kung fu panda fenghuang fanfiction
Fenghuang had to be talked out of not cutting off her own feathers to make her dramatic entrances louder, while Taylor is a natural at stealth. Lord Shen, the antagonist of the second film, is mentioned by name once in a canon omake, and implicitly mentioned once before (by Mofang the Wolf, who was confirmed in a canon omake to be one of his goons), but doesn't appear outright. Upon meeting each other for the first time in years, Fenghuang's name originates from the legendary. Earth Bet, the main world for Worm, home of Brockton Bay, Danny Hebert, and the PRT. As The Dragon Warrior, Po is destined to defeat and kill that tiger. This wiki contains *SPOILERS* for Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight. A Cause for the Paws 24m Po's popularity is gone after wicked weasels steal a powerful gauntlet. Will she discover who she was always meant to be? Whereas Taylor's father is a depressed, neglectful parent whom Taylor is unable to rely on when she needs him most, Oogway is a. Kung Fu Panda is a action/comedy franchise with three movies and a tv series made by Mark Osborne and John Stevenson, starring Jack Black. When getting things ready for Taylor's surprise party, Tigress runs into Boar (the villain the Five fought that brought them together), while Viper runs into the gorilla that she beat in her short from "Secrets of the Furious Five". What is a, Both a copy of Dragon's AI consciousness and the Queen Administrator Shard. In the game, she has escaped from her imprisonment and is up to Po and the Furious Five to send her back to prison. It was ultimately. Po eventually left the Valley of Peace in order to protect his friends, who feared that he would become evil, and he traveled into the Northern Mountains. Back to Downplayed. Takes place before the events of The Dragon Knight. While not a technology, Taylor introduces and teaches some bullied workers the idea of a Worker's Union. Even. "He rubbed off on me." Dragon's soul, or at least a part of it, now resides there after exposure to a rift in Taylor's locker. It is life and energy, and life energy, and the energy of life. When the Queen Administrator followed Taylor into the Spirit Realm, it initially didn't have a specific form as it didn't see itself as an individual. 402 [4] However she somehow escaped, possibly from the Shuyong seed Po missed at the end of the episode, and is now planning her next move. This IS a Kung Fu Panda Fan-Fic. Fenghuang | Villains Wiki | Fandom Taylor's home story is titled "Worm", which is also named after the Entities themselves, who are described as Worms. In canon, her power allowed her to visit and bring forth the environments from a number of pocket dimensions she has when she sleeps, of which she had near absolute control of, capable of building upon their environments or making whole new dimensions depending on her mood and mental state. Kai (Kung Fu Panda) - Works | Archive of Our Own He also had a interest in kung fu and working on psychic powers his fate was Long after Fang was rejected by Tigress, he became China's greatest assassin. He isn't justice, but he's not revenge either.He's vengeance.He's the Dark Knight of China. Based on the readings Armsmaster took of the Spirit World through the portal left in Taylor's Locker, Leet accidentally made gauntlets for a Street Fighter crime (to make Hadoukens) that, reading between the lines, actually produce something quite similar to Chi or a synthetic version of Chi. You can use it to In this case, he becomes a Post-cognitive Thinker called Gumshoe who can see apparitions of people living out past events, which he can turn on and off. A little bit of resentment on Tigress' side. Language: Or so it would seem. Takes place after the third movie (New Chi abilities). A MOVIE INSERT-- which an instance of Dragon was just sucked into. [Learn more]. Oogway's Little Owl (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Fenghuang (Kung Fu Panda) - Works | Archive of Our Own Po The Big, Bad Croc by BatmanFanmiac Kung Fu Panda (Movies), Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (Cartoon) General Audiences Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Work in Progress 24 Dec 2022 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Po (Kung Fu Panda) Shifu (Kung Fu Panda) Fenghuang has a cameo appearance in the comic. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and decided to make this for my gay ass. Po turned to face her. Some more context on the Reclamation AU can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jEKVknAtww3xQd227PcU4cRudGBRELWBLp9KhrDzW3Q/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmmJKW6F1V8HBFXsJSYg7KZa6ZhK0w21ceUziNV9GsU/edit?usp=sharing. When Taylor starts to talk openly about her troubles before coming to the Jade Palace, she talks about how her father became a, Taylor points out that, since there were several days in-between Tai Lung being rejected as the Dragon Warrior and his rampage, he hadn't suffered a psychotic break but had likely been stewing over his resentment instead. A copy of Dragon is accidentally dragged into the Spirit Realm by the portal the Queen Administrator left when it tried to follow Taylor, resulting in her becoming a spiritual being, proving that she has a soul of sorts. kungfupandaxmalereader 1 Story Sort by: Hot # 1 Po's older brother (kung fu panda) by Isabel 623 12 2 M/n the oldest son of Mr, Ping and the adopted human brother of Po. "Blame the panda," Fenghuang told her. With a traumatising past shaping her into a warrior, get Leo Lung and Tai Lung were best brothers growing up. Emma and Sophia are scared that Taylor escaped the Locker by triggering, and that she'll be coming back for revenge. After a comforting talk from Master Sloth, it decides to the form of a massive spider. Oogway dives into the ocean to fight a pirate whale. Kung Fu Panda | Action Bestfriends Dreamworks. It is. May the Lord bless and guide your way! Fenghuang created a Mongolian Fireball. She is a trained and megalomaniacal combatant and elemental dark sorceress. Fenghuang likes huge, impressive techniques like her "Impossible Moves", while Taylor is shaping up to be a stealth attacker. To catch it, he suddenly gets on to the table, grabs the bowl as it falls with one hand, then quickly catches all the spilled broth before it hits the ground by simply twisting his arm. Now they have the task of finding why the long absent Padriac Rattigan is in Zootopia, all while those hurt before try to recover, finding a long road stretched ahead. Po finally feels that he's starting to get a hang of this "teaching" thing, and all seems well. When Shifu first met Taylor, he thought she was taking advantage of Oogway's elderly mind to apprentice herself under the greatest Kung Fu master ever. Master Yao's description certainly doesn't help. It was most likely this recognition that caused her heart to grow dark and change. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Taylor asks Po to build the Jade Palace mantis-sized training dummies, referencing Po's various lines in the films that Mantis is the same size as his action figure, as well as the scene in the second film where Po's Mantis action figure played a stand-in for the real thing in Gongmen City. Taylor has this reaction again after Crane remarks she looks like she had a run-in with Tai Lung; Taylor's panic is from hearing the 'Lung' part and assuming it was Lung (AKA the pyrokinetic rage dragon) from Earth Bet. Tong Fo is obviously a bit disturbed by how dysfunctional Shifu and Shirong's relationship is. Shifu still believed that meditation meant emptying your mind. Borrowed idea by raptor10. If he had snapped right away it might have been Shifu's fault, but he took several days, which meant that he had time to. And it isn't. Or the queen she is, as Bowser tries on the Super Crown and realizes he likes being a she sometimes. Bowser is curious, though confused. One remains on Earth Bet and has merely forgotten the last ten minutes. After managing to steal one of them she grows her own Shuyong Tree and eats its fruit giving her complete mastery over time. Please browse at your own risk. Oogway is this to Danny Hebert. One day, Fenghuang approached Oogway and challenged him to a fight, believing that she deserved to be the new master of the Jade Palace. She attempted to entice Po to join her, but the panda refused and they two briefly fought before Fenghuang took off and left Po in her lair, promising that he would eventually come around to her way of thinking. Taylor is more mentally stable and physically fit than in canon. Thank you so much! monkey viper tigress +9 more While put off guard in her supposed triumph, Fenghuang was trapped in the owl-shaped cage Oogway had designed for her by Po, who had only been pretending to be evil, and had stabbed Shifu with a fake sword he had gotten earlier from Tang the Toy Vendor. These are the thoughts that has made him decided to set in motion his plan: create the appropriate atmosphere to make a new friendship bloom. Despite her dishonorable and self-absorbed nature, it is possible that Fenghuang has a merciful side to her, or else simply a desire to have people around that she can use for her own benefit, as she saved Po from falling to uncertain depths in the cold mountains by her own free will, despite apparently recognizing he was from the Jade Palace. It ends up reviving him after he electrocutes himself. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Forums | FanFiction Wolf twins fight for what they are loyal to with their alpha, following orders when the peacock lord commands in Gongmen City. Taotie hates Shifu, but even he doesn't get any enjoyment out of Shifu's pain regarding what happened with Tai Lung. Hana wasn't always blind but when Mr.Ping found her she was. Y/n was a cat, a cat who in the past had been an acquaintance of puss in boots. Everyone in China cried with happiness at the success of their panda hero, Po. ( The Mightiest Warriors, Book One ). Cai Huo (Tai Lung and Tigress's Daughter), Jing (Kung Fu Panda) Bao (Kung Fu Panda) Nu Hai (Kung Fu Panda) Fan Tong (Kung Fu Panda), Amelia (Disney: Treasure Planet)/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Crane(Kung Fu Panda)/Sheik(Legend of Zelda, E. Aster Bunnymund (Guardians of Childhood)/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), E. Aster Bunnymund/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Fa Mulan | Hua Mulan (Disney)/Po (Kung Fu Panda), Gideon Grey (Zootopia)/Po (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s), Jindiao (Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny)/Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda), Kai (Kung Fu Panda) & Death | The Wolf (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish), Kai (Kung Fu Panda) & Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s), Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Female Character(s), Lord Shen/Lord Shen's Father (Kung Fu Panda), Lucario (Pokemon) & Shifu (Kung Fu Panda), Lucario (Pokemon)/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Luthera the Wandering Blade/Po (Kung Fu Panda), Mantis/original Female Characters Mantis/OC, Mei Mei (Kung Fu Panda)/Song (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness), Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)/TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Po (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Po and Shifu (Previous student and teacher), Shifu (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Soothsayer (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Male Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Female Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Male Character(s). Fenghuang is the last enemy to face in the game, appearing in Level 11: Return of the Fowl Owl. Haunted by ghostly accusers, Po is left with no choice but to move out of the Panda Village and seek all the help he can get from the Valley of Peace, both in the Jade Palace and from other less savory sources. It seems her father's nickname of "Little Owl" is now a bit more literal. One where Lord Shen never left Gongmen City and the panda genocide never happened. Midoriya meets weird people in weird places. An Omake has Jack Slash on the receiving end of this when Po gives him the Sword of Heroes. Leo, Shifu, Po, Tigress, and some new and familiar faces, must rally together to face their biggest opponent yet, or risk losing their souls forever. Continued is the story in which Po loses his memory in an incident with the Croc Bandits and is convinced by Fung he is a ruthless crocodile bandit (the leader of the crew in fact.) Upon the Shuyong Tree judging Po and Fenghuang even after they bested the Shuyong Tree's guardians, the Shuyong Tree deemed Po worthy of using its fruit and the Shuyong Tree used its powers to send Fenghuang into oblivion, To which she states in her last words that she's allergic to it. Fenghuang was once one of Oogway's students at the Jade Palace and part of the Former Furious Five. the Queen Administrator shard, which inadvertently entered the Spirit World looking for Taylor. But later on when Fenghuang manages to protect the possession shockwave emitted from the sword, they manage to remove the sword, but Fenghuang reveals that she wants the sword. some very light TiPo all things considered, Sounds like Crane tryna commit death but its not what this is, the five cry about tigress being a mom but shh dont tell anybody, the rest of the five and shifu are just mentioned haha, there is a kung fu panda reference though, Therefore no Crane and Mantis and Viper and Monkey, Tigress and MaSha being wonderful sisters, tigress has a real name in this just so ya know, well not really gay but if I had it my way Monkey and Mantis would be gay. She's able to teach a group of insects to put on a play of a slightly modified version of, She's encouraged by Po and Viper to propose some possible stories for Ghost Month. Various themes and storylines are tackled in this, and each chapter has additional warnings listed at the beginning if necessary. Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Oogway even decides to take her to Japan when he receives word of the monster in Japan (who is secretly the QA shard). The Croc Bandits zig-zag this trope. She battled and defeated them. The horrors of a new body was short lived, as, in a drop of a hat, he is torn from his home and flung into a world with people like him. In this story created by yours truly, you are a white tiger (So original What if Shifu had a daughter and Po's partner who is the Avatar? Leo, Shifu, Po, Tigress, and some new and familiar faces, must rally together to face their biggest opponent yet, or risk losing their souls forever. Tai Lee is the daughter of Tai Lung, but she is also known as Princess of Peace. She fought Po and the Furious Five, publicly humiliating Crane by throwing him into a wall. They decided to hid away in the palace and not make contact with any humans. A collection of 500 word drabbles of quickies - also known as a brief act or instance of having sex according to the dictionary. In "Crane on a Wire" she returned to the Valley of Peace, having escaped prison and destroyed the owl-shaped cage that once held her, and crashed Mr. Ping's charity auction for the new Children's Hospital. Oogway himself admits that he's not from China he was born in the middle of the ocean and wandered around the world for years before settling down there. This page lists all of the characters mentioned in the Kung Fu Panda universe . While climbing the mountain, Po and the others again fought the owl, who now had new steel talons. [5], The current Furious Five heard a lot about her. He, Taylor later points out to Shifu, who blames himself for Tai Lung's rampage, that while he may have pushed Tai Lung and filled his head with the idea that he was meant to be the Dragon Warrior, it was ultimately Tai Lung's own choice to go apeshit on the Valley. When her two worlds collide, it might not be as wonderful as it may seem. Master Bear. Oogway had suspected Fenghuang's betrayal, having prepared an inescapable cage for her. Old enemies reappear. Legend says that a tiger will be born to be a ruler to destroy China. Po punched the Fireball when it reached him with a . After they answer, Taylor points out that from what she's heard, Tai Lung was all those things, and if he was unworthy, who could possibly be worthy? To Taylor's embarrassment, people think that before she had her "accident", she was part of a very rich family, so much so that they had people to preen their feathers for them. Set between Kfp 1, and KFP 2. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). They manage to save Elephant, but Fenghuang surprises the team by disposing of the sword in the volcano. Instead of using the phoenix for good, they have used it for their own needs. Tattletale, while trying to encourage a depressed Danny to do better and not fall deeper to despair, misreads her power's clues, screws up and puts all the blame on Danny for Taylor disappearing. Kung Fu Panda (Movies) | Archive of Our Own They trained together, competing for who could be the best warrior ever. Fenghuang flew behind Po and landed a few feet away from him. Po just received an invitation to a great feast on his honor, held by his fans. The Valley is calm, and her love for Po grows day by day. She then surprised them all by destroying the demonic sword they had come to recover; Po then convinced them to allow her to go free as had originally been agreed, despite their previous intention not to do so. The way she does this, Oogway saves Taylor, pulling her into his world. Taylor as Tailei. Since QA isn't available, Danny triggers with a different power than the official list of QA powers he might have gotten if he triggered in canon. She meets Masters Sloth and Bear, and Bear skeptically questions her name being a-little-on-the-nose. Taylor starts thinking how to spar with Viper and muses that while normal snakes are supposed to be deaf and have terrible eyesight, neither is the case for Viper (or any of the other snakes in the KFP world), so her animal knowledge doesn't necessarily mean much here. Kung Fu Panda Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Please consider turning it on! This leads Queen Administrator to try to get into the Kung Fu Panda world; it eventually succeeds, becoming a monstrous spider-like creature. When he nearly fell to his death, Fenghuang unexpectedly appeared, grabbed him and carried him to her lair. Curious, Fenghuang asked Po who told him she was evil, and mentioned Oogway. But is it too good to be true?- Seems so, when a chi-stealing dragon who so happens to share the same enemy comes out of it and makes a strange- and interesting- proposal. However, in a land of harmony and peace, an old enemy is emerging, ready for war. Fenghuang first met Po when she saved him from falling to his death, and it was from him that she learned of Oogway's passing. Oogway suggests a cure to be found and that the finder shall be chosen from the Furious Five. Before the enemy destroys China, and maybe even the world she knows. Bian Ziao is following eagerly in his father's footsteps, and was even inspired by. (which nearly happens when he tries to eat the QA Shard and is what would happen if he tried to fight Scion). Dragon then calls him out on being a bear called. Po, for the Five. What's more, this means he's leading the Five, Taylor, and Oogway. Tai Lung's rampage, in which he killed one person directly and twenty indirectly as a result of the damage he caused, rather underwhelms Taylor when she's told the details by Oogway and Shifu, as they made it sound like he'd. The Vall Yeah, don't judge. Part of The Lion. Discussed when Master Poison Dart Frog fights Kai. Please consider turning it on! Taylor is in disbelief that everyone thought that Viper couldn't follow in her father's footsteps without fangs, pointing out that, as a, This is Fung's reaction when he finds out that he and his fellow croc mercs were hired to fight. Tales Of China Chapter 2: Po And Fenghuang, a kung fu panda fanfic If you'd like to suggest some, feel free to. Vampires, ghouls, and other hellish creations are errors that need to be corrected. After clashing with the Hellsing organization, she begins to question if she should stay aligned with the gods or take control of her own life. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! parallel World, alternative Earth, distant dimension, and alien reality when she sleeps. The needs of the organization are not something that Aurora cares about. But-- he must admit wryly-- there was one thing they were right about. Dragon's Reign, a kung fu panda fanfic | FanFiction In "The Spirit Orbs of Master Ding", Fenghuang made a cameo in a flashback where she and the other Furious Five members of her generation stopped Master Ding from taking over the Valley of Peace. Until she was the most powerful of the Five, and that's when she started to change. While he waits for his new companions to figure out a way for him to return home, Bowser gets to know them, especially Lady Alpha Tigress, one of the co-rulers of the city he found himself in. Fenghuang was once a diligent student in the art of kung fu, demonstrating natural talent that enabled her to quickly grasp the teachings of martial arts. They will fall! Yao mentions that in his meditations he's seen into other worlds as well: One where instead of settling in China, Oogway settled down in England, where he helped. As if that wasn't bizarre enough, she's no longer, well human. Fenghuang temporarily helping her former teammates. Brought over from FFN. But danger lies ahead the moment she steps in. ~ Po might just be the laziest, clumsiest panda in the Valley of Peace, but he secretly dreams of becoming a Kung Fu legend but one day when the unexpectedly chosen to ful " I never stopped thinking about what happened what I did to you I never forgave myself for it and you probably will never forgive meY/n". But that changed when Fenghuang's heart turned dark and she left the Jade Palace after losing a battle to Oogway, after which they became enemies. Master Yao claims that Taylor inadvertently created a whole new Chi technique based on this when she got brought through the Spirit Realm copying other people's knowledge of their own language out of their heads. Emma and Sophia realized they crossed a line with the locker incident, although (unknown to them) Oogway basically prevented worse. Kai, the chi-stealing ox, is back in the mortal realm and out for blood. She correctly guessed that he was from the Jade Palace, recognizing the scent of the sandalwood incense she disliked. In the world of Lackadaisy, a speakeasy that's down on it's luck is visited by a mysterious woman who wants to do business with the madame of the operation. Comically seen with the sheep village where one of them muses that villagers disappearing is practically a tradition at this point. But her attacks soon failed due to Po and the Five using iron to shield against her talons, which became damaged, and she fled back to the mountains again to heal. Po Ping is a simple farm boy living with his goose father, content to live his farmer's life until he dies, never questioning the rules, until he sees something he's not supposed to. But him, he was loyal, but not f Y/N was imprisoned by Lucifer many years ago but now he has returned to kill the dragon warrior and destroy everything he created. Kungfupandaxmalereader Stories - Wattpad Welcome to the future, where everything is perfect and just. It is only when Po makes it clear that he is siding with those she feels wronged her that she becomes actively antagonistic towards him. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Various Masters of Kung Fu begin mysteriously disappearing in the dead of night, one by one, and their worst fears are soon realized: an old foe has returned, and this time, he's made a friend- and it's going to take more than a few kung fu moves to stop their reign of terror. Furthermore, her new owl form allows her to fly. The strong must rule the weak! During the canon omake, Taylor thinks she spots another owl shadow on the backdrop to her plays but knows she's the only owl in the valley at the time. Rather than becoming a parahuman, Taylor begins training in kung fu and the use of chi. X3 Master Leo Lung has dealt with everything from vengeful leopards to genocidal peacocks. Po, seeming willing to do so, took a sword and struck, and Shifu gasped and closed his eyes. A series of fics inspired by the Kung Fu Panda movies. Oogway's cryptic teachings are just as likely to be for his own amusement as they are to teach a lesson (oftentimes both). While Tai Lung thinks that this is proof his destiny will lead to him becoming the True Dragon Warrior, those who are familiar with the setting know that these are basically all of his scenes in the first film: Escaping his restraints with a goose feather, fighting the Five on the bridge, fighting Shifu at the Palace, opening the scroll, and getting defeated by the Wuxi Finger Hold. I absolutely loved Kung Fu Panda 1&2, all the actors that have been picked fill the role perfectly and the story is very well done as well. She only wishes that she had more time to show him how much she really cares. Tai Lung also notices the similarities between 'Tailei' and his own name. He actually stops his attempts to kill both of them when he hears about some of the stuff for a little bit, at least. A part of him did die. After Shifu tells her about Tai Lung, Taylor, almost without thinking due to the effect that unlocking her chi had on her, asks the Five what qualities they think that the Dragon Warrior would have. Po told her Oogway was gone, news which excited Fenghuang, who was convinced that with Oogway out of the way, nothing could stop her from conquering the Valley of Peace. Po embraces his destiny as Dragon Warrior, but in a way nobody expects. She also has a cowardly side, as she was too afraid to face Oogway a second time after he defeated her; she only returned for a second attempt at a takeover after learning that Oogway was dead, and she is a self-confessed cheater, not above making snarky comments to others. But before he could contain her, she flew away from the palace. (No K-5 included) Venus De Milo, a 17 year old mutant turtle, lived in the Jade Palace for a year since the mysterious portal took her in the unknown dimension where she befriended Masters Oogway, Shifu, and the Furious Five. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (Cartoon) (2), The Jungle Book (Disney Animated Movies) (1), Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (Cartoon), Fairytale Theater: Episode 3- Tigress Two tone and the seven Warriors, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Taylor's color scheme, plus her scarf, give her the same color scheme as her canon outfit (Taylor is brown and black with yellow eyes). After she taught him the Mongolian Fireball, Fenghuang ordered Po to kill Shifu.
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