avengers fanfiction peter calls tony during a meeting
Peter said with a smirk. Peters life shatters with a phone call. Also they don't know that he was kidnapped when he was 3 years old but was found 10 years later in a HYDRA fucili #brucebanner I have kids, Clint said. << Because even an iron man is not able to protect his son from death. Pepper caught Tony's eye and motioned him over. Its a Secret to Everybody(ao3) -StarPrince_Punk. I am. She replies coolly, And you are?, Hello, Peter. Tony laughed. Bucky said as he rolled his eyes. The Avengers notice the little discrepancies in Tonys behaviour, and they eventually come to the only conclusion they can think of: Tony is having an affair. Mr Stark gave him his suit back, Aunt May found out about Spider-Man and didn't try to kill him, and to top it all off he now has a real internship at Stark Industries and gets to go there a few times every week. It shouldn't be too hard to keep his identity secret, right? Just a few seconds ago, his face had been void of emotion. And how come weve never known about him?Yeah, Clint spoke again, I thought I was the only one with a secret family. #wandamaximoff Were Gonna Have to do This Together (ao3) - edibnaRating: Mature. He smiled. Tony smiled. Tony did his best to console the boy. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter gets a call from the President in class. Actually, its perfect; Peter finally has a family and life. Steve calls Peter during his history test, all because Tony told him that it would be the Spiderling's lunchtime. But unfortunately for them, they got away and are now living someplace else.". Sorry for the confusion. Fun. Actually better than I have been in a long time. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] questioned Pepper. Peter felt his blood burn an icy cold. Steve and Natasha had found Bucky and had gotten him back together again. Thirteen years ago they started an experiment called the spider-human. Will Spider-man have anything to do with his son's death which is still a mystery? You know life is like a never-ending circle. He grinned. "Yes we do and we want you to bring them in.". About tonights events. Peter gets stabbed on patrol, and accidentally texts Tony Stark for help instead of Ned. 1 2 . Tony had no idea about what he was supposed to do. Talk? As the months and years pass, bringing with them new challenges and threats, both Tony and Peter will be forced to come to grips with their troubled pasts, and learn that their greatest strengths come from each other. Heaving a full-bodied sigh, Tony scrubs his gritty, achy eyes, hooks his brown gradient aviators in his breast pocket, and steps out. This is a book filled with one-shots about people discovering that Peter Parker is Spiderman! #peterparker What if they assume Spider-Man is a villain? Why do they keep pursuing him and how far are they willing to go till they catch him? We need to tell them ourselves before there is an accidental meeting. ((Basically, just a self-indulgent humour fic to hold me off and keep me sane until FFH and A4 come out.)). You can't make it stop, you even unconsciously drift along, repeating the pattern over and over again. Wishful thinking. As the vigilante known as spiderman sneaked up to the 3 women in the alleyway, they noticed him and started to wave at their friendly neighborhood spiderman. #clintbarton 5 times Peter made Tony laugh and 1 time he made him cry(ao3) -just_the_daydreamerRating: General. Work Search: Maybe when he was eighteen when he could officially become an Avenger and no longer be the 'friendly neighborhood Spiderman'. Thor's loud voice entered the conversation. Tony cleared his throat to get them to acknowledge his presence. What would happen if then, after Peter fights with Vulture on Coney Island, the avengers assume Spider-Man was working with The Vulture and they just had a falling out? Summary: Dad?The voice is weak, hoarse, and it only just comes through the crackling static of his comms. Too bad Peter ruins it by bumping into all of them on a quest for some cereal at 3 am. "Hey raccoons, I thought you stole the trash, not purses from old ladies?" The Avengers watch as Tonys tough exterior melts for a 16 year old who seems to have wormed his way into the mechanics heart. Could it be an - initially - random kid and a revenge plot the way to it? One thing that none of the Avengers ever got to find out was who was the guy behind the Spiderman mask. If we can figure out why they started this investigation on this specific person, maybe we can figure out other HYDRA crimes because the answer may give us a pattern we can start to follow. Peter is excited to spend the weekend at Mr.Stark's place. #natasharomanoff They're out to cause mayhem and they don't care who gets in their way, plus taking down a certain annoying crime fighting bug at the same time is just a chance they aren't planning on missing. I know dad behavior when I see it.Tony blinked multiple consecutive times, processing the statement. << Part One: Tony calls Peter in the middle of a lab bender and forgets what day it is. "Oh come on!" Tony and Peter get closer than ever, and Peter even starts to call him dad (but only around the people he is close to, like Pepper and Rhodey, because no one can know that Peter is adopted by Tony). >> He'd needed a breather and went for a walk around the park to clear his head, and was on his way back to the tower. (ao3) - chvoticRating: Teen And Up. Spoiler alert: the cereal does not survive :(. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (82), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (4), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (117), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Spoilers, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker Lives at the Avengers Compound, There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch, trans peter doesn't really come up he just is, im not putting the falcon because I dont like him, peter accidentally scaring the shit out of people. endobj A little while later, spiderman smiled to himself as he heard the screams of the man who found the three bodies. Peter jumped up with excitement. I hope you enjoy this book and yea just like read to find out more! (i.e. "Oh my gosh Tony! or the one where everyone thinks Peter is Tony's son. Nothing could ruin this day. Ned was busy after school (he had already called him.) Spider-man wasnt recruited by tony. /SM 0.02 /ca 1.0 /AIS false So maybe Peter hasn't told the Avengers that he's Spider-Man yet. Rating: Not Rated. /CA 1.0 Peter is a little shit and acts a little to much like Tony for the Avengers liking. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 7KGA fF2 z Bn@%=TTAC| kIYj-m9s}9+n&T+}SiSdiV~q}+7-}~X> []oPvEJ3cG_j}KMO[\2. >> Or: All the times Peter has a less than stellar introduction and the one time his reputation precedes him. They had even come up with a plan for a fake internship so it would not draw attention when he came to the tower every day. Being an Iron Man means nothing to Tony Stark. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Chapter 3 Let's Talk About Tony's Personal Life, Chapter 7 Arrows, Shields, and Wings Oh My. Hed lost them all.All he had left was Tony Stark, and all Tony Stark had left was him.And in the wake of their insurmountable losses, they go about trying to find a family within each other. One thing that none of the Avengers ever got to find out was who was the guy behind the Spiderman mask. Tony had known one day the rest of the team would have to meet Peter, but he never wanted it to be so soon. 3 times peter accidentally calls tony dad to someone and 1 time he accidentally says it to tony(ao3) -lovelyrdjrRating: Not Rated. 3 times peter accidentally calls tony 'dad' to someone and 1 time he accidentally says it to tony (ao3) -lovelyrdjr. Or: Tony and Peter pretend to be father and son for the Rogues because people kept mistaking them for family anyway. Peter's phone repeatedly rings in his English class, and while he is good at ignoring it, some people are not so easily dissuaded. Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Peter Parker and the shit he goes through, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Post-Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 1 (2012), I just like it when Peter has vigilante friends instead, Peter Parker Lacks Self-Preservation Instincts, 5 Times Someone Thought Peter Was Tony's Son, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, the avengers are kinda jerks but they didn't mean to be, different from my other pics and I kinda regret it, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, did I just use a Star Wars word in place of a bad word, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, no character slander just people being wary and critical, Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords, "How to apologize: I'm sorry, but you're wrong", I'd put "so your body's cHaNGiNg" on a tshirt, Avengers Team & Peter Parker & Tony Stark. Let's tell them after the meeting, while we are on the subject of developments," Tony said. JFIF ` ` C Tony comes to rescue/take care of him some feelings may be revealed along the way. ( Vision was never made and JARVIS is still around). #thor "Hey Mr.Stark." Summary: Peter just can't stop calling Tony "Dad". Tony and Pepper lot at each other in shock and worry. Tony knew that no one has seen him yet so he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Tony replied as he stepped out of his suit. He just hoped that he could keep the secret about him being spiderman a bit longer. "Guys, I have an important announcement to make." No one knows every secret of the universe. And maybe he's also Tony's personal intern and gets introduced to them all. I just wanna finish my coffee in peace without explaining myself to a walking PSA.. Peter Calling Tony Dad Masterlist. "Okay, as long as you seem alright with it, I guess I can agree about this. I have stopped drinking as much and I am getting about five hours of sleep at night now and I have stopped spending so much time in the lab alone. He said as he then webbed them up to the dumpster nearby. Peter barely protested being rolled over, he just mumbled something incoherent. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. /CreationDate (D:20210423115155+08'00') Right? So why are the Avengers on his case? "Well you see this person is incredibly important to HYDRA and now they are trying to get them back so they can continue their testing on this individual. mnf8_(a|c *~k7 Tony has kept the fact that he has a son a secret for a long time. MJ was not available either. Figured it out, yet? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter Parker has a secret identity and he desperately wants to keep it that way. ),#@~K{}_Nl$W q!=^l/u9[ Tony was thinking about all of this when JARVIS spoke up, "Sir the others have just arrived." #irondad stream How much it would cost? Clint puffed. #wattys2018. Someday soon; sooner than anybody thinks. a little white lie(ao3) -LethalBookshelvesRating: General. %PDF-1.4 Thats Peters terrified voice coming through the comms. Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who arent supposed to be there. It has been a few months since the incident at the airport and the team was finally back to the way it used to be. So what would possess him to suddenly agree to become the guardian of some random kid from Queens? they are not being discontinued, just need more time.}. A minute later he heard the elevator ping and open. But, Tony wants to know how it went and FaceTimes Peter before he can finish his presentation. 30.7K 728. by PEZ_Wolf. He rushed to his side and gently rolled him over onto his back, being careful to check his body over for any sign of injury, but there wasnt any that he could see. The Witch of Scarlet is right about that! Tony pov 2. Summary: Kid? he tried, but there was no response from the boy lying motionless on the ground. "Shut it Katniss." I do believe that something has gone very askew! He is also a little clumsy fucker and accidentally reveals that he is spider man to the avengers. /Type /XObject Meeting the Avengers obviously. #tonyxpepper "Nice to see that everyone showed up," said Sam. He put a hand on his shoulder and spoke in a fatherly tone. Pepper I thought it over and I think it is time for them to know the truth about Peter. Peter was making his way home from school, when he caught sight of some thugs mugging an old woman. What if one time they need to ask me something and they see Peter sitting in the living room. ), I promise, Ill do better (ao3) - spiderboyneedsahugRating: General. Tony glared. Also, he stopped drinking so much. but how surprised he was when he met the new vigilante, Spider-man. How have you been?" Tony chuckled and came and sat down beside his protg and basically son. Tony finds himself caring for the kid's wellbeing, to his annoyance. You know how Fury gets it we are not on time." The last person he expects helps him pick up the pieces. But what happens, when the universe shows its power. And after the final fight the avengers assume Spider-Man is a villain and hunt him down to arrest him, while peter is just confused as to why everything is happening so fast and what he is missing. ". Summary: Tony has a reputation for being someone who doesnt laugh very much. But what they all had no idea of, was that it was just a 16 year old high school kid., and they were about to meet him. And I don't have to fight them this time!?" The Rogue Avengers meet Peter Parker and are completely surprised to learn that Tony has a son. Peter Parker lost his parents when he was barely old enough to remember them, leaving him in the care of Uncle Ben and Aunt May. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. About Spider-Man.. After that, the Rogues assumed that he was Tonys illegitimate son. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tonys secret son.Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. FIC CURRENTLY BEING RE-WORKED, UPDATED CHAPTERS+NEW ONES SOON<3. The Rogues are back and Steve is happy to finally except an apology. ". endobj Too bad Peter ruins it by bumping into all of them on a quest for some cereal at 3 am. Are you supposed to be in here?. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Summary: Tony Stark would never describe his relationship with his father as anything other than difficult. Peter Parker is incapable of having a normal day. "And what have you been doing?" "I asked and all of his friends are busy after school today. The avengers hear about it and head to stop him. Spidey gets injured and kidnapped with some of the avengers. But when tragedy strikes again during the Stark Expo, its none other than Iron Man himself, his hero, who comes to rescue him. /Height 244 He was practically on his knees begging us to this meeting! " "What does that have to do with us?" A one shot. )As Tony Stark struggles with his new reality, Peter tries to keep the company running, look out for his mentor without getting himself kicked out of the Tower, and not break down in the process.(Right? Peter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Matthew Ellis Various Classmates Thaddeus Ross May Parker (Spider-Man) Steve Rogers Natasha Romanov (Marvel) those are all mentioned peter gets a phone call it's the president That's it that's the plot tony's there to skedaddle him to dc dc loves peter they love the strange genius boy ", "oh buddy, you asked for that in your previous life, you stuck with me". OrWhat would happen if MJ and Tony Stark would work together? Im sorry but your aunts been in an accident and were going to need you to come to Queens Memorial as soon as you can.. What would happen if Tony stark never recruited Peter Parker for civil war (because they talked it out like adults)? Dad? "Hey don't worry Pete, they're gonna love you." About your leg. C 7" #buckybarnes But such is time and its way with things that today is probably is the day that the Avengers meet Peter Benjamin Parker -Stark. Tony gets a call from Peter one night asking for help because he's being followed in the street by someone or something dangerous. Tony got a bit agitated, "Peter, now's the time to prove to your old man that you're alright." Peter slowly winked his eye open, groaning pathetically, "Oh god, dad." He pressed his hand to his head as he met Tony's eyes.