what if ultron was good fanfiction
The Avengers. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. He can use the stones as much as he pleases since he is unaffected by gamma radiation. You know, I don't think we've really gotten a chance to know each other yet [Another Iron Legion bot yanks her off and she goes flying. The War Is Far from Over Now is a Marvel Cinematic Universe fanfiction by Don't_Call_Me_Carrie on Archive Of Our Own.The story describes Tony's path from Iron Man 3, accidentally taking over the world through his attempts to protect it. As the Sentries swarm the facility, Hawkeye-- having lost his will to live after the death of his family-- sacrifices himself to destroy the robot horde, buying Black Widow and the Zola sentry ample time to escape. Takes place all over the MCU timeline. Action. Ultron successfully uploads himself into a new body made out of vibranium. Ultron is from a universe where the Avengers failed to stop him from using the Cradle to create an organic body. and our What if Daisy joins Hydra? Ultron gains the upper hand as he mocks the Watcher for the oath he swore preventing him from interfering before attempting to kill him. However, between Wanda's and Pietro's powers and Ultron using the Mind Stone, they are able to take control of the AO who "willingly" gives Ultron the Time Stone. *** Please Note ***This is a revised and reposted version of a fic that was deleted. He mass produces his army and gives himself massive upgrades. You work as Tony Stark's bodyguard until director Nick Fury offers you a job along with Tony Stark after seeing what you can do. spidergirl. He must find a way to balance the events happening all around him (Loki, The Avengers, Ultron, even Thanos) with his personal mission: stop Ganon from destroying and remaking the world. Steve/Tony, but with T-ratings so no smut. He's so freaked out that he's extremely tempted to intervene so Black Widow and Hawkeye will find the secret to defeating him. MCU fanfiction where the world sees the benefits of Wanda's Westview and gives her her own town to live out her happily ever after. [Thor throws his hammer and destroys Ultron's body.]. Doctors Orders. Chapter 12 Cheater Pt 2Chapter 13 Unsolicited ThoughtsChapter 14 Karaoke. Completed. Avengers: Age of Ultron - Chapter Seven - Wattpad Sure enough, as soon as Uatu finishes talking, When Uatu narrates the events of Infinity Ultron's Earth, when describing how Ultron found there was only one solution to bring peace on Earth, Ultron immediately follows with his line, "The elimination of, The pivotal event in this universe is Ultron succeeding in placing his mind in the Vision's body. How will the team react? 17.5K 512 22. He eventually realizes he can wipe out all life on a multiversal level. *Lance goes Ballistic* Bryan Andrews Would Jarvis have continued to be able to hold him off if Ultron had the Mind Stone and the upgraded body/tech? Hes seen the world change but one thing stays the same. #3 in ultron 05/02/2 War-torn child, you know better than anyone how to cry in silence for things gone by and how to kill and kill without seeing their eyes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The legal department used to freak out over Tony's actions, but by the time of his apparent death in. To the extent that they can be considered enemies, Uatu has to turn to Strange Supreme for help, who's more than a little smug about Uatu breaking his vow. I'm your computer-y guy [Avengers/SI] - SpaceBattles She is brilliant, beautiful, and talented beyond measure. She was met with assent from all four houses. After searching through countless numbers of files for hours, Romanoff locates the file on Arnim Zola, to the Watchers relief as he observes. Next "Bloody hell," he commented. When she was 2 her parents died at a Stark Expo in 2010 and her and Peter went to live a Hope Pym/Wasp fanfic based off the 4th episode of What If..? "And it's Bee. Co-written by Jebest4781. Scott was completely sure that Steve was right, because, well, he's Captain America and he's willing to deal with the consequences right up until he realizes that him helping Cap means that he was aiding and abetting an accused terrorist and their accomplices, caused. Despite JARVIS surviving the Age of Ultron arc, at his request Tony still activates FRIDAY. When it comes to famous MCU fan fiction, few stories are as widely known as "United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. We have a potentially world-ending threat on our hands. The story of the episode is similar to the. The Avengers, now consisting of Ultron, go to apprehend the twins. Archived post. Among these incarcerated villains are Thanos, Ultron, Abomination, Agatha, Vulture, Zemo, and more! S1E9 "What If The Watcher Broke His Oath? One of the bots manages to steal the Scepter. ], "Get your mind out of the gutter, please? The Avengers in general are the subject of numerous memes, including Nick Fury becoming one for his. [he picks up one of the dismembered Iron Legion bots.] Or, Fury dies in the initial explosion of Sokovia and never even calls her. In this story y/n is put as Scott Lang's/Ant-Man's sibling When Ultron is standing over the universe after his genocide, we get an up-close view of his face as he closes his eyes and contemplates to himself. (This fic is under editing, and once i'm done i'll be writing new chapters). Complex - Pietro Maximoff x You by ReaderInsertQueen. Maybe at some point, Fury calls in Captain Marvel but despite her power, can't defeat Ultron. ago. This was too much for Harry, who'd heard enough of his sister's (ex-sister's) alarming stories, was frustrated that they hadn't seen each other for four years and now she was ignoring him, and plain worried that the human body was not fit to hold the amount of M&Ms she was consuming. At the end of the universe there lies a tower with a final message, a song for one last mission. Works and bookmarks tagged with Good Ultron will show up in Good Ultron (Marvel)'s filter. With Ultron's ambitions threatening the Multiverse as a whole, the Watcher reluctantly agrees and asks the sorcerer for help. Ultron destroys Xandar, which Thanos destroyed in the Sacred Timeline to retrieve the Power Stone. Some of his allies presumed this is what Tony was doing in regards to his push for world domination, in actuality he was completely unaware that is what he was doing. According fanfic Tony use brainwaves as "base" Ultron program and obviously Ultron have some creator personality. Marvel Cinematic Universe UNDER EDITING!!! Like this episode, the film takes place in a post apocalyptic setting where Ultron killed the Avengers and took over the world. All three are now in separate chapters in the MCU, finding their own way to each. Natasha is unable to look past her original opinions of people, so she is unable to understand why Tony would be seen as the leader of the Avengers; she and the Avengers in general are also oblivious to the disdain the ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agents have to them. It's more than a linear path. The final battle against Thanos has all the heroes surviving and Tony using the Infinity Gauntlet to undo all the deaths Thanos caused, As a result Tony can use them to help distract a, As Asgard is being invaded, Loki sends Thor to Earth with the Tesseract before sealing off Asgard entirely, so Earth can be warned of Thanos's imminent invasion, Thanos is killed and all of Asgard is revived, Knowing all of Asgard is doomed, Loki gives Thor the Tesseract and sends him to Earth. Scan this QR code to download the app now. You Might Like. That was one answer, at least. They lost. Luckily a Legionnaire caught Rhodey and he only broke a leg rather than his spine. The Space Stone was being kept in the vaults on Asgard, yet Asgard is similarly pristine. The armor with multiple eye slits that Ultron wears once he takes all the Infinity Stones, as well as his drone swarm sweeping the universe, looks like when he became the, Uatu refers to Ultron's crusade as a "hunger" that threatens the entire multiverse, a description fitting the Hunger Gospel (the zombie virus from, Uatu narrates Ultron becoming aware of another presence after wiping out all life in his reality. Vision's attempt to assimilate Ultron's knowledge was impaired by him telling Ultron what he was doing, prompting Ultron to commit suicide to stop him, as is noted by Vision immediately afterwards. But it was so darkhe couldn't see anything Ultron stretched out his consciousness, his very being, and was surprised to find that he could access certain things. Hilariously, Dr. The simultaneous worldwide nuclear launch additionally mirrors such a scene from, The destruction of Asgard is done very similarly to the destruction of Los Angeles, New York, and Washington in, Natasha's amusement at finding out that Clint's middle name is Francis seems reminiscent of. A view of Wanda and Natasha's relationship. Meanwhile, Clint and Natasha, the last living beings in the universe, travel to Russia for one last bid to stop Ultron. Bee stared him down for a solid ten seconds before she spoke again. The Jedi lead the clone army against the infinite droid army of the Separatists. One day he gets a call saying an old friend is here to see him, but this call comes with a warning, "she's younger than you remember". The story, which was co-authored by . None of the other Avengers realize it either, such as Natasha not understanding why Tony leaving the Avengers made headlines around the world with many newspapers asking what will happen to the team without him. Let me consume it from within in you, and corrupt the emotions of which so consume you. Using the Space, Time, and Reality stones, he is able to open portals to other realities/timelines. But, what intelligence we do have on you suggests you care about people. Previous During a mission gone wrong, Keith is accidentally aged down to his 9-year-old self. He would do anything to protect them from harm. We advise caution when dealing with any recently-released media involving multiversal subjects. Rhodey barely avoids breaking his spine in Leipzig due to a Legionnaire catching him, leaving him with a broken leg instead, In Siberia, it awakens fully after seeing the tape of his parents' murder. Well what ever you're thinking is probably far from the truth. ], [Bruce climbs over the bar to avoid fire from the bots. Joining the haunting ranks of The twenty-eight active widows that spilt government secrets while hidden in the shadows yet stood on toes in satin as they danced with the Bolshoi. When he meets two Alphas, Shiro and Keith, he feels What if the altean were the main reason that the war started Total Drama franchise had finally come to end, this time for GOOD! "You were the worst brother ever! Which are the best Marvel Fanfiction that you've read? After remaking all of the universe in his image, Ultron is left as a program without a purpose. # 3. These puppets? As soon as the Watcher starts narrating, Ultron opens his eyes and begins to look around. He thinks Odin is still alive but it is actually Loki. I blushed Asgard, the Sovereign, Sakaar and Ego are just some of the countless planets that fall to the genocidal AI. From there, newer, more sinister and deadlier threats emerge and The Galaxy, no, the universe, shall never be the same again. The scene is written from Maria's POV and refers to Natasha as "the stranger with a familiar face", disowning her as a friend. First Aired You can also add to the current recommendations . Ultron Fanfiction Stories | Quotev http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheWarIsFarFromOverNow. There, Izuku figures out that he's been dropped into a back alleyway in the city of Manhattan and may or not encounter a "Quirky" group of wacky costume heroes. The scene could also be taken as a nod to the animated film, When Ultron breaks into Uatu's realm and attacks him, they end up on a planet in an unspecified universe. Small town mechanic Catherine finds her easy life getting complicated when a national menace breaks into her home. What If Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark? The long awaited sequal for the first story I ever published. while JARVIS' only wound, the loss of his servers, is negated by his multiple backup servers, quickly allowing him to reboot. Mergers. But the Watcher manages to break free and escape to another universe, where he finds Doctor Strange, who beckons him to break his oath. lance. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "Harry, we were terrible people.". It might be somewhat of a slow burn but it'll get there. "Oooooookay. WhateverForYourMom 6 mo. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Resurrection-Verse by Elspethdixon, Seanchai [T] - Plotty post-Civil war series with plot surrounding registration and all that jazz.
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