1948 winchester model 94 32 special value
The little rifle was slick to cycle, quick to point and aim, and it will be right at home in the whitetail cottonwood bottoms. The Winchester model 94 holds I started shooting the carbine at 50 yards, aiming with the lowest leaf. It is very pleasing to the eye with its honest wear. Chambered for these cartridges: .32-40, .38-55, .25-35 Win., .30-30 Win. The company was forced to take some cost cutting measures in their production methods, and so forged receivers were replaced with cast and alloy parts. corrected, but the pre '64 versions remain the most desirable of all The '94 and the Marlin 336 have accounted for more deer (and other game) than any other guns on the market. Gun is basicly brand new has only had 10 shells shot threw it and I have the other 10 original shellsl. Model 94 Winchester Carbine 2/3 magazine, TWSB, Winchester 94 Lever action .30wcf (USED), Winchester 94 Limited 30-30 made in 1977 unfired in box with walnut case, Winchester Model 94 Illinois Sesquicentennial 30-30 Exc Con. Show Only Guns Winchester Model 94 - 32 WIN -. The Winchester Model 94 was produced by Winchester Repeating Arms Bright shiny bore with good rifling. In a manner to save money, Winchester made their pre 1964 models of several firearms sought after by collectors. Early 1950's. Standard firearm configuration. I tried for that velocity with different powders. Soon after, in 1895 Winchester offered a new cartridge in the Model 1894, the .30 WCF. Bore is shiny with strong rifling. The rifle itself is in great condition with a sharp, c1950 mfr. Alas, the bullets hit seven inches above aim at 50 yards and five inches high at 100 yards, aiming with the bottom leaf. All Rights Reserved. Winchester Model 94 32 Special Carbine Lever Rifle - .32 Win. Keep getting in . Serial: 1425229 Manufacturer: Winchester (1948) Model: 94 Caliber: .32 W.S. 94 32 special has a s/n of 1822193. GOOD SOLID WOOD, BORE HAS STRONG RIFLING WITH A LITTLE LIGHT PITTING. rifle. Original sights include a hooded front and a flat top sporting rea, You are looking at a .270 Winchester Model 70 pre 64 with 25" barrel and excellent bore. No, I'm under the impression it's in average condition, which typically has a value between $400.00 to $500.00. Classified Ad (1000+), Search Full Text of Listings Original sights includ, THIS IS A WINCHESTER MODEL 94 CARBINE, .32 WIN SPECIAL. This Model 94 is in good condition with some minor scratching on the stock and . A .30-40 Krag case on the left next to a .32 Winchester Special case on the right. In 1901 Winchester offered another new cartridge based on the .30 WCF yet necked up to use a 32 caliber bullet (the .32 Winchester Special). Our goal is to encourage collectors by providing honest descriptions, fair prices, and the best customer service. Has a very good bright shiny bore with strong rifling. in numerous other cartridges Feed and action parts were swapped for cheaper to produce stamped steel parts. Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. Made, Special order features include a 22 inch round barrel with a 3/4 length magazine tube. WOOD AND BORE, NICE CASE ON THE HAMMER, MADE 1900. The post-64 5309432 5362944 5409249 5463790 5517897 5574822 5615397 6008296 serial number 2,000,000 was presented to president dwigiit eisenhower . You did get a very good buy for $700 USD. Thanks J. i just inherited my grandfathers winchester 1894.acording to the serial # i was told it was made in 1897.it says on the barrel that it is 32 ws.i read that 32 ws was not available until 1902..after reading the comments here i think maybe i have an early 32 ws.the serial # on mine is 107760.what do you think ? Stamped on the left side of the barrel was "32 W.S." Winchester has revived the model 94 and currently produces an 1894 Different combinations of powder type, bullet seating depth, and crimp pressure can serve to wring out some very respectable accuracy from an old lever gun. Forum. Very fine model 1894 manufactured in 1907. Shotgun butt. Seller: David O (FFL) David . 4. . The 12 month average price is $1,011.96 new and $810.87 used. Since its design by none other than John M Browning, the most influential firearms genius of all time, the old Model 94 has truly earned its place in American history. Serial number- 1783570. 14, it quotes the 1902 Winchester catalog thusly: '"Loaded with Smokeless powder and a 165-gr. RIFLE, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. Several coats of finish on the wood gave the rifle a satisfactory appearance. Browning in 1893 specifically to be a perfect match for the new 30-30, Give a Gift Receive, 20 inch barrel with a Marbles 94-C front sight and folding ladder rear sight. Contributing Editor for RifleShooter Magazine, Brad Fitzpatrick gives us a review of this modernized version of an iconic favorite. 32 WS Saddle Ring, *WINCHESTER MODEL 94 SPECIAL ORDER SADDLE, A Winchester Model 94 lever action rifleSerial, A Winchester Model 94 lever action carbineSerial, Winchester Model 94 Pre 64 32 SpecialSerial, Winchester Model 94 lever action .32 Special, Winchester '94 Rifle: Winchester '94 rifle, RARE SPECIAL ORDER ENGRAVED WINCHESTER MODEL, **MIB Winchester John Wayne Model '94 Carbine.Serial. Model 270. 1. We believe we sell living history, and honor the veterans who fought and died for our freedoms. There is some oxidation and pinpricking on the barrel and underside of receiver though. Deep cut diamond point checkering. RifleShooter Magazine editor Scott Rupp breaks down all the features of the Mossberg Patriot Predator rifle chambered in 6.5 PRC. Visit our website for new treasures daily. there's one modification the price drops significantly as a collector piece but none as just a shooter. 32 special caliber. Show Only with Pictures Gun #: 966104140. The used value of a WINCHESTER 94 32 WS rifle has fallen $0.00 dollars . All Types (1000+) Hammer: checkered. The gun is a saddle ring carbine, which makes its collector value slightly higher than carbines made after 1925 with no saddle ring. Growing up in the 70s, our action heroes on TV and in movies were cowboys like John Wayne and Chuck Connors. Winchester Model 94 32 Win Special. I would say given that fact and the general condition would put it's value around $250-$300 at best. *too post-64 model 94 began with serial number 2,700,000. seiual number 1,000,000 was presented to president cal yin coolidge in 1927. serial number 1,500,000 was presented to president harry s. truman in 1948. 6 Image(s) 32T WINCHESTER 1894 32 SPECIAL ROUND RIFLE. It's a carbine with a 20-inch barrel and full-length magazine. Marlin, which the rifle was able to accept due to an extremely Barrel, mag tube and frame retain about 98, 20" Barrel, Redfield Receiver Sight, Blank in rear slot, Metal Butt, Good Bore, Wood shows light handling, Blue shows some wear nothing bad, Never had swivels, Buyer pays 50.00 shipping Pa reside, The Winchester Model 94 lever action carbine is one of the most proven hunting rifles ever made. According to the Winchester Polishing Room records now held at the Cody Firearms Museum, Model 1894 sn 173XXX was made in 1903. A WINCHESTER MODEL 94 rifle is currently worth an average price of $907.63 new and $810.87 used . Its rumored Winchester introduced the .32 Winchester Special as a slightly more powerful alternative to the .30 WCF, with less recoil than the readily available military surplus .30-40 Krag chambered Springfield rifles. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Local Gun Search; Advanced Search; Browse Categories; . 20 inch barrel. PRE 64 WINCHESTER MODEL 94, LEVER ACTION, .32 WIN. It has a flat upper band. Browning extended the receiver and modified the action on the 92 and produced a lever action rifle to become known as the 1894, which Winchester began selling chambered in two black powder offerings, the .38-55 and the .32-40. Model 1894 was the first Winchester developed especially for the smokeless powder. Barrel retains most all original blue. After cleaning the barrel of the old 94 I grabbed a box of factory ammo and walked out to the range. BORE, MADE 1902. Interestingly, the .30 WCF (later to be called the .30-30) was always considered a smokeless powder cartridge yet Winchester engineers slowed the twist rate in the .32 Win Special barrels to deal with black powder fouling just in case hunters began reloading their 32 brass with black powder. Type 2 frame. Correct shorter forearm. 7 day inspection period on all website purchases. Specialists in Marketing Your Gun Collections, - THE RIFLE IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION SHOWING VERY GOOD CARE. 20" barrel. Here we present a C&R Winchester Model 94 Lever Action Carbine in, Winchester Model 1894 Rifle Winchester Model 1894 rifle with a 26"octangon barrel. Your email address will not be published. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Repeating Arms under the Mint bore, hardly looks fired. See photos for details, be sure and click for larger detailed views. !EASTERN WINCHESTER MODEL 94 RARE "FLAT-BAND" CARBINE.MADE IN "1949" CALIBER IS .32 WINCHESTER SPECIAL ,18" BARREL,EXCEPTING FOR THE WEAR ON THE BREACH FROM CARRY! This is an excellent condition Winchester 94 Illinois Sesquicentennial 30-30. IMO the 32 special is worth a premium, and a 30-30 in that condition would only be worth around $200. Knight Ultra-Lite 50 Caliber Muzzleloader, Winchester Model 94 32 Special Ammo Hunt Sodak. Terrific wood parts with hardly any surface wear. Barrel and mag retain a good amount of thinning blue. These days, 170 grain and 165 grain bullets are available. This was an important time in firearms and ballistics history because this is when smokeless powder became available. Most all original barrel blue remains. Winchester Model 94 Pre 64 32 SpecialSerial Winchester Model 94 Pre 64 32 SpecialSerial No. The leaves were calibrated to Winchester factory ammunition. Good bore and crisp action. Federal Power Shok 170-grain softpoint flatnose loads had a muzzle velocity of 2,115 fps135 fps less than published velocityand hit four inches above aim at 50 yards. Login Register Menu. Mfg 1949 Sling swivels built in Bore is excellent/Action excellent Wood 90-95%, WINCHESTER 1894 32SP SRC, 95+% BARREL AND AMG, 85% RECEIVER WIRTH SOME FRECKLING, LYMAN 21 SIDE SIGHT, EXPRESS REAR, EXC. For todays reloader, round nose bullets as well as flexible polymer tip bullets from Hornady are readily available as are hard cast bullets from several sources. A charge of 35.0 grains of IMR 4064 came close at 2,042 fps, with the bullets hitting almost right on at 100 yards, aiming with the lowest leaf. 32 cal.Condition:Winchester Model 94 Serial #1173415. The post 1964 firearms typically shot as well as their older relatives but didnt hold a finish nearly as well, and stamped parts began to fail with repeated use. Company through 1980 and then by U.S. Buy a Winchester Rifles Modern Lever Model 94 Pre 64 online. cartridge. Scarce WINCHESTER Model 1894 Lever Action .38-55 WCF Carbine C&R Great Medium Bore Carbine with 20 Barrel. Show Only Non-Guns. 5, c1900 WINCHESTER Model 1894 .30-30 WCF SADDLE RING Carbine C&R Lever Action TURN of the CENTURY Hunting/Sporting REPEATER Here we present a C&R Winchester Model 1894 Lever Action Saddle, 16 inch octagon nickel steel barrel chambered in 30 WCF caliber. Special order rifle with 24-1/4" oct bbl, full magazine, broken front sight, Winchester Model 1873 32 WCF cal sn: 504102B Winchester Model 1873 32 WCF cal sn: 504102B Factory Special Order, single set trigger, King Buckhorn rear sight, BBL shows blue/brown patina, receiver. WOOD WITH SOME LIGHT HANDLING MARKS, EXC. Description: #A274 "CHEAP" ! With it, you can enforce your will" -Gabe Saurez, Jim Hauff ~ H&R Collector In Memory of Bill Goforth and Jim Ritchie, Hi: My Winchester mod. The reason for this significant $50.00 Shipping We Accept Visa, Mastercard, Checks, and Money Orders. I have a similar flatband made in 1946, yours has the serrated hammer whereas mine has the checkered. This rifle will make a good shooter and wo, For sale is a Winchester Model 1894 in 32-40. The value is RETAIL, so if you are selling to a dealer, the value will be less. 34 Express three-leaf rear sight. The refinish absolutely removes any collector value, as you suspected. Sights include dovetail front sight and Rocky Mountain sp, 1941 mfr. BuyItNow! There are a couple of reasons for the .32's weak grasp on acceptance. Sights include original ramp f, WINCHESTER MODEL 94 PRE WAR CARBINE CALIBER 32 SPECIAL SERIAL NUMBER 1250023 MADE ABOUT 1939 HAS FORGED RAMP FRONT SIGHT WITH HOOD AND ROUND OVAL STEEL BUTT PLATE. Here we present a Winchester Lever Action, 1949 mfr. Hornady is also carrying the freight for .32 Special handloadersselling dies, brass and 170-grain flatpoint bullets and the 165-grain Flex Tip bullets. Original wood that shows some signs of abuse and is missing a small piece ri, You don't see a lot of SRC's in 38-55. Designed by John M. The 12 month average price is $1,118.67 new and $967.80 used. Winchester A beautiful vintage rifle manufac For sale is a vintage Winchester Model 94 in .32 Winchester Special Caliber, Serial # 9173XX. Sorry, there are no results in your area. Blade front sight and 3 leaf Express rear w, Special order 20 inch half octagon nickel steel barrel chambered in 30 WCF caliber. Original blade front and flattop sp, 22 inch round nickel steel barrel chambered in 32 WS caliber. pricing itself out of the hunting market, which made up a large 1948 Winchester Model 94 Carbine in 30-30 Caliber Description: The Winchester Model 1894 Carbine is one of the most iconic American-made firearms of all time. The 12 month average price is $941.34 new and $859.94 used. The ring stud remained on the left side of the receiver, but the ring itself was missing. The .32 Win. 1883917 for 1951, .32 Winchester Special. The .32 Winchester Special (or .32 WS) is a rimmed cartridge created in October 1901 for use in the Winchester Model 94 lever-action rifle. Metal butt plate. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. .30-.30 caliber In excellent used condition. Hornady is also carrying the freight for .32 Special handloadersselling dies, brass and 170-grain flatpoint bullets and the 165-grain Flex Tip bullets. Serial number 929,062 made in 1922. To feed those guns, Federal, Remington and Winchester offer essentially the same .32 Special load: a 170-grain bullet with a muzzle velocity of 2,250 fps. The Winchester Model 1894 was covered with what I imagined was trail dust, and I wondered what mountain paths the rifle had followed balanced across the swell of a saddle. GunCollectionsOnline - Privacy Policy Number built 7,500,000+. traditionally mounted scope. MANUFACTURER Winchester Clear CALIBER .32 Win. Spl. Detail does not mean "in good shape" ,describe how the wood is, how much blueing (% of original finish left) there is etc., and anything else you see that may be helpful. Receiver finish has aged to a deep brown patina with a few patches of cleaned scale. Rifle has an octagon barrel and crescent butt w, WINCHESTER MODEL94 (1894)EASTERN CARBINE 32SP, 1/2 MAG, SHOTGUN BUTT, 95% BARREL AND MAG, SILVER BROWN RECEIVER, EXC. they chose stamped sheet metal and roll pins for parts previously A rifle defends your freedom from oppressors and tyrants. Guns with extra-cost options should be evaluated by an expert to determine proper value. C&R FFL is ok. A short video of me enjoying this rifle on my range. Spl. Made in 1916. 20" barrel. Full length mag tube and a curved rifle butt. WINCHESTER Model 94 .30-30 WCF Lever Action Carbine Pre-1964 C&R WORLD WAR II Era Handy Rifle in .30-30! Receiver finish has aged to a deep brown patina with a few patches of cleaned scale. 1948 Winchester Mod 94, 30-30, Ser# 1474659 56 - 1949 Winchester Mod 94, .32 . To show viewers how to succeed at long range, J. Guthrie gears up for a challenging shot while chasing Colorado pronghorn at long range with DPMS' Panther 6.5 Creedmoor. Auction (26) History. Made around 1896-97. Such a pleasant-looking rifle needed shooting. It is a 1894 .32 WS, manufacture date is 1899 and the serial number is 173###. check out the. AUG 1894" the base/top of the barrel is engraved with "32 W.S". All Model 1894s were furnished with blued frames and barrels. The definition of an "antique firearm" is any firearm that predates 1898. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Quite a bit of bluing remained on the barrel and magazine tube, but none was left on the receiver and lever. 1952 mfg. Serial #1287717 I believe it was manufactured in - Answered by a verified Firearms Expert . Magnum, .44 Special/.44 Magnum, .45 Colt (or .45 Long Colt), .38-40 The lowest leaf is stamped "50," the middle "1" and the highest "2." Receiver retains 85% b, For sale is a Winchester Model 1894 takedown rifle in 32WS. Winchester Model 1894 Lever Action Rifle with Octagon Barrel, .30 WCF (30-30), SPECIAL ORDER WINCHESTER MODEL 1894 SHORT RIFLE IN 30 WCF, WINCHESTER MODEL 94 PRE WAR 32 SPECIAL CARBINE 1250023, PRE-64 WINCHESTER MODEL 94 CARBINE IN 32 WS. Courtesy Bonhams & Butterfields, San Francisco, California. or less, sequentially. 26 inch octagon barrel, full length mag tube and crescent butt. Winchester ~ 94 ~ .32 WS Description: Winchester Pre 64 Model 94 rifle, .32 WS. Hornady lists the muzzle velocity of the 165-grain bullet at 2,410 fps. Scarce WINCHESTER Model 1894 Lever Action .38-55 WCF Carbine C&R Great Medium Bore Carbine with 20 Barrel Here we present a C&R Winchester Model 1894 Lever Action Carbi, Wichester Rifles - Model 1894 Pre-64 .32 cal. Winchester Factory Original Model 94 Rear Tang Sight for the 94 Legacy Rifles BuyItNow! Close Menu. Even though most Hollywood heroes carried Winchester 1892s (even if their western story was to take place in the 1860s through 1880s), is there a more iconic rifle than the Winchester 1894? "We the unwilling, lead by the unqualified, have been doing the unbelievable for so long with so little that we now feel confident attempting the impossible with nothing.". Winchester pre-64 Model 1894 Book Values Step 4: Determine the Book Value of firearm After you have found your model and condition, you can use the following chart to find the approximate value of your gun. Winchester ~ Model 94 Carbine Pre 64 with Flat Barrel Band ~ .32 W.S. SN 407841. Most likely from poor storage. 7/24/19 - This is a very nice Winchester Model 94 lever-action rifle that was manufactured in 1949. THE RIFLE IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION SHOWING VERY GOOD CARE. Wichester Rifles - Model 1894 Pre-64 .32 Spl.
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