bruce rastetter net worth
His achievement has been built on a foundation of hard effort. Bruce L Rastetter - Hubbard, IA - Reputation & Contact Details Harrys breeding for it, says Van Wiebe, an agronomist with Hefty Seed in Buhl, Idaho, who has seen a 30% difference between Stines seed and those of his rivals in his experimental fields. "But the more I thought about it Bruce was one of those people who encouraged and supported me." Bruce Rastetter, a major Republican donor in Iowa, and Kip Tom, a farmer who ran for Congress in Indiana this year but was defeated in the primary, are also among those being considered,. Today 60% of all U.S. soybean acreage is planted using genetics developed by Stines companies, which also have a strong presence in South America and other international markets. Rastetter took all the business leaders out to dinner at the country club in Bloomfield, Iowa, to help sell pork expansion as a great thing for the community, he said, but Davis County remains among the poorest in the state. But, as a consequence of his learning disabilities, Stine always worked slowly and carefully. William Rastetter Net Worth (2022) | wallmine He floated the concept to Rastetter last fall when the two were at a Hawkeye football game: We were tailgating and talking politics, he recalls, pointing out that Iowa hosts lots of forums for presidential candidates, but theres never been one focused on agriculture despite the sector representing a third of the states economy. And then well negotiate.. In 2013, Rastetter was elected president of the Board of Regents. So I asked to be appointed to the regents.". Bruce Rastetter While juggling such concerns as a regent, Rastetter keeps busy as CEO of the Summit Group, which has farming operations in the U.S., other investments and plans to build an ethanol plant in Brazil. "Because he tried and failed," Rastetter said. "Everyone can have an impact on our political system in different ways. He said he really wants a serious policy discussion rather than stump speeches, which in past couple of presidential cycles have only really addressed ethanol. In early 2015, Rastetter brought a number of 2016 Republican presidential candidates to his Iowa Agriculture Summit for face-to-face public interviews. "That would probably be something at one point that I wished had not happened. [2][3] In 2000, Rastetter created a wind farm in north central Iowa, which he sold in 2007 to Alliant Energy. Currently, he holds the position of Chief Executive Officer of Summit Group, Chief Executive Officer & Director at SCS Capital LLC (a subsidiary of Summit Group), Chief Executive Officer at Summit Agricultural Group and Senior Advisor at Tiger Infrastructure Partners LP. Then know this: Rastetter gave $5 million in 2008 toward upgraded Hawkeye football training facilities. It also helped secure Stine, in 1997, one of the most pivotal and lucrative deals in agricultural history. Kevin Kimle, who holds ISU's Bruce Rastetter Chair of Agricultural Entrepreneurship, said it would be problem to do outreach to Tanzanians because they would all be shipped away. Terry Branstad's election in 2010 and. You just have a regular job and don't try to make an improvement on how you leave things," he said. "I think he has been an effective leader. Celebrities more often then not want to keep their love affairs secret, if you happen to know the name of Bruce Rastetter's partner, please leave a comment in the section below. It seems like a huge opportunity, he said. They dont like modern agriculture.. Hes also come under fire for an Iowa State University-backed development projectin Tanzania which critics argued was a land grab that would benefit his own company for receiving half a million in no-interest wind energy loans from a university program and for having a ISU researchers conduct a beef study on his own farm. He started by building agribusiness empires in some of Iowas key sectors including pork and ethanol then built close relationships with Iowas political elite, like Gov. While rivals scoff, he now thinks he can double the worlds output of corn, the most popular crop on Earth. The 20 Richest Rockstars in the World (2023) | Wealthy Gorilla Bruce Rastetter got $480,000 in loans from ISU Ryan J. Foley Associated Press View Comments 0:05 0:56 The agribusiness owned by Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter was awarded. He said Rastetter held meetings that promised an increased tax base, productions with little smell and a rising price for local farmers' corn. He has also emerged as one of the leading Republican financial contributors in Iowa over the past decade and will stand in the national spotlight Saturday as organizer of the inaugural "Iowa Agricultural Summit" for presidential hopefuls. As founder of Agrisol Energy Corp., Rastetter pursued a deal with the Tanzanian government that would have used Iowa State University's expertise to develop farmland there and, in the original proposal, would have displaced refugees. Companies planning carbon-sequestration pipelines across the Midwest Asked about the potential perception that he failed at two industries and still came out ahead, he scoffs. I believe in the whole economic freedom perspective. For Klicker, Rastetter is the poster boy for everything thats wrong with big pork. Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world. But he saw his hard-charging brother, then 39, change after the accident, ease up on the little things. Our Team $50 per post at $10/CPM. The Stine network of 1,700 dealers was selling Stine soybean products in 15 states under 160 brands. 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But he does open up about two events that changed his life the death of a dear friend in a tragic accident in which he was involved, and a business deal that helped him earn enough money to start giving it away. Bruce Rastetter Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Net Worth, Family They think, How can this be? Hes not afraid to speak his mind. The agribusiness entrepreneur and president of the Iowa Board of Regents, who has given more than $1.1. He is quiet but fierce. According to internet, Bruce Rastetter's height is 1.75m. What I would say is that over the past several years and cycles hes certainly become more active. He's flipping around a football. Twice. The real Iowa kingmaker - POLITICO Brent maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- including Karli Rastetter, Zachariah Rastetter, Bruce Rastetter, Julie Rastetter and Clifford Gryte. Influencers in American politics are power players who help get candidates elected, put through policy proposals, cause ideological changes, and affect popular perceptions. The agribusiness entrepreneur and president of the Iowa Board of Regents, who has given more than $1.1 million in state political contributions since 2003, is not the sort to chuckle. How the 58-year-old self-made millionaire assembled one of the biggest GOP cattle calls yet is illustrative of the influential network hes built over the past several years, as hes emerged as the states top Republican donor at both the federal and state level, donating nearly half a million and $1.1 million, respectively, since 2003, according to campaign finance disclosures sums that are likely a fraction of his total giving to groups that dont have to disclose their donors. In the early 1930s, prior to the Dust Bowl, 7,000 corn plants per acre were grown in the U.S., yielding about 27 bushels per acre. Bruce's brother, Brent Rastetter, who owns a company that constructs hog confinement facilities, gave Branstad an additional $31,000 and was appointed earlier this year to the Iowa Environmental . Through all that, Rastetter learned how to fight in the public arena, get out front with his views and influence politicians who help set the rules. "Everything he told us was a lie," he said, contending the confinements stunk so bad that he had to move to Colorado for health reasons and that Rastetter trucked most of his feed to Davis County from his own mills. A second plant was built in Fairbank, and Rastetter was soon heading Hawkeye Energy, a firm that became Iowa's largest ethanol producer. Neither party will disclose the agreements terms, but that deal contributed to the phenomenal success of the Roundup Ready soybean seed, a technology thats now used in 96% of the soybean acreage in the U.S., likely generating in excess of $10 billion for Monsanto since 1997. Bruce Rastetter Net Worth | Bio, Family, Address, Career He started feeding hogs on contract in 1984, and within two years, 500 head grew to 100,000. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Theres people who want to move us back to the 1930s and 1940s. podcast episodes, Brokers, Bagmen, & Moles podcast episodes, Connections with BCD Travel podcast episodes, Cyber Security & Cloud Podcast podcast episodes, Coinbase Institutional Market Call podcast episodes, South Side Rules: A Shameless Podcast podcast episodes. Your email address will not be published. After breeding many descendants of the seeds with that genetic makeup, the company has developed corn that can be planted in much narrower rows12 inches or even pairs of rows 8 inches apartincreasing the number of plants per acre to as much as 80,000. "I'd raise half the equity capital, and they would build the plant in Iowa Falls," he said. @IowaRegents Going to call bullshit on Ag Communication. "It came and went so fast. He declined to discuss undisclosed giving to other political causes. Meet Trump's Cabinet-in-waiting - POLITICO Rastetter defends his charitable donations, noting, for starters, that he's given $3.1 million to the University of Iowa, $2.3 million to Iowa State University, and $50,150 to University of . Markets never sleep, and neither does Bloomberg News. Since 2010, Rastetter has donated over $1 million to candidates and. Efficiency. This time, the candidates will all come to him. Through plant breeding, a roughly 10,000-year-old technique thats not unlike creating Thoroughbred horses or show dogs, Stine has been perfecting the genetic makeup of soybean seedsprimarily used in animal feed and to produce vegetable oilssince the 1960s. Crucially, it also forbade them from using his seeds to breed their own. William Rastetter owns over 12,375 units of Neurocrine Biosciences stock worth over $4,596,714 and over the last 20 years he sold NBIX stock worth over $1,559,850. A graduate of the University of Iowa, Rastetter holds a bachelors degree in political science. Clearly not everyone I have backed has won.. Tad had turned around on a dime, and the accident happened.". A dozen potential Republican presidential candidates are about to sit down, one by one, with the biggest GOP donor in Iowa a multimillionaire few people outside the state have ever heard of. $200 per post at $10/CPM. The farm crisis of the 1980s was tough. The svelte and piercingly blue-eyed Rastetter can be enigmatic. ", 'A TIGER' PUSHING CHANGE ON BOARD OF REGENTS. School districts | Hog production is a cyclical industry, and, ultimately, prices tanked. State executives | Its not my opinion that matters, its the candidates, he said in a phone interview. At the time Monsantowith Fraley, then president of the companys genomics group, leading the chargehad developed the biotechnology to insert genes into crop seeds, making them resistant to glyphosate, the plant-killing herbicide in the companys dominant weed killer, Roundup. The estimated Net Worth of William H Rastetter is at least $6.55 Million dollars as of 1 April 2022. "Bruce does a good job of staying in touch, at least once a week. Are public universities being used by corporate interests or are they for the benefit of the people?". We dominate genetics in the industry.. "This isn't K-12 where everything is alike. By the mid-1970s, under a new company called Midwest Oilseeds, Stine was operating the most widely used soybean genetics company in the U.S., licensing the robust seeds it bred for royalties. Just how much pull does Rastetter have? The company expanded throughout the 1980s, gobbling up smaller seed companies and conducting soybean research in other climates around the country. Buffett left a permanent mark with his music and he began his . A tall man partial to Levis and blue button-downs with pens in the pocket, Stine stands on the burnt-orange carpet in his officea little-changed artifact of the Reagan era littered with the nuts, berries and, especially, mushrooms he likes to forage for (he has a handwritten log detailing when and where hes found each of the 32,000 morel mushrooms hes nabbed in recent years). Its going to make them more substantive in their approach, said Rastetter. Stine will only say he receives a cut from his companys contributions to Roundup Ready soybeans, and its relationship with Monsanto extends well into the future. Now people from all walks of life have started evaluating his merits. Counties | Bruce Rastetter is not amused by the "kingmaker" label often thrown around by the press. In a gathering of movers and shakers at Rastetter's home, he asked Branstad to run again. But the joke, conducted amid full view of his empire, serves as a playful reminder: Harry Stine, the dyslexic farm boy turned cunning negotiator, data savant and agriculture visionary, is on top of the world. On an August day in 1995, they were riding the jet skis down the river with longtime friend Tad Ryan. He previously served as president of the Iowa Board of Regents, working on initiatives across the Regents system, which consists of more than 27,000 employees, 80,000 students and an annual budget of $5.6 billion. [6] In 2015 Rastetter announced the inaugural Iowa Agriculture Summit to address the political initiatives and interests of farmers and agriculture in the state, such as GMO's, nutrition labeling, food waste, and biotechnology. Owner: rastetter, bruce l Tax Year: 2017 Tax Amount: $7956 Total Market Value: $542,990 +Edit Neighbors View All Past Address Crescent, IOWA FALLS, IA 50126 View Address Owner: rastetter, bruce l Tax Year: 2010 Tax Amount: $3156 +Edit Past Address 10640 Highway D20, Alden, IA 50006 View Address +Edit Past Address With Hawkeye, that was 2006. Hes loathed by liberal community activists who believe hes leveraged his money into political power for personal gain. He maxed out to several top conservative candidates in 2014, including North Carolinas Thom Tillis, Alaskas Dan Sullivan and Iowas Joni Ernst, and gave $50,000 to Karl Roves American Crossroads. [8], In January 2017, shortly before the White House transition, Rastetter voiced his opposition to pending mega-mergers in the agriculture industry, such as those concerning Bayer, Monsanto, Dow Chemical, ChemChina, and Syngenta. Rastetter was unhurt. [3], In 2003, Rastetter created Hawkeye Renewables and served as the CEO until 2011. Bankrupt Bruce Rastetter. He also has generated heat from his advocacy of efficiency reviews at the universities and a new funding model that would award schools that attract more Iowa students. He launched Hawkeye Energy Holdings, rapidly growing it into the third-largest pure play ethanol company in the country helping to pump billions of gallons of corn-fuel into Americans gas tanks before selling to a Koch Industries subsidiary in 2011. How to run for office | In 2011, Rastetter jetted off with six other influential Iowa donors and activists to court New Jersey Gov. The Register will also cover counter events held by a coalition including Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. He has faced other questions about the ties between businesses under the Summit Group's umbrella and university research on his farm, and about no-interest loans from ISU's Iowa Energy Center for wind turbines. Long before that, Rastetter had already had a very good day. Also follow photographers Charlie Litchfield (@CharlieLitch), Kelsey Kremer (@Kelsey_Kremer) and Michael Zamora (@mzamoraphoto) to see photos and other updates from the event. Bruce Rastetter, an agribusiness mogul whos made a fortune in pork, ethanol and farm real estate, has long worked behind the scenes to help bankroll conservatives across the country, but Saturday is a public coming out party of sorts for Rastetter as he hosts the first-ever Iowa Agriculture Summit. His term expired in 2017. Two of his company's facilities, Shell Rock and Menlo, were sold in 2010 to Koch Industries. Critics slammed Branstad for appointing Rastetter after he gave more than $160,000 to the governors 2010 campaign. 7. CEO: Donald Trump Can Win Iowa If He Stays On Message | Squawk Box | CNBC, Bruce Rastetter at the 2014 Land Investment Expo, Adapting to Weather Extremes 12/11/2013 part 1, Rastetter on controversy over ISU President Leath's flights, Trade Roundtable (April 13, 2018) -- Extended Discussion, Full video: Rastetter meets with Register editorial board, Rastetter on what's expected of new UNI president, Entrepreneur Adds Ethanol to Ventures List, Royal National Lifeboat Institution net worth, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds net worth, New York City Department of Buildings net worth, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines net worth, CORRUPTION: What happened to Grant Solomon? 4,000), the dozen or so companies under Stines umbrella form an unlikely titan at the heart of the market, directly or indirectly generating revenues from almost 50 million acres of crops in the U.S. each year. Rastetter was born near Iowa Falls, Iowa. He couldn't stop hog and ethanol prices from plummeting, he said, but he could make sure his employees were paid through it all. [1] Career [ edit] Chris Christie as a potential presidential candidate. Future changes in production practices could favor narrow rows at some point, says Mark Jeschke, DuPont Pioneers agronomy research manager. But this cycle, hes taking a different approach. Im a data and information and facts person; Im not a people person. It also might work to throw in the magic Iowa words work ethic that are so ingrained in Rastetter's DNA. Bruce Rastetter, an Iowa agricultural heavyweight and the force behind a proposed $4.5 billion carbon capture pipeline, says the massive project could spark a renaissance for the renewable fuel . Rastetter, whose company has a financial interest in agriculture subsidies and strong land prices, in particular, is eager to insert farm policy into the 2016 conversation, though he is coy about his own policy positions. In 1994 the U.S. government granted its first patents on the full genetic makeup of a soybean. What is this - to train Fabulous Bruce Rastetters corn whiskey lobbyists? Hes also developed his share of business and political enemies in recent years, ranging from environmentalists who dont like his hog operations to university advocates who dont like the way his money has bought influence at the states public universities, where he leads the board of regents. Who knows if it will last one more time? he chuckles. "What we were doing was more environmentally sound than what we were doing on the small farm I grew up on. Can This Man Feed the World? Billionaire Harry Stine's Quest to Abby Blome Among them was Garry Klicker, whose land was adjacent to some of Heartland's confinements in Davis County. [1], Bruce Rastetter began his career in 1990 with Summit Farms, then, four years later, he established Heartland Pork, a pork farm, which, by 2004 was a $1.2 million pig operation. Your email address will not be published. Gary Klicker, a native of Davis County, Iowa, blames Rastetter for turning his community into a pork confinement stronghold that now smells of manure after the expansion of Heartland Pork in the late 1990s. Meet Bruce Rastetter, the man behind the Ia Ag Summit. Though the company also began breeding corn seed genetics, soybeans remained its most profitable niche. He says he has no regrets. William Rastetter owns over 20,000 units of Neurocrine Biosciences stock worth over $4,315,690 and over the last 20 years he sold NBIX stock worth over $1,559,850. After graduating from McPherson in 1963, he did two quarters of graduate work at Iowa State, then went home to work on his fathers modest farm. Bruce Rastetter - CEO - Summit Agricultural Group | LinkedIn Previously only asexual plants like rosebushes or apple trees could be patented, not self-pollinating crops like corn and soybeans. Cody Decker net worth and salary income estimation State and local courts | In early 2015, Rastetter brought a number of 2016 Republican presidential candidates to his Iowa Agriculture Summit for face-to-face public interviews. A graduate of the University of Iowa, Rastetter holds a bachelor's degree in political science. But Rastetters moves over the past decade look like a how to guide for becoming a political power player, with far more influence than other wannabe Iowa kingmakers. He also possessed a canny, fluid mental aptitude for data and math. In the coming days, Rastetter will be narrowing down what questions hell ask the candidates on March 7. If you really want to be fair here, you need to go get two more [lawyers], he smirked. I thought Bruce was perfectly situated to make it happen., But Ryan also disputes the notion that Rastetter is a kingmaker in the state. Theres always going to be a certain amount of jealousy, said Branstad. The governor personally called Bush who has not been to Iowa since declaring his intention to mull a 2016 run and also Perry to convince them to attend. Bruce L. Rastetter previously occupied the position of Chief Executive Officer of Hawkeye Energy Holdings LLC and President & Chief Executive Officer at Hawkeye Renewables LLC (a subsidiary of Hawkeye Energy Holdings LLC), Chief Executive Officer for Summit Agricultural Group, President & Dean at State of Iowa, Strategic Limited Partner at Rural Ballotpedia features 408,503 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Then theres Stine. "Dollars you contributed help those people get elected, which is what our system is. Like one of those for your desk? With the world adding 800 million to 900 million bushels of corn demand each year, Fraley says corn seed still needs more innovation, and he buys into Stines vision: We absolutely think its possible to double yields.. If the politicians heading to Iowa to be part of his summit should know anything, it's that he wants them to do their homework. But no research thus far has shown that ultrahigh populations combined with narrow rows significantly increased corn yield., It is an interesting story and a great conversation piece, adds Tony Vyn, professor of agronomy at Purdue University, but a sideline to the real drivers of corn yield and economic efficiency gains that are needed most for this decade., For farmers theres a sizable capital risk in switching. He started by selling seed, making cold calls, holding lunch and dinner meetings and riding on the tractor with older farmers who advised him to diversify investments. ", "He's tough but fair," Peterson said. Rastetter admits he hasn't taken much time to get away from work. Its hard to imagine anyone more Iowa than Rastetter. Bruce Rastetter said he didn't see Ryan, and "we ran into each other." Stine Seed does business with all of the heavyweights and has for more than three decades, primarily because it has something everybody else needs: the best-performing soybean seeds in the business. If you think Bruce Rastetter's age is not correct, please leave a comment about Bruce Rastetter's real age and Bruce Rastetter's actual birthday below. AT CENTER OF THE FIGHT OVER HOG CONFINEMENTS. Type your email address below. A DuPont Pioneer study from 2012 concluded that for most of the Corn Belt narrow rows do little to increase yields. In his younger days, he had a fleet of jet skis that he and his brother Brent took out on the Iowa River with friends. A sense of dj vu with Rastetter's Iowa Ag Summit Ballot measures, Who represents me? "One of the reasons I give is to help those candidates be successful. I dont see extremely quick adoption, but I do think theres an early-mover advantage to doing it and learning to do it well., Stine is hardly alone in his beliefs. Rastetter said Summit Farms followed the same application process for the loans as everyone else. ", Sweeney lined him up with friends for dates, she said, but "I can see him not taking the time to iron out a relationship.". Were going to be able to double corn yields very easily, says Stine. @MarcoBattaglia Everyone needs to start refusing to use ethanol blends. "I've never been jealous of other people's success. "But I think the experiences I've had in life and people I've met, we've tried to have some fun. Its going to be the way of the future., Not everyone buys what Stine is selling. But after being asked why he never married, he counts it as one regret. And furthermore, how can this little farm kid out here be doing this?. He isnt bashful about what his small-town company has accomplished. Now heres whats going to happen. J.D. American agribusinessman, agricultural entrepreneur, "Bruce Rastetter, the One Iowan Who Got Jeb Bush To Care About Hogs", "Bruce Rastetter: The quiet, fierce man behind ag summit", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bruce_Rastetter&oldid=1095489056, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 June 2022, at 17:17. As of May 2023, Bruce Springsteen's net worth is roughly $500 Million, making him the 4th richest rock star in the world. July 19, 2012 04:53 PM. Hes waving several reams of paper, filled with three years of yield results that drive Stines corn euphoria. From media and technology to finance and real estate, leagues and. Justin Kirchhoff President - Summit Ag Investors. He also founded Hawkeye Renewables, which became one of the countrys largest pure-play corn-based ethanol producers, and FS Bioenergia, a Brazilian low-carbon biofuels and energy platform that owns the largest biofuels production plant in South America. And apparently a lot of people working in the same industry cant see that. James Marsden - Net Worth, Age, Height, Family, Biography 2023, Anthony Pompliano Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki, Ashley Massengill Net Worth | Bio, Family, Address, Career, Atlas Monroe Net Worth | Age, Height, Weight, Dating And More, Beyonce S Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki, Blue Ivy Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki. "[5] Jill Ryan was Rick Santorums former deputy campaign manager. [5], Rastetter is a well-known Republican donor, donating more than $1.5 million to state and federal political campaigns since 2003. For now, Rastetter is not endorsing a candidate he says he wants to be a neutral host at his summit. We just wrapped up a shorter-than-normal, urgent-as-ever fundraising drive and we came up about $45,000 short of our $300,000 goal. And, of ultimate importance, substantially increasing a farmers harvest. Rastetter has long been known in political circles for his annual summer party, an A-list Republican event complete with pork on a stick that sometimes attracts national conservative figures like Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal. "Those things change you. Mr. Rastetter is the founder and CEO of Summit Agricultural Group, a leading agribusiness and renewable energy firm with operations in North and South America. "We had just come down river, goofing around, running up a ways and down a ways," Brent Rastetter said. Rastetters also been stepping more into the public sphere the past couple of years, most notably in 2011 by joining the Iowa Board of Regents, where hes been the subject of almost constant controversy.
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