why is animal testing unnecessary
to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Being part of the world, animals do deserve equal rights which should definitely be honored and respected by everyone of us. When humans decide the fate of animals in research environments, the animals' rights are taken away without any thought of their well-being or the quality of their lives. Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary - 936 Words - Internet Public Library Animals used in laboratories are deliberately harmed, not for their own good, and are usually killed at the end of the experiment. One of the main problems with animal testing are the methods that are used. First, animals' rights are violated when they are used in research. Under the AWA, many animals can still be electrically shocked, burned, starved, injured, psychologically tormented and killed. Aside from her animal advocacy, she is passionate about the environment, plastic pollution, and living with less (not including chocolate and coffee). As a 501(c)3 charity, we specifically do not endorse political parties or candidates. Although humans often benefit from successful animal research, the pain, the suffering, and the deaths of animals are not worth the possible human benefits. in Orlans 26). Animal experiments are so worthless that up to half of them are never even published. The Woodlands, Texas 77381 "Time to Reform Toxic Tests." Animal experiments prolong the suffering of humans waiting for effective cures because the results mislead experimenters and squander precious money, time, and other resources that could be spent on human-relevant research. PDF Unnecessary Animal Research Is Unethical and Scientifically - tesd.net She also excels at dog-speak and cat-talk and is working on mastering fish lingo. . Other alternative ways can be used to test cosmetics and people should stop justifying making life better for themselves by torturing animals. Your email address will not be published. Despite the surprising numbers, the only one law that regulates animal researches is Animal Welfare Act. Havefull or partial bans on cosmetics animal testing, including all European Union countries, Australia, India, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway and South Korea. 26 Sept. Before we can argue that animal cruelty is unnecessary, we need to know and understand the gruesome details of the truth. The useage of animals Lone Star College-System Office Yet, such experiments belittle the complexity of human conditions which are affected by wide-ranging variables such as genetics, socio-economic factors, deeply-rooted psychological issues and different personal experiences. 2 The Human Body Is Complex and Animals Are a Better Substitute than Computer Models. Therefore, because effective means of product toxicity testing are available without the use of live animal specimens, testing potentially deadly substances on animals is unnecessary. Shes proud of her two Pushcart Nominations, her debut novel, and her marriage. Vioxx, a drug used to treat arthritis, was found to be safe when tested in monkeys (and five other animal species) but has been estimated to have caused around 140,000 heart attacks and strokes and 60,000 deaths worldwide. Studies showing 320,000 heart attack and stroke victims proved that lab results didnt help humans. Therefore, animals should not be used in research or to test the safety of products. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. More and more scientific experts are recommending a complete shift away from animal testing. [CDATA[ Essay On Animal Dissection - 816 Words | Internet Public Library They are provided no pain relief and will stay with their eyes open for several days at a time. (About Animal Testing) The animals are often raised in captivity, specifically for experimentation and are killed after the tests. Educators that insist on using animal specimens rather than non-animal alternatives as teaching tools miss a valuable opportunity to teach their students about humane education and are not implementing the 3Rs principlereduction, refinement, and replacementregarding the use of animals (Dissection in the. The findings of animal experimentation are not reliable and conclusive. They justify their actions with the impact of animal agriculture on climate change, species extinction and ecosystem breakdown.. Additionally, animal experimentation often significantly harms humans through misleading and inaccurate studies. However, the most commonly used animal used in dissection labs, frogs, are raised specifically to be killed and sent to schools for dissection. Therefore, animals' lives should be respected because they have an inherent right to be treated with dignity. Animal testing helps improve human health because it ensures the safety of drugs. All rights reserved. Animal Testing Is Unnecessary. since mice and rats were not included in that statistic the number of cases with unrelieved pain might be much higher. (Cons of Animal Testing) Animal testing causes animals to suffer from extreme frustration and ache with loneliness. So why are we testing on animals when they dont contract many human illnesses? For example, researchers can use cell cultures, computer models, and human volunteers to test the safety and effectiveness of new products. Theyre also cost-effective and dont subject animals to cruel and unnecessary animal tests. . Americans want the government to do better. Some industries, like cosmetic companies, are making strides and not testing on animals. The precision it purports to provide is an illusion because of uncontrollable biological variables" (31). According to the Humane Society, animals and humans are very different. A decades worth of wins against cosmetics animal testing, Out of the cage, into the future: Exploring the newest technology in animal-testing alternatives, test shampoo, mascara and other cosmetics. Animal testing is cruel and often unnecessary. When they have to endure scientific and medical experiments, its incomprehensible. Animal testing has been around for many years and has served a variety of purposes. All opinions should be taken solely as the authors own unless explicitly stated otherwise. Its one of the main reasons the debate gets so heated: animals have feelings too. Scientists told to stop wasting animal lives - The Guardian Wild animals also nurse their wounds, show distress, and seek shelter. Why Animal Testing Is Necessary - AnimalLoveTalk.com Animals testing has been applied throughout human history. The human body is too complex to replace animal testing with computer modeling at this point in time. Since then, many major companies have stopped testing cosmetics on animals. The Humane Society states that animal testing is tests performed on live animals for basic biology, medicinal, safety, or health research. Yet lab animals like mice, rats, reptiles, amphibians, and birds used in labs dont fall under their protection. However individuals perceive animals, the fact remains that animals are being exploited by research facilities and cosmetics companies all across the country and all around the world. Even small procedures have the capabilities to cause the animal high stress or discomfort. The Importance Of Animals In Our Life | ipl.org . Against Animal Testing. Copyrights 2023. These institutions, by law or regulations, dont have to provide any. Furthermore, the Draize test has become practically obsolete because of the development of a synthetic cellular tissue that closely resembles human skin. The Body Shop, 1993. Unfortunately, animal experiments only make the grade about half the time. The history of cancer research has been the history of curing cancer in the mouse. Is Animal Testing Ever Justified? - The New York Times Instead, signs of these diseases are artificially induced in animals in laboratories in an attempt to mimic the human disease. In the United States alone, an estimate of 100 million animals are used for testing and in European countries over 12 million animals are sacrificed each year for testing. Join the conversation and become an animal advocate. When shes not writing, shes thinking about writing. A clinical trial of Hepatitis B drug fialuridine had to be stopped because it caused severe liver damage in seven patients, five of whom died. I. Choosing animal cruelty-free products is another. Current subscribers: You will continue to receive e-mail unless you explicitly opt out by clicking, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "The American Veterinary Medial Association defines animal pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience perceived as arising from a specific region of the body and associated with actual or potential tissue damage" (Orlans 129). has for decades required testing on a variety of animals including rats, dogs, birds and fish to gauge their toxicity before the chemicals can be bought, sold or used in the . Cosmetics animal testing FAQ | The Humane Society of the United States | 4.0 Completing Section 2 of Form I-9 Humans share genetic information and DNA with plants and animals. Animal Rising (formerly Animal Rebellion) is a British animal activist movement with the stated aim of compelling government action towards animal rights and a plant-based food system. The human body is incredibly complex - more complex than computer models can (at present) simulate with any degree of accuracy. This research method is not effective. People are smart. Explainer: What Is Animal Testing? - Sentient Media Scientists have compassion too. While supporters believe it is necessary practice, those against animal testing believe that it involves torture and suffering to animals. Stay up to date on the latest vegan trends and get breaking animal rights news delivered straight to your inbox! Every day, we use products that cost an animal its life or severe pain. Yet in an article entitled "Is Your Experiment Really Necessary?" Evolutionary biologist Marc Bekoff and his many colleagues have done all the necessary research to prove animals feel pain. from "Animal Testing Is Bad Science: Point/Counterpoint." The drug, which was intended to treat a wide range of conditions including anxiety and Parkinsons disease, was tested in four different species of animals (mice, rats, dogs and monkeys) before being given to humans. Its hard to imagine, as an intelligent species, were still discussing animal experimentation. End harmful animal experiments | The Humane Society of the United States Even though the FDA does advocate for alternative methods of testing, it seems to be an all too common perception that animal testing is necessary for the development of safe products. Image credit Jo-Anne McArthur / NEAVS. In fact, mice share more than 98% DNA with us! That is the point. A March national poll of 1,000 voters conducted by Lincoln Park Strategies found that 64 percent of people believe drug companies should be allowed to use alternatives to animal testing whenever possible. From Field to Table: Top Wheat Exports by Country. The LD50 test is used to test the dosage of a substance that is necessary to cause death in fifty percent of the animal subjects within a certain amount of time. Many are undertaken out of curiosity and do not even pretend to hold promise for curing illnesses. This test is extremely painful to the animals because death can take days or even weeks. Years from now, the LD50 will be on display in museums as one of the wickedest torture animal tests. Computers have also been used to simulate and estimate the potential damage that a product or chemical can cause, and human tissues and cells have been used to examine the effects of harmful substances. Monika believes that education is the biggest gift to humanity at any age. Publication of content does not imply that Animal People, Inc. endorses the ideas expressed within. Taking your pet to the vet is nothing like what is done to the animals in the experiments. Animal testing by manufacturers seeking to market new products may be used to establish product safety. Reduction: Reducing the number of animals used for testing and using the most humane methods, for example, by carrying out several tests on one animal and correctly planning experiments to minimise animal numbers. Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary - 565 Words | Studymode This has caused some places including Michigan, Wisconsin, and Canada to outlaw the harvesting of frogs (Dissection in the Classroom). Animal testing is unreliable and unnecessary The findings of animal experimentation are not reliable and conclusive. Many opponents of animal testing argue that there are alternative methods of testing that are just as effective and more humane. Human volunteers testing a new monoclonal antibody treatment (TGN1412) at Northwick Park Hospital, UK, in 2006 suffered a severe immune reaction and nearly died. That means we subject innocent animals to horrendous suffering for a small return of success. Researchers at Hebrew University found that while it normally takes four to six years and millions of dollars to bring a drug to clinical trial using animal testing practices, it only took them eight months, at a fraction of the cost, when using science-based testing methods. They learn to avoid situations that relate to bad experiences with pain. Substances that cause cancer in people affect animals differently, and only one-third cause cancer in animals. Awareness campaigns are only a starting point. Making human's lives better should not be justification for torturing and exploiting animals. 5000 Research Forest Drive //]]>. Others argue that scientific progress has helped save millions of human lives. However, it must be done in a controlled environment where students can think about the moral and ethical issues surrounding the practice. The NIHadmittedthat animal models often fail to provide good ways to mimic disease or predict how drugs will work in humans, resulting in much wasted time and money while patients wait for therapies.This problem is particularly apparent now as we continue confronting the COVID-19 pandemic. Every individual has the power to influence change. The reason why animals testing is so important for scientist and ultimately human race is because, animals testing allow the progress of life saving treatment for humans and animals. Our differences contribute to the failure of human clinical trials. The Draize test has been criticized for being unreliable and a needless waste of animal life. Especially for human diseases with an urgent medical need and a lack of suitable in vivo models, human-based models may expedite clinical translation.. An analysis of over 100 mouse cell types found that only 50% of the DNA responsible for regulating genes in mice could be matched with human DNA. Animal testing andanimal experiments inflict inhumane suffering on animals. This experimentation has been practiced since around 500 BCE, and has allowed the human race to discover many things that otherwise would have not been discovered (ProCon). It is not a very sufficient way of study because the results are often not accurate and at least 16 million dollars is spent each year. You can stop animal testing and other cruelty. On one hand, animal testing is a valuable tool for researchers who are working to develop new medications and treatments that could help save lives. The use of animal testing has increased, due to its many necessary benefits, such as: helping form vaccinations and uncovering new diseases in the specific species being tested on (AALAS).
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