beetlejuice wedding scene script
He needs therapy! Can everybody see me? BEETLEJUICE: Babs, I get it, I totally get it, but the two of you are special. She needs somebody to help her get past all this. BEETLEJUICE: Adam (dramatic pause.) It sayswe should draw a door. DELIA: I dont understand! When Adam and Barbara first turn down his services, he refuses to take no for an answer, and later in the film he finds his way back into the heart of the drama when he attempts to marry Lydia. Hey guys? Gonna go on a little vision quest, find my dad. LYDIA: What's goin' on, Delia? BARBARA: That needy pervert was right. beetlejuice wedding scene script. Their talents, against a backdrop of a hilarious script and some truly out-of-this-world visuals, create a film that's maintained its status as a classic for more than 30 years. Im going to find mom! Lydia Deetz finds her life changed forever when her family moves into a haunted house. Is that why youre wearing those sheets? LYDIA: Yeah, you look like a bloated zebra that a lion ripped apart and then didnt eat because there was obviously something wrong with it, so it just rotted in the hot African sun. beetlejuice wedding scene script. CHARLES: Maxie! Live a life of love! Now, heres the plan; I cant make the living say my name, but with a little help from me, those newlydeads can. Michael McDowell wrote the original screenplay for the film, and before Warren Skaaren stepped in to make revisions, the storyline was much, much darker (via Consequence). r&sZ,oonWUq"- <>
That said, there's no reason to believe anything that happens at the end of the film will make the Deetzes more likely to get their haunted tourist trap idea off the ground. LYDIA: Yeah, me too. DELIA: Well, Im so happy for all of you. This is such an interesting font! OTHO: So glad that you asked. You give mea bonerhere, its a femur. Her stepmother Delia seems openly antagonistic to her, and her father Charles is basically an absent parent despite living in the same house as his daughter. WebThe wedding brings Beetlejuice to life, allowing Lydia to kill him again. I- Im your father. (laughs) Hell do it. Setup: A couple of recently deceased ghosts contract the services of a bio-exorcist in order to remove the obnoxious new owners of their house. And the teacher was Wiccan! endobj
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BEETLEJUICE: For a price. Leave this house! Youll have to open the door to find out. CHARLES: Except brains. Adam and Barbara are a normal couplewho happen to be dead. These ghosts are gonna make us a fortune! But the two of you can. BEETLEJUICE: NO, WHAT FILLS YOU WITH RAGE? Its less. BARBARA: Lydia, why did Beetlejuice give that to you? Keep it away from your sensitive parts. For as much time as the film spends in the offices of the afterlife's bureaucracy, there's still no clear sense of how things actually work down there. Ah! DELIA: Lydia, I know that I am paid to care about you, but Id like us to be real friends! So! Happiness! Got any references? LYDIA: Oh. Now you remember what my guru Otho says! LYDIA: Let me get you some cash for those cookies! BARBARA: THEN THERE'S THE WHOLE DARN ECONOMY, ADAM AND BARBARA: READY TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Thats a neat trick. Dad, theres ghosts here. more, All Michael McDowell scripts | Michael McDowell Scripts, Submitted by acronimous on August 24, 2016. Draw a door, go home! The Maitlands aren't really raising Lydia, per se, but she finally has adults in her life who are actually looking out for her best interests. DELIA: Youre breaking up with me AND firing me? LYDIA: I dont have a lot of friends so, if I have to live in this stupid house, at least I know Ill have you guys in the attic. Woah, sorry, I didnt mean to yell its justYou make daddy so angry. Big beautiful brains. We're gonna be rich! No no no no no. DELIA: Why say doubt, when you can stop at do. Hiya mom! I dont wanna die! Beetlejuice : But, its true, I was kicked in the head by a dressage horse. After Betelgeuse makes his first attack on the Deetzes, Delia and Charles get an idea in their heads about transforming their new home into a tourist stop for ghost enthusiasts. BEETLEJUICE: Woah! CHARLES: LOOK AT ME! LYDIA: Really? I need to really live, really connect! It was like the perfect dad joke! BEETLEJUICE: YouareADORABLE (kisses Adam) HA! 6 0 obj
Is that an old book? ADAM: Oh, dont worry, Im gonna have this crib ready before that baby gets here! ignites and burns with a furious cheerfulness. (snaps photo.) It has to stop. Mom was the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe! LYDIA: The ghosts! You see Charles, as a life coach, I have but one enemy. Itty bitty price, more of a favor really. *
DELIA: Lydia, you cannot just sneak up on people and take their essence. ), ADAM: Somebody do something! Unsurprisingly, neither of the adult Deetzes get much screen time near the end of the film, so there's really no telling how they reacted to everything that happened at their home. Because I too am attracted to Mr. Beetlejuice. ADAM: Yeah. LYDIA: You guys want your house back, right? What happens when people without a home die? Its not a real marriage. LYDIA: I dont want your help. empty, dimly lighted. We did kill someone though. what Im trying to say is; I hired you to help my daughter, but you have ended up helping me. Thats what I want too. Like these weirdos. ADAM: CHEFS WHO USE TOO MUCH SAGE WHEN THEY MAKE BEURRE NOISETTE, BEETLEJUICE: WELL, THERE'S LOTS THERE TO USE, TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND GIVE ME YOUR BEST PRIMAL SCREAM, BEETLEJUICE: TRY IT AGAIN MAYBE THIS TIME PRETEND LIKE YOU MEAN IT. 7 0 obj
I'LL MAKE THE BEST OF BEING FLESH AND BONE, BEETLEJUICE: Thats right! Were going to change that (rings triangle.) You saw that monster! GIRL SCOUT: Okay Well- Maybe I should come back another time when your parents are home? BEETLEJUICE: Holy crap! we have to go home! See that tiny little house up there? BARBARA: You seem like a normal girl to me. Oh God, how I missed that sound. According to Pitchfork, screenwriter Warren Skaaren originally came up with the idea for the musical possession scene that makes such great use of Belafonte's "Day-O." BEETLEJUICE: WHY GOD-SLASH-SATAN, DID YOU SEND THESE BED WETTERS? At the climax of the film, Lydia saves Adam and Barbara from an exorcism, narrowly avoids being married off to Betelgeuse, and, incidentally, proves the existence of ghosts to her parents. Lydia, this is a dangerously unstable individual. Wheres your handbook? Trust me, its going to get weird, but itll work. LYDIA: A SOUND THAT MEANS NO MORE CONDESCENDING ADULTS HANGING AROUND, BEETLEJUICE/LYDIA: EACH WAIL AND EACH MOAN. BEETLEJUICE: Theyre taking it to the dump and without me theyre going to do that to everything! She was my world, too Lydia. CHARLES: I just have to get the chalk. All the guests are. MAXINE: See? Well that was a soliloquy, so you're the one who's being rude. NEVER MIND, HE'LL BE YOUR G-U-I-D-E TO THE OTHER SIDE, I'M THE B-TO-THE-DOUBLE-E-T-L-E TO THE J-U-I-C-E, BEETLEJUICE: I understand it's a lot to process, but, THE GOOD NEWS IS YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE DIED IN YOUR OWN HOUSE, THAT MEANS THE TWO OF YOU SHOULD STICK AROUND, A LITTLE ON THE POTTERY BARN AND DRY WHITE WINE SIDE, AS FOR ME, I'VE BEEN SCARING FOR MILLENNIA, I'M THE BIO-EXORCIST GIVING HOUSES ENEMAS, BEETLEJUICE AND ENSEMBLE: PUSH OUT ALL THE BREATHERS, BEETLEJUICE: AND I DO IT FOR THE LOVE OF IT, 'CAUSE THIS GUY HAPPENED TO BE PASSING BY, TO GIVE YOU CONTROL OF YOUR SOUL FOR THE WHOLE "BEING DEAD" THING (AH AH AH AH AH AH AH! Afraid Id marry her? LYDIA: I cant change anything! Im sorry its kind of a mess. Dont you wanna get these people out of your house? ADAM Hey old girl! Now normally, I would use a plumbline for this, but Im not too shabby with a freehand. We couldve been such a great team. Do you think you would mind leaving and never coming back? The movie doesn't show much of what Betelgeuse gets up to when he hasn't been summoned, but considering his desperation to get the Maitlands to hire him earlier in the film, it's safe to assume he finds his daily life pretty boring. Okay, chapter one. Own that. <>
LYDIA: Classic Bait and Switch, Oldest trick in the book! You know, my guru Otho says Depression is like an ugly sweater. This house is haunted! MAXINE: And hell do it! %PDF-1.5
Well, Bye! Now, we dont have a lot of time. Today, we come together to mourn the passing of Emily Deetz. (closes door.) Its not a fad! 6. CHARLES: Hey! BEETLEJUICE: THAT IS THE SOUND, OF CLEAN, WHITE, SHORTS TURNING BROWN, LYDIA: THE SOUND OF A SCREAM, IS MUSIC TO ME, A SOUND THAT SAYS FIFTEEN YEARS FULL-TIME THERAPY, BEETLEJUICE: TRAUMA AND FEAR, IT SINGS IN MY EAR, BEETLEJUICE/LYDIA: AIN'T IT THE SWEETEST NOISE AROUND, THAT BEAUTIFUL SOUND. A fall from that height? AND YOU'LL BE LIKE, "WHAT?" BEETLEJUICE: Hey! OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH. In the immediate aftermath of Betelgeuse's arrival, Otho's mystical sance is disrupted and the Maitlands are able to move around of their own free will again. And we should tell her that! https://www.scripts.com/script.php?id=beetlejuice_274&p=2, https://www.scripts.com/script/beetlejuice_274. Youre still breathing arent you? Ill do it. unicef wedding favours. LYDIA: Then Ill find a way to do it myself. OH! LYDIA: I can't keep living like this! Whats a matter Chuck? BARBARA: Cant you just scare the people for us? BEETLEJUICE: Boy, do you know how to pick em or what? Besides, Delia might already be eyeballing a piece of property in Hawaii. BARBARA: There are two kinds of people in this world. ADAM leads her toward the fire.
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