queensland rail fleet vehicles
The findings included that Queensland Rail had experienced a 9% increase in demand for traincrew due to the revised timetable while also experiencing a 7% decrease in traincrew productivity as a result of revised industrial arrangements, had intentionally operated for a number of years with an under-supply of traincrew and utilised the shortfall to provide paid overtime opportunities, had reduced train crew intake during 201415 in the lead-up to the opening of the new line, had restrictions on external recruitment and had a longer driver training period than like organisations. 964. [31], Following the introduction of the New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) fleet in 2017, withdrawals began in 2018 with EMU06 the first taken to North Ipswich Railway Workshops for stripping. These differed from the prototypes in having sheeted stainless steel and 150hp (110kW) Rolls-Royce engines. The adoption of a narrow gauge was controversial at the time and was largely predicated by the government's desire for the fastest possible construction timeframe at the least cost. In 1956, two 2000 class railmotor prototypes were constructed by Queensland Railways at its Ipswich Railway Workshops sheeted in satin finished aluminium. [23][24], units 8188 were fitted with VHF radios to allow them to operate Sunshine Coast line services from Caboolture to Nambour from 29 April 1988, pending the delivery of the InterCity Express fleet. Queensland Rail offers additional remuneration options for its employees by way of flexible salary packaging. From its inception, QR's primary workshops were the North Ipswich Railway Workshops. [citation needed]. Guards travel at the rear as opposed to the middle with the existing fleet, where two three-car units couple to form a six-car unit. The trains received media controversy over a series of issues such as the toilet module size falling short by 12mm (0.47in), and inability for wheelchair to access the toilet from one of the two accessible cars. The project also involves the construction of a new maintenance centre to service the trains for the next 30 years. First class sleeper MAS 1487: Converted to a Q Class combined Dining and Bar Car, seating 28 people. The NGR fleet will be 75 new six-car trains. Compliance with probity requirements is critical to ensuring a fair procurement process. The trains increase the size of the fleet by 26%. The program brings with it a pipeline of training and development opportunities to bolster Queensland as the train building capital of Australia. Media related to QR IMU 100 series at Wikimedia Commons No. [37] Labelling and other minor changes were made in the toilet module as well, such as the installation of lights that warn in the event of an evacuation.[37]. The Q Train, based at The Bellarine Railway, have obtained carriages for the purpose of their restaurant train. [25] This was reduced back to a single Commissioner in September 1895. Queensland Rail's Chief Operating Officer resigned several days later. Baggage Car MBC 1458 (Ex Spirit of the Outback). These trains can be easily identified by the large priority stickers on the windows all along the train. So settle into your Business Class style RailBed seat or Premium Economy lounger and enjoy the scenery and service on Australia's newest deluxe train. In April 2013, the Queensland Parliament passed the Queensland Rail Transit Authority Bill 2013 that restructured Queensland Rail. Subscribe to receive email updates and notifications. [28][29] After the InterCity Express units entered service in September 1988, EMUs operated in multiple with them for a period. In 2004, Queensland Rail ordered sixteen 160 series units to provide extra rolling stock in conjunction with the upgrade and duplication of the Gold Coast line. Transport - Collections & Research | Queensland Museum [34][35], In August 2019, Queensland Rail operated a farewell tour with units 01 and 04 over two days covering all Brisbane suburban lines including a reenactment of the first electric train service in Brisbane from Ferny Grove to Darra. Queensland Rail to use Quintiq software to manage fleet - GovTech Review Our Trains | The Bellarine Railway: 1987 RF KMP16B - Queensland Railways, diesel locomotive. [4] They feature luggage racks, disabled access toilets, and high-backed cloth seating. [7] In March 2002, Queensland Rail purchased Northern Rivers Railroad and rebranded it Interail, fulfilling a long-held ambition of expanding beyond its state borders. [78] The Auditor-General also believed, due to issues with the business case that QR had overestimated how popular the new service would be, and had a mistaken belief that the 'luxury' component of the train would attract more high-paying customers. No. In 2004, Interail began running Brisbane to Melbourne and Sydney to Melbourne intermodal services. In 2007 as well as 2010, Queensland Rail projected that the 30 remaining L series carriages could operate for a further 15 years, pending refurbishment. The NGR project is being delivered under an Availability Public Private Partnership (PPP), which was awarded to the Qtectic consortium in 2013. Queensland Rail operated many named trains including: QR sourced steam locomotives from many manufacturers including Armstrong Whitworth, Avonside Engine Company, Beyer, Peacock & Company, Dbs & Co, Kitson & Co, Nasmyth, Wilson & Co, Neilson and Company, North British Locomotive Company, Vulcan Foundry and Yorkshire Engine Company all of the United Kingdom, Baldwin Locomotive Works of the United States, as well as Australian manufacturers Clyde Engineering, Evans, Anderson, Phelan & Co, Islington Railway Workshops, Newport Workshops, Phoenix Engine Company, Toowoomba Foundry and Walkers Limited. SEQ network fleet - Queensland Rail New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) fleet is operated by Queensland Rail however it is maintained, serviced, and repaired by Qtectic at the purpose-built NGR Maintenance Centre at Wulkuraka, west of Ipswich. [2] The last four were completed as Passenger Luggage Driving Trailers with access doors at both ends instead of a streamlined front, allowing the formation of three-car (and occasionally four-car) trains. [7], On 28 May 2007, the first of the new IMUs entered service on the Gold Coast line.[8]. Queensland Rail Oct 2017 - Present5 years 7 months Brisbane, Australia Fleet Coordinator Sci-Fleet May 2015 - Present8 years Brendale Creating vehicle quotes which including after. Under the revised arrangements Queensland Rail Limited retained assets and liabilities and staff were transferred to the QRTA. [6] The 160 series were manufactured by Downer EDI Rail, Maryborough in partnership with Bombardier Transportation. The network evolved as a series of isolated networks. Department of Transport and Main RoadsGPO BOX 1549BRISBANE QLD 4001, The State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 20102022. DH71 stored. Below: A late-running Winton to Rockhampton 7377 goods train heads east between Saltern and Barcaldine in late 1991, with three PSC wagons loaded with sheep on the end. Economy class sleeper MBS 1473 has been preserved at Cecil Plains railway museum, located at the former railway station. This would allow future connection of the Brisbane network with the coal networks via the North Coast line. Notable incidents involving Queensland Rail include: In December 2014 the Queensland Audit Office published a report about QR's Sunlander 14 project. Above: Sitting in Howells crossing loop, Dulverton waits with 140 empty bins and BVAN4 to cross/ pass loco Walkerston with a loaded train (17/11/20). [40], On 14 March 1996, EMU28 derailed after hitting a freight train near the former Mayne Junction station. This page is not available in other languages. No. [17] In October 2018, they began operating on the Ipswich and Caboolture lines. Above: Returning to Pring after receiving attention at Redbank Workshops, Goninan-GE U22C 2611 was a vehicle in a northbound goods train, crossing the Burnett River bridge in Bundaberg on Saturday 7 October 1989. [27][28], The NGRs are maintained at a purpose built depot to the west of Wulkuraka station. [8][9], In March 2003, Queensland Rail entered the Hunter Valley coal market when Interail commenced a contract from Duralie Colliery to Stratford Mine. (Ex. [37] No major changes were made to the general seating other than recovering some of the seats with priority labelling including some transverse seats with high backs and no arm rests. Aurizon inherited two units from QR National which are used for track inspections. This page was last edited on 26 April 2023, at 22:13. 974 stored pending overhaul. [32] By January 2019, 30 were in store. Above: English Electric 1263 shunts cattle wagons at Oonoonba in the Townsville Suburban area on a small mixed train. [8], Between October 1981 and October 1985, Comeng built a further 30 carriages. Information about the designs of the manufacturing facility, rail facility and trains will be available in 2023 following contract award. Kitchen car MSD 1460 - converted to a full commercial kitchen with servery and pantry. The Auditor-General's report in particular highlighted that due to the fixed-price construction contract the cost per train car increased and that opportunities were missed to pursue broader long distance train fleet renewal. Queensland Rail - Wikipedia Queensland Rail also acknowledges the contributions of First Nations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) peoples within Queensland Rail and the communities we serve. They sit on Bradken 5650 bogies and are equipped with GE761 traction motors. QR owned locomotives include 2410, 2411, 2413 (rebuilt to 2900 class), 2414 and 2415. For almost 40 years, Queenslands EMU fleet have been conveying the commuters of Brisbane in air conditioned comfort. MCC 1520, one of the M series carriages built, "Tenders called for Queensland Rail L series car conversions", "Traveltrain renewal: Sunlander 14. 2023: Construction of the manufacturing and rail facilities expected to commence. The Queensland Freight Strategy - Advancing Freight in Queensland (QFS), developed in partnership with the Queensland Ministerial Freight Council, sets a 10-year vision for the state's freight system through a series of shared commitments to: Build Effective Partnerships; Unlock Economic Opportunity; Smarter Connectivity and Access; Resilient [3], Most were withdrawn in the early 1990s, with the last operating in regular service on the Corinda-Yeerongpilly line in January 2000.[4]. Leased to Cairns Kuranda Steam to operate the, Leased to Outback Aussie Tours to operate the Longreach based Outback Rail Adventure, Operational, has received a new engine and some new internal modifications; including Disabled Access and Toilet facilities. [91] Executive bonus payments were also suspended for 2017.[92]. [7] The coaches gifted were: Four of these cars have undergone work to return them to traffic as the Queensland Pioneer Steam Railway Dinner Train, which runs over 7km of scenic railway track at Ipswich, and sport the original blue and white livery they first wore in 1953. These were all spun out into a separate entity in July 2010, and later privatised as Aurizon. [8][13][14][15] By the time of the Commonwealth Games in April 2018, eight had entered service.[16]. Photos: Chris Nuthall, Above: EMD 1473 hauls EE vehicle 1631 on an up freight train through Boronen on the North Coast Line between Rockhampton and Bundaberg (26/03/86). [39] A train driver and passenger were killed, and 31 others were injured. It wasn't until the completion of the North Coast line in December 1924 that all were joined. (C) William Denton. They are Queensland Rail's largest fleet of electric trains. Media related to QR IMU 160 series at Wikimedia Commons. NGR units are also noted to have contain Gangway connection doors but are almost never used. [42], QR operates urban and interurban rail and bus services throughout South East Queensland as part of the TransLink network. Queensland Rail maintains, services and repairs the other trains in the Queensland Rail fleet. The New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) trains are providing a significant increase to the capacity of the South East Queensland train fleet. New Generation Rollingstock Features The NGR trains will have a capacity of 964 in the six-car configuration. EMU and ICE Withdrawals - Issuu Weve been engaging with the disability sector since 2021 to co-design the new trains. Over a quarter of the fleet have been scrapped at the North Ipswich railway workshops west of Brisbane. October 2021:Torbanlea announced as the location of the train manufacturing facility. They were the first EMUs in Queensland and are progressively being retired from the Queensland Rail City network. Currently being progressively retired since July 2018. 1901 operational, also used as inspection and hired tourist vehicles. The railway collection traces the history, operations and culture of Queensland Rail, with an emphasis on the Ipswich Railway Workshops. Railway operator in Queensland, Australia, Redcliffe Peninsula railway line and subsequent driver shortages, Kerr J 'Triumph of Narrow Gauge', Boolarong Publications 1990, "Queensland Rail Becomes QR and Looks Beyond its Borders". Including 510 standing and 454 seating. [33] Originally it was envisaged all would be withdrawn once all of the NGRs had been delivered, but the remaining EMUs have no scheduled retirement date as of yet. However, costs had risen by 2012, and the Queensland Auditor-General reported that the eventual cost would be from $358 to $404 million, because QR had failed to take into account the requirement for upgraded maintenance facilities, as well as en route provisioning. State premier, Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk, says the announcement is one of the most significant her government hasmade, creating 800 new full-time jobs. To provide rolling stock for the new Gold Coast line to Helensvale, in 1993 a contract for four 100 class units was awarded to Walkers Limited, Maryborough. Rail market intelligence to unlock your business potential. ICE 157 was the first unit withdrawn back in late 2017 and resides at the Ipswich Workshops with partner 153. QR was responsible for all Queensland freight services, and from 2002 operated interstate services under the Australian Railroad Group, Interail and QR National brands. Work to rectify the non-compliant parts of the trains was performed by Downer Rail's Maryborough facility.