORDER OF REFERRAL, GUARDIAN'S NOTICE TO COURT AND PARENTS OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS WITHIN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, GUARDIAN'S PET TO REMOVE MINOR FROM IL FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS, GUARDIAN'S PET TO REMOVE MINOR FROM IL FOR MORE THAN 48 HOURS, GUARDIAN'S PETITION TO MOVE OUTSIDE THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT FORM-MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE, INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEARING BY VIDEO MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CASES, INSTRUCTIONS TO GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY, JOINT ACTION COMMERCIAL EVICTION COMPLAINT-RENT/ DAMAGE CLAIMS, JOINT NOTICE OF COLLABORATIVE PROCESS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, JOINT NOTICE OF CONCLUSION OF COLLABORATIVE PROCESS, JOINT PETITION FOR SIMPLIFIED DISSOLUTION, JOINT SIMPLIFIED DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS, JURY WAIVER AND WAIVER OF PRE-SENTENCE REPORT, JUVENILE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION TERMINATION, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CALENDAR CALL FORM (ANNUAL/TEMPORARY USE FORM), MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CASE MANAGEMENT/STATUS ORDER (RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL), MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MEDIATION 21-DAY STATUS ORDER, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MEDIATION REFERRAL ORDER, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MEDIATION STATUS ORDER, MOTION - LEAVE TO AMEND OR PETITION FOR ADJUDICATE WARDSHIP, MOTION AND MOTION TO CONTINUE FORMS FOR CIVIL AREAS OF LAW, MOTION AND ORDER TO VACATE DISMISSAL WITHIN THIRTY DAYS, MOTION AND ORDER TO VACATE ORDER OF DEFAULT, MOTION TO APPOINT APPELLATE BAR ATTORNEY TO ORDER TRANSCRIPT AND TO RELEASE IMPOUNDED MATERIALS, MOVANTS PROSE SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION TO REINSTATE WARDSHIP PACKET, NOTICE - MOTION WAGE DEDUCTION EXEMPT HEARING, NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT, NOTICE MOTION EXEMPT HEARING GARNISHMENT NON WAGE, NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WITHIN COURT FILING, NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT - INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF REPLEVIN, NOTICE OF LAW DIVISION MANDATORY ARBITRATION AWARD, NOTICE OF MOTION AND STATUS CALL (DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY), NOTICE OF MOTION CITATION EXEMPTION HEARING, NOTICE OF MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF EVICTION WRIT, NOTICE OF PERSONAL IDENTITY INFORMATION WITHIN COURT FILING, NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ORDER, NOTICE OF REJECTION OF AWARD (ARBITRATION), NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF COLLABORATIVE PROCESS, NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, NOTICE REQUIRING APPEARANCE IN PENDING ACTION (FORCIBLE), NOTICE TO HEIRS & LEGATEES - FOREIGN WILL ADMITTED, NOTICE TO HEIRS & LEGATEES - FOREIGN WILL DENIED, NOTICE TO HEIRS & LEGATEES - WILL ADMITTED, NOTICE TO HEIRS - PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, OATH AND BOND OF REPRESENTATIVE - NO SURETY, OFFICE OF ADOPTION AND CHILD CUSTODY REFERRAL ORDER, ORDER - APPOINTING ATTORNEY OR GUARDIAN AD LITEM, ORDER - DISCOVERY CLOSURE AND ARBITRATION, ORDER - INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF JUDGMENT AND COSTS, ORDER - SCHEDULING AND PRE TRIAL PROCEEDINGS, ORDER - SOURCE OF BAIL COMMITMENT (CRIMINAL), ORDER ADMINISTRATION OF CHILD SUPPORT RECORDS, ORDER ADMITTING WILL AS TO OMITTED OR UNNOTIFIED PERSON, ORDER ADMITTING WILL TO PROBATE AND APPOINTING REPRESENTATIVE, ORDER ALLOWING PETITIONER TO OBTAIN DEATH CERTIFICATE, ORDER ALLOWING PETITIONER TO OBTAIN MINORS BIRTH CERTIFICATE, ORDER APPOINTING CHILDS REPRESENTATIVE, GUARDIAN AD LITEM, OR ATTORNEY FOR MINOR CHILD(REN), ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR ALLEGED DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN/SUCCESSOR GUARDIAN OF THE PERSON OF A MINOR, ORDER APPOINTING LIMITED CO-GUARDIAN OF A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY, ORDER APPOINTING LIMITED GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPOINTING OR DISCHARGING CASA VOLUNTEER, ORDER APPOINTING OR EXTENDING GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE, ORDER APPOINTING PLENARY CO-GUARDIANS OF A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY, ORDER APPOINTING PLENARY GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPOINTING REPRESENTATIVE OF DECEDENT'S ESTATE - INTESTATE, ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN AS LIMITED GUARDIAN OF DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN OF DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN AS GUARDIAN OF MINOR, ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN AS PLENARY GUARDIAN OF DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN OF MINOR, ORDER APPOINTING TEMPORARY GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSON, ORDER APPROVING FUNDS FOR SOURCE OF BAIL (CRIMINAL), ORDER CONVERTING TO INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION (ESTATE TO REMAIN OPEN), ORDER CONVERTING TO INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLOSING ESTATE, ORDER DENYING PETITION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF RELIEF FROM DISABILITIES OR DENYING ENLARGEMENT OF RELIE, ORDER DENYING PETITION FOR CORRECTION AND SEALING OF AN ARREST AND CONVICTION RECORD DUE TO CRIMINAL, ORDER DENYING PETITION FOR EXPEDITED JUDICIAL DETERMINATION OF FACTUAL INNOCENCE, ORDER DENYING PETITION TO SEAL CRIMINAL RECORDS, ORDER DIRECTING REPRESENTATIVE TO SHOW CAUSE, ORDER DISAPPROVING FUNDS FOR SOURCE OF BAIL (CRIMINAL), ORDER DISMISSING PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, ORDER EXTENDING TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OF ALLEGED DISABLED PERSON, ORDER FOR ADMISSION OF WILL AND SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION, ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEDIATOR (MEDIATION), ORDER FOR DIGNIFIED EXIT CONSULTATION WITH CVLS, ORDER FOR ENROLLMENT IN DRUG TESTING AND/OR ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM, ORDER FOR INVESTIGATION OF AN APPLICANT BY THE COOK COUNTY ADULT PROBATION DEPARTMENT FOR A CERTIFIC, ORDER FOR LEAVE TO SETTLE CAUSE OF ACTION - WRONGFUL DEATH, ORDER FOR PAYMENT OF COURT-APPOINTED COUNSEL, ORDER FOR PHYSICAL AND/OR MENTAL EXAMINATION OF A PARENT, GUARDIAN OR CUSTODIAN, ORDER FOR PUBLICATION AND WAIVER OF PUBLICATION FEE, ORDER FOR RELEASE OF MENTAL HEALTH RECORDS, ORDER FOR STATUS ON ORDER OF PROTECTION/CIVIL NO CONTACT ORDER/CIVIL NO CONTACT ORDER-STALKING, ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTION OF JUDGE OR RECUSAL, ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTION OF JUDGE, CHANGE OF VENUE, OR RECUSAL, ORDER FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION (INTESTATE), ORDER GRANTING PETITION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF RELIEF FROM DISABILITIES OR ENLARGING RELIEF PREVIOUSLY, ORDER GRANTING PROBATION OFFICER LEAVE TO WITHDRAW, ORDER OF ADJUDICATION OF INDIRECT CIVIL CONTEMPT AND\OR ORDER OF COMMITMENT, ORDER OF ADJUDICATION OF INDIRECT CIVIL CONTEMPT FOR FAILURE TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT, ORDER OF CONTINUANCE - THEFT DETERRENT PROGRAM, ORDER OF DISCHARGE-INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, ORDER OF DISTRIBUTION TO REPRESENTATIVE OF FOREIGN COUNTRY, ORDER OF PROTECTION PROOF OF SERVICE IN OPEN COURT, ORDER OF REFERRAL TO LAW DIVISIONS MANDATORY ARBITRATION, ORDER ON MOTION FILE APPEARANCE, ANSWER, OR JURY DEMAND, ORDER ON MOTION TO APPOINT AN APPELLATE BAR ATTORNEY, ORDER ON PETITION FOR GUARDIAN OF A MINOR, ORDER ON PETITION TO TERMINATE GUARDIANSHIP, ORDER ON RULE TO SHOW CAUSE (CHILD SUPPORT), ORDER PLACING ESTATE ON INACTIVE CALENDAR, ORDER REGARDING SERVICE ON PARENT, GUARDIAN OR CUSTODIAN, ORDER REGARDING SUBSTITUTION OF JUDGE OR RECUSAL, ORDER RESETTING LAW DIVISION MANDATORY ARBITRATION HEARING, ORDER SETTING BRIEFING SCHEDULE ON CONTESTED MATTER, ORDER SETTING CASE FOR TRIAL CONFERENCE AND TRIAL, ORDER SETTING MATTER FOR MEDIATION OF ATTORNEY'S FEES, ORDER TERMINATING INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, ORDER TO AMEND IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ON PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF WARDSHIP, ORDER TO ISSUE CORRECTED BIRTH CERTIFICATE, ORDER TO NOTIFY THE ILLINOIS STATE POLICE OF AN ADJUDICATION AFFECTING FOID STATUS, ORDER TO NOTIFY THE ISP OF AN ADJUDICATION AS A MENTAL DEFECTIVE, ORDER TO RELEASE ALL RECORDS REGARDING ALL TREATMENT, ORDER TO RESCHEDULE MEDIATION OF ATTORNEY'S FEES, ORDER TO SETTLE CAUSE OF ACTION - MINOR'S ESTATE, ORDER TO TURN OVER FUNDS (POST JUDGMENT PROCEEDINGS), ORDER TRANSFERRING FROM LAW TO CIVIL DIVISION, ORDER UPON REVIEW OF TREATMENT PLAN SUBMITTED PURSUANT TO 405 ILCS 5/3-814, ORDER/GRANTING DEFENDANT MOTION FOR EXEMPTION, ORDER/TREATMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO 405 ILCS 5/3-814, ORDERS OF TRANSFER, ASSIGNMENT, AND REASSIGNMENT, PETITION BY NONRESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO LEASE, SELL OR MORTGAGE PROPERTY, PETITION BY REPRESENTATIVE OF FOREIGN COUNTRY TO RECEIVE DISTRIBUTION, PETITION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF RELIEF FROM DISABILITIES OR TO ENLARGE THE RELIEF PREVIOUSLY GRANTED I, PETITION FOR ADMISSION OF WILL AND SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION, PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A CONFIDENTIAL INTERMEDIARY, PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY, PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF STANDBY GUARDIAN OF MINOR, PETITION FOR CORRECTION AND SEALING OF AN ARREST AND CONVICTION RECORD DUE TO CRIMINAL IDENTITY THEF, PETITION FOR DECLARATION OF EMANCIPATION OF A MINOR, PETITION FOR DEPOSITION OF WITNESS TO WILL, PETITION FOR EXPEDITED JUDICIAL DETERMINATION OF FACTUAL INNOCENCE (FINANCIAL IDENTITY THEFT), PETITION FOR HEARING ON THE SOURCE OF BAIL FUNDS TENDERED OR SOUGHT TO BE TENDERED FOR BAIL, PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION TO COLLECT, PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS OF ADMINSTRATION WITH WILL ANNEXED, PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION (INTESTATE), PETITION FOR TEMPROARY GUARDIAN OF ALLEGED PERSON WITH A DISABILITY, PETITION FOR WITHDRAWAL OF WARDS DEPOSITED FUNDS, PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AD TESTIFICANDUM, PETITION OF APPOINTMENT OF STANDBY GUARDIAN OF DISABLED PERSON, PETITION TO APPOINT STANDBY GUARDIAN AS GUARDIAN OF DISABLED PERSON, PETITION TO ADMIT WILL AS TO OMITTED OR UNNOTIFIED PERSON, PETITION TO APPOINT STANDBY GUARDIAN AS GUARDIAN OF MINOR, PETITION TO CONVERT TO INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, PETITION TO EXTEND TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OF ALLEGED DISABLED PERSON, PETITION TO GRANT POSSESSION OF REAL ESTATE, PETITION TO RESCIND STATUTORY SUMMARY SUSPENSION, PETITION TO SEAL CRIMINAL RECORDS - NO FEE REQUIRED UNTIL 1/1/2018, PETITION TO SETTLE CAUSE OF ACTION - MINOR'S ESTATE, PETITION TO SETTLE CAUSE OF ACTION - WRONGFUL DEATH, PETITION TO TERMINATE INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, PETITION TO VACATE BOND FORFEITURE AND JUDGMENT (CRIMINAL), PLAINTIFF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE PURSUANT TO IL SUPREME CT ORDER ON EVICTIONS 2/23/21, PRO SE COMPLAINT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW (DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY), PRO SE COMPLAINT FOR ILLINOIS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW, PRO-SE COMPLAINT FOR IL ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW, PROBATE DIVISION MEDIATION REFERRAL ORDER, PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING RECORDED INTERVIEW OF A MINOR CHILD, QUALIFICATIONS FOR SAME DAY DIVORCE INFORMATION SHEET, QUALIFIED RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT PROGRAMS (QRTP): FINDINGS AND ORDER, RECEIPT AND APPROVAL ON CLOSING OF DECEDENT'S ESTATE IN INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, RECEIPT OF DISTRIBUTEE TO ATTORNEY-IN-FACT OR CONSUL, REJECTION OF LAW DIVISON MANDATORY ARBITRATION AWARD, RELEASE (SATISFACTION) OF JUDGMENT (EMPLOYER) (GARNISHEE), RELEASE OF ESTATE'S INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE UNDER INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION, REPORT OF CONVICTION TO THE ILLINOIS STATE POLICE FOR MISDEMEANOR CRIMES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FEDERA, REPRESENTATION BY CIVIL LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDER, REQUEST AND ORDER SETTING CASE FOR REMOTE VIDEO PROCEEDING, REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED COPIES OF COURT RECORDS IN ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS, REQUEST FOR PREPARATION OF RECORD ON APPEAL, REQUEST FOR PREPARATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD ON APPEAL, REQUEST FOR REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS (TRANSCRIPTS), REQUEST FOR THE PREPARATION OF RECORD ON APPEAL, REQUEST TO THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TO ISSUE SUMMONS (WORKER'S COMPENSATION), RESOLUTION ASSISTANCE PILOT PROGRAM ORDER, RULE 218 CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE ORDER, STATEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT (Includes Self-Employed and Temporary Agency Work), STATEMENT OF NOTICE TO TRUST BENEFICIARIES, STATEMENT OF RIGHT TO PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF ADJUDICATION OF DISABILITY, REVOCATION OF LETTERS, STATEMENT RELATING TO TRUST BENEFICIARIES, STATUS REPORT - SUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION, STIPULATION AND REQUEST TO HEAR UNCONTESTED CAUSE IN SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL DISTRICT, SUBPOENA FOR A FOREIGN ACTION COVER SHEET, SUMMONS - DETINUE/REGISTRATION OF A FOREIGN JUDGMENT, SUMMONS - OBJECTION TO FAST TRACK DEMOLITION, SUMMONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY, SUMMONS TO CONFIRM JUDGMENT BY CONFESSION, SUMMONS TO INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION (WORKER'S COMPENSATION REVIEW), SUMMONS TO RESPONDENT (WORKER'S COMPENSATION REVIEW), SUPPLEMENTARY WAGE DEDUCTION ORDER/TURNOVER ORDER (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2009), TRANSFER FILE OUT OF COOK COUNTY REQUEST FORM, TRANSFER ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTION OF JUDGE, CHANGE OF VENUE OR RECUSAL, TRANSFER ORDER FROM A GENERAL CHANCERY CALENDAR TO A MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CALENDER, TRANSFER ORDER FROM A MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE/MECHANICS LIEN SECTION CALENDAR TO A GENERAL CHANCERY CAL, TRANSFER ORDER FROM ANOTHER DIVISION FOR ASSIGNMENT TO MECHANICS LIEN SECTION, TRANSFER ORDER INTO CHANCERY FROM ANOTHER DIVISION, TRANSFER ORDER SUBSTITUTION OF JUDGE/RECUSAL, TRANSFER ORDER TO DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION, TRANSFER ORDER TO PRESIDING JUDGE 1301 POST EARLY RESOLUTION PROGRAM, TRANSFER ORDER WITH DIVISION TO MECHANICS LIEN SECTION, TRANSFER ORDER WITHIN DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION, TRANSPORTATION ORDER - DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, UNIFORM SETTLEMENT PRETRIAL CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM, VERIFIED PETITION FOR FIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDER, VOLUNTARY ORDER FOR ENROLLMENT IN ALCOHOL MONITORING PROGRAM, WAIVER OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING TIME LIMIT, WAIVER OF COURT FEES (CIVIL AREAS OF LAW), WAIVER OF COURT FEES (CRIMINAL AREAS OF LAW), WAIVER OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT TO BE PHYSICALLY PRESENT IN COURT.
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