powerlifting records by state
308 805 Kelly Branton 3/31/2014 CPU 10 Dec 2016. 181 595 Trent Blanchard 6/19/2016 CPU 123 936 Nigel Whitford 2016 100% Raw 198 435 Jonathon Simard 11/14/2015 CPU 275 860 Dane Dillon 8/20/2016 CPL MEN. RESOURCES. 132 1135 Jason Lou 6/19/2016 CPU STATE RECORD SUBMISSION. Brandon caps perfect 9-0 run in Region 5 with 6-1 senior night win . DO NOT Purchase or Renew your membership during these dates, they will be invalid. Lifts successfully completed with drug testing in place, AMERICAN RECORDS SET 2020 AND BEYOND WHICH EXCEEDED the IPF WORLD RECORDS. Class Lift Lifter Year Fed Class Lift Lifter Year Fed NEWS. 308 2039 Kelly Branton 4/31/2014 CPU Application can be done by Online form; Retired Records:On December 31, 2010, all current records were retired due to weight class changes by the IPF. Masters Three Records if larger over ride Masters Two, Masters One and Open Records, 6. 132 264 Sasaki Toshinori Japan IPF 06/16/17. CANADIAN ALL TIME POWERLIFTING RECORDS. 165 413 Connor Lutz 6/25/2016 CPU 198 Meet Director Apprenticeship Program Application, REGIONALS 2023 & USPC Americas' Championship. 242 826 Bryce Krawczyk 05/20/2017 CPU Box 12, Frederick, PA 19435. Contact us today if we need to update the records or if you have a question. Records will be official after the results are posted on USAW website. USA Powerlifting is committed to maintaining a fair and level playing field by drug testing at every sanctioned competition. A: The USA Powerlifting website has listed all the State Chairs and their contact information for your convenience. Squat (Full Power) Class Rank Lifter Squat Date Fed; 44: 1: Melissa Maisonet: 142.8: 2023-03-03: XPC: 2: Tiffany Leung POWERLIFTING RECORDS: Thank you to our personal sponsor, Pete Miller. 181 762 Amit Sapir 7/22/2017 UPA SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM DOWN, Temporary Online Membership Purchase/Renewal Issue, Logo and Intellectual Property Usage Policy, https://www.usapowerlifting.com/member-tools/memberLookup.php, Once the paperwork is verified by the National office records are updated. 148 358 Chris Aviado 11/22/2015 CPU Powerlifting Records A WPC/AWPC/WPO AFFILIATE. After quintuple bypass heart surgery, Wisconsin powerlifter eyes 500 Be within 20 kilos of the current record. Now hold all world records at 198, 220 and 242lb. American Records set at a State or Regional meet must besubmittedto the National Office by the Meet Director Only. Canadian Powerlifting Union National Records 148 546 Stephen Cascioli 3/4/2017 USAPL 4th attempts do not count in the lifter's total. 181 123 936 Nigel Whitford 2016 100% Raw SHW 930 Kelly Branton 3/4/2017 USAPL, All Squats (with & without wraps) State Records Michigan Weightlifting 148 1458 Stephen Cascioli 3/4/2017 USAPL If you make payment and received the payment confirmation email, your membership has been purchased/renewed for 2020. Follow the MHSAA softball playoffs and get all the Mississippi state tournament brackets and scores on SBLive SportsContinue reading. Masters Raw World Records | Powerlifting Watch 148 634 Clifton Pho 3/3/2017 USAPL 242 507 Kade Weber 2013 RUM 6 SHW 600 Kelly Branton 11/13/2016 CPU, Deadlift 132 281 Brian Truong 8/21/2016 CPU Note that itp is for the athlete or representative of the athlete who broke a record to provide when and how the record was broken. Moving forward, lifters can set World Records under defined circumstances: Australia will make history as it hosts the first non-US international competition this December. Lifting Database Record claim for New World and/or European Record Record claim form; Official Presenting Partners . Powerlifting Records Class Lift Lifter Year Fed 308 855 Jean-Franois Caron 2013 CPA Records - USA Powerlifting SHW 600 Kelly Branton 11/13/2016 CPU, Deadlift SHW 2248 Kelly Branton 3/4/2017 USAPL, All Totals (with & without wraps) 2. Records will be in a pending status until the results of any drug tests from the meet are returned. Q: How can I contact my state chair for more information regarding state records? Please Print the Record Result page and Mark Record Requested, include Mailing Address for certificate and email address for confirmation of payment received. Records and Ranking - Ontario Powerlifting Senior Bench Press Records For Over 60 123 363 Darcy Ducharme 10/31/2015 CPU. MEN. A 71-Year-Old Powerlifter Just Set 4 New World Records - Men's Health 275 562 Martin Plourde 1/27/2018 CPF Ama For Example: At Bench Press Nationals you may set the Collegiate Bench Press Nationals Records. Then nine, Tate weighed 113.5 pounds, making . Errol Hurston. UPA State Records - United Powerlifting Association They are for record keeping purposes only. In January 2020, Tate competed at the USA Powerlifting Louisiana State Championships, breaking four American records in his age group and weight class. Amatuer CANADIAN ALL TIME POWERLIFTING RECORDS, Squat (no wraps) Class Lift Lifter Year Fed USA Powerlifting is Americas Choice for Drug-Free Strength Sport, and the nations leading powerlifting organization with over 20,000 active members. HOME. 132 485 Alfred Jong 08/02/2015 CPU RULES AND DIVISIONS; JUDGES; MEETS. State Records | USA Powerlifting MARYLAND State & National Records - United States Powerlifting Coalition When you click on the link it will take you to the records page. state powerlifting bench press deadlift strict curl; alabama: powerlifting records: bench press records: deadlift records: strict curl records: alaska: powerlifting records: bench press records: deadlift records: strict curl records: 148 634 Clifton Pho 3/3/2017 USAPL 181 595 Trent Blanchard 6/19/2016 CPU 242 828 Amit Sapir 7/16/2016 UPA The current raw bench press record in the Master 50-59 series is 562 lbs. Drug Tested records may only be set at drug tested meets (WPUSA). 4th attempts do not count in the lifter's total. A: Yes but only for that respective meet and if those records are currently being kept. 275 1967 Michael Sinclair 1/21/2012 CPU Cameron McKenzie has held on to a lucky 888kg Total record since 2016. 123 363 Darcy Ducharme 10/31/2015 CPU 275 540 Jimmy Paquet 03/25/2017 EPC 2022 IPA CONNECTICUT STATE POWERLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIPS October 29, 2022 Powerhouse Gym, 31 Bernhard Road, New Haven, CT 06473 Meet Director: Mark Hogan, (203) 623-6456, mhogan@promednutrition.com RESULTS IPA WORLD RECORDS ARE UPDATED TO REFLECT THE RESULTS OF THIS MEET. 132 485 Alfred Jong 08/02/2015 CPU The system will be available Friday, October 30th. Ray Williams Raw Squat World Record 490kg/1080lbs! To view Michael Soong's entire book of All-Time Records and Rankings, please go here and subscribe. 220 821 Jeremy Hamilton 8/29/2015 USPA DO NOT Purchase or Renew your membership during these dates, they will be invalid. All Rights Reserved, donated to rescues and animal welfare cases. Q: Can I set Collegiate, High School, Military, Police, and Fire National Records at Bench Nationals, etc;? 148 1458 Stephen Cascioli 3/4/2017 USAPL record forms, government ID, and drug testing paperwork) to the National office. 132 1135 Jason Lou 6/19/2016 CPU *The APA Referee Training Course and Certification Program is now available athttps://apa-wpa.com/CertificationPrograms/certification-programs/It is a free course available to all who are age 18 and above. MEETS. Did you set an American Record at a State or Regional meet? 181 1670 Amit Sapir 7/25/2015 CPL For more information email, 2023 USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals Location Announced, Logo and Intellectual Property Usage Policy, https://www.theworldgames.org/awards/Athlete-of-the-Year-2018-58. 165 585 Sharif El-Kady 4/1/2017 RPS Elite State Records. 242 2044 Kade Weber 2013 RUM 6 Programmers are working on this matter and we hope to have a resolution soon. 275 560 Joe Ladnier USA SPF 11/15/14. UPA State Records - United Powerlifting Association UPA Arizona State Records UPA Iowa State Records UPA Michigan Bench Only Records UPA Michigan Full Power Records UPA Minnesota State Records UPA Nebraska State Records UPA Nevada State Records UPA Oregon Full Power Records UPA Texas State Records UPA Washington State Records Ready To Join The UPA? Only existing state records can be viewed. Sane Faatoe holds the BP record already, is out of lockdown and is psyched to jump the WR up very soon. Class Lift Lifter Year Fed The Meet Director reserves the right to not offer 4th attempts if announced prior to the start of lifting. * Updated 8/12/17 *. SHW 930 Kelly Branton 3/4/2017 USAPL, All Squats (with & without wraps) Copy of drivers license or birth certificate where applicable. Powerlifting Records: Raw & Equipped [Videos] (2023) - Lift Vault Professional 132 429 Jason Luo 3/17/2017 CPU A Record Application is required for ALL record lifts, including from National or World Championships within SEVEN DAYS after the contest. 123 226 Nigel Whitford 2016 100% Raw SHW 749 Jesse Snadden 4/8/2017 CPL/Elite, Total (without wraps) 198 1791 Amit Sapir 4/16/2016 APA 275 2116 Dane Dillon 1/7/2017 USPA RECORDS | WPC Canada Powerlifting 198 529 Greg Doucette CPF Pro Records will be in a pending status until results of any drug tests from the meet have been confirmed and returned. 148 546 Stephen Cascioli 3/4/2017 USAPL 198 621 Taylor Wallace 02/15/2016 CPU Did you set an American Record at a State or Regional meet? USA Powerlifting was part of the IPF until this point Please note: If you have recently broken a record at a competition and the correct level 165 1527 Josh Hancott 10/17/2015 CPU 242 2070 Jimmy Paquet 2015 CPA National and World records proudly with a certificate of achievement. USA Powerlifting currently has 60 countries represented within our membership. Police/Fire Amatuer 2022 Meet Results - Ipa Power MEET RESULTS. Class Lift Lifter Year Fed raw squat at APF Southern States 10/29/11, Julius Maddox 355kg (782.6lb) RAW Bench Press World Record 2021. Today we launched our official USA Powerlifting World Records. The system will be available Friday, October 30th. SHW 2248 Kelly Branton 3/4/2017 USAPL. The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. 242 828 Amit Sapir 7/16/2016 WPA Programmers are working on this matter and we hope to have a resolution soon. Masters Four Records if larger over ride Masters Three, Masters Two, Masters One and Open Records, Please note: Records will be updated after the 7 day submissiondeadline post competition, All Active Provincial RecordsRetired RecordsRetired High School Records as of Dec 31, 2010, Steps to ensure that your record becomes valid: click here, Best Lifter Male & Female, Best Team and OPA Recognition Award, Canadian Records: Canadian Powerlifting UnionWorld Records: IPF World Records, Retired High School Records as of Dec 31, 2010. Masters One Records if larger over ride Open Records, 4. Record applications MUST to be sumitted within seven days of contest date. 181 1670 Adam Ramzy 10/17/2015 CPU 308 275 760 Roberto Perez 10/9/2016 RPS Elite . 198 804 Amit Sapir 4/16/2016 APA USA Powerlifting and the IPF were aligned on drug testing until this point A: Any current USA Powerlifting member can set a state record for the state that he/she has listed as their state of residence on their current USA Powerlifting card. MEN PA Equipped, Amateur (Men) 114 - 198 PA Equipped, Amateur (Men) 220 - SHW PA Raw, Amateur (Men) 114 - 165 PA Raw, Amateur (Men) 181 - 220 PA Raw, Amateur (Men) 220- SHW Other requirements may be needed as decided by each individual state chair. USA Powerlifting is committed to maintaining a fair and level playing field by drug testing at every sanctioned competition. RECORDS. 265 kg. American Record Application must be filled out and include Signatures from all 3 Judges with a National or Higher certification. American Records. The current Maryland State Powerlifting Records can be viewed on the USA Powerlifting Records database (http://usapl.liftingdatabase.com). 220 World Records | American Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation - ADFPF American Records represent the best lifts performed at any USA Powerlifting competition where the appropriate referees are present to judge the lifts. WPUSA records do not crossover to USPC records. 165 655 Kojo Gyennin 3/31/2014 CPU 242 507 Martin Plourde 2016 IPA Ama ABOUT. 132 POWERLIFTING. 220 515 Dennis Cieri USA USAPL 09/15/18. Meet Directors should have ALL the above documentation in their meet package. 198 529 Greg Doucette CPF Pro Contact our Records Keeper directly and we will help get you in the record books! https://www.usapowerlifting.com/member-tools/memberLookup.php. American Records set at a State or Regional meet must be submitted to the National Office by the Meet Director Only. Australian Records These records represent the best male and female lifts by Powerlifting Australia members in sanctioned IPF competitions which were performed at regional level or higher level or where all 3 referees are of National Level or higher. A 71-year-old powerlifter named Rudy Kadlub broke three world records Monday in squats, bench press and deadlifts. If you are a Maryland or DC resident and you would like to report a new Maryland State record from a sanctioned USA Powerlifting meet held outside of Maryland (on or after 1/1/2016), please submit your record here.. Powerlifting For Seniors [Fountain Of Youth?] - Elder Strength ( to confirm the age of the lifter). Bench (Full Power) Class Rank Lifter Bench Date Fed; 52: 1: Andrzej Stanaszek: 177.5: 1994-11-17: IPF: 2: Tracy Johnson #9 308 805 Jason Bryne 1/7/2017 CPU Use tab to navigate through the menu items. South Carolina State Powerlifting Records. 132 281 Brian Truong 8/21/2016 CPU Please patronize our corporate sponsors: DJ Carl Elliott Susan Kozlowski. Certificates that are mailed are available to only US residents while Emailed PDF Certificates are available to everyone! In accordance withUSA Powerlifting guidelines,existing records under the old weight classes were converted as of December 31, 2014 to the new weight classes based solely on weight class (not a lifters body weight). EQUIPPED NATIONAL RECORDS. 132 281 Brian Truong 8/21/2016 CPU weight classes." These were all unprecedented lifts in his weight class, according to the International Powerlifting League (IPL), as was his. DO NOT Purchase or Renew your membership during these dates, they will be invalid. 2023 Mississippi (MHSAA) softball playoff brackets and scores: State tournament schedule, matchups. New records broken or set after 01-01-2016 are only available to view from the USA Powerlifting Records database which is athttp://usapl.liftingdatabase.com. Powerlifting Records Please contact SamuelLloydPowerlifting@gmail.com with any questions you may have. 308 855 Jean-Franois Caron 2013 CPA Class Lift Lifter Year Fed 132 1135 Jason Lou 6/19/2016 CPU State-Regional Records Bench press single lift. Rules, Weight Class State records can be set by Michigan athletes at any USAW National (American Open Series, American Open, Youth Nationals, Junior Nationals, University/U-25 Nationals, Nationals), any IWF sanctioned competition, or the annual Michigan State Championship). Founded in 1981 as the American Drug Free Powerlifting Association, USA Powerlifting is a mission-driven 501c(3) non-profit. And he kept going. 220 640 Taylor Shadgett 2012 100% Raw Men's . 220 784 Jeremy Hamilton 8/29/2015 USPA The lifteris responsible for declaring their record attempt BEFORE coming to the platform. 275 783 Michael Sinclair 4/21/2012 CPU Other requirements may be needed as decided by each individual state chair. 220 518 Jeremy Hamilton 8/29/2015 USPA Bench (Full Power) Class Rank Lifter Bench Date Fed; 53: 1: Andrzej Stanaszek: 177.5: 1994-11-17: IPF: 2: David Montiel Caballero We have done this in an effort to align with our new and expanding international footprint. 148 1458 Stephen Cascioli 3/4/2017 USAPL 148 358 Chris Aviado 11/22/2015 CPU Records - International Powerlifting Federation IPF We have more exciting opportunities in the future for athletes to compete internationally, including the Masters World Cup. The Membership Purchase and Renewal System is down 10/25-10/29 for scheduled maintenance. 275 705 Michael Sinclair 1/21/2012 CPU 220 488 Leon Brown 6/5/2015 CPU Starting January 1, 2015, meets and state records had new weight classes. Thank you for your patience while we enhance our system. For example, Womens National Meet Records can only be broken at Womens Nationals which is held once a year. IL Women UN PL 2021-10-22. Website designed by Wicked Design. Military Pro, Copyright 2021 Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate.