harry, hermione lemon first year
Although it is not clear what, if anything, if wrong with Harry after he wakes up, Because Ravenclaw beatHufflepuff in their Quidditch match at the end of November, the Gryffindor team is not out of the running for this years Quidditch Cup. With Dumbledores guidance, Harry and Hermione use a time-turner to travel back three hours and free Buckbeak. In fact, fanfiction can be a great way to explore different genres and different perspectives of your favorite characters. : korrasami. He had told himself that much. #percyweasley A soldier veteran of a great war finds something she would fight to protect and ensure the future of. Story: If youre a fan of Harry Potter and Millicent Bulstrode, then youll love Seducing Harry Potter as it explores this rare pairing. The main part of the story takes place post-epilogue, where Harry is married to Ginny and Hermione to Ron, and another follows an adult Hermione who revisits the stations of canon and shows them from a new perspective. -type- Humor There are so many Drapple fics to choose from, but one of the steamiest isForbidden Fruitby Charlotte Blackwood. After an eternity, she opened he mouth to speak, then shut it again before leaning close to me and planting a chaste kiss on my lips. Story: Take a break from the real world and enter a magical realm full of lemon fanfiction. Ron and Harry both rushed out of the cabin in pursuit of sweets. One-shots Oh, and the wizarding world is a lot sluttier than in the original. Unfortunately, it was Uncle Vernon who answered the call and his response was THERE IS NO HARRY POTTER HERE! (PA1). Taking to Twitter, the 57-year-old - who sparked . -type- Drama Work Search: -summary- Sometimes simple is much better. Work Search: He was going to Hogwarts!". Venez dcouvrir la magnifique ville de Montral, Dcouvrez des programmes bass sur la pratique a, Voici le tmoignage dun de nos tudiants prov, la lumire de notre 25 anniversaire, ISI est f, california school district superintendents, rate my professor gateway community college, bellamy creek correctional facility death, ingenuity smartbounce automatic bouncer replacement parts. Except for a quiet, shaking ravenette curled up all on his own in a cabin. -summary- Set during and after their sixth year at Hogwarts, Hermione has plans for Harry that will change their lives forever. Legend Of Korra X Reader Fanfiction Stories. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike (Full Pensieve) Word count: 260,875. It was finally happening. Hermione is determined to help him tackle it all, and she finds a unique solution that will change their lives forever. He's just a fifteen year old boy nobody seems to care about,and he in turn cares for nothing and nobody either. she was content to let Harry take charge. Work Search: Everyone thinks Sirius Black wants to kill Harry. Harry wakes up on Christmas morning in 1993 to a pile of presents at the foot of his bed. Story: If youre looking for a steamy Harry Potter lemon fanfiction, look no further than this fabulous one-shot! Game of Thrones While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Marge insults Harrys father, and Harrys deep anger leads to uncontrolled magic. Lemons. -type- Romance/Smut The universe doesnt seem to want to meet his wishes. I really would just prefer a few lemon fan fictions between Harry and Hermione. Peter Pettigrew, disguised as Scabbers the rat, is cornered and revealedIn the Shrieking Shack, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin explain the story of Pettigrew and the story of the Marauders (PA17, PA18) Outside the shack, though, its a full moon and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. Silly Old Thing Only able to see his own body, the peeling skin and emerald blood staining his hands. Depuis 1997, ISI est accrdit par le gouvernement du Qubec (permis 303-531) pour ses attestations d'tudes collgiales (AEC). Percy Weasley finished classes at Hogwarts in June 1994 and did very well on his N.E.W.T.s (PA22). Read MoreSeptember 1st 1993 -summary- Hermione thinks about her somewhat ordinary life with Harry. Firewhisky and Rain is sure to get your heart racing. Harry is a very pure-hearted young man. During a heavy rainstorm, a group of Dementors stop the Hogwarts Express as it travels to Scotland and search the train. Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup and House Cup (1994)Gryffindor house, meanwhile, largely thanks to their spectacular performance in the Quidditch Cup, had won the House Championship for the third year running. They looked at each other, the old man still beaming."Not?" Harry Potter is so popular around the world that there have literally been thousands of fanfictions written about the characters covering all sorts of genres such as horror, adventure, and romance. -rating- R Harry nodded his agreement, while silently telling Hermione that she was right with both guesses; the teacher's hair colours would disappear by the end of breakfast, while the two effects from the food would disappear before the first break in reading. A female trans!Harry fic that starts in third year. It was a dark rain night and Harry and Harry and Hermione were sitting in the tent, Hermione was reading, while Harry was scratching down random things from him last inside into Voldermorts mind. -author- Parker Gray Years later, she returns and learns about his life in her absence. Hear the tale of a Wizarding boy raised by a leader named, Elita 1. Twenty years later while going through Joyce's effects after her death, Buffy finds her adoption papers and taking Dawn along, goes in search of her birth family. Read The Hogwarts Express (Hermione) from the story Harry Potter Smuts by TheLemonSheriff (Jen) with 94,372 reads. Unfortunately, it was Uncle Vernon who answered the call and his response was THERE IS NO HARRY POTTER HERE! (PA1). He was ruining any chance at a friendship with either of them, all because of his stupid actions. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). What starts as an innocent conversation quickly leads to something more passionate. I have the letters if you want them," she said, setting her hand on the trunk with HJG engraved on it. Rated: Fiction M - English - Ron W., Hermione G., Gilderoy L. - Chapters: 8 . She pulled away and gave me a small smile, her cheeks bright red, most likely mirroring my own as Harry and Ron found their way back to the cabin, their arms full of sweets. Welp! Hermione helps Hagrid prepare a defense but its not enough. If anyone wants to continue this you have my blessing to do so. -type- Romance -rating- PG-13 -summary- Harry stays at Hermione's for part of the summer. An epilogue disregarding, Cursed Child inspired, Harmony romance. Hagrid writes a tear-stained letter back to Hermione at Read MoreFebruary 1994 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Boggart tried to scare a number of kids in the class, beginning with a very nervous Neville Read MoreSeptember 9th 1993 Learn as Freya Weasley learns that what she feels like isn't truly what she is, smile as she finally comes to terms with what she'll never be And let your heart shatter with hers as she's forced to accept the reality of what she needs to become. In the confusion, Pettigrew escapes (PA20) and spends the Read MoreJune 6th 1994 Dumbledore sends all of the students to sleep in the Great Hall overnight so that the teachers and staff can search the school. Where I will put one-shots and started stories that may filter back into my long stories as chapters or may be the start of a new story. He pops one bean after another into his mouth until one flavor catches his attentiona bean that tastes like Hermione. Harry blows up Aunt Marge and runs awayMarge insults Harrys father, and Harrys deep anger leads to uncontrolled magic. Wrack your brains with Will Granger as he watches the people closest to him turn from subjects he knew best to puzzles he can't seem to put together anymore. English is not my first language so it has many grammatical mistakes in it. Like Naruto? Harry returns from a disastrous fifth year and, in his hurt and anger, lashes out at the wizarding world in a letter to the . It was almost noon when Hermione awoke, as she walked into the some-what kitchen in the tent, Harry gave her a big smile. -summary- 'Which Witch?' "I hear the trolley," he said, standing from his seat. Not anymore. Thank you so much! Crossovers #charlieweasley Lucius Malfoy bullies the Committee into condemning Buckbeak to be executed. Lemon fanfiction is usually written in the third person but can be written in the first person. "That is the question, isn't it? Lunatic could be coming up the street. I intended to write, but I was having trouble with the owl. Lemons Sometimes, theyll just be storified versions of chapters in a longer work. Prompted by Dumbledore, Harry and Hermione used Hermiones Time-Turner to return to the time Read MoreJune 6th 1994 In Hagrids first Care of Magical Creatures lesson, Harry approaches, bows, and wins the trust of the hippogriff Buckbeak. This hot, one-shot lemon fanfiction is sure to get your pulse racing. That night, Harry overhears Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in conversation and learns that Sirius Black is after him. Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (1994)In this match, the Slytherin team members resort to dirty tactics to try and beat Gryffindors team in what is the last Quidditch match of the year. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A particular lazy Sunday morning of yours turns askew and lands you in a fictional universe. Of course, out of all of the places I couldve been reborn in, it was the Harry Potter universe. Did you lovethe movieGroundhog Day but also lamented the lack of wizard boy sex in it? And maybe it was stupid to disturb the boy, but when the bruises on their faces seeming to match almost perfectly, how could Remus leave him alone? Crookshanks stops the tree from attacking Harry and Hermione, and they follow the cat down the tunnel to emerge in the, In the Shrieking Shack, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin explain the story of Pettigrew and the story of the Marauders (PA17, PA18) Outside the shack, though, its a full moon and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. I looked around the cabin that he had led me to, seeing a red headed boy, an unconscious bespectacled boy, and a girl with bushy hair. Star Wars Actions that he didnt know he was capable of. A collection of smutty one-shots and smutty mini-series based in the Harry Potter universe. With Dumbledores guidance, Harry and Hermione use a time-turner to travel back three hours and free Buckbeak. I nodded and she dug into her luggage, extracting a bunch of letters tied together with twine. Oftentimes, fanfiction is where authors can explore side characters or couples that they enjoy writing about, and it can open up doors that are normally closed in canon to reveal new tales which you would otherwise not get to read. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. You didnt tell us where that maniacs escaped from! -summary-Hermione got both herself and Harry in quite a jam. It is a "must win" situation. The witch in the shop said that Crookshanks had been there for ages, that nobody wanted him. Romione is one of the most popular ships in the Harry Potter fandom!, JK Rowling once said that she thought that Harry and Hermione were a better fit!, In the movie, Rupert Grint did not want to kiss Emma Watson because he sees her like a sister!, JK Rowling does not mind fanfiction being written but she does not like stories with Lemons!. Will she find closure following this steamy encounter? Because Slytherin did not beat theRavenclaw teamby a large margin in their Quidditch match, Oliver Wood tells Harry Potter that it means thatGryffindorwill be in second place for the Quidditch Cup if they also beat Ravenclaw in the next match (PA12). Hermione buys CrookshanksShe buys him at the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley, using the ten galleons her parents gave her for an early birthday present. However, in spite of Slytherins efforts to foul and cheat, Harry Potter catches the Snitch and Gryffindor wins, Harry, Ron, and Hermione start back to the castle from Hagrids cabin. Neville has bought a fancy boat. Crookshanks chases Scabbers, and a big black dog drags Ron into a tunnel under the Whomping Willow. A Week With Hermione How does it apply to Harry? -type- Romance We all know what Harry went through during his years at Hogwarts. Together, the two embark on a magical adventure that reveals long-hidden secrets, forages new friendships, challenges perceptions, and ultimately unravels the Wizarding World. Hermione Greengrass is known for her intellect as well as her unparalleled ability to make a grown wizard tremble on the spot with just a raise of an eyebrow. repeated Harry. Most won't, but I decided I like putting my drafts of chapters in as chapters here, looking at them, then editing them. Click here to enter, or just click the image below. A Hogwarts first year rewrite - part of a series exploring Dracos Hogwarts experience years 1 - 7. Buckbeak's Hearing in LondonHagrid takes Buckbeak on the Knight Bus to appear before the Committee of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. Harry and Ginny Potter want to start a family, but it's more challenging than they thought.After trying for a few years, Ginny looks for other alternatives.In desperation, Ginny does something that might destroy their relationship or lead to Harry fathering two babies. Follow/Fav Hermione's Puberty Adventures. Short, Christmastime one-shot. "You don't have to; you can stay," Hermione said. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Draco is determined to impress Harry Potter and become the boy's new best friend. Hermione buys Crookshanks. "Not," said Dumbledore. Read MoreSeptember 2nd 1995 Lupin teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts; Hagrid, Care of Magical Creatures. This lemon fanfiction is sure to get your heart racing as these two characters explore their new relationship. Just keep and open mind. Its going to tell a lot more about the sexual part of the wizarding world, its going to explore more of a problematic relationship between wizards and muggles, and Voldemort is out of the picture, replaced by another force. This is because this allows people to explore what happens when their favorite characters get together romantically. The people that I considered friends considered me as a friend, but I was not their first choice. Ginny's small A-cups had not been terribly responsive, their large pink nipples barely changing as they had been kissed and petted. It is a must win situation, In this match, the Slytherin team members resort to dirty tactics to try and beat Gryffindors team in what is the last Quidditch match of the year. What if Hagrid caught a nasty case of dragonpox, and was unable to introduce Harry Potter into the wizarding world? Read MoreAugust 31st 1993 Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, from first to seventh year, gradually fall in love during the real books. Get ready to lose yourself in the world of magic and love! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I missed you," I said, quickly adding, "And Harry and Ron. Romances start in 4th year. He finds himself battling his demons in the Leaky Cauldron when hes comforted by an old friend. #dracomalfoy - Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Still Waters Run Deep by sarhea keeps with the Hermione/Percy pairing and reminds us that prim and proper doesnt mean passionless.. Muggle news reports on Sirius' escapeUncle Vernon finds the report lacking, however, since the television reporter doesnt even say where this Black person has escapedfrom: Hang on! barked Uncle Vernon, staring furiously at the reporter. Harry spends the rest of the weekend in the Hospital Wing after his Nimbus 2000 is destroyedAfter the losing the Quidditch match to Hufflepuff and his broomstick to the Whomping Willow, Harry remains in the Hospital Wing, where he gets several visitors, through the rest of the weekend (PA10). They were together for 17 years before they got married, so it can be assumed that they were deeply in love throughout all of those years. Crookshanks chases Scabbers, and a big black dog drags Ron into a tunnel under the Whomping Willow. But when she meets others aspiring to be a hero, will her path falter or become stronger? -author- ChocolateFrogsForBreakfast Harry reached up and unbuttoned the bottom of the five closed buttons on Hermione's pale green thin cotton pajama top and worked his way up. just roll with it, Hogwarts: school of witchcraft and clones, Force-Sensitive Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Hunter Needs A Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Tech Needs a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Draco Malfoy and the Intricacies of Unfamiliar Familiar Territory, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe & Gregory Goyle & Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, He Was Placed In This World Involuntarily, And Is Going To Make It Everyone's Problem. Remus Lupin resigns from Hogwarts after it becomes known he is a werewolfSnape accidentally lets it slip, the morning after Sirius Black escapes. Gender swap Together they try and put the past behind them by seeking comfort in firewhisky and each other. -rating- PG-13 There were times I never thought we'd get through it, but nowI couldn't imagine any other place I'd want to be What if Hermione was the chosen one? Read MoreSeptember 1st 1993 And then meating Hermione before Ron. Definitely mature! Its been two years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and everyone is finally finding their peace except for Harry Potter. Collection of the Twitter prompt-fills I've done. Miles away, Azalea Lane, a young foundling witch raised in the muggle world who might have otherwise slipped through the cracks, receives the chance of a lifetime when a bout of accidental magic puts her smack dab in the middle of Harry's life. #weasley. (Infrequent posts, cross-posted on Quotev). You can leave requests but Ill be writing my own too. Hermione has just started her first year at Hogwarts, and finds a book, telling her about sex. She takes this upsetting news as evidence of Professor Trelawneys powers of prediction, but Hermione tries to point out why that is a flawed conclusion (PA8). Hermione Grangerstarts arguing with Ron afterwards,, The Death Eaters: A Guide To Who Was Where, Albus Potter and the lesson in Quantum Mechanics. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. -author-Harrys Mistress Complete Certitude I have listed below only my favorite stories dated 2002-2005. In it, Millicent attempts to seduce and murder the Boy-Who-Won himself, Harry Potter. In it we find out that the Weasleys will use the gold to travel to Egypt where Bill Weasley works as a curse breaker for Gringotts Bank. However, Hagrid knew, and wondered why Harry had not heard about Lupin from Professor McGonagall (PA22). Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff (1993)The Gryffindor Quidditch Team loses to Hufflepuff in a match played in a howling thunderstorm. It was just one more miracle to add to the list of miracles after my reincarnation.Harry Potter was a children's book, right? Its the truth. Harry returns from a disastrous fifth year and, in his hurt and anger, lashes out at the wizarding world in a letter to the Daily Prophet. Hagrid takes Buckbeak on the Knight Bus to appear before the Committee of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. He thought he had died but when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a stag made of lights scaring away a Dementor that was inches away from his face tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2205), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (28), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (14), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (12), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (545), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE (436), Buffy Summers & Dawn Summers & Harry Potter, Buffy Summers is Harry Potter's older sister, Dawn Summers is Harry Potter's twin sister, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amelia Bones (Susan Bones sister - made her up), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Harry Potter and Bill/Fleur Weasley friendship, Fleur Delacour/Original Male Character(s), Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Naughty Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Original Greengrass Characters (Harry Potter), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, i did not want to put this tag but after writing four chapters, and knowing where it's going i can deny it no longer, Reptilia28's Don't Fear the Reaper Challenge, Screen Rant Pitch Meetings (Web Series) - Freeform, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Harry Potter Smutty One-Shots & Mini-Series, Tracey Davis/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Tracey Davis/Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter/Terry Boot, Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter/Lily Luna Potter, Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, After Effects of Crucio | Cruciatus Curse (Harry Potter), Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Potter, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships. Little Hari Potter, who has befriended snakes and knows their ways, hears his neighbors whispering of things he wanted them to notice and says, Aunt Petunia, did you hear? Hermione didn't answer at first. In the days that follow, Harry cannot get his mind off the glittering tattoo on her belly. No matter what your interests, if youre a Harry Potter fan (and who isnt? Oliver Wood says that Gryffindor hasnt won for seven years now. He is taking into account the fact that no Cup was awarded last year when he says this (so that it agrees with other such comments in the book, quoted below). But what happens when they have the wrong savior What would change if Harry Potter asked Hermione Granger to the Yule Ball? There are few places an eleven-year-old can reasonably visit alone but sometimes, if Harry is very careful and catches his family in a good enough mood, he can persuade them to let him walk to the local library. I definitely regretted not making an effort to find friends, but at the same time, nobody made an effort to get to know me either. The Harry Potter Lexicon is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite. I took another step out into the aisle, feeling nauseated. Harry is then raised in the loving home of his Marauder family, but with the fall out of the First Wizarding War, their journey is only beginning. Harry and Ron are in shock. -summary- Harry has a nightmare and goes to Hermione for comfort, quickly realizing that having a nightmare can have some nice, unforeseen benefits. "Hey, Y/N, come sit with us!". Rons screams drive him out, and Ron becomes an instant celebrity. Updates are currently on hold! 1993-1994 The year of the Dementors, Sirius Black, and learning about the Marauders.June 1993 As I slowly stepped into the aisle of the train, I saw several large black figures crowding outside of another cabin. While stationed on earth in the kingdom of Britain four clones get the shock of their life when they get letters to go to Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. Hermione Grangerstarts arguing with Ron afterwards, Read More. Draco, on the other hand, taunts the creature, which promptly retaliates with very sharp claws. -author- akscully In Blindness by AngelaStarCat, Voldemort's Killing Curse has the unfortunate effect of leaving Harry blind. Continue with Recommended Cookies. As the title suggests, it involves time-travel shenanigans. The chapters are organized by character, and all of them include a plot rather than #cedricdiggory Lavender believes the. Tutshill Tornados lead the LeagueRon Weasley, who supports the Chudley Cannons, accuses Cho Chang of being one of Tutshill Tornados fans to have only begun following the team since they started winning. Story: Daphne Greengrass has had a crush on Harry Potter since she first laid eyes on him in her second year at Hogwarts.
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