
the seeker's guide to twisted taverns anyflip
Having stayed here for over a week, he has noticed that the locked door upstairs has gone N e e d B a c k u p completely unvisited. to help Ryman, in which case he will share information Quest Giver: Brandr Fintan with them. The sun has come out from behind the clouds and the air 2d4 6is pleasantly warm. In its pockets are a steel key that resembles a tinyUlrich spends her mortal days in a drunken stupor. However, games of chance are not This car is by far the most popular carriage on thethe only ones on offer here. If the players to sleep in the stasis chamber here will suddenly be dispel this effect using dispel magic, it will either attack them embraced by the invisible humanoid. The Smoking Gargoyle - 8 sp The Flaming Attitude: Slightly Annoyed (2) Hairy Eyeball - 10 gp Wisps of steam waft off the top of this swirling,murky cocktail, and specks of gold dust float inside Attitude: Incandescently Angry (6)it. If engaged inRimak can cast the following bard spells, using Charisma as his conversation, he speaks in a friendly and boisterous mannerspellcasting ability (spell save DC 14, spell attack bonus +6). Alen is in charge of theVerity worked for Lord Gammon many years ago, during his openly luxury carriages, and rarely leaves them unless by request.criminal dealings. Samis OfficeThis room shares the same architecture as the Main Hall, Samis office, where he conducts much of the business of theand perhaps came from the same ancient civilization. (iron bands of binding,Wondrous Item, Rare). Olin Wiscard Thrag visits The Wizards Watering Hole because he lovesA male human commoner, Olin is an aspiring wizard. He occasionally uses a +3 longbow The Wildabackand a defender (shortsword). He can usually be found lounging in the that wraps around her head like a crown. The floor is covered by a red velvet rug, the Dealers passive perception. The entire party willenjoy advantage on any Charisma- or Intelligence-based Morning Prim and Trackle are seen togeth- Somen Gilrona,interactions with the train staff after this event. See Thrag for details. The lights appear as colorful glowing orbs, occasionally Cauldrons. tavern he will lie, simply saying it was created to provide I choose a life of freedom, my digits out of view. The ground level and basement are designated forguests to enjoy the atmosphere. There are two bathrooms on either end of the carriage, with a toilet, sink, and shower for staff use. than once from derailing, though only once was the creature it pushed out of the way an actual cow. If anyone plays alongside them, their song changes as the instruments attempt to create a shared melody with The bar is run by a modified suit of armor called The the performer. Knuckles, the ticketmaster which environment the Rail-Away will visit next. The cause of death is clearly poison.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 35RAIL-AWAY stash, just in case Trackle needs some escape funds. Social Share. Lady Gammon gives something Alen Trismys, Ryman Thorn, to her. If the saving throw fails by expended charges at dawn. was a massively successful criminal, running a number of scams and utilizing blackmail to manipulate victims. 33RAIL-AWAY A well-dressed nobleman, his wife, and their goblin servant are struggling with their mount, who is refusing EVENTS to board the livestock carriage. If the party takes the job, soon an alarm klaxon will See the Chef before our next stop.sound and the train will slow to a stop. If the players exit the room and enter again, reroll to potentially change the outcome. Her hair falls the Rail-Aways standard starched and pressed ticketmasterin two braids. This truly colossal creature lumbers gracefullyposts secure a stone bridge that runs along the back of the across vast terrains, supported by six towering legs. Lord Gammon dresses ex-travagantly even by noble standards: silks, satins, brocades,and the like. These containers The contents of the cauldron becomes a multicolored each house an extradimensional space capable of holding fluid. Sarphi has growncould note that this is a lie he tells himselfin his heart, fond of her life on The Wildaback, and quietly wishes not to return home. A massive surroundings. He always gets the listings that stand out to the party. This room is heavily stocked with potion ingredients, all placed in various containers on the A thin layer of fog looms overhead, seeming to ebb and shelves that line the walls. intentions, and give them advice regarding how to play the games. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and(Perception) checks that rely on sight. Along consumes entire trees as it walks, grazing as if it were aeither side of the beast, newer structures have been added bison on fields of wheat. Her answers are brief but honest,and it should be clear that she wants nothing to do withthe ordeal. A large Variant Rule. target. They founded the HalfnHalfs andfor the coming year and have only recently taken up are sometimes referred to as the dynamic duo by their fellowresidence. He wears a rapier that he Lounge/Bedroom (D2)also uses to perform bar tricks and remove corks with flair. After drinking, some will find that steam escapes Served in a highball glass, this cocktail actually has an illusory, unblinking and flaming eyeball hovering their ears and nose. The stony carriage is large enough to hold 12 mediumcreatures, but is usually operated for 6 at a time. He has not been staying on The Wildaback fortalk about himself and talk over other people. This book is primarily designed for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, but also functions as a huge collection of inspiring rooms, characters and more! See the event: Who Let the Cold Out for a relatedhappening. A very large nest sits atop a 40-foot-tall outcropping of the strange stone-like 1 Roc 11 substance that makes up the surface of The Wildaback. Sleeping inside of the chamber gets most of its meat from various parts of The Cow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, rangedisadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom 30/120 ft., one creature. Player characters the name of a room they have previously visited in the can make a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check to tavern. 9 room for 1 minute, frantically knocking over glass contain- ers. They use fermented fluids. Anyone touchingthe entrance door as if they are guarding the rooms. Any creature sitting in a chair can use their action to direct the chairs movement, with a flying speed of 20 feet. He explains that he has to the death, believing he cannot live without the meals been doing research on the secret nature of The Wizards they took from him. His mostpronounced feature is a scar that runs across his forehead. A number of guests and tavern operators are also an of nobility from Lord Darus Almanor some years back. Glazed Duck Breast - 3 gp Toad in the Hole - 5 sp Pan-fried duck breasts drizzled in molasses, served with roasted figs and spiced rice.Bite-size sausages baked in a black pepper batter and served with caramelised red onion marmalade and Jugged Hare - 3 gp apple sauce for dipping. At irregular intervals, one or more monsters leak into the room to fight. He had heard rumors thattask so they can take the place as runners up. Besides the entrance that the playersE2. worn by a humanoid of CR 1 or less, it acts as a permanent casting of dominate person. The and Bishel Vossred herrings) are: words Youll regret it if youGuests dont are heard.Lord Tavarious Gammon, Lady Ulume Gammon, Esthene,Moonshadow, Lord Darus Almanor, Somen Gilrona, Bishel Afternoon Prim asks Tarmo Warberry if there Somen Gilrona andVoss, Trackle, Hammond Axman & Ryman Thorn is room for another staff member. Includes a small side salad of fresh greens. He is in charge of all the standard sleepermore vulgar terms. Dretin Dalmuras spellcasting abilityis Charisma (spell save DC 12). Most troupes that perform here use illusion magic for sets rather than props. When not wearingRimak uses the assassin stat block, with the following changes: his armor, he wears a long silk robe over leathers. He payment of 250 gold from the merchant, of which Dretinoffers a reward of 100 gold, so long as the problem is taken will offer 50 to the party as payment for the job. He can usually be found chatting with1st level (4 slots): disguise self, sleep, hideous laughter, Amaru at The Bar (A5) or relaxing in the Main Hall (A2).dissonant whispers He sometimes explores The Ruins on his own.2nd level (3 slots): enhance ability, knock, suggestion3rd level (3 slots): sending, tongues, major image Chance & Choice Whisperbeam4th level (2 slots): polymorph, confusion Chance and Choice are identical lightfoot halfling female The Half nHalfs twins that both use the commoner statistics. They offer the party free travel on the Rail-Away Time Event Witnessesfor life and a ring of cold resistance. Jellyfruit Medley - 3 sp This deep bowl of sugared and candied fruits rests under a large jellyfruit. tavern they wish to include before involving it in their game, as certain rooms feature secrets and mechanics in When a creatures name or type appears in bold, it implies their descriptions.that you may find their abilities in the related stat block Due to the size of the book, numerous items and characterssection, Stibbles Codex or the System Reference Document. From adistance, they appear to be the remains of an ancient complex just beyond the tavern proper. It wears a white three-piece suit, andcarries nothing other than a wand of wonders. He has amassed himself a dragons fortune.has light, sandy blonde hair and watery blue eyes. Each table holds a small brass mopping up of spilled drinks. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns - Full Soundrack Album - Music by John Theodore John Theodore 2.9K views 3 months ago 7:32 How to Make a Tavern from Scratch - D&D Runesmith 101K. The egg can be broken and eaten normally vegetables. One large one seems 1 Mummy 15to have dislodged something that had perhaps been buried. After he skipped out on his last job, he is preferring dark colored gowns. She is thrilled to be working here,but with a base HP of 33. Layeringblue liquor under a layer of lime juice, and topping the mixture with a creamy liquor leads to a ratheroff putting appearance. It is equipped withconstructs will replace them 1d4 hours later. The wizards built this room to contain any below. She frequentlyPoma Llulla is a male high elf archmage of advanced years visits The Wildaback to explore the exotic locales it travelswho has come to the tavern in the guise of a merchant. The competition for the job was stiff and the members as they seem endlessly energetic. She has a wide, friendly face usuallyever, if Sami is in the room, he will be all smiles, though he wreathed in smiles, and wears her hair in a long braidseems to avoid Urma. IntroductionG reetings, and welcome to The Seekers Guide World Travelers to Twisted Taverns! He wears spec- will use this in combat.tacles and has never been seen dressed in anything otherthan his conductors suit: a buttoned-up formal waistcoat He has a weakness for fancy bath products and his room has thewith stiff lapels and gold braiding on the shoulders. Anyone with knowledge of Thieves Cant hasRail-Aways cars but serves three purposes: an area for advantage on the check. It looks easily transportable.5 The hilt of a weapon protrudes from the ground and can be easily pulled free. You can hear the dripping of water. The Wizards WateringHole should be presented to the characters as a place of unrealistic enjoyment, suspiciously low prices, and visual spectacle. Be sure not to let it sit too long Variant: Sea Hag Hair Instead of blue liquor use green liquor, and pour in the cream using the cap for more stringy curdles. All of the wizards lie dormant insideparty that it is a unique creature that feeds on emotions their crystal prisons, dimly lit by the magical glow thatwhich come from revelry and enjoyment. He embodies the epitome of the high elf with a long, aquiline nose, high cheekbones, and piercing eyes. Alternatively, they can interrogate Hammond or first appear to be full of squirming centipedes, but theotherwise get him to admit his wrongdoing, or set a trap for centipedes transform into 2d4+2 quasits. Each of the instruments is secretly mixes drinks, and will leave briefly to gather ingredi- imbued with the soul of a dead bard, whose personality ents in order to create meals at the counter. It is bonded only with Kem and with fiverare occasions he will settle into the tavern, drinking other mysterious travelers who visit only rarely. three are also able to call off the golems from attacking. A cupboard holds a supply ofgames and cards, though guests can also bring their own. Car Staff and Somen Gilrona After the song, Lord Almanor tells Lord Gammon, Perhaps you will reconsider my proposal Ryman Thorn after you get a good nights sleep. Though polite, it somehow sounds like a threat. eyes downcast. The Abomasumowlbears are splashing around in the room. It is an everlasting coldbottle (Wondrous Item, very rare. A DC 14 Investigation or Nature check will reveal that they have entered the first stomach of The Wildaback. Alen uses the noble stat block, but lacks a Enchanting Song. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 3) piercing damage and the target isgrappled (escape DC 15). The tavern is a vessel meant to traverseHowever, if forced into combat, it will summon all of the these chapters of reality and uncover the truth abouttaverns constructs to help it fight. A DC 15 area of The Ruins.Nature check will reveal that this part of The Wildabacksstomach collects any swallowed metal objects so they Kemdont damage other parts of the beasts internal workings. However, there is an invisible humanoid The Cow was originally a fearsome troll named Buefo, living in this room. Upper Hallway and may discuss whatever they wish with them. A man of few words, heconductor. Several Rail-Away staff including Kogan, Brandr, and Prim, rush to help calm and Certain events can occur at the GMs discretion load the horse. How- to everyday wear. Rooftop Terraced Gardenaffectionately called Rapa. Potions made in this room can be by using telepathy to defuse situations. The Rifting outcomes, and warnings. Guidehouse D3. Strong anchor appears. While his expression is haughty, there is something roughNot everyone is what they seem on the Rail-Away, in more around the edges about him, notable due to a few scars on ways than one. He created most of the drinks on the tavernbe found at nearly any time of night or day in the Rooftop menu, and enjoys when patrons know this.Terraced Garden (B1), though she periodically takes catnaps with her pseudodragon in the Cosmotarius (B2). It is a simple Caesar Shift code utilising Undercommon and Thieves Cant, and can2. A number 1d10+1 +2 Arrows of arrows, mostly undamaged, can be seen scattered around.10 A leather pouch lies off the path, as if someone dropped it while fleeing. Qinlar Ravengleam The Buphagus are the servers in the tavern hall, and keep everything clean in functional parts of the tavern.Qinlar Ravengleam is a stout They are employeespaid and treated well. If the partyempty room with another steel door on the other side. While digging one day, of halflings, gnomes, and humans. If a creature consumes 10 feet by 10 feet, with a 15-foot-high ceiling. Casino C3. A few potted ferns in flanked by vaguely humanoid stone statues. They seem wary, and one is carrying a half-dead cow, presumably captured from a nearby farm, in its claws. Here, Qinlar Ravengleam checks guests into the tavern and maintains order.A1. Gammon for some time. Hidden inside of this worn-out sandbag is abath, and essential oils. they imagine it might be like, it does not compare to the actual experience. In most contracts, he requestssuspiciously personal information almost as if hes Ryman is a fleetfoot halfling gentleman (commoner).searching for means to blackmail everyone he deals with. She has a low, husky voice even whenconversing normally, and people find themselves leaning in Alen Trismysto catch every word she says. Lady Ulume is a half-elf noble woman, and LordSecrets: Hammond has worked in the past for Lord Almanor, but has Gammons wife.