anglo american culture
Moral conflicts are best handled through persuasion and civility rather than coercion. Maintaining the Cost Center and Profit Centre structure on SAP. It is this moral dimension that is needed to supplement the rational insights of classical philosophy. A great threat to modern Anglo-American culture is the use of the rhetoric of communal interest to mask private agendas. What really inhibits these people is not a lack of opportunity, not a lack of political rights, and not a lack of resources but a character defect, a moral inadequacy. I therefore declare this meeting duly constituted. We wouldn't be able to re-imagine mining to improve people's lives without the strong foundation of our values, which are at the core of our way of working: We give our all to eliminating injuries because we value life and are unconditional about safety, health and well-being at work and at home. Even here we must be observant of the flawed character of so much of modern family life. b. that human beings have the internal capacity to be unconstrained or self-disciplined in their decision to act in accordance with the universal truth, i.e., free will; c. that true freedom and dignity consist in the inner or self-discipline that comes with the exercise of these capacities; and. Read all our latest press releases, speeches and presentations. But suddenly, because of the YouTube algorithm based on the songs listened to, the listener is directed to another Latin song. Why ought we to engage in this task of retrieving the moral foundations of Anglo-American culture? It comprises most of the United States and Canada, with French-speaking Canada a notable Participation in a market economy informed by an individualist moral culture actually promotes a variety of forms of virtuous behavior. 37073 Gttingen, Germany. Now, with the maturity and availability of Living Wage reference values for all the countries in which we have a presence, we have been able to conduct an in-depth assessment to understand our overall position regarding the Living Wage and ourglobalemployee workforce in managed operations, excluding contractors, apprentices and interns. It can be felt in almost every aspect of human life; music, literature, science, and philosophy are just a few examples. The road to the modern conception of individuality has not been a short and smooth one. Secondly, our work to improve operational stability through the discipline of our Operating Model which is key to safer outcomes. Relations between Mexican Americans and Anglos (a term used by Hispanics for English-speaking whites) have at times been strained in can. What is usually meant is that individuals are focused upon private matters concerning themselves, or their families at best, instead of getting involved in public business. Woodsmith is next a rare, Tier 1 asset which we are setting up to deliver significant returns over many decades. As such it has not been independently verified and presents the views of those third parties, but may not necessarily correspond to the views held by Anglo American and Anglo American expressly disclaims any responsibility for, or liability in respect of, such information. We choose, however, to defend a market economy on moral grounds. Some have seen in this the loss of a common purpose and moral foundations. The FWN is a reputable organisation that has developed an online database that 2. Agility and resilience are qualities good businesses need in order to thrive, while also working to live up to the increasing expectations of the role of business in society. The second most important event in the development of Anglo-American culture has been the concept of limited government. On one side of that line are all of the communities that easily embrace market economies, republican government, and the practice of toleration; on the other side are all those who define themselves by hatred and intolerance of others. (i) I do not speak of the family in a timeless context, but rather as family life has emerged in modern Anglo-American culture. How do we deal with corruption? You cannot help others achieve autonomy by creating public institutions which wield greater and greater power over individuals. WebIn Arizona: Population composition. Anglo American plc held its Annual General Meeting for shareholders in London today. Today, we have released an addendum to our latest Tax and Economic Contribution Report to include country-specific data that demonstrates Be notified of any news, reports or updates straight to your email address, Keep up to date on social media or contact us with any other information, Introducing Duncan Wanblad, our new Chief Executive, Marketing materials solutions for our customers, Asset Strategy and Reliability (Engineering), Electronic communication and proxy voting. Our proportion of energy drawn from renewable sources continues to increase and 52% of our electricity used is from renewable sources. Anglo-Saxon America is a concept that refers to the part of the American continent that has English as its official or main language. Is there anyone who believes that when one person, one economic interest group, one gender, one religion, one race, one ethnic group does the deciding for others that it makes sense to call this letting them decide for themselves? Smart innovation in technology, digitisation & sustainability working hand in hand to connect metals & minerals to all of us who need and value them. A more nuanced history (subject of another essay) will show that individual autonomy, the nuclear family, etc. WebAnglo-America, cultural entity of North America whose common spoken language is English and whose folkways and customs historically have been those of northern Europe. WebStudy the settlement of the American South and the evolution of music in the region from gospel to country See all videos for this article By far the largest of the three original But opportunities are not opportunities if there is no risk of failure, no standard of success. China ranked second, at 36%, followed by Japan (6%) and South Korea (5%). (e) The family is a private social security system. Anglo American performed strongly and we delivered a major capital project, Quellaveco, on time and on budget, and made further progress towards our full range of sustainability goals. Forward-looking statements should, therefore, be construed in light of such risk factors and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. Certain statistical and other information about Anglo American included in this document is sourced from publicly available third party sources. There is an enormous difference between cultures of conscience and cultures of shame. Magali is French and brings to Anglo American highly relevant experience in capital intensive industries from an international executive career in operational, commercial and business transformational leadership roles, and a deep understanding of sustainability in its broadest sense. You cannot be an autonomous individual on your own, rather individuality requires the support of a Anglo-American culture in general, and family life in particular. There are no positive formulas here, but there is one negative formula: anything which weakens family life undermines the only institution we know of that encourages development of free and responsible individuals. The single most important event that has made modern Anglo-American culture possible is the rise of the market economy. As we look forward and combine those qualities with the global trends that determine demand for our products, I believe Anglo American is strongly positioned. In seeking this context for myself, I seek it necessarily for others. On carbon, we launched our hydrogen mine haul truck prototype in the first half of 2022. What would happen if every society in the world were to adopt a market economy and a republican form of government based upon an individualist moral culture? We also announced the first 600MW of renewable energy projects out of our 3-5GW renewable energy strategy in southern Africa, which includes the creation of Envusa Energy in partnership with EDF Renewables. The series Publications of The German Association for British Studies is now available in open access in The Stacks. Our metals are the essential ingredients in smartphones, electric cars, wind turbines; and our diamonds fulfil your dreams. They operated as a mechanism through which immigrant children were assimilated by learning American language, traditions, and beliefs that primarily reflected those of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs). And thats a good thing. In this context the term may refer to an English American, a person from the United States whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England, a person from the United States who speaks English as their first language (see American English), a collective term referring to those countries that have sim Having little or no sense of individuality they are incapable of loving what is best in themselves; unable to love themselves, they are incapable of loving others; incapable of loving others, they cannot sustain life within the family; in fact, they find family life stultifying. It is, however, not enough to recognize the formal component. POLY4 is a high value fertiliser, uniquely positioned to address farmings three real challenges of yield, decarbonisation and soil health. What we share in common is not an interest but the need to realize our individuality. Turning to sustainability and looking in particular at the key components of our environmental and social performance. I know of no serious alternative to Anglo-American culture as the model; Anglo-American culture is self-critical, characterized by its striving for universality, has as its great strength the power of assimilation, and it is a fertile source of adaptation of what has been and still can be absorbed from other historical cultures. Through our Sustainable Mining Plan, which is aligned to the UNs Sustainable Development Goals, Anglo American is committed to playing its part in addressing the climate change challenge, across our value chain. With our people at the heart of our business, we use innovative practices and the latest technologies to discover new resources and to mine, process, move and market our products to our customers safely and sustainably. The FWN is a reputable organisation that has developed an online database that covers Living Wage reference values for every country in the world and is considered experts in this field. The nuclear family is the key institution in a market economy understood as the expression of an individualist moral culture. Stuart Chambers, Chairman of Anglo American plc, made the following remarks: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Anglo Americans 2023 Annual General Meeting. We are steadily reducing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonising our energy supply chains. Turning to climate change, there is no doubt that this is the defining challenge of our time; it will affect everyone, everywhere. Unless all of us, at all times, across our business are unconditional about safety, accidents will continue to happen and that is not acceptable. WebThe B.A. This is a substantive claim inherent in all of Western Civilization. To feel slighted in the recognition of others, to be obsessed with keeping up with the Joneses instead of maintaining your own internal standards of integrity, is to reveal oneself as lacking in personal autonomy. People from Moldova try to make it so that everyone will feel welcome in their homes. We offer a highly differentiated investment proposition, both through the prevailing market volatility and for the structurally attractive longer term. Now, before I ask Duncan Wanblad, our chief executive, to give you an overview of recent performance, allow me to share some of my perspectives on your company, Anglo American. Integrally related to Western Civilization, therefore, is some conception of the human person and its spiritual dimension. Deciding for themselves means, if it means anything at all, allowing each autonomous individual to decide for himself/herself, and when applied to a state this has to mean a public, unrigged and free election with universal suffrage and without reprisals. A rational argument is oriented solely towards discovering the truth. Next to Hilary is Stephen Pearce, our finance director and next to me is our chief executive, Duncan Wanblad. The only way to become an individual is to become conscious of ones own power for self-discipline. Our metals are the essential ingredients in smartphones, electric cars, wind turbines; and our diamonds fulfil your dreams. The most serious complaint of those who feel uncomfortable with modern Anglo-American culture is that we have lost a sense of civic virtue. In what follows, we identify three key moral presuppositions: We shall then proceed to explain how those three moral presuppositions, namely, universality, individuality, and family, inform the major institutions of Anglo-American culture, specifically: We turn now to the moral presuppositions. These are people focused on avoiding failure rather than on achieving success. Recognizing the need for a universal moral truth is not the same thing as having identified in any substantive way the actual universal moral truths. In short, I would suggest that most if not all of the programs designed to redistribute income have had as an inadvertent consequence the undermining of the family. At Anglo American we're re-imagining mining to improve people's lives. Unit costs were impacted by the combination of very high inflation as well as lower volumes for the year as a whole. by Lo Faber Courtesy of The Historic New Orleans Collection. 92% of Anglo American employees would recommend working there to a friend based on Glassdoor reviews. To provide a comprehensive framework that would identify the moral presuppositions of Anglo-American culture would be to fill a great lacuna in the contemporary intellectual environment. Starting, as always, with safety we continue to work tirelessly on our long term safety improvement journey. The We always act honestly, fairly, ethically and transparently. Smart innovation in technology, digitisation & sustainability working hand in hand to connect metals & minerals to all of us who need and value them. To my immediate right is Richard Price, the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary and then Ian Tyler, our Senior Independent Director. For most of history and in most cultures the human being has had a collective identification, but in modern Anglo-American cultures the attitude of the family to its members is remarkably different. How significant is this point? To be begin with, Anglo-American culture is the greatest force in the modern world; it has transformed and continues to transform the moral landscape by improving Starting on my far left is Magali Anderson, Marcelo Bastos and Hilary Maxson, three of our independent non-executive directors. You wont have to look very far, for such maps appear every day in the newspapers telling us of new ethnic conflict. We have also seen that the economic system most compatible with an individualist moral culture is a market economy, and that the political system most compatible with it is a republican form of government. Income is not merely a means to consumer satisfaction, nor merely an incentive. Shouldnt we allow others to decide for themselves how they want to understand freedom? What they substitute for love of self, others, and family is loyalty to a mythical community. As an Amazon Associate, please note that we earn from qualifying purchases, with no extra cost to you. What we tend to forget is that tolerance is not neutrality, and it is not nihilism. Some incomplete individuals are highly intelligent. How do we help them to get that far? Magali Anderson, who joined us on 1 April, is the newest member of the Board. Our diversified set of assets is increasingly focused on the metals and minerals that are enabling both the move to a lower carbon economy and to meeting the many demand needs and wants of a growing global population. To fail to recognize this logical or formal component is to exclude oneself and ones culture from consideration within the substantive debate. We are committed to formalising our approach to fair pay by: partnering with an independent third party (the Fair Wage Network) with an aim to become an accredited Living Wage employer globally in 2022 (we are already accredited by the Living Wage Foundation in the UK). By Anglo-American culture, we understand the kind of culture that emerged in North-Western Europe, especially England, in the post-Renaissance and post-Reformation period and eventually spread to the United States. The most obvious feature of non-Anglo-American culture is the lack of toleration, usually seen as strife between or rejection of what is different. The purpose of my address is to retrieve and to make explicit the moral foundations of Anglo-American culture. The most distinctive institutions of Anglo-American culture are individual autonomy, the rule of law, a republican form of government, and a market economy. What is also crucial for us to remember is that even within our own Anglo-American culture going back as far as the Renaissance and the Reformation many people have not made the transition to individuality. There is a whole complicated history behind this, but what is important is to recognize that the most serious problem within modern Anglo-American societies is the presence of the failed or incomplete individual. (g) One of the greatest motivations that energetic and creative people bring to the marketplace is not only the desire to found a fortune but the desire to have a durable and substantial legacy to pass on to their children. The essence of the Christian insight is that the locus of freedom is within the individual. There is only one thing that cannot be tolerated: we cannot tolerate those who do not subscribe to the principle of toleration, and we cannot tolerate those whose practices or policies frustrate or undermine the capacity of others to become autonomous and responsible. All we can provide in the way of policy are opportunities to learn autonomy. It is with deep regret that we lost two colleagues following accidents during the year at our managed operations, as well as the loss of a colleague from a complication following an injury sustained in 2021. The formal component consists in the recognition that if there were no universal truth there would be no rational basis for resolving disagreements or even for discussing them. The choice to use ones reason and to use it to the fullest extent, to pursue the argument to its logical conclusion and not merely to the convenient conclusion is not made by reason but by an inner act of self-discipline. The It is only within the nuclear family that an individual can be valued in and for himself/herself. The very idea of America as this experiment in liberty and equality, and as a booming and thriving superpower, was somehow laid over on top of the worries and fears of 1974 and 1975: Watergate, the Vietnam War, the oil crisis. This document includes forward-looking statements. Ian Ashby who unfortunately is unable able to travel to London today due to unforeseen personal circumstances joins us virtually via the online platform. That is a good question. In 2022, we delivered an underlying EBITDA of $14.5 billion at a mining margin of 47%, testament to the quality and diversification of our portfolio and how we market our premium products to customers. This is what makes their sense of community pathological. Anglo Americans Total Shareholder Return for the year was 15%, three times higher than that of the FTSE 100 Index. The Sophists were, roughly, a band of pseudo-philosophers, mouths for hire that used deceptive techniques to win arguments and make money, not to find the truth. The previous statemen can be validated 831 Words 4 Pages Good Essays Heritage Assessment and Healthcare Essay WebValues: Anglo Americans values promote good social performance, supported by the Social Way: Accountability: all functions have a responsibility to help deliver on our social In undermining the nuclear family we undermine the one institution needed to sustain the individuality which is the heart of Anglo-American culture. I was pleased to see that the companys effort and investment in sustainable practices over many years was recognised in our financing for the first time. For 2022, we delivered our second highest financial performance after the record in 2021. We have been an accredited Living Wage employer in the UK since 2014 through the Living Wage Foundation. Terms like Western or Occidental or Nationalism do not fully capture this uniqueness. Over the past four years, we have consistently tracked colleague sentiment through quarterly and annual engagement surveys. We foster a culture combining technological innovation with utmost consideration for our employees and everyone we interact with. Spread the Word. We are incredibly focused on those cost drivers. The ancient Greeks saw eristic as an agon (the root is the same as that of the English word agony). They do have a culture, but you are conditioned to see it as the It follow from this that civic virtue in a modern Anglo-American culture requires us to help others, and we help others primarily by helping them to achieve autonomy. How were commitment to upholding human rights across our value chains, Empowering every colleague to bring their whole self to work. We are committed to advocating Living Wage principles to organisations or individuals beyond our control, but within reach of our influence. a. that human beings possess the rational capacity torecognize the universal moral truth; There is a difference between an argument in the sense of what the ancient Greeks called an eristic, the point of which is to vanquish/embarrass ones opponent (e.g., accusing them of a micro-aggression), not to find the truth. The point of my example is that respect for the individual, market economies, and limited/or republican government exist as a integrated trio only in communities historically defined by Western Christianity. First, decarbonisationthat is, providing many of the raw materials required to bring about a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world. To be begin with, Anglo-American culture is the greatest force in the modern world; it has transformed and continues to transform the moral landscape by improving the material conditions of life and by institutionalizing individual freedom. As a responsible producer of diamonds (through De Beers), copper, platinum group metals, premium quality iron ore and steelmaking coal, and nickel with crop nutrients in development we are committed to being carbon neutral across our operations by 2040. The great internal challenge that we face is to help these incomplete individuals to mature into truly autonomous individuals. Extreme weather which disrupted the lives of so many people around the world, also set back several of our operations, while the energy crisis caused policymakers to react to mitigate sharply higher inflation. Those who feel alienated are precisely those who are incomplete individuals. Saying "White people have no culture" is an expression of internalized white supremacy. This role is at a band C4 level and reports to Senior Later, I will be asking you to vote on the election of Magali Anderson for the first time as an independent non-executive director and the usual annual re-election of myself and all other directors. The recognition of this formal or logical component of universality allows both for self-criticism and for cross-cultural criticism. With that in mind, we have established the following commitments: Anglo American has been in partnership with the Fair Wage Network (FWN) since March 2021. What modern individuality stands opposed to is the idea of a communal or collective good over and above the good of the free and responsible individuals who make up the society. Hence it cannot be mechanically induced from the outside. Our operational and financial performance, presentations and reports. We use innovative practices and the latest technologies to discover new resources and mine, process, move and market our products to our customers around the world. A free and equal citizen is one who lays no obligation upon fellow citizens that he (or she) does not himself (or herself) assume. We tolerate precisely that with which we disagree, otherwise we misunderstand the word. This is a moral task, not a technological one. As Stuart said, while we continue to make progress and develop our safety processes and procedures, we are deeply saddened to have lost five colleagues in total from the beginning of 2022 to date, including at a non-managed operation. When we talk about others deciding for themselves we most certainly do not mean letting a self-appointed elite decide for all. Our portfolio of world-class competitive operations, with a broad range of future development options, provides many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world and that meet the fast growing every day demands of billions of consumers. To that end, our Board appointments are sequenced to reflect the areas of expertise that we feel we need as we look ahead at the trajectory of the business. An equal is someone who does not have to be patronized but to whom we can say your argument sucks! And we treat them as responsible equals by insisting that they be held responsible for both their silly arguments and their destructive behavior. Have I your permission to take the Notice of Meeting as read and formally propose the resolutions set out in the Notice? I want to stress that Anglo-American culture is not simply the product of Athens and Jerusalem. It is a form of advocacy and negotiation. The second reason is that Anglo-American culture is not understood even by those of us who are surrounded by it, and that is why we are engaged in an act of retrieval. The difference is significant, and they knew what they were doing. The surveys are enabling us to build a picture of how extensively our Values are lived. The two most important nations within this denomination are the United States and Canada. Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the business of this meeting. Anglo American is re-imagining mining to improve peoples lives. But in the face of numerous challenges, Anglo American remained resilient. First, a side note. Tolerance is itself based upon a principle deeply embedded within Christianity, namely, that the only way to truth is through individual inner conviction, and inner conviction cannot be coerced from the outside. I thank the Board for its unwavering support and all our workforce for their hard work and resilience. It has taken at least two to three millennia. What happens when a market economy is understood as the expression of an individualist moral culture? Though Anglos and Anglo Americans had explored parts of the territory during Spanish colonial times (before 1821), they only began arriving and staying in much larger numbers, Our founding fathers created such a Republic and not a democracy. Some will defend the market economy on the basis of its greater productivity and power. Looking back on my first year as chief executive, the world has changed in many ways. a-gl--mer--kn. The function of political activity is to defend and advance particular contending interests. To let others decide for themselves is precisely to treat them as ends and not as means. A true individual can maintain his autonomy only by interacting with other autonomous beings, that is by interacting with equals. Conflicts within our own culture often reflect ignorance, misunderstanding, or deep disagreement over what those moral presuppositions are. Then take the second map of Eur-Asia and draw a line through it. Those who mourn the loss of traditional communities ignore the most important and original community, the family, and they ignore as well the prolific growth of voluntary communities. Join us in transforming the very nature of the industry to help create a safer, cleaner, smarter future. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this document, including, without limitation, those regarding Anglo Americans financial position, business, acquisition and divestment strategy, dividend policy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including development plans and objectives relating to Anglo Americans products, production forecasts and Ore Reserve and Mineral Resource positions) and environmental, social and corporate governance goals and aspirations, are forward-looking statements. We also sadly lost one colleague at a non-managed joint operation. The increasing threat to the family is its loss of function as more and more is taken over by public agencies who thus compete for the attention and esteem of children.
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