in year admissions tower hamlets
You can apply online from 1 September 2022. Please click here to apply. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You can contact the admissions service by email atschool.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk. startxref Overseas nationals entering the UK who wish to apply for a state-funded school place must check to ensure they have eitheraright of abodeorthe conditions of their immigration status allow them to access a state-funded school. Students who accept their conditional offer will be invited to a Welcome Evening in early July. 0 You must apply via the Tower Hamlets e-admissions portal. Please read the In-Year Admissions Guidance leaflet for useful information on the admission process. This means that a class must not contain more than 30 pupils with a single school teacher. These apply to Tower Hamlets . As a Church of England Primary School, our governors designate up to 36 places to be offered to children whose parent is a practicing member of a Christian Church and who lives or worships within the Anglican Deanery of Tower Hamlets. Any personal data that you send us will generally be kept for five years before the records are removed. There is no automatic right of transfer from the nursery class to the reception class in the same school, and attending a nursery class does not give any priority for admission to reception class at the same school. Here is a video from Tower Hamlets about applying for a nursery place. Closing date for making applications is 31 October 2022. To apply to Stepney Greencoat, you will also need to fill out our separate Supplementary Form and return that to us with your childs full birth certificate, your current council tax form and proof of your address. Tel:020 7364 6495Email: fis@towerhamlets.gov.uk. Reception Admissions Information. 0000015522 00000 n We use cookies on this website to improve your browsing experience. In-year admissions take place outside the normal admission period. a. To apply to Stepney Greencoat, you will also need to fill out our separate . In-year admissionstake place outsidethe normal admissionperiod. Types of In Year Admission Most applications for in-year admission are for children who:- If you wish to appealyou mustcomplete and submit your appeal online. 0000019897 00000 n xref All parents are entitled to 15 hours per week i.e. The forms must be returned to the School Office by the stipulated date. Most school admissions take place when children start reception class or when they transfer from primary to secondary school at the age of 11. Appeals received after this date may not be heard by the end of the summer term. Please read the Ready for Secondary School in Tower Hamlets booklet for useful information on the admission process. You must accept or decline the offer of a place by 22 May 2023. For general enquiries, please email school.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk. a part-time place, of free early years education for 38 weeks each year. For both Nursery and Reception admissions, please come and visit us to inform your decision making. ?z;*J@lVP4 /i/video/Nursery_admissions_video.mp4. The policy for admissions to Reception from September 2024 has been approved by the school governors and can be accessed here: Nursery admissions for academic year 2024.25. Please note that admissions staff are extremely busy at the moment. Applying for a school place y To obtain an application form, call 020 7364 5006, pick one up from Pupil Services, Tower Hamlets Council, Pupils usually start primary school in the September following their fourthbirthday. 0000029947 00000 n Join the Pupil Services Team and the Transitions Team for a parents advice session - reserve your place now (various dates). Pack your bags for traveling to Canada. If you are applying for a school in Tower Hamlets, you must complete this form. 0000003435 00000 n Further information on the school's admissions policy should be obtained directly from the school. A Tower of London admission ticket includes entry to: The Crown Jewels*, The White Tower, Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, Battlements, Medieval Palace, Bloody Tower, Torture at the Tower exhibition, Fusiliers Museum and Royal Mint exhibition If your child is out of school and you need a school place please contact the Admissions Service. The closing date for making applications is 31 October 2022, Email: school.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk. 0000025625 00000 n We track the pages you visit on this site using Google Analytics. Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service provides information, advice and support around transitions. Please ensure you do this before yousubmit your in-year common application form. 0000008189 00000 n See the latestadvice,news and information on schools, Pupil ServicesTower Hamlets Town Hall160 Whitechapel RoadLondonE1 1BJTel:020 7364 5006school.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk. Tower Hamlets Nursery Admissions Booklet. If you have made an online application to any of the schools listed below, please contact them for a supplementary form. All the boroughs community schools use banding. You can ask to see what details we hold about you and request that they be removed at any time by contacting us in writing. 0000025781 00000 n The "out of school" component of Grade 12U/M co-op courses will not be accepted for admission purposes. Applications for in-year transfers and admissions must be made through Pupil Services, who coordinatethis process. 0000036010 00000 n This offer will be for a part-time place only. 0000030357 00000 n Pupils usually start primary school in the September following their fourthbirthday. Deadline for applications: 31st October 2022. Each service on this site will inform you how your data will be stored and transferred before you submit it. 0000002102 00000 n St. Luke's has all In Year Admissions coordinated by Pupil Services in the Local Authority - London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Click for Primary school admissions on the Tower Hamlets website. 0000031242 00000 n The admissions service will also post a letter to you on 1 March to advise you of the outcome. Find out how to apply for free School Meals, Year 6 Secondary Transfer - moving to secondary schools. 0000002417 00000 n For In-Year admissions, complete the Local Authority's Common Application Form, and . %PDF-1.4 % London Mid-phase Admissions. 0001089293 00000 n Reception Admissions. Applications for in-year transfers and admissions must be made through the Admissions Service, who coordinatethis process. See a list of schools requiring SIFs. 0000001159 00000 n Our Nursery Admission Policy for 2023.24 can be accessed here. 0000016191 00000 n Applications of January admission to Nursery are made with Tower Hamlets using the In-Year Nursery Admission form click here. The Local Authority leads the coordination of Reception admissions for all schools in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets including own admission schools like us. If you are applying for a foundation place, you will also need to complete the school's supplementary form, which you can download here. We use cookies on this website to improve your browsing experience. 0000011874 00000 n Secondary Transfer. You are referred to our policy which you can access here: If you decide that you wish to apply for a Foundation Place, you will also need our Supplementary form, which you can access here: It is vitally important that you have the opportunity to visit the school, before you choose to apply for a place in either Nursery or Reception for your child. Tel: 020 7364 1553Email:early.years@towerhamlets.gov.uk, Community primary and nursery schools admissions, Ready for Nursery in Tower Hamlets booklet, In-Year Nursery Admission application form, Latest advice, news and information on schools in the borough, including resources for parents. A paper copy can be obtained from the Local Authoritys Pupil Admissions Team on020 7364 5006. The policy and arrangements for admission to the school are set out in the Local Authority's school admissions booklet 'Starting School in Tower Hamlets', which can be accessed on the Tower Hamlets website. You can contact the admissions service by email atschool.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk. In-Year admissions are children for whom a school place is being sought outside of the normal admission round (i.e. For guidance on completing an online application, please see Appendix B of theStarting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022brochure. All children and young people in Tower Hamlets should now be back at school or college. For example, children who have recently moved to the area and do not have a school place. You can ask to see what details we hold about you and request that they be removed at any time by contacting us in writing. Each service on this site will inform you how your data will be stored and transferred before you submit it. In-year admissionstake place outsidethe normal admissionperiod. Our Nursery Application Form for 2023.24 can be accessed here. All parents that applied for a Reception school place before 15 January 2023 will be sent a letter with the outcome of their application on 17 April 2023. Tower Hamlets Admissions Leaflet. 0000009410 00000 n Reception admissions for academic year 2024.25. Closing Date: 9 January 2022 Assessment and Interview Date: week beginning 17 January 2022 If you would like an informal confidential telephone conversation about this role, please contact Catherine Grace, Head of School Admissions catherine.grace@towerhamlets.gov.uk. Thank you for you interest in applying for a place for your child at our school. If your application was received on or before the closing date, Pupil Services will notify you of the outcome of your application by letter and email. This tells us what's popular so we can do more of what you like. If your child has previously attended another school but you do not submit a completed Part B with your application this will delay the processing of your application. Please see the Tower Hamlets information: TOWER HAMLETS - STARTING SECONDARY SCHOOL BOOKLET . 0000030624 00000 n Find out more aboutprimary school (reception) admission. Watch a short information film about applying to nursery schools in Tower Hamlets. When you have completed and submitted your application you will receive an email confirmation. 0000018424 00000 n The appeal panel is independent of the council and schools in the borough. * BJHj\UWab.a*d`|ML?ldK1_fh~=aE3\nNP9*1/kA7qCjCu Z76 &o@4/C(02p0- H36 t endstream endobj 1357 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[72 1230]/Length 53/Size 1302/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000008321 00000 n h1 04w\c=t4miC. Information about admissions to Woolmore Primary School for academic year 2023-24 can be found on the Tower Hamlets . December 2022 to January 2023. The Admission Appeal form should be sent to the Clerk to the Appeals panel at the school address. 0000008729 00000 n If you would like to come to one of these sessions, please contact the Foundation School Office to find out more information. If you wish to appeal you must complete and submit the schoolsAdmission Appeals formwhich will be sent to you with the letter informing you that you have not been offered a place. You may appeal for more than one school. 0000039199 00000 n 0000025710 00000 n 312 0 obj <>stream Year 5 & 6 (Upper Key Stage 2) Year 5. Applications for in-year transfers and admissions must be made through the Tower Hamlets Admissions Service, who coordinate this process. Letter from the Clerk informing you of the decision of the independent panel. Once a child has been admitted we invite parents and families to be actively involved in school life supporting their child and, through that, strengthening and enriching our local community. 0000013343 00000 n Individual services on our website may ask you to set cookies to remember you on this device. September 2023 - Year 7 Admissions are now closed. Individual services on our website may ask you to set cookies to remember you on this device. Normal admissions rounds are those that take place during September of the year a child starts either Reception or secondary school. The closing date for making applications is 15th January 2023. Find out more about Sixth Form admissions 32 St Paul's Way Arrange for housing. Applications for in-year transfers and admissions must be made through Pupil Services, who coordinate this process. All applications submitted before this date are considered equally, and are not processed on a first come first served basis. If your child is notoffered a place at a school of your preference you can appeal against that decision. You can contact the admissions service by email at school.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk Nahima Begum - Tel: 020 7364 4606 Lila Begum - Tel: 0207 364 6196 Syeda Anisha Akhtar - Tel: 020 7364. If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 this will be from September 2023. Offers will be made on the basis of your interview, reference and predicted GCSE grades. 0000011506 00000 n In-year Admissions The early years serviceprovides information on early years/foundation stage education,Sure Start Children and Family Centres, future plans for childcare and early education services in Tower Hamlets and Sure Start. If your child turns three during the 2022/23 school year, you may apply for a nursery place for the term following their third birthday i.e. Email:transitions@towerhamlets.gov.ukTel:020 7364 1533. 0000042451 00000 n 0000003761 00000 n 0000001779 00000 n With your application to our school, you may need to provide: Professional evidence of a disability and/or exceptional medical, pastoral, special educational or social need (attached to the Nursery Application form). Please include any evidence or supporting material with your appeal and you must give the reasons for your appeal at the time the appeal is submitted. SchoolPing > Diary & Events. We use cookies on this website to improve your browsing experience. Offers of places at our school will be made by London Borough of Tower Hamlets. If you haven't been offered a place at one of your preferred schools, please see information on how to appeal the decision. Complete the online One Idea supplementary application. We can only make changes to an existing application if you email your request - this includes change of address and preference(s). Only part-time places will be offered as part of this coordinated scheme. 0000021132 00000 n If you are accepted, complete the process for confirming your admission and pay the enrollment fees. Our Nursery Supplementary Form for 2024.25can be accessed here. If you have recently moved into the borough, part B will need to be completed by a senior member of school staff at your childs current or most recent school attended. The remaining 24 places are designated as Open Places. Closing date for making applications is 15 January 2023. You can also download the form from our website, or ask the school office for a copy. 0000022968 00000 n For further information please visit GOV school applications from overseas children page. This is a simple and safe way to appeal and you will get a receipt to confirm it has been submitted. January 2023 or April 2023, please contact the Admissions Service. For more information on eligibility visit this childcare support page. The dates for the meetings and tours for families considering a place from September 2023 are stated below. 0000015919 00000 n Keywords: Senior Admissions Officer In Year Job Area: Local Government Once you have been offered a part-time place you may request a full time place from your nursery. 0000031710 00000 n You don't need to accept these cookies for the services to work and you can delete them at any time. All children and young people in Tower Hamlets should now be back at school or college. 271 0 obj <> endobj You must accept or decline the offer of a place by 23 May 2023 so that nursery places can then be reallocated. There is no automatic right of transfer from the nursery class to the reception class in the same school, and attending a nursery class does not give any priority for admission to reception class at the same school. 0000029908 00000 n An Introduction to St. Luke's meeting, applicable for both Nursery and Reception, where we tell you all about our school and specifically what the Early Years provision is like. 0000019160 00000 n To make anin-year application, pleasecomplete the relevant in-year common application form for nursery, primary and secondary schools. If you have recently arrived into the borough and you are looking for a place in the 2022.23 academic year, then please do not hesitate in getting in touch through the school office and we will do our best to arrange a time to meet with you. If you have not been offered a place at your chosen nurseries, you will be sent a list of nurseries that still have places remaining and given the opportunity to visit and apply to one of these nurseries. 0000036097 00000 n Starting School in Tower Hamlets - for 5-year-olds (Reception) Parents and Guardians should make their application for a Reception school place in the year their child turns four. 0000009626 00000 n 0000017022 00000 n If you are applying for a transfer between schools within the borough you will receive an outcome in accordance with the timetable found in theIn-year Admissions guidance leaflet. Admissions to Nursery (2-3 year olds) Children will normally start in our Nursery for 2-3 year olds in the term following their second birthday. If your child is of nursery, primary or secondary school age now and does not have a school place, please contactPupil Services or visit our in-year admissionspage. As a result there may be a slight delay in the time it takes to respond to your queries. To apply for a Reception place at our school, you first need to complete the On Line form with the borough. Latest advice, news and information on schools in the borough, including resources for parents, Community primary and nursery schools admissions, information on how to appeal the decision, Ready for Secondary School in Tower Hamlets booklet. 0000011987 00000 n To find outhow to apply for a nursery placefor other than a September start i.e. You can access the form and guidance here: https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/education_and_learning/schools/school_admissions/nursery_school_admissions.aspx. Our Nursery Application Form for 2024.25can be accessed here. Contact. 0000003835 00000 n Accepting an offer Tower Hamlets' Pupil Services will notify you of the outcome of your application by letter and email on 8th May 2023 if you applied before the deadline. Parents will also be able to view the outcome of their application on the evening of 17 April by visiting theeadmissions portal. 0000001976 00000 n Forms & Documents. If you live in Tower Hamlets and your child is in Year 6 (born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012) you will need to make an online application via eadmissions portal for them to. E3 4AL, 125 St Paul's Way Parents should note that there are only very limited circumstances where reception appeals are successful. 271 42 Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service provides information, advice and support around transitions. See the latestadvice,news and information on schools, Pupil ServicesTower Hamlets Town Hall160 Whitechapel RoadLondonE1 1BJTel:020 7364 5006school.admissions@towerhamlets.gov.uk. 4. For administrative purposes, the quartiles are Band A, B, C or D. In the case of oversubscription, secondary schools will take equal amount of pupils from each quartile. If your child is not offered a place at a school of your preference, you may appeal against that decision. This tells us what's popular so we can do more of what you like. At least 5 school days before the hearing. As a local authority school all children aged 3-11 years are subject to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets admissions procedures: . Provision of this additional information will ensure that the school has the necessary information to apply the Oversubscription Criteria listed in our policy (see below). hbbb`b``3 This standardised and clarified the procedure for admitting pupils outside the normal points of entry at Reception and Year 7, and included specific guidance on the admission of 'difficult to place' pupils. Bow You can access the form and guidance here: https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/education_and_learning/schools/school_admissions/primary_school_admissions.aspx. It is possible for eligible children to access a funded nursery place from the beginning of the term after their third birthday. 0000003567 00000 n Please include any evidence or supporting material with your online appeal and you must give the reasons for your appeal at the time the appeal is submitted. Please ensure you do this before yousubmit your In-Year Common application form. 0000003056 00000 n Please read theStarting Primary School in Tower Hamletsand Ready for Secondary School in Tower Hamlets booklets for useful information on the in-year admission process and read the In-Year Admissions Guidance leaflet. Most school admissions take place when children start reception class or when they transfer from primary to secondary school at the age of 11. 0000023728 00000 n Check this webpage on a regular basis for any changes to the current arrangements. Admission to the Reception. <]/Prev 1146224/XRefStm 1598>> Where possible this will be sent 5 school days after the last hearing for all the appeals held for that particular school. Infant class size legislation applies to appeals for children starting reception. Tower Hamlets is consulting all interested parties, including parents and community groups, on the borough's school admissions arrangements for the 2024-25 school year. Complete deferring school entry form or get a form sent to you by calling Pupil Services. If you wish to appeal you must complete and submit your appeal online. 2. Individual services on our website may ask you to set cookies to remember you on this device. When students have been accepted to St Paul's Way, they will all come to the School for a morning during the Summer Term to become familiar with their new class and the School when they arrive in September. Appeals received after this date will result in a delay to your appeal being heard. Tower Hamlets Transition Support Serviceprovides information, advice and support around transitions. Supplementary forms must be returned to the appropriate school. Parents not eligible for the additional free 15 hours may still access a full time place by paying a top-up fee. 0000002239 00000 n Nursery children are able to start in the term following their 3rd birthday (subject to places being available); Reception children usually start in the September following their 4th birthday. This tells us what's popular so we can do more of what you like. hb```f``cd`c`lfe@ QV(Ga3CKA]Ig9gj; There is also guidance on how to choose childcare and ways to pay for it. If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 this will be from September 2023. You must apply via thee-admissions portal. If you wish your child to be considered for a place at St Pauls Way Trust School you must also include it amongst your preferences when you submit your Common Application (secondary transfer) Form to Tower Hamlets local authority or your home local authority, if you do not live in Tower Hamlets.