bullberry vs mgm barrels
Thanks, SSK-50/G1 CONTENDER (EASY OPEN ONLY) RECEIVER COMPONENTS, SSK-50/Contender/G2 Contender Platform Barrels/Bases, BURRIS SIGNATURE UNIVERSAL DOVETAIL RINGS 1" AND 30MM, USED/SALE ITEMS/NEW PRODUCTS/DISCONTINUED, Accurizing- Hammer Entensions, Hinge Pins, Custom Ammo, ENHANCED TRIGGER JOB ON YOUR USED G2 CONTENDER FRAME, ENHANCED TRIGGER JOB ON YOUR USED ENCORE/PROHUNTER FRAME, COMPLETE FACTORY REBUILD ON YOUR USED G1 CONTENDER EASY OPEN FRAME, HausofArms/MGM 6.5 Creedmoor 24" SS Heavy Contour Barrels w/Threads and Cap, HausofArms/MGM 450 Bushmaster 20" SS FULL Contour Barrels w/Adaptors and Threads and 6 hole base, HausofArms/MGM 357 REM MAX 20" SS Heavy Contour Encore Barrels w/Threads and Cap, HausofArms/MGM 357 REM MAX 20" SS BULL Contour Contender Barrels W/THREADS, HausofArms/MGM 300 Blackout 16 1/4" SS Heavy Contour Encore Barrels w/Threads, HausofArms/MGM 300 Blackout 16 1/4" SS Bull Contender Barrels W/THREADS, HausofArms/MGM 22 Hornet 20" SS Heavy Contour Encore Barrels W/THREADS/CAP, HausofArms/MGM 223 REMINGTON 20" SS Bull Contender Barrels W/THREADS, HausofArms/MGM 30/30 Winchester 20" SS Heavy Contour Encore Barrels w/Threads/Cap, HausofArms/MGM 6.5 PRC 26" SS Heavy Contour Barrel W/THREAD AND CAP AND BASE, HausofArms/MGM 300 WinMAG 24" SS FULL Contour Encore Barrels w/Adaptors w/base w/threads, HausOfArms/MGM 350 Legend SS 20" Heavy Contour Encore Barrel W/THREAD AND CAP, HausOfArms/MGM SS 350 Legend 20" Bull Contour Contender Barrel W/THREADS, T/C Encore MGM Custom 4 hole Steel Scope Base Blue (E1B) w/Screws, T/C Contender MGM Custom 4 hole Steel Scope Base Blue (C1B) w/Screws. I didn't even think of that. Scopes for TC's. Quick View. Just a little fair warning about MGM. I discovered that the owners of Bullberry Barrel Works had retired, and turned over the business to Troy, their long-standing machinist (over 20 years MGM 221 Fireball MGM SS Bull, MGM base 7mmT/C 14 Blue Bull Barrel 7-30 Waters Blue Bull Barrel 223 Rem. Compared to the .410s, which are very clunky, this one will make the Contender handle like a shotgun. Bullberry had a long delivery time frame, two months to be exact. All were top notch. Just wanted to share cause I saw one bad experience but I've had 4 great ones. I would think that if I were making finished barrels, I would want a test fixture to put a few rounds in paper to confirm and include it with barrel for the end user. Top #804763 - 11/24/07 02:22 PM Re: EABCO Accuracy barrel for Encore? The addition of integral muzzle brakes, or requesting an upgrade to a longer special-order blank can adjust these typical maximums; a price increase may apply. in 454. The barrel does have a light scuff mark or two. The addition of integral muzzle brakes, or requesting an upgrade to a longer special-order blank can adjust these typical maximums; a price increase may apply. Check out SSK. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I agree with Tex, my MGM 460 barrel, and my 357 Max barrel shoot plenty good for me.Congrat"s on the new barrel R.T. Item is in great shape, showing only mild wear namely from installation on to frame. Reactions: CWLONGSHOT. I love the feel of the barrel, it just feels well made. These are handload-only chambers and will NOT accept once-fired and/or remanufactured brass. But wont group at all at 175 GM54-120 Administrator Staff member ADMIN Global Moderator Supporting member Joined Just a little fair warning about MGM. .357 Rem. After several thousand rounds, it still performs exceptionally well in Big Bore and 1/2 scale competition. TC Links. Bullberry Hanger System. How do they stack up, quality wise? .357 Remington Magnum. Opinions on Bullberry barrels / frames wanted. handloading amp range testing the bullberry 6 5 tcu load data amp 100 yard results reloading firearm cast bullet bullet casting and more information articles, shooting paper targets is a good way to practice your precision shooting but for high speed run and gun dynamic shootingnothing quite compares to a good steel target personally i 17 HMR 9 Stainless. 12 inch OTC -TC 'Match' Barrel @ 25 yd's. See more Reply Save Like H HuskerP7M8 Thank you. And they decided it was time to retire Bullberry. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Encore/Contender & TCR Rifle Sponsored by Ed's TC. long range gun. Just a little fair warning about MGM. The 357 MAX and 44 Mag are BB, 12" SS. Ackley's barrel machinery to Match Grade Machine (MGM) along with enough of my own . Jul 24, 2011. kappajoe. Still trying to contact him, but not getting my hopes up. 14 weeks later, they finally get their barrels 14? As accurate as any hunting rifle I own. I just bought two different factory barrels, like new for less than $200 each. It's 24" long, fixed full choke, and has custom tapered profile. Sed vehicula tortor sit amet nunc tristique mollis., Mauris consequat velit non sapien laoreet, quis varius nisi dapibus. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Includes Weaver scope base and rings, as well as Burris 2.5-7 handgun scope already mounted. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. configuration, instead of a ?Super 14? I hit within about 1.5 inches from my aiming point, I was using a tree to lean against. s4s4u's post may serve as an option on your 460. Sounds like they have gotten sloppy. Here is an example of their work in 500 S & W Magnum. I ordered it in April, and they ran me down to the wire on getting before an Elk hunt I had ordered it for. A few years ago I got my .260 barrel from MGM and even though it took a while (they told me ahead of time it would take 3 months and it took like 3 months and two weeks) what I got was what I ordered good shooting barrel, too. I have both Bullberry and MGM. Suppose to be a 3 month wait but it ended up over 6 months. I've bought 4 MGM barrels over the past 3 year and all have been very accurate and great quality. Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Their prices seem to be right in line with Bullberry's. by All custom barrel pricing includes: Bullberry hanger system. Whether youre looking for some of the very last barrels to be made by Bullberry or some guns or accessories from Freds personal collection, you wont be disappointed. Sent it back priority mail so they would have it back ASAP, it sat there in their shop from 12/12 till 12/23 before I got an email back saying they don't rifle the blanks so they won't replace it. Started in 1988, Fred Smith, who was a recently retired Las Vegas Firefighter set up shop in Southern Utah and got to work. My favorites, 6 TCU, 25 TCU, 250 Savage Improved, 6.5/284 & the 338/284. For hunting, we want power, accuracy and effectiveness. Oct 31, 2022 #2 I can't speak for SSK. The twist is 1-11". .357 Remington Magnum. I want to get a G2 Contender, and I want a 6.5 Grendel barrel for it. MGM's delivery is quoted 4 to 6 weeks and their barrels are accurate. I get 2650 fps with 125 Nosler ballistic tips and under 1" at 100 yards all day long. 207-7730. Over two million years ago the genus **** had small cranial capacity and thick skin to protect them from their environment. Barrel is super solid, it's 11 eabco barrels reviews. Click on either of the to-scale profile drawings below to open a larger PDF file for easier viewing. Custom barrels chambered in 7.62 x 39 will be built on a true .308" groove barrel. My dad and brother T/C 10" Blue Bull Barrel MGM 223 Pacnor barrels are excellent. First and foremost, we want to talk with you. After several thousand rounds, it still performs exceptionally well in Big Bore and 1/2 scale competition. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ballisticaviation/. JavaScript is disabled. Match Grade Machine offers custom barrels in the most popular calibers for Contender G2 Thompson Center Encore and Original Contender Savage and RemAge! SeeAll Yup, had one, missed a hog with it and it's gone. These products are commonly made for traditional military chambers with larger bore sizes or have been fired in oversized chambers and may cause damage to your firearm when used in our barrels. BTW, check Ed's Contenders for barrels. if you find a suitable forend(with enough meat on the sides), you can wrap some sandpaper around a deep well socket and proceed to open up the barrel channel. NOTE: Maximum rifle barrel lengths may vary by barrel supplier (typically 26 1/2" or 27"). . Learn more about this replacement firing pin bushing assembly on our, Pricing Premium Quality Custom Encore/ProHunter Barrels, Full Bull target barrel straight 1" diameter to the muzzle, Heavy Varmint taper muzzle diameter of .850", Medium Varmint taper muzzle diameter of .800", Light Varmint taper muzzle diameter of .750", Heavy Sporter taper muzzle diameter of .700", Medium Sporter taper muzzle diameter of .650", Light Sporter taper muzzle diameter of .600", First and foremost, we want to talk with you. I understand the the owner of Bullberry retired and left the company to one of his employees (or a relative..not sure). While we prefer a, If you have any additional questions about our ordering and production system, please check out our page on. The seller is "jl-sa-4 and is located in Wyalusing, Pennsylvania. 6mm Bullberry Imp. I'm a big 7-30 fan, but have never tried one. My dad and brother ordered matching barrels back in Aug, for 2 T/C Contender pistol projects, in hopes to be able to hunt this season with them. Bullberry Barrel works have been in business for over 40 years and have been making custom bolt action barrels for all sorts of customers. ** T/C MGM Club. datp. Other common tapers will feature muzzle diameters of .750" to .500" (in .050" increments), though this is dependent upon the barrel's bore dimension. on the 30-30 Winchester case. I have never had an MGM Barrel but did have one VVCG Barrel. > woolf property management > tc contender barrels on gunbroker. We are hoping Troy after more than 18 years being both Freds right-hand man in the shop and his protege will continue to be your go-to for all things accurate firearms. 209 x 50 barrels are priced separately for the special barrel order and extra work and accessory costs they incur. Please visit our Accessories page for full options and pricing breakdowns on a variety of extras. And heres to wishing Fred & Jean a happy and fish-filled retirement. Quality was excellent and was very accurate. Will never do business with them again. The 30 and 357 Herrett's, the Bullberrry's, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. HausofArms/MGM 6.5 Creedmoor 24" SS Heavy Contour Barrels w/Threads and Cap (1) $520.00. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. I still get great long range (500 yard +) ability and fine hunting characteristics in 1 package. Barrels requested to be finished from 27" to 29" will most often be ordered through Douglas Barrels. Yeah I know what ya mean about the accuracy gauruntee. T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth ! Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions. I am most interested in getting the ultimate long range shooting from the G2. Some items may be paid for by Paypal (no serial numbered parts) manually, contact Marty to discuss how that can be done. 3RD Party Contender and Encore Barrels. Any purchased frames will be charged at the date of order and held in our vault until the corresponding barrel(s) is ready to be fitted and shipped as a complete firearm. However, they recently purchased a house on a lake just outside of Austin, Texas, and Fred has been reeling in the stripers, catfish, and more from his dock. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) http://www.hausofarms.com. Mag. Finally got it fixed shot it twice to check function and sold it. Can't comment on Bullberry much, have had a couple used ones and they were fine, good shooters. I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway, Whats the longest shot you would take on a brown bear, 6.5 Grendel Nosler Bullet Choice - Deer Hunting, Extreme Long Range Hunting & Shooting (ELR). Muzzlebrakes, muzzle threading, sights and scope mounts are the most common additions to our custom barrels. SCSA Competitor Available Calibers blued Chrome-Moly or Stainless, * Rimfire barrels in the Encore/ProHunter require the use of the Bullberry Rimfire Adapter as our barrels are NOT offset. R.T. take a look at tony"s forends and stocks, a 11" job would look real nice. I have a MGM .223 1-7 twist ordered. They acknowledge the barrel ( new barrel at a cost of 365.00 ) is scratched inside the bore but basically said tough luck ! Shouldn't they look inside the barrel blank before they make a $ custom barrel out of it ? They have great customer service and keep a bunch of barrels instock. I would take a serious look at the 6.5x30-30AI, 30-30AI, 7x30, and 35 Bullberry in a Contender. Barrel is super solid, it's 10" but it shoots under 1" at 100 yards with factory ammo, on most days anyway. But first we have to put in the ra. Add To Cart. This barrel shoots far better than one moa. Quality of craftsmanship on all are very good. 6.5 Bullberry,Bullberry Improved,and 6.5mm Match. Bullberry Barrels of Hurricane, Utah makes custom barrels for the TC Encore and TC Contender. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. with maker would you go with? 4965 Views 10 Replies 8 Participants Last post by mshm99, May 29, 2014. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tackle, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Our steel hanger system increases your barrel's accuracy potential by free-floating the forearm from the barrel. We have a wide range of Thompson Center Encore and Contender barrels available for instant purchase, or using our custom gun builder. Blackpowder Mortar & Cannon by Seacoast Artillery, Hand Loading Rifles & Handguns by Diamond K Brass, Bolt Action Rifles Sponsored by Camera Land. 15" barrel to shoot IHMSA with. Haus of Arms started taking pre-orders on a remake of the original Contender like three years ago? It hammers deer. I bought a 300wsm barrel from them a few years ago and the work was top quality. I guess, you can't do a Grendel in a Contender however. M. Manufactured by E. Arthur Brown Company with special attention to detail, precision, and the materials necessary to enhance accuracy. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. I think that ultimate is the 6mm Bullberry Imp w/ 105 lvd is max. Barrels in these calibers are intended to be handload-only. Add To Cart. For rimfire, an Encore is, in my opinion, a bit of a kludge due to the firing pin arrangement and the work arounds needed. Decided to go with MGM for two reasons. K. J. I hear they are great barrel makers. eCommerce Software by 3dcart. The only barrel I have from SSK is a 16" AR15 barrel in 300 Whisper. SOLD/EXPIRED FS - MGM/Bullberry Encore Pistol Setup.. kappajoe; Jul 24, 2011; Replies 0 Views 2K. . Sed quis, Copyright Sports Nutrition di Fabrizio Paoletti - P.IVA 04784710487 - Tutti i diritti riservati. +1 on Bullberry. JavaScript is disabled. Of course the angry bitter penny pinchers will have you believe that T/C factory barrels are just as good as SSK barrels. Javascript is required. They then said that since they order was a custom that there would be no refund, when my dad asked, eventhough they are the ones at fault. 15" barrel to shoot IHMSA with. My first barrel was from Bullberry in 22 k hornet. and 327 Federal will be build on a true .308" groove barrel and not a 32 caliber pistol bore (.312" groove). Get exclusive coupons, announcements, and helpful tips for free! MGM delivery time frame was only 3 weeks. If youre wondering why the weather was so sunny in Texas this summer, it was the reflection off of Freds smile (and that white hair!). Best of luck in your decision. Bullberry Barrel Works Accetta luso dei cookie per continuare la navigazione. Last week, they received their new barrels (10 weeks later), yet neither of the barrels would lock up on the contender actions, yet they both have multiple barrels that are factory and other customs that lock up on each of those actions perfectly (Strike 3). Custom woodwork, laminates and synthetic options, can all be purchased separately and are all available for use with our hanger system, included on all custom barrels. Bullberry Barrel Works, Ltd. is dedicated to producing premium quality goods for the sporting firear I believe he All three of these shoot and The best 5 shot group I ever shot at 50 yards. mgm barrel for sale | eBay Related: encore barrel bullberry barrel contender barrel custom encore ssk barrel bullberry custom contender millers falls drill Include description All Listings Accepts Offers Auction Buy It Now 20 results for mgm barrel Save this search Shipping to: 23917 Shop on eBay Brand New $20.00 or Best Offer Sponsored Barrels requested to be finished longer than 29" will, again, most often be ordered from Douglas Barrels, and overall length options may depend on the caliber. Don't know how their products are as of late but most everyone has always complained of their delivery times. I think one would want the smallest and lightest forend he could get with the 460, might alleviate the splitting issue. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. The not so good one Fred replaced no questions asked. Bullberry had a long delivery time frame, two months to be exact. Jul 5, 2011. I addition to that EABCO's 6.5 BRM is actually touting speed in excess of the grendel and they sale preloaded ammo too! TCR Barrels. I have a 14" 30-30AI Shilen SS barrel for my Contender that I got from MGM (Match ly hng - No the Grendel is too much for the Contender frame but works in the Encore. *** Custom barrels chambered in 30-221/300 Blackout are designed and built to minimum chamber specs. For more information visit our Gunsmithing Services page. I just ordered my 4th MGM barrel, a 20" 460 S&W Mag in their triangular contour. NOTE: .458 calibers do not incur a premium fee when ordered in 1:20 twist, and up to 27" long. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Price was about the same as a factory TC blue barrel. These are handload-only chambers and will NOT accept once-fired and/or remanufactured brass. The classic Contender frames have not been produced since the 1990s, though you may find used Contenders on the market (many customers have found success on GunBroker.com). So they apologize, and said they would have the corrected barrels to them in 6 weeks. What started in Freds garage in Las Vegas grew into the world-premier manufacturer of custom T/C and bolt-action barrels and so much more. All due to our incredible attention Medium Taper 16 inch 6.5 Grendel barrel fits AR-15 platform. Shoots under 2 inches with about any load i put in it at a hundred yards. Shooters familiar with our Accuracy Guarantee will know how important these little accessories are! It was at least before S&W ditched TC. Your Price: $179.95. Good shooting. That was many years ago. The item "Thompson Center TC Encore Barrel 240 Weatherby Bullberry Sightron 3-1242 Scope" is in sale since Friday, March 20, 2020. Price was about the same as a factory TC blue barrel. My lead time from Bullberry was about 3 weeks. If you prefer a lighter weight barrel for any reason just specify the details when ordering. They incur a $120 premium, rather than the $100 listed below. 2020 Bullberry Legacy, All Rights Reserved. While we prefer a phone call to go over the variety of details and options involved with every custom order, we are happy to work by email as well. I have had a couple SSK Barrels and had SSK Rechamber a Factory Barrel for me. A member here, who had ties with BBW got involved and helped convince them to get things moving. Two of my three SSK pistols will hold 3 shots(. Both of these are first rate. The workmanship is amazing. Item 6: ($325) This is a 28 gauge barrel Van Horn. Started in 1988, Fred Smith, who was a recently retired Las Vegas Firefighter set up shop in Southern Utah and got to work. Shop Current Inventory Custom Build Barrel Photo Gallery FYI, the 6.5 Bullberry Imp will get you very close to the Grendel performance and cost much less to reload than the Grendel . My first barrel was from Bullberry in 22 k hornet. Questo sito utilizza cookie di profilazione propri o di terze parti. Bullberry guarentees there barrels to shoot 1in or less at 100 yds. With the retiring of the business comes some great products in ourCloseout Sale. I have a 14" 30-30AI Shilen SS barrel for my Contender that I got from MGM (Match Grade Machines) that is wonderful. Learn more about this replacement firing pin bushing assembly on our Accessories page. That was from a long time ago. If you prefer a lighter weight barrel for any reason just specify the details when ordering. This barrel was aquired 2nd hand for a friend to build an Encore I have a 204 Ruger Encore barrel (for sale btw). It was a great barrel which I should have never sold. While the quality is still usually there with BBW barrels, Fred's every day business practices have gone south IMO, way south. By joining our brand new email list. 50 cal. Fred and Jean poured their hearts into Bullberry, so saying goodbye to so many loyal customers and friends is bittersweet. No the Grendel is too much for the Contender frame but works in the Encore. Does anyone have one or now anything good or bad about them? 2020 Bullberry Legacy, All Rights Reserved, Available Calibers blued Chrome-Moly or Stainless, Pricing Premium Quality Custom Contender/G2 Barrels. Just figured I would give everyone a heads up if you look into MGM for custom T/C work. Three, 5-shot groups VVCG made the The item 17.25 222 Remington Match Bullberry Thompson T/C Center Contender Barrel is in sale since Sunday, December 26, 2021.
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