fire emblem three houses fanfiction time travel
By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Dorothea didn't see it coming. With allies hidden even from her, Edelgard von Hresvelg must navigate a new job as a Librarian at the esteemed Garreg Mach Monastery until her plans fall apart after the murder of her associate. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. She looked to the house leader in the crowd, hoping theyd help her determine the atmosphere to her greeting, but she was only met with the same astonishment etched into the faces of many others. (Also posted on FF.net), Characters and pairings that can't fit in the tags: Byleth, The Golden Deer, Felix/Annette, Church of Seiros Staff, Jaffar, Ogier, Ogier/Wendy, Joshua/L'Arachel, Micaiah/Sothe, Nanako (Persona 4), Dorothy, Clarine/Dorothy, Joey (Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom List inside. Of all the ways Ashe Ubert could have met his end, living out a prosperous, storied life as the legendary Pan the Tactician is not a bad way to go at all. 6 Claude And Byleth. It was his return that made Rhea put a hold on her plans to use Byleth as a vessel for her mother. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/AnEagleAmongLions. Perhaps this was his way to atone for a sin committed a thousand years ago. their mission to arrest the leaders of the Western Church degenerated into a total massacre of both them and the civilians they were protecting, with the Dark Lance of Ruin, and is turned into the first Demonic Beast. Hits: 0. Lysithea is personally offended by the village of Weiler's adverse treatment of Bernadetta for her father's actions, believing that there is nothing more foolish than blaming the child for the actions of their parents. It would seem that an easy year lies ahead of him, yet something is not right in Fodlan, and the ensuing events will change not only his own fate, but that of all those he comes to know and love. Canon-Divergent Quasi-Victorian AU in which the Insurrection of the Seven was a hard coup that left Adrestia in the hands of seven backstabbing nobles and forced Edelgard into hiding. 318 Stories. Ferdinand has always been the adventurous sort. The change from merc to teacher is bound to be a rough one, but with my brother and father by my side I'm sure we can do it. Table of Contents added for ease of story selection. Bernadetta's rewinds in Chapter 13 give Byleth enough of a clue that something wrong is happening to her. Their first year was almost over and they would soon become second years, which only created more adventures for them to experience. Requests are no longer taken. When Byleth accompanied her father and troop to isolated Sauin Village for a job disposing of poachers, she never expected how the consequences of meeting, befriending and saving a girl with hair the colour of the setting sun could alter her fate. #1 in Malebyleth Ingrid snapped. Edelgard is extremely prejudiced against the Agarthans, which makes sense considering. They appear and play a critical role in Cindered Shadows, a DLC side-story in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. (An adaptation of the game. Within the depths of her mind, she heard the girl chuckle. There's only one route to reach Count Varley's mansion which is placed on an obscure valley with ragged cliffs. "Are you listening to me?" (Video Game), Of course everyone likes to fuck Edelgard, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert/Yuris Leclair | Yuri Leclerc, Yuris Leclair | Yuri Leclerc/Claude von Riegan, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/My Unit | Byleth, Pocket Monsters SPECIAL | Pokemon Adventures, | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga), | Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai | Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To (Manga), Nichijou | My Ordinary Life (Anime & Manga), Other Characters to Be Revealed Later - Character, I don't know what else to tag without spoiling the story, Ferdinand von Aegir & Dorothea Arnault are Best Friends, Ferdinand von Aegir & Lorenz Hellman Gloucester Friendship, Post-Timeskip | War Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Haruno Sakura & Hyuuga Neji & Nara Shikamaru, okay listen what if Sakura could use Divine Pulse like Byleth, there are fun references to FE3H lore but knowledge of the game is not necessary to read, ngl this was supposed to be Gen the pairing snuck up on me, Towards Distant Horizons (Dreaming of Castles In the Sky), Edelgard von Hresvelg/Bernadetta von Varley, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert/Sylvain Jose Gautier, Obliviousness and/or Denial play major roles here, Fodlan Politics written by someone with no political experience, LOTS of screentime for many different characters, I handle some dark subject matter in this one but I promise I do my best, Felix Hugo Fraldarius & Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Felix Hugo Fraldarius & Sylvain Jose Gautier, Fire Emblem Musou: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Byleth may or may not end up with a harem, Catherine and Edelgard show up extremely briefly, Crimson Flower route with a lot of canon divergence, in which Byleth chooses to defend Edelgard but can't let go of Rhea, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Original Character(s), Linhardt von Hevring/Lysithea von Ordelia, Annette Fantine Dominic & Mercedes von Martritz, Jeritza von Hrym & Mercedes von Martritz & Constance von Nuvelle, Dorothea Arnault/Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth, Ferdinand von Aegir & Edelgard von Hresvelg, Annette Fantine Dominic & Mercedes von Martritz & Constance von Nuvelle, Fire Emblem: Three Houses Black Eagles Route, Pre-Timeskip | Academy Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Fire Emblem: Three Houses Cindered Shadows DLC. Not to mention that Dimitri is unaware that Thales has killed the real Rodrigue and has taken on his appearance in order to earn Dimitri's trust and loyalty, Despite her long-standing hatred of the Church and atheist/, Edelgard felt as though the ground had dropped out from under her feet, and found herself shocked not only by what Byleth had said but that it had struck her with such force in the first place. Cavalries would be the best choice on the vast plain of Gronder. What would Fdlan think of a king unable to snuff out this last, flickering flame of dissent? Think of it as "complete" story, not a golden story, and don't come in expecting every character to make it out alive. and yet, when a lonely village girl with a strange power has a chance meeting with a mysterious beast-like man, she finds herself aiding in the fight back against the empire's take-over, and possibly helping in changing that man's fate forever. How ironic is it that the physical incarnation of Death wanted someone to live so badly. They were the greatest power on this land. But after an emotional war council meeting, two commoners with a heart of gold find comfort with each other. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. The most popular characters in the game are Claude, Dimitri, and Eldegard. When Ashe falls to his 'death' in Chapter 14, Edelgard was devastated, even though his original counterpart is still alive back in her world. Fire Emblem: Three Houses: Golden Tomorrow | Fandom Together, with wits, knowledge, friends, family, power, and the Crests, they aim to change history and guard the citizens of Fdlan. "Hmm. Byleth brought back a few friends from Smash Bros, which is cool and all, but why do I hear intense dubstep coming from Hyrm?A.K.A "Edelgard wins by doing nothing". <3. Thales used to escape from Edelgard's world, underneath Remire, which Ashe and an Agarthan mage (Vual) fell through that sent them both to the, and they do, when Mercedes is in her Death Knight persona during the Remire incident, from Hilda's knowledge of her alternate future, After all the trouble Seteth and Flayn went through to go into hiding, they were attacked by the Hurricane King's henchmen on, Ashe and an Agarthan mage, who fell down a portal that sent them to the year 735. Guruka Leonharte is the eldest child of House Leonharte, daughter of the famed war hero and current acting grand general of Faerghus, Roark Leonharte. Please consider turning it on! With the amount of adoration that Shez showers upon her idol Byleth, he should have noticed her by now. While Edegard is having lunch with Dedue in the greenhouse, Dedue gives her one last warning to her to stay away from Those Who Slither/The Men in Black, he drops this little gem in Chapter 28. Edelgard and Byleth seem on track to achieve their dream, at long last. Sothis and Byleth are both surprised by this. As it is a companion fic, it is recommended you start reading Obsidian Eclipse first. Lady Edelgard's lips are drawn into a thin red line, her hands clasped in her lap. Fire Emblem: Three Houses Size Story: Pleasing her Partner Byleth rewinds time before his father can fully understand what is going on. Byleth was close, close enough to touch. Well all of them plus more will be falling in love with you now too! Annette is reasonably annoyed when she realizes Felix forgot almost everything she taught him about magic, so she decides to teach him in a way he'll never forget. The Best Three Houses Fanfiction? : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses - Reddit ", but there appears to be a coup in progress, she already confirmed that Claude isn't an Agarthan mole. Felix and Claude prepare to wrestle. During the battle against the Bishop of the Western Church, Edelgard is briefly brought back to her timeline after alternate Byleth activates, Edelgard, in a drunken state, revealing to Jeralt that she's from an alternate future and finding another message that knows about the date of her wedding to Byleth. The girl in our dreams saves me from being murdered. Byleth, while her heart is beatless, feels her own rise of conflicting emotions. Her trying to distance herself is so she can keep them from being involved. implied Alternate Hilda & Alternate Edelgard, implied Hilda & Marianne. Jeralt muses. The wooden horse carving was Ferdinand's favourite, naturally. For more information, please see our #248 in firemblem oh boi another one of these Though how she survived was left a mystery, Bernadetta claims she's actively repressed the traumatic event from her memory ever since. Consider it a promise Proof, if you will, of my love for you. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Thanks to her time travel, Bernadetta is aware that the Flame Emperor and Monica are respectively, There are a good amount of references to the, In Chapter 9, Bernadetta reads one of Ashe's novels, and the story is a direct reference to, At the end of Chapter 11, Rhea concludes her speech to the officer's academy by declaring that, Bernadetta attempts to stealthily stalk Jeritza through the bustling streets of Garreg Mach's town in Chapter 12, In Chapter 17, Rowan recounts a tale of Bernadetta's uncle putting on a play for his niece, Bernadetta's literary adoration of the exploits of other RPG heroes continues in Chapter 20, where she's revealed to be a major fan of the stories of, In Chapter 22, Bernadetta and Sothis get into the old. Everythings been falling apart. Eliza Marvine was a commoner who grew up on the edge of the Leicester Alliance. A fervent fan enters the Municipal Theatre and overhears the intro of her favorite play. Bernadetta was born without a crest and was artificially given one a few years ago, every single one she's ever met has been plotting the downfall of the surface world and their experiments resulted in the deaths of all of her siblings and her own lifespan being cut short. The Emperor Between Two Worlds and the White Lion. Not even Ingrid and Felix are exempted from the cruel machinations of Those Who Slither, as one of their agents (. And while paying a visit to Ashe's siblings, Byleth and the Blue Lions receive a letter written by the supposedly deceased Ashe. Ellie is engaged to Ferdinand as part of an agreement between their fathers as a result of the Insurrection of the Seven ending more diplomatically. After Jeralt defied Rhea's orders and refuse to hand Byleth over to her in the last chapter, Chapter 27 has this. It is a friend to both countries, but not a true equal. Ashe didn't see it coming. Hubert has been serving Edelgard since he was a child and obeys her orders without question, but he admits to having disobeyed a few of those orders "for her own good." Underneath the Varley manor's massive underground laboratory is an equally large, abandoned city resembling Shambala in ruins. Agarthans, to the point of lumping in any of them simply living peaceful lives away from the Ouroboros as threats to be annihilated. The resulting coup would eventually plunge Adrestia into civil war, granting Dimitri and his army the opportunity to crush the divided Adrestia. Y/N is female unless specified otherwise. Sothis reveals in Chapter 12 that Byleth burned through all of his Divine Pulses in order to save Bernadetta in the final battle, only to find that, Byleth has known all along that Bernadetta is capable of Divine Pulse and remembers all of her rewinds. Rankings: His attention was fully on finishing feeding Maya, the six-month-old just having started experimenting with eating solids, but he spared a playful look towards Stella . Edelgard isn't really certain that she's seeing Sothis in. Meanwhile, the Empire might be up to something much more sinister than the Consortium ever imagined Six months after wars end, Byleth has begun to settle down with her former students when suddenly she receives visions from the Creation Pokmon, Arceus. It is a For Want of a Nail fic, with the ultimate goal being to give the characters and story a Golden Ending similar to what the Revelations Route of Fire Emblem Fates offered. Claude knows about her mixed ancestry but is keeping his mouth shut. The year is 1180, in a Fdlan slightly different from the ones we know. if you're reading: i hope you enjoy yourself! fire emblem | Sufficient Velocity Dedue was spared from death by Dimitri and would follow every order Dimitri ever gave him, though Hubert notes that he is "too loyal" and would never question any of the prince's orders unlike himself.