shark tale characters oscar
Don Lino I thought I'd lost you What're you wearing, huh? Don Lino Oscar [Camera zooms out to show Oscar standing in front of billboard ad]. Furious Frankie tries to attack Oscar himself when suddenly, an anchor falls on top of him, crushing him to death. : In the film, when he tells his first story about taking down a shark, he describes it as a Big ol shark bout 75-100 feet long. This maybe a reference to the Megalodon, the biggest shark that ever lived. Our goal here is to de-Italianize it. Oscar Awww, you guys, please don't fight Angie He is voiced by Will Smith . I wish I knew now what I knew then. [29][30][31] Politician Bill Pascrell said: "The prevailing message is negative and they have to be held out to dry for it. FrankieLola. Angie, amazed that Oscar confessed, forgives him and kisses him. and the two reconcile. In 'The Black Demon' movie and comics, a primeval shark offers a Angie So, this is the Shark Slayer. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When several sharks get close to Oscar's neighborhood, Oscar's neighbors expect him to drive them away. : : Don't swallow! [2] It was the ninth-highest-grossing film of 2004. Exactly how it looked; that's how it is. Luca Yeah, Yeah. Ernie and Bernie take Oscar out into the wasteland surrounding the reef, and, with Oscar tied to a rock, torture him with their stingers. Hi, I'm Oscar - you might think you know me, but you have no idea! Physical copies contain behind-the-scenes featurettes, games and activities, blooper reels, an audition for the whale Gigi, the Car Wash music video featuring Aguilera and Elliott, and a short film Club Oscar. But Oscar is confused by Lenny's attempt to save him, and is still there, looking baffled, as the silt settles. Remorseful, Lino asks Oscar to free him so he can reconcile with Lenny. Lino reconciles with Lenny and accepts him, and states that he and his gang bear the city no ill will. Just go! And you tell Don LAME-o that I don't never, ever, ever, ever, never ever want to see another shark in this reef again! You had me at hello! On top there's Don Lino, there's me, there's regular fish Oscar From now one, everything flows through me! You come at the O like that?". Me and Lenny, we're gonna take care of this Lenny Starring: Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Rene Zellweger. SHARKS ARE COMING TO GET ME! Oscar How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Angie tries to explain to him that he doesn't need to live at the top of the reef to be a somebody, and, feeling sorry for him, she tries to help him out by giving him a pink pearl a precious gift from her grandmother. This is the show part. : While the two shock a tied-up Oscar, Frankie sees them and urges Lenny to eat Oscar, but Lenny instead frees Oscar and tells him to escape. Ain't that great? : What? : I don't want any part of this? I've been looking forward to meeting you. : Oscar Oscar forsakes all the wealth he has acquired, becomes co-owner of the Whale Wash (which is now frequented by the gang members), and reconciles with and begins a romantic relationship with Angie. File cabinet, bottom drawer, there's a package [Oscar opens the package to find the necklace he gave Angie]. Crazy Joe Oscar : Oscar | Universal Studios Wiki | Fandom It was nominated for Best Animated Feature at the 77th Academy Awards, but lost to Pixar's The Incredibles. He is Angie 's boyfriend and co-worker, Lenny 's best friend, Lola 's ex-boyfriend and the former tongue-scrubber and current co-manager of the Whale Wash. Katie Current Oscar Angie voiced by Renee Zellweger and 1 other . No! Hey, boss, it's Lenny - he was wearing a disguise so we wouldn't recognise him, but he's not wearing a disguise, so we DO recognise him! Are COMING! : With no other witnesses, Oscar takes credit for killing Frankie and quickly rises in fame as the "Sharkslayer". The boldness of the wager attracts the attention of gold-digging femme-fatale Lola, When Sykes turns up with Ernie and Bernie, he is furious that Oscar has placed a bet with the money he is owed, and Lola, realizing that Oscar isn't the millionaire she imagined, quickly loses interest in him, and dismisses him, calling him a "cute but a nobody." I can't see it! 'Cause I'm tired of hearing how everything you had in your life wasn't good enough including me. Don Lino Shut up. A lion fish gold digger named Lola sees this and flagrantly seduces Oscar. [14] The premiere was attended by 6,000 visitors,[15] including Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, Robert De Niro, and Michael Imperioli. I'm a nobody - I want some of that! Oscar More than anything, we are in showbusiness. Angie | Universal Studios Wiki | Fandom Will Smith Scores No. 1 Netflix Spot After Chris Rock's Live Special That would be me. And then you Lenny "Well, he has a brother who lives right over here. Oscar dreaming of becoming rich and famous. Oscar sadly swims out of the warehouse, while Angie weeps. Don Lino Company Credits : Lino, however, is embarrassed of the situation and accuses Lenny of "taking sides against the family". Oscar Hi, Pop Don Lino What'd he do? Angie : Lenny Oscar Oscar teams up with the mobster's younger son to keep up the facade. Don Lino When several sharks get close to Oscar's neighborhood, Oscar's neighbors expect him to drive them away. To raise the cash to pay of Don Lino, Sykes demands that Oscar owes him five thousand clams, to be paid back by tomorrow. Because of his insecurities, Oscar is completely dense towards Angie's blatant romantic feelings for him until she anguished admits to him after seeing him kiss Lola, and calls him out for acting like everything in his old life wasn't good enough, her included. Devastated and blaming himself for his brother's demise, Lenny leaves. : And I'm not a financial advisor! "Snap your fin, Sykes! I'm a nobody without you. Oscar, I think I'm gonna puke Oscar 48 images (& sounds) of the Shark Tale cast of characters. I am the Panama Canal, baby! He is about less than a foot tall. Oscar? [8][12], The film was produced concurrently with Finding Nemo, another animated film set underwater, which was released a year and a half before Shark Tale. : : Seventy-five, hundred feet long, with razor-sharp teeth. Dreams can start out small. Then Lola forcefully kisses Oscar in front of the cameras causing Angie to leave in anger, jealousy, and sadness. : ME? Oscar He pulls down a lever to trap him into a whale clasping device, only to discover that he trapped Lenny by mistake. Lenny swims off distraught, leaving Oscar along with Frankies body when Ernie and Bernie return. You're alive? Lenny Realizing he can become famous, Oscar lets them believe he killed the shark. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Despite his urge to laugh, he is rather accepting to Lenny revealing his vegetarianism, believing that sharks should accept him for who he is and be like him. Oscar (Schaffrillas Productions) - Inconsistently Heinous Wiki They love YOU, they hate me! Alias [16] The film was released on Game Boy Advance Video on November 17,[17] and on Blu-ray on February 5, 2019.