african soft fur rats legal states
http://www.sapphiretigress.com/Softfurs.htm (No longer available), If you are looking for ASF breeders in your state, follow this link. Gestation: 21-23 days By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. They are largely silent beings compared to various other animals. Usually, these rats should have 12x12x12 space in the cage. Got her from a feeding mice breeder, going to see him tomorrow again, and will take a carefull look at his animals again. I just counted 840 in my garage. I get feedback from the new owners and they are all very happy with their new pets. I first thought she was a young Cinnamon, but she looks more and more like a Ruby Eyed? Sometimes it is also known as a Natal multimammate rat. Feeders or not, they deserve respect. If they think they are in danger, they scramble everywhere! The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. She ist molting right now, and her eyes seem to turn redisch. http://asfrats.info/viewforum.php?f=8& (no longer available), Or you can visit the ASFs breeders and information exchange forum An African soft-furred rat lifespan is estimated to be around three years. Predators of African soft fur rats include reptiles like python. Their common African name (natal multimammate mouse) literally means many-breasted mouse, so-named because the females possess extra teats, (8-14 pairs rather than the usual 5 or 6 pairs that other rodents have). ASFs are prone to spontaneous, fast growing warty tumors. Grab the dirty tub with the first group, place it as close as you can to the new clean tub. African Soft Fur Rats: Do They Make Good Pets. Their face is relatively small compared to their body with a small nose and two eyes. This means that many breeders have given them very reptilian names to describe the colors and patterns. Common Name: African Soft Furs, Natal Rats, Multimammate Rat, (Mice is an outdated term) 2004. Wire cages give good ventilation, huge space to climb, and great opportunities to provide hanging toys. But even though they are food for other animals and reptiles, African soft fur rats make good pets. The animals appear a dark gray color when young, and lightening to a dark brown color as an adult, with a cool blue belly. Another strange thing I have seen them do is crumbling their food. of age. Ifind a 1.2 or 1.3 is a successful ratio, although groups with more females can work if given proper space. This is not an option, however, for pet owners who have no desire to breed. Since they are still commonly referred to as Mastomys Natalensis, be sure to use both search terms when trying to find information about these animals. Female African soft fur rats cannot breed with male fancy mice. 602 likes. I ask, because ASF are on the lacey act and illegal to cross state lines it is a felony charge, just FYI. You will likely find one day that your starting group is getting old, or is not producing the numbers you need. They thrive in polygamous colonies, most often consisting of one male and three to five females. http://asfrats.info (No longer available), Russell Tofts Article on ASFs (A good read, although may be outdated.) ASF and mice will do everything together - eating, sleeping, grooming, and playing - just like they would with a member of their own species.. Two unrelated males can fight to the death if left together in a group with a small number of females. Will decrease with age. This work details the effects of living with undiagnosed infections like rickettsia (like Lyme). Many would say no, but they do smell, and anyone who says differently either does not have a keen sense of smell, or does not have more than one or two groups. Mastomys natalensis Papilloma Virus (MnPV), the Causative Agent of Epithelial Proliferations: Characterization of the Virus Particle Grooming seems to be so much fun for soft furs. I suggest buying a very young animal from a breeder who knows that their animals are not as likely to bite as other breeders colonies, and when you get these animals, get the same sex so you never breed them. Very few people have successfully fostered mice and other ASFs to a group of nursing females. Is an African soft fur rat a rat or a mouse? (Link to small listing of US breeders). We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The heads usually have a characteristic Eye brows pattern, and some symmetrical spots or stripes on the cheeks or side of the face. After the female has given birth, she will go into heat a few hours later and will be impregnated again. Their small adult size compared to the Norway rat makes them ideal to keep, because they are often the perfect feeding size for months and will not outgrow the feeding limits for most carnivores like a Norway rat will. Their growth can be hampered otherwise. http://asfrats.info/viewforum.php?f=8& (No longer available), Or you can visit the ASFs breeders and information exchange forum Much like the Domestic Norway Rat, the hairs are banded Agouti. (Link to DIY for tubs). I've noticed with my collection that the more I interact with them, the less they are leaping and bounding from me when I pull their tub out for cleaning. It is a simple recessive gene. Adults are usually fed to ball pythons and other reptiles as they are a source of good quality meat. http://inas-dragons-lair.de/images/stories/vzm/VZM-Neue.Gruppe.jpg http://vir.sgmjournals.org/cgi/reprint/41/2/315, K.Wayss, E.Amtmann, G.Frstenberger, G.Sauer and M.Volm http://dels.nas.edu/ilar_n/ilarjourn1Unusual.shtml, KlausWayss, DenisReyes-Mayes and ManfredVolm They lasted quite a long time, and once they become small little pegs or stained orange yellow from pee, they were replaced. I can always tell the difference in the litters as to what is albino [Amber?] African soft-furred rats are rodents with natural speed for movement. We say basically, because it would be impossible to guarantee that absolutely zero rats exist in the entire province, but as an Albertan of over 40 years, I can say I have never seen a rat in Alberta. They are widely used in the scientific community to study diseases that are also common to man, like degenerative joint disease, renal disease and carcinoid tumors of the stomach. Bring them small treats like a dog biscuit, seeds, yogurt drops, raisins, and work with the animal a few times a day, so they learn that you are safe, and even bring them yummy treats! My starter rats are het for ruby eye and are pandas. I dont want them to get Him sick by any means. Common brands of feed for ASFs include Harlan Teklad, Mazuri, LabDiet, Zeigler and Kent rodent feeds. I have gone through quite a few wheels for these buggers, and the only ones we have available in local pet shops are the powder coated (painted) metal wire wheels. Because these rodents breed quickly, reptile breeders and owners use them as a food source. Irecommend these rats to anyone that doesnt have the space or time to devote for large Norway rats, but still wants a steady supply of feeder animals they can depend on. Scientific Name: Praomys (Mastomys) Natalensis, (Mastomys Natalensis may be an outdated term) Undercoats are blue on the wild type agouti color, Amber on the cinnamon creates a richer yellow color lacking the blue undercoat (Argente in Europe). Although they have nothing to do with the rat genus. All members of the group will be protective of the young. Joking aside, weve put a lot of work into each piece, and want to remind everyone that if you like what we do here, please make a link back to this page, rather than infringing on copyrights. Reply Quote. The gestation period lasts 21 days and they may have six to 22 babies per litter. You can make it big, with stairs, burrows, dens, etc. They dont outgrow Ball Pythons. I give them old toilet paper and paper towel rolls. They ovulate every 4 days. They are known to be very bouncy at times, and can even jump out of snake tubs if you do not close them in time. Simply by putting them together in a group, you dont have to do anything other than provide good husbandry and remove the babies as they reach 4 weeks of age. I hope this helps! . These rats will reach an average weight of approximately 2.1 ounces, and their fur varies between yellow, brown, and grey. Gestation: 21-23 days. African soft fur rats are classified as a Least Concern species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN). . So far, it would seem that the tumors develop after 9 -12months of age, although not, The tumor development can be very fast and spontaneous. When young, the animals appear almost black, but as they age, the yellow banding will show up more prominently, especially on the sides of the animal. They almost always need to be doing something. When they do communicate, it's usually through pheromones and ultrasonic vocalizations. Does are pregnant for 21 days and give birth to litters with six to 22 rat pups. I find that their odor is not so much a strong and permeating odor where the entire room will smell, but rather a very concentrated odor. They are not that enjoyable, hard to breed (production is low compare to rats and mice), escape artists, more aggressive and some snakes will not touch them. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B. But the general story is this: The main type of rat that is a pest and causes damage and disease in North America is the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). The eyes do appear to be a dark brown color, almost black. They get wood shavings, food, water, and the company of their colony mates. This results in a new litter every 3 to 4 weeks. . I continued to handle them about once a day. Praomys Natalensis African Soft Furred Rats are quickly becoming a favorite as feeders for small to medium sized snakes, birds of prey, and carnivorous lizards and amphibians. right is a Amber, left in the back is a cinnamon, but before her on the left, is a young one. When feeding live, always monitor to make sure the animal is not harmed by the rat. What toys can you give African soft fur rats? Not only that, they actually seem to enjoy each others' company. It is recommended that a male mouse be housed with no fewer than two female ASF. A: Stress. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'oxfordpets_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-oxfordpets_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); This is, in fact, good for the African soft fur rats. Whether thats chewing shavings, shelling seeds, gnawing whatever they can get their teeth on, these little guys have motor mouths that need to be busy almost all the time! Im just telling it like it is. It takes a little over a month for them to grow to the traditional feeding size of 40-60 grams. African soft-furred rat breeders are few in number.