usc journalism transfer requirements
Remedial courses are not transferable. A USC admission counselor will discuss how to use the application resources available and how to present a competitive transfer application. International applicants are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the recommended minimum score of 114 on the Internet-based exam; the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is accepted in lieu of the TOEFL and the minimum recommended score is 8.0. A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for this program. Information sessions are throughout the fall and spring semesters for students who plan to apply to the School of Journalism. A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for this program. by email to DPSRecords@dps.usc.edu or in person at DPS at A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for this program. Global Communication (MA) / Global Media (MSc), Public Relations Innovation, Strategy and Management (Online) (MS), Communication Major Admission Standards, Requirements And Application, Journalism Major Admission Standards, Requirements And Application, Public Relations Major Admission Standards, Requirements And Application, ASCJ 200 Navigating Media and News in the Digital Age (4 units) or JOUR 300 Journalism and Society (4 units), JOUR 201Culture of Journalism: Past, Present, and Future (4 units), JOUR 207Reporting and Writing I (4 units), JOUR 307Reporting and Writing II (4 units), JOUR 320Introduction to Coding for Storytelling (2 units), JOUR 372Engaging Diverse Communities in the Digital Era (2 units), JOUR 414Advanced Digital Media Storytelling (2 units), JOUR 462 Law of Mass Communication (4 units), Advanced Reporting Elective (choose one course): JOUR 402 (6 units), JOUR 403 (6 units), JOUR 405 (4 units), JOUR 409 (4 units), JOUR 448 (4 units). Journalism Majors. Courses not included on the history have not yet been reviewed and may or may not transfer. The program offers courses that explore the essential components of a contemporary journalism education, including media literacy, ethical constructs of social media, a civic engagement lab experience, coding for storytelling, and law and ethics for the digital age. Non-majors who are interested in enrolling in PR 209Effective Writing for Strategic Public Relations and/orPR 250Strategic Public Relations: An Introduction must have at least a 2.5 GPA. Only current graduate students may apply to the Public Policy Advocacy certificate. All course work applied toward a degree must be approved by the School of Journalism and the Graduate School. The MS in Journalism degree isan intense, deadline-driven program in which students learn to write, report, produce, code, publish and promote cross-platform stories in a converged news environment. Any student found plagiarizing, fabricating, cheating on examinations and/or purchasing papers or other assignments faces sanctions ranging from an F on the assignment to dismissal from the School of Journalism. The journalism and public relations fields are grounded in the telling of powerful stories that inform, enlighten, educate, advocate, and heal. Watch on. Transfer Planning Brochure USC Annenberg faculty members are among the top scholars and professionals in their fields. Download the Additional Coursework by Major file. USC Annenberg has many professional and social organizations that contribute to USCs800+ student organizations, which areresponsible for the majority of programs and events held on campus, including concerts, lectures, special events, spirit rallies, cultural and social events, and conferences. In addition to their studies, students tour publishing and broadcasting companies, meet communication executives and government policy-makers and gain exposure to British media, culture and civilization. 2021 Tax Return (for academic year 2023-24), Third-Party Letter Confirming Undocumented Status. Two-thirds of any transferable coursework must be completed at one of USCs four-year partner institutions. The 3.0 GPA is a minimum standard and does not guarantee admission. Applicants must submit the Common Application and the USC Writing Supplement, both of which can be accessed at commonapp.org. Through the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), USC Annenberg students enroll in 18-20 USC units in courses offered by CIEE and at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Brazils top communication and journalism school. Applicants must complete and submit the online USC Graduate Admission Application. Undergraduate and graduate students may spend spring break immersed in two dynamic regions of the world, Southeast Asia or Central America. 26% U.S. Fall 2022 Entering Transfer Class New undergraduate transfer students 1,297 . Cole, BA; Felix Gutierrez, PhD; Judy Muller, BA; Bryce Nelson, MPhil, Emeritus Professor of Professional Practice: Gerald Swerling, MS, Emeritus Associate Professor: Larry Pryor, MS. *Recipient of university-wide or college teaching award. The program also includes guided visits to museums and historical districts, as well as an overnight group excursion to Tuscany. For more information about Annenberg minors or the application process, please contact USC Annenberg Student Services at (213) 740-0900 or ascjadv@usc.edu. Each of the programs provides students with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain international experience in their chosen field of study. she has had seven internships including positions with USC's College of Engineering and Computing, Duke's Pad Thai, SC Housing, the United States Senate . Welcome to ASSIST Students enroll in JOUR 482Comparative Media in Europe(4 units). Competitive candidates typically take 14-16 units per term. This exam must be taken and passed by the end of the semester. Application materials must be downloaded from undergrad.usc.edu/programs/progressive/. An admission counselor will discuss how credits transfer to USC and how to present a competitive transfer application. annenberg.usc.edu, Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication and Journalism: Afua Hirsch, MA (Oxon), BL, Walter H. Annenberg Chair in Communication: Willow Bay, MBA, University Professor and Annenberg Family Chair in Communication Leadership: Geoffrey Cowan, LLB, Jayne and Hans Hufschmid Chair in Strategic Public Relations and Business Communication: Robert Kozinets, PhD, Knight Chair in Media and Religion: Diane Winston, PhD, Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts: Henry Jenkins, PhD, Professors: Willow Bay, MBA; Geoffrey Cowan, LLB*; Henry Jenkins, PhD; Robert Kozinets, PhD; Joshua Kun, PhD (Communication); Tim Page, BA; Michael Parks, BA; Joe Saltzman, MS*; Philip Seib, JD; Roberto Suro, MS; Sandy Tolan, BFA, Associate Professors: Mike Ananny, PhD (Communication); Ben Carrington, PhD; William Celis, MS*; Jonathan Kotler, JD*; Jian Wang, PhD; Diane Winston, PhD, Assistant Professors: Eunjin Kim, PhD; Su Jung Kim, PhD; Allissa Richardson, PhD; Aimei Yang, PhD, Professors of Professional Practice: Sasha Anawalt, BA; Christina Bellantoni, BA; Daniel Birman, MA; Laura Castaeda, EdD; Fred Cook, BA; Jennifer Floto, MA*; Vince Gonzales, MA; Gabriel Kahn, BA; Stacy Scholder, BA; Willa Seidenberg, BA; Burghardt Tenderich, PhD, Associate Professors of Professional Practice: Alan Abrahamson, JD; Amara Aguilar, MA; Peggy Bustamante, MA; Jeff Fellenzer, MA; Rebecca Haggerty, EdD; Robert Hernandez, BA; Matthew Le Veque, BA; Alan Mittelstaedt, BA; Mary Murphy, BA; Lisa Pecot-Hbert, PhD, Assistant Professors of Professional Practice: Laura Davis, BA; Miki Turner, BA, Lecturers: Dana Chinn, MBA; Jennifer de la Fuente, BA; Keith Plocek, MPhil, Emeritus Professors: Ed Cray, BA; Felix Gutierrez, PhD; Judy Muller, BA; Bryce Nelson, MPhil, Emeritus Professor of Professional Practice: Gerald Swerling, MS, Emeritus Associate Professors: William Robert Faith, PhD; Larry Pryor, MS. *Recipient of university-wide or college teaching award. A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for this program. Through this team-teaching approach, students will establish their reporting and writing expertise across multiple platforms. USC-Articulation Agreement The MS in Journalism degree teaches students to write, report, produce, code, publish and promote cross-platform stories in a converged news environment. 12% California State University / University of California Since its founding, the School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. Plus and minus grading is taken into . Undergraduate Applicants | USC Annenberg School for Communication and Students who do not pass the exam will be allowed to retake it. USC calculates your transfer GPA on the basis of your grades in all USC-transferable courses, including grades of D and below. NOTE: A minimum of four semesters is required to complete the Journalism and Public Relations majors. The Specialized Journalism degree is designed for experienced professionals and recent journalism graduates interested in developing specialized reporting expertise. Articulation Agreements: Community Colleges (213) 821-0770 (admission inquiries) This undergraduate semester program offers students the opportunity to study at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, one of the top universities in Oceania and highly ranked globally. Students who successfully complete JOUR 498or PR 498with a B+ or higher and achieve no less than a USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a journalism or public relationsmajor GPA of 3.5 at the time of graduation will receive departmental honors. Financial assistance is available for undocumented students who meet certain criteria. For further information on the application process, current USC students are encouraged to attend an information session conducted by Annenberg Advisement and Academic Services. For further information, contact Annenberg International Programs at (213) 821-1276, emailascintl@usc.eduor visitannenberg.usc.edu/international. For more information regarding major requirements for the Annenberg School of Journalism, please visit theUSC Catalogue. Transferring to USC by USC Enrollment Services - Issuu The key to a successful transfer is good planning. This program is effective for all students entering USC in fall 2015 or later, or transfer students beginning college elsewhere at that time and subsequently transferring to USC. Unless otherwise noted, all deadlines are the same as those listed on the Dates and Deadlines page. Applicants must satisfy USC's transfer core requirements in English and math. *The School of Cinematic Arts, however, does require 48 units to transfer in. Visit the Annenberg International Programs Website for more information on language and other prerequisites. Graduate Applicants - USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism The school also offers several international study programs to students. The program takes place over the course of eight weeks during the summer semester. The 11-month, 34-unit MA in Specialized Journalism is a program geared toward experienced journalists seeking subject-matter expertise and toward experienced professionals in other fields seeking journalism skills to advance their expertise. While in residence at USC, you are also expected to: Engineering 3-2 Program: Students must complete a minimum of 48 units in residence at USC. Students admitted into the progressive degree program begin taking masters level courses in their senior year and then enroll exclusively in graduate courses until the masters degree is completed. FOREIGN LANG. The curriculum also offers an opportunity to add deeper, more specialized media experience through the selection of electives, including app development, virtual reality journalism and native content for social media. No professional work experience is required for the MS in Journalism or the MA in Strategic Public Relations. You must submit official college transcripts from any and all colleges you have attended, regardless of whether or not all coursework or degree requirements were completed. Due to the health and safety implications of COVID-19 this program is suspended for the fall 2020 semester. Fall applicants will be notified on the fourth Friday of the fall semester (in September). Students are advised to participate in at least two internships before graduation. These programs offer students the unique opportunity to evaluate the Annenberg disciplines of practice in different emerging areas of the world. Many majors require more math. Plus 8-10 upper-division journalism or public relations elective units chosen in consultation with your adviser. Areas of study not offered by USC: These include agriculture, business office procedures, hotel management, food services, industrial mechanics, interior design, fire science, forestry, police academy, and similar professional and technical programs. Applicants must complete and submit the online USC Graduate Admission Application. By transferring as early as your sophomore year, you can take more of your General Education and elective courses at USC. for a major in the areas of mathematics and science through the USC College of Arts and Sciences. Students at USC Annenberg learn from the best and graduate with a range of experiences and contacts that will be of great value throughout their careers. Undergraduate journalism and public relations students may spend a spring semester at a dedicated study center, where they enroll in 16 units of upper-division Annenberg course work, eight of which are for major credit. Spring applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday of the spring semester (in January). Majors include advertising, journalism, public relations and visual communications. To request this fee waiver, select the appropriate option under the school-specific fee waiver question, located in the USC Questions section of the Common Application. (213) 740-1111 Students who do not pass the exam will be allowed to retake it. GRE scores are valid for five years; TOEFL and IELTS are valid for two years. New York University (NYU) Transfers: 2023 Requirements - CampusReel Career advisers conduct mandatory advisement appointments for all sophomores and offer career workshops, guest speakers and mentoring opportunities. Summer applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday after commencement (in May). This worksheet will help you keep track of the transferable courses you have completed and what courses are still in progress. Note: Students with disabilities may register with theDisability Services and Programs Office (DSP)so the DSP staff can assess the nature of the students disabilities and recommend the appropriate accommodations to be provided for each student. Usc Transfer Acceptance Rate By Major - EducationScientists California residents may qualify for additional assistance under AB540 (the California Dream Act). Colleges Outside California 22% From Colleges Outside the U.S. 9% From Preferred European Institutions 9% Average age on first day of USC classes 21 For more information, visit the USC Veterans Resource Center. In addition, applicants are judged based on all materials submitted as part of the application process. In addition to the university writing samples, a 250-word statement of intent is required; instructions are included with the USC Writing Supplement. This undergraduate semester program offers students the opportunity to study at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, a leading southern hemisphere school of journalism and media studies. The Specialized Journalism (The Arts) degree is designed for experienced professionals, art practitioners and recent journalism graduates interested in arts, food and culture criticism and reporting. Graduate-level courses: Graduate-level coursework taken by undergraduate students. The 3.0 GPA is a minimum standard and does not guarantee acceptance. For more information about the School ofJournalismor the application process, please contact USC Annenberg Student Services at (213) 740-0900 or ascjadv@usc.edu. The school also offers minors in Advertising, News Media and Society, Public Relations and Sports Media Industries and an interdisciplinary minor in Nonprofits, Philanthropy and Volunteerism. All completed applications are reviewed by the faculty admission committee even if the applicants academic quality is below the minimum recommendations. Students are advised to participate in at least two internships before graduation. Alternately, if your academic record in high school fell short of USC expectations, you may be able to position yourself as a stronger candidate if you complete two years of solid undergraduate coursework at another institution before applying to transfer. Find detailed information about the transfer application and admission process. The university's general education program is structured to provide a coherent, integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge you will need to consider yourself (and to be considered by other people) a generally well-educated person. Current high school students, please note: If you are still in high school, USC considers you a first-year applicant, regardless of the number of college units completed prior to high school graduation. Nominations are based on academic achievement, performance in the classroom, leadership and involvement in the school. Duplicated material: An AP exam and IB exam or college course covering the same material. At the graduate level, a Master of Science degree is offered in Journalism and Master of Arts degrees are offered in Specialized Journalism, Specialized Journalism (The Arts) and Public Relations and Advertising. Career advisers conduct mandatory advisement appointments for all sophomores and offer career workshops, guest speakers and mentoring opportunities. Graduate students must have completed at least 12 units in the fields of communication, journalism or public relations. PDF TRANSFER ADMISSION GUIDELINES - USC Annenberg School for Communication 2023 University of Southern California. same application steps as other first-year or transfer applicants. Journalism and public relations courses with a grade of D+ or below must be repeated; courses may only be retaken once. New students are admitted to the MA in Public Relations and Advertising degree program for the fall semester only. Refer to the graduate application guidelines on the Annenberg Admissions Website for application filing dates. Current students must attend a mandatoryinformation session conducted by Annenberg Admissions and a faculty member before initiating the application process. Students who successfully complete JOUR 498or PR 498with a B+ or higher and achieve no less than a USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a journalism or public relationsmajor GPA of 3.5 at the time of graduation will receive departmental honors. Colleges Outside California Students must complete each journalism and public relations class with at least a grade of C- in order to count the course toward a major requirement. Alumna writes . The program allows students to directly enroll in the university and earn 6-9 units that fulfill journalism/public relationselectives and 6-9 units of general electives. The International Communication Studies Program (ICS) allows undergraduate students to study a range of approaches to public communication media across Europe during the summer semester. Admission to the Journalism certificate is by permission only. Before initiating the application, refer to the Annenberg graduate application guidelines on the Annenberg Admissions Website for details about specific materials that must be uploaded to the application and documents that must be submitted directly to the USC Graduate Admission. View the Transfer Planning Brochure. Courses in these categories will be considered by petition, and credit is granted on a case-by-case basis. In addition to their studies, students tour publishing and broadcasting companies, meet communication executives and government policy-makers and gain exposure to Italian media, culture and civilization. The program also includes guided visits to museums and historical districts, as well as an overnight group excursion to Tuscany. There is an in-person or virtual option. Since its founding, the School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. If you have questions about your class standing, please call the USC Office of Admission at (213) 740-1111. These lists indicate the community college courses that fulfill General Education and other requirements, as well as equivalents to lower-division courses at USC. Transfer Requirements | El Camino College | Torrance, CA All course work applied toward a degree must be approved by the School of Journalism and the Graduate School.
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