50 gi 1911 conversion
Alex Zimmerman took the custom 1911 world a giant step farther when he came up with the idea of a .50-caliber cartridge that would fit into the footprint of a 1911. The frame and slide were machined from forgings. These custom 1911s range from $2600-$3900, depending on what you are wanting. In the field my 1911 conversion has a 10 round CM PM in place which is 10 shots versus six in a revolver, and being instantly ready to reload. One of our empties had a pierced primer (small pistol), and though the gun never gave a stutter, we never like pierced primers. These custom 1911's range from $2600-$3900, depending on what you are wanting. Neither Storm Lake barrel had the link and pin. Our rounds landed exactly where we would have expected them to land with the .45 ACP. Because Georgia Arms made our test ammo, here are that companys catalog numbers and claims, with our measured velocity in parentheses: G460A = 185-grain Nosler at 1550 (actual 1440); G460B = 185-gr. But the M1 occupies most of its time. A 275 grain .50 bullet isnt enough heavier than a 255 grain .451 bullet for organic creatures to notice or care. exile, Fox Ridge Outfitters, the access point for the T/C Custom Shop (, Soldier of God, sixgun junky, Retired electrical lineman. For the sportsman this is a round that needs to be explored. I dont think the 400 Cor-Bon really got a fair shake. Guncrafter Industries introduced two long slide 1911s to its pistol lineup: the Model No. Just think, you will pay for your conversion kit after firing just two bricks of .22LR ammo. While low-cost surplus ammo doesnt exist, Guncrafter helps the shooter by offering reloading dies, brass, bullets, and reloading data from the company website (www.guncrafterindustries.com). The Blue Glaser Safety Slugs produced a huge fireball, and when we tried em on paper we got a 10-inch pattern at 15 yards. i got a parkerized springfield 1911A1 that been sitting in my gun cabinet for 10 years. The handling, however, was identical. The 165-grain loads fed and ejected well with only one failure to feed. The Fisher Norinco did have a heavy, progressive .45-type spring, but it may not have been enough. The accuracy of this pistol is just amazing. We had expected a heavy gun, but were happily disappointed. The Glock 21 coincidentally is a weapon that I know better than any other in the world. 2023 Guncrafter Industries. Clark recommends sending in your slide if you doubt your ability to make the kit fit. Essentially, Guncrafter found something that was already out there and made it unique and reliable. GLOCK is a federally registered trademark of Glock, Inc. and is one of many trademarks owned by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H. A couple of shooters at the range asked if standard 1911s could be converted to .50 GI with a simple barrel, recoil spring and magazine swap. If you are wanting to get a complete pistol with the Glock Conversion on it, the MSRP is coming in at $975 for Stainless and $1035 for black Melonite. When I built my first 1911 conversion, I was half-way through testing a sequence of hand loads before I realized I hadnt noticed any recoil! Although the .460 Rowland gave hotter results on paper, were not entirely comfortable with all that blast and kick from the 1911. Well, of the guns and calibers presented here, the Rowland in 2020 is still alive and well, and continuing to grow as more shooters discover it really DOES replace the antiquated six-shot .44 magnum wheelgun for field carry! We got some of the two available types of ammo from G.I. Does it have curb appeal? (Be sure to check the Clark websites FAQs before you place an order. 1776 Supply Co. 2021. It does much more than the .45 ACP can do. The second load listed, G460B, fed and functioned almost perfectly (one failure to feed). It is a very nice gun, and my understanding that they are just as custom as the Wilson or Nighthawk. They are available in stainless, melonite, and cerakote. Order Online or Call Toll-Free: 1-800-601-8273 You may also like Conversion Kit Magazines by Advantage Arms $24.95 Conversion Kit Magazines by Tactical Solutions $42.95 Tactical Solutions .22 Conversion Kit Granted a lot has changed in the 15 years since this was written and the three caliber conversions have already worked themselves out. We had massive failures to feed with the blunt, truncated-cone-shaped Nosler. (Local laws apply). .460 Rowland Clark Conversion Kit, $275. 1 1911 pistol chambered in the 50 GI cartridge was released at the 2004 SHOT . Try a .45 Super with 185 grain JHP loaded to 1100+ fps and youll see immediately what Im saying, in the same gun. Glockstore.com is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H. The use of "Glock" on this page is merely to advertise the sale of Glock pistols, parts, or components. 2 which sports a full length light rail/dust cover and is chambered for the .50 GI cartridge. The Glock 21 bucks in my hand with a fast, sharp recoil. You can see the contact details of the manufacturer, RMW Xtreme Inc., at the beginning of the below video. It actually pounded my steel target with so much force that it knocked the entire 100-pound plate and stand combo hard enough to make it furrow the ground it stood upon. Double-taps were not as easy as with a .45. Oh yes, in spades! I braced myself expecting a real wrist splitter but instead got a fast impulse just a hairs breathe over that of a 230-grain .45ACP. Our J26 custom slide will help make you and your new trusty sidekick more accurate than ever. This unit comes ready to install with no fitting required. We wanted to see if the new management had corrected that flaw. Our test shooters regularly got such groups, and did so with ease. *Gen. 4 / Stainless Steel Finish - Complete Pistols are IN STOCK and ready to ship* As a result, the NRA is forced to restrict the sending of certain materials and information into California. Rechambers and Conversions are the several different alternate ammunition calibers available throughout all the guns in the game, each with unique statistics and kill unlock requirements. As a result the blunt .50 caliber bullet has poor penetration due to its massive surface area. Our test gun showed the first-shot-out syndrome noticeable, the first shot landing here and the next four landing over there. It fit our favorite Bachman Slide holster perfectly, and we could not notice a difference in the holster between this .50 and a .45. The latter kicked, as Elmer Keith would have put it, like two mules. ACP Dedicated Complete Pistol Finish: Unlike another makers guns that lock so tightly they need hundreds of rounds to break in, the .50 GI was pleasant right from the start. But does it make sense to try to turn a 1911 into a .44 Magnum? I absolutely love my Rowland and with the compensator, it doesnt feel like it kicks as hard as my 45acp without a compensator. from 5" barrels. Jacketed Flat Point (700fps). The .50 GI round was designed from the ground up specifically for the Guncrafters Model No.1 pistol. We're on the cover of American Handgunner! It wont work in a standard 1911 frame and is so fat that double stacks like glocks are reduced to single stack low capacity. My office was a 100 feet in the air, closer to God the better, Vintage Boxes - Gear, Shell, Case, Primer, Group Buys Design, Active , Waiting and Archives, Closed Buys/Waiting for delivery/in shipment, If this is your first visit, be sure to Loads are listed Bullet weight & style, Powder weight & type, OAL length and velocity. Shooting the BulletSafe VP3 Soft Body Armor, Uberti Remembers John Wesley Hardin with this Top Break .45 Colt. Here is a brand list of potential 1911 conversions to a .460 Rowland for maximum impact, penetration, performance, and accuracy. Because the 50 GI is not in the magnum family, and because the round operations with such low pressure, you will be pleasantly surprised at how controllable a pistol platform firing 50 caliber rounds can be. Nothing is, but more gun is almost always better. WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. They can cut a .400 Cor-Bon chamber into a .40-cal barrel on request, which is what they did for us. As for ammo, you really only want to consider the 50GI cartridge if you reload. Shooting this pistol is an absolute dream. Review, with pictures. We highly recommend Remington "Golden Bullets" for everyday plinking and CCI MiniMags or Federal Automatch for better accuracy. 1 pistol, which is a 1911 dedicated to a .50-caliber cartridge with a rebated rim. Unless you are rich or reload I would forget it. If youve been looking for the perfect option to add on to your gun or you want to enhance the experience, this is the slide for you. The .50 GI was intended primarily as a self-defense round but is still very versatile and can be loaded to higher or lower levels if desired. About the time this article was written I was thigh-deep in building my own Corbon complete with loading my own ammo. Anyone who has a 1911 .45 ACP might well feel he has the ultimate self-defense handgun, and there is much evidence he may be right. Guncrafter Industries has been making the .50 GI round for over a decade, and first offered their own specially chambered M1911 pistol to shoot it with. This is the perfect upper half to complement your Polymer80 PF940SC. Solid Copper Hollow Point (1200fps), 230gr CHP Solid Copper Hollow Point (1000fps), 255gr. Attractive window cuts and 60 degree serrations are among many of the features incorporated into this slide. RIA .45ACP to 9mm Conversion Hi Guy's, This is my first post here and I've spent hours reviewing this sight and another 1911 sight. This unit comes ready to install with no fitting required. Here are our findings. I drew the weapon, got a rough sight picture, and started squeezing off rounds as fast as I could get the gun back on target. It had significantly more power than the .45 ACP in an easily controlled package that was essentially the same size and weight as the one we thought was the ultimate self-defense handgun for many long years. The .50 GC was and still is a gimmick. JHP at 1300 (actual 1370). It's never too late to experience a custom 1911 that fits your style. Yeah, thats a tall order. We tried the newly made .45 ACP barrel, and it fit our test gun perfectly. This is it! Speed and bullet placement were both down. Well lets break it down: Guncrafter Industries 1911 Mod 1 chambered in .50GI with all ammunition available from GI. With the 1911 I found Chip McCormick Powermags to be the ticket for sustained reliable function not that any of my conversions have ever had a problem with reliability. All the parts were well made and, as we found, well thought out. It really is a versatile round and Id love to see its power displayed in an SMG of some sort but, alas, Im getting ahead of myself. 2023 Guncrafter Industries. We noted the complete lack of loose parts, and that the metalwork, finishing and fitting everywhere were absolutely first class. The G460A did not work in our gun at all. To me, they look like .45s that rode the short bus to school. As if a .45 ACP caliber Glock wasnt perfection enough Guncrafter Industries decided to take the proven Glock 21 design and couple it with its masterfully engineered .50 caliber munitions into a drop in conversion unit. The ammunition for all three test calibers was proprietary but easily obtained, as we discovered. The impressive little rangefinder worked What Are Coach Guns? I love this thing! The Model 3 custom 1911 is a commander size pistol chambered in the .50GI round. to 300-gr. Instead, we ground away the rear of the barrel (not the shroud) almost as far as was needed, and then fitted it to the gun by hand. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. My wife usually accompanies me to the gun range and she is always there to help female shooters with their techniques and to answer questions. L-SWC (800fps), 275gr. When it did a few weeks later it was like Christmas morning. "There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. The 50GI w/ conversion uses proprietary magazines to shoot .45, they are same dimentions as the 50 magazines to fit the oversize magazine well. Please: No Double-Stacks, Bull Barrels or Fully-Ramped barrels. Guncrafter Industries Model No. One can perhaps get used to that, but we all felt the .50 GI was much easier to shoot, slow or fast, than the .400 Cor-Bon. 1 in 2010. 50GI 9 Round Conversion Magazine for Glock Pistols, Guncrafter Industries .50GI Drop-In Conversion for Glock Pistols, Guncrafter Industries .50 GI Complete Pistol, Threaded Barrel 5/8-24 TPI, RH, 5.3" for 50 GI conversion units, 50 GI Complete Pistol w/ Glock Frame, Gen.4, True Blue, Metallic Finish, 50 GI Complete Pistol w/ Glock Frame, Gen.4, Cayman Green Finish, 50 GI Complete Pistol w/ Glock Frame, Gen.4, Sky Blue Metallic Finish. A conversion was also produced for the Glock 20 and Glock 21 pistols to allow a quick drop in conversion for commonly owned pistols. love the .50 GI. The Guncrafter Industries' .50GI caliber and M1911 was debuted at SHOT Show in 2004. Mine currently has a 20/40 pound dual, flat-wound coil that wasnt available in 2005. Carbine with AR-15 magazines converted to take .50 GI The .50 GI magazine holds 14 rounds and the AR-15 magazine holds 9 rounds. The Silver Glasers shot well enough to be useful. Careful fitting would improve feeding. Just think, you will pay for your conversion kit after firing just two bricks of .22LR ammo. Accuracy with the 165-grain JHP load (our first choice) was more than acceptable, five-shot groups running about 2 inches at 15 yards. Huh the $3000 purpose-built gun was better than a cheap-o gun with an inexpensive drop-in barrel? Per the ATF.gov website, that means, 1911 Hotrods: .400 Cor-Bon, .460 Rowland, and the .50 GI, Diamondback Sidekick DB0500A001 22 LR/22 WMR, Heritage Rough Rider Tactical Cowboy RR22B6-TH 22 LR/22 Magnum, SIG Sauer P938 Legion No. Guncrafter Industries offers ammunition in 20rd boxes and the price is competitive, compared to other .50 caliber rounds. Unless otherwise noted, these reviews carry the guns prices at the time of the original review. The net effect is gas and thus energy is diverted lateral to the gas stream, as well as used to physically shove the barrel forward. Compared with the .400 Cor-Bon and the .460 Rowland, the .50 GI was far more shooter friendly. The .50 GI Glock conversion unit will. I am not a fan of Glocks, I had a G17 for about 6 months and traded it for another gun. We didnt know, so we acquired some drop-in barrels from Storm Lake in .400 Cor-Bon ($130) and from Clark Custom Guns in .460 Rowland ($275). We're on the cover! Use the .50 GI magazine that is included. The Model No. .45 ACP and 50 G.I. This restriction is made under protest, but we have to do this to comply with Californias infringement on the freedoms of speech and association of the NRA and our members, supporters, and the general public. It come in three basic models, all of which are handcrafted. look no further! The Worlds #1 source for glock parts & accesories, Just ordered mine should be here in 3 days Ill post another review one I get to but I mean how can you be unhappy with a 50 cal glock ;), SIGN UP FOR EXCLUSIVE SALES AND PRODUCT NEWS. As any .45-auto shooter can tell you, recoil with some plus-P .45 loads is getting right up there. Jacketed Hollow Point (875fps), and 300gr. http://. We were unable to shoot enough of this for accuracy purposes, abandoning it as thoroughly unsuitable for this test gun, so that information is missing from our test results. We had mixed feelings about the muzzle brake before we fired the gun. We told Clark we would put this unit into a Norinco. But, these .50GI rounds can be reloaded and there are dies available to reload. Clark did a marvelous job, we thought, on this package. The "GI" in the cartridge name is because the . With each shot the gun gave a loud bark and kicked sharply toward the sky. To our joy, we could easily control it as easily as a .45. The Videki-pattern trigger broke cleanly at 4.8 pounds, was well fitted in its slot, and was perfectly adjusted for overtravel. Some of these varieties include: Currently, Guncrafter Industries is venturing out into a Glock 20/21 Conversion for all the Glock fans out there wanting to shoot a 50cal bullet. I use Rainier 275gr hollowpoints and I dabble with the Guncrafter Copper Hollow Points as well but those are pricey. Where I think this round would really prove useful is as a secondary weapon for a SWAT officer. We're on the cover of American Handgunner! Try changing the sear for a standard G.I. Magnum Research made a name for itself with the Desert Eagle. Another excellent choice for the .460 Rowland are the plated or jacketed SWC style .451 bullets because they develop the largest, most abrupt shock cone of all. This magazine holds 5 rounds of 50 GI.Each magazine is handmade at Guncrafter Industries in Huntsville, Arkansas. Another of our factory loads drives a 275gr. Muzzle blast will always be higher in super sonic loads. I thought the only way to have real power was the same tired, six shot wheelgun of whatever caliber. Please click Accept Cookies to continue to use the site. Here are our findings. The other Storm Lake barrel didnt have those bumps, so we removed them with a file, hand grinder, and polishing buff. Posted: 5/3/2017 6:17:58 PM EDT [#1] Dibs on guns. We thought the .400 was well worth a look for those who want lighter bullets at otherwise unreachable velocities from the 1911. The .400 and .460 had more blast and recoil and operated at higher pressure, and battered the gun and shooter more. The .400 Corbon is pretty close to gone due to poor function as noted in the article, and rather lack-luster performance for all the investment of time and effort. It made the gun too long to fit most holsters, but our Bachman Slide didnt care. When I load up the standard 275gr stuff, my cost is roughly $30 per hundred. We didnt much like the 135-grain JHP loads because we could feel them battering the slide. The brake seemed to grab the gun in mid-recoil and pull it back down. The loads didnt offer much but velocity, and some of us are not great fans of velocity at the expense of bullet weight. All rights reserved. The first time I assembled the weapon and slid a magazine in, it felt exactly like a standard Glock 21. Guncrafter Industries currently makes a wide variety of hand-built, custom 1911. Heavier bullets struck higher. 5 Round 50 GI. This gun had it all, we thought. (There may be some floating around out there, and if you mill away the extra metal they can be made to work.) Magazine for M Series Model 5, Guncrafter Industries .50 GI Complete Pistol, Guncrafter Industries .50GI Drop-In Conversion for Glock Pistols, Tool Steel fully machined Hammer, Sear, and Disconnector, 20 LPI checking on front strap and mainspring housing, Main Spring Housing with Integral Lanyard Loop. As I watch the large, brass casing fly through the air I hear the loud PONG! of the 300-grain .50 caliber bullet slamming into the target 75 yards away what, did he just say .50 caliber? The ammunition for all three test calibers was proprietary but easily obtained, as we discovered. Check it out! If you order one of these pre-fit barrels from, say, Brownells, the kit ($169) will come with a link, pin and bushing. The Model 4 custom 1911 is a Long Slide chambered in the .50GI round, which makes it the perfect candidate for a hunting pistol as well as a target 1911. There was also a bushing, link, heavier slide and firing-pin springs, a two-piece guide rod for the 24-pound spring, and hanging out front, a big muzzle brake (your choice of blued or stainless). Most custom 1911s are designed with accuracy in mind and this pistol doesnt fall short in that department. Folks, these .50 calibers really do hit that hard. As far as magazines go, I know the JHP can be relatively easily converted to work with standard 1911 magazines, so perhaps just widening the mag well and doing a similar modification to the magazine catch could be enough make it work with the .50GI 1911 style mags. Then the barrel would enter the slide fully, and thats when our real troubles began. Lockup was with a slight click, more felt than heard, as the parts went together with zero rattles and zero slop. The .460 conversion is also highly controllable and can be fired as fast as a non-compensated 1911 which is pretty fast! I found the kit a pleasure to work. The assembly comes complete with slide, barrel, spring assembly, and an 8 or 9 round magazine your pick. Check it out! Clark offers both Starline brass ($25/100, and normal .45 ACP dies work fine) and ammo, the latter made by Georgia Arms (770-459-5117, or 1-800-624-6861, www.georgia-arms.com). Prices of ammunition range from $31-$51. The management of Storm Lake was taken over about two years ago by Machine Solutions, and they made some radical and much-needed changes to barrel production. The Guncrafters Glock 21 Conversion Unit is a well-put-together system that bares consideration for the shooting enthusiast, and LEO. The conversion slide mats perfectly to the frame just like a factory slide. The .50 GI (12.7x23mm Rebated Rim) pistol cartridge was developed by Vic Tibbets and Alex Zimmermann of Guncrafter Industries. We found we could shoot the .460 Rowland Fisher/Norinco as fast and as accurately as we could with .45 ACP loads, thanks to the excellent Clark muzzle brake. Its the Glock platform that is the standard by which all other pistols are judged. Designing a gun around a bullet is sort of like GE building the GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling Gun and then Fairchild Republic building the A-10 Warthog aircraft around it. Ammo is $14.25 for 20 rounds of 300-grain JFP, or $15.75 for 20 of a hotter 275-grain JHP. This conversion set consisted of a slide, barrel, captive slide spring, and magazine in a hard plastic case. The Glock Conversion might be more obtainable for me, since my wife carries a Glock G20 G4. The gun was extremely well made, and thats only the first thing we noticed. The Model 1 Custom 1911 Pistol For Sale | Guncrafter Industries Home Firearms Model 1 50 GI Model 1 50 GI $3,795.00 (1 review) Write a Review Availability: Our current lead time is 14-22 weeks. Thankfully, the merits of the caliber, being highlighted in videos across the internet, have managed to counter the negatively slanted reporting of so many gun-rag writers! For $200 you can get a hard-chrome finish. We wondered at the Parkerizing finish, but it works very well. MANTIS BLACKBEARD Dry Fire Training System 1 Year 70,000 round, how did it stand up? In 2006, Guncrafter Industries introduced its 1911 Model No. The concept was to create a practical .50 caliber 1911 without unnecessary bulk and weight but with the benefits of increased knockdown power while still being completely controllable during rapid fire. 4 chambered in .50 GI and the No Name Longslide chambered in 10 mm. HERE COMES THE BOOM! The company normally stocks barrels in .45 ACP ($125 for the barrel alone), .40 S&W, 9mm, .38 Super, .357 SIG, and a few in 10mm. We had occasional failures to feed with all the ammo, but we attributed that to our hurried fitting, which gave a discontinuous ramp. Zimmerman, head of Guncrafter Industries in Huntsville, Arkansas, decided to make his 1911s as carefully and as well as any have been made to date. Like many I had no interest in the .460 Rowland, because like many, not knowing anything about it, I had no idea what I was missing. We stripped the gun and attempted to insert the Storm Lake .400 CB barrel. Our 1911 Target Conversion Kit is our most accurate conversion kit. This pistol was one of the tightest-constructed 1911s weve inspected. .45ACP hardball factory round. I do believe that this bullet might even be able to put a tough-skinned wild bore down in one hit. The combination of bottleneck case and first-round stack gap causes the first round to be slammed hard into the frame ramp which is an almost head-on collision. I prefer to shoot the weapon as if I were defending my home, fast and furious. The whole apparatus went easily into our gun, with exactly no fitting required. The .460 Rowland offered lots of power and high velocity with heavy .45-caliber bullets, but with much higher pressure. I absolutely love this beast and it shoots amazingly well. (Compatible with Glock 26 Gen3, Gen4 and Polymer 80s PF940SC). What makes this particular custom 1911 so special?
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