instant ocean sea salt vs reef crystals
Some people swear by one brand of salt mix while others will go out of their way to talk about why this salt mix brand is way better than others. Hopefully these answer your questions. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. Both work great, but I would lean on the regular mix if you have a heavy SPS tank for better Alkalinity stability. Instant Ocean recommends 1.020-1.026 at 77 degrees F. I mix my saltwater to achieve 1.025 SG at a temp of 79F. Though we might not be able to interact with these animals in the ways we do with others, there's still a deep bond. instant ocean @ 1018 for 40 years aquadrome erie pa. Been using IO for longer than I'd care to admit - never had a reason to use anything else. A general rule is to use cup of salt per gallon of water. The stability and quality control of this mix makes this pretty much a must for those with the most demanding corals like Acroporas. Red Sea 400 8 1300. Enriched formulation. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The salt is collected from the Red Sea. 1 Overview. I seem to have a small cyano issue that I am hoping is the result of the excess nutrients in the Reef Crystals. The Reef Crystals would be a better choice, it has higher levels of magnesium, calcium, strontium, etc. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 1 = Instant Ocean, 2 = Tropic Marin, 3 = Marine Mix, 4 = Reef Crystals, 5 = Rea Sea Salt, 6 = Kent, 7 = Coralife, 8 = SeaChem Reef Salt, CA = carbonate alkalinity (mequiv kg-1), BA = borate alkalinity (mequiv kg-1), TA = total alkalinity (mequiv kg-1). Advertise today. I'd say most people are successful using just plain old salt like Instant Ocean. It's the only reef salt I will ever use . At your local fish store, where your fish store gets salt in pallets so they dont lose money or on an online merchant like Amazon where you know you are not making the retailer lose money shipping the box or bucket of salt to you. My tank does better with it. Every Order on SaltwaterAquarium.com is eligible to receive a Free Gift, just add it to your cart before checkout! (Everything You Need To Know), A Complete Care Guide for German Blue RamsFeeding, Housing, Breeding, and More, Freshwater Crabs - 15 Great Selections (With Pictures), Freshwater Angelfish - A Complete Care Guide, Tropical Fish Species - 30 Popular Types (With Pictures! This is where we start getting into details. I like that Reef Crystals contain a lot of the excess nutrients needed for coral growth which limits the need to dose anything or at least a lot. Join 100,000+ Subscribers and stay up to date on education, news, sales & deals. Reef Crystals contains essential ocean reef elements in concentrations greater than those found in natural sea water. Saltwater sunbeam: Do you have a Yellow Tang? 2.3 2) Instant Ocean Sea Salt For Marine Aquariums. The other issue is the evaluated alkalinity of the mix. 5. I have a 40 gallon tank with a few fish, a growing clam (3 inches currently), and lps corals. Fish only saltwater aquariums are not going to need an expensive or advanced salt mix so a budget mix will do the job. Hundreds of articles to help you with your aquarium. Then there is fish only and fish only with live rock (FOWLR) setups. This is the very first statement Im going to lay out for you. NeoMarine has a lower Alkalinity, which is great for SPS tanks. with cool water and seek medical attention. JavaScript is disabled. /TM/ 2023 Spectrum Brands, Inc. or one of its affiliates. If your goal is to maximize coral growth, then Coral Pro combined with ourreef care recipeswill enhance growth up to four times their natural rate. All rights reserved. I want to get around all the marketing fluff and just tell you what works for your tank and needs. Instant Ocean vs. Reef Crystals - General Discussion - Forums There are a few differences between the Instant Ocean sea salt and Reef crystals. When used correctly, Instant Ocean Sea Salt and Reef Crystals will set the pH of a tank between 8.0 to 8.3, and kH levels between 7-10 dKH. . It is a top tier salt mix with a reasonable price. Check todays price of Instant Ocean sea salt on Amazon here. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The cons on caking, which Fritz doesnt and it sounds as if its for beginners. Best Reef Salt Mix - The Best Salt For Your Tank (2023 Reviews ) With brand names like Instant Ocean and Red Sea dominating online and Fritzs presence at local fish stores, AquaForest is unknown to most hobbyist. However, the main benefit of Reef Crystals over Instant Ocean are elevated calcium and magnesium concentrations. In case of contact, completely flush skin or eye(s) The main advantage with Fritz Reef Pro Mix is that it mixes very fast. This high alkalinity mixture tests between 9.5-13 DKh depending on the water temperature. Reef salt is the magic ingredient for your saltwater aquarium. +1 for reef crystals. Spectrum Brands, a Wisconsin-based company with over 5 billion in revenue, owns the subsidiary Instant Ocean, a Blacksburg, VA-based business that specializes in sea salt, protein skimmers, and other aquarium-related accessories. Its first product was Instant Ocean, and its been used in large-scale hatcheries and aquariums ever since. 134 g per 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of purified water yields a specific gravity of ~1.025 g/cm3, with a pH of ~8.30 and alkalinity of ~7.5 dKH. Reef Crystals also contains special additives to help detoxify excess heavy metals, such as copper, and is fully compatible with all marine aquariums. Contains extra calcium, select trace elements, and vitamins above natural seawater concentrations. Red Sea Coral Pro Saltis about as close as you can get from natural sea water from how they formulate their mix. Im not familiar with Kents salt, but I do know the former founder created Brightwell Aquatics. After all, this hobby can get rather pricey. Simply put a measured volume of water in the mixing bucket or vat, add the contents of one or more packs depending on the water volume, and you have a precise natural seawater blend. Instant ocean reef crystals are easy-to-use and provide all of the necessary elements required for a healthy coral environment. 2.6 Pros & Cons. We have been using reef crystals, but have noticed lots of hair algae recently. Eheim 2215 vs 2217: Which Canister Filter Is Better for You? Instant Ocean at Petsmart- I just ordered 3. Tropic Marin Pro Reef 450 8.5 1380. USAGE NOTE: NEVER mix salt in an aquarium containing animals. Formulated by researchers and marine scientists, RPM contains all of the necessary major and minor elements of natural sea water that are utilized by living marine and reef animals. Enriched formulation. However, for a Acropora heavy tank, many reefers like to keep their alkalinity lower in order to keep it more stable and closer to natural sea water. Saltwater aquarium hobbyists who plan on keeping corals, especially stony corals, will benefit from the added Magnesium and Calcium seen in Reef Crystals . Have you tested your water parameters or your water after its been mixed to see if you are getting high phosphates or nitrates? Ive used many brands over my 30 years in the hobby. For starters the Sea Salt is slightly cheaper than the Reef Crystals. Copyright 2023 Salt Tank Report. WheresTheReef In the list Im going to provide you will see that I label each marine salt for you as synthetic or mined. Coral Pros Alkalinity of 12 dKH makes it ideal for mixed reefs and SPS frag tanks. D-D The Aquarium Solution has added a second formulation to its popular H2Ocean salt brand. There are a few main differences between the two. Fortunately I have been taking things nice and slow and enjoying the establishing process of building a nice tank and listening to other reefers . While they are everywhere, this is not the best reef salt mix on the list. The Europeans do it again with a revolutionary probiotic salt mix. Formulated by researchers and marine scientists, RPM contains all of the necessary major and minor Red Sea’s Coral Pro Salt contains biologically balanced, elevated levels of the foundation elements (Calcium, Magnesium, Carbonates) necessary for sustainable, accelerated coral growth. No other salt on the market has the history and field results of proven usage then the Instant Ocean brand. Every 4 months you would have enough salt leftover for an extra month. There is a price difference between the two salts. I hardly ever buy salt locally because all the LFSs sell Fritz or Reef Crystals. But here is a direct quote from Instant Ocean themselves. Its the same quality and field tested Instant Ocean salt we are familiar with the industry, but with a better formula designed for mixed reef tanks. Contact us today to start your advertisement! Professional Sea Salt contains all of the important macro and tra. The thing to get used to is measuring and dosing, as your tank grows out you will get a feel for what you need and use automated dosing, kalk, or a ca reactor. I would recommend Brightwall for SPS if you Tropical Marine is too expensive. A few corals and about 6 fish. When they first went to market, there were some batches with different Alkalinity numbers. Reef Crystals Salt Mix - Bulk Reef Supply You may be wondering, if the Reef Crystals are in no way harmful to fish only environments, and they are better for more complex reef based environments, why does Instant Ocean even make the Sea Salt product? Reef Crystals is underweight to produce 50 US gallons at aquarium needs. Is it an RO system not an RODI system? All Rights Reserved. It is also the most readily available reef salt on the market so if you are in a rush or bind its very easy to get locally even from a chain pet store. Stir vigorously to mix salt and water. Can You Have Too Much Flow In A Reef Tank. This includes the amount or quantity of elements in the salt. Mark is the founder of Aquarium Store Depot. It is readily available at the local fish stores and online though, meaning you wont have to worry about getting your normal salt mix in a pinch if you need to get it locally. Salt Mix Box (55 lbs - Makes 200 Gallons) - Fritz Aquatics, MarcoRocks Shelf Premium Dry Rock (by the lb) - Marco Rock, 1/4" Mur-lok Polyethylene ORANGE RO Tubing (by the Foot), HI782-25 Nitrate High Range Reagents (25 tests) - Hanna Instruments, SaltwaterAquarium.com Tank Parameter Reference Card, HI713-25 Phosphate Low Range Checker Reagent (25 Tests) - Hanna Instruments, Sea Salt Mix Box (Makes 200 Gallons) - Instant Ocean, (Germany) Pro Reef Salt Bucket (200 Gallon) - Tropic Marin, Reef Crystals Salt Mix Bucket (Makes 160 Gallons) - Instant Ocean, Large Bucket Coral Pro Sea Salt Mix (Makes 175 Gallons) - Red Sea, Small Bucket Coral Pro Sea Salt Mix (Makes 55 Gallons) - Red Sea, Fritz PRO RPM Salt Mix Bucket (48 lbs - Makes 180 Gallons) - Fritz Aquatics, Extra Calcium to help ensure the growth of large and small polyp stony corals as well as coralline algae, Extra Trace Elements to provide an additional measure of vital nutrients, Extra Vitamins to ensure vigorous growth and survival of corals, anemones and other invertebrates in a captive environment. Instant Ocean Sea Salt is the best selling aquarium salt in the world. Instant Ocean salt is one of those items. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. If your aquarium has been up and running for at least 6 months, we recommend Instant Ocean Sea Salt . Formulated specially for use in reef aquariums, Reef Crystals contains essential ocean reef elements in concentrations greater than those found in natural sea water. The Reef Central Forums are now located at https://forums.reefcentral.comThe old forum is closed to new activity. Want to grow your business and reach a wider audience? Austin, Texas 78750. Both are very affordable and are most times cheaper than other brands on the market.
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